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Blame it on the Rain (The Blame Game #4)

by Jamie Hill

Charlie Naughton and Jenny Craft grew up together. Their parents were best friends and the kids were inseparable throughout their school years. But when Charlie goes off to college, he’s focusing more on his baseball scholarship than the friend he’s leaving behind. Jenny’s been in love with Charlie since she was seven, and he kissed her at his brother’s wedding reception. Since then she’s bided her time, waiting for him to realize that he loves her, too. Her senior year of high school is supposed to be one of her best. But when her parents’ marriage hits the skids and her best girlfriend makes a surprise announcement, Jenny barely has time to deal with her blossoming romance. And with Charlie’s insane schedule, thinking about each other seems to be the best they can do. When they finally find time to be together, neither one of them wants it to end. “If anyone asks where we were, we’ll just blame it on the rain.” But is ‘happily ever after’ really possible?

Escape The Revolution

by Diane Scott Lewis

Forced from France by her devious guardian on the eve of the French Revolution, Countess Bettina Jonquiere must deliver an important package to further the royalist cause. In England, she discovers the package is full of blank papers, the address false and she’s penniless. Stranded in a Cornish village, Bettina toils in a bawdy tavern and falls in love with a man who may have murdered his unfaithful wife. Tracked by ruthless revolutionaries, she must uncover the truth about her father’s murder—and her lover’s guilt—while her life is threatened.

Bouquet of Thorns

by Sheila Claydon

On a travelling scholarship in India, Sarah’s brother has left her in charge of his run-down wine bar, telling her to sell it if she can. Waitressing in the evening as well as trying to establish her own flower shop during the day is more than she can cope with, however, and when she starts to fall out with the customers she knows it’s time to stop. Then the owner of the biggest hotel in town offers to buy it and, fingers crossed, she hopes her troubles will soon be over. Unfortunately for Sarah, they are only just beginning. Working long hours, using the profits from her own business to prop up the wine bar, and trying to pacify her disgruntled boyfriend, she is too tired to think straight as she lurches from one catastrophe to the next. And even worse is the fact that Sean Marlow, with his Viking warrior beard and piercing blue eyes, always seems to be at the bottom of them.

Black Magic (Magic Colors #2)

by Juliet Waldron

Disappointed in love, weary of war, Goran von Hagen retreats to his idyllic alpine estate. He does not know the dark and ancient secret of the looming mountain--or that it will change his life forever. From Artemis and Apollo to Frey and Freya, on through all known pantheons, there are magical twins, so this sparked the tale of Mina and Goran, the von Hagen's first born. "Black Magic" is Goran's tale, dealing with the ancient secrets of his home place. Threads which were part of the original Red Magic story are elaborated, especially when some very old "chickens" come home to roost, turning the lives of the brother and sister upside down. I wanted very much to link the shape-shifter experience to the prehistoric -- a.k.a. sublime -- images discovered on the walls of caves all over the world. In "Black Magic," both the horned god and the wolf man enter our reality.

Sunday's Child: 2nd Edition (Heroines Born on Different Days of the Week #1)

by Rosemary Morris

Georgianne Whitley’s beloved father and brothers died in the war against Napoleon Bonaparte. While she is grieving for them, she must deal with her unpredictable mother’s sorrow, and her younger sisters’ situation caused by it. Georgianne’s problems increase when the arrogant, wealthy but elderly Earl of Pennington, proposes marriage to her for the sole purpose of being provided with an heir. At first she is tempted by his proposal, but something is not quite right about him. She rejects him not suspecting it will lead to unwelcome repercussions. Once, Georgianne had wanted to marry an army officer. Now, she decides never to marry ‘a military man’ for fear he will be killed on the battlefield. However, Georgianne still dreams of a happy marriage before unexpected violence forces her to relinquish the chance to participate in a London Season sponsored by her aunt. Shocked and in pain, Georgianne goes to the inn where her cousin Sarah’s step-brother, Major Tarrant, is staying, while waiting for the blacksmith to return to the village and shoe his horse. Recently, she has been reacquainted with Tarrant—whom she knew when in the nursery—at the vicarage where Sarah lives with her husband Reverend Stanton. When Georgianne, arrives at the inn, quixotic Tarrant sympathises with her unhappy situation. Moreover, he is shocked by the unforgivable, brutal treatment she has suffered. Full of admiration for her beauty and courage Tarrant decides to help Georgianne.

Yvonne, Lady of Cassio (Lovages Of Cassio Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Rosemary Morris

When Yvonne and Elizabeth, daughters of ruthless Simon Lovage, Earl of Cassio, are born under the same star to different mothers, no one could have foretold their lives would be irrevocably entangled. Against the background of Edward II’s turbulent reign in the thirteenth century, Yvonne, Lady of Cassio, contains imaginary and historical characters. It is said the past is a foreign country in which things were done differently. Nevertheless, although that is true of attitudes, such as those towards women and children, our ancestors were also prompted by ambition, anger, greed, jealousy, humanity, duty, loyalty, unselfishness and love. From early childhood, despite those who love her and want to protect her, Yvonne is forced to face difficult economic, personal and political circumstances, during a long, often bitter struggle.

Tuesday's Child (Heroines Born on Different Days of the Week #3)

by Rosemary Morris

Harriet Stanton followed the drum until the deaths of her husband and father, army officers in the war against Napoleon Bonaparte. Destitute, on the verge of starvation, she returns to England, with her three-year old son, Arthur. Although she has never met her father-in-law, the Earl of Pennington, with whom her late husband had cut all ties, for Arthur’s sake, Harriet decides to ask Pennington for help. Turned away from his London house by servants, she is rescued by Georgianne Tarrant, who founded an institution to help soldiers’ widows and orphans. Desperate for an heir, the earl welcomes Harriet, and Arthur whose every wish he grants. At first, Harriet is grateful to her father-in-law, but, as time goes she is locked in a silent battle to control Arthur, who has tantrums if he is denied anything. After Pennington refuses his permission for Arthur to swim in the lake, Arthur defies him. About to drown, he is rescued by charismatic Dominic, Reverend Markham, the Earl and Countess Faucon’s son. At the lakeside, Dominic meets Harriet. She is so dainty that his immediate impression is of a fairy. Despite her appearance, he is mistaken. Harriet is not a pampered lady by birth. During brutal campaigns, she milked goats and cooked over camp fires.

Rose's Precarious Quest

by Diane Scott Lewis

Rose Gwynn is determined to study as a physician in 1796 in England, a time when women were barred from medical school. When she prevails in assisting the local doctor, Rose uncovers a shocking secret that will threaten Dr. Nelson’s livelihood. Servant Catern Tresidder returns to the Cornish village to confront the man who raped her and committed murder. After Rose’s sister is betrothed to this brutal earl, Catern struggles with her demons to warn Rose of the truth. Rose’s attraction to a man far beneath her further complicates her situation. Three people fight society’s dictates to either face ruin or forge a happy ending. Through it all, the ancient stone circle near Rose’s house holds the key to her family’s past, and is positioned through the myths of Cornwall to save her sister’s life.

A Savage Exile: Vampires with Napoleon on St. Helena

by Diane Scott Lewis

Isabelle, a young French maid, follows her notorious mistress to the island of St. Helena after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo. She discovers quickly that a “beast” roams this remote island, and people are vanishing or found drained of blood. She falls in love with Saint-Denis, Napoleon’s valet, but this enigmatic young man hides a deadly secret. Hudson Lowe, the island’s governor—a vampire himself—plans to destroy the French. Isabelle rushes with her lover to stop the vicious outcome, and save her own life.

The Potter's Daughter

by Jackie Ladbury

In Edwardian England, is love powerful enough to cross the class divide? When Daniel Davenport saves Maddie Lockett and her young brother, Tom, from drowning, an immediate bond is forged between them. But Daniel is an aspiring doctor and son of a wealthy manufacturer, while Maddie is a potter’s daughter from a poverty-stricken background. Even a friendship between the two could be frowned upon, let alone anything more . . . But Maddie and Daniel want more, and as they grow closer, gossip and prejudice look set to spoil their blossoming romance. Does the young couple stand a chance when there are those who would stop at nothing to keep them apart?

Evie's Little Black Book

by Hannah Pearl

She wants to find Mr. Right—and step one is hunting down every man she’s ever kissed . . . When Evie is invited to the wedding of the guy she’d crushed on throughout her teens, it’s the final straw. What’s wrong with her and why can’t she keep a man? Between consoling herself with ice cream and chocolate and sobbing her heart out to her cousin, Evie has a brainwave—and it all centers around her little black book (well, it’s more of a floral-patterned notebook, really), which contains the details of every man she’s ever kissed or dated. Perhaps the cure for her disastrous love life has been nestled within its pages all along—or maybe she’ll learn that exes are exes for a reason . . .

The Fake Date

by Lynda Stacey

A woman left for dead fights for survival—and justice—in this chilling psychological thriller. Nine hours and eleven minutes. That’s how long it’s been since Ella Hope was beaten to within an inch of her life and left for dead. She lies, unable to move and praying for somebody to find her, as she counts down the minutes and wonders who could have hated her enough to have hurt her so badly. Was it the man she went on a date with the previous evening, the man linked to the deaths of two other women? Or somebody else, somebody who wants her out of the picture so much they’re willing to kill? Whoever it is, they will pay. All Ella has to do first is survive . . .

Roan Rose

by Juliet Waldron

More like a gangland war for turf and loot than chivalry, the War of Roses disrupted the life of the English commoners for hundreds of years. Roan Rose is the story of one of these, a girl born on the Yorkshire dales. When the Countess of Warwick, decides to take sturdy, gentle Rose to Middleham Castle to be companion and bed-time poppet for her youngest daughter, her fate is changed forever. Rose bonds strongly with Anne Neville, her young mistress. She also meets a royal boy enduring his knightly training—Richard of Gloucester, King Edward’s little brother. The noble children have illness and accidents as they grow, but Rose remains a constant, always there to nurse and serve. Rose bears intimate witness to the passions, betrayals, battles and all the reversals of fortune which will shape her lady’s life—and her own. Anne Neville will briefly become a Queen, and Richard, Rose’s secret love, will become a King, one whose name has become synonymous with evil. When the King is betrayed and slain at Bosworth Field, Rose returns to a peasant’s hard life. She has one final service to perform.

Hostage to the Revolution

by Diane Scott Lewis

Sequel to Escape the Revolution. In 1796, ruined countess Bettina Jonquiere leaves England after the reported drowning of her lover, Everett. In New Orleans she struggles to establish a new life for her children. Soon a ruthless Frenchman demands the money stolen by her father at the start of the French Revolution. Bettina is forced on a dangerous mission to France to recover the funds. She unravels dark family secrets, but will she find the man she lost as well?


by Jamie Hill

The first glimpse of a person, someone so breathtaking it's almost stunning. That heart-stopping moment when gazes lock across a crowded room. Finding the courage to speak over the noisy thrumming of a heartbeat. Feelings so intense, they tend to make one's actions a bit impulsive. Four stories of spicy, sweet, sassy romance. Three Wishes, All That Jazz, Playing With Destiny and High Maintenance. Three Wishes: While visiting Madame Zena’s Mystical Shoppe, Macy Green discovers a dusty old bottle she never imagines could actually be magical. (paranormal romance) All That Jazz: Devon Knight has a secret. He's been watching his neighbor, beautiful Gia Malone, through their apartment windows, every day while he practices his trumpet. (sweet romance) Playing With Destiny: When beautiful witch Calista Canyon discovers the man of her dreams living right next door, she tries everything she can think of, short of magic, to get him to notice her. (paranormal romance) High Maintenance: Deidre North is enjoying a family ski vacation after Christmas, when an accident sidelines her from the slopes with a cast on her leg. (sweet romance)

Colton's Folly

by Renee Simons

Abby Colton knew she’d been asked to teach at the reservation school only because they couldn’t find a better candidate. According to Cat Tallman, a better candidate would have been native American instead of a white woman. Determined to fight her in every way he could, there were moments when a look, even a touch, threatened his resolve and tested Abby’s certainty that letting him get too close would be a very foolish pleasure. Whether right or wrong, these two face a bumpy ride.

Dearest Enemy

by Renee Simons

When Callie Patterson roars into Blue Sky, New Mexico, on her Harley she disturbs more than the quiet of the dying gold mining town. She unnerves the townsfolk who want to reopen a long dead mine that conflicts with her plan to turn her family’s Victorian mansion into a tourist haven and art colony . She stirs up old memories for Mercedes Gunn who fears the discovery of long-held secrets, and for Fernando Moreno, once the love of her now-deceased grandmother. Most of all, she shakes up the mostly well-ordered future that sheriff Luc Moreno has planned to protect his own family and their home. Being on opposite sides of the valley’s future threatens a growing attraction. Will it ultimately destroy any hope for love to blossom?

Eye of the Storm

by Renee Simons

Five years after his imprisonment for treason, Marine Corps Major Michael Stormwalker gets a chance to prove his innocence. The one person qualified to help him uncover the truth, however, has other plans. Convinced he murdered her fiance, Alexandra McLaren means to see that Stormwalker goes straight back to Leavenworth. Sparks fly in the clash between a seemingly immovable object and an equally irresistable force. The sexual sizzle ignites Stormwalker's love for the auburn-haired beauty, who becomes as vital to his happiness as the restoration of his honor, the pride of his people and his career.

Safe Haven

by Renee Simons

Waging war on the mob may not be smart, but Jordan VanDien and architect Ethan Caldwell are after the men who, years earlier, destroyed Jordan's family and now threaten Ethan's future. Scarred by childhood trauma, the two loners never expected to battle an unwanted attraction. Yet hard as they try to fight their feelings, a common purpose and shared danger ignite a spark that grows to a flame neither can deny. In their quest for justice, will they let that fire die or can the beauty with a dark past and the guilt-laden Aussie transplant find a haven in each other's arms?

The Roman Phelera: The Vines of Bordessi (The Vines of Bordessi #1)

by Robbi Perna

Twins Paolo and Carlo Cavaleri are inseparable and share everything as they’ve done for their entire lives. When tragedy strikes, the other must continue alone. Carlo buries himself in his work as a wine broker, his grief submerging the other facets of his life. <P><P>Then the Fates intervene, setting the stage for the twins to share one last adventure. Carlo wakes up in the middle of a Roman battlefield with Paolo as his comrade in arms. As rational man, Carlo knows it’s only a dream, but it teaches him one of life’s basic truths. <P><P>As long he keeps Paolo alive in his memories, they will both fulfill their destinies. Not even the antagonism between Carlo and Andiana Allegretti, the daughter of the mysterious owner of an abandoned vineyard near his parent’s winery, can dim the experience. <P><P>Will Carlo’s destiny include Andiana...or must he find another path? A bronze and silver Roman phalera may hold the answer.

Tangled Love

by Rosemary Morris

Tangled Love is the story of two great estates. The throne has been usurped by James II’s daughter and son-in-law, Mary and William of Orange. In 1693, loyal to his oath of allegiance, ten-year old Richelda’s father must follow James to France. Before her father leaves, he gives her a ruby ring she will treasure and wear on a chain round her neck. In return, Richelda swears an oath to try to regain their ancestral home, Field House. By the age of eighteen, Richelda’s beloved parents are dead. She believes her privileged life is over. At home in dilapidated Belmont House, her only companions are her mother’s old nurse and her devoted dog, Puck. Clad in old clothes, she dreams of elegant dresses, and trusts her childhood friend Dudley, a poor parson’s son, who promised to marry her, but he is not as he seems. Richelda’s wealthy aunt takes her to London and arranges her marriage to Viscount Chesney, the new owner of Field House. Richelda is torn between love for Dudley and her oath to regain Field House, where it is rumoured there is treasure. If she finds it, Richelda hopes to ease their lives. However, while searching for it, will her life be in danger?

Cabin Fever

by Sheila Claydon

In Sheila Claydon's Cabin Fever, published by Books We Love, the Osprey cruise ship is in trouble. Can Ellie Masters and Andy Smith solve the problem? When they join the ship in New Zealand they soon discover that it’s going to be hard work all the way to Australia. Not that either of them intend to let long hours get in the way of their blossoming love affair...until Ellie develops feet of clay..or is it Andy who is the problem? Is he really who he says he is? They joined the ship to help the crew, but now it’s Ellie and Andy who need help. Will they get it or is it already too late?

A Touch of Magic

by June Gadsby

Lorna is trying to rebuild her life after the war that robbed her of her husband and her son of a father he never knew. However, eleven-year-old Simon refuses to accept that Max is dead. Lorna does not believe in miracles, but it is Christmas and all Simon asks is the chance to see the place where his father’s plane crashed. In the dense Basque forest, a man called Olentzero brings a touch of magic back into their lives…

My Mozart

by Juliet Waldron

Mozart was her teacher, her mentor, her rescuer--and, finally, fatally, her lover. At dawn, in the marble palace of a Prince, a nine-year-old sings for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, then at the peak of his career. Always delighted by musical children, he accepts Nanina as a pupil. Gifted, intense and imaginative, she sees the great "Kapellmeister Mozart” as an avatar of Orpheus and her own, personal divinity. His lessons are irregular and playful, but the teacher/pupil bond grows strong. Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro premieres, and Nanina, now twelve, is given a solo part. For her, this is the beginning of a long stage career. For Mozart, it marks the start of his ruin. His greatest works will be composed in poverty and obscurity.

Red Magic: Magic Colors (Magic Colors #1)

by Juliet Waldron

Red-headed Caterina von Velsen, a tomboy and superb horsewoman, detests her older sister's husband-to-be. Christoph von Hagen is handsome and brave, but he is also a Casanova, a man with a reputation that stretches from his mountain manor all the way to Vienna. When Caterina’s older sister dies in a riding accident only a week before the wedding, she is forced to take her place. Now Caterina belongs to the very man she believes to be “a cold-hearted rake.” There is magic in Christoph’s lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina’s aunt gave her long ago. Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband’s magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman’s transition from rebellious girl to adored--and adoring--wife.There is magic in Christoph’s lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina’s aunt gave her long ago. Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband’s magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman’s transition from rebellious girl to adored, and adoring, wife.

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