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Seti's Heart

by Kiernan Kelly

2nd EditionA vengeful god’s curse took everything from the Egyptian pharaoh Seti: his name, his position, and even his lover. After many long centuries relegated to a musty sarcophagus, he’s awakened when a graduate student working in the museum where he is stored stumbles upon him. Logan, working as a curator to fund his education, figures he’s screwed when he accidentally awakens the ancient ruler. It’ll be career suicide to claim the mummy came back to life, but it’s either that or be labeled a thief. Little does he know, those are the least of his problems. A society of archaeologists is hot on their trail, determined to uncover the secret of Seti’s immortality, and then there’s the little matter of an angry god who doesn’t appreciate Logan meddling in his work. But the biggest problem might be Seti himself, who’ll stop at nothing to get into Logan’s pants—and his heart.First Edition published by Torquere Press, 2008.

The Android and the Thief

by Wendy Rathbone

Will love set them free—or seal their fate? In the sixty-seventh century, Trev, a master thief and computer hacker, and Khim, a vat-grown human android, reluctantly share a cell in a floating space prison called Steering Star. Trev is there as part of an arrangement that might finally free him from his father’s control. Khim, formerly a combat android, snaps when he is sold into the pleasure trade and murders one of the men who sexually assaults him. At first they are at odds, but despite secrets and their dark pasts, they form a pact—first to survive the prison, and then to escape it. But independence remains elusive, and falling in love comes with its own challenges. Trev’s father, Dante, a powerful underworld figure with sweeping influence throughout the galaxy, maintains control over their lives that seems stronger than any prison security system, and he seeks to keep them apart. Trev and Khim must plan another, more complex escape, and this time make sure they are well beyond the law as well as Dante’s reach.

Darkness Rising (Yellowstone Wolves #3)

by Dirk Greyson

Sequel to Darkness ThreateningYellowstone Wolves: Book ThreeThe last thing Tobias, alpha of the small Greenview Pack, expects is to find a lost human asleep in his storage building. As soon as he sets eyes on Pete, Tobias knows they are destined mates. But he cannot act on his attraction, no matter how much he feels compelled. Exposure to the human world could mean the end of their way of life, so he decides to help Pete get a room until he can reunite with the tour group he separated from. But Tobias’s disgraced half brother, Zev, has other ideas. He takes a liking to Pete and decides he wants what Tobias has—both his position as pack leader and his mate. Tobias can’t let that happen, but protecting Pete means keeping him close, which only increases the mounting tensions between them. Duty, protection, desire, and secrecy clash as the darkness within Zev rises to the surface, and only Tobias can save his mate—even if he never plans to tell Pete that’s what they are.

Love Wins

by Nicole Dennis Jana Denardo Tray Ellis M. A. Church Grace R. Duncan Julie Lynn Hayes Jude Dunn Kris T. Bethke Alicia Nordwell Troy Storm Renee Stevens Deja Black Ravon Silvius Xenia Melzer Lucie Archer David C. Dawson L. A. Merrill

With time comes healing, but Orlando and the LGBT community are still recovering from last June's tragedy. To show our ongoing support for those affected by the Orlando shooting, our authors, editors, artists, and staff have volunteered their talents to create this second benefit anthology. All proceeds will be donated to LGBT organizations in central Florida. Join us as we reaffirm that no matter the obstacle, love always wins.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Wilde Magie (Triade #4)

by Poppy Dennison Jutta Grobleben

Buch 4 in der Serie - TriadeEs brach Joseph Anderson das Herz, als der beste Freund seiner Kindheit, Dominick Levent, wegzog. Jahre später ist Joseph ein erfolgreicher Immobilienmakler, der gern lächelt, mit guten Freunden und einem beeindruckenden Haus. Als er einen sterbenden Berglöwen findet, der sich auf wundersame Weise in Dominicks Schwester verwandelt, muss Joseph Dominick finden und ihn mit den beiden kleinen Söhnen vereinen, die sie zurückgelassen hat. Als der Berglöwenwandler Dominick durch einen Anruf erfährt, dass seine Schwester tot ist, eilt er nach Hause, um seine Neffen zu beschützen und seine Schwester zu rächen. Joseph wiederzusehen, weckt Gefühle, die Dominick längst begraben wollte, und er wagt zu hoffen, dass sie endlich zusammen sein können, nun, da Joseph über die Gestaltwandler Bescheid weiß.

Love Wanted

by John Inman

When it rains, it pours. Not only has Larry Walls been evicted from his apartment, but his hours have also been cut at the department store where he works, leaving him facing homelessness. Meanwhile, Bo Lansing, a total stranger to Larry, toils at a dead-end job as a fry cook while attending night classes to become a certified chef. When the school closes its doors without warning, leaving Bo in the lurch for thousands of dollars in tuition, his dream of becoming a chef is shattered and his financial troubles spiral. Desperate for a new beginning, each man answers an ad for live-in help posted by a wealthy recluse, and wonder of wonders, they are both hired! Just as their lives begin to improve, a young Kumeyaay Indian named Jimmy Blackstone joins the workforce at the Stanhope mansion. When Mr. Stanhope’s true reason for hiring the young men is discovered by one of the three, a fourth entity makes its presence known. Greed. With all these players vying for position in a game of intrigue orchestrated by one lonely old man and a mischievous ghost, can a simple thing like love ever hope to survive the fray?

Warders Volume One (The Warder Series)

by Mary Calmes

Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most... but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers--their Hearths--to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil. Novellas included: His Hearth Tooth & Nail Heart in HandWarders Volume One previously published in paperback by Dreamspinner Press, June 2012.His Hearth (July 2010), Tooth & Nail (November 2010), Heart in Hand (May 2011) were previously published individually in eBook format by Dreamspinner Press.

Warders Volume Two (The Warder Series)

by Mary Calmes

Most humans live in blissful ignorance, never dreaming of the frightening surprises and paranormal danger that lurks in the night. Most... but not all. These few who stand against the darkness are the Warders, men who fight demons and square off against all kinds of creatures from the pit with only their brothers-in-arms and their lovers--their Hearths--to strengthen them in the unending battle of good versus evil. Novellas included: Sinnerman Nexus Cherish Your NameWarders Volume Two previously published in paperback by Dreamspinner Press, June 2012.Sinnerman (June 2011), Nexus (October 2011), and Cherish Your Name (December 2011) were previously published individually in eBook format by Dreamspinner Press.

Falling Into the Black (A Planet Called Wish #3)

by Caitlin Ricci

A Planet Called Wish: Book ThreeSometimes there’s a difference between duty and doing what’s right. And sometimes doing what’s right comes with a high price. Every aspasian at Asiq adores the handsome peacekeeper Resan—all except for Arin. While the other workers vie for Resan’s attention, Arin avoids him at all costs, which rouses Resan’s suspicion. When he discovers Arin is a runaway slave, Resan is bound by law to return him to his master. It is only later that Resan realizes what he’s done. Arin’s owner bought him at twelve, married him, and not only violated Arin himself, but loaned him out to his friends. Resan has returned him to a life of rape and abuse, and now he must make a decision: free Arin and abandon the oaths he swore as a peacekeeper, or leave him to languish and abandon his own conscience and heart.


by C. B. Lewis

Theodore Wentworth, who possesses little more than a sharp and well-educated mind, is trying to solicit a sponsor for his studies of Greek antiquity by performing recitations at gatherings of collectors. Desperate for luck and better skills in oratory, in jest, he places a coin at the feet of a statue of Hermes. It seems like coincidence when his fortune turns and a gentleman calling himself Alexander becomes his benefactor. Despite his friend John teasing him about it, Theodore continues to offer tokens to Hermes and sinks himself into his study of the classics. Alexander encourages Theodore’s interest, prompting Theodore to face desires he tried to put aside years before. As Theodore embraces the knowledge, he must also resist his attraction to Alexander—knowing his feelings are a serious crime in Victorian England. But the secret Alexander keeps will change everything in a love story for the ages, steeped in taboo, temptation, history, and myth.

Parfait (Les Dieux #2)

by M. A. Church Adeline Nevo

Suite de InestimableLes Dieux, tome 2Jeff Mayfield, milliardaire blasé, aime uniquement ce que son argent et le pouvoir peuvent lui procurer, mais les Parques ont d’autres projets pour lui. Tout d’abord, un joueur gagne un énorme jackpot dans son casino et c’est l’effervescence générale. Puis, au milieu de ce chaos, les yeux de Jeff se posent sur l’incroyablement séduisant Cam Smith, alias Cupidon, sous sa forme humaine. Saisi de désir, Jeff fait un pas, mais se retrouve emprisonné dans un tumulte de plaisir et de passion. Cam bouleverse l’image que Jeff a de lui-même et l’oblige à se remettre en question. Mais Jeff n’est pas le seul à vouloir garder le contrôle. Jalousie est l’alter ego de Cam et s’il vient à perdre son sang-froid, les conséquences seront mortelles.

Cataclysmic Shift (The Aloysius Tales #3)

by Tara Lain

An Aloysius TaleAloysius, the magical black cat and powerful witch’s familiar, isn’t afraid to go into battle to protect his master, but the outcome of the fight turns his feline world upside down. A direct hit of magic steals not only his memories and power, but even the body he’s lived in for several centuries. When he wakes up naked on the floor of a veterinarian’s office, it isn’t as the cat Aloysius, but as the sixteenth-century French gentleman Alain Bellarose. And when Alain sees sexy and enigmatic veterinarian Luke Elliott, he decides he’ll make the best of his time as a human. Luke is a man with secrets who generally prefers the company of animals—though the flamboyant boy who washes his face with the side of his hand and tries to lick his own privates might prove an exception. Meanwhile, Witch Master Killian Barth and his secret weapon, Sammy, struggle without Aloysius’s power to draw on. Two evil females are circling, and seeing the coven’s weakness, they’re about to move in for the kill. When Alain’s memories return, he’s faced with the ultimate dilemma: protect his community or stay with the man he loves.

What the Cat Dragged In (Sanctuary #Vol. 2)

by Ba Tortuga

A Sanctuary NovelDon’t people know that cats and dogs don’t mix? Connor Ragbone finds things. Sometimes it’s gold, sometimes jewels, sometimes people. Set in his hippie ways, he never thought he’d find a pack, but with Sam and Gus and their goofy shifter family, he fits right in. Then he finds Brock. Shifter Brock Herman is undercover alone, working to break up a poaching ring. The last thing he needs is for Connor to wreck his sting. And now the crazy bobcat just won’t go away! The poachers lead Brock and Connor on a merry chase all over Western Colorado looking for shifter bears, but it’s a lost pup who brings them back to Nevada and the pack Sam and Gus are building. That’s when Brock has to decide whether he still travels alone or if Connor and his crazy family are where his heart belongs. This follow-up to Just Like Cats and Dogs is a feel-good shifter romance novel where cats and dogs prove they can be way more than the enemies nature has made them.

The Consumption of Magic (Tales From Verania #3)

by Tj Klune

Sequel to A Destiny of DragonsSam of Wilds faced the Dark wizard Myrin and lived to tell the tale. Granted, the battle left him scarred, but things could be a hell of a lot worse. It’s not until he reunites with Morgan of Shadows and Randall that he realizes just how much worse things could be. Because the scars have meaning and hint at Myrin’s true plans for Sam and the Kingdom of Verania. With time running out, Sam and his band of merry misfits—the unicorn Gary, the half-giant Tiggy, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart, and the dragon known as Kevin—must travel to the snowy mountains in the North and the heart of the Dark Woods to convince the remaining dragons to stand against Myrin. Along the way, Sam learns secrets of the past that will forever change the course of the future. A reckoning is coming for Sam of Wilds, and there is nothing he can do to stop it.

Partnership in Blood Bundle Vol. 2 (Partnership in Blood)

by Ariel Tachna

Return to Tachna’s world of vampires and wizards in the second volume of Partnership in Blood. With the war over, the wizards and vampires of l’ANS are faced with a series of new challenges as they explore everything their partnerships have come to signify. While the depth of individual partnerships varies, one thing is certain: there is more to their partnerships—and the Aveu de sang—than meets the eye.

The Keeper

by Kiernan Kelly

After millennia of hiding in the shadows, the creatures of myth known collectively as the “Others” have stepped forward into the light of day and demanded the right to share the planet humans long ago claimed as their exclusive territory. But the humans have no intention of surrendering without a fight—one that will include genocide. The Others are given no choice but to be ready to defend themselves, and they convene a Council of War to plan their strategy. But first they must address an ancient and terrifying prophecy: “Heed me well, all of you. Attack the humans without the Keeper and you will fail. Every one of you will become nothing but a memory, a myth, and the humans will truly inherit the earth.” The Council charges Liam, son of the Sidhe chieftain, with the critical mission to find the elusive Keeper necessary to their survival, but his quest is complicated by the need to find a Keeper determined not to be found. Marin is an Atlantean who values his privacy, but with the fate of the world at stake, he understands his days of living under the radar are over. Even worse, he must face his past to fight for his future. The last thing he expects is to fall in love along the way.

Switch Hitter (Shifter Hardball #3)

by Cheyenne Meadows

Shifter Hardball: Book ThreeTucker Wilde’s life is in a tailspin. Twenty-four hours ago, he was one of the top second basemen in the all-shifter professional baseball league. Now, he’s lost his starting spot to a rookie, been dumped by his girlfriend, and had a night of explosive passion with a man—a teammate at that. He can’t get Dixon out of his mind—even though Tucker still believes himself to be straight. With his career in jeopardy, he’s unsure where to turn or how to fix the mess. Dixon Foxx is a baseball prodigy, though a perfectionist father stole any joy he might find in the game. He only sticks with it because it’s all he knows—and because of Tucker, the man Dixon’s wanted since they met. His dreams come true one night, only to turn into a nightmare the next morning when Tucker blows off their incredible time together as a drunken mistake, never to happen again. The life of a switch hitter is all about mixing things up. Tucker excels at it. Only this time, the game isn’t on the line—his heart is.

Cœur destiné (Le Clan des Panthères #4)

by Mary Calmes Lily Karey

Dans la ville secrète de Sobek, Domin Thorne se fait une place en tant que semel-aten nouvellement choisi, leader du monde des panthères. Il aspire à faire des changements radicaux – il se fixe des buts, autant pour lui que pour ceux qu’il choisit d’emmener avec lui, modelant son règne sur celui de son ami, Logan Church. Mais Domin s’est peut-être fixé un objectif trop dur à atteindre : ses qualités de meneur ne fonctionnent pas. Jonglant entre un Crane qui a le mal du pays, un Mikhail de mauvaise humeur, un Taj brandissant son fouet, des domestiques aux intentions meurtrières, un ex qui lui rend visite et un compagnon parti pour une dangereuse mission de conciliation, Domin va devoir comprendre son nouveau rôle seul. Il doit aussi trouver comment gérer une conspiration, tout en tombant éperdument amoureux d’un homme qui, pour la première fois de sa vie, partage ses sentiments. Qu’il soit prêt ou non, le Destin intervient pour lui apprendre une leçon : les menaces internes sont tout aussi dangereuses que les externes.

An Island in the Stars

by Susan Laine

Sam, a geeky college freshman, has bigger problems than lusting after Marcus, sexy jock, college junior, and his big brother’s best friend. Chasing after a beanie caught in the winter wind turns into a tumble down the rabbit hole for them both—science fiction style. Sam and Marcus find themselves trapped on a tropical island in the middle of a strange ocean on an alien moon. The sole structure is a ruined temple devoted to the art of love. Flustered, confused, and unable to return home, they need to figure out a means of escape from a hostile jungle teeming with dangerous life-forms. In this tale where opposites attract and secret crushes are revealed, two very dissimilar young men discover they actually have a lot in common after all, but it will take their differences as much as their points of connection to survive on an island in the stars.

The Foxling Soldati (Soldati Hearts #2)

by Charlie Cochet

Sequel to The Soldati PrinceSoldati Hearts: Book TwoFoxling Toka has served the Soldati king for centuries, and now he attends to the kingdom’s cherished Soldati prince. It’s a position of honor, and as Toka helps the once-human prince adapt to their magical realm, he finds joy in their friendship. He also grows bolder in his encounters with Rayner, Soldati warrior and the king’s second. But the laws are clear: servants and Soldati are not permitted to mate. It doesn’t matter that Toka lost his heart to the dashing cad long ago. Rayner never imagined he would fall in love with a servant, but the clever and beautiful foxling has ensnared him, and he resents the regulations keeping them apart. When an arrogant and spiteful king visits from a neighboring realm, Rayner is in danger of losing everything. But Soldati warriors don’t surrender, and he intends to fight all the harder to keep Toka where he belongs—in Rayner’s arms.

Eating the Moon

by Mark David Campbell

During his twice-weekly sessions, Guy, a sixty-seven-year-old anthropologist, tells Richard, his thirty-two-year-old psychiatrist, a fantastic tale about a society where almost everyone is homosexual and sex is considered the most basic form of communication. As a young man, on a cargo ship that sinks in the Bermuda triangle, Guy is saved by the first mate, Luca, and they wash up on the shore of an uncharted tropical island. There, Guy must undergo a brutal initiation ritual, endure a crazed shaman, and swim across shark-infested waters in order to win the love of a local man. Meanwhile, Luca, who cannot accept his sexuality, is obsessed with being rescued and soon degenerates into drug dependency. Serious trouble ensues when Luca discovers that the locals have a large stash of gold, and he devises a plan to steal it. When Luca’s scheme falls apart, Guy must choose between remaining on the island with the man he loves or saving Luca’s life. Could there really be such a society, or does it only exist within the fantasy of lonely old gay man?

P.S. I Spook You

by S. E. Harmon

SSA Rain Christiansen used to be the agency’s golden boy. It just takes one moment of weakness, one slight, tiny, itty-bitty paranormal sighting, and all of a sudden he’s the agency’s embarrassment. His boss gives him one last chance to redeem himself—go down to Brickell Bay, play nice with the local police, and leave the ghost sightings behind. Rain is determined to do exactly that, even if it kills him. Cold-case detective Daniel McKenna’s latest investigation is going nowhere fast. Five years earlier, high school student Amy Greene went missing after leaving her part-time job and was never seen again. Daniel is glad to finally have the FBI help that his department requested, even if it does come in the form of his ex. It doesn’t help that Rain is pretty sure he’s falling in love with Danny all over again—if he ever stopped. Add to that the frustration of seeing ghosts at every turn while he works a case that’s stalled in its tracks, and Rain is starting to wonder if second chances and happy endings are just for fairy tales.

Deserto di sangue (Serie Sanguis Noctis #2)

by Alex Kidwell Robin Saxon Fabrizio Vivoli

Quando Jed viene ingaggiato da David, suo vecchio contatto e qualche volta amico, per indagare su una serie di sparizioni al Cairo, coglie al volo l’occasione per mostrare un po’ di mondo al compagno, Redford Reed. Anche il ragazzo di David, Victor Rathbone, esperto del sovrannaturale e professore un po’ antiquato, si unisce al gruppo. Quel viaggio in Egitto, però, riserva molti più pericoli e misteri di quanto Jed si aspettasse. Quello che sembra un caso semplice si rivela tutt’altro: nature nascoste emergono alla luce, le relazioni si complicano e il controllo sugli istinti si assottiglia fino a spezzarsi. Nonostante sia stato proprio lui a chiedere aiuto, David nutre già dei sospetti su chi sia la mente dietro ai rapimenti, ma il suo atteggiamento e i continui scontri tra personalità forti rendono difficile arrivare alla soluzione del mistero. Mentre la relazione tra Jed e Redford diventa ancora più intima e profonda a ogni ostacolo che incontrano sul loro cammino, David e Victor lottano per non perdere la fiducia reciproca quando devono affrontare le loro differenze. Man mano che i quattro si avvicinano ai rapitori, David è costretto a fare i conti con qualcosa di più pericoloso dell’eminenza grigia che sta dietro ai rapimenti: se stesso.

Attrazione gravitazionale

by Angel Martinez Victor Millais

Attirato da una misteriosa richiesta di soccorso, l’equipaggio della nave mercantile *Hermes* trova alla deriva nello spazio un vascello militare in apparenza vuoto. Al suo interno, sangue e resti umani imbrattano i corridoi e vi è un unico sopravvissuto, rinchiuso in una cella di custodia. L’uomo, bellissimo ma traumatizzato, attira l’attenzione dell’addetto alle comunicazioni della nave, Isaac Ozawa, che decide di prendersene cura, offrendogli la gentilezza e il calore di cui l’altro ha bisogno dopo gli orrori vissuti. Isaac ha imparato sulla propria pelle cosa significhi essere diverso, essere un emarginato, e questo rafforza il loro legame. Un tempo pilota promettente, ha subito dei danni fisici dopo che il suo cervello non è riuscito a fondersi con l’impianto necessario a pilotare i potenti caccia della Flotta. Il cervello di Turk non è da meno. Come risultato di un esperimento militare fallito, le sue naturali capacità sono state aumentate a livelli pericolosi. Quando un ammiraglio senza morale e assetato di potere rapisce Isaac, usandolo per convincere Turk a diventare l’arma catastrofica che ha sempre sognato, saranno necessari tutta la forza di Turk, l’ingegnosità dell’equipaggio della *Hermes*, l’aiuto degli enigmatici Drak’tar e la testardaggine dello stesso Isaac per riuscire a salvare l’intero universo.

Amore in opposizione

by Charlie Cochet Claudia Nogara

Lo stagista americano Kelly Sutton è entusiasta di essere stato accolto alla prestigiosa Photonic Royal Society di New London. Da più di un anno collabora al Progetto Marte, una missione così segreta che nemmeno lui ne conosce i dettagli. L’unica cosa di cui è certo è che i suoi studi contribuiranno ad aiutare l’umanità, e questo gli basta. L’ordinato mondo di Kelly finisce sottosopra quando le preoccupazioni per lo strano comportamento del suo mentore lo portano a indagare e scoprire una crudele verità. Quello che doveva essere un progetto volto a migliorare la vita umana si rivela una ricerca che potrebbe portare alla distruzione di massa. La terrificante scoperta obbliga Kelly a scegliere tra guardare dall’altra parte per mantenere il suo incarico, come ha sempre fatto, o rischiare la carriera e forse persino la vita per fare la cosa giusta e salvare l’uomo che ha conquistato il suo cuore.

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