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Las espinas de la rosa blanca

by Rafael Hurtado

«Ni siquiera el destino tiene el poder de impedir que continúen naciendo rosas blancas». Posiblemente sea cierto el dicho de que la realidad supera a la ficción, porque no hay nada más emocionante que la vida misma; y este es el relato de esta novela, una historia que podíamos decir aquello de «basada en hechos reales», aunque no es así, pero su relato es tan natural que el lector se sentirá identificado con la historia de un gran amor, un amor que nos hace perder los papeles. Lo único que hoy queda sano y limpio en una sociedad apoyada en intereses y placeres instantáneos.


by Zahra Owens Saura García

Jack Christensen tiene todo lo que podía desear. Es uno de los más destacados diplomáticos de los Estados Unidos, y el hombre más joven que jamás había sido postulado como embajador. Tiene una carrera que acaba de ponerse políticamente interesante con su asignación a una embajada en Europa, la mujer perfecta, habla cinco idiomas y tiene las credenciales adecuadas, aunque le falta algo y no sabe exactamente qué es. Entonces Lucas Carlton entra en una recepción que ofrece la embajada y se presenta junto con su prometida americana. Desde el primer apretón de manos, el joven británico causa tal impresión en Jack que lo deja confuso e inusualmente inseguro. La posición de Lucas como enlace de la embajada británica y americana, hace que se vean forzados a trabajar muy de cerca, y lo pasan mal intentando negar su mutua atracción. Cuando sus mujeres deciden irse durante un fin de semana, Jack y Lucas comienzan una apasionada relación, que continuará después de que sus parejas vuelvan. Sin embargo, los círculos diplomáticos son extremadamente conservadores, y ambos saben que la mujer correcta a su lado es una significativa contribución para su éxito. ¿Serán capaces de tomar las decisiones adecuadas para sus vidas profesionales y privadas? ¿O tendrán que sacrificar una o la otra?

Dominación 6 Sumisión - Avanzada: dominazione e sottomissione

by Cristiano Pugno

Manual para iniciar una relación de Dominación y Sumisión entre adultos, incluye esquemas prácticos y tutoriales.

Deadly Innocent: He may not be guilty of murder, but his love proved deadly to more than one

by Magdel Roets

Some women learn from their mistakes—some don't! Penelope married a man who first charmed her—then abused her. Fear killed the love she had for him. Then fear branched off into hatred. Should she fight back; should she try to escape? When in desperation fear and hatred collided, it produced a way out, but at a cost. After many years the price had been paid. Penny was offered happiness from the only man who really, deeply loved her. Could she return this love? Could fondness grow into the love this man deserved? Excitement and pleasure versus stability. Which would produce the life she craved? She made her choice, but had nagging doubts. If only she could manage her love life the way she conducted her business. Never seeing what was coming, she walked into the same trap. This time, too late to get rescued.

Shades of Gray

by Brooke Mckinley

Miller Sutton, a by-the-book FBI agent, is starting to see some troubling shades of gray in his black-and-white world. He comes face-to-face with his doubts in the person of Danny Butler, a mid-level drug runner Miller hopes to use to catch a much larger fish: Roberto Hinestroza, a drug lord Miller has pursued for years. Danny has no interest in being a witness against his boss, both out of a sense of twisted loyalty and because he knows double-crossing Hinestroza is a sure death sentence. But he reluctantly agrees to cooperate, and as he suspects, it doesn't take long for Hinestroza to figure out the betrayal. Miller is surprised to discover Danny's not the career-criminal lowlife he expected; at the same time, Danny finds himself helplessly attracted to Miller's innate goodness. They barely begin to explore the sparking attraction between them when Hinestroza's hitman tracks them down, and then they're on the run, both for their lives and for any kind of love. Shades of Gray is a brilliantly written story by Brooke McKinley. With a solidly developed storyline and a fantastic cast of characters, this tale will take over your senses. [It]has messages on acceptance, forgiveness and the importance of personal growth throughout the story. There is a healthy dose of action, suspense and a few sensual scenes filled with enough heat to fog up your windows. 5 of 5 nymphs Scandalous Minx @ Literary Nymphs This is easily one of the most enjoyable books I've read this year. Captivating and enthralling, Shades of Gray shines with a tight plot and superior characterization. The writing is engaging and the characters have incredible depth. There are no cookie cutter villains or superheroes, only variations of good and evil within each person. The situations created are interesting and complex with few easy solutions and only one or two last minute heroics but even those are tempered by high physical and emotional costs. 5 of 5 cherries Cactus @ Whipped Cream Reviews While Miller and Danny battle their demons and work together to save themselves, they also find that they completely lose themselves in ways never anticipated. I cried and cried during some of the internal ramblings and confessions they made to themselves and to each other. I haven't read a book where I wanted the two men to find a way back to each other this badly for a long time. 5 of 5 stars xbmbgrl @ Rainbow Reviews

The One That Got Away

by Madeleine Urban Rhianne Aile

2nd EditionWhen David Carmichael suffers a migraine and a broken shoulder, Trace Jackson, his best friend, simply moves in to take care of him. Their easy camaraderie is threatened when David discovers an undercurrent of heat and tension flowing between them. Despite knowing his best friend is straight, David is not-so-slowly falling in love. Trace has never desired another man. He's a ladies' man with quite the reputation, considered a top prize around town. But his close, treasured friendship with David is intensified by the emotion and arousal, and the lure of having David so close is irresistible. Soon Trace makes it clear to David that he wants to know if they can make it work between them. Because Trace is sure he won't ever want anyone else--he already loves David.15,000 words of added scenes.

Broken (Broken and Home #1)

by Dawn Kimberly Johnson

Alec Sumner is fleeing yet another broken heart. By moving to London, he hopes to find peace and a fresh start. While shopping with a friend on a busy London street, he sees his chance, embodied in a mysterious young man with soulful blue eyes and a bad leg. Eli Burke is broken in his own way, haunted by memories of his lover's murder and physically scarred from the same fatal assault. He, too, plans to run away--to Africa and a new life working with children. But when he meets Alec, his choice isn't so easy. He and Alec see the real possibility of new love and a brighter future, but they'll both have to face their fears of past pain and find a way to heal....a moving read about loss, love, trying to move on, being trapped by memories that may not want to let go and finding that one special person that let's you find the good within the past. 5 of 5 Hearts Lilyraines @ Night Owl Romance Reviews Although at times very heart wrenching, keep Kleenex handy as you might just need them, Broken is a very fulfilling story and one that will stay with the readers long after they have finished the book. 5 of 5 Nymphs Critter Nymph @ Literary Nymphs Reviews If you like strong, emotional stories; if you like realistic characterisation with good, but flawed people; if you want to be dragged into a story about recovery and how love and friendship can heal; then Broken is for you. 5 of 5 stars Jenre @ Jessewave Reviews

Cutting Cords (Cutting Cords Series #1)

by Mickie B. Ashling

<P>When Sloan Driscoll and Cole Fujiwara become reluctant roommates, neither man is willing to share too much. Sloan is instantly attracted to Cole but knows it's a hopeless cause; Cole has a steady girlfriend. But one night they share a joint, and Cole opens a window neither anticipated. <P>A relationship may be impossible--both men are living with heart-breaking secrets. While Sloan is smart, sassy, and a brilliant graphic artist, he's also a pothead with severe body image problems. Cole, a former major league pitcher, has his own personal crisis: he's going blind. Sloan and Cole are suffering on so many levels, they might not realize that the ultimate salvation could be within each other's arms.

Wild Angels (Lost Boys and Love Letters Series)

by Ashlyn Kane Bethany Brown

Lost Boys and Love Letters: Book ThreeA gunshot wound isn&apos;t enough to slow down Detective Patrick Hawkins, so his friends conspire to ship him off to visit his best friend and ex-lover, Dr. Julian Piet, for some forced recovery time. If only Julian and his new boyfriend weren&apos;t so disgustingly cute all the time, Patrick might actually have a chance to enjoy himself. Enter Brad Wilde, Alberta&apos;s hottest bartender. Brad might be inexperienced and shy by nature, but that doesn&apos;t stop the sparks from flying between them. But Patrick is used to casual flings and one-night stands, and he&apos;s not quite sure what to do about his attraction to Brad. All of Patrick&apos;s doubts seem trivial when Julian&apos;s neighbor&apos;s child goes missing and the whole town mobilizes to find her. When the search for Hallie turns up a decomposing body, the police begin to fear they&apos;ll never find her alive. As Brad and Patrick try to help, they will have to overcome the physical and emotional distance between them to have any hope of finding Hallie before she falls victim to the same fate as the mysterious corpse.Relationships both new and old, missing little girls, and new beginnings make Wild Angels a very moving, thought provoking, and well written story full of tension and angst. 5 of 5 stars Nikki @ Rainbow Reviews

Admit One

by Jenna Hilary Sinclair

When high school teacher Tom Smith meets Kevin Bannerman at a gay club, he violates his own rule: one-night stands only. But when the weekend is over, he walks away, reminding himself that he lives a deeply closeted life for painful, compelling reasons. He keeps his secrets, his heart, and the cause of his crippled arm to himself, but almost immediately he bitterly regrets leaving Kevin. Months later, while Tom serves as reluctant assistant director for his school's production of Rent, he fears that the show's same-sex love angle will somehow out him. Protests against the play begin, one of the student actors is harassed, and during a parents' meeting, Tom encounters Kevin again. This time Tom can't fight the attraction between them, and he and Kevin begin a tentative relationship. Within Rent's message of acceptance and support, and as local churches oppose the play, Tom struggles to find the strength to admit one man into his heart.

Lines of His Fingers

by Alix Bekins

Charlie and Kyle are friends and casual lovers - a situation that suited them both just fine - until one fateful evening when their relationship changes and they explore the line between pleasure and pain with a sound spanking. Upset, Charlie doesn&apos;t know what to do next, and they&apos;re stalled - until Kyle takes matters into his own hands.

Everything Romance: A Celebration of Love for Couples

by Tom Winters David Bordon Todd Hafer

Romance is always in season when you're in love. Ready to create romantic memories? If you're looking for new and unique ways to celebrate love, captivate the heart of your true love, or simply enjoy each other's company, Everything Romance offers all of this and much more. Inside you'll find... Ways to engage your loved one with conversation starters for couples; Fun and creative date and gift ideas for any budget; Heartwarming love stories and poems; Love busters and love boosters to add fun, zing, and zest; Trivia about the history of love and romance; Recipes to fan the heartflames.Why wait for a special occasion to share the joy of being in love? Opening Everything Romance is like opening a door to romantic adventure--any day, any time! Any moment is the perfect time for you as a couple to celebrate the beauty and wonder of love, especially when you're equipped with a treasure trove of creative ways to do so. With a rich array of romantic gems, Everything Romance abounds with all you need to show your adoration, revel in your relationship, and create a legacy of romance to last a lifetime.From the Hardcover edition.

East in Paradise (Journey to the Heart #2)

by Tif Marcelo

When an entrepreneur and an Army reservist end up in their own reality show fauxmance, they have to decide whether their love exists just for the cameras...or if it’s for real in this warmhearted romance, perfect for foodies and wine lovers!Bryn Aquino, the former manager of a Filipino restaurant, knows the value of hard work. With a shiny new MBA in tow and an investor, she’s ready to start her own business: a culinary retreat where visitors can relax, cook, and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Dubbed Paraiso Retreats, she leases the childhood home of army reservist Mitchell Dunford—who returned from Afghanistan to revive his family’s vineyard—but finds herself in a bind when her investor pulls out of the business. When the retreat catches an internet live stream producer’s eye through social media channels, Bryn is offered the opportunity of a lifetime—to document her journey in exchange for a hefty paycheck. Excited, Bryn happily agrees to the arrangement...only to find out that she’s going to have to fake an onscreen romance with her indifferent landlord in order to keep her audience interested. As Mitchell and Bryn put on a show for the cameras, they find their romance isn’t hard to fake. They’ve got more in common under their bluster, banter, and doubts. As their relationship heats up and the cameras keep rolling, the line between show and reality blurs. And when the pressures of family, business, and the audience stack against them, will their romance survive internet stardom? Or was it just for show?

West Coast Love (Journey to the Heart #3)

by Tif Marcelo

An aspiring food journalist and a grumpy cameraman take to the California coast for the biggest foodie event of the year in this sweet third novel in Tif Marcelo’s charming and romantic Journey to the Heart series.Online food blogger Victoria Aquino has spent years doing social media for True North and Paraiso Retreats, and she’s ready to take her blog and writing to the next level. But after she was catfished and suffered a heartbreak, she’s clamoring for change. She auditions for and accepts a food host opportunity: covering the Labor Day holiday BBQ festivals along the California coast. For eight days, she’ll travel with a producer and a camera and sound person, in a vintage—and rickety—RV, and she’ll get her very first byline as a video journalist. The only catch? She can’t stand BBQ. And the cameraman also auditioned for the job. Joel Silva is a cameraman with his own past and big dreams of his own, and when he finds out that the job he auditioned for went to Victoria—a woman he’d gotten to know covering Paraiso Retreats, and someone he later slept with—he’s understandably furious and curious. Joel knows the BBQ circuit like the back of his hand, and he now has to help Victoria do her job amidst their growing attraction. When the producer picks up on their push/pull vibe and increases the ante to feature both in front of the camera with the best host taking the next cross-country feature, the two have to decide: is their blossoming romance something that should be left to fizzle along with BBQ season? Or is it the beginning of something even more delicious?


by Andrew Grey

Back in high school, nobody noticed quiet nerd Kevin Howard. But everybody noticed handsome, athletic, and ultrapopular jock Clay Northrup. They had nothing in common and lived in different worlds. But a lot can change in fifteen years, and when they meet again at their high school reunion, Clay is no longer the big man on campus, and Kevin isn’t hiding in a corner anymore. Can they put aside who they were? Can one night really lead to forever?

The Truth Beyond the Bitterness (World of Love)

by Emory Schneider

Can love erase a lifetime of fear and bitterness? Kuba flees the oppressive influence of his strict Catholic family as soon as he graduates high school. In the big city of Pilsen, Czech Republic, he can get a fresh start. Although he is fairly content sharing a flat with his coworker and filling it with books, he knows he’s destined to be alone unless he can come out of the closet. But he just isn’t ready to bare his soul to the world. When he meets his roommate’s friend Emil, he begins to reconsider. Is a chance at romance with the gorgeous man—and fellow bibliophile—incentive enough for Kuba to face his demons?World of Love:Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

The Total Package: A Novel

by Stephanie Evanovich

The New York Times bestselling author of Big Girl Panties is back with a funny, sweet, and sizzling novel about love, redemption, and second chances.Heartthrob star quarterback Tyson Palmer has it all: a million-dollar arm, a winning season and the promise of a Superbowl ring. But more importantly, football's biggest star is the ultimate comeback kid. After an addiction to painkillers nearly derailed his career, Tyson got sober and went from zero to hero in the eyes of the public.But one person remains unconvinced: Dani Carr, a sports commentator with high ratings and following of her own.Dani can't forgive Tyson's transgressions or forget a single passionate night with him back in college. To make things worse, Tyson doesn't realize that the bombshell with huge ratings is the cute co-ed whose heart he once broke.But can a sports journalist trying to claw her way to the top and a quarterback who knows all about rock bottom make it to the Super Bowl without destroying each other? And what will happen when Tyson--riding high now that he's revived his career--realizes he needs to make an even more important comeback with Dani? Can he use his million-dollar moves to get past her defenses--or will she sideline him for good?Stephanie Evanovich is a full-fledged Jersey girl from Asbury Park and the New York Times bestselling author of Big Girl Panties and The Sweet Spot.

Toda la verdad de mis mentiras

by Elísabet Benavent

¿Puede mantenerse una amistad a pesar de las mentiras? Una despedida de soltera en autocaravana.Un grupo de amigos......y muchos secretos. Elísabet Benavent, @Betacoqueta, con 1.200.000 de ejemplares vendidos vuelve con una novela original, una propuesta diferente que aborda las contradicciones de un grupo de amigos que se ve obligado a mentir para dejar de sentir. Un road trip divertido, surrealista, donde todo puede suceder. Una aventura en carretera que habla de la verdad que se esconde detrás de todas las mentiras. Los lectores han dichosobre Elísabet Benavent...«Como siempre @BetaCoqueta ha escrito una gran novela. Sabía que me gustaría desde el principio. Me tuvo enganchada toda la historia y el final me pareció espectacular.» «Elísabet nos da las mejores historias, esas que te hacen vivir el libro de forma intensa. Algo que consigue en todas y cada una de sus novelas.» «¡Me ha encantado! Elísabet tiene una forma de escribir muy personal. Siempre conecta con los lectores al presentar historias reales y cotidianas.» «La lectura de este libro ha sido un torrente de emociones. Un historia intensa de las que encoge el corazón.»

Shuttered Seduction

by Frank Talaber

He only wanted to steal her company. She only wanted not to fall in love with him. Both had dark secrets they didn't want revealed. All Roy wanted to do was seduce Julia-Rae and convince her to sell him her company. Julia-Rae wanted to shut him out of her heart like every other man that got close. Only what do you do when you fall in madly in love with the enemy and the enemy with you.

Une main gagnante

by Cassie Black Scotty Cade

Auteur de romans à succès, Bay Whitman vit la vie d’une célébrité – du moins, en apparence. En public, il est sûr de lui. Les femmes boivent la moindre de ses paroles, les hommes envient son assurance et sa démarche arrogante. Cependant, en réalité, Bay est un solitaire. Il est timide, introverti, et sa vie se résume à s’asseoir dans une pièce sombre pour écrire ses célèbres romans sur Jack Robbins. Il n’a qu’un seul vice : les jeux. Gagner un escort à une partie de poker changera sa vie d’une façon qu’il n’aurait jamais imaginé. Matthew « King » Slater est l’une des stars du porno les plus en vogue. Il passe ses journées devant une caméra et ses nuits comme escort de luxe pour les personnes riches et célèbres. Au fond de lui, il meurt d’envie de trouver l’amour et un lien véritable, mais son passé rend difficile de différencier les besoins de son corps de ceux de son cœur. Pour le moment, il lui est plus facile de voir le sexe comme son travail. Pourtant, lorsqu’il doit tourner à Las Vegas et qu’il est embauché pour un travail d’escort dans un célèbre hôtel casino, son séduisant client rend plus difficile pour lui de distinguer le travail du plaisir.

Più che possibile (Serie Più che...)

by Ugo Telese Lane Hayes

Jay Reynolds ha preso una cotta per Peter Morgan, il suo capo progetto, ma è improbabile che nasca una storia d’amore in ufficio, dato che l’uomo è etero. Anzi, Jay teme che Peter sia omofobo, perciò la sua infatuazione è presto rimpiazzata dal disprezzo. Una notte, però, Jay è costretto a rivedere tutte le sue supposizioni. Quello che succede riaccende la sua attrazione per Peter e, incredibile ma vero, anche il suo capo è interessato a lui. Per Jay quella relazione senza impegno diventa insostenibile quando si rende conto che sta iniziando a innamorarsi dell’uomo. Un passato tormentato impedisce tuttavia a Peter di legarsi a qualcuno. Jay dovrà decidere se potrà accontentarsi di un’amicizia o dovrà spronare Peter a cogliere tutto ciò che lui ha da offrirgli.

Un homme sans égal (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #19)

by Emmanuelle Guilluy Ariel Tachna

Avoir grandi plus pauvre que pauvre n’a pas laissé beaucoup d’options à Navashen Bhattathiri pour une vie en dehors de l’école. Toute sa concentration était sur le fait de garder sa bourse scolaire. Seize ans plus tard, il a réussi son rêve et il est devenu médecin. Maintenant, il revient chez lui à Lexington et il est prêt à prouver sa valeur au monde. Ce faisant, il reprend contact avec Brent Carpenter – camarade de lycée, agent immobilier, un type génial à tous les niveaux.... et entremetteur caché. Brent se fait une mission d’aider Navashen à développer une vie sociale et rencontrer des hommes intéressants et disponibles. Malheureusement, l’emploi du temps de Navashen est imprévisible, et, contrairement à Brent, peu parmi ces prétendants accordent de la valeur à son dévouement. L’amitié sans faille et le soutien de celui-ci convainquent Navashen qu’il est le bon, mais peut-il capturer le cœur de Brent quand l’entremetteur est concentré sur le fait de lui trouver un autre homme ?

Sein größter Fang (Love's Charter #1)

by Alina Becker Andrew Grey

Es könnte der Fang seines Lebens werden. Zweimal im Jahr flieht William Westmoreland vor seinem unerfüllten Leben in Rhode Island nach Florida, um sich auf Mike Jansens Fischerboot einzumieten und auf den Golf hinauszufahren. Der Ausblick dort bietet zwar mehr als nur das kristallblaue Wasser und die tropischen Gefilde, aber William hat sich nie weiter vorgewagt. Er ist einfach nicht der Typ für eine Urlaubsromanze. Mike hat seinen Charterservice in Apalachicola gegründet, um für seine Tochter und seine Mutter sorgen zu können. Ihre Sicherheit ist ihm dabei immer wichtiger als seine eigene. Er will sich nicht eingestehen, dass seine Zuneigung zu William mit jedem seiner Besuche wächst. An einem wunderschönen Tag beginnt Williams und Mikes letzte Fischfangtour, aber ein unberechenbarer Hurrikan bringt alles ins Wanken und die beiden Männer sitzen plötzlich fest. Mitten in Regen und Sturm werden sie von der Leidenschaft überwältigt, die sie all die Jahre unterdrückt haben. Zurück im Alltag warten allerdings zu viele Verpflichtungen auf William. Werden die beiden es schaffen, die Distanz zwischen ihnen zu überwinden und einen Ort zu finden, an dem sie beide ganz sie selbst sein können? Ihre Reise mag von rauem Seegang geprägt sein, aber die hoffnungsvolle Zukunft, die sie am Ende erwartet, ist die Turbulenzen wert.

His Cursed Prince

by Ryan Loveless

Three facts about Tuckington Belle: 1. Given the choice between illegally scaling the royal castle’s walls to steal flowers for a client at his family’s dress shop or going on a date with a girl his brother set him up with (“He’s fertile, and he can sew!”), Tuck will scale the wall like a spider after a fly. 2. If, upon knocking himself unconscious when he falls off the wall, Tuck wakes up bruised, blindfolded, and inside the castle, where—based on the unearthly wails heard nightly—the prince no one has seen in ten years is probably a ghost, Tuck would still choose this over a date with a girl. 3. Tuck thinks it’s time to admit he’s gay. Three facts about Prince Frederick George Deor (Read and approved with great reluctance by Lord “Protocol is Protocol. Stop Being a Pain About It” Todd): 1. He brought a curse upon himself and now bears the skin of a snake. 2. He can’t take his eyes off the injured thief recovering in the castle. 3. Friendships born from lying and insisting the other person wears a blindfold can blossom into true love—which he needs to break the curse.

Feu de joie (Bonfires #1)

by Marie A. Ambre Amy Lane

Dix ans auparavant, le Shérif adjoint Aaron George a perdu sa femme et a déménagé à Colton, pensant qu’il serait mieux pour ses enfants de grandir dans une petite ville. Il a appris à connaître sa communauté, y compris monsieur Larkin, le sympathique et dynamique professeur de sciences. Lorsqu’on l’oblige à prendre un poste de direction, Larx arrête d’entraîner l’équipe de course à pied et commence à courir en solitaire. Aaron, qui pensait que la vie commençait et se terminait avec ses enfants, est distrait par une poitrine brillante et un principal courant sur une route dangereuse. Larx a vécu, lui aussi, pour ses enfants… et ses étudiants du lycée de Colton. Il n’est pas prêt à être charmé par Aaron, cependant, lorsqu’ils commencent à courir ensemble, il apprécie la solidité du représentant de la loi, son humour et sa compréhension parfaite de ses priorités : les enfants d’abord, le travail ensuite et enfin, arrivant tristement en dernier, ses propres intérêts. Il suffit d’un baiser pour que les deux hommes, approchant de la cinquantaine, commencent à se comporter comme des adolescents amoureux, même avec toutes leurs responsabilités. Puis un acte violent met en danger leur relation naissante. Leurs responsabilités sont maintenant essentielles pour empêcher leur ville d’exploser. Lorsque les choses deviennent critiques, ils réalisent que leur famille nouvellement forgée pourrait être ce qui empêche leur monde d’échapper à tout contrôle.

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