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Showing 55,926 through 55,950 of 100,000 results

What the Dead Know: A Novel

by Laura Lippman

<P>Thirty years ago two sisters disappeared from a shopping mall. Their bodies were never found and those familiar with the case have always been tortured by these questions: How do you kidnap two girls? Who--or what--could have lured the two sisters away from a busy mall on a Saturday afternoon without leaving behind a single clue or witness? <P>Now a clearly disoriented woman involved in a rush-hour hit-and-run claims to be the younger of the long-gone Bethany sisters. But her involuntary admission and subsequent attempt to stonewall investigators only deepens the mystery. Where has she been? Why has she waited so long to come forward? Could her abductor truly be a beloved Baltimore cop? There isn't a shred of evidence to support her story, and every lead she gives the police seems to be another dead end-a dying, incoherent man, a razed house, a missing grave, and a family that disintegrated long ago, torn apart not only by the crime but by the fissures the tragedy revealed in what appeared to be the perfect household. <P>In a story that moves back and forth across the decades, there is only one person who dares to be skeptical of a woman who wants to claim the identity of one Bethany sister without revealing the fate of the other. Will he be able to discover the truth? <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

In The Way (Living Books Romance #70)

by Grace Livingston Hill

From the moment she entered their farmhouse, Ruth Benedict changed the Lives of her newly-discovered brothers. She was orphaned, alone; they were the family she never dreamed she had. She brought them wealth beyond imagining--knowledge, love, faith, and material comforts they had never known before. But with her gifts would come an awesome challenge, to her wary brothers and the entire community of Summerton too quick to judge the beautiful young girl who gave without reservation... and never reckoned the price. Grace Livingston Hill is The beloved author of over 100 books read and cherished by millions, Mrs. Hill creates thrilling stories of inspiring, wholesome people whose ardent faith and overflowing hearts cope triumphantly with the problems of the modern world." Look for these books in the Bookshare collection with more to come: #15 Marigold, #18 Brentwood, #38 Spice Box, #24 By Way of the Silverthorns, #30 Matched Pearls, #38 Spice Box, #41 Blue Ruin, #50 The Finding of Jasper Holt, #55. Ladybird, #61 Mystery Flowers, #66 The Girl from Montana, #71 Exit Betty, #73 Not Under the Law, #74 Lo, Michael #76 The City of Fire #84 Cloudy Jewel, #95 Mary Arden and #96 Because of Stephen.

Fox and Wolf (Apex Investigations #1)

by Julia Talbot

Apex Investigations: Book OneWerewolf PI Dylan Weems is a hired to solve the murder of a client’s customer. As an ex-cop, Dylan is the perfect man for the job, but he doesn’t expect the complication of alluring fox shifter Rey. Ever since finding the dead body of one of his clients, Rey Mercier’s life is a mess, and he needs help desperately. He has no idea why he’s the target of some ruthless people or what he did to anger them. Hopefully Dylan and his motley crew of shifters at Apex Investigations can help him find out, but first Dylan and Rey have to deal with literal corporate tigers and dire crocodiles shifters… all while deciding what to do about the mate bond that’s becoming undeniable. And is that even possible between fox and wolf?

Place Setting (States of Love #46)

by Claudia Mayrant

Cameron Dunlop has lived in the Lowcountry town of Summer Corners, South Carolina, his whole life. He loves his home, but his little town in the Deep South doesn’t offer much in the way of dating options. Chef Gray Callahan has enjoyed success in the kitchen, but his last relationship sunk like a bad soufflé. When plans for his sister’s wedding go awry, it provides the perfect excuse to pack up and go home, where he can help out as he decides how to start his life over. Gray’s path crosses Cameron’s, and he realizes together they might have all the ingredients to save the day—with maybe enough left over for something sweet just for the two of them.States of Love:Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.

Sunshine in the Dragon's Heart

by Jaime Samms

When Sunny retires to the northern Ontario wilderness to mourn his parents’ deaths, he’s hoping the change of scenery will afford him some peace and quiet. His hopes are soon spectacularly dashed. In self-imposed exile, dragon Emile runs across the Fold between his dimension and Sunny’s—and right into Sunny’s arms. Centuries out of touch with human culture, bright, beautiful Emile incinerates any hope Sunny had for an ordinary existence. With dryads and water sprites coming to life all around them, Sunny can’t deny the magic Emile brings to his life—or his heart. But that same magic leads the unrelenting dragon who would keep Emile captive right to them. To save his love, Sunny will have to reach deep and find some magic of his own.

Beneath These Fields (World of Love)

by Ward Maia

Sometimes true worth is well hidden. Ellis Campos is a successful divorce lawyer with little to no time for a personal life. His predictable routine is disrupted when he inherits a coffee farm from an estranged aunt. There’s no room in his life for all the complications that come with managing a farm in another state. But his plans to quickly sell it and go back to the big city fall apart when he’s manipulated into spending a week on the estate. Adding to the unexpected surprises, he meets Rudá, a native Brazilian who works on the farm, and while teaching him about his aunt’s home and family, also tempts Ellis like no one ever has. He doesn’t expect his life to change in such a short time, but as he finds value and comfort in the farm’s routine, Ellis quickly realizes that, like the land itself, Rudá has secrets that could send him running back to Rio.World of Love:Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

Mon odieux petit ami (Island Classifieds #1)

by Laura Brohan Ta Moore

Sa mère. Son meilleur ami. Le barman du pub local. Tout le monde a pour objectif de trouver un petit ami à Nathan Moffatt, même si c’est la dernière chose qu’il souhaite. Après avoir passé ses journées à s’assurer que ses clients ne connaissent rien d’autre que la magie du romantisme, le soir, l’organisateur de mariages du Granshire Hotel n’a qu’une envie : rentrer chez lui, regarder plusieurs épisodes de séries criminelles et manger une pizza en sous-vêtement. Malheureusement, personne ne le croit et il doit subir les leçons de morale lui disant qu’il mourra seul. Mais un jour, il a une illumination. Il faudrait que ses proches comprennent qu’il vaut mieux qu’il reste célibataire. Il doit trouver un petit ami odieux. Un seul homme peut tenir ce rôle. Flynn Delaney est habitué à ce que l’île de Ceremony ne pense que du mal de lui, mais il préférerait ne pas avoir l’honneur d’occuper la place de « pire petit ami de l’île ». D’un autre côté, s’il accepte, il aura l’opportunité de sortir avec un homme sublime et de contrarier les propriétaires du Granshire Hotel. Ils seraient tous les deux gagnants. Il n'y a qu'un un seul problème : comme Flynn se révèle être un bon petit ami, Nathan finit par se demander si quitter son canapé de temps en temps serait vraiment une si mauvaise idée.

Wanted - Bad Boyfriend (Island Classifieds #1)

by Teresa Simons Ta Moore

Seine Mutter. Sein bester Freund. Die Bardame im ortsansässigen Pub. Sie alle sind entschlossen, einen Freund für Nathan Moffatt zu finden. Dabei ist es das Letzte, was Nathan sich wünscht. Nachdem er jeden Tag dafür sorgt, dass seine Kunden nichts als romantische Magie erleben, möchte der Hochzeitsplaner des Granshire Hotel nur nach Hause gehen, sich stundenlang Krimiserien ansehen und in Unterwäsche Pizza essen. Da ihm jedoch leider niemand glaubt, muss er sich Vorträge über einen einsamen Tod anhören. Bis er eine Idee hat: Er muss die Menschen in seinem Leben dazu bringen, ihn ebenfalls lieber als Single sehen zu wollen. Er braucht einen schlechten Freund. Und für diese Rolle ist ein Mann perfekt. Obwohl Flynn Delaney daran gewöhnt ist, dass die Bewohner der Insel Ceremony von ihm das Schlechteste denken, ist er nicht sicher, ob er die zweifelhafte Ehre annehmen möchte, der schlimmste Freund auf der gesamten Insel zu sein. Andererseits kann er, wenn er bei der Sache mitspielt, Zeit mit dem umwerfenden Nathan verbringen und gleichzeitig die Besitzer des Granshire Hotel ärgern – sehr lohnenswert. Es gibt nur ein Problem: In Wirklichkeit ist Flynn ein ziemlich guter Freund, weshalb sich Nathan nun fragt, ob es tatsächlich das Schlimmste der Welt ist, sich hin und wieder von seinem Sofa zu trennen.

Solo per te

by Chiara Fazzi Andrew Grey

L’unica strada che porta alla felicità è la libertà: la libertà di vivere – e amare – seguendo il proprio cuore. Per conquistarla un ragazzo dovrà usare tutto il suo coraggio, ma non si troverà a combattere da solo. Nella piccola città conservatrice di Sierra Pines, in California, il reverendo Gabriel è la legge. Suo figlio Willy segue i suoi precetti, finché a Sacramento non conosce un uomo. Quando lo incontra di nuovo nella sua città natale, comincia a frequentarlo proprio sotto il naso del padre. Reggie è il nuovo sceriffo di Sierra Pines. La sua dedizione al lavoro gli impone di non ostentare la propria sessualità; quando rivede Willy, però, non può impedirsi di pensare che loro due siano fatti per stare insieme. Decide comunque di mantenere il segreto di Willy fino al momento in cui il ragazzo non sarà pronto a mostrare al mondo chi è veramente. Oltre all’ostilità della chiesa e degli abitanti della città, Reggie dovrà affrontare anche i pericoli legati al suo lavoro, che rischiano di porre fine alla sua storia d’amore con Willy ancor prima che questa riesca a spiccare il volo.

Firmato: Il tuo agente spettrale

by Ida Giannini S. E. Harmon

L’agente speciale dell’FBI Rain Christiansen era il golden boy dell’agenzia, ma gli è bastato un momento di debolezza, una piccola, minuscola, infinitesimale apparizione paranormale per diventare, all’improvviso, l’imbarazzo del Bureau. Da agente speciale ad agente spettrale. Il suo capo gli dà un’ultima occasione per redimersi: deve andare a Brickell Bay, fare il bravo con il dipartimento di polizia locale, e lasciarsi alle spalle gli avvistamenti di fantasmi. Rain è determinato a fare proprio quello, costi quel che costi. Il detective Daniel McKenna si occupa dei *cold case*, i casi irrisolti, ma la sua ultima indagine si è arenata. Sono passati cinque anni da quando la studentessa delle superiori Amy Greene è scomparsa dopo essersi allontanata dal suo posto di lavoro part-time, e da allora nessuno l’ha più vista. Daniel è contento di ricevere finalmente l’aiuto che aveva richiesto all’FBI, anche se l’agente incaricato è proprio il suo ex. Rain non può negarlo: si sta innamorando di nuovo di Danny, ammesso che abbia mai smesso di amarlo, e questo genera una tensione che rende difficile risolvere il caso. I fantasmi che lo perseguitano dietro ogni angolo e un’indagine che non rivela piste contribuiscono alla frustrazione, al punto che Rain comincia a chiedersi se le seconde opportunità e il lieto fine non siano solo favole.


by Laura Brohan Xavier Mayne

Un logiciel peut-il mieux comprendre l’amour que le cœur humain ? Archer, l’intelligence artificielle du site de rencontre Q*pidon, sait que les humains ne prennent pas toujours les meilleures décisions. Il commence alors à en prendre à leur place, même si elles ne sont pas très conventionnelles. Fox Kincade est le dernier célibataire de son groupe d’amis. Il est ravi de découvrir que l’application Q*pidon a trouvé une personne qui lui correspond – une personne qui, selon la magie de cette nouvelle intelligence artificielle, serait son âme sœur. Quelle n’est pas sa surprise lorsqu’il découvre qu’au lieu de la femme qu’il attendait, il est associé avec Drew Larsen, un doctorant timide et assez geek qui ne croit plus en la romance. Drew et Fox ont peu de choses en commun – si ce n’est le fait d’être hétérosexuel. Du moins, c’est ce qu’ils ont toujours cru. En apprenant à se connaître, ils se rendent compte qu’Archer ne les a peut-être pas associés par hasard. Le chemin ne sera pas sans embûches puisqu’ils devront dépasser l’image qu’ils se sont construite d’eux-mêmes et de ce que doit être le véritable amour. Mais avec l’aide d’Archer – et de quelques amis qui encourageront Fox et Drew à travers les hauts et les bas de leur relation –, ils pourraient trouver leur chemin vers le cœur de l’autre.

Illusions et faux-semblants (THIRDS #7)

by Ingrid Lecouvez Charlie Cochet

Dexter J. Daley n’a jamais eu la vie facile, mais il a toujours trouvé une façon de relever la tête et d’avancer avec le sourire. Enlevé chez lui des bras de Sloane Brodie, son compagnon et partenaire au THIRDS, Dex se retrouve dans une situation aussi mystérieuse et dangereuse que l’est le Therian qui le questionne. Il se voit également confirmer ce qu’il a toujours secrètement pensé : la mort de ses parents n’était pas un accident. Découvrir toute la vérité sur les meurtres de John et Gina Daley enclenche une série d’événements qui changera à jamais les vies de Dex et Sloane. Alors que les secrets enfouis refont surface et que de nouvelles vérités sont révélées, l’amour que se portent Dex et Sloane est mis à l’épreuve avec, en jeu, bien plus que leur relation. Et si traverser ces eaux emplies de meurtres et d’agences gouvernementales secrètes ne suffisait pas, une chose inexplicable arrive à Dex… et rien ne sera plus jamais pareil.

Es war einmal ... ein Wolf (The Wayward Wolves Series #1)

by Christina Brombach Rhys Ford

Gibson Kellers Leben folgt einer ziemlich öden Routine: Aufstehen, Arbeiten und eine Menge Kaffee dazu. Nebenbei kümmert er sich noch um Ellis, seinen großen Bruder, der in seiner Wolfsgestalt steckt, seit er aus dem Krieg heimgekommen ist. Ein einfaches Leben mit vielen langen Läufen auf zwei oder vier Beinen … bis Ellis einen gut aussehenden Mann über eine Klippe ins eiskalte Wasser in der Nähe ihres Hauses jagt und Gibsons Leben damit für immer verändert. Zach Thomas wollte einen Neuanfang machen, als er sich das alte B&B kaufte – sein Stadtleben hinter sich lassen und endlich die ersehnte Ruhe finden. Auf den Pfaden hinter seinem Grundstück zu wandern, klang eigentlich wie eine ziemlich sichere Idee – bis zu dem Augenblick, als ihn ein riesiger, schwarzer Wolf in den See jagt und Zach beinahe ertrinkt. Zu seiner Überraschung muss er erfahren, dass es wirklich Werwölfe gibt, doch das ist nichts gegen die Entdeckung des Mannes, der ihn aus dem eisigen Wasser rettet und dann einfach in sein Herz spaziert, als gehörte es ihm.


by Marissa Kennerson

Her fate is so much more than the cards she was dealt.Born of a forbidden union between the Queen and the tyrannical King's archnemesis, Anna is forced to live out her days isolated in the Tower, with only her mentors and friends the Hermit, the Fool, and the Magician to keep her company. To pass the time, Anna imagines unique worlds populated by creatives and dreamers--the exact opposite of the King's land of fixed fates and rigid rules--and weaves them into four glorious tapestries.But on the eve of her sixteenth birthday and her promised release from the Tower, Anna discovers her true lineage: She's the daughter of Marco, a powerful magician, and the King is worried that his magical gifts are starting to surface in Anna. Fearing for her life, Anna flees the Tower and finds herself in Cups, a lush, tropical land full of all the adventure, free-spiritedness, and creativity she imagined while weaving. Anna thinks she's found paradise in this world of beachside parties, endless food and drink, and exhilarating romance. But when the fabric of Cups begins to unravel, Anna discovers that her tapestries are more than just forbidden expression. They're the foundation for a new world that she is destined to create--as long as the terrors from the old world don't catch up with her first.

All's Fair in Love and Mastery (Masters Unleashed #5)

by Sparrow Beckett

Sparrow Beckett masters the enemies-to-lovers trope in this steamy romance, following Master in Shining Armor.Grant Ellis, co-owner of the exclusive Catacombs club, can't stand Arabella Dexter...his own best friend. One scorching night shouldn't have made things weird between them, but it changed everything. Who knew there were lines friends can't uncross? Now, no one gets under his skin and drives him wild quite like Dex. Since she refuses to wear his collar, he can only mask his desire with sarcasm and antagonism.Dex has had it up to here with Grant. He's a bossy, domineering jerk, and the sexiest man she's ever been with. Even so, she's done with collars and the nonsense that comes with commitments. When he extends an olive branch and invites her to visit his new resort on a remote island in Canada, it's a chance to get their friendship back on track.Alone in the wilderness for a week, they explore Grant's investment and the boundaries of their relationship. Some bonfires can't be contained.

Diplomatic Relations (The Sci-Regency Series #4)

by J. L. Langley

A Sci-Regency Novel: sequel to My Regelence RakeOpposites don’t just attract... they sizzle. A lusty special forces soldier who lives by his own set of rules, Dalton Fairfax decided long ago to stop wishing for his father’s love, and he found his calling. Now that he’s back home and between assignments, he finds himself at loose ends. When the opportunity arises to play bodyguard and help out his country, Dalton jumps at the chance. Not only does it keep him busy, but it just so happens that his charge is the man he saw on leave last month and hasn’t been able to get out of his head. Heir to a dukedom and a conservative politician, Blaise Thompson strives to prove himself worthy of carrying on the family legacy as the next IN Councilman. However, his closest competitor keeps getting in the way and taking credit for Blaise’s ideas. Maintaining his stellar reputation isn’t easy to do while keeping his outrageous younger brother in line and foiling his rival’s personal attacks. He has no time for a guard and even less time for romance. When a priceless antique goes missing, Blaise and Dalton discover that Regelance has larger problems than just IN plots. Now the only way to stop a scandal that threatens both of them is to compromise, and they are forced to confront the risk of losing everything… even each other.

My Fair Brady: 76 (Dreamspun Desires #76)

by K. C. Wells

A spur of the moment invitation changes two lives. Jordan Wolf’s company runs like a well-oiled machine. At least until his PA, Brady Donovan, comes down with the flu and takes sick leave. Then Jordan discovers what a treasure Brady is and who really keeps his business—and Jordan in particular—moving like clockwork. So when Jordan needs a plus-one, Brady seems the obvious choice to accompany him. After a major shopping trip to get Brady looking the part, however…. Wow. Brady has a whole new wardrobe, and now his boss is whisking him away for a weekend party. Something is going on, something Brady never expected: Jordan is looking at him like he's never seen him before, electrifying Brady's long-hidden desires. But can the romantic magic last when the weekend is over and it’s back to reality?

Ithani (The Oberon Cycle #3)

by J. Scott Coatsworth

The Oberon Cycle: Book ThreeTime is running out. After saving the world twice, Xander, Jameson and friends plunge headlong into a new crisis. The ithani—the aliens who broke the world—have reawakened from their hundred millennia-long slumber. When Xander and Jameson disappear in a flash, an already fractured world is thrown into chaos. The ithani plans, laid a hundred thousand years before, are finally coming to pass, and they threaten all life on Erro. Venin and Alix go on a desperate search for their missing and find more than they bargained for. And Quince, Robin and Jessa discover a secret as old as the skythane themselves. Will alien technology, unexpected help from the distant past, destiny and some good old-fashioned firepower be enough to defeat an enemy with the ability to split a world? The final battle of the epic science fiction adventure that began in Skythane will decide the fate of lander and skythane alike. And in the north, the ithani rise….

Devil's Daughter: The Ravenels meet The Wallflowers

by Lisa Kleypas

Although beautiful young widow Phoebe, Lady Clare, has never met West Ravenel, she knows one thing for certain: he’s a mean, rotten bully. Back in boarding school, he made her late husband’s life a misery, and she’ll never forgive him for it. But when Phoebe attends a family wedding, she encounters a dashing and impossibly charming stranger who sends a fire-and-ice jolt of attraction through her. And then he introduces none other than West Ravenel. <p><p> West is a man with a tarnished past. No apologies, no excuses. However, from the moment he meets Phoebe, West is consumed by irresistible desire...not to mention the bitter awareness that a woman like her is far out of his reach. What West doesn’t bargain on is that Phoebe is no straitlaced aristocratic lady. She’s the daughter of a strong-willed wallflower who long ago eloped with Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent—the most devilishly wicked rake in England. <p> Before long, Phoebe sets out to seduce the man who has awakened her fiery nature and shown her unimaginable pleasure. Will their overwhelming passion be enough to overcome the obstacles of the past?Only the devil’s daughter knows… <p><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Blyd & Pearce (Français)

by Kim Fielding

Né pauvre et devenu orphelin très jeune, Daveth Blyd a eu une chance de réussir lorsque ses talents de combattant lui ont valu une place au sein de la garde civile de Tangye – une place qu’il a perdue à la suite fausses accusations de vol. Désormais, il joint les deux bouts en recherchant des époux malhonnêtes et des enfants disparus. Quand un noble lui offre une petite fortune pour retrouver un saltimbanque ayant volé une bague, Daveth accepte l’affaire. Que Jory Pearce soit ou non un voleur, on ne peut certainement pas lui faire confiance. Mais, envoûté par la beauté et la voix ensorcelante de Jory, Daveth se retrouve bientôt au cœur d’une conspiration. Alors qu’il cherche désespérément des réponses, il se rend compte qu’il s’attache de plus en plus à Jory. Dans leur quête pour découvrir la vérité, les deux hommes affrontent des assassins mystiques et humains, allant de tentatives de meurtre en trahisons. Mais quand l’intégrité de tous est remise en question et que la Mort est pressée d’entrer dans la danse, Daveth a besoin de plus que de sorcellerie pour survivre.

One Thing I Know: A Novel

by Kara Isaac

She has the whole world fooled. But the one man who just may see through her holds not only the key to her success, but also her heart…Rachel Somers is America’s #1 relationship coach—America just doesn’t know it. Rachel writes the books, but her Aunt Donna plays the face of the operation. Living in fear of their secret being exposed, Rachel has no choice but to keep up the charade or lose the big money required to care for her father. With the deadline for their next book closing in, Rachel finds herself out of inspiration and running out of time. The last thing she needs is her aunt and publicist concocting a harebrained scheme to join forces with some radio star in the hope it will help deliver the elusive next book idea. Lucas Grant is a star of late night radio—though it’s come with an unexpected price of hordes of women who keep calling his sports show to ask him for relationship advice. They make his ratings look great, but they also mean he has to waste hours talking to people like Dr. Donna Somerville about feelings instead of his first love: football. When a big-time producer calls, it looks like his hard work is about to pay off. But the offer comes with a catch—the producer is convinced Dr. Donna is not what she seems and he wants Lucas to discover her secret. To do that, he needs to win over her tight-lipped assistant who holds the key to his success and—he begins to suspect—his heart. Can love find a way through the lies that force them apart?

Loving a Warrior: A Navy Seal Gay Romance (Loving a Warrior #1)

by Melanie Hansen

BUD/S: six months of the most intense training there is. It’s survival of the toughest, and Matt Knytych is determined to come out the other side a navy SEAL.Distraction is life or death. And just the sight of former marine Shane Hovland is enough to shake Matt’s concentration.Shane came to BUD/S training ready to prove himself—again. Semper Fi is forever, but he needs a new start. Not this dangerous heat with a man he barely knows.Everything they’ve ever wanted is riding on a thin, punishing line. And they’ll have to fight for more than just each other if they want to make it through intact.After all, the only easy day was yesterday. This book is approximately 77,300 wordsOne-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!

The Ghosts of Stanton Hall

by John Simpson

After his uncle dies, Ryan Belcrest inherits the old stately home and grounds of Stanton Hall. Once he moves in, he asks the handsome Mark Salisbury, his family attorney, to hire him a gay butler. Ryan interviews Scott and hires him for the live-in position--and Mark immediately sees Scott as competition for Ryan&apos;s affections. Then Ryan finds a journal describing odd events and ghostly happenings in the house. At first Ryan dismisses his uncle&apos;s scribbled ravings... but then he sees a ghost! While trying to sort out what to do about Scott and Mark, Ryan discovers that the phantoms may be connected to past crimes and the abandoned family crematorium, and the only way to appease the ghosts of Stanton Hall and live happily ever after is to see justice served.


by Zahra Owens

Jonas Hunter is a high-class body for hire with a small, exclusive, mostly male clientèle who pay big bucks for his undivided time and attention. Discretion is Jonas&apos;s middle name--he can play his role to the hilt for the client&apos;s benefit and at the same time disappear seamlessly into a crowd, safely anonymous. He&apos;s persuaded to take on a new client who is everything he despises in a man: the effeminate, tantrum-throwing, attention-seeking bad boy of Paris haute couture named Nicky Bryant. Nicky&apos;s shows are outrageous and always good for a front cover, and his appearance never fails to turn heads. But Jonas soon learns Nicky is a carefully maintained façade himself. As a fiery attraction grows, Jonas and Nicky have to find a way to walk the tightrope between their public and private personas. They&apos;ll need to learn to love and trust each other around the other people in their lives if they&apos;re going to share their hearts....totally held my attention with its complex, organized plot, with its depth of characterization and, last but not least, its heart-stoppingly gorgeous sex scenes. Zahra Owens has done an exceptional job of developing the characters of these two men, plus a cast of secondary characters, against a complex and riveting plot. 5 of 5 Stars Carole @ Rainbow Reviews

Good to Know (Good to Know #1)

by D. W. Marchwell

Good to Know: Book OneJerry McKenzie is a reclusive and antisocial artist, quite content to ride his horses and work in his studio, keeping to himself. It&apos;s not any kind of life for a child, and when Jerry finds out he's been named his orphaned nephew's guardian, he panics. He doesn&apos;t know what to do with a child and isn&apos;t sure he can give William the affection and the love the boy so desperately needs. Then Jerry meets David Loewenberger, the new teacher William becomes immediately attached to, and he starts to see how they could make a family together: a family to replace the one William lost, a family David had given up on ever finding... a family Jerry never knew he wanted.

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