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Showing 76,901 through 76,925 of 100,000 results

Lone Wolf One

by Rae Monet

The year is 2513.Growing fatigued with the Realm cargo runs and ready for a much needed rest, Solarian Wolf Warrior Lenora Karom knew this last journey to Elnar was critical to the Realm.The first to join the Solarian space program, Kabe Folker had been trapped on Elnar for over ten years. Joining the rebellion was his only way to survive, his only hope. Sacrificing himself as the rebel leader for the cause was the inevitable ... being rescued by Lenora was not.

The Lost Wolf Warrior

by Rae Monet

The year is 1311. Serena de Reincolt, a young Warrior of the Wolf, is tasked with a quest: Retrieve the sacred scrolls of Solaria and the outlawed murderer, Ziem.Failure means certain death for the Solarians.Found at age six in the Forest of the Dean with no memory of his former life, Lord Roan Aston, The Wolf, has always felt a part of him was missing.One thing Roan knows for certain--he is finished with warring. Taking up King Edward's offer to protect a castle on the Scottish border, Roan is as content as he can be.It wasn't until Roan met an incredible woman in the most extraordinary circumstances that he pieced together his purpose in life. But their journey is fraught with danger and a vengeful King who will stop at nothing less than eradication of all those he feels threaten his rule.Suddenly, Roan and Serena are protecting more than a society of gifted people; they are fighting for their lives, their love, and a fantastic legend.

Racing Hearts

by Rae Monet

The Company--Lovely CosmeticsMargaret Kingsdale is a shrewd, respected businesswoman. Unfortunately, her company is losing market share. Desperate times calls for drastic measures so Mrs. Kingsdale has devised a plan that will rock the male-dominated world of stock car racing.The challenging question is--who will drive?The ultimate selection turned out to be painless. Cassandra Jamison captures Mrs. Kingsdale's notice. With beauty like Cassandra's, she will sell more cosmetics than her highest paid model and the stock car racing circuit is the perfect forum.The second question is--who will train her?The admired stock car racing hero and legend Justin Steed swore after a near fatal stock car accident that he would never return to the track. Nonetheless, a lucrative offer, and a failing family ranch convinces him to take the position training Cassandra.What Justin didn't anticipate is the hot, steamy desire he experiences when their two worlds collide. Cassandra and Justin's undeniable attraction races from the sweltering streets of Tucson to the sultry nights of Daytona. Unfortunately, Margaret Kingsdale will stop at nothing to ensure the future of her business and with Justin as her professional weapon, she plays a deadly game with Cassandra's life.

The Solarian Raven

by Rae Monet

The year is 1312.For Richard de Reincolt the mark of the Raven, the Realm healer, has become a burden. Richard must absorb the life pain of each person he touches and his mind sense is exhausted. Deciding to abandon his vocation, he joins with one of Robert the Bruce Scottish clans.Richard is happy with the arrangement until he meets the one pure soul who will help him heal. With his cleansing he forges a deep, abiding love.Megan McKinney is a beautiful spirit, clean of burdens. Revered by her clan, she has an uncanny natural healing ability towards animals. A perfect fit for Richard.Unfortunately, an evil force is at work, and kidnapping Megan is the way to fire up an age-old clan feud.Can Richard save Megan?

A Viking's Vow

by Rae Monet

A female Wolf Warrior honor bound to protect the Solarian wolves, and their secrets. A fierce Viking, determined to save his people. More than weapons clash as they meet in the highland forests of Scotland in Rae Monet's hot, historical romance A Vikings Vow.The year is 1311.The day of the Viking is coming to an end.They called him Eirik the Fierce. A Norseman bred from a long line of Viking Jarls and the leader of a starving Icelandic settlement. The news from England--the King is offering a bounty equal to a year's harvest for the pelts of Scotland's wolves.What Eirik found in the highland forests of Scotland was much more valuable than he could imagine. Her name was Sable.For Sable, protecting the lives of the Solarian wolves is ingrained into the soul of every Wolf Warrior. When the battle-trained Norsemen invade the Realm territory, Sable has no choice but to fight. Forced into submission and taken prisoner Sable must surrender or die.However, Eirik will find a female Wolf Warrior of the highest order does not take well to a life of Viking slave and he begins to wonder which of them has become enslaved.

The Winner's Circle

by Rae Monet

The roar of the track and thrill of the ride keep driver Shawn Lewin in the game, but the good old boys' network blocks her out of the pro cup circuit. When sponsor Lovely Cosmetics' female driver retires, Shawn steps up to take her place. She refuses to stop for anything or anyone, not even her walk-on-the-wild-side foxy competitor, driver Jimmy Normin.Jim isn't happy hearing Lovely's newest driver is a woman. Women have no business behind the wheel. They aren't made for the rigors of high-speed racing. When Jim gets his first look at Shawn Lewin, he quickly realizes what that hot number is good for. He's determined to have her, both on and off the track, while on his way to the Winner's Circle

Z's Story

by Rae Monet

Former FBI Agent Angel Farin has one purpose--Revenge!Angel Farin, left for dead by the criminals she was investigating, was taken out of her job before she was ready and now she's wants to find the person responsible for ending her career ... Angel's willing to step on anyone in her way ... including FBI fugitive Agent Carl Zeik.FBI Agent Carl Zeik has one purpose--Protecting Angel.Special Agent Carl Zeik is assigned the most difficult undercover job of his career--protect the big boss' daughter--Angel Farin, and finding out who's threatening her ... with or without her cooperation.Reluctantly teamed, Zeik and Angel begin to unravel the mystery behind a bank robbery gone wrong ... it seemed simple ... until they discover much more than they bargained for.

The Early Novels: Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll, The Gold Diggers, The Long Shot, and Lightfall

by Paul Monette

Four novels of humor, sex, mystery, and horror from the National Book Award–winning author of Becoming a Man. Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll: Mrs. Beth Carroll has tragically passed away. Now, it is up to the unlikely team of her lover, Phidias; her houseboy, David; David’s ex-boyfriend Rick; and a kitschy former screen goddess to protect Mrs. Carroll’s Cape Cod estate from lawyers, greedy developers, and her family in this madcap caper. The Gold Diggers: A historic Hollywood mansion seemed like the perfect place for Rita to take time away from her exhausting life and catch up with her old friend Peter and his lover, Nick. She just wasn’t counting on there being buried treasure beneath the house—or said treasure being key to their survival . . . The Long Shot: When celebrity heiress Vivien Cokes finds her husband dead of an apparent double suicide in the hot tub with his male lover, something doesn’t add up. To find the truth, she must team up with the lover’s boyfriend and descend into Los Angeles’s underbelly. Lightfall: A strange voice orders Iris Ammons to leave her idyllic life behind and move to the west coast to the village of Pitts Landing. The same voice calls upon cult leader Michael Roman. As coincidences and omens begin piling up, Iris and Michael find themselves in a dark mystery centuries in the making . . .

The Gold Diggers: A Novel (Alyson Classics Library)

by Paul Monette

Paul Monette's uproarious, sexy novel takes us deep into the glamorous world of vintage Los AngelesPerched on top of a hill in the oldest part of Bel Air, Crook House is the grand mansion that gilded Hollywood dreams are made of. It seemed like the perfect place for the exhausted and neurotic Rita to take time away from her life and catch up with her old friend Peter and his lover, Nick. What she didn't count on was her friends' emotional baggage, not to mention the suspicious tales of a buried treasure underneath the house.This second novel from Paul Monette puts a tender focus on the ways in which money and time can distort relationships, while also demonstrating how the ties between friends can endure--and even grow stronger--no matter what the distance or history. As Rita, Nick, and Peter get closer to unraveling the mystery buried underneath Crook House, they begin to learn that what they are searching for could be the key to their very survival.This ebook features an illustrated biography of Paul Monette including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the Paul Monette papers of the UCLA Library Special Collections.

Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll: A Novel

by Paul Monette

Now that Mrs. Carroll has died, the race for control of her elegant home has begun<P> It is incredible how the death of a loved one can bring people together. Especially when greedy developers waste no time in attempting to steal the Cape Cod estate of the person in question.Before she could add a stipulation to her will requiring that the house not be bought up and razed for development, Mrs. Carroll tragically passed away. Now, it is up to her lover, Phidias, and her houseboy, David, to take care of the place once again. However, they cannot do it alone. They will need the help of people ranging from David's ex-boyfriend Rick to a kitschy former screen goddess.<P> Written not long after Paul Monette moved to Los Angeles, his first novel is a madcap caper featuring a cast of characters willing to do anything to fulfill a dying woman's final wish--even if that means impersonating her while hiding her dead body from the nosy lawyers scouring her estate.<P> This ebook features an illustrated biography of Paul Monette including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the Paul Monette papers of the UCLA Library Special Collections.

Un burka por amor: La Emotiva Historia De Una Espanola Atrapada En Afganistan

by Reyes Monforte

Atrapada en un país que no es el suyo. Sometida a unas costumbres desconocidas. Incapaz de escapar. Esta es la historia de María Galera, la novela con la que Reyes Monforte conquistó al público y a la crítica. Versión actualizada y revisada por la autora Fue en Londres cuando la vida de la joven mallorquina comenzó a cambiar, el mismo día en que conoció a Nasrad. Los dos se enamoraron perdidamente y María, en un acto de fe, se convirtió al islam para casarse con él. Cuando al poco tiempo Nasrad tuvo que volver a Afganistán, su país de origen, ella decidió acompañarlo. Fue entonces cuando empezó la pesadilla. Obligados a acatar las leyes del régimen talibán, con el comienzo de la guerra ambos quedaron atrapados en el país, sin recursos, dinero ni documentación. A pesar de las precarias circunstancias en las que se encontraban, María dio a luz a dos hijos, pero la vida allí era cada vez más difícil. Necesitaba salir de Afganistán. Fue con la noticia de su tercer embarazo cuando se decidió a pedir ayuda. Impulsada por el amor a su familia, se puso en contacto con el programa Cinco Lunas, de Reyes Monforte, y su historia trascendió al mundo periodístico... Una historia dura y necesaria que demuestra que el amor puede superar todas las barreras.

La memoria de la lavanda

by Reyes Monforte

Reyes Monforte, autora de Un burka por amor y Una pasión rusa, regresa con una gran novela sobre la pérdida, el duelo, el amor y la esperanza. «Morí un 3 de mayo. Ese día dejé de respirar, de sentir, de oír, de pensar, de reír. Lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida es amar y ser amado. Y perder esa sensación es mucho más doloroso que no tenerla nunca.» Dos meses después de la muerte de Jonas, Lena, fotógrafa profesional, reúne el valor necesario para cumplir la última voluntad de su marido: esparcir sus cenizas en los campos de lavanda del corazón de la Alcarria. Allí se reúne con el grupo de amigos de Jonas, entre ellos Daniel, su primo hermano, un sacerdote con el que comparte los sentimientos de amor y pérdida, y que guarda para sí muchos silencios. Sin embargo, igual que se heredan los afectos, se heredan también los odios. Lena deberá lidiar con la presencia amenazante de su cuñado Marco, un hombre envidioso y mezquino que no está dispuesto a respetar su duelo. Coincidiendo con el Festival de la Lavanda, recordará su historia de amor con Jonas y todo lo que se llevó consigo, reforzará lazos de amistad y desvelará secretos familiares escondidos durante demasiado tiempo.

La memoria de la lavanda

by Reyes Monforte

Reyes Monforte, autora de Un burka por amor y Una pasión rusa, regresa con una gran novela sobre la pérdida, el duelo, el amor y la esperanza. «Morí un 3 de mayo. Ese día dejé de respirar, de sentir, de oír, de pensar, de reír. Lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida es amar y ser amado. Y perder esa sensación es mucho más doloroso que no tenerla nunca.» Dos meses después de la muerte de Jonas, Lena, fotógrafa profesional, reúne el valor necesario para cumplir la última voluntad de su marido: esparcir sus cenizas en los campos de lavanda del corazón de la Alcarria. Allí se reúne con el grupo de amigos de Jonas, entre ellos Daniel, su primo hermano, un sacerdote con el que comparte los sentimientos de amor y pérdida, y que guarda para sí muchos silencios. Sin embargo, igual que se heredan los afectos, se heredan también los odios. Lena deberá lidiar con la presencia amenazante de su cuñado Marco, un hombre envidioso y mezquino que no está dispuesto a respetar su duelo. Coincidiendo con el Festival de la Lavanda, recordará su historia de amor con Jonas y todo lo que se llevó consigo, reforzará lazos de amistad y desvelará secretos familiares escondidos durante demasiado tiempo. La crítica ha dicho...«Pese a la continua y acertada tensión que nos hace regresar a nuestras propias lesiones, su lectura, tan intimista, está dominada por una celebración de la vida, aunque flote durante toda la historia el pensamiento mágico de lo que pudiera no haber sucedido. [...] La autora logra contar desde las entrañas lo mil veces narrado de forma tan primitiva e íntima como su propio daño con una estructura altamente cinematográfica, tan hiriente como balsámica. Y acierta de pleno.»Ángeles Lopez, La Razón En los blogs...«La memoria de la lavanda es un cuaderno de bitácora para atravesar el duelo, que nos acerca unos a otros, que nos despoja de banalidades, que nos humaniza y nos iguala. He salido de este viaje a Tármino con ganas de visitar los campos de lavanda y hacerle una visita a Jonas y así decirle que yo, al igual que Lena, nunca lo olvidaré.»Blog Lecturápolis

Beyond the Highland Mist (Highlander #1)

by Karen Marie Moning

He would sell his warrior soul to possess her. . . . An alluring laird...He was known throughout the kingdom as Hawk, legendary predator of the battlefield and the boudoir. No woman could refuse his touch, but no woman ever stirred his heart--until a vengeful fairy tumbled Adrienne de Simone out of modern-day Seattle and into medieval Scotland. Captive in a century not her own, entirely too bold, too outspoken, she was an irresistible challenge to the sixteenth-century rogue. Coerced into a marriage with Hawk, Adrienne vowed to keep him at arm's length--but his sweet seduction played havoc with her resolve.A prisoner in time...She had a perfect "no" on her perfect lips for the notorious laird, but Hawk swore she would whisper his name with desire, begging for the passion he longed to ignite within her. Not even the barriers of time and space would keep him from winning her love. Despite her uncertainty about following the promptings of her own passionate heart, Adrienne's reservations were no match for Hawk's determination to keep her by his side. . . .From the Paperback edition.

Bloodfever: Fever Series Book 2 (Fever Series, Book #2)

by Karen Marie Moning

I used to think my sister and I were just two nice southern girls who'd get married in a few years and settle down to a quiet life. Then I discovered that Alina and I descend, not from good wholesome southern stock, but from an ancient Celtic bloodline of powerful sidhe-seers, people who can see the Fae. Not only can I see the terrifying otherworldly race, but I can sense the sacred Fae relics that hold the deadliest of their magic. When my sister was found dead in a trash-filled alley in Dublin, I came over to get answers. Now all I want is revenge. And after everything I've learned about myself, I know I have the power to get it.... MacKayla Lane's ordinary life underwent a complete makeover when she landed on Ireland's shores and was plunged into a world of deadly sorcery and ancient secrets. In her fight to stay alive, Mac must find the Sinsar Dubh-a million-year-old book of the blackest magic imaginable, which holds the key to power over both the worlds of the Fae and of Man. Pursued by Fae assassins, surrounded by mysterious figures she knows she cannot trust, Mac finds herself torn between two deadly and irresistible men: V'lane, the insatiable Fae who can turn sensual arousal into an obsession for any woman, and the ever-inscrutable Jericho Barrons, a man as alluring as he is mysterious. For centuries the shadowy realm of the Fae has coexisted with that of humans. Now the walls between the two are coming down, and Mac is the only thing that stands between them. ...


by Karen Marie Moning

I used to be your average, everyday girl but all that changed one night in Dublin when I saw my first Fae, and got dragged into a world of deadly immortals and ancient secrets ...In her fight to stay alive, MacKayla must find the Sinsar Dubh - a million-year-old book of the blackest magic imaginable, which holds the key to power over the worlds of both the Fae and Man. Pursued by assassins, surrounded by mysterious figures she knows she can't trust, Mac finds herself torn between two deadly and powerful men: V'lane, the immortal Fae Prince, and Jericho Barrons, a man as irresistible as he is dangerous.For centuries the shadowy realm of the Fae has coexisted with that of humans. Now the walls between the two are coming down, and Mac is the only thing that stands between them.


by Karen Marie Moning

I used to be your average, everyday girl but all that changed one night in Dublin when I saw my first Fae, and got dragged into a world of deadly immortals and ancient secrets ...In her fight to stay alive, MacKayla must find the Sinsar Dubh - a million-year-old book of the blackest magic imaginable, which holds the key to power over the worlds of both the Fae and Man. Pursued by assassins, surrounded by mysterious figures she knows she can't trust, Mac finds herself torn between two deadly and powerful men: V'lane, the immortal Fae Prince, and Jericho Barrons, a man as irresistible as he is dangerous.For centuries the shadowy realm of the Fae has coexisted with that of humans. Now the walls between the two are coming down, and Mac is the only thing that stands between them.

Burned: Fever Series Book 7 (Fever #7)

by Karen Marie Moning

"Mac is back and badder than ever!"--#1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. WardMacKayla Lane and Jericho Barrons return in Burned, the latest novel in the blockbuster Fever series from Karen Marie Moning. It's easy to walk away from lies. Power is another thing. MacKayla Lane would do anything to save the home she loves. A gifted sidhe-seer, she's already fought and defeated the deadly Sinsar Dubh--an ancient book of terrible evil--yet its hold on her has never been stronger. When the wall that protected humans from the seductive, insatiable Fae was destroyed on Halloween, long-imprisoned immortals ravaged the planet. Now Dublin is a war zone with factions battling for control. As the city heats up and the ice left by the Hoar Frost King melts, tempers flare, passions run red-hot, and dangerous lines get crossed. Seelie and Unseelie vie for power against nine ancient immortals who have governed Dublin for millennia; a rival band of sidhe-seers invades the city, determined to claim it for their own; Mac's former protégé and best friend, Dani "Mega" O'Malley, is now her fierce enemy; and even more urgent, Highland druid Christian MacKeltar has been captured by the Crimson Hag and is being driven deeper into Unseelie madness with each passing day. The only one Mac can depend on is the powerful, dangerous immortal Jericho Barrons, but even their fiery bond is tested by betrayal. It's a world where staying alive is a constant struggle, the line between good and evil is blurred, and every alliance comes at a price. In an epic battle against dark forces, Mac must decide who she can trust, and what her survival is ultimately worth.Advance praise for Burned "Dark, delicious suspense! Karen Marie Moning is my author of choice and Fever is my series of choice for action-packed suspense with a spine-tingling paranormal twist."--#1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner"A masterwork by an incomparable writer. Burned is brilliant, sexy, and dangerous. I adore Moning! No one does it better."--#1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day "Prepare for a heart-stopping trip into the epic Fever world, filled with gasp-out-loud surprises and sweltering sensuality."--#1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole "Burned gets the highest rating from me. I wanted to run through town shouting 'Mac is back! Mac is back!' Grab some snacks, something to drink, and settle down for a cover-to-cover read that will likely keep you up all night."--New York Times bestselling author Linda HowardFrom the Hardcover edition.

The Dark Highlander (Highlander #5)

by Karen Marie Moning

Journey to a world of ancient magic, breathtaking sensuality, thrilling time-travel.... Journey to the world of The Dark Highlander. Crisscrossing the continents and the centuries, here is a novel as gripping as it is sensual--an electrifying adventure that will leave you breathless....I am Dageus MacKeltar, a man with one good conscience and thirteen bad ones, driven to sate my darkest desires...From his penthouse lair high above Manhattan, Dageus looks out over a glittering city that calls to the darkness within him. A sixteenth-century Scot trapped between worlds, he is fighting a losing battle with the thirteen Druids who possess his soul, dooming him to an eternity of sexual pursuit. When Chloe Zanders, student of antiquities, is drawn into his world, she finds the insatiable alpha male an irresistible lure.Before long, she is caught up in an ancient prophecy that will sweep her back into time to medieval Scotland. Plunged into a world of timeless magic and dark seduction, she will soon face the challenge of a lifetime: fighting thirteen evil spirits for the heart of one irresistible man....From the Paperback edition.


by Karen Marie Moning

'My philosophy is pretty simple: any day nobody's trying to kill me is a good day in my book. I haven't had many good days lately.'MacKayla Lane's life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that only breaks down every other week or so. In other words, she's your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman.Or so she thinks ... until something extraordinary happens.When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death - a cryptic message on Mac's cell phone - Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister's killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed - a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae ...


by Karen Marie Moning

'My philosophy is pretty simple: any day nobody's trying to kill me is a good day in my book. I haven't had many good days lately.'MacKayla Lane's life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that only breaks down every other week or so. In other words, she's your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman.Or so she thinks ... until something extraordinary happens.When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death - a cryptic message on Mac's cell phone - Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister's killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed - a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae ...

Darkfever: Fever Series Book 1 (Fever Series, Book #1)

by Karen Marie Moning

MacKayla Lane's life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that breaks down only every other week or so. In other words, she's your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman. Or so she thinks-until something extraordinary happens. When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death; a cryptic message on Mac's cell phone, Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister's killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed, a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae. As Mac delves deeper into the mystery of her sister's death, her every move is shadowed by the dark, mysterious Jericho, a man with no past and only mockery for a future. As she begins to close in on the truth, the ruthless Vlane, an alpha Fae who makes sex an addiction for human women, closes in on her. And as the boundary between worlds begins to crumble, Mac's true mission becomes clear: find the elusive Sinsar Dubh before someone else claims the all-powerful Dark Book; because whoever gets to it first holds nothing less than complete control of the very fabric of both worlds in their hands.

Dreamfever: Fever Series Book 4 (Fever Series, Book #4)

by Karen Marie Moning

MacKayla Lane lies naked on the cold stone floor of a church, at the mercy of the erotic Fae master she once swore to kill. Far from home, unable to control her sexual hungers, MacKayla is now fully under the Lord Master's spell....In New York Times bestselling author Karen Marie Moning's stunning new novel, the walls between human and Fae worlds have come crashing down. And as Mac fights for survival on Dublin's battle-scarred streets, she will embark on the darkest--and most erotically charged--adventure of her life.He has stolen her past, but MacKayla will never allow her sister's murderer to take her future. Yet even the uniquely gifted sidhe-seer is no match for the Lord Master, who has unleashed an insatiable sexual craving that consumes Mac's every thought--and thrusts her into the seductive realm of two very dangerous men, both of whom she desires but dares not trust. As the enigmatic Jericho Barrons and the sensual Fae prince V'lane vie for her body and soul, as cryptic entries from her sister's diary mysteriously appear and the power of the Dark Book weaves its annihilating path through the city, Mac's greatest enemy delivers a final challenge....It's an invitation Mac cannot refuse, one that sends her racing home to Georgia, where an even darker threat awaits. With her parents missing and the lives of her loved ones under siege, Mac is about to come face-to-face with a soul-shattering truth--about herself and her sister, about Jericho Barrons...and about the world she thought she knew.

Dreamfever (Fever Ser. #Bk. 4)

by Karen Marie Moning

Recommended by Charlaine Harris, author of the series that inspired HBO's hit series TRUE BLOOD, this new #1 Bestselling series will take readers by storm!They may have stolen my past, but I'll never let them take my future.When the walls between Man and Fae come crashing down, freeing the insatiable, immortal Unseelie from their icy prison, MacKayla Lane is caught in a deadly trap. Captured by the Fae Lord Master, she is left with no memory of who or what she is.Clawing her way back from oblivion is only the first step Mac must take down a perilous path, from the battle-filled streets of Dublin to the treacherous politics of an ancient, secret sect, through the tangled lies of men who claim to be her allies into the illusory world of the Fae themselves, where nothing is as it seems - and Mac is forced to face a soul-shattering truth.

Dreamfever: Fever: Book Four

by Karen Marie Moning

Recommended by Charlaine Harris, author of the series that inspired HBO's hit series TRUE BLOOD, this new #1 Bestselling series will take readers by storm!They may have stolen my past, but I'll never let them take my future.When the walls between Man and Fae come crashing down, freeing the insatiable, immortal Unseelie from their icy prison, MacKayla Lane is caught in a deadly trap. Captured by the Fae Lord Master, she is left with no memory of who or what she is.Clawing her way back from oblivion is only the first step Mac must take down a perilous path, from the battle-filled streets of Dublin to the treacherous politics of an ancient, secret sect, through the tangled lies of men who claim to be her allies into the illusory world of the Fae themselves, where nothing is as it seems - and Mac is forced to face a soul-shattering truth.

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