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Born This Way

by Poppy Dennison

Dayton Whitmore injures his arm playing basketball with his lion-shifter friends, and his best friend asks Dayton to check on her estranged brother Hart while he's in Atlanta visiting a specialist. Though Dayton and Hart were never close, he grudgingly agrees. Banishment from his pride meant Hart Sherman could never see his family again. His liger heritage--a tiger mother and lion father--was a thorn in his alpha father's side. He always planned to go back for Dayton, the man he knows is his mate, but he uses his career as an entertainment attorney as an excuse to avoid risking Dayton's rejection. When Dayton shows up unannounced on his doorstep, Hart wants nothing more than to claim him. Knowing what it means to be a lion's mate, Dayton isn't in any hurry to make a lifetime commitment. To convince Dayton he's serious, Hart must come to terms with the circumstances of his birth--and find a place in the pride for them both.

Down Under

by Tam Ames

The year 2089 finds Australia split between east and west, with a wall to ensure the east stays safe. College student Aiden Taylor is traveling from Perth to Sydney to see Men at Work, who have been revived after cryogenic freezing. Regrettably, only days into his trip, his moped is stolen--and then he meets a naked man from the east. The man turns out to be Matthew King, who offers Aiden a ride--no strings attached--all the way to Sydney. When another attack occurs the following night, Aiden discovers Matthew's impossible secret: he's a were-kanga. At least that gives them something to talk about when they experience delays at the wall. One thing leads to another, and soon friends with benefits turns into something more. But when the summer is over, Aiden must return to school in Perth. How can he leave Matthew behind?

Dimmi che è vero (Serie A prima vista #1)

by Tj Klune Claudia Milani

Credete nell'amore a prima vista? Paul Auster no. Anzi, Paul non crede quasi in niente. Ha trent'anni, è leggermente sovrappeso, e le sue caratteristiche migliori sono l'umorismo caustico e il modo colorito e vivace di commentare quel poco che gli succede. I suoi migliori amici sono Rotelle, un cane con due zampe, e Helena Handbasket, una drag queen sull'orlo del bipolarismo. Paul trascorre le giornate in un cubicolo a svolgere un lavoro senza prospettive, e si ripromette di continuo che se il pappagallo omofobo di sua nonna lo insulterà un'altra volta, gli tirerà il collo. Poi arriva Vince Taylor. Vince è il suo esatto contrario: sexy, sicuro di sé, e più ottuso di una gallina. E quando, per qualche ragione sconosciuta, questa specie di dio comincia a fargli insistentemente il filo, Paul si convince di essere il bersaglio di uno scherzo, perché non è possibile che uno come Vince possa essere interessato a un perdente come lui. Ma dopo averlo investito con la propria auto - involontariamente e con il terrore di aver commesso un omicidio - Paul è costretto a guardare Vince con occhi diversi, e scopre che l'unico ostacolo tra loro è rappresentato solo da se stesso. Un ostacolo che sembra incapace di superare, almeno finché Vince non è costretto ad affrontare un doloroso evento famigliare, e Paul deve decidersi ad accantonare i propri dubbi e stare accanto all'uomo che lo trova perfetto così com'è.

Le mal par le mâle

by Morgan James Ashlyn Kane Céline Etcheberry

Il est neuf heures du matin, après les funérailles de son père, et Ezra Jones sait déjà qu'il va passer une mauvaise journée. Il se réveille avec une gueule de bois, il a mal partout et se trouve couvert de sang. Puis ça empire : le séduisant et irrésistible Callum Dawson fait son apparition sur le pas de sa porte, clamant qu'Ezra a été transformé en loup-garou. Ezra voudrait être sceptique, mais les preuves sont difficiles à ignorer. Ezra n'a pas beaucoup de temps pour s'habituer aux règles du jeu que l'Alpha Callum lui impose - ou à la façon dont son corps répond à la domination de Callum - tandis qu'il commence à travailler pour le Centre pour le Contrôle des Maladies afin de découvrir l'origine d'une épidémie de lycans. Quand la tension sexuelle explose enfin, Ezra a à peine le temps d'en profiter parce qu'un autre danger les menace. Quelqu'un veut s'en prendre à lui à des fins peu scrupuleuses et fera tout pour y arriver.

Bon timing pour un Rodéo (Dans les temps #2)

by Mary Calmes Anne Solo

Suite de Mauvais timing Deux ans après s'être installé dans le ranch que possède Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss a réussi à trouver un équilibre dans sa nouvelle vie, il est professeur à l'université locale. Mais le grand amour n'a rien d'un long fleuve tranquille. Rand le voudrait à la maison, au ranch, tandis que Stef tient à garder son autonomie au cas où son cow-boy le flanque à la porte. Réalisant soudain que ses doutes sont injustes, il s'engage totalement, ce qui rend Rand fou de joie. Le jour où Stef voit sa chance de prouver son dévouement, il n'hésite pas, malgré les risques qu'il court. Et Rand profite de l'occasion pour démontrer que parfois, le meilleur de la vie surgit à l'impromptu.

Aaron (Una storia della serie Sopravvissuti #1)

by J. P. Barnaby Ugo Telese

Una storia della serie SopravvissutiNon riesco a descrivere com'è voler gridare ogni minuto di ogni giorno. Una terribile notte di dolore ha distrutto la sua normale esistenza di adolescente e, due anni dopo, Aaron Downing si appiglia ancora alla speranza che, un giorno, tornerà a sentirsi un essere umano completo e funzionante. La sua vita, però, resta una serie costante di incubi, flashback e paura. Quando, nel primo semestre del college, gli viene assegnato Spencer Thomas come partner per un progetto di programmazione, Aaron decide che forse la 'normalità' è sopravvalutata. Anche solo imparare a controllare la paura gli basterebbe per trovare di nuovo la stabilità. Dopo aver sentito una conversazione dei genitori intenzionati a rinchiuderlo in un istituto -sacrificandolo per il benessere dei suoi fratelli - Aaron cerca disperatamente di trovare un modo di gestire il suo danno psicologico o anche di fingere la normalità. Il suo nuovo psicologo riuscirà a controllare i propri demoni abbastanza a lungo da curare Aaron oppure aggraverà solo la situazione? Cercando disperatamente di comprendere la sua attrazione per Spencer, Aaron si appiglia alla sua sanità mentale con entrambe le mani quando questa minaccia di sfuggire al suo controllo.

Le rapport matinal (Le Ranch de la Vache Perdue #1)

by Sue Brown Chloé Storm

Le Ranch de la Vache Perdue, tome 1Dix ans se sont écoulés depuis leur tout premier baiser, et Luke Murray est chaque jour plus amoureux de Simon. Dirigeant en tandem La Vache Perdue pour le compte des parents de Luke, les deux hommes gardent profil bas et restent en bonne intelligence avec les habitants du pays, même si Luke conserve sa réputation de tête brûlée. Puis, un fameux matin, ils se heurtent au refus des commerçants du coin de continuer à les servir... Ils sont plongés dans un abîme de perplexité - jusqu'à ce que la mère de Luke, Pamela, leur apprenne que le nouveau pasteur a fait de leur couple l'exemple même de l'iniquité dans ses sermons haineux. Et, du jour au lendemain, voilà que Luke et Simon se retrouvent aliénés par ceux-là même qu'ils considéraient comme leurs amis, tandis que leur ranch essuie une série d'attaques. Et alors que la ville toute entière prend fait et cause contre eux, dans un flamboiement de haine et d'homophobie galopantes, Luke et Simon vont devoir affronter un dilemme cornélien : plier devant l'hostilité de toute une ville et disparaître, ou bien tenir bon et lutter pour défendre leur amour. Lutter pour survivre...

L’esprit de la magie (Les Triades #1)

by Poppy Dennison Domitille Malin

Les Triades, tome 1Les espèces magiques ne se mélangent pas. D'après les règles, Simon Osborne devrait faire la sourde oreille aux appels au secours de ces enfants. Après tout, ce sont des louveteaux-garous, et lui est un apprenti mage. Mais pour la première fois de sa vie, Simon désobéit et part à la rescousse des petits qu'il sauve d'un démon bien décidé à absorber toute leur magie. Bien entendu, toute action a ses conséquences, alors l'audace de Simon lui vaut la désapprobation de ses pairs et l'attention de l'alpha des louveteaux, un homme du nom de Gray Townsend. La dernière chose dont Gray a besoin, c'est d'un mage dans sa vie, mais Simon a sauvé son fils... Puisqu'il a désormais l'amitié de la meute, Gray n'a pas vraiment le choix, ni d'ailleurs au sujet de cette attirance interdite pour lui qui vient s'ajouter à tout le reste. Malheureusement, il a besoin que Simon l'aide à retrouver le démon responsable de l'enlèvement des enfants. Simon et Gray doivent s'allier pour protéger la meute, tout en luttant contre le désir tentateur qui menace de les détruire tous les deux.

Las ardillas pequeñas pueden escalar grandes árboles (Pequeñas ardillas #1)

by Michael Murphy Y. M. García

Kyle Miller es una especie rara. Aunque ha nacido en el seno de una familia conservadora, en un pequeño pueblo de Oklahoma, descubrió desde pequeño que tenía que escaparse de ese ambiente rural. Ahora vive en Nueva York, trabaja como médico de urgencias y debe pagar su enorme préstamo estudiantil. Nunca se ha subido en un avión ni ha visto una película, pero es lo suficientemente inteligente como para darse cuenta de que acaba de tener un flechazo. Aunque tampoco es que sepa cómo logró chocar contra Joseph, que mide unos treinta centímetros menos que él. Joseph es su opuesto en muchos sentidos: tiene dinero y Kyle no, confía en sí mismo mientras que Kyle es inseguro. Está totalmente decidido a mostrarle a Kyle lo especial que es y quiere que la confianza que demuestra en la sala de urgencias la emplee también en su vida diaria. Sin embargo el caótico horario de Kyle y su inexperiencia en relaciones amorosas complicarán este romance.

Horizonte (Horizonte #1)

by Mickie B. Ashling Jutta Grobleben

Buch 1 in der Serie - HorizonteDer College-Footballspieler Clark Stevens, ein beliebter Wide Receiver mit Aussicht auf einen Vertrag in der NFL, hat eine Menge Probleme. Er hat eine eifersüchtige Freundin, einen engstirnigen und herrschsüchtigen Vater, eine Aufmerksamkeitsstörung, und er verspürt eine unerwartete, starke Anziehung zu dem Notarzt - dem männlichen Notarzt - der ihn wegen eines gebrochenen Arms behandelt. Dr. Jody Williams empfängt widersprüchliche Signale. Er kann nicht ignorieren, wie sehr er sich zu Clark hingezogen fühlt, denn es ist offensichtlich, dass Clark ebenso empfindet. Für den stolzen, geouteten Arzt ist die Lösung denkbar einfach. Für Clark ist sie das nicht. Seine Welt ist alles andere als schwulenfreundlich und die Hindernisse, denen er sich gegenübersieht, ließen ihn seine Sexualität viele Jahre lang verleugnen. Es ist der Superbowl der Katastrophen, egal, wie man es dreht und wendet. Am Ende muss Clark entscheiden, ob er an dem Leben festhält, das er kennt, oder ob er es riskiert, ein neues mit Jody zu beginnen.

Perseguir las estrellas (Lang Downs #2)

by Ariel Tachna M. J. Sánchez

La secuela de "Heredar el cielo"Volumen 2 de la serie Lang Downs Chris Simms, un joven de veinte años, apenas logra salir adelante. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, lucha para ganar a duras penas lo suficiente para sobrevivir con su hermano menor. Cuando un grupo de homófobos le ataca, piensa que su vida ha acabado, pero es rescatado por unos empleados de un rancho de ovejas de la zona. Se queda muy sorprendido de que le ofrezcan un trabajo y aún más al enterarse de que el dueño y el capataz son gais. Para Chris, Lang Downs es un sueño hecho realidad, que no hace más que mejorar cuando descubre que el hombre que le gusta, Jesse Harris, es gay y está abierto a tener una aventura. Todo va bien hasta que Chris se da cuenta de que se está enamorando de Jesse más profundamente de lo que su acuerdo permite. Jesse va de rancho en rancho y no busca nunca nada permanente. Convencido de que Chris es demasiado joven y frágil para una relación, pone las normas para tener una interacción sin compromiso. Ver juntos al dueño del rancho y al capataz le hace pensar en los posibles beneficios de echar raíces, pero cuando se da cuenta de los sentimientos de Chris le entra pánico. Chris y él tendrán que decidir si vale la pena intentar alcanzar juntos la felicidad antes de que el final de la temporada los separe.

Inestimable (Les Dieux #1)

by M. A. Church Shini

Les Dieux, tome 1Des étincelles jaillissent quand Cupidon vise deux mortels à Las Vegas : Randy Jones, un homme ordinaire, en voyage d'affaires, croise le regard de Garrett Shiffler à une table de craps et le temps s'arrête alors. Rejetant tout ce en quoi il croit, Randy se lance dans une aventure torride de deux nuits avec lui, avant de paniquer en réalisant qu'il est tombé amoureux. Le milliardaire cynique Garrett Shiffler a tout ce que l'argent peut acheter, et la plupart des hommes avec qui il sort, n'arrivent pas à voir plus loin que son portefeuille. La vie lui a appris que l'innocence et l'amour ne sont que le fruit d'une imagination collective. Mais quand Randy disparaît, emportant avec lui des sentiments que Garrett n'imaginait même pas avoir, il s'engage dans la bataille la plus importante de sa vie pour gagner son amour. Mais cette fois-ci, il se bat avec son cœur, et non son compte en banque. Pendant ce temps, Cupidon se demande ce qui s'est passé. Ses flèches dorées ne ratent jamais leur cible habituellement, sauf quand le Destin intervient. Si Garrett veut récupérer Randy, il va devoir le faire seul, car le Destin a d'autres plans en réserve pour Cupidon.

Fuego en la montaña (Las montañas #1)

by P. D. Singer María Ángela Alcaraz

Volumen 1 de la serie Las montañasTomarse un descanso de los estudios, disfrutar de las Montañas Rocosas de Colorado, combatir un incendio de vez en cuando. Eso es todo lo que Jake Landon esperaba cuando se inscribió para ser un ranger. Hará equipo con algún hombre viejo de montaña malhumorado; patrullarán los parajes en un camión cisterna; hablarán tres palabras al día, y el viejo malhumorado no será atractivo en lo más mínimo. Un bosque nacional es lo bastante grande para ser el armario de Jake, que pasará su tiempo libre pescando. Pero el viejo malhumorado resulta ser Kurt Carlson: seguro, competente y con experiencia. También es joven, vivo, amable, y considera la ropa algo opcional cuando se trata sólo de dos chicos en la naturaleza. Compartir una pequeña cabaña con esta tentación andante atenta contra la cordura de Jake: ¿está enviando señales, o simplemente siendo Kurt? ¿Y cómo reaccionaría Kurt si descubriera que su nuevo compañero quiere prender un fuego de otro tipo? Jake está aterrorizado: tienen que vivir juntos durante cinco meses sin importar lo que pase. Las chispas que vuelan entre los guardabosques podrían incendiar los árboles, pero se necesita un fuego feroz para hacer que Jake y Kurt admitan el calor entre ellos.

The Buyout

by Bru Baker

All Parker Anderson has ever wanted is to take over as CEO of Anderson Industries when his father retires. But when his father is ready to leave the company, he doesn't plan to pass the reins to Parker. Instead, he plans to sell the company, jeopardizing not only Parker's job but hundreds of others. Parker finds an unlikely ally in Mason Pike, the company's resident IT guru. What starts as a flirtation takes them from coworkers to coconspirators in a plan to forcibly buy Anderson Industries out from under Parker's father. While they focus on the buyout, their budding romance has to be put on hold, but that doesn't stop them from flirting and teasing each other to distraction--and once their master plan comes to fruition, nothing and no one can keep them apart.

The Flame

by Skylar Jaye

Despite the stigma against magiks other than the four elemental types, Jeremy Ashe works hard toward a degree in runic studies, navigating his way through family disproval and school clique politics while trying to figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life. What he never figured on is The Flame, Samuin College's fire mage prodigy, Marcus Smith. Sparks strike and threaten to raze Jeremy's plans to the ground. When strange fires begin to burn all over campus, clues point to Marcus. Suddenly life isn't just complicated, it's dangerous.

Healing Minds (The Shifters #5)

by M. D. Grimm

The Shifters: Book FiveJosh McPhee always wanted to be an agent. To keep from going crazy at the Agency's New Mexico substation, he talks to the imprisoned wolf shifter--or tries to. Their one-sided conversations only prove the shifter is not getting the help he needs. After all, he is a victim too. Wolf shifter Xavier doesn't remember much before his time with the Knights or the time under their control, where he was brainwashed and used to kill innocent shifters. He wants to recover his memories, and yet he fears what he might find. He would escape were it not for the aide whose voice quiets Xavier's implanted urges. Late one night the Knights attack the station to retrieve what's theirs. Overpowered, Josh cannot stop them before they unlock Xavier's cage. But Xavier rushes to Josh's rescue and, sensing his opportunity, escapes, taking Josh with him. When Josh wakes up on the road, they strike a bargain: Josh offers Xavier one month of freedom before he calls in the Agency. Both doubt he can be cured, but something about Josh makes Xavier better. They just have to figure out what before the past catches up to them.

Released (Englishmen Stories)

by Ben Ryder

An Englishmen StoryDominic Holland leaves behind in London the shattered remains of a dishonest relationship and sets about rediscovering himself across the pond, exploring New York City and two widely different possible futures. Through a series of increasingly public encounters with a mysterious silver-haired man, Dominic gets a tantalizing taste of a new kind of freedom. But it's fellow journalist Alex Everton who attracts Dominic, making him yearn for a real and honest love. But Alex is working on a story that is linked to his past, leaving Dominic unsure of whether he will be the one to heal his heart.

Redesigning Landry Bishop (Dreamspun Desires #82)

by Kim Fielding

A Stars from Peril NovelLove never goes out of style. Landry Bishop fled his tiny hometown and never looked back. Now his expertise in food, fashion, and décor has earned him all of Hollywood’s glittering perks. But with his husband deceased and his personal assistant retired, Landry has nobody to rely on—and no one to help him indulge his secret cravings. Casual, plainspoken Jordan Stryker seems a dubious choice of a PA for someone as formal and self-controlled as Landry. Jordan’s questionable fashion sense and limited kitchen skills don’t exactly enhance his résumé. But as Landry soon realizes, Jordan has many attractive qualities too. With a strong pull toward Jordan, new career opportunities on the horizon, and a persistent tug from family back home, Landry is in a quandary. He can advise others on how to make their lives special, but what should he do about his own?

Armageddon: Angelbound 3 (Angelbound Origins #6)

by Christina Bauer

Five years have passed since Myla Lewis last fought gladiator-style in Purgatory's Arena. Now, she's fighting again, only this time in Hell. And the stakes have never been higher. The King of Hell, Armageddon, has kidnapped Myla and Lincoln's young son, Maxon.In the wake of Maxon's abduction, all the after-realms calling for war, and no one shouts louder than Lincoln. Myla knows that a war against Hell will cost millions of lives, so she devises her own plan, involving a small attack team and a secret entrance to Hell. Will Myla save Maxon, or will her child and all the after-realms fall to Armageddon?Don't miss this exciting conclusion to the Angelbound Origins Series! Afterwards, Myla and Lincoln's story continues with the next generation in the Angelbound Offspring series...Need to catch up? THE ANGELBOUND ORGINS SERIES1. ANGELBOUND2. SCALA3. ARMAGEDDONTHE ANGELBOUND: OFFSPRING SERIES1. MAXON2. PORTIA

Maxon: Angelbound 4 (Angelbound Offspring #1)

by Christina Bauer

Prince Maxon may be twenty-two years old now, but he's still haunted by his boyhood abduction and torture in Hell. To deal with his past, Maxon limits his present-day activities to killing demons and seducing women. No long-term relationships. No combat too dangerous. No problem, right? Wrong.Maxon's life has stalled out. The old thrills aren't there anymore, either on the battlefield or in the bedroom. While staking out his next fight, Maxon meets what seems like just another girl after a good time. What he gets is a close encounter with Lianna, a lady warrior with ties to the mysterious elemental rulers called the monarkki. It's love at first fight. Trouble is, Lianna's running from a dark history of her own, and her elemental enemies are closing in. When Lianna gets taken, Maxon realizes that after years of wrong choices and dead ends, the right woman is worth risking it all. Book contains adult language and sexuality. May be read as a stand-alone or after the Angelbound Origins series.THE ANGELBOUND ORGINS SERIES1. ANGELBOUND2. SCALA3. ARMAGEDDONTHE ANGELBOUND: OFFSPRING SERIES1. MAXON2. PORTIA

How Not to Die Alone

by Richard Roper

Smart, darkly funny, and life-affirming, How Not to Die Alone is the bighearted debut novel we all need, for fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, it's a story about love, loneliness, and the importance of taking a chance when we feel we have the most to lose."Wryly funny and quirkily charming." --Eleanor Brown, author of The Weird SistersSometimes you need to risk everything . . . to find your something.Andrew's been feeling stuck.For years he's worked a thankless public health job, searching for the next of kin of those who die alone. Luckily, he goes home to a loving family every night. At least, that's what his coworkers believe.Then he meets Peggy.A misunderstanding has left Andrew trapped in his own white lie and his lonely apartment. When new employee Peggy breezes into the office like a breath of fresh air, she makes Andrew feel truly alive for the first time in decades.Could there be more to life than this?But telling Peggy the truth could mean losing everything. For twenty years, Andrew has worked to keep his heart safe, forgetting one important thing: how to live. Maybe it's time for him to start.

Unsuitable: A Forbidden Cove Novel (Forbidden Cove #1)

by Lavinia Kent

Cougar . . . MILF . . . Mrs. Robinson. Jordan Robinson knows firsthand that when a woman marries a rich older man, people are going to talk. But now, with her husband gone, Jordan lives a quiet life of seclusion, managing her charities and staying away from the limelight. Then everything changes after an unexpected kiss leads to the best sex of her life—and a secret affair Jordan never wants to end. A sexy young mogul who’s used to getting what he wants, Clay has wanted Jordan Robinson ever since he was seventeen and saw her emerge dripping from a swimming pool in a white bikini. But now he’s all grown up . . . and now she’s his. But when their relationship is exposed, the fallout is devastating. Yet Clay’s a man in his prime—and Jordan’s a woman worth fighting for. They may have started as a fling, but Jordan Robinson belongs in his bed, in his life . . . and forever in his heart. Don’t miss any of Lavinia Kent’s Bound and Determined series MASTERING THE MARQUESS | BOUND BY BLISS | REVEALING RUBY | SARAH’S SURRENDER | RAVISHING RUBY | ANGEL IN SCARLET | A VERY RUBY CHRISTMAS | TANGLED IN SIN This ebook includes an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

Netminder (Codename: Winger #4)

by Jeff Adams

Codename: Winger: Book FourFor teenage secret agent Theo Reese, summer brought one surprise after another, and now that he’s back at school, the shocks keep coming. The unthinkable has happened—enemies have breached Tactical Operational Support, forcing Theo and his parents to instigate the protocols they’ve put in place in case of a worst-case scenario. As Theo goes on the run and tries to stay ahead of those pursuing them, he realizes the TOS network is down… and he’s on his own.He soon discovers the renegade organization Blackbird is responsible. Theo's been targeted by an old nemesis, who will do whatever it takes to force his hand and obtain his help in taking global control of the internet. Theo must prevent the internet hijacking, and while he finds allies, they’re in the last place he expects….

The Color of Summer

by Anna Martin

Tattoo artist Max Marshall races into his hometown of Sweetwater, West Virginia—and is promptly pulled over for speeding. Max’s luck isn’t all bad, though, because he recognizes the deputy, Tyler Reed, Max’s childhood best friend’s older brother. Reconnecting with Tyler helps Max settle back in, and it also leads to attraction. But when he tries to explore that connection at the grand opening of his tattoo studio—by kissing Tyler—awkwardness ensues. Max wants more, but has he misread Tyler’s signals? As a single father raising a six-year-old daughter, Tyler doesn’t have much time to date. He’s ignored his attraction to men for years, but he can’t stop thinking about the kiss he shared with Max. If he can handle the complications of dating in a small town and the possible consequences to his career, this romance could blossom with all the colors of summer.

Hitting the Mark

by Aidan Wayne

Marcus Economidis is a famous action-movie star renowned for doing his own stunts. But put him back in his Michigan hometown for his latest project and he’s a nervous wreck. Why? Taemin Choi—the taekwondo master who trained Marcus and helped him move beyond debilitating shyness to become the man he is today. Taemin was Marcus’s first crush, and now that he’s grown, their reunion might lead to more than a mentorship. Marcus’s kindness and confidence impresses Taemin, and the attraction is instant—for both of them. Making time for each other won’t be easy, what with Taemin training to qualify for the Olympics and Marcus working on his latest film. But it all seems worthwhile when they’re together, reacquainting themselves with each other—in the dojang and beyond—and nurturing a romance more satisfying than anything either ever thought possible. But can their romance withstand the pressures of Marcus’s fame and Taemin’s grueling schedule?

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