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New Game, Start (2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers)

by C. S. Poe

Reclusive medieval scholar, Edgar Royal, has a crush. On a guy. Not a big deal, except that said guy, Walter Chase, is a famous online gamer who has no idea Edgar even exists. Edgar has harbored these feelings for nearly a year, and when Walter announces on Twitter that he’ll be visiting New York City as a guest at the GamerOn convention, Edgar decides he’ll be one of the thousands of fans who responds to the message. He definitely doesn’t expect to be singled out by the humble, gorgeous, out-and-proud heartthrob. And when it comes to dealing with people, Edgar’s skills are pretty nonexistent. Even with Walter giving all the right signals, Edgar lacks the courage do anything about the mutual attraction growing through their online courtship. He’s always been better with the written word, so maybe the perfect Christmas gift will say what he cannot. But if Edgar can’t get the present to Walter before the convention ends, he may miss out on the boyfriend of a lifetime.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."

The Werewolf before Christmas (2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers)

by Charles Payseur

Ray seems like the perfect boyfriend—he’s gorgeous, incredibly romantic, and has a mechanical suit he invented to become the dastardly MantaRay. For Alec, who also spends his nights making life difficult for do-gooders everywhere, it’s a match made in supervillain heaven. Except that Ray is a bit too into the hit soap opera All My Werewolves. When tempers flare during what’s supposed to be a quiet night out, Alec nearly ruins everything over a stupid bet with an alien gorilla. Desperate to prove his feelings to Ray, and with Christmas fast approaching, Alec decides the fastest way to Ray’s heart is to embrace the thing that threatens to divide them—a certain werewolf show with a certain actor who Ray admires. A simple kidnapping promises to do the trick, only fur (and fandom) fly when Alec’s romantic gesture leads to a very hairy situation. Can Alec prove to Ray how much their relationship means to him, or will his plans be ruined by the werewolf before Christmas?A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."

Eugene and the Box of Nails (2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers)

by Jaime Samms

Every time it seems like things are looking up for Eugene Kraft, disaster hits. Bankruptcy, a bigoted sibling, and a back-breaking accident have all left him with little money and less faith in the universe. His last-ditch effort at peace is the small lakeside property where he is building a tiny house from recycled materials. If he can get it livable before the cold sets in, maybe he’ll be okay. Hopefully Cullen, the foreman on the construction site next door, won’t notice Eugene pilfering discarded materials from his dumpster. When Cullen stops by to talk to Eugene, he’s sure the gig is up—but all Cullen wants is a date. Can two things go right in Eugene’s life? At first it seems possible. Projects on Eugene’s house are getting completed by what he dubs “construction elves” while he’s off site. But like Eugene predicted, his good fortune can’t last, and soon he has a tough choice to make: give up his home… or the man of his dreams.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."

An Open Window (2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers)

by Rick R. Reed

Two men. One Christmas Eve that changes the courses of both their lives. Henry’s homeless and only wants a warm place to sleep on the coldest night of the year. A forgotten open window in a darkened house entices Henry inside with the promise of warmth and comfort. He knows it’s bad, but he promises himself he’ll be out before the owner wakes on Christmas morning. Except he oversleeps and the homeowner, Jim, discovers a bearded stranger sawing logs under his dining room table. When the shock and the drama that ensues dies down, Henry and Jim discover that they might have found, quite unexpectedly, the Christmas miracle they’d both been longing for—love and home.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."

Wofür es sich zu kämpfen lohnt

by Martina Gille Dirk Greyson

Hartwick County in South Dakota bedeutet einen neuen Anfang für Mackenzie „Mack“ Redford. Das Leben in der Großstadt war nicht das, was er erwartet hatte und nun ist er wieder zu Hause und arbeitet als Sheriff. Brantley Calderone ist ebenfalls auf der Suche nach einem neuen Leben. Nachdem er New York verlassen und eine Ranch gekauft hat, versucht er sich einzuleben und sich daran zu gewöhnen, an einem anderen Ort zu leben – bis er eine tote Frau auf seiner Veranda entdeckt und sich selbst als Haupttatverdächtigen in einem Mordfall wiederfindet. Mack und Brantley erkennen sehr bald mehrere Dinge: Irgendjemand will Brantley etwas anhängen, allein ist er nicht länger sicher auf der Ranch und zwischen ihnen entwickelt sich definitiv eine gewisse Anziehungskraft, die sich noch verstärkt, als Mack Brantley anbietet, vorübergehend bei ihm einzuziehen. Als ihre Romanze eskaliert, eskaliert auch das Verhalten des Mörders. Sie müssen ihm immer einen Schritt voraus sein und herausfinden, wer Brantley tot sehen will, ehe es zu spät ist. Nur dann können sie das neue Leben beginnen, das sie beide suchen – gemeinsam.

Sabbia e fuoco (Serie Sull'isola Di Wight Ser. #2)

by Veronica Zana Sue Brown

Seguito di Sabbia e saleSerie Sull’Isola di Wight, Libro 2Dopo la straordinaria vacanza sull’isola di Wight durante la quale ha trovato l’amore della sua vita, Sam Owens lascia andare Liam Marshall a casa, negli Stati Uniti, a chiudere le questioni in sospeso prima del loro lieto fine. Quando le comunicazioni con Liam si interrompono, Sam comincia a preoccuparsi. Temendo il peggio, ingaggia suo fratello, l’agente della polizia metropolitana inglese Paul Owens, per aiutarlo a trovare il fidanzato e riportarlo a casa sano e salvo in tempo per il matrimonio. Per Paul non è difficile sbrogliare il mistero nella piccola città d’oltreoceano. Paul è bello e apertamente bisessuale, tutte cose che aumentano lo sconforto dell’ispettore che si occupa del caso, Olaf Skandik. Olaf è un ex-militare che continua a nascondere la propria sessualità anche dopo essere entrato a far parte del dipartimento di polizia. È frustrato, accerchiato dai muri che lui stesso ha eretto, e quando incontra Paul, si domanda se sia arrivato il momento di cambiare. Mentre è alla ricerca di Liam, Paul comincia a indagare anche su Olaf, e presto il lavoro si mescola al piacere, con un pizzico d’amore che potrebbe convincere l’ispettore a creare un futuro insieme con il poliziotto inglese.

Meurtres dans la communauté gay (Une communauté ciblée #1)

by Kiéran Logan Laura Brohan John Simpson

Une communauté ciblée, tome 1Un tueur en série a pris pour cible la communauté homosexuelle, s’attaquant à eux dans les bars populaires et les parcs. Assigné à cette affaire, la nouvelle recrue Pat Saint James se sent un peu trop proche des victimes. Il est gay, mais aucun de ses collègues ne le sait. Le fait qu’on lui demande de réaliser une mission d’infiltration en se faisant passer pour un homoseuel ne manque pas d’ironie. Pat et son collègue, Hank, passent leurs soirées dans les bars afin d’obtenir des informations sur le tueur. Parallèlement, Pat est à la recherche de l’homme parfait et jongle entre trois hommes, espérant trouver le partenaire idéal. Il a rencontré Bill dans un bar, Dean est un ami de longue date… et autre ironie du sort : Hank, son partenaire, est également gay et sur la liste de ses prétendants. Comme le tueur continue à sévir, étranglant et violant ses victimes, Pat doit se concentrer sur son travail en espérant que sa vie personnelle survive à ce train de vie complètement dingue. Mais quand ses espoirs de trouver le bonheur et l’enquête se chevauchent, Pat pourrait bien foncer droit vers les problèmes.

No Tears for Darcy

by Vicki Reese

Letting love pass them by would be a crime. Former forensic accountant Cameron has lost nearly everyone he’s ever loved, and now his vintage clothing shop has been broken into and trashed. When town police chief Will Carson asks an out-of-town cop friend of his for help, Cam takes one look at the dark-haired, blue-eyed detective and knows he’s in real trouble—and it has nothing to do with vandalism or murder. Pete Minchelli is on leave from his job in Philadelphia due to a gunshot wound, but he figures he can help an academy buddy with some light police work. Plus, he’ll have a chance to experience small-town life. He’s tired of the big city and all its corruption. But he quickly discovers that not all the bad stuff happens in cities. What he doesn’t expect to find is death, treachery—or love.

Femme Faux Fatale (Dreamspun Desires #70)

by Susan Laine

Mystery. Murder. Men in silk stockings. Hollywood nights are heating up. Hardboiled Los Angeles PI Cain Noble is hired by wealthy and gorgeous Camille Astor to find her husband and a priceless work of art, both of which have disappeared. At the nightclub owned by Mr. Astor, Cain encounters the mesmerizing Lily Lavender, who has the body of a goddess and the sultry voice of an angel—but is really a young man named Riley who attracts trouble like a magnet. What’s a private dick in the vein of LA’s bygone era and a cross-dressing burlesque starlet to do when faced with the hidden decadence and lethal dangers of the Hollywood Hills? They have their work cut out for them because they haven’t even scratched the surface of an elaborate scheme more twisted than anyone could ever have imagined.

Whiskey and Moonshine: 74 (Dreamspun Desires #74)

by Elizabeth Noble

Drunk on love. Like a well-aged whiskey, master distiller and old-money entrepreneur Malone Kensington is elegant and refined. Unfortunately he’s also a perfectionist who is more dedicated to the success of his generations-old company than his own love life. That company needs a public spokesman. What Colton Hale lacks in sophistication, he more than makes up for with the charisma that’s allowed him to survive on the street from a young age and charm his way into the lucrative—if overwhelming—public position at the Kensington Distillery. When Mal takes Colt under his wing, hoping to polish off his rough edges, opposites attract and a passionate romance blossoms despite the differences in age and background. But can it survive a Kensington Board of Directors who believe Colt is nothing but a gold digger and a kidnapper determined to profit from the love of Mal’s life—dead or alive?

Plummet to Soar (Plummet to Soar #1)

by Z. A. Maxfield

A Plummet to Soar StoryFeckless, luckless, and charming, Mackenzie Detweiller is the author of a self-help book one reviewer calls “the most misbegotten motivational tool since Mein Kampf.” He’s maneuvered himself into a career as a life coach, but more often than not, his advice is bad. Really bad. It’s even getting people hurt… and Mackenzie sued. It falls to Mackenzie’s long-suffering acquisitions editor, JD Chambers, to deliver the bad news. He chooses to do so face-to-face—to see if the spark he senses between them is real when they’re together in the flesh. Unfortunately, a snowstorm, a case of nerves, a case of mistaken identity, and finally a murder get in the way of a potential enemies-to-lovers romance. There are many, many people who have good reason to want Mackenzie dead. JD must find out which one is acting on it before it’s too late for both of them.

Rebel (415 Ink Ser. #1)

by Rhys Ford

The hardest thing a rebel can do isn’t standing up for something—it’s standing up for himself. Life takes delight in stabbing Gus Scott in the back when he least expects it. After Gus spends years running from his past, present, and the dismal future every social worker predicted for him, karma delivers the one thing Gus could never—would never—turn his back on: a son from a one-night stand he’d had after a devastating breakup a few years ago. Returning to San Francisco and to 415 Ink, his family’s tattoo shop, gave him the perfect shelter to battle his personal demons and get himself together… until the firefighter who’d broken him walked back into Gus’s life. For Rey Montenegro, tattoo artist Gus Scott was an elusive brass ring, a glittering prize he hadn’t the strength or flexibility to hold on to. Severing his relationship with the mercurial tattoo artist hurt, but Gus hadn’t wanted the kind of domestic life Rey craved, leaving Rey with an aching chasm in his soul. When Gus’s life and world starts to unravel, Rey helps him pick up the pieces, and Gus wonders if that forever Rey wants is more than just a dream.

Coup d'envoi (Les saisons #Vol. 1)

by Amy Lane Marie A. Ambre

Les saisons, numéro hors sérieAu cours d’une adolescence malheureuse et d’une vie adulte solitaire, Skipper Keith n’a rêvé que d’avoir une famille. Il trouve ce qui s’en approche le plus avec l’équipe de football qu’il entraîne après le travail et son meilleur joueur et meilleur ami, Richie Scoggins. Un soir venteux d’octobre, le partage pratique d’une voiture d’après l’entraînement se transforme en une rencontre sexuelle qu’aucun d’eux n’attendait et ne veut oublier. Bientôt, Skip et Richie vivent pour les week-ends, leurs matchs de football de la saison d’hiver et les jeux qu’ils apprécient hors du terrain. Grâce à des nez brisés, des décorations de fêtes et une grippe sévère, ils en apprennent davantage l’un sur l’autre que ce qu’ils auraient pu rêver. Chaque nouvelle découverte les emmène au-delà des limites du terrain de football vers les possibilités infinies de la meilleure relation de la vie de Skipper. Skipper ne peut pas rêver d’une meilleure famille que Richie, mais celui-ci a de vrais problèmes familiaux dont il ne peut pas se dépêtrer. Skipper doit le convaincre de rester avec lui au-delà du coup d’envoi du tournoi d’hiver, afin que la relation qu’ils ont débutée sur le terrain se transforme en un avenir heureux dans la vraie vie !

The Obstruction of Emma Goldsworthy (Get Out #3)

by Sean Kennedy

Get Out: Book ThreeIt’s hard to live in Micah Johnson’s shadow, but Emma Goldsworthy is determined to make it out from under there. Emma’s studying hockey and trying to find her way at the Australian Institute of Sport, but it’s hard to keep her spirits up when her ex—who dumped Emma so she could remain in the closet—returns from an exchange program with a new American girlfriend in tow. Emma doesn’t want her ex back, but she can’t seem to convince everyone else that they’re over. Plus, there’s another girl Emma can’t stop thinking about, even though she only saw her once… while in costume. There was chemistry, but Emma doesn’t know her name, or even what she looks like.

You Can't Tell by Looking

by Russell J. Sanders

Gabe Dillon’s life changes when he gazes across his new school’s commons and spies handsome Kerem Uzun, and he wants to know more. Kerem is senior class president. He is mostly very well-liked. He comes from a family of doctors, is of Turkish heritage, and he is Muslim. At first, Gabe doesn’t understand the ritual he sees Kerem performing. But as the boys bond, Gabe is eager to learn about Islam. He’s falling in with a boy who may or may not be gay, a boy whose religion may condemn Gabe’s open homosexuality. Complicating the budding relationship is Timur, Kerem’s cousin, who has grown up alongside Kerem as his brother. A family tragedy left Timur homeless, and Kerem’s parents took him in. But as Kerem grows into his own way of looking at life and how it fits into his devout practice of his faith, Timur is becoming more fundamental in his practice of Islam. And he isn’t the only one opposed to the friendship between Kerem and Gabe. Can they forge a lasting relationship amid so many challenges?

The Quarterback's Crush

by John Petrie

Do nice guys always have to finish last? For Dylan Porter, it’s starting to look that way. His plan is to finish high school, get a football scholarship, and come out to his family and friends when he has the cushion of being away at college. But none of that is going to happen if his failing grades get him kicked off the team. His saving grace comes in the form of Tommy Peterson, the smartest kid in school, who also happens to be the Triple S that Dylan crushes on: smart, short, sexy. Dylan falls hard and when his feelings seem unrequited, he accidentally outs himself to his entire team, expecting them to oust him. But it’s anybody’s game as Dylan learns how to be honest about who he is and keeps his eye on the prize—the heart of Tommy Peterson.

My Crunchy Life

by Mia Kerick

Every hippie worth his salt fights for a cause, and if sixteen-year-old Kale Oswald wants to call himself a true hippie, he has to do more than look the part. He has to stand for something, so he chooses the local human rights organization… where things don’t go as planned. Julian Mendez is fresh out of the hospital because he thought swallowing a bottle of pills would be easier than admitting to his mother—and all the kids at school—who he really is and longs to someday live as: a girl named Julia. His medication might stop his body from developing into a man’s, but it won’t make facing his fellow students any easier. Because he plans to move forward with his transition—there was never any other choice. Sexuality and desire aren’t the only facets of themselves Kale and Julian discover—and struggle with—as they get to know each other through the human rights organization. Some sides of themselves are easier to accept than others, but before they can move on—to friendship and maybe more—they’ll both have to take a hard look at what they want to become.

The Princess of Baker Street

by Mia Kerick

When she was a child, Joey Kinkaid, assigned as a boy at birth—wearing Mom’s purple sundress and an imaginary crown—ruled the Baker Street neighborhood with a flair and imagination that kept the other kids captivated. Day after day, she led them on fantastic after-school adventures, but those innocent childhood days are over, and the magic is gone. The princess is alone. Even Eric Sinclair, the Prince Eric to Joey’s Princess Ariel, has turned his back on his former friend, watching in silence as Joey is tormented at school. Eric isn’t proud of it, but their enchanted youth is over, and they’ve been thrust into a dog-eat-dog world where those who conform survive and those who don’t… well, they don’t. Eric has enough to deal with at home, where his mother has abandoned him to live in isolation and poverty. But Eric can’t stay on the sidelines forever. When Joey finally accepts her female gender and comes to school wearing lip gloss, leggings, and a silky pink scarf, the bullies readily take the opportunity she hands them, driving Joey to attempt suicide and leaving Eric at a crossroads—one that will influence both their lives in not just the present, but the future. Is there a chance the two teens can be friends again, and maybe even more?

Buried Passions

by Andrew Grey

When Broadway actor Jonah receives word that his uncle has passed away and named him the heir to a property in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Jonah’s plan is to settle the estate as quickly as possible and return to his life in New York City. Much to Jonah’s surprise, the inheritance includes the Ashford Cemetery—and its hunky groundskeeper, recent Bosnian immigrant Luka Pavelka. Jonah soon discovers Luka is more than easy on the eyes. He sees into Jonah’s heart like no man ever before, and his job at the cemetery is all he has. If Jonah sells, Luka is left with nothing. Luka is there for Jonah when Jonah needs someone most, and there’s no denying the chemistry and connection between them. But Jonah has a successful career back in New York. Now he must decide if it’s still the life he wants….

Blindsided: Blindsided (Men of Sports #1)

by T. A. Chase Devon Rhodes

A Men of Sports StoryLove can hit you hard before you even see it coming…. When rugby player Liam transfers to Melbourne, he’s blindsided by his attraction to the hottest lifeguard on the beach. Luckily Matty knows mouth-to-mouth…. Liam’s left his friends and family—everything comforting and familiar—back in Canberra. He knows it all comes with the job, adjusting to a new city and a new team, but he’s lonely. Maybe it’s time to find something outside his career to fulfill him. Working as a lifeguard and being by the ocean is Matty’s dream come true. The big, blond, blue-eyed hottie new to his beach catches his attention right away. When he runs into Liam again at the pub, he takes the shy league player under his wing and into his group of mates, and they become fast friends. But when they go from friends to lovers, the emotions that come with their deepening romance catch them both off guard. Can two men without any experience at relationships navigate their way to steady ground?

Baustelle – Betreten auf eigene Gefahr! (Belladonna Arms (Deutsch) #2)

by John Inman

Gerade erst von seinem Liebhaber verlassen, sucht Harlie Rose Zuflucht im Belladonna Arms, einem schäbigen Mietshaus, hoch auf einem der Hügel in der Innenstadt von San Diego gelegen. Harlie ahnt nicht, dass sein neues Domizil dafür berüchtigt ist, Romanzen zu schmieden. Noch weniger ahnt er, dass er selbst das nächste Opfer sein wird. Er findet Arbeit in einem nahegelegenen Restaurant, wo er den Bäcker Milan kennenlernt, einen umwerfend attraktiven, aber etwas barschen und abweisenden Mann. Harlie weiß nicht, dass auch Milan unter einem gebrochenen Herzen leidet. Und so kommt es, wie es kommen muss – die beiden Männer belauern sich und errichten ihre Barrikaden. Keiner von ihnen ist bereit, sich einer neuen Liebe zu öffnen. Doch selbst das störrischste Herz kann erobert werden. Mit der Unterstützung seiner neuen Freunde – Sylvia, die nur noch auf ihre letzte Operation wartet, um endlich eine Frau zu werden; Arthur, die alternde Dragqueen, die ihre eigene Liebe findet; Stanley und Roger, das liebenswerte Paar aus 5C, das Harlie zum Vorbild wird – lernt er bald, dass im Belladonna Arms die Liebe hinter jeder Ecke lauert und nur darauf wartet, ein neues Opfer zu finden. Ob willig oder nicht. Doch die nächste Tragödie schwebt schon über ihnen.

La plaine Jackass (Chevaucher un cowboy #1)

by Emmanuelle Rousseau Julia Talbot

Chevaucher un cowboy, tome 1Un militaire amené à bouger et un cowboy routinier peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de s’accorder ? Tate a l’impression que la meilleure partie de sa vie est probablement derrière lui, c’est pourquoi ce cowboy de plus de trente ans fréquente les bars tous les soirs. Toutefois, quand il rencontre Dave, un jeune soldat d’une base militaire voisine, Tate pense que les choses vont s’arranger. Dave et lui ont un début difficile, pourtant Tate juge bientôt qu’ils ont assez en commun pour rendre les choses intéressantes. Dave ne se préoccupe pas vraiment de la consigne « ne demande pas, ne dis rien », alors il ne se donne pas la peine de cacher sa relation avec Tate à ses amis. Lorsqu’il se rend compte qu’il aurait dû être plus prudent, il est peut-être trop tard. Mais Dave est prêt à se battre pour Tate, même si cela implique de quitter l’armée.

Im Alleingang (Spielzüge #1)

by Avon Gale Jutta Grobleben

Ein Titel der Spielzüge SerieDie Zukunft des zwanzig Jahre alten Lane Courtnall sieht rosig aus, nachdem er gedraftet wurde, für die Jacksonville Sea Storm zu spielen, dem Farmteam einer NHL-Mannschaft, auch wenn er sich als schwuler Mann in der Minor League unwohl fühlt. Er hat sich schon mehr als einmal im Ton vergriffen und damit seine Mannschaftskameraden gegen sich aufgebracht. Dann gerät er in einem Spiel gegen die Savannah Renegades, die Rivalen seiner Mannschaft, in einen Kampf mit dem Enforcer Jared Shore, bei dem die Handschuhe fliegen. Eine seltsame Art, eine Beziehung zu beginnen. Jared hat den Großteil seiner Karriere in den Minor Leagues gespielt. Er ist bisexuell und es kümmert ihn nicht, wer darüber Bescheid weiß. Aber er ist entschlossen, sich nicht wieder auf eine Affäre einzulassen, nachdem seine letzte ihn am Boden zerstört zurückgelassen hat. Aber vollkommen unerwartet führt ein One Night Stand mit dem Neuling Lane Courtnall dazu, dass er diesen Entschluss überdenkt. Durch Lane erinnert Jared sich daran, warum er das Spiel liebt und warum es sich lohnen könnte, sein Herz zu riskieren. Im Gegenzug hofft Jared, dass er Lane zeigen kann, wie er sich auf dem Eis, und abseits davon, in seiner Haut wohlfühlen kann. Aber sie befinden sich an unterschiedlichen Punkten in ihrer Karriere, und beide Männer müssen entscheiden, was ihnen am wichtigsten ist.


by Sara Benatti John Inman

A ventisei anni, Gordon Stafford pensa di avere i giorni contati. O almeno spera che lo siano. Prostrato dal senso di colpa e dal rammarico che scaturiscono dal terribile incidente d’auto di due anni prima in cui è rimasto ucciso un uomo, si sveglia ogni mattina con idee suicide. Anche se la legge gli ha assegnato un lavoro perché possa espiare le sue colpe, la redenzione personale è molto più difficile da raggiungere. Poi Squirt – un semplice senzatetto che ha la sua croce da portare – lo salva da un destino terribile. Nel corso di quella notte, Gordon trova non solo una nuova luce da seguire, e forse persino uno scopo nella vita, ma anche la possibilità di un amore che lo aspetta alla fine del tunnel. Gordon non avrebbe mai immaginato che sarebbe riuscito in qualche modo a perdonare se stesso, aprendo così il cuore abbastanza da ricevere accettazione e amore… proprio dalla persona a cui ha fatto più male.

Un vero cowboy

by Natascia Gandini B. G. Thomas

Da tutta la vita Bryan ama perdersi in un mondo di fantasie western. Nella speranza di attirare l’attenzione di un vero cowboy, ogni volta che va nel suo locale preferito, si veste in un modo che induce perfino il suo coinquilino a chiamarlo “drag cowboy”. Quando Curtis gli offre una birra, però, Bryan non ha dubbi sul fatto che l’uomo sia un esemplare di quelli autentici. Ma riusciranno i due a spingersi oltre una notte di sesso incredibile dopo che Bryan avrà svelato a Curtis che l’unico cavallo che abbia mai cavalcato è un pony a una festa di compleanno?

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