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Déjame quererte

by Bel Diciembre

Una deliciosa historia de amor y de segundas oportunidades en la que la fuerza de la pasión, del deseo y del cariño podrán contra todas las adversidades. No importa cuánta resistencia se ejerza frente al amor; una mujer enamorada sabrá cómo luchar contra ella. Megan Morton ama con pasión a Martin Grisham y juntos superan las diferencias y la categoría social a la cual pertenece cada uno. Sin embargo, por un error de él, se distanciarán. Años más tarde, al reencontrarse, la pasión y el deseo que los unió vuelve a resurgir, y Megan, que ya no es la inocente criatura de antaño, se impondrá ante la obstinación del hombre y le demostrará que el amor no desaparece, sean cuales sean las circunstancias actuales...

Ámame ahora y siempre

by Priscila Serrano

Dos familias, un secreto y un camino marcado por el destino. Una novela romántica que no te puedes perder de la mano de Priscila Serrano en la que los amores del pasado volverán para poner a prueba a los protagonistas. Bibiana, Carlos y Peter son amigos desde la infancia. Entre ellos, se tejieron muchas historias, pero un secreto marcará la vida de sus hijos. Alison se siente atraída por Nicolás y, pese a las quejas de ambas familias, los dos comienzan una relación a escondidas. Sin embargo, él deberá revelarle que es militar y a dónde lo envían. Tiempo después, tras recibir la noticia de la desaparición de Nicolás, ella decide irse a París para cumplir su sueño: el Ballet. Los años siguen su curso y, cuando Alison y Nicolás vuelven a verse, las discusiones familiares también regresan... Y nada será fácil para que los dos terminen juntos.

Para Helga

by Bergsveinn Birgisson

Llega un nuevo fenómeno literario desde Islandia. Novela ganadora del Premio de los Libreros de Islandia, del Premio de los Lectores de Nantes y del Premio Amphi. «Comprendí que mi mente nunca conseguiría librarse de ti, que te desearía en tanto continuara respirando. Me trae sin cuidado escribirlo, querida Helga, soy un anciano sin nada que perder. Pronto se apagarán mis brasas cuando yazca con la boca abierta, llena de tierra. ¿Continuaré deseándote?» Bjarni escribe su respuesta tardía a la carta que Helga, la mujer por la que sintió un amor imposible, ilícito y apasionado, le escribió en su juventud invitándole a dejar por ella a su esposa, su granja y su ciudad. Desde la ventana de la habitación con vistas a la granja en la que vivía Helga con su marido, Bjarni encuentra fuerzas para explicarle los motivos de su rechazo y, mientras escribe, en su recuerdo renace todo un mundo rural, una vida sencilla dedicada al pastoreo y atenta a la poesía de la naturaleza en Islandia, pero sobre todo atormentada por el anhelo del cuerpo y la sensualidad de Helga. Reseñas:«Birgisson es un narrador extraordinario.»Karl Ove Knausgård «Una impresionante obra de arte: resonante, terrenal, desgarradora. [...] Es literatura popular y filosofía. [...] Una historia de amor que trasciende el tiempo y el espacio. [...] Para Helga ensalza la artesanía y lo manual, la tierra conocida y cuidada, la intimidad física. Llora por todo lo perdido por conveniencia, todo lo que ya no entendemos, todo lo que no podemos tocar. Atesora, condena y finalmente confiesa.»Berth Kephart, The Chicago Tribune «Rebosante de energía y sensualidad, más erótica que Cincuenta sombras de Grey.»Dagbladet (Noruega) «Una joya. Una carta de amor magníficamente escrita y que se lee de una vez mientras desfilan delante del lector los paisajes de Islandia. Es un himno a la tierra y a los valores del pasado, pero también una reflexión sobre los sentimientos y el significado de la vida.»André Lebel, La Presse «Con una escritura delicada, Bergsveinn Birgisson traza el destino de un hombre sencillo que se cuenta a sí mismo con lucidez y verdad.»Geneviève Simon, La Libre Belgique «Son la belleza y la fuerza silenciosa del lenguaje las que hechizan al lector: amargo, áspero, crudo y hermoso, inmemorial, es el lenguaje del Cantar de los Cantares, es el lenguaje desgarrador de quien dice la verdad sin cumplir con los códigos obligatorios de la apariencia, es el lenguaje de un escritor que es justo.»Librairie Labyrinthes «Una carta mágica a la humanidad sensible, indispensable.»Librairie Saint Christophe «Verdaderamente soberbia.»Librería café Soif de Lire «Un descubrimiento excepcional.»Librería Le Passeur «Una pequeña obramaestra.»Librería Le Cadran Lunaire «Una carta de amor sublime.»Librería Folies d'encre

La importancia del quince de febrero: ¿Existe la fórmula exacta para el amor?

by Sofía Rhei

¿Existe la fórmula exacta para el amor? Todos los ex novios de Sandra creían en el azar, a pesar de que ella, psicóloga, tiene una mentalidad científica. <P><P>El último la dejó el día siguiente a San Valentín, el año pasado. De modo que cuando esa fecha fatídica regresa, Sandra se pregunta si existe la fórmula exacta para dar con el hombre ideal. Inspirada por la paradoja de Fermi y por las obras de Isaac Asimov, tiene una revelación: utilizar los datos estadísticos de su trabajo para dar con la pareja perfecta. <P><P>Pero en ocasiones, ni los sistemas científicos ni las casualidades salen como una espera. A veces, lo importante es ser capaz de reconocer el amor cuando aparece, tener la valentía de enfrentarse a una misma y aceptar que las mejores cosas pueden llegar en el momento más inoportuno.

Searching for David's Heart: A Christmas Story

by Cherie Bennett

When her older brother, David, dies in an accident, Darcy feels responsible for his death. Then she meets the boy who received David's heart in an organ transplant, and learns that life truly does go on.

Feathers (Tales Trilogy #2)

by Rose Mannering

Feathers fell like rain from the sky.Ode was never meant to be born. An outcast from birth, he discovered how to control his unique, remarkable gift entirely on his own. Unlike the other people of his tribe, Ode can fly. Sometimes his body will shudder and shift, and then Ode will transform. He becomes a great white bird with feathers as pale as the snow. He becomes a swan. He can fly above the tribe’s tepees and soar over the emerald forests of the Wild Lands.But even with his gift, he cannot save his family from the oncoming war. The Magical Cleansing is spreading across the realm, and strangers arrive from foreign lands bringing with them bloodshed and fear. With the help of his gift, Ode flees to a distant island where answers, Magic, and a girl with golden hair await him. He must be brave, and he must be wise. And he must never turn back.The exciting and much-anticipated second book in the Tales trilogy, Feathers is sure to keep fans of Marissa Meyer’s Cinder series turning the pages as they journey through the magic world of the Western Realm.Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Roses (Tales Trilogy #1)

by Rose Mannering

She bears no name. Her silvery appearance is freakish to the numerous inhabitants of Sago, the cosmopolitan capital of Pevorocco in the Western Realm. With her mother vanishing at the instance of her birth, she is sent to live with the cruel, rich Ma Dane, where she is punished daily for something, though she knows not what. Tauntingly named Beauty, she flees Sago in a violent uprising that sets out to massacre all Magics and journeys to the farthest point of the country.But Beauty cannot hide in the grassy Hillands forever. Before long, the State officials find her and threaten to take her back to war-torn Sago where death surely awaits. In a midnight blizzard she escapes them, running into a deep, enchanted forest to a great and terrible beast who will bargain for her life.But can Beauty accept Beast? Eternity is a long time. Now for the first time in paperback, Roses is sure to capture your heart as you fall in love with Beauty and her Beast all over again.For readers 12+, this is a very imaginative, fantasy retelling of a classic fairy tale, which is still popular to the YA genre. With lessons about bullying others and falling in love, this is not only a light, fun read but also engages kids to think about their relationship to others in the real world.Sky Pony Press, with our Good Books, Racehorse and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of books for young readers-picture books for small children, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and novels for young adults. Our list includes bestsellers for children who love to play Minecraft; stories told with LEGO bricks; books that teach lessons about tolerance, patience, and the environment, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Tone Deaf

by Olivia Rivers

His world is music. Her world is silent.Ali Collins was a child prodigy destined to become one of the greatest musicians of the twenty-first century-until she was diagnosed with a life-changing brain tumor. Now, at seventeen, Ali lives in a soundless world where she gets by with American Sign Language and lip-reading. She’s a constant disappointment to her father, a retired cop fighting his own demons, and the bruises are getting harder to hide.When Ali accidentally wins a backstage tour with the chart-topping band Tone Deaf, she’s swept back into the world of music. Jace Beckett, the nineteen-year-old lead singer of the band, has a reputation. He’s a jerk and a player, and Ali wants nothing to do with him. But there’s more to Jace than the tabloids let on. When Jace notices Ali’s bruises and offers to help her escape to New York, Ali can’t turn down the chance at freedom and a fresh start. Soon she’s traveling cross-country, hidden away in Jace’s RV as the band finishes their nationwide tour. With the help of Jace, Ali sets out to reboot her life and rediscover the music she once loved.

A Horse for Elsie: An Amish Christmas Romance

by Linda Byler

A heartwarming tale of longing and hope in Lancaster by bestselling author Linda Byler Elsie is desperate for a horse of her own, but her family barely has enough money to get by as it is—she knows they can’t afford to buy a horse, never mind pay for the grain and hay to keep it fed through the winter. With her father injured, it’s up to Elsie to help earn money for the family—while going to school and helping Mam with the other kids. So she buries herself in the daily tasks at hand and tries to forget her longing. But when her classmate Elam invites her to visit his family’s horse farm one afternoon, she willfully forgets her responsibilities at home and follows him. Exhilarated by the strong, sleek Morgans and the musty smell of the barn, her passion for horses is reignited. As Elsie spends more time at Elam’s farm, it becomes harder and harder to be the responsible young woman her parents expect her to be. Why should she have to work as a maud to earn money for her family when Elam gets to spend every afternoon riding? It isn’t fair, and to make matters worse, now she’s expected to go to singings and play games with the other youth who are old enough to start dating, when all she wants is to be out riding. It’s a waste of time, she figures—it’s not like any of the boys will want a poor, rebellious girl like her anyway. As she struggles to reconcile her anger and frustration with the obedience her Amish faith requires, she also starts to have confusing feelings for Elam. She’s determined not to like him in that way. After all, he only sees her as free labor, someone to muck out stalls and work the horses. Doesn’t he? When tragedy strikes in the Amish community, Elsie is forced to let go of her teenage angst and grow up quickly. But sometimes letting go of one’s desires has a way of allowing one to accept something even better. A tale of longing, desperation, and finally hope, this is a heartwarming Christmas tale to be remembered.

Four p.m. Plumber: Erotica for Couples

by Alison Tyler

In this bonus story for Morning, Noon and Night," Alison Tyler tells the tale of a woman lying in wait for her plumber to help her out. And we all know blue collar guys can be THE HOTTEST of all. You are in for a sweet surprise with this lovingly crafted story by one of the best erotica authors around!

Devilish (Malloren #5)

by Jo Beverley

Two of the strongest wills in England clash when Lord Rothgar is commanded by the king to escort the fiercely independent Diana Westmount, the Countess of Arradale, to London. Though Rothgar, tortured by a tragic secret, has become a master at resisting temptation, Diana proves a challenge to his steely resolve. Then his icy self-control melts in a moment of peril -- and a night of passion -- and he must find the strength to surrender his heart to another . . .

Stealing Home: A Novel

by Allison K. Pittman

It's 1905 and the Chicago Cubs are banking on superstar Donald "Duke" Dennison's golden arm to help them win the pennant. Only one thing stands between Duke and an unprecedented ten thousand dollar contract: alcohol. That's when sportswriter David Voyant whisks Duke to the one-horse town of Picksville, Missouri, so he can sober up in anonymity. He bides his time flirting with Ellie Jane Voyant, his unofficial chaperone, who would rather hide herself in the railway station ticket booth than face the echoes of childhood taunts. Ned Clovis, the feed store clerk, has secretly loved Ellie Jane since childhood, but he loves baseball and the Duke almost as much-until he notices Ellie Jane may be succumbing to the star's charm. Then there's Morris, a twelve-year-old Negro boy, whose only dream is to break away from Picksville. When Duke discovers his innate talent for throwing a baseball, Morris might just have found his way out.Four individuals, each living in haunted isolation, each harboring a secret passion. Providence brings them together. Tragedy threatens to tear them apart. Will love be enough to bring them home?From the Trade Paperback edition.

Man in the Empty Suit

by Sean Ferrell

Say you're a time traveler and you've already toured the entirety of human history. After a while, the outside world might lose a little of its luster. That's why this time traveler celebrates his birthday partying with himself. Every year, he travels to an abandoned hotel in New York City in 2071, the hundredth anniversary of his birth, and drinks twelve-year-old Scotch (lots of it) with all the other versions of who he has been and who he will be. Sure, the party is the same year after year, but at least it's one party where he can really, well, be himself.The year he turns 39, though, the party takes a stressful turn for the worse. Before he even makes it into the grand ballroom for a drink he encounters the body of his forty-year-old self, dead of a gunshot wound to the head. As the older versions of himself at the party point out, the onus is on him to figure out what went wrong--he has one year to stop himself from being murdered, or they're all goners. As he follows clues that he may or may not have willingly left for himself, he discovers rampant paranoia and suspicion among his younger selves, and a frightening conspiracy among the Elders. Most complicated of all is a haunting woman possibly named Lily who turns up at the party this year, the first person besides himself he's ever seen at the party. For the first time, he has something to lose. Here's hoping he can save some version of his own life

Violet Fire (Author's Cut Edition): Historical Romance

by Jo Goodman

Murder and Mistaken Identity Lead to Love in Violet Fire, a Historical Romance by Jo Goodman-- 1746, England and Virginia Colony --Wrongly accused of murdering her abusive step-father, Shannon Kilmartin never expected to leave Newgate prison until she's sold as an indentured servant to work as a governess in the Virginia Colony.Brandon Fleming never escaped the memory of the beautiful raven-haired woman he met in Cambridge. He was so captivated that upon returning to the Tidewater Plantation in the Virginia Colony, he married Aurora because she held an uncanny resemblance to that raven-haired beauty. But it was in appearance, only. Now, abandoned by Aurora and left to raise a child on his own, Brandon faces a lonely future and needs a governess for his daughter.When Shannon arrives in Tidewater, she's immediately mistaken for the wayward Aurora and is not greeted with enthusiasm by anyone except Brandon's daughter. Brandon recognizes Shannon as the young girl who captivated him four years prior and though he tries to resist, cannot deny the attraction he feels.Then Brandon's missing wife's parents arrive to visit, forcing Shannon to play the role of Brandon's wife, which soon leads to mutual attraction. But, the love growing between them is soon tested when Aurora returns with her lover and a shocking secret.PUBLISHER'S NOTE: For fans of Jo Goodman we bring you one of her earliest books freshly edited, by Jo Goodman herself, for today's readers. Fans and readers of Mary Jo Putney, Kat Martin, Jo Beverly, Courtney Milan and Stephanie Laurens will not want to miss this tale of mistaken identity, intrigue and second-chance love.ALSO BY JO GOODMAN:Violet FireScarlet LiesSweet FireTHE MCCLELLANSCrystal PassionSeaswept AbandonTempting TormentTHE HAMILTON FAMILYMore Than You KnowMore Than You WishedTHE COMPASS CLUBLet Me Be The OneEverything I Ever WantedAll I Ever NeededBeyond A Wicked KissTHE DENNEHY SISTERSOnly My LoveMy Heart's DesireForever in My HeartAlways in My DreamsOnly in My ArmsTHE MARSHALL BROTHERSHer Defiant HeartHis Heart's RevengeTHE THORNE BROTHERS TRILOGYMy Steadfast HeartMy Reckless HeartWith All My HeartMEET JO GOODMAN:Jo Goodman is a licensed professional counselor working with children and families in West Virginia’s Northern Panhandle. Always a fan of the happily ever after, Jo turned to writing romances early in her career as a child care worker when she realized the only life script she could control was the one she wrote herself. She is inspired by the resiliency and courage of the children she meets and feels privileged to be trusted with their stories, the ones that they alone have the right to tell.Once upon a time, Jo believed she was going to be a marine biologist. She knows she is lucky that seasickness made her change course. She lives with her family in Colliers, West Virginia.

Predator's Kiss (Gemini Island Shifters #1)

by Rosanna Leo

Rosanna Leo weaves a fun, exhilarating tale in Book 1 of her new Gemini Island Shifters series. Thrills, suspense, and humor abound when a rock star brother, stalkers, and a sexy erotica author descend on one ornery bear shifter. Find out for yourself what happens when events conspire to awaken the bear!Bear shifter Ryland Snow just wants peace. The peace and quiet afforded him at his woodsy retreat, the Ursa Fishing Lodge. As owner of the lodge, Ryland enjoys the tranquil life he's created among his fellow shifters. He lives to maintain a safe haven for them, away from meddlesome human eyes.When his rock star brother arrives, bringing trouble in the form of a possible hit man, Ryland is incensed. He's been cleaning up Soren's messes as long as he can remember, and is tired of his brother's lecherous exploits.Things go from bad to worse when Lia Goodblood stumbles upon Ryland and his lodge. Yes, the reclusive erotica author is easy on the eyes, but the human woman is more trouble than she's worth. To say nothing of her bizarre fear of furry creatures.Ryland determines to rid himself of her presence. But when he learns she's on the run from a crazed fan, Ryland's protective bear instincts flare. And the bear won't be denied.Content Notes: Paranormal, Shifters, Contemporary, Spicy

All Jacked Up

by Penny Mccall

An action-packed debut that pits a scholarly beauty against a cocky and sexier-than-sin FBI agent. When brains meets brawn, the bad guys don't stand a chance FBI agent Jack Mitchell's arrogance and take-charge attitude usually garner him the best assignments in the field--and the most compliant assets. But Aubrey Sullivan, a brilliant librarian with a photographic memory, is no ordinary asset...without realizing it, she's managed to piss off the biggest mobster in North America. And somewhere in her picture-perfect memory is a secret that many would kill to keep quiet... But since Jack barged into her life, librarian Aubrey Sullivan has been abducted at gunpoint, taken on a death-defying car chase, and kissed to within an inch of madness--and she's starting to think it may be smarter to ditch Mr. Sexy FBI. Jack has never met a more infuriating (or alluring) asset in the field. If she would just do what he says, they may have a chance of getting out of this mess alive. "McCall knows how to deliver!" - New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Enoch "Snappy dialogue, nonstop action, and sexy writing. A terrific new voice in romantic suspense!" -New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster

Under the Skin

by Nicki Bennett Ariel Tachna

Police detective Patrick Flaherty has no illusions about Russian mobster Alexei Boczar, but that doesn't stop his fascination with the bodyguard to one of the most ruthless families in Chicago's growing Eastern European crime community. From the moment Patrick meets Alexei's eyes over the body of another Russian mobster, Alexei is a thorn in Patrick's side, refusing to cooperate with the police and turning all of Patrick's questions back on him. Alexei's hard-as-nails persona whets Patrick's professional determination to get the information he's sure the gangster is hiding, while personally Patrick just wants to get his hands on Alexei's hard body. The tattoos marking Alexei's skin tell the story of his criminal past, but the more Patrick learns about Alexei, the more he wants to know, until he finds himself over his head in a relationship that might cost him his job and could well cost Alexei his life. Alexei is equally fascinated by Patrick's willingness to overlook his past and even his present associations, but he has secrets of his own that could drive a wedge between them forever.

New Tricks (Shying Away and New Tricks #2)

by Kate Sherwood

Sequel to Shying AwayQuinn Donahue's put in a long, hard day at his lover Aaron Miller's family horse farm, and he's looking forward to a hot bath and a good night's sleep. But that's before he finds Aaron waiting for him in their dark apartment, apparently in the mood to play a game. Aaron was a virgin when he'd hooked up with Quinn, while Quinn was the furthest thing from innocent. So if Aaron wants to experiment a little, then Quinn feels privileged to play along.


by Elizabeth Noble

Kyle Anderson grew up with the lie that he was one of the last humans born. Then Kyle's quiet, lonely life as a research assistant and student is shattered when he discovers the government has been lying to the world for more than twenty years. Now on the run from authorities who would kill for his silence, Kyle is taken in by Daniel Shanks, a member of a militia group dedicated to discovering the truth. Daniel has seen death and violence in this new, radically changed society, and the closer he gets to Kyle, the harder his fears ride him. They will need to stop listening to the lies told by the government and start facing the lies they've been telling themselves, because the only place strays like them may be safe in this uncertain world is in each other's hearts.

One More Wish (One Wild Wish and One More Wish)

by Devon Rhodes

Benny Oshiro is having the time of his life at a private gig for his band, One Wish, until he's assaulted and kidnapped by their former manager. When his rescue--or more accurately his rescuer--gets a little hairy, Benny knows he should reconsider their sparking attraction, but no one has ever looked at Benny with the naked want that Curtis does--want Benny can't help but return. Curtis Salinas knows at first sight that Benny is the only one for him. But now is not the time to test Curtis's newly developed control. Outside forces are at work, threatening to expose his family's secret, and when Benny is kidnapped a second time, Curtis realizes the enemy he's searching for is only half the problem. To ensure a secure and happy future, he must also face down his doubts and claim Benny for his own.

Moving Forward (Dreams Come True and Moving Forward)

by Lisa Marie Davis

Sequel to Dreams Come TrueThree years after making their dreams come true, James and Payne are happily committed and living in New York. But just as they&apos;re about to embark on a special weekend, their world turns upside down when Jamie&apos;s mother calls to say that his sister and her husband have been killed in a horrific accident. Helping Jamie's mother with funeral plans and adjusting to the reality that they are now the legal guardians of Jamie&apos;s three-month-old niece would be hard enough, but Payne and Jamie must also deal with Jamie&apos;s alcoholic father, Russ. If Payne and Jamie want to move forward as a family, they'll have to learn to deal with old pain, fresh grief, and new responsibilities.

Legal Artistry (Art Series #1)

by Andrew Grey

An Art Series novelYears ago, Dieter Krumpf's grandmother died and left him everything, including a photo album containing pictures of the art collection she left behind when her family fled the Nazis. Now, Dieter is calling on the services of a lawyer, Gerald Young, to determine whether his family's legacy might be returned to him. Gerald doesn't hold out much hope that the paintings will be returned, but Dieter's earnestness speaks to him and he agrees to help. At first he concludes that while Dieter has a case, suing in Austria isn't practical. But Gerald is a good lawyer, and as his feelings for Dieter develop, so does his determination to win the case. Together, Gerald and Dieter navigate research, hearings, and a dysfunctional family in the pursuit of fine art--and discover the art of love along the way.

The Dream of a Thousand Nights

by Shira Anthony

Neriah, the crown prince of Tazier, escapes his father's deadly wrath with the help of a Jinn named Tamir. Knowing that the other Jinn would find and punish him for falling in love with a human, Tamir takes Neriah's memories of their brief time together and leaves him with only a jade pendant as a token of his love. Tamir is then stripped of his powers and imprisoned for his crime. Ten years later, Neriah is still on the run from the King's assassins, but each night he dreams of a lover whose face he cannot see and whose name he does not know, but who fills his heart with peace. Tamir, freed at last from his prison cell, poses as a pleasure slave and offers to serve the prince. Although Neriah does not recognize Tamir, he falls in love with the powerless Jinn. But just when Tamir has earned Neriah's trust, he is forced to betray it. There may be no hope of mending their broken relationship, but Tamir is determined to see Neriah on his rightful throne--even if it costs the Jinn his life.

Psychic Moon (The Shifters #1)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book OneHumane Officer Derek Wiliams has been toying with the idea of asking out Brian O'Donogue since the veterinarian started working at the Pet Rescue Center two years ago. So why hasn't he made his move? It's complicated... but it has something to do with the fact that Derek occasionally likes to run around on four legs instead of two. Recovering from an abusive relationship and hiding supernatural abilities of his own, Brian takes a chance and agrees to go on a date with Derek. The ensuing relationship is better than either of them could have hoped--until a rogue wolf shifter attacks Brian while he's walking his dogs. The abrupt attack forces Derek to confront his feelings, but the danger isn't over. The rogue shifter is out there, and he's hunting them.

Snakeskin Boots (Were Menagerie)

by Xara X. Xanakas

A Were Menagerie StoryJeff Cordata has always known wolves can be dangerous. Not that his luck with snakes has been any better. It's not easy being a wereboa constrictor in a world that worships werewolves. When the customer he's been watching for months turns out to be an interested wolf, his first instinct is to flee, but his attraction to Brad Cannidy is undeniable despite the strained relations between their families. Then Jeff's anaconda ex-boyfriend re-enters his life as a pair of snakeskin boots, the hunt begins for the murderer who is turning weres into accessories, and Jeff will have to decide if a boa and a wolf can really mate for life.

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