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Showing 72,801 through 72,825 of 73,471 results

Sustainable Clean Energy Production Using Waste Biomass: Sustainable Energy Production and Utilization (Clean Energy Production Technologies)

by Dan Bahadur Pal Ashutosh Kumar Rai Samra Siddiqui

This edited volume covers sustainable biomass valorization and its application in various sectors.Bioenergy has concerned enormous attention as a promising alternative to conventional energy resources. Abundance of bioresources and their renewable nature provides a distinct advantage to biofuels from sustainability perspective. Biofuels have found increasing applications in the energy and transportation sector in recent years. Blended fuels are being used worldwide. However, several challenges remain to be addressed due to the diverse nature of biomasses and inherent recalcitrant nature of biological materials used as feedstock. This book aims to provide an overview of recent developments in the production of bioenergy and its applications in various areas. Specific emphasis is given to production of biofuels from modern biomass such as agro-forest waste and dedicated non-edible energy crops that do not interfere with food production. The scope of the book covers synthesis and characterization of biologically derived fuels, advances in microbiological methods and enzyme engineering approaches. The book covers techno-economic analysis to identify challenges and prospects for commercialization of biofuels. The directions for future research should pave way for net zero scenario for a sustainable world.The book will cater to a wide range of readers interested in learning the fundamentals as well as advances in the field of biofuels.

Nuklearmedizin bei endokrinen Erkrankungen: Diagnose und Therapie

by George Barberio Coura-Filho Mayara Torres Silva de Oliveira Ana Luiza Morais de Campos

Dieses Buch enthält aktuelle Informationen über die allgemeinen Grundsätze der diagnostischen und therapeutischen Nuklearmedizin im Kontext der Endokrinologie.Der Inhalt ist in sechs Teile gegliedert. In Abschnitt I werden allgemeine Aspekte der Radiopharmaka, der Szintigraphie, der Single-Photon-Emissions-Computertomographie (SPECT), der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET), der Radionuklidtherapien und der strahlengesteuerten Chirurgie behandelt. Abschnitt II befasst sich mit diagnostischen Anwendungen bei gutartigen Schilddrüsenerkrankungen und der Beurteilung von Schilddrüsenknoten. Abschnitt III gibt einen Überblick über die Behandlung von Nebenschilddrüsenerkrankungen. In Abschnitt IV werden diagnostische Verfahren bei gut differenziertem Schilddrüsenkrebs vorgestellt. Abschnitt V befasst sich mit Verfahren und Therapie bei gut- und bösartigen Erkrankungen der Nebenniere (Phäochromozytome und Paragangliome). Schließlich werden in Abschnitt VI die Diagnose und Behandlung neuroendokriner Tumoren vorgestellt.Nuklearmedizin bei endokrinen Erkrankungen: Diagnose und Therapie richtet sich an nicht spezialisierte Nuklearmediziner, die auf dem Gebiet der Endokrinologie arbeiten, und ist auch für Forscher und Studenten eine wertvolle Ressource.

Urban Slums and Circular Economy Synergies in the Global South: Theoretical and Policy Imperatives for Sustainable Communities (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Seth Asare Okyere Matthew Abunyewah Michael Odei Erdiaw-Kwasie Festival Godwin Boateng

This book takes a theoretical and empirical distance from urban slums/low-income settlements as a threat to environmental sustainability and recast them as places where environmentally rehabilitative and circular practices occur—drawing on the theoretical lens of the circular economy (CE). CE is defined as regenerative system that minimizes waste, emission, and energy leakage by slowing, closing, and narrowing material and energy loops. In principle, CE departs from the traditional linear model of take-make-use-dispose. As conceived in urban contexts, circular cities offer possibilities to regenerate natural systems, design out waste, and keep products in use. While the CE key principles of reduce, repair, and reuse are essential to the sustainable and inclusive interventions in urban slums, there is lack of case studies exploring the role of place and agency, especially the slum living-CE nexus in global south contexts. In inequitable urban transitions, a nuanced understanding of thesynergies between urban slums and the circular economy is not only theoretically relevant for reconceptualizing the slum in urban sustainability discourses but also exert policy and practice ramifications to decidedly figure out how the urban slum phenomenon can foster the sustainable and inclusive development of marginal areas through contextual and people-centered initiatives.

Technical Landfills and Waste Management: Volume 1: Landfill Impacts, Characterization and Valorisation (Springer Water)

by Abdelkader Anouzla Salah Souabi

A "zero waste" society and the "circular economy" trend are urgently needed. Even if achieving 100% trash recycling and a fully circular economy may not always be attainable, aiming toward this goal might result in a sustainable future. Municipal solid wastes pose a hazard to the environment because of open burning, landfills, reckless disposal, and many other factors. Waste is being thrown away in more significant quantities and is made up of several different materials. Municipal solid waste (MSW) characteristics must be carefully considered when developing, implementing, or modifying solid waste management systems. Local waste variables that vary with cultural, climatic, socioeconomic, and institutional capacities are crucial for developing efficient waste management techniques. This book provides a comprehensive overview of landfills' situation, their categories, and the types of garbage they receive. The final section of the study provides an overview of prospective waste management techniques, their restrictions, and the potential areas for further research on landfill sites. This book has the advantage that world-class experts in their respective fields have written each chapter. As a result, this book presents a balanced picture across the whole spectrum of chapters on municipal solid wastes.

Rules and Exceptions in Biology: from Fundamental Concepts to Applications

by Alfredo V. Peretti Lucía S. Calbacho-Rosa Paola A. Olivero Mariela A. Oviedo-Diego David E. Vrech

This is the first book to cover and explore the rules and exceptions in biology. It presents past and current perspectives on the subject and discusses the various situations of transition from rule to exception and vice versa. In doing so, the book fills a gap in the scientific literature and stimulates useful and valuable discussions among researchers working in biology worldwide. The chapters begin with a theoretical framework, followed by the main topic(s) or question(s), and a summary of previous work on the topic. Examples are discussed, with concluding remarks and suggestions for future research. A section with key concepts is included at the end of each chapter, allowing the reader to jump directly to the most important findings or observations. Each chapter is written to be used as a reference by graduate students and professionals from a variety of scientific disciplines (e.g. behavior, ecology, evolution, and systematics).

By Disaster or by Design?: Transformative Kulturpolitik: Von der Polykrise zur systemischen Nachhaltigkeit

by Davide Brocchi

Jede große Transformation in der Geschichte der Menschheit wurde bisher von einer kulturellen Revolution ausgelöst und begleitet. Diese Publikation zeigt, warum dies auch für die Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit gilt. Im Fokus stehen nicht nur Werte, Menschen- und Naturbilder, sondern auch die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kunst und Medien. Für die zweite Auflage wurden die Inhalte überarbeitet und aktualisiert, Thesen geschärft und neue Studien einbezogen.Gegenwärtig befinden wir uns zwischen zwei großen gesellschaftlichen Transformationen: Die erste ist die kapitalistisch-industrielle, die vor fünf Jahrhunderten begann, bis heute dominiert und sich am Kulturprogramm der Modernisierung orientiert. Sie hat die Gesellschaft in eine Polykrise geführt, es droht ein Zivilisationskollaps. Die zweite Transformation ist jene zur Nachhaltigkeit, die sich an „Visionen einer anderen Entwicklung“ jenseits von Wachstum und Massenkonsum orientiert. Diese beiden Transformationen verdrängen sich an einigen Stellen gegenseitig und vermischen sich an anderen. Einerseits ist es die schwächere Transformation, die oft assimiliert wird. So werden derzeit eine „ökologische Modernisierung“ und ein „nachhaltiges Wachstum“ theorisiert, obwohl solche Ansätze Widersprüche an sich sind. Andererseits ist die soziale und ökologische Umwelt ein politisches Subjekt, das immer stärker in Dynamiken und Debatten mitmischt. So oder so wird sich an den Reibungsflächen zwischen den beiden Transformationen entscheiden, wie sich die Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit am Ende durchsetzt: by Disaster or by Design.

Community Energy and Sustainable Energy Transitions: Experiences from Ethiopia, Malawi and Mozambique

by Vanesa Castán Broto

This open access book engages with the difficulties of delivering community energy in practice, building on practical experiences in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Mozambique. In these countries, where many people lack access to electricity, community energy is an alternative to advance universal energy access. This book argues that, besides providing access, community energy is essential for achieving justice and resilience in sustainable energy transitions. Community energy combines off-grid infrastructures with innovative forms of governance to incorporate the perspectives of beneficiaries in the generation and distribution of electricity. Community energy has multiple benefits for communities, such as facilitating the adoption of renewable technologies, providing energy access where it is lacking, and building resilience. They also offer societal benefits beyond beneficiary communities, such as providing additional capacity to existing grids, delivering off-grid services where the grid is absent, and bridging on-grid and off-grid systems. Despite its promises, however, the adoption of community energy has been slow. This book presents a feminist-informed perspective on community energy to advance energy justice that puts disadvantaged communities at the centre of sustainable energy transitions. It also explores the room for manoeuvre within existing regulatory systems, supply chains, and delivery systems to facilitate its development. By engaging with existing experiences in community energy, the book demonstrates the potential of communities to gain control over their energy needs and resources and argues for the need to develop a wide range of transdisciplinary skills among policymakers, technicians and communities to deliver a just energy transition.

Understanding Wine Chemistry (Sci (society Of Chemical Industry) Ser.)

by Andrew L. Waterhouse Gavin L. Sacks David W. Jeffery

Understanding Wine Chemistry Understand the reactions behind the world’s most alluring beverages The immense variety of wines on the market is the product of multiple chemical processes – whether acting on components arising in the vineyard, during fermentation, or throughout storage. Winemaking decisions alter the chemistry of finished wines, affecting the flavor, color, stability, and other aspects of the final product. Knowledge of these chemical and biochemical processes is integral to the art and science of winemaking. Understanding Wine Chemistry has served as the definitive introduction to the chemical components of wine, their properties, and their reaction mechanisms. It equips the knowledgeable reader to interpret and predict the outcomes of physicochemical reactions involved with winemaking processes. Now updated to reflect recent research findings, most notably in relation to wine redox chemistry, along with new Special Topics chapters on emerging areas, it continues to set the standard in the subject. Readers of the second edition of Understanding Wine Chemistry will also find: Case studies throughout showing chemistry at work in creating different wine styles and avoiding common adverse chemical and sensory outcomes Detailed treatment of novel subjects like non-alcoholic wines, non-glass alternatives to wine packaging, synthetic wines, and more An authorial team with decades of combined experience in wine chemistry research and education Understanding Wine Chemistry is ideal for college and university students, winemakers at any stage in their practice, professionals in related fields such as suppliers or sommeliers, and chemists with an interest in wine.

Complex Networks XV: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2024 (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)

by Federico Botta Mariana Macedo Hugo Barbosa Ronaldo Menezes

The International Conference on Complex Networks (CompleNet) brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines working on areas related to complex networks. CompleNet has been an active conference since 2009. Over the past two decades, we have witnessed an exponential increase in the number of publications and research centres dedicated to this field of Complex Networks (aka Network Science). From biological systems to computer science, from technical to informational networks, and from economic to social systems, complex networks are becoming pervasive for dozens of applications. It is the interdisciplinary nature of complex networks that CompleNet aims to capture and celebrate. The CompleNet conference is one of the most cherished events by scientists in our field. Maybe it is because of its motivating format, consisting of plenary sessions (no parallel sessions); or perhaps the reason is that it finds the perfect balance between young and senior participation, a balance in the demographics of the presenters, or perhaps it is just the quality of the work presented.

Gamma Rays in the 100 TeV Region from Potential Galactic PeVatron Candidates: Observation with the Tibet Air Shower Array and the Muon Detector Array (Springer Theses)

by Sei Kato

This book presents two candidates for astrophysical accelerators of cosmic rays with petaelectron-volt (PeV) energies in our Galaxy, the so-called PeVatrons, through the observation of sub-PeV gamma rays performed by the Tibet air shower array. The two gamma-ray sources are TASG J1844-038—a newly detected source in this presented work—and HESS J1849-000. Reconstructing their gamma-ray energy spectra up to the sub-PeV range and also analyzing the archive data published by a radio survey, the book discusses in depth the emission mechanisms of the observed gamma rays and suggests that these two gamma-ray sources are candidates for PeVatrons. The results give insights into the population of PeVatron in the Galaxy, which is important to consider their contribution to the PeV cosmic rays observed at the Earth.

Introduction to Food Chemistry

by Vassilis Kontogiorgos

The complexity of food chemistry makes it a challenging subject for students studying in a food science course. Although there are excellent food chemistry books available in the market they have two major flaws: they are either encyclopedic or they are not pitched correctly to undergraduate food science students. The first problem creates difficulties for students to identify what is important and how much they need to know. The second problem arises when the book is written by authors that are not food scientists (e.g., chemists), they are not academics that are engaged with teaching or they are not sufficiently qualified to teach. In this case, it is difficult to find links between the chemistry of foods and its relevance to applications or, quite frequently, future employment prospects of the student. Introduction to Food Chemistry, 2nd Edition bridges this gap in the relevant literature, as it employs the latest pedagogical theories in textbook writing to present the subject to students with broad range of cognitive skills. This book presents specific learning objectives for each chapter and is self-contained so students will not need to search for essential information outside the textbook. This new edition has been expanded to include chapters on sweeteners, glass transition, amino acids, proteins for major food commodities and food additives. All of the original chapters have been updated and expanded to include new research and technologies. To support learning, the book has:Didactic elements with information being conveyed with 3D-figures, color-coded schemes and graphs, annotations on figures that link it to the text descriptionsBuilt-in pedagogy and learning activities at the end of each chapter that are linked to the learning objectives.Keywords and concepts for online search to instigate curiosity for further studies.Conversational writing style without losing academic rigorTo support lecturers, the book has:Helps focus teaching preparation on key aspects of food chemistry relevant to both industry and modern research.Aids the preparation of exams, assignments and other types of assessment or learning activities.For lecturers in search of a singular source to aid in their introductory food chemistry courses, look no further than this expanded new edition of Introduction to Food Chemistry.

Sourdough Microbiota and Starter Cultures for Industry

by Elaine Berger Ceresino Grazina Juodeikiene Susanne Miescher Schwenninger João Miguel Ferreira da Rocha

Traditional sourdough bread refers to spontaneous fermentation of cereals by lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, leading to natural selections of microorganisms. The metabolic activity of these microorganisms promotes the formation of organic acids, flavor development and leavening in food matrices, which most know as sourdough bread. This bread is still widely manufactured at farm level across Europe and worldwide, being highly appreciated by consumers for its distinct flavor, texture, healthy attributes and natural origin. Sourdough bread is expected to grow 6.9% annually through 2023. Once stagnant, the bread market has experienced a revival specifically through sourdough bread consumption. Consumers have been avoiding bread in the recent years due to the presence of extra ingredients such as chemical dough conditioners, preservatives and added sugar. However, the increasing popularity of fermented foods and their multiple health benefits are prompting the growthof sourdough market. This fast-growing market has been demanding a dynamic response from industries producing starter cultures to accelerate sourdough fermented bread production in increasing quantities while keeping its “made-for-you” characteristics. By bringing together top sourdough experts in Europe and beyond, this book compiles the latest knowledge in all areas of sourdough starter culture and advantages in using sourdough fermentation. Sourdough Microbiota and Starter Cultures for Industry supplies a biosciences’ audience with a hands on view of the latest advances from sourdough microbiota characterization to starter culture potentials targeting industrial application, including specific techno-functional and safety improvements obtained by clean-labeling strategies. Insights on health and improved quality shed light on new shifting consumer preferences and why choosing sourdough fermentation is a great expansion opportunity in one’s portfolio as thescience behind sourdough starter cultures meets improved nutrition-impact opportunities. This text teaches methods to exploit sourdough technology through the entire value chain from sourdough natural microflora through the development of novel starter cultures for producing fermented food, introducing the advantages that sourdough fermentation offers for improving the sensorial, technological and nutritional properties of breads.

Bertrand’s Paradox and the Principle of Indifference (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics)

by Nicholas Shackel

Events between which we have no epistemic reason to discriminate have equal epistemic probabilities. Bertrand’s chord paradox, however, appears to show this to be false, and thereby poses a general threat to probabilities for continuum sized state spaces. Articulating the nature of such spaces involves some deep mathematics and that is perhaps why the recent literature on Bertrand’s Paradox has been almost entirely from mathematicians and physicists, who have often deployed elegant mathematics of considerable sophistication. At the same time, the philosophy of probability has been left out. In particular, left out entirely are the philosophical ground of the principle of indifference, the nature of the principle itself, the stringent constraint this places on the mathematical representation of the principle needed for its application to continuum sized event spaces, and what these entail for rigour in developing the paradox itself. This book puts the philosophy and its entailments back in and in so doing casts a new light on the paradox, giving original analyses of the paradox, its possible solutions, the source of the paradox, the philosophical errors we make in attempting to solve it and what the paradox proves for the philosophy of probability. The book finishes with the author’s proposed solution—a solution in the spirit of Bertrand’s, indeed—in which an epistemic principle more general than the principle of indifference offers a principled restriction of the domain of the principle of indifference.Bertrand's Paradox and the Principle of Indifference will appeal to scholars and advanced students working in the philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, philosophy of science, probability theory and mathematical physics.

Hybrid Composite Materials: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis

by Akarsh Verma Hariome Sharan Gupta Sushanta K. Sethi

The aim of this book is to provide readers with a better understanding of the experimental methods and computational modeling techniques employed in the characterizations of diverse hybrid composite materials. It covers the mechanisms, important aspects, characteristics, formulations, significant elements, and case studies of the hybrid composite materials used in a wide range of applications. To inspire researchers, the most recent studies in the field as well as potential directions for more study are also emphasized.

Economic Recovery, Consolidation, and Sustainable Growth: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE), North Macedonia, May 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Abdylmenaf Bexheti Hyrije Abazi-Alili Léo-Paul Dana Veland Ramadani Andrea Caputo

This book presents carefully selected chapters from the proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE),Tetovo, North Macedonia, which took place in May 2023. The chapters address a wide range of areas relevant to contemporary business and economics issues such as economic shocks, high inflation, energy crisis, COVID-19, growth prospects, economic forecast, labor market, gender inequalities, migration, entrepreneurship, and family businesses, firm development and innovations, technological transformation, etc. Researchers learn about the latest studies that discuss emerging challenges and perspectives of business and economics in the perspective of post-crisis economic recovery, consolidation, and stability.

Handbook on Radiation Environment, Volume 1: Sources, Applications and Policies

by Dinesh Kumar Aswal

This handbook provides a comprehensive review of radiation present in the environment, its sources, dose measurement techniques, exposures in natural and man-made radiation environments, policies governing radiation safety, societal applications of radiation technology, radiological and nuclear events, preparedness, response, and mitigation of radiation emergencies. It covers natural and man-made radiation environment with an emphasis on renewed interest in nuclear energy as a clean and green source of power generation. Additionally, it reviews various approaches to understand the fate and behaviour of radionuclides in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It also presents nuclear technology's diverse applications, from diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine to materials modifications and sustainable waste management strategies and the role of ionizing radiation in ensuring food security and safety. The handbook also highlights the existing (internationally adopted) radiation protection policies, which are originated from linear-no-threshold (LNT) model of dose-response characteristics. The scientific basis of LNT-model and its limitations at low doses prompts a revision of the exiting radiation protection policies for better utilization of the benefits of ionizing radiation. The handbook serves as a comprehensive resource for students, academicians, scientists, engineers, and policymakers interested in seeking an in-depth knowledge of radiation and the multifaceted applications of radiation technology while protecting human health and the environment.

Climate Emergency in the Philippines: Impacts and Imperatives for Urgent Policy Action (Disaster Risk Reduction)

by Kristoffer B. Berse Juan M. Pulhin Antonio G. M. La Viña

This book provides a snapshot of the manifestations of the climate emergency in the Philippines from a wide array of disciplines including physical sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, management, and law. Researchers and faculties at the University of the Philippines contributed to this compilation, where each chapter provides policymakers and the public a clear picture of why climate change must be confronted with a sense of urgency and near-desperation.Divided into three main parts, the first one zeroes in on climate-vulnerable sectors such as water, food and agriculture, health, and coastal communities in the Philippines to introduce readers to the current pressing impacts of the climate emergency. The second part presents case studies of local experiences from the country’s three island regions, namely, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, and it situates the readers in different environments and contexts. The third part features transdisciplinary responses to the climate emergency, including salient challenges in relation to planning, financing, communication, and education. The concluding chapter highlights eight areas for action to tackle the climate emergency. Each chapter comes with an overview and a Summary for Policymakers, which provides clear guidance for action to be taken by both local and national policymakers.

Italian Contributions to Planetary Astronomy: From the Discovery of Ceres to Pluto's Orbit (Historical & Cultural Astronomy)

by Ileana Chinnici

This book describes the most important contributions of Italian astronomers to the development of planetary astronomy during the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century. This journey through what may be regarded as the golden era of Italian astronomy commences with the discovery of Ceres, the first asteroid, now classified as a dwarf planet, and culminates in the role played by the Padua Observatory in calculating Pluto’s orbit in the 1930s. Along the way, a wealth of information is provided on the discovery of many comets and asteroids, early spectroscopic observations, drawings of planets and comets, calculations of orbits and ephemerides, and much more. The contributions of such famous figures as Giovanni Schiaparelli, Giovanni Battista Donati, Angelo Secchi, and Annibale De Gasparis are fully explained. Many of the described results are still of interest for modern astronomy, and the book appeals to a wide readership, including scholars, historians, astronomers, and the general public.

Value Added Products From Food Waste

by Elsa Cherian Baskar Gurunathan

The rapid increase in industrial processes for the preparation and processing of various food products have resulted in the creation of large quantities of waste. These food wastes contain large amounts of nutrients which can be further converted into useful products, making byproduct technology increasingly important.Byproducts produced from various agro-based industries like cereals, fruits, vegetable processing, fish, meat and poultry can be converted into beneficial products. For instance, cereal and legume processing produces large quantities of wastes which can result in environmental problems affecting air, soil and water quality. These wastes can be efficiently utilized and converted into value added products such as bioethanol, butanol, biohydrogen, biogas, biocoal, industrially treasured enzymes, biofertilizer, proteins and organic acids. Value Added Products From Food Waste covers waste management techniques utilized for managing raw materials in the food industry in an efficient way, recovering and reusing waste or neutralizing unwanted components. Chapters focus on the latest technologies and efficient management systems in all areas of food processing that make this process economical and minimize the hazards caused by the deposition of waste. From the dairy industry to cereals to fruits and vegetables to fish, each aspect of the food industry is examined with an eye for how to utilize food waste, transforming these wastes into value added products.

Machine Learning for Environmental Noise Classification in Smart Cities (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Ali Othman Albaji

We present a Machine Learning (ML) approach to monitoring and classifying noise pollution. Both methods of monitoring and classification have been proven successful. MATLAB and Python code was generated to monitor all types of noise pollution from the collected data, while ML was trained to classify these data. ML algorithms showed promising performance in monitoring the different sound classes such as highways, railways, trains and birds, airports and many more. It is observed that all the data obtained by both methods can be used to control noise pollution levels and for data analytics. They can help decision making and policy making by stakeholders such as municipalities, housing authorities and urban planners in smart cities. The findings indicate that ML can be used effectively in monitoring and measurement. Improvements can be obtained by enhancing the data collection methods. The intention is to develop more ML platforms from which to construct a less noisy. The second objective of this study was to visualize and analyze the data of 18 types of noise pollution that have been collected from 16 different locations in Malaysia. All the collected data were stored in Tableau software. Through the use of both qualitative and quantitative measurements, the data collected for this project was then combined to create a noise map database that can help smart cities make informed decisions.

Indescribable Atlas Adventures: An Explorer's Guide to Geography, Animals, and Cultures Through God's Amazing World (Indescribable Kids)

by Louie Giglio

With more than 50 infographic maps, this illustrated world atlas for kids from bestselling author Louie Giglio will stretch your children's understanding of the world as they discover more about God, science, and His amazing world!Indescribable Atlas Adventures offers a self-guided tour for your favorite explorer throughout the seven continents and over 50 countries. Easy-to-read maps, more than 1,500 facts, and a world map that helps kids identify each continent and country will help your child to think globally and discover new insights into God's incredible creation. Each map includesan overview of each country's population, languages, and prominent features;key facts about the country's capital cities; neighboring countries; and the national bird, tree, and dish;notable people and their amazing achievements;the country's terrain, climate, wildlife, contributions to space exploration, cultural hallmarks, and Christian faith traditions; andbiblical and inspirational pieces, like devotional thoughts, prayers, and Bible verses that highlight how amazing God and His world are.Indescribable Atlas Adventures is for ages 6 to 10 and spotlights several fascinating ecosystems, like the Sahara, Amazon, and Great Barrier Reef. This book has a large trim size to help kids explore fun details on each page and is a perfect "my first atlas of the world" gift for curious kids.Check out these other books from Pastor Louie's Indescribable Kids series, which has sold more than a million copies:IndescribableHow Great Is Our GodThe Wonder of CreationIndescribable for Little OnesIndescribable Activity Book for Kids

Musculoskeletal Injections Manual: Basics, Techniques and Injectable Agents

by Baris Kocaoglu Lior Laver Laura De Girolamo Riccardo Compagnoni

This book presents a comprehensive and updated overview of musculoskeletal injections with biologic and non-biologic injectable agents – a new trend of treatment in orthopaedics and sports medicine.This ESSKA book incorporates internal ongoing debates fostered by ESSKA U45 Committee and ESSKA’s Orthobiologics Initiative (ORBIT), which enroll a broad international group of dedicated clinicians and researchers. The topics covered mirror this fast evolving field which ranges from basic science knowledge to treatment options in sports traumatology. Renowned experts in the field examine and critically discuss each aspect, including existing controversies concerning indications and applications as well as the choice between biologic and non-biologic injections. Clear practical indications, subdivided by anatomical region and supported by a wealth of intra-procedural images, are aimed to support young surgeons in the application of musculoskeletal injections. Written by an international panel of clinicians and researchers, active in the field of orthobiology and sports medicine, this manual is an invaluable reference tool for all those involved in injectional therapies and sports traumatology.

Spectral Theory of Localized Resonances and Applications

by Youjun Deng Hongyu Liu

This book is devoted to the spectral theory of localized resonances including surface plasmon/polariton resonances, atypical resonances, anomalous localized resonances and interior transmission resonances. Those resonance phenomena arise in different physical contexts, but share similar features. They form the fundamental basis for many cutting-edge technologies and applications including invisibility cloaking and super-resolution imaging. The book presents a systematic and comprehensive treatment on these resonance phenomena and the associated applications in a unified manner from a mathematical and spectral perspective, covering acoustic, electromagnetic and elastic wave scattering.The book can serve as a handy reference book for researchers in this field and it can also serve as a textbook or an inspiring source for postgraduate students who are interested in entering this field.

Sustainability in Creative Industries: Innovations in Fashion and Visual Media—Volume 3 (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Muhammad Nawaz Tunio Jorge Miguel Chica Garcia Ayman M. Zakaria Yasmin Moanis Latif Hatem

In this volume, sustainable creative industries become a beacon for innovative change, forging a path towards a conscious, harmonious world. This volume offers a panoramic view of the future, where innovations in fashion and visual media blend seamlessly with a commitment to a more sustainable and impactful world. More specifically, this volume explores the compelling interplay of sustainability, creativity, and advocacy, casting a spotlight on the transformative potential within fashion and visual media. It embarks on a journey through the innovative landscapes of fashion, where sustainability takes center stage, through an exploration of genderless mode development, contemporary patterns, and reimagined design strategies that breathe new life into tradition. As readers explore the chapters within, the symbiotic relationship between visual media and sustainability emerges, further delve into the evolution of visual communication design and the potency of Instagram microblogs in shaping perceptions and awareness. Furthermore, the role of design in disseminating critical information during disasters is unveiled and the ways in which narrative methods can ignite meaningful change explored.

Renewable Energy, Green Computing, and Sustainable Development: First International Conference, REGS 2023, Hyderabad, India, December 22-23, 2023, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2081)

by Sree Lakshmi Gundebommu Lakshminarayana Sadasivuni Lakshmi Swarupa Malladi

This book constitutes the refereed post proceedings of the First International Conference on Renewable Energy, Green Computing, and Sustainable Development, REGS 2023, held in Hyderabad, India, during December 22-23, 2023. The 15 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 133 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence; Modelling and Methods of Green Computing; Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Technologies and Communications and Signal Processing.

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