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Showing 26,751 through 26,775 of 79,258 results

Star Trek: One Constant Star (Star Trek)

by David R. George III

An original novel set in "The Lost Era" time period between Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation!When Captain Demora Sulu leads the crew of U.S.S. Enterprise-B on a mission near Tzenkethi space, they explore Rejarris II, a planet they cannot explain. A strange structure on the surface could hold answers, but when a landing party transports down to study it, chaos erupts. After communication fails with one officer and another is horribly injured, Captain Sulu deems the planet too dangerous to continue exploring. She decides to leave Rejarris II, but not until she can retrieve her lost crew member. But when contact is ultimately severed with the captain, a Tzenkethi force subsequently appears. Could they be behind the mysteries on the planet, or the disappearances of the Enterprise officers? Regardless, will Sulu's crew be able stand up to them long enough to find and retrieve their captain and the other missing personnel? Once, John Harriman commanded Enterprise-B with Demora Sulu by his side as his first officer. Eight years after stepping down as a starship captain--in the wake of the Tomed Incident--Harriman now serves as an admiral based out of Helaspont Station, on the edge of the Tzenkethi Coalition. When he receives a mysterious message from Rejarris II, he realizes that he might hold the key to finding his former crewmate. In choosing to help recover Demora Sulu, though, he could risk losing everything he holds dear. What price is Harriman willing to pay to attempt to rescue his longtime friend? TM, ®, & © 2013 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Plagues of Night (Star Trek)

by David R. George III

In the wake of the final Borg invasion, which destroyed entire worlds, cost the lives of sixty-three billion people, and struck a crippling blow to Starfleet, six nations adversarial to the United Federation of Planets--the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly, the Gorn Hegemony, the Tzenkethi Coalition, and the Holy Order of the Kinshaya-- joined ranks to form the Typhon Pact. For almost three years, the Federation and the Klingon Empire, allied under the Khitomer Accords, have contended with the nascent coalition on a predominantly cold-war footing. But as Starfleet rebuilds itself, factions within the Typhon Pact grow restive, concerned about their own inability to develop a quantum slipstream drive to match that of the Federation. Will leaders such as UFP President Bacco and RSE Praetor Kamemor bring about a lasting peace across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, or will the cold war between the two alliances deepen, and perhaps even lead to an all-out shooting war?

Star Trek: Rough Beasts of Empire (Star Trek)

by David R. George III

Still on Romulus in pursuit of his goal of reunifying the Vulcans and Romulans, Spock finds himself in the middle of a massive power struggle. In the wake of the assassination of the Praetor and the Senate, the Romulans have cleaved in two. While Empress Donatra has led her nascent Imperial Romulan State to establish relations with the Federation, Praetor Tal'aura has guided the original Romulan Star Empire toward joining the newly formed Typhon Pact. But numerous factions within the two Romulan nations vie for power and undivided leadership, and Machiavellian plots unfold as forces within and without the empires conduct high-stakes political maneuvers. Meanwhile, four years after Benjamin Sisko returned from the Celestial Temple, circumstances have changed, his hopes for a peaceful life on Bajor with his wife and daughter beginning to slip away. After temporarily rejoining Starfleet for an all-hands-on-deck battle against the Borg, he must consider an offer to have him return for a longer stint. Beset by troubling events, he seeks spiritual guidance, facing demons new and old, including difficult memories from his time in the last Federation-Tzenkethi war.

Star Trek: Allegiance in Exile

by David R. George III

A beautiful green world, rich in fertile soil and temperate climate . . . a textbook Class-M planet that should be teeming with life. Scans show no life-signs, but there are refined metals, including those associated with a space-faring race . . . and a lone city. But where are all of the inhabitants? Captain James T. Kirk leads a landing party from the U.S.S. Enterprise, hoping to get some answers. The away team discovers a city in ruins, covered by dust, utterly bereft of life. Tricorder readings indicate that this is no ancient metropolis--it has been deserted only for a year. And just beyond the citadel lies what appears to be an ancient spaceport . . . a graveyard of ships that have clearly been sabotaged. With these ruins too far from either the Klingon or the Romulan Empires, the Enterprise crew can only wonder: Who could have done this? And could this unnamed threat now pose an imminent danger to the Federation?eat now pose an imminent danger to the Federation? TM, ®, & © 2012 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Typhon Pact: Raise the Dawn (Star Trek- Typhon Pact Book 7) (Star Trek: Typhon Pact)

by David R. George III

The second novel in a two-part Typhon Pact adventure set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. After the disastrous events in the Bajoran system, Captain Benjamin Sisko must confront the consequences of the recent choices he has made in his life. At the same time, the United Federation of Planets and its Khitomer Accords allies have come to the brink of war with the Typhon Pact. While factions within the Pact unsuccessfully used the recent gestures of goodwill—the opening of borders and a joint Federation-Romulan exploratory mission—to develop quantum-slipstream drive, they have not given up their goals. Employing a broad range of assets, from Romulus to Cardassia, from Ab-Tzenketh to Bajor, they embark on a dangerous new plan to acquire the technology they need to take control of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. While UFP President Bacco and Romulan Praetor Kamemor work feverishly to reestablish peace, Captains Sisko, Jean-Luc Picard, and Ro Laren stand on the front lines of the conflict...even as a new danger threatens the Bajoran wormhole as it once more becomes a flashpoint of galactic history.

Worlds of Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Worlds Of Deep Space Nine (Star Trek #3)

by David R. George III Keith R. DeCandido

Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilizations most closely tied to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can now be experienced as never tales both sweeping and intimate, reflective and prophetic, eerily familiar and utterly alien. FERENGINAR: Quark's profit-driven homeworld is rocked with scandal as shocking allegations involving his brother's first wife, the mother of Nog, threaten to overthrow Rom as Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance. Making matters worse, Quark has been recruited by Rom's political adversaries to join their coup d'état, with guarantees of all Quark ever dreamed if they succeed in taking his brother down. While Ferenginar's future teeters on the edge, the pregnancy of Rom's current wife, Leeta, takes a difficult turn for both mother and child. THE DOMINION: Since its defeat in the war for the Alpha Quadrant, the Great Link -- the living totality of the shape-shifting Founders -- has struggled with questions. At its moment of greatest doubt, its fate, and that of the Dominion itself, is tied to Odo's investigation of his kind's true motives for sending a hundred infant changelings out into the galaxy. As Odo searches for answers and takes a hard look at his past choices, Taran'atar reaches a turning point in his own quest for from which there may be no going back.

These Haunted Seas (Star Trek)

by David R. George III Heather Jarman

It is a time of renewed hope. As the U.S.S. Defiant sails through the wormhole and charts a new course of discovery into the unknown ocean of the Gamma Quadrant, powerful individuals from distant worlds gather at station Deep Space 9™ to usher in a bright new era; with the Dominion War now only a memory, Bajor is poised at last to enter the Federation. For Colonel Kira Nerys, Commander Elias Vaughn, and all those who follow them, these are the voyages they were born to undertake. But where they seek to go is defined by the journeys they have made before, and ghosts populate these uncharted waters -- the spectres of lost leaders, fallen friends, forsaken lovers, vanquished enemies, and earlier selves. Some of these shades drive the travelers on, others are drawn inexorably into their wake; but all make their presence felt, and in feeling, the men and women of DS9 and the Defiant must somehow navigate the perilous rapids of their pasts in order to find the future. Originally published as Twilight and This Gray Spirit -- the first two novels in the critically acclaimed Mission: Gamma series -- These Haunted Seas is the next chapter of the epic saga begun in Twist of Faith, continuing the chronicles of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine® beyond the small screen, propelling its heroes to realms they could never have imagined, and truths they cannot escape.

Typhon Pact: The Khitomer Accords Saga

by David R. George III Una McCormack

Three thrilling novels set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation!Plagues of Night In the wake of the final Borg invasion, which destroyed entire worlds, cost the lives of sixty-three billion people, and struck a crippling blow to Starfleet, six nations adversarial to the United Federation of Planets—the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly, the Gorn Hegemony, the Tzenkethi Coalition, and the Holy Order of the Kinshaya—joined ranks to form the Typhon Pact. For almost three years, the Federation and the Klingon Empire, allied under the Khitomer Accords, have contended with the nascent coalition on a predominantly cold-war footing. But as Starfleet rebuilds itself, factions within the Typhon Pact grow restive, concerned about their own inability to develop a quantum slipstream drive to match that of the Federation. Will leaders such as UFP President Bacco and RSE Praetor Kamemor bring about a lasting peace across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, or will the cold war between the two alliances deepen, and perhaps even lead to an all-out shooting war? Raise the Dawn After the disastrous events in the Bajoran system, Captain Benjamin Sisko must confront the consequences of the recent choices he has made in his life. At the same time, the United Federation of Planets and its Khitomer Accords allies have come to the brink of war with the Typhon Pact. While factions within the Pact unsuccessfully used the recent gestures of goodwill—the opening of borders and a joint Federation-Romulan exploratory mission—to develop quantum-slipstream drive, they have not given up their goals. Employing a broad range of assets, from Romulus to Cardassia, from Ab-Tzenketh to Bajor, they embark on a dangerous new plan to acquire the technology they need to take control of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. While UFP President Bacco and Romulan Praetor Kamemor work feverishly to reestablish peace, Captains Sisko, Jean-Luc Picard, and Ro Laren stand on the front lines of the conflict...even as a new danger threatens the Bajoran wormhole as it once more becomes a flashpoint of galactic history. Brinkmanship The Venette Convention has always remained independent, but it is about to become the flashpoint for a tense military standoff between the two power blocs now dominating interstellar space—the United Federation of Planets and the recently formed Typhon Pact. The Venetan government turns to the Typhon Pact’s Tzenkethi Coalition for protection in the new order, and has agreed to allow three of their supply bases for Tzenkethi use. But these bases—if militarized—would put Tzenkethi weapons unacceptably close to Federation, Cardassian, and Ferengi space. While Captain Ezri Dax and the crew of the U.S.S. Aventine are sent to investigate exactly what is happening at one of the Venette bases, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are assigned to a diplomatic mission sent to the Venette homeworld in order to broker a mutually acceptable resolution. But the Cardassian delegates don’t seem particularly keen on using diplomacy to resolve the situation, which soon spirals out of control toward all-out war. . .

Star Trek: Shattered Light

by David R. George III Michael Schuster Scott Pearson Steve Mollmann

It's been said that for any event, there are an infinite number of possible out­comes. Our choices determine which outcome will follow, and therefore all possibilities that could happen do happen across alternate realities. In these divergent realms, known history is bent, like white light through a shattered prism--broken into a boundless spectrum of what-might-have-beens. But in those myriad universes, what might have been . . . is what actually occurred. THE EMBRACE OF COLD ARCHITECTS. "Mister Worf--fire." With thosewords, William T. Riker defeated the Borg--and destroyed Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Now, a heartsore Captain Riker must carry on the legacy of thecommanding officer and friend whose death he ordered. But crises face himat every turn, from Cardassian aggression to the return of Data's creator,Noonien Soong. But it is Data's creation of a daughter, Lal, that may prove to beeveryone's undoing. . . . THE TEARS OF ERIDANUS. Commander Hikaru Sulu of the Kumari--finest ship of the Interstellar Guard, the military arm of the Interstellar Union that includes Andor, Earth, and Tellar--is sent to rescue an observation team on a primitive desert planet. The world has many names--40 Eridani A-II, Minshara, T'Khasi, Vulcan--and its savage natives have taken the team hostage, including Sulu's daughter, Demora. Even as Captain Sulu negotiates with the fierce T'Pau, Demora meets the elderly S'oval, and with him the only hope for the planet's future. . . . HONOR IN THE NIGHT. Former Federation president Nilz Baris has died. After losing Sherman's Planet to the Klingons thanks to poisoned quadrotriticale, the agriculture undersecretary parlayed that defeat into years of political battles with the Klingon Empire, and eventually the Federation's highest office. Now, the Federation News Service wants the story of his life, a quest that digs up many secrets--including the mystery of why his final words were "Arne Darvin."

The 34th Rule: The 34th Rule (Star Trek #23)

by David R. George III Armin Shimerman

For once, business is going well for Quark, not that anyone on Deep Space Nine truly appreciates his genius for finding profit in the most unlikely of circumstances. Quark is even looking forward to making the deal of a lifetime -- when he suddenly finds himself stuck right in the middle of a major dispute between Bajor and the Ferengi Alliance. It seems that the Grand Nagus is refusing to sell one of the lost Orbs of the Prophets to the Bajoran government, which has responded by banning all Ferengi activity in Bajoran space. With diplomatic relations between the two cultures rapidly breaking down, Quark loses his bar first, then his freedom. But even penniless, he still has his cunning and his lobes, and those alone may be all he needs to come out on top -- and prevent an interstellar war!

Dragon Flight (Dragon Slippers #2)

by Jessica Day George

Young seamstress Creel finds herself strategizing with the dragon king Shardas once again when a renegade dragon in a distant country launches a war against their country, bringing an entire army of dragons into the mix.

Dragon Slippers (Dragon Slippers #1)

by Jessica Day George

Many stories tell of damsels in distress, who are rescued from the clutches of fire-breathing dragons by knights in shining armor, and swept off to live happily ever after. Unfortunately, this is not one of those stories. True, when Creel's aunt suggests sacrificing her to the local dragon, it is with the hope that the knight will marry Creel and that everyone (aunt and family included) will benefit handsomely. Yet it's Creel who talks her way out of the dragon's clutches. And it's Creel who walks for days on end to seek her fortune in the king's city with only a bit of embroidery thread and a strange pair of slippers in her possession. But even Creel could not have guessed the outcome of this tale. For in a country on the verge of war, Creel unknowingly possesses not just any pair of shoes, but a tool that could be used to save her kingdom or destroy it.

Dragon Spear (Dragon Slippers #3)

by Jessica Day George

Creel's adventures continue when she, her brother, and her betrothed travel across the seas to visit their dragon friends and become involved in a battle against an alien group of dragons that has kidnapped Queen Velika, endangering her and her expected litter of hatchlings. Sequel to Dragon Flight.

Fridays with the Wizards (Tuesdays at the Castle #4)

by Jessica Day George

Princess Celie and her companions have made it home safely from the Glorious Arkower, and everything is back to normal now that the Eye of the Castle is where it belongs. With more magical griffins to care for, Celie, Lilah, and Rolf have their hands full. But when the dangerous ancient wizard Arkwright escapes the dungeon and goes missing within the Castle, no one can rest until he is found. Only Celie knows where he is most likely hiding--deep within the secret passageways behind the walls of their beloved Castle. With danger lurking behind every tapestry and under every trap door, Celie must find the wizard and save her family.

Los Martes en el castillo (Castillo Glower #1)

by Jessica Day George

Cuando los padres de la princesa Celie desaparecen, ella y sus hermanos comienzan una aventura para encontrar al traidor que atenta contra el reino. Cada día es extraordinario en el castillo Glower. ¡Entra y descúbrelo! Pero, ten cuidado, si no estás del lado de la princesa Celie, el castillo puede dejarte encerrado en una habitación sin salida o incluso expulsarte... «Cuando el castillo Glower estaba aburrido, se añadían una o dos habitaciones nuevas. Esto solía pasar los martes...» Cada día es extraordinario en el Castillo Glower. Pero los martes son el día preferido de Celie pues ese día el castillo crea una habitación nueva o un pasillo o una torre o un pasadizo secreto... Nadie sabe lo que hará el castillo a continuación, solo Celie conoce sus intenciones. Pero cuando el rey y la reina Glower desaparecen,víctimas de una emboscada en el bosque, Celie y sus hermanos darán comienzo a una inolvidable aventura a través de pasadizos y galerías. Tendrán que dar con el malvado traidor que ahora atenta contra el reino de sus padres. ¿Podrá el castillo Glower ayudarle esta vez?

Los Martes en el castillo (Castillo Glower #1)

by Jessica Day George

Cuando los padres de la princesa Celie desaparecen, ella y sus hermanos comienzan una aventura para encontrar al traidor que atenta contra el reino. Primera parte de la serie Castillo Glower. Una historia de aventura y acción, donde el personaje principal es un castillo que no se está muy quieto y que le jugará bromas a quien lo habita por herencia o suplantación. Los martes es el día favorito de la intrépida princesa Celie, porque el castillo crea nuevos lugares para escudriñar, y ella conoce cada rincón del lugar. Un día, los padres de Celie desaparecen, entonces ella y sus hermanos inician una inolvidable aventura a través de pasadizos y galerías. Tendrán que dar con el malvado traidor que atenta contra el reino de sus padres. Por si fuera poco, pronto se nombrará a un nuevo rey, y el castillo es quien lo elige. ¿Podrá el castillo Glower ayudarlos esta vez? Lo que ha dicho la crítica: "Esta divertida farsa convierte las travesuras en acción política y un palacio de piedra en un astuto personaje". -Kirkus Review. "De alguna manera, Jessica Day George siempre se las arregla para confeccionar un esponjoso y feliz algodón de azúcar y bondad con una trama cautivante, personajes entrañables y villanos muy malos". -Small Review/blog. "La historia es simple y divertida... Los personajes son interesantes y verosímiles... Baste decir que el castillo Glower es genial y no lo olvidarás... Martes en el Castillo de Jessica Day George es una fresca y linda historia que fue un placer leer". -Lady with Books/blog. "Los martes en el Castillo es tremendamente accesible para los niños, con un ambiente divertido, simpáticos personajes (si no totalmente realistas) y una trama llena de acción. Recomendado para niños y niñas de últimos años de primaria, y para cualquiera que, como yo, no pueda resistirse a la idea de un castillo vivo y en movimiento". -Jen Robinson's Book Page/blog.

Los Miércoles en la torre (Castillo Glower #2)

by Jessica Day George

Rolf reta a su hermana Celie a encontrar la nueva habitación que creará el castillo Glower, cuando lo logra, Cecil se topa con un huevo muy extraño. Cada día es extraordinario en el castillo Glower. ¡Entra y descúbrelo! Pero, ten cuidado, si no estás del lado de la princesa Celie, el castillo puede dejarte encerrado en una habitación sin salida o incluso expulsarte... «Cuando el castillo Glower estaba aburrido, se añadían una o dos habitaciones nuevas. Esto solía pasar los martes...». Era miércoles, y por eso Celie no esperaba encontrar habitaciones nuevas en el castillo Glower... Cuando su hermano Rolf la reta a encontrar la nueva habitación que creará el castillo Glower, la princesa Celie no se lo piensa dos veces. Nadie conoce el castillo mágico como ella. Pero, como siempre, el castillo tiene sus propios deseos y, cuando Celie da con la nuevahabitación, también encuentra un extraño huevo escondido en ella. Parece como si el castillo quisiera que Celie cuidara del huevo, y de la criatura que saldrá del cascarón. ¿Qué será? Celie lleva un tiempo pidiendo a sus padres una mascota, y esta será una oportunidad perfecta para demostrar que es capaz de ocuparse de ella. Pero no será una tarea fácil, especialmente después de que Celie y sus hermanos averigüen que más secretos esconde el castillo... Si no has leído la aventura anterior de la princesa Celie, no te la pierdas... Averigua qué pasa en "LOS MARTES EN EL CASTILLO" Reseñas: "Me encantó Los martes en el castillo, y Los miércoles en la torre no me ha decepcionado en absoluto [...]. Definitivamente merece la pena leerlo". -Christine Rappleye, periodista de Deseret News, en Goodreads. "Esta segunda entrega de la saga del castillo Glower es tan original y fantástica como la primera [...]. Si te gustó la serie de Harry Potter, te encantarán los libros de Jessica Day George". -Christine Rains, autora de The 13th Floor Series, en Goodreads. "Los martes en el castillo les encanta a los niños, y Los miércoles en la torre no les defraudará [...]. El final del primer libro enlaza perfectamente con el argumento de este segundo. Los personajes de la primera entrega siguen creciendo en profundidad y amplitud. Lulath, en especial, es un personaje fascinante". -Pamela Kramer, "Qué refrescante es leer una nueva aventura dentro de la tradición de los cuentos de hadas que presenta un reparto original y que se ambienta en un mundo mágico completamente único con reglas propias [...]. Los miércoles en el castillo es una lectura fantástica para los amantes de los cuentos de hadas que busquen algo diferente y prepara excelentemente el escenario para lo que parece que será la mayor aventura de la saga".

Princess of Glass

by Jessica Day George

Hoping to escape the troubles in her kingdom, Princess Poppy reluctantly agrees to take part in a royal exchange program, whereby young princes and princesses travel to each other's countries in the name of better political alliances?and potential marriages. It's got the makings of a fairy tale until a hapless servant named Eleanor is tricked by a vengeful fairy godmother into competing with Poppy for the eligible prince. Ballgowns, cinders, and enchanted glass slippers fly in this romantic and action-packed happily-ever-after quest from an author with a flair for embroidering tales in her own delightful way.

Princess of the Midnight Ball

by Jessica Day George

A tale of twelve princesses doomed to dance until dawn… Galen is a young soldier returning from war; Rose is one of twelve princesses condemned to dance each night for the King Under Stone. Together Galen and Rose will search for a way to break the curse that forces the princesses to dance at the midnight balls. All they need is one invisibility cloak, a black wool chain knit with enchanted silver needles, and that most critical ingredient of all--true love--to conquer their foes in the dark halls below. But malevolent forces are working against them above ground as well, and as cruel as the King Under Stone has seemed, his wrath is mere irritation compared to the evil that awaits Galen and Rose in the brighter world above. Captivating from start to finish, Jessica Day George’s take on the Grimms’ taleThe Twelve Dancing Princesses demonstrates yet again her mastery at spinning something entirely fresh out of a story you thought you knew.

Saturdays At Sea

by Jessica Day George

There is never a dull moment for Celie and her family in Castle Glower--even when they're not in the Castle itself! After traveling to the seaside kingdom of Lilah's betrothed prince, Lulath, Celie and her companions are busy training griffins, enjoying wedding festivities, and finishing construction of a grand ship built from parts of the Castle. But on their maiden voyage, the Ship steers them far off course into uncharted waters. Celie and Lilah hope that the Ship is taking them to the ancient island where unicorns once roamed, but as the journey grows longer and supplies run low, they are in trouble. Celie, Lilah, and Rolf know they must trust the Ship as they trust the Castle, but what if they never reach land again?

Thursdays with the Crown (Tuesdays at the Castle #3)

by Jessica Day George

Castle Glower has been acting weird, so it's no surprise when two towers transport Celie and her siblings to an unknown land. When they realize that no one from home is coming to get them, the kids--along with Celie's pet griffin Rufus--set out through the forest to figure out where they are and what's happened to their beloved Castle. Instead, they discover two wizards and an entire lost people, the oldest inhabitants of Castle Glower. And it seems they may know more of the Castle's secrets than Celie. But do they know how to get her back home?

Wednesdays in the Tower: Tuesdays at the Castle

by Jessica Day George

A castle that is constantly rearranging itself, and a young royal family sworn to protect it. Celie, Rolf, and their beloved Castle Glower are back in this exciting sequel to Tuesdays at the Castle. <P><P>When her brother Rolf dares her to catch magical Castle Glower creating a new room, Princess Celie takes the challenge. No one knows the Castle better than she does. But as usual, the Castle has ideas of its own. Celie finds the new room first, and inside it is hidden a giant egg. It looks like the Castle wants Celie to care for the egg and whatever creature it hatches, but Celie hadn't bargained for a pet. And caring for this one will prove to be especially tricky once Celie and her siblings realize what else the Castle is hiding . . .

Clover's Luck (The Magical Animal Adoption Agency #1)

by Kallie George

Despite her name, Clover has always felt decidedly unlucky. So when she stumbles upon a mysterious cottage in the Woods, she can hardly believe her good fortune. It's the Magical Animal Adoption Agency, and it houses creatures of all kinds. Fairy horses, unicorns, and a fiery young dragon are just the beginning!Mr. Jams, the Agency's owner, agrees to hire her as summer helper and Clover hopes her luck has finally changed. But when she's left alone to care for the Agency, a sneaky witch comes after the magical creatures! Will Clover outsmart her in time to protect the animals? The first installment in a new illustrated chapter book series by Kallie George, featuring enchanting illustrations by Alexandra Boiger, will charm young readers as Clover learns that courage and heart can be even more powerful than good luck.

The Enchanted Egg (The Magical Animal Adoption Agency #2)

by Kallie George

Book 2 in the marvelous illustrated chapter book series, The Magical Animal Adoption Agency.There's a new resident at the Magical Animal Adoption Agency-but this one hasn't hatched yet! Mr. Jams brought home an enchanted egg from his last journey, and Clover can't wait to find out what kind of creature the polka-dotted shell contains.But one morning when Clover checks on the cozy nest of feathers she's made for the egg, she finds it empty, and the baby animal is nowhere in sight! Clover is anxious to find the creature, but the Agency is full of visitors looking for pets of their own. Will Clover be able to match them with their perfect companions and save the mysterious animal before Mr. Jams returns from his trip?With charming illustrations by Alexandra Boiger, the second book in Kallie George's The Magical Animal Adoption Agency series celebrates the magic of new friends and the power of seeing with your heart.Praise for Clover's Luck"[This] gentle tale of magic and self-reliance will entertain confident new independent readers. Clover's sweet story is a good next step for lovers of the Magic Tree House." -- Kirkus Reviews"The first novel in George's new series is a charming story, delicately written, with a winning heroine. Clover's first adventure with the magical animals at the agency comes to a conclusion that will satisfy young readers." -- Booklist Online

I Am a Meadow Mermaid

by Kallie George

A farm girl with a big imagination turns her landlocked home into an ocean playground in this dreamy picture book for little mermaids everywhere.A little girl dreams of adventures in the water and feels the spirit of the ocean all around her . . . even though she lives on the prairie, with flat land as far as the eye can see. But she won't let a little detail like that stand in the way of being a meadow mermaid! Frolicking in the "waves" of wheat and "oceans" of grass, spying sea horses and . . . a shipwrecked sailor? Even if that shipwreck is actually an overturned bike and the sailor a new kid from a neighboring field, it's still a chance to make a new friend, one with an imagination as expansive and a love of the ocean as deep as the little girl's own.This fanciful, whimsical picture book will charm young mermaids and little pirates everywhere, and inspire them to embrace the spirit of the ocean in the things around them, no matter where they live!

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