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Return to Rosewood (Rosewood, Texas)

by Bonnie K. Winn

After an accident left big-city gal Samantha Harrison in a wheelchair, she returned to her hometown a changed woman. But Bret Conway, her former fiancé, whose heart she broke when she left, insists she's the same girl he loved and lost. And that, with his help and some Texas determination, she will walk again. But Samantha is afraid to believe in anything—herself, her caring community…or a second chance with the handsome man who's still not ready to forgive her. Until Samantha surprises them both in the most wonderful way of all.

Dawn in My Heart

by Ruth Axtell Morren

Called home to Regency London after his brother's death, Tertius Pembroke, Earl of Skylar, must marry quickly and produce an heir. Lady Gillian Edwards seems the ideal bride: young, beautiful and innocent. But Sky is no ideal husband, having returned from the Indies gaunt, ill and plagued by a darkness that he dare not reveal — even to his betrothed.Lady Gillian had promised Sky her hand in marriage but cannot give him her heart — not when she gave it to another man three years ago. Afraid of repudiation, Gillian buries her secret so deep inside herself, no one will ever know — or so she hopes.Through lies and deceit, their marriage slowly unravels. Then Sky becomes deathly ill, and his newfound faith offers two virtual strangers a second chance at becoming husband and wife.

Harlequin Special Edition January 2019 - Box Set 1 of 2 (The Fortunes of Texas: The Lost Fortunes)

by Rochelle Alers Melissa Senate Michelle Major

Harlequin® Special Edition brings you three new titles for one great price, available now! These are heartwarming, romantic stories about life, love and family. This Special Edition box set includes:A DEAL MADE IN TEXASThe Fortunes of Texas: The Lost Fortunesby Michelle MajorIt’s like a scene from Christine Briscoe’s dreams when flirtatious attorney Gavin Fortunado asks her to be his (pretend) girlfriend. But there is nothing make-believe about the sparks between the quiet office manager and the sexy Fortune scion. Are they heading for heartbreak…or down the aisle?A NEW LEASH ON LOVEFurever Yoursby Melissa SenateArmy vet Matt Fielding is back home, figuring out his new normal. Goal one: find his niece the perfect puppy. He never expected to discover the girl he’d left behind volunteering at the local shelter. Matt can’t refuse Claire’s offer of puppy training, but will he be able to keep his emotional distance this time around?TWINS FOR THE SOLDIERAmerican Heroesby Rochelle AlersArmy ranger Lee Remington didn’t think he’d ever go back to Wickham Falls, home of some of his worst memories. Now he’s shocked by a powerful attraction to military widow Angela Mitchelll. But as he preps for his ready-made family, there’s one thing Lee forgot to tell her…

House 23: A Thriller

by Eli Yance

A psychological thriller that pits a community against a man, and that man against himself.Joseph Lee lost his wife, the love of his life. She was slain in their home, right under his nose. As if the grief weren’t enough, Lee was also blamed for her murder. At the end of the day, the detectives didn’t have any proof that Lee was the murderer, but that didn’t stop the community from shunning him or his friends and family from cutting him out of their lives. They didn’t need proof, they said.Left to stew in his own self-loathing, a miserable existence of solitude and narcotics, Lee is alone with his regrets and his remorse. But his life is about to change-there is hope yet for this hopeless man. A beautiful woman who looks uncannily like his deceased wife moves into the vacant house across the road, sparking something in Joseph Lee that he thought was long dead.But after the light at the end of the tunnel, there is even more darkness for Lee. This beautiful lookalike, and the house she now calls home, are hiding terrible secrets that will unravel everything Lee thought he knew about himself, his neighbors, and his deceased wife.

The Picture of Dorian Gray: And The Decay Of Lying (Classics To Go #309)

by Oscar Wilde

Packaged in handsome and affordable trade editions, Clydesdale Classics is a new series of essential literary works. From the musings of literary geniuses like Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to the striking personal narrative of Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, this new series is a comprehensive collection of our literary history through the words of the exceptional few.The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece and lone novel, has endured as a significant piece of literature partly due to its philosophical nature and artful prose, and partly because of the stir it caused upon its initial publication. Published originally in 1890 in Lippincott’s Magazine, The Picture of Dorian Gray—often deemed by Wilde’s contemporaries to be “indecent”—tells the story of an attractive young man eponymous with the title who desires to be eternally young. Dorian is the subject of a portrait by a painter named Basil Hallward, who deems Gray’s beauty to be inconceivably great. Rather than having to age himself, young and egotistical Dorian longs for the painting to age instead so that he can remain young and beautiful. When he sells his soul in exchange for eternal youth—a concept Wilde derived from the German legend of Faust—Dorian begins a life of vice and debauchery with its sole aim being pleasure. Meanwhile, the painting documents each of his sins within its appearance. When Dorian confronts the painting again with Hallward, a slew of unfortunate events unfold.Abundant with rich, philosophical themes and commentary, The Picture of Dorian Gray is a classic tale that warns its readers of the dangers that come with narcissism, self-indulgence, and ignorance.

Pride and Prejudice: The Story Grid Edition

by Jane Austen

Packaged in handsome and affordable trade editions, Clydesdale Classics is a new series of essential literary works. From the musings of literary geniuses like Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to the striking personal narrative of Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, this new series is a comprehensive collection of our literary history through the words of the exceptional few.Originally published in 1813, the novel Pride and Prejudice has been a favorite of literature readers for more than two centuries. Set in turn-of-the-nineteenth-century England, the story largely takes place in the beautiful London countryside. The narrative centers on Elizabeth Bennet, one of the five unmarried daughters of a high-class country gentleman, as she struggles with common moral and social issues for young women associated with England’s landed gentry class. At a lavish ball, Elizabeth’s eldest and most beautiful sister, Jane, is introduced to the rich, eligible, new resident, Mr. Bingley, who quickly takes a liking to her. All the while, Mr. Bingley’s seemingly arrogant friend Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth, despite her immeasurable wit and charm. But, like all great love stories, things change.Dubbed the number one romantic book by Time magazine, its influence is still felt today through various literary and cinematic adaptations. Pride and Prejudice tells of a young girl who navigates her way through high society, family conflict, and love with spirit and humor.

The Inside Out Man

by Strydom Fred

A young musician receives an unusual offer from a wealthy stranger in this haunting story of psychological horror. Bent is a jazz pianist living gig-to-gig in a dark city of dead-ends. With no family, and no friends, he has resigned himself to a life of quiet desolation. That is, until the night he meets the enigmatic Leonard Fry. After accepting an invitation to his countryside mansion, where Leonard resides on his own, Bent is offered a deal of Faustian proportions. “There is a room in this house. There’s only one way in and one way out . . . There’s one lock on the door, and only one key to that lock. Now, what I’m going to ask may seem strange to you. I don’t necessarily need you to understand, but what I do need is for you to agree to help me.” Disillusioned with his life of excess, Leonard has decided to explore the final frontier of his existence, the margins of his mind, by locking himself in a small room in his mansion for a year. In exchange for Bent’s assistance, everything Leonard owns will be Bent’s for the duration of his self-imposed imprisonment. But there are two sides to every locked door. As the days go by, and Leonard’s true intentions become clear, Bent will find himself venturing beyond the one terrifying boundary from which he can’t be sure he’ll ever return . . . the boundary of his own sanity.

Conquérir l'héritier (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #23)

by Julia Talbot

Est-il amoureux d’un vieil hôtel… ou de son nouveau propriétaire ? Le snowboardeur professionnel Cullen Patrick a du succès et est plutôt célèbre. Donc, lorsqu’il hérite d’un vieil hôtel dans le Colorado d’un parent inconnu, il devrait vraiment laisser tomber. Matt Nathanson gère le Treeline Estate depuis sa sortie de l’université. Il adorait l’ancien propriétaire et héritera de l’endroit si personne ne le réclame d’ici la semaine prochaine. Bien sûr, Cullen se montre et Matt pense qu’il est temps de passer à autre chose. Il ne veut pas aimer cet homme, peu importe à quel point il est attachant ou à quel point il est affamé. Cullen a de grandes idées pour le Treeline, mais il ne veut pas les lancer sans Matt et il n’est pas sûr d’être prêt à abandonner le snowboard. Matt peut-il le convaincre que s’enraciner en vaut la peine… et peut-être conquérir son héritier en même temps ?

Quel che luccica

by Kate Sherwood

Non importa quanto provi a convincersi: Liam, architetto di successo a New York, non ha mai dimenticato Ben, il suo primo amore. All’avvicinarsi dei quarant’anni, Liam sente che nella sua vita manca qualcosa. Riuscirà a rimediare al suo più grande errore, quello che gli ha lasciato un vuoto che nessun successo lavorativo potrà mai riempire? O la paura di sbagliare di nuovo gli impedirà di avere la vita che sogna? Liam e Ben sono stati amici da ragazzi e poi fidanzati all’università. Quando però Liam lo ha tradito, Ben si è imposto di tagliare i ponti con lui e di andare avanti con la propria vita. Abita ancora nella cittadina in cui sono cresciuti e dove fa l’insegnante, ma quella non è l’esistenza che sognava da ragazzo. Eppure, quando Liam riappare a North Falls, Ben non se la sente di rimettere il cuore in gioco. Non può permettersi di farsi conquistare ancora da lui dopo tutta la fatica fatta per dimenticarlo. Nessuno dei due sembra voler mettere una pietra sul passato e affrontare l’ansia di un nuovo inizio. Non vogliono innamorarsi di nuovo, ma a volte l’amore bussa, anche quando non lo si è invitato.

Le mec de sa vie (Les mecs)

by Skylar M. Cates

Aaron Weiss est passé maître dans l’art de fuir. Dix ans plus tôt, il a fui une déception amoureuse en rentrant dans l’armée sur un coup de tête. Et aujourd’hui, le voilà forcé à regagner la vie de civil pour raisons médicales. Ironiquement, rentrer à la maison est sans doute le plus grand challenge auquel il ait jamais fait face. Jesse Ross, quant à lui, maîtrise l’art de se cacher. Il sait pertinemment qu’il n’est pas comme tout le monde. Il peine à trouver sa place, même au sein de sa propre famille. Il sait également que son grand amour de toujours, Aaron, n’a d’yeux que pour son grand frère, plus séduisant et plus sociable que lui. Pourtant, les sentiments de Jesse à l’égard d’Aaron survivent à l’épreuve du temps. Ils correspondent pendant des années, mais leur vie respective s’emballe, et les lettres cessent. Et puis un beau jour, Aaron apparaît sur le seuil de sa porte. Des secrets trop longtemps gardés et des blessures qu’ils croyaient guéries ressurgissent, tandis que ces deux-là réalisent qu’ils sont irrémédiablement attirés l’un par l’autre. Seront-ils prêts à tout risquer pour construire un futur ensemble ?

L’assistant coquin du Père Noël (Lawyers In Love #1)

by Ari McKay

Une occasion inattendue se présente pour le timide avocat Kevin Anderson quand il tire le nom du bel avocat Erik Wilson pour l’échange secret de cadeaux de Noël de leur cabinet. Kevin se languit de son ami depuis longtemps, mais il craint de ruiner leur relation de travail si Erik ne lui rend pas ses sentiments. L’anonymat de l’échange lui donnant la chance de lui faire savoir que quelqu’un est intéressé, Kevin transforme donc le cadeau en jeu : douze jours de présents, chacun plus suggestif, se terminant par une rencontre au réveillon – s’il trouve le courage d’aller jusqu’au bout ! Erik est intrigué par son Père Noël secret, qui lui a donné quelque chose à attendre avec impatience jusqu’aux fêtes pour la première fois depuis des années. Mais alors que Noël approche, il se rend compte qu’il ne veut pas d’un homme mystère ; il désire son meilleur ami, Kevin. Lorsque ses tentatives pour commencer quelque chose avec celui-ci échouent, Erik accepte l’invitation à dîner de son admirateur secret. Il est loin de soupçonner que le vilain petit assistant du père Noël est l’homme qui fera de tous ses rêves de Noël une réalité dans une romance qui passe du doux au piquant pour deux avocats sexy.

Santas unanständiger Helfer (Lawyers In Love #1)

by Ari McKay

Dem schüchternen Anwalt Kevin Anderson bietet sich eine unerwartete Gelegenheit, als er für das Wichteln seines Büros den Namen des attraktiven Prozessanwalts Erik Wilson zieht. Kevin ist schon lange heimlich in seinen Freund verliebt, fürchtet jedoch, ihr kollegiales Verhältnis zu zerstören, falls Erik seine Gefühle nicht erwidert. Durch die Anonymität des Austauschs kann er Erik mitteilen, dass jemand Interesse an ihm hat. Daher lässt Kevin das Geschenk zu einem Spiel werden: zwölf Tage lang Präsente, die von Tag zu Tag anzüglicher werden und in einem Treffen an Heiligabend gipfeln … falls Kevin den Mut findet, es durchzustehen! Erik ist von seinem geheimen Weihnachtsmann fasziniert, durch dessen Aktion er sich zum ersten Mal seit Jahren wieder auf die Feiertage freut. Als Weihnachten jedoch immer näher rückt, wird ihm bewusst, dass er keinen geheimnisvollen Mann, sondern seinen besten Freund Kevin will. Seine Versuche, die Sache mit Kevin ins Rollen zu bringen, schlagen jedoch fehl und so akzeptiert er die Einladung seines geheimen Verehrers. Er ahnt nicht, dass Santas unanständiger Helfer vielleicht genau der richtige Mann ist, der all seine Weihnachtswünsche wahr werden lässt. Eine Feiertagsromanze, in der Freunde zu Liebenden werden und die sich für zwei sexy Anwälte von süß zu heiß entwickelt.

L’impertinente aiutante di Babbo Natale (Lawyers In Love #1)

by Ari McKay

Quando pesca il nome dell’aitante collega e amico Erik Wilson e diventa il suo Babbo Natale segreto nell’usuale scambio di regali dello studio in cui lavora, al timido avvocato Kevin Anderson si presenta un’opportunità unica. Kevin ha un debole per Erik da molto, ma teme di rovinare il loro rapporto di amicizia e lavoro se l’altro non dovesse ricambiare i suoi sentimenti. L’anonimato dello scambio gli offre l’occasione di far sapere all’amico che qualcuno è interessato a lui, e Kevin decide di trasformare la sorpresa in qualcosa di più interessante: dodici giorni di regali, ognuno dei quali sempre più provocante, che si concluderanno con un incontro alla vigilia di Natale, se Kevin troverà il coraggio di andare fino in fondo. Erik è incuriosito dal suo Babbo Natale segreto che, per la prima volta dopo molto tempo, gli offre qualcosa da attendere con impazienza durante le feste. Ma quando Natale si avvicina, si rende conto di non desiderare l’uomo misterioso: Erik vuole il suo migliore amico, Kevin. Quando i suoi tentativi di farlo ingelosire falliscono, Erik accetta l’invito a cena del suo ammiratore segreto. Ancora non sa che l’impertinente aiutante di Babbo Natale potrebbe essere l’uomo che realizzerà tutti i suoi sogni, in una classica storia di amicizia che si trasforma in amore e che da dolce diventa piccante per i due begli avvocati.

Inseguendo un sogno

by Andrew Grey

Brian Paulson è nato con la camicia e ha sempre vissuto una vita di lusso e agiatezze. Che la famiglia lo abbia trascurato per inseguire la ricchezza e la felicità non gli sembra che un piccolo prezzo da pagare per ciò che lui ritiene la cosa più importante: il denaro. Per Cade McAllister niente è mai stato facile. Per mantenere se stesso, la madre e il fratello con difficoltà di apprendimento è costretto a fare due lavori. Non hanno molto, ma per Cade l’affetto dei suoi cari e il potersi prendere cura di loro è più importante dei beni materiali. Non può permettersi di perdere quel poco che ha, e il giorno in cui viene derubato in un parco è grato per l’intervento di Brian. Quando tutti i beni di Brian vengono congelati dopo la morte del nonno, Cade ha la possibilità di sdebitarsi. Gli offre un posto dove stare e lo aiuta a trovare un lavoro, e i due uomini si avvicinano l’uno all’altro mentre scoprono i lati positivi e negativi dei due mondi da cui provengono. E proprio mentre Brian comincia a rendersi conto che nella vita ci sono cose che i soldi non possono comprare, una clausola del testamento del nonno rischia di mandare in fumo la loro relazione.

Pour une deuxième chance

by Lorraine Cocquelin Rowan McAllister

Bien qu’ayant vécu dans l’opulence et dans un monde privilégié toute sa vie, Jordan Thorndike n’en peut plus de faire semblant. Il ne veut plus devenir avocat, contrairement aux espoirs de ses parents… ou leur fournir la belle-fille et les deux virgule quatre petits-enfants qu’ils espèrent. Face à un ultimatum – continuer à vivre dans le mensonge ou se faire la malle – Jordan s’en va, n’emportant que ce qui tient dans son cabriolet. Sans domicile, sans travail et sans but dans la vie, Jordan se rend au ranch B STAR, l’une des œuvres de charité à laquelle contribue sa mère. Entre son nom de famille et son charme naturel, les employés lui mangent dans la main en un rien de temps – sauf un homme. Russ a toujours dû travailler dur pour obtenir ce qu’il voulait et il en veut à ce gamin pourri gâté qui se sert du ranch pour vivre un fantasme. Cependant, la détermination de Jordan à prouver sa valeur à Russ en travaillant dur, sa famille et de vieilles blessures compliquent la situation. Jordan prendra-t-il conscience que ce qu’il voit comme un moyen d’échapper à son quotidien constitue la vie réelle de la plupart des gens ? Et Russ pourra-t-il accepter que Jordan puisse mûrir – et le désirer, lui ?

Non si sa mai

by Sara Linda Benatti Mary Calmes

Hagen Wylie ha dei progetti: vivere nella sua città natale, essere in rapporti amichevoli con tutti, esplorare nuove relazioni, e ricostruire la sua vita dopo gli orrori della guerra. Niente complicazioni, questo è il piano. Sta andando tutto bene… finché non scopre che il suo primo amore è tornato a casa. Lui pensa che non sia un grosso problema, ma un incontro casuale con i due adorabili figli di Mitch Thayer lo mette proprio sulla strada dell’unico uomo che non è mai riuscito a togliersi dalla testa. Mitch è tornato per tre ragioni: crescere i figli dove è cresciuto lui, trasferire la sua ditta di mobili e farla prosperare, e riconquistare Hagen. Anni di distanza hanno reso chiaro che il ragazzo che ha amato al liceo è l’unico che conta per lui. Qual è il problema? Da quando lui ha lasciato la città, non si sono più parlati. Se vuole che Hagen si fidi di nuovo di lui, Mitch gli deve dimostrare che è maturato e che stavolta non intende mollare. Potrebbero avere un’altra occasione per amarsi, ma Hagen non vuole sentire ragioni: non intende ricominciare una relazione con Mitch. Però… non si sa mai.

Le jour où tout changea (The Vault #1)

by Zophia M. Evans Mary Calmes

Ceaton Mercer, tueur à gages pour la mafia, a tué beaucoup de gens de plein de façons différentes – les deux derniers corps ayant été cachés dans la cabane de jardin d’un biologiste marin au cœur tendre dans une communauté insulaire idyllique –, mais au fond, il n’est pas un si mauvais gars. Avec le temps il a fini par se trouver un foyer, en quelque sorte, et il a même appris qu’il s’était fait une place dans le cœur des personnes avec qui il travaille… au moins assez pour qu’ils ne lui tirent pas une balle en pleine tête parce qu’il a fait son temps aux yeux du patron. Mais il n’aurait jamais pensé qu’un jour puisse changer sa vie, et il est sur le point de découvrir à quel point il avait tort. Parce qu’en une seule journée, il rencontre l’homme qui semble être le seul et unique, l’amour de sa vie. C’est une idée improbable – un homme qui tue pour vivre trouvant l’amour –, mais c’est comme si c’était censé se produire. Ce jour devient de plus en plus étrange et les problèmes s’accumulent, forçant Ceaton à s’interroger plus profondément sur sa vie morne et à accepter qu’un jour peut tout changer, lui en particulier. Son futur est peut-être plus heureux qu’il l’espérait – s’il est capable de rester en vie assez longtemps pour le découvrir.

Poker menteur (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #22)

by Zoé Callaghan Ava Drake

Tentation, danger et poker menteur. L’amour est un jeu à haut risque. Quand Collin Callahan, agent secret britannique, se retrouve en face du génie des mathématiques, reconverti en surfeur sans domicile fixe, Oliver Elliot, le combat est épique, tout comme leur attirance mutuelle. Ils sont opposés l’un à l’autre dans un match de poker exclusif, ultra secret et ultra illégal à Gibraltar, mais quand les joueurs commencent à mourir, et qu’ils pourraient être les suivants, ils se trouvent un but commun : attraper le tueur avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Parfaitement équilibrés en poker et en romance, ils luttent tous deux contre des démons personnels qui les consument pendant que les enjeux grimpent. C’est un pari à tout ou rien, qui met en balance leurs vies et l’amour, alors qu’ils se battent pour être le dernier joueur de Seven-card stud debout.

Dragonslayer (Twitterlight #1)

by Matthew Lang

A Twitterlight StoryKill the dragon, marry the princess, and rule the kingdom. It’s a fantasy come true… if you’re straight. Adam is a chemistry student and martial artist, active in his local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. But none of that prepares him to be the savior of a faraway land locked in perpetual dusk. In a world of shape-shifters, necromancy, and religious politics, Adam is fated to slay the golden dragon, Khalivibra, and defeat its mind-controlling sorcery to help Princess Esmeralda of Aergon retake her city. Tradition dictates he’ll rule by her side—but Adam is much more interested in Duin, a warrior who changes to beast form in the light of the sun… or fire. Adam hopes he and Duin might end up together when their ordeal ends. But first, the reluctant hero, the spell-casting heir to the throne, the beast-shifting object of Adam’s desire, a six-legged cave lizard, and any allies they can gather must do the impossible… and live to celebrate their victory.

Tit for Tat (Dreamspun Beyond #34)

by Js Harker

Cold has never been so hot. College sophomore Derek is busy working over his holiday break—but his shifts at the toy store are no hardship if they mean more opportunity to dream about the sexy new guy working as an elf in Santa’s Workshop. When his mother gifts him a bag of cookies, Derek regifts them to Flynn as an excuse to get to know him. Flynn has presents to offer as well, and soon they’re dating, with Derek finding out his comfort zone is bigger than he imagined. But Flynn is hiding a secret—he’s really a winter fairy whose magic is bound to the season. He can't stay in the mortal realm, and Derek doesn't want to lose contact with his family. Can they find a way to hold on to each other when the snow and sugar plums melt away?

The CEO's Christmas Manny (Dreamspun Desires #72)

by Angela McCallister

Beyond the BoardroomAnything but business as usual. Billionaire CEO Nic Price lives for his job. With sales down and grumbling from the board of directors—including Nic’s permanently dissatisfied father—the last thing Nic needs is distraction from the new manny, whose freewheeling approach to childcare is outlandish... and who makes Nic feel things he’s never allowed himself to feel. Ex-teacher Sasha Lindsey is all about fun—that’s the reason people love him, so he has to be. After a bad break-up leaves him jobless and homeless, the live-in manny job with Mr. Price seems like a windfall. But his chemistry with Nic is off the charts, and he can’t afford another workplace romance disaster. Can Nic leave his dominance in the bedroom and open his heart to the best thing that’s ever happened to him? Or will Sasha’s leap of faith backfire and ruin his chances at the family happily ever after he’s always dreamed of?

Herz ohne Fesseln (Collars & Cuffs by K.C. Wells & Parker Williams #1)

by Feliz Faber K. C. Wells

Seit dem Tod seines Lebensgefährten und Sub vor zwei Jahren hat Leo nicht mehr gelebt – nur noch existiert. Er konzentriert sich darauf, das *Collars&Cuffs*, einen BDSM-Club im Schwulenviertel von Manchester, erfolgreich zu machen. Das ändert sich eines Abends, als er und sein Geschäftspartner sich zu ihrer wöchentlichen Besprechung im Severino’s treffen. Leo kann die Augen nicht von dem neuen Kellner lassen. Der schüchterne Mann scheint entschlossen, Leos Blick zu meiden, doch das ist wie ein rotes Tuch für einen Stier. Leo liebt Herausforderungen. Alex Daniels kellnert im Severino’s, um das Geld für eine eigene Wohnung zusammenzukratzen. Er tut sich schwer damit, sich zu outen, doch er fühlt sich zu Leo hingezogen, dem umwerfend gutaussehenden Mann mit den eisig-blauen Augen, der fast jeden Abend in seinem Bereich isst. Leo lässt sich Alex‘ Zögern nicht in die Quere kommen. Er hält ihn sogar vom Club fern, um ihn nicht zu erschrecken. Und Alex zu sagen, dass er ein Dom ist? Keine gute Idee. Aus einem Date werden zwei, aber Date Nummer zwei führt sie in Leos Schlafzimmer… und dazu, dass Alex Dinge über sich herausfindet, die ihm nie bewusst waren – und die er nie jemanden sehen lassen wollte.

Trex or Treat

by Tara Lain

Josh Harris is all dad all the time. A busy college professor and devoted single father, Josh tries to be happy with only his son for company. But then Bradley “Trex” Trexler moves in across the street with his stepbrother, Bogo, and takes advantage of their empty home, making it into a haunted house for Halloween. Josh's son, Ernie, can't wait to go, so Josh dresses up like a movie cowboy and saunters over. It’ll be the best Halloween of Ernie’s life, but there’s another sharpshooter roaming the dark corridors, and this one might have a special treat for Josh….

Achtung, Aufnahme! (Brandt and Donnelly Capers #1)

by Alina Becker Xavier Mayne

Sein neuester Auftrag bringt den Kriminalbeamten Brandt in eine unangenehme Lage: Er soll Undercover bei einer Organisation vorsprechen, die Online-Sexfilme produziert und dafür muss er nackt vor der Kamera posieren. Glücklicherweise steht ihm sein Partner und bester Freund Donnelly immer treu zur Seite – ob es darum geht, in Schwulenboutiquen Reizwäsche zu shoppen oder ihn während seiner Recherchen auf Pornowebsites zu ermutigen und mit Jägermeister zu versorgen. Aller Demütigung zum Trotz liefert Brandt bei dem Vorsprechen seinen besten „Schuss“ ab – und wird über Nacht zur Sensation. Aber um den Mann hinter der Organisation zu treffen, muss er noch eine weitere Vorstellung geben – dieses Mal für den Höchstbietenden live vor der Webcam. Um seinen Partner zu schützen, gewinnt Donnelly die Auktion, aber ihr Plan hat einen Haken: Sie müssen die Nummer bis zum bitteren Ende durchziehen. Danach fühlt sich Brandt zutiefst erniedrigt. Er versucht, damit ins Reine zu kommen, was er für seinen Job tun musste und Ruhe in sein Gefühlschaos zu bringen. Aber auch für Donnelly war diese Ermittlung die reinste Entdeckungsreise. Plötzlich wird alles, was die beiden Männer über sich und den anderen zu wissen glaubten, über den Haufen geworfen. Dabei haben sie doch eigentlich noch einen Fall zu lösen – aber der sieht möglicherweise ganz anders aus, als sie dachten.

Bigger Love (Français)

by Rick R. Reed

Suite de Big LoveTruman Reid est le terminale le plus fier et le plus ouvertement gay du lycée de Summitville. Il a hâte de pouvoir s’éloigner de sa cruelle et intransigeante petite ville natale sur Ohio River, où il a supporté plus que sa part d’intimidation. Il est impatient d’aller de l’avant vers des lumières brillantes et une grande ville. Peut-être sera-t-il la première star gender-fluid à remporter un Oscar. Pourtant, le premier jour de reprise des cours tout change, lorsque ses yeux se posent sur le plus bel adonis qu’il ait vu de toute sa vie. Grand, les cheveux noirs et les yeux bleus les plus étonnants qui soient, Mike Stewart est nouveau en ville. Il est calme, viril et a l’air sexy d’une âme en peine. C’est presque un coup de foudre pour Truman. Il pense que cet amour pourrait s’approfondir quand il découvre que Mike fait partie de l’équipe technique de la pièce de théâtre Harvey, celle que les terminales joueront sous la direction de Truman. Mais Mike est-il seulement gay ? Et comment les choses vont-elles se passer, alors que la mère de Truman tombe amoureuse du père de Mike ? De plus, toujours hors-norme, Truman fait un choix audacieux et controversé pour la pièce, qui révolte toute la ville. Découvrez comment tout se déroule sur une mise en scène d’amour, de rire, de larmes, et qui prend la défense d’un soi essentiel…

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