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The Perfect Neighbour: The Macgregors (MacGregors Series #11)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMEThe last thing Preston McQuinn wants is a nosy neighbour. He wants peace, quiet and as little distraction as possible while he works on his new play. That's why he's in New York - where people leave each other alone. But Preston hadn't factored in cartoonist Cybil Campbell, the girl across the hall. Cybil is bright, beautiful, vivacious... and impossible to ignore. Thin walls and thick defences are no match for her irresistible charm. The Perfect Neighbour can be enjoyed as a hugely entertaining standalone novel. It is also the eighth instalment in the classic The MacGregors series, which begins with Playing the Odds and continues with Tempting Fate, All the Possibilities, One Man's Art, The MacGregor Brides, The Winning Hand and The MacGregor Grooms - all available as Ebooks for the first time. And look out for the prequel For Now, Forever, plus the historical MacGregor novel Rebellion and its companion novella In from the Cold. Includes a preview of Rebellion

La piedra pagana (Trilogía Signo del Siete #Volumen 3)

by Nora Roberts

No te pierdas el último libro de la trilogía «Signo del Siete» de Nora Roberts. Hawkins Hollow, Maryland, una ciudad idílica donde tres muchachos no solo comparten su fecha de nacimiento -el 7 de julio de 1977-, sino también un inocente ritual de amistad que desencadenó el mal, cambiando el curso de sus vidas y amenazando a todo aquello que conocen y que aman. Por segunda vez, Gage Turner, Fox O'Dell y Caleb Hawkins, con la ayuda de Quinn Black, Layla Darnell y Cybil Kinski, asestaron duros golpes al demonio conocido como Lazarus Twisse. Los seis intentaron restaurar la piedra que podría ser la clave para derrotar de una vez por todas al demonio. Pero Twisse no se va a rendir sin luchar. El séptimo día del séptimo mes del séptimo año llegará de nuevo al pequeño pueblo de Hawkins Hollow y Twisse está preparado para expandir muerte y destrucción a no ser que los seis lo detengan. El pequeño pueblo de Hawkins Hollow no resistirá un ataque más. El fin está más cerca que nunca.

The Playboy Prince: The Royals Of Cordina (Cordina's Royal Family #3)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMEDashing and energetic, Prince Bennett lives for the moment - taking his pleasures with an almost reckless abandon. But in the last few months he's become restless and dissatisfied - without really understanding why. When English aristocrat Lady Hannah Rothchild arrives at the palace, Bennett finds himself inexplicably drawn to the quiet, reserved young scholar. She isn't remotely his type - but there's something intriguing and mysterious about her. Very intriguing.Meanwhile Hannah is hiding a dangerous secret - one she must protect at all costs. The Cordina's royal palace is not the safe haven it appears and she must be on her guard. Yet despite all her attempts to avoid Bennett, she cannot deny her growing feelings for him - even though those feelings could destroy them both...The Playboy Prince can be read as a thrilling standalone novel. It is also the third book in the Cordina's Royal Family quartet. The series begins with Affaire Royale and Command Performance and concludes with Cordina's Crown Jewel -all now available as Ebooks for the first time. Includes a preview of Cordina's Crown Jewel

The Playboy Prince

by Nora Roberts

"Known for her ability to deliver a rich and satisfying story" (Publishers Weekly), #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts brings to life the story of Cordina's Prince Bennett... A dashing playboy, Prince Bennett can't resist the challenge of an unattainable woman. Quiet, mysterious Lady Hannah Rothchild has a careful resolve, one that Bennett is determined to break through. Love had always been a game to Bennett, but with elusive Lady Hannah he suddenly finds his heart on the line, and discovers that he's ready to play for keeps. "America's favorite writer."--The New Yorker Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels. She is also the author of the bestselling In Death series written under the pen name J. D. Robb. There are more than 400 million copies of her books in print.

Playing the Odds: The MacGregors

by Nora Roberts

<P>Serena MacGregor satisfies her thirst for freedom and adventure on the open seas, as a blackjack dealer on a cruise ship. There, no one knows about her wealthy upbringing, but the mysterious Justin Blade recognizes something different in the elegant blonde. And when he saunters up to her table, he decides to take the biggest gamble of his life--by playing for keeps... <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Playing the Odds: The Macgregors (MacGregors Series #1)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMESerena MacGregor has always had a taste for excitement and adventure. After years of study she has escaped her family's expectations for a life on the open seas - as a blackjack dealer on a cruise ship. No one on board knows about her wealthy upbringing - but the mysterious and charismatic gambler Justin Blade recognises a kindred spirit, and is determined to learn more. When he saunters up to Serena's table, he decides to take the biggest gamble of his life - by playing for keeps...Playing the Odds can be enjoyed as a hugely entertaining standalone novel. It is also book one in the classic series The MacGregors, which continues with Tempting Fate, All the Possibilities, One Man's Art, The MacGregor Brides, The Winning Hand, The MacGregor Grooms and The Perfect Neighbour - all available as Ebooks for the first time. And look out for the prequel For Now, Forever, plus the historical MacGregor novel Rebellion and its companion novella In from the Cold. Includes a preview of Tempting Fate

Polos opuestos (Sacred Sins #Volumen 1)

by Nora Roberts

Las investigaciones para dar con un asesino perturbado unirán los caminos de una bella psiquiatra y un taciturno detective. Son opuestos en tantas cosas..., y sin embargo eso solo atiza más las llamas de la atracción. Una serie de asesinatos mantiene en vilo al departamento de policía de Washington y más concretamente al detective Ben Paris. Uno tras otro, los cadáveres de mujeres rubias y de complexión ligera aparecen estrangulados en distintos puntos de la ciudad. Ninguna de ellas presenta signos de violencia. El arma homicida siempre es la misma, una prenda marcada con una cruz. Sobre los cuerpos, una nota: «Su pecado le es perdonado». Ningún otro vínculo parece relacionar las distintas muertes. Sin más pistas a las que aferrarse, Ben Paris no tiene más remedio que colaborar con la distante y prestigiosa psiquiatra Tess Court, quien no tarda en trazar el perturbador perfil de un alma torturada. Pero al mujeriego y atormentado detective le cuesta concentrarse. Está distraído por esa mujer tan fría y calculadora que no para de desafiarle con sus ridículas teorías. No podrían ser más incompatibles y, sin embargo, ninguno de los dos puede evitar embarcarse en un peligroso juego de atracción y deseo que les impedirá ver lo que resulta evidente: Tess es rubia, Tess es frágil, y su nombre aparece en la lista de un hombre que solo tiene una misión: salvarla de sus pecados. La crítica ha dicho...«La mejor escritora romántica. Nora Roberts me fascina.»Stephen King «Nora Roberts, una consumada artista del lenguaje, da vida a sus historias y a sus personajes con magistral brío y vitalidad.»Los Ángeles Daily News «Millones de lectores devotos de Nora Roberts han visto sus vidas transformadas por su obra.»Time

The Pride of Jared MacKade

by Nora Roberts

He was a man who stood for something, and never turned his back on a fight. So when Jared MacKade's work as an attorney brought him up against Savannah Morningstar, her rude behavior and strong defenses weren't going to stop him.Savannah was the type of woman who defeated odds brutally stacked against her. And once he got to know her, Jared was determined to be the man to stand beside her in the fight.

The Pride of Jared MacKade

by Nora Roberts

The irresistible MacKade brothers return in this fan-favorite book from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts.Jared MacKade believes in taking a stand, and he never turns his back on a fight. So when his work as an attorney brings him up against Savannah Morningstar, her rude behavior and strong defenses aren’t nearly enough to scare him off—quite the opposite. While Savanah is understandably reluctant to let another man into her and her son’s life, Jared can’t help but fall for the sinfully sexy woman. And the more he gets to know her and her son, the more determined he is to stand by her always.Originally published in 1995.

The Pride of Jared MacKade: The Return Of Rafe Mackade The Pride Of Jared Mackade The Heart Of Devin Mackade The Fall Of Shane Mackade (MacKade Brothers #2)

by Nora Roberts

Don’t miss the next fan-favorite story in the MacKade Brothers series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts!Jared MacKade always fights for what’s right. As a kid he was competitive, and that spirit has continued in his career as an attorney. So when a challenge arrives in the form of stubborn single mother Savannah Morningstar, Jared won’t be deterred by her cool and defensive attitude—quite the opposite. Jared is drawn in by the strong woman, and though Savannah is prepared to keep her guard up, Jared knows what he wants. Not only is he interested in Savannah, he’s grown to love her son too. The former bad boy has always longed for a family of his own, and now that he’s found the one woman he wants to come home to, Jared is ready to shed his pride and take a chance on love.Previously published.

El primer y último amor (Hotel Boonsboro #Volumen 2)

by Nora Roberts

Un primer amor entre dos críos se convierte en un gran amor entre dos personas adultas en esta segunda entrega de la trilogía «Hotel Boonsboro». En la pequeña ciudad de Boonsboro, la familia Montgomery trabaja contrarreloj para convertir el histórico hotel, casi en ruinas, en un elegante hospedaje lleno de encanto. Los preparativos para la inauguración avanzan a muy buen ritmo y Owen Montgomery, el más organizado de los tres hermanos, controla cada detalle del trabajo. Lo único que no podrá prever son los sentimientos que Avery MacTavish despertará en él. Avery es la dueña de la pizzería que hay frente al hotel y está fascinada por el proceso de renovación. Se interesa por el diseño de cada rincón y Owen está más que dispuesto a enseñarle los progresos diarios. En el colegio, él fue su primer novio y desde entonces siempre ha ocupado un lugar especial en su corazón. Sin embargo, Avery no está preparada para volvera enamorarse, y este primer amor tendrá que luchar y esforzarse mucho para reconquistarla.

Private Scandals

by Nora Roberts

Deanna Reynolds has everything mapped out: her dream job, her dream life. A talented TV journalist, she is determined to make it big on her own terms. But in a world of public smiles and private feuds, Deanna has attracted some dangerous enemies - including her old mentor, the brilliant but emotionally manipulative Angela Perkins.As Deanna's star rises, she is flung together with Finn Riley, the network's most charismatic journalist. Finn is instantly attracted to Dee - but he is also Angela's ex-lover. As sparks fly between Finn and Deanna, Angela plots her revenge. But there is an even darker obsession growing in the shadows - and no one is safe.Filled with intense passions, dark obsessions and bitter feuds, Private Scandals is pure, addictive pleasure.

Private Scandals

by Nora Roberts

Deanna Reynolds had it all planned: She’d start out in the newsroom of a small Chicago station, then move up to host her own talk show. When her mentor Angela Perkins leaves for New York, Deanna risks everything for the chance to replace Angela on the air. <P><P> The network’s sexiest journalist, Finn Riley, admires Deanna’s daring ambition. But soon they are caught up in the bitter backlash of Angela’s revenge—and they must unmask the hidden betrayals of Deanna’s fiercest rival by taking the biggest risk of all…

Public Secrets: A Novel

by Nora Roberts

Emma. Beautiful, intelligent, radiantly talented, she lives in a star-studded world of wealth and privilege. But she is about to discover that fame is no protection at all when someone wants you dead....All she has to do is close her eyes and she remembers the day Brian McAvoy swept into her life. A frightened toddler, she didn't know then that she was his illegitimate daughter or that he was pop music's rising new star. All she knew was that with Brian, his bandmates, and his new wife, she felt safe. And when her baby brother arrived, Emma thought she was the luckiest girl in the world...until the night a botched kidnapping attempt shattered all their lives...and destroyed Emma's happiness.Yet now, even though Emma is still haunted by flashes of memory from that fateful night, she has survived. She's carved out a thrilling career and even dared to fall rapturously in love. But the man who will become her husband isn't all that he seems. And Emma is about to awaken to the chilling knowledge that the darkest secret of all is the one buried in her mind--a secret that someone may kill to keep.From the Paperback edition.

Un puerto de abrigo (Bahía de Chesapeake #Volumen 3)

by Nora Roberts

Cameron Ethan y Phillip puede que no compartan la misma sangre, pero conforman una familia fuerte y sólida. Por ello, al morir su padre adoptivo, Phillip vuelve a reunirse con sus hermanos para llevar a cabo una promesa. Tercera entrega de la tetralogía «Bahía de Chesapeake» La vida de los pequeños Cameron, Ethan y Phillip parecía abocada al desastre. Aunque no se conocían entre sí, los tres compartían un pasado de abusos y dificultades que dejaron atrás cuando fueron adoptados por Raymond Quinn. Ahora han crecido y juntos conforman una sólida familia que se desmorona el día en que reciben la noticia de que su padre ha sufrido un terrible accidente. Reunidos en torno a su lecho de muerte los tres le hacen una última promesa al hombre al que deben todo: cuidar de Seth, el niño que estaba a punto de adoptar... Phillip Quinn es un prestigioso publicista que disfruta de su cosmopolita vida de soltero. Desde la muerte de su padre, se ha visto obligado a dividir su precioso tiempo entre Baltimore y Saint Chris para cumplir su promesa, y está a punto de perder la cabeza. Hasta que una misteriosa psicóloga llamada Sybill llega al pueblo y lo embruja con tan solo una mirada. Esa mujer lo atrae de mil maneras diferentes, pero el vínculo secreto que la une al pequeño Seth amenazará con destruir la felicidad que, sin saberlo, Phillip lleva anhelando toda su vida. La crítica ha dicho...«La mejor Nora Roberts. Esta novela junto con las anteriores conforman una colección excelente.»Library Journal

The Quinn Brothers: 2-in-1 (Chesapeake Bay Saga #Bks. 1-2)

by Nora Roberts

Sea Swept <P> A champion boat racer, Cameron Quinn travels the world spending his winnings on champagne and women. But when his dying father calls him home to care for Seth, a troubled young boy not unlike Cameron once was, his life changes overnight. <P> Rising Tides <P> Of the three brothers, it was Ethan who shared his father's passion for the Maryland shore. And now with his father gone, Ethan is determined to make the family boat-building business a success. But amidst his achievements lie the most important challenges of his life.

The Quinn Brothers

by Nora Roberts

Internationally bestselling author Nora Roberts's presents The Quinn Brothers, which begins the story of the lives and loves of adopted brothers Ethan, Cameron, Philip and Seth Quinn. Cameron Quinn (SEA SWEPT) has lived the reckless life of a daredevil since leaving the quiet community of Chesapeake Bay. But when his dying father calls him home to care for his youngest brother Seth, his life changes overnight. Cameron has to learn to live with his brothers once again, and rivalries and resentments flare between them whilst they try to care for Seth. Only Seth's fate is in the hands of a tough but beautiful social worker. She alone has the power to bring the Quinns together - or tear them apart. Ethan Quinn (RISING TIDES) is also eager to honour their father's dying wish that their youngest brother, Seth, be cared for. Ethan finds himself the most drawn to the young boy, because both suffered horrific abuse before being adopted by the Quinns. Time hasn't extinguished Ethan's pain, however, only buried it deep within his heart, a fact that may keep him from the only woman he has ever loved.

The Quinn Legacy (Chesapeake Bay Saga #Bks. 3-4)

by Nora Roberts

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts presents the second two novels in a captivating saga about the lives and loves of four brothers on the windswept shores of the Chesapeake Bay.Inner HarborPhillip Quinn has done everything to make his life seem perfect. With his career on the fast track and a condo overlooking the Inner Harbor, his life on the street is firmly in the past. But one look at Seth and he's reminded of the boy he once was.Chesapeake BlueNow a grown man returning from Europe as a successful painter, Seth Quinn is settling down on Maryland's Eastern Shore, surrounded once again by Cam, Ethan, and Phil, their wives and children, all the blessed chaos of the extended Quinn clan. Finally, he's back in the little blue-and-white house where there's always a boat at the dock, a rocker on the porch, and a dog in the yard. Still, a lot has changed in St. Christopher since he's been gone-and the most intriguing change of all is the presence of Dru Whitcomb Banks.

The Quinn Legacy

by Nora Roberts

Internationally bestselling author Nora Roberts's presents The Quinn Legacy, which continues the story of the lives and loves of adopted brothers Ethan, Cameron, Philip and Seth Quinn. Philip Quinn (INNER HARBOUR) is juggling his high-powered advertising job and his new-found family duty of helping to care for his young adopted brother, Seth, when Dr. Sybill Griffin shows up in town. Her cool reserve intrigues Phillip. But while Sybill can't deny her own growing feelings for the charismatic Quinn, the secret she hides has the power to threaten the life that the brothers have made for Seth, and destroy any chance that the two young lovers have at happiness. Seth Quinn (CHESAPEAKE BLUE) is now an adult and a successful artist, Seth is happy to return home to Cheasapeake Bay, to the only real family he has ever known. Drusilla Whitcomb Banks is a newcomer in town. And from the first time he meets her, Seth realises that she is way out of his league. But their fledging relationship faces another threat; for if Seth is ever to win a place in Dru's affections, he must finally face up to his tragic past and the mother who sold him...


by Nora Roberts

The first historical romance from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts--a classic tale featuring her popular MacGregor family.Set in 1745, Rebellion tells the story of Serena MacGregor, whose hatred of all things English extends to her brother's friend Brigham Langston. He'll prove himself worthy of the MacGregor's respect, but piercing Serena's pride will take all the passion he can muster.

Rebellion & In From The Cold

by Nora Roberts

Two classic historical MacGregor tales--"Rebellion" and "In from the Cold."AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMEIncludes the full MacGregor historical novel plus bonus MacGregor novella.Set in 1745, "Rebellion" tells the story of Serena MacGregor, whose hatred of all things English extends to her brother's friend Brigham Langston. He'll prove himself worthy of the MacGregor's respect, but piercing Serena's pride will take all the passion he can muster. "In from the Cold" follows the MacGregors during the American Revolution. Injured minuteman Ian MacGregor flees into the wilderness, where he finds refuge for his body and soul with Irish spitfire Alanna Flynn.Includes an exclusive preview of Nora Roberts's new book The Witness.

Rebellion & In From the Cold (MacGregors Series #6)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMERebellion. Scotland, 1745 - a time of war, betrayal... and passion. Serena MacGregor's hatred of all things English extends to her brother's friend Brigham Langston. He'll prove himself worthy of the MacGregor clan's respect, but facing Serena's pride is a much harder battle to fight. Set against the fierce and bloody battle of Culloden, Rebellion is a captivating historical novel and a fascinating prequel to the classic MacGregors series. Gripping novella In From the Cold follows the MacGregors during the American Revolution. It's close to Christmas, and injured rebel Ian MacGregor flees into the wilderness, where he finds refuge for his body and soul with Irish spitfire Alanna Flynn... Rebellion and In From the Cold can be enjoyed as hugely entertaining standalone tales. They also accompany the classic The MacGregors series, which begins with Playing the Odds and continues with Tempting Fate, All the Possibilities, One Man's Art, The MacGregor Brides, The Winning Hand, The MacGregor Grooms and The Perfect Neighbour - all available as Ebooks for the first time. And look out for the prequel For Now, Forever. Includes a preview of For Now, Forever

Red Lily (In the Garden Trilogy #3)

by Nora Roberts

Three women learn that the heart of their historic home holds a mystery of years gone by, as number-one bestselling author Nora Roberts brings her In the Garden trilogy to a captivating conclusion, following Blue Dahlia and Black Rose. <P><P> A Harper has always lived at Harper House, the centuries-old mansion just outside of Memphis. And for as long as anyone alive remembers, the ghostly Harper Bride has walked the halls, singing lullabies at night... <P> Hayley Phillips came to Memphis hoping for a new start, for herself and her unborn child. She wasn't looking for a handout from her distant cousin Roz, just a job at her thriving In the Garden nursery. What she found was a home surrounded by beauty and the best friends she's ever had-including Roz's son Harper. To Hayley's delight, her new daughter Lily has really taken to him. To Hayley's chagrin, she has begun to dream about Harper-as much more than a friend... <P> If Hayley gives in to her desire, she's afraid the foundation she's built with Harper will come tumbling down. Especially since she's begun to suspect that her feelings are no longer completely her own. Flashes of the past and erratic behavior make Hayley believe that the Harper Bride has found a way inside of her mind and body. It's time to put the Bride to rest once and for all, so Hayley can know her own heart again-and whether she's willing to risk it.

Red Lily: Number 3 in series (In the Garden Trilogy #3)

by Nora Roberts

Hayley Phillips has come to Memphis hoping for a new start, for herself and her unborn child. She isn't looking for a handout from her distant older cousin, Roz, just a job. What she finds is a home complete with resident ghost, and the best friends she's ever had. And if Roz's son Harper occasionally shows up in her private fantasies as more than a friend...well, she'll just have to get over it. Her new daughter, Lily, is the focus of her life now; and Hayley is reluctant to risk her friendship with Harper and her new life on the promise of an affair. However, the ghost - a madwoman who has been haunting the family home for centuries - has now turned her attentions to Hayley, consuming her thoughts and dreams. Harper is determined to protect her, but before Hayley can begin to trust her growing feelings for him, they must battle to discover the truth behind the ghost's despair, so that they can finally lay her spirit to rest.

The Reef

by Nora Roberts

A marine archaeologist and a salvager join forces to search for a legendary treasure in this novel that takes readers to the depths of the Caribbean and the heights of passion and suspense—from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts. Tate Beaumont has a passion for treasure-hunting. Over the years, she and her father have uncovered many fabulous riches, but one treasure has always eluded them: Angelique’s Curse—a jeweled amulet heavy with history, dark with legend, and tainted with blood. In order to find this precious artifact, the Beaumonts reluctantly form a partnership with salvagers Buck and Matthew Lassiter. As the Beaumonts and Lassiters pool their resources to locate Angelique’s Curse, the Caribbean waters darken with shadowy deceptions and hidden threats. Their partnership is placed in jeopardy when Matthew refuses to share information—including the truth behind his father’s mysterious death. For now, Tate and Matthew continue their uneasy alliance—until danger and desire begin to rise to the surface…From the Paperback edition.

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