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Lusitanian Stud

by Francesca St. Claire

Eighteen-year-old Sarah Kowalski falls in love with gorgeous Diogo, while on vacation in Portugal. But their steamy romance is short-lived. Found in bed by her grandmother, she is sent back to the States straight away. Seven years later, Sarah returns to Portugal, and she’s not thrilled to discover her smoking-hot first lover, Diogo, is also back in town. She can’t seem to forgive him for not staying in touch all those years ago, but neither can she deny the heat of attraction between them now. Sex is just as exciting and fulfilling as she remembered, but to overcome her past pain she must first learn the reason for his extended silence.

Heart Bound (Forbidden Secrets #7)

by Diana Rose Wilson

Everyone thinks Leo will ask Ursa to marry him at Christmas. Everyone, that is, except Ursa. She is still waiting for the other shoe to drop. They all think big, sexy Leo has found his perfect Domme in Ursa. But sometimes her confidence wavers. She knows reality will come crashing down on her when Leo realizes she is just a plain little bookstore clerk. The perfect guy and the perfect life can’t be what fate has in store for her. Ursa surely doesn’t deserve a man like Leo. Right? While she is busy expecting the worst to happen, she doesn’t even see how extraordinary her life is about to become. Until she straps on the sword Leo bought her, and the newly born foal focuses his mystical amethyst gaze squarely on Ursa.

The Letter (Reformed Rakes #1)

by Emma Wildes

Jared Warren, the Duke of Tellbourne, has a new bride with an adventurous spirit. Her headstrong tendencies confound him, but he is also captivated by her bewitching beauty and undeniable intelligence. He isn’t sure what to do with his exasperating young wife, but when she is dubbed by society as the Daring Duchess he has to put his foot down. His first step is to cart her physically out of a theatre where she has attended a play he expressly told her she could not see. As far as Patricia can tell, most of the scandal around their relationship isn’t caused by her but by her autocratic husband’s reaction to any small incident. However, his strict rules about decorum certainly do not apply to the bedroom. She is in love with him, but he isn’t perfect either, and as far as she’s concerned, a compromise is in order.

Nefarion (Embrace of the Keepers #2)

by Olivia March

Nefarion is the prince of Balruin, where the Shadow Keepers dwell. Their ability to manipulate the shadows makes them expert assassins. Helion, a commander of the Keeper forces sent to Earth to defeat the Scourge, sends Nefarion out alone to find their missing comrade, Mithrain, and bring him home. Those plans go awry when Nefarion encounters a frail human female, Annabelle, being abused by her people. Though his mission was urgent, and his scruples nonexistent, he is unable to turn his back on her. He takes her under his protection, determined—against his better judgement—to see her to safety.

Blood Dragon (Blood Trilogy #3)

by Amber Anthony

Adam Lachlan, a tall drink of scrumptious masculinity, has been exiled from his dragon-shifter clan for the past two hundred years. His bad-boy charm has been harnessed to succeed as a Master Dom in the mortal world. He’s spent decades isolating himself emotionally. Willow Greer is beautiful, intelligent and charming. Men have pursued her, but she’s flown from them all. Willow has a secret burden. Adopted in infancy, and having no explanation for shifting into a Pegasus at puberty, she’s cloistered herself romantically. Without knowing the full truth of her nature, how can she commit to love? When Adam’s fire meets Willow’s short fuse, flirtation is on! At the onset, secrets are guarded, but once their true selves are revealed, the complications begin. Can they overcome the problems of romance between different shifter species? Will they drop their emotional baggage and risk love’s bondage?

Morgana's Handmaid and the Elixir of Dreams

by Purple Hazel

An intriguing tale, told by an old woman, of growing up as a poor peasant girl in Medieval England, where she uses her brains—and often her lovely body—to make life tolerable. Nevertheless, she sees her lowly existence as a she wants nothing to do with. In her late teens, she learns to be a seamstress. When the village is visited by Princess Morgana, half-sister to the legendary King Arthur, who is searching for female attendants to serve her at Camelot, the woman is the only girl from her village chosen. However, life in the castle is not quite what she expects, and when she sees that her hopes and dreams of snaring a handsome young squire or knight is likely never to become a reality, she becomes embroiled in a rather sordid relationship with the Captain of the Guard.

Burn . . . Erotica Volume 2

by Jade Stone

More sizzling steaminess from the author of the Burn…Erotica series. Volume 2 brings to you 10 more steamy explicit stories that will leave you breathless. ~ A housewife prepares a meal in anticipation for her husband’s arrival home. And things start to get very hot in the kitchen. ~ After Nicole meets her stunning new surgeon in the hospital, she soon gets under more than just his scalpel. ~ Natasha is wined and dined by a gorgeous new suiter on her 25th birthday. But, he is also her former best friend’s father. How far is she willing to go… ~ Tamara can feel sparks fly with a fun and flirty colleague. But this might not be a good man to fall in love with… ~ Elizabeth has a secret lover. One whom can only visit her in the middle of the night, when he mysteriously appears on her apartment balcony, 51 stories high, when the moon is full. And 5 more steamy stories! A sexy selection of hot stories that will leave you burning for more...

All Thorns Eve (Gems #1)

by Diana Rose Wilson

In everyday life Nina Terestchenko obeys the demands of her family and business, but at parties, when she is Topax Lynx, others follow her rules. Behind the mask she has the control and power she craves. That is, until a stranger behind his Anubis mask asks her to be more than a dominatrix. An afternoon of painting in the gardens is all it takes to crack Nina’s resolve, and she witnesses another side of play she never considered sexy. There’s something about the hulking brute in his iron mask that makes her very curious. Nina must decide if holding onto the hang-ups against her own submission are worth missing out on more than a weekend of fun. Can her heart withstand finding the love of a lifetime?

The Patsy

by Bruce Cooke

Assassination? All that is required is to find a patsy to take the blame. Two sinister Federal Police officers accept a bribe to kill a visiting Muslim Cleric. The patsy they choose is ex-SAS soldier, Scott Peters, discharged in unfortunate circumstances. It’s a bad choice, for the man has exceptional skills, and he joins forces with a hot reporter, Pipa Barret. They embark on a journey through Afghanistan and along the New South Wales Coast to clear his name and solve the mystery. Scott Peters is incredibly talented, and he won’t lay down. He has skills that amaze Pipa—and worse—the assassins. Now, the hunters become the hunted.

Helion (Embrace of the Keepers #1)

by Olivia March

Helion, crown prince of Arloren, is a commander of the Keeper warriors. After the Scourge attack his home planet of Artheneas, Helion vows not to lay aside his sword until every Scourge is slain. That desire for vengeance takes him to Earth and what would should have been a routine mission. Everything is turned on its head, however, when Helion meets a delectable Earth female whom he will stop at nothing to possess. Gwen doesn’t want to be his possession. Her only desire is to stay alive so she can care for her vulnerable young daughter. When Helion captures her she is sure their lives will be forfeit. But it’s no longer just her life at stake— now it’s her body, and her heart. Gwen has to decide whether to protect her heart from Helion’s determined siege, or embrace a new destiny with the alien prince of her dreams.

Only Good With You

by Zoey Kinsman

The truth is that I had totally given up on romantic love. Spanx, and not diamonds, were a girl’s best friend. So, when I was unexpectedly pulled off to a Comic Con in San Diego by my assistant Trish, I had no idea what that day would hold in store for me. My name is Anne Sullivan, and I’m a career woman who has carved out a nice little niche for myself in the world of publishing. After a messy divorce that left me both emotionally and physically bruised, I decided to turn off all my romantic engines. Coasting along was a good, safe thing, until one day at this Comic Con—of all places—my life took an unexpected turn when successful and hunky Paul Wickham recognized me. This charming and talented man dared me to do something different. He asked me to believe in love again. Crazy, eh?

Dangerous Seduction (Forbidden Secrets #6)

by Diana Rose Wilson

Marcie tossed away her job at a prestigious company for Mano, a man she barely knows. A man she loves beyond reason, whose touch ignites her soul and burns her body down. Mano is full of mysterious secrets. As she is herself. They are bound beyond earthly tethers. She finds herself caught up in a family drama more incredible than anything she could have dreamed. Supernatural, fantastical events turn Marcie’s reality upside-down, but she will not be played against her lover and her friends. Though she barely understands the rules of this new and treacherous game, she will confront and defeat any danger to protect the man she loves.

Triple Pleasure

by Francesca St. Claire

To manage three lovers simultaneously is no small feat but Amanda Salt does it, and does it well. Her nicely established sex life is challenged though, when one of her men asks her to stay in a monogamous relationship with him. How will she answer that? Is she ready for the challenge? While trying to figure out what her answer will be, Amanda meets each and every one of her partners, assessing the state of their relationship while discovering herself, and her true feelings for the men in her life.

In Silence Sealed

by J. R. Lindermuth

Lydia, daughter of Swatara Creek Police Chief Aaron Brubaker, is accused of murdering her boyfriend, Jason Russell, handsome but feckless stepson of Clay Stoneroad, a famous writer who recently moved to a farm outside town. Daniel 'Sticks' Hetrick, now a county detective, is determined to prove Lydia's innocence. His job is made more difficult when the weapon her father insisted she carry is found missing. Mysteries surround the Stoneroad family. Vickie Walker, a strange young woman—also recently arrived in town—insists Nan Calder, the writer's secretary, is her sister, a claim Calder denies. Then Diana Wozniak, reporter for a sleazy tabloid, is the victim of a hit-and-run accident, and police learn she attempted to blackmail the writer. The sudden disappearance of Lydia and Vickie puts Hetrick and his friends in a desperate race against time to find them, unravel secrets, and apprehend the real killer.

Colti alla sprovvista

by Lexy Timms Valentina Miele

“Il vero amore consiste nel desiderare il meglio per l’altra persona, anche quando il ‘meglio’ non include te…” Dopo l'ultima tragedia, Allyson Smith ha deciso di rompere con il fidanzato milionario Dane. Pronta a lasciarsi il passato alle spalle e a ricominciare, si allontana, per un po', dal glamour di New York, preferendo le spiagge assolate delle Bahamas. Superare il passato, però, si rivelerà più difficile del previsto. Dane Prescott sa perfettamente che l'amore non si può comprare, ma la partenza di Allyson gli ha spezzato il cuore. È la prima volta, per lui. Determinato a riconquistarla, Dane la segue. Dopo una notte di passione, lei è di nuovo nel suo letto, ma è il cuore di Allyson che Dane rivuole indietro. Lontano da New York, e dai problemi, Dane riuscirà a dimostrarle che il loro amore è più forte di tutto?

Tu Hombre Lobo, Mi Pareja

by K. Matthew Darlene V.

Dicen que cuando un hombre lobo encuentra a su pareja, le pega cómo una tonelada de ladrillos. Nada puede interponerse entre ellos. Lo único en lo que él puede pensar es en ella. Ella sería el centro del universo en torno al cual el giraría, y nada lo detendría de reclamarla para él. Justin nunca le dio mucha importancia a la leyenda, hasta que se encontró con Marisa en el bosque. Ahora cada instinto dentro de él gritaba por hacerla suya para siempre. Sin embargo, había otro hombre en la vida de Marisa, y Justin tendrá que encargarse de él antes de poder reclamarla como suya.

Profession Cam Girl: Jeunes femmes en vente à l'époque d'Internet.

by Matt J. Mckinnon Pascaline Paquet & Annabelle Mertes

Après avoir terminé ses études universitaires, Hélène Cook, une jolie jeune femme de Philadelphie, se retrouve en difficulté avec un travail précaire qui ne lui rapporte que de maigres revenus. Un jour, un inconnu, Mark, la contacte sur la ligne du centre d'appel où elle travaille, pour lui faire des propositions pour le moins ambiguës. Elle se retrouve alors entrainée, malgré elle, dans la spirale d'un jeu érotique virtuel toujours plus séduisant. Convaincue de pouvoir contrôler cette relation, elle tombera peu à peu sous le charme de Mark, un amant énigmatique sans visage. Jusqu'où ce jeu va-t'il emmener Helene ? Matt J. McKinnon nous entraîne dans une histoire à rebondissements, où chaque personnage a sa part d'ombre, et dont l'issue est aussi inattendue que déconcertante. Il décrit dans une atmosphère très érotique, les dangers et les risques du monde actuel des "chats" et des cam girls, où les instincts primaires se défoulent.

Trilogía: Entre Hombres Lobo

by K. Matthew Yessica Márquez

Esta es la Trilogía completa Con Hombres Lobo. Disfruta tres novelas únicas sobre hombres lobo que puedes leer por separado o todas juntas. UN MES CON HOMBRES LOBO. Una periodista floreciente tratando de avanzar en su carrera. Una Reserva de Hombres Lobo apartada y envuelta en misterio. Una cultura secreta inexplorada. A Taya Raveen se le ha asignado un proyecto de periodismo que garantiza impulsar al estrellato su carrera, una oportunidad de ver dentro de la infame Reserva de los Hombres Lobo Pie-Negro. Más una prisión que un santuario, la Reserva abarca mil acres y es el hogar de más de cincuenta hombres lobo cautivos. A ningún civil se le ha permitido estar dentro de la Reserva, pero Taya lo vislumbrará desde la perspectiva de un extraño, informando sus hallazgos a todo el mundo. Con poco financiamiento, los hombres lobo han sido casi olvidados por el mundo exterior, viviendo en una sociedad secreta dentro de la Reserva. El principal objetivo de Taya es asegurar al público en general que los hombres lobo están siendo tratados humanamente y sacar a la luz la necesidad de una cura para la enfermedad de la licantropía. Todo parece estar bien al principio, pero cuanto más tiempo permanece Taya dentro de la Reserva, más comienza a ver el lado oscuro de la sociedad de hombres lobo. Sin mencionar que su llegada engendra peligrosos planes para que los hombres lobo tomen la decisión de encontrar la cura por sus propios medios. UN ESPIA ENTRE HOMBRES LOBO Una nueva heroína. Una operación secreta. Una experiencia que cambiará para siempre la Reserva de los Hombres Lobo Pie-Negro. Taya Raveen ha fallado. Infectada con la enfermedad de la licantropía y atrapada dentro de Reserva de los Hombres Lobo Pie-Negro, su reportaje sobre la Reserva ha sido archivado para no ser visto nunca más. Pero alguien lo leyó. Alguien ha estado mirando desde afuera. El sacrificio de toda una vida lleva a Cassandr

Um Roqueiro Indecente

by Sky Corgan Rômulo Silva

Nunca misture negócios e prazer. Isso é o que um empresário inteligente faria. Aparentemente, eu não sou tão brilhante assim. Desesperada para tirar minha decadente empresa de web design do chão, enviei uma proposta para Gabriel, um roqueiro em ascensão na cena musical independente. Ele, de cara, disse que meu projeto era uma droga. Felizmente, ele está disposto a me dar uma segunda chance. Mas ele está exigindo que eu faça algumas coisas não convencionais para entender melhor o que ele e sua banda significam. Ir para um festival de rock. Passar mais tempo com ele. Eu farei qualquer coisa para conseguir este trabalho. Todo mundo sabe que os astros do rock não constroem relacionamentos, então não penso muito no que acontece entre nós. Mas a medida que a fama de Gabriel cresce, o mesmo acontece com o seu interesse em mim. Poderá uma simples web designer e uma estrela em ascensão ficarem realmente felizes juntos, ou será que a mídia vai nos separar?

Quattro Sfumature e mezzo di Fantasy

by W. J. May Martina Gambarotto

Quattro storie (e mezzo) piene di romanticismo e fantasy in un libro unico! Dall'autrice bestseller W.J. May, ogni racconto è una diversa sfumatura di fantasy, paranormale e romanzo rosa, proveniente da diverse serie. Potete trovare Lupi Mannari, Angeli, Vampiri e molto altro. Sono storie ricche di suspance e di amore, odio, lotta e rinascita.

La Esposa del Jefe

by Lexy Timms Emilia Paz

—Te amo y te amaré hasta el día de mi muerte. —Incluso entonces, seguiré amándote. Con un bebé en camino y un negocio en auge, las cosas no podrían estar mejor… o más bien más estresantes. Mientras trataban de encontrar a alguien para ayudarle a Alex a manejar la empresa y Jaime pasando por un embarazo turbulento, Reid Enterprises enfrentaba la posibilidad de una adquisición hostil. Jaime además trabajaba para ayudar a Mark, el hermano de Alex, quien se encontraba en medio de su drama, mientras intentaba evitar que Paul aceptara una posición más cerca a su hogar, pero lejos de ellos. Solo algunos malabares podían seguir haciendo esta pareja de recién casados, antes de que todo se desplomara.

Raven's Shadow (Raven #1)

by Patricia Briggs

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Briggs comes a fantastical series set in a world where magic is the only thing that stands between humanity and total destruction...Seraph is a Raven mage, and among the last of the Travelers who ensure that the city of Colossae is safe from evil. Unwelcome by those who fear magic, the wizard clans have been decimated by the very people they’ve sworn to protect. But Seraph is spared a similar fate by the ex-soldier Tier—and together they build a life where she is no longer burdened by her people’s responsibility. But now Tier is missing—or dead—and Seraph’s reprieve from her duty is over. Using her magic to discover her husband’s fate, Seraph realizes the prison that holds the evil entity known as Stalker is weakening—and only Seraph can fulfill her ancestors’ oath...

Key of Valor (Key Trilogy #3)

by Nora Roberts

Like her friends Malory and Dana, heroines of Key of Light and Key of Knowledge, hairstylist Zoe McCourt has a single month and a cryptic set of clues with which to find her key. The angry sorcerer Kane fights her efforts as friends both mortal and immortal lend their support. As she searches, Zoe is courted by Bradley Vane IV, the sexy heir to a home improvement empire. She's not sure which is more difficult: accepting that she's magically linked with Brad or trying to quell her suspicions long enough to accept his love in the here and now. When she finds the courage to do both, the souls of all three goddesses are finally released.

The Betrayal of the Blood Lily: A Pink Carnation Novel (Pink Carnation #6)

by Lauren Willig

A New York Times extended list bestseller in hardcover-the sensational sixth book in the national bestselling Pink Carnation series. Whisked away to nineteenth-century India, Penelope Deveraux plunges into the court intrigues of the Nizam of Hyderabad, where no one is quite what they seem. New to this strange and exotic country- where a dangerous spy called the Marigold leaves venomous cobras as his calling card-she can trust only one man: Captain Alex Reid. With danger looming from local warlords, treacherous court officials, and French spies, Alex and Penelope may be all that stand in the way of a plot designed to rock the very foundations of the British Empire...Watch a Video

Pose (The Art of Kink #1)

by Becca Jameson Paige Michaels

Pose is a rerelease of the first book in The Art of Kink series. No changes have been made to the original text.Ten years of being Julian Turner’s submissive and Morgan isn’t sure she’s any closer to understanding the man she fell for after graduation. They have built a picturesque life for themselves, Julian as an advertising executive and Morgan as the executive director for a non-profit arts education center called the Loft. Morgan is deeply proud of the woman she’s become. But even in their play, in the games of dominance and submission they explore, Morgan knows Julian is holding himself back.Julian doesn’t want his beautiful submissive to be tainted by the darkness that lurks just beneath the surface. He’s spent years building himself into the Dom he’s certain Morgan wants, hiding his deepest desires in order to maintain their relationship. But when Morgan pushes him too far, asking for something he’s afraid to give, Julian’s carefully stacked house of cards begins to topple.Torn between the safety of what they know and the desire to go deeper than they ever have, Julian and Morgan must reveal their long-held secrets and re-examine what it means to trust another person, body and soul.Warning: This book depicts the darker side of BDSM and includes play that could push some reader’s boundaries. While everything is safe, sane, and consensual, the D/s relationship is intense.

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