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Captive Prince: Volume Two (Captive Prince Trilogy #Bk. 2)

by C. S. Pacat

The second volume in the Captive Prince trilogy. With their countries on the brink of war, Damen and his new master Prince Laurent must exchange the intrigues of the palace for the sweeping might of the battlefield as they travel to the border to avert a lethal plot. Forced to hide his identity, Damen finds himself increasingly drawn to the dangerous, charismatic Laurent. But as the fledgling trust between the two men deepens, the truth of secrets from both their pasts is poised to deal them the crowning death blow . . .

The Indian in the Cupboard Series (The Indian in the Cupboard)

by Lynne Reid Banks

Acclaimed New York Times selected "best book of the year," The Indian in the Cupboard, joins The Return of the Indian, and The Secret of the Indian for this eomni special. With magical and fantastical elements, these three extraordinary novels have withstood the test of time to become beloved classics. Young readers are drawn to the endearing characters, the fast-paced and convincingly portrayed action, and themes of friendship, responsibility, and burgeoning independence. This eomni edition will surely take a prominent place on everyone's virtual bookshelves!

Chill (Jacob's Ladder #2)

by Elizabeth Bear

The award-winning author of "Dust" delivers the second volume in her groundbreaking space opera trilogy. A remarkable SF writer who's leaving many of her contemporaries in the dust. --SF Reviews.Net.

The King's Deryni: A Novel Of The Deryni (A Novel of the Deryni #3)

by Katherine Kurtz

New York Times bestselling author Katherine Kurtz's novels of the Deryni have been hailed by Anne McCaffrey as "an incredible historical tapestry of a world that never was and of immensely vital people who ought to be." Now Kurtz weaves a thrilling conclusion to the epic Childe Morgan trilogy, in which bonds of both magic and loyalty will be put to the ultimate test...Alaric Morgan always knew his purpose in life--to stand alongside the king of Gwynedd. The old king knew that whichever of his sons succeeded to the throne would benefit from having a Deryni at his side. Alaric and the young Prince Brion Haldane were bound together by magic--a magic to be called upon when Brion was most in need.Now eighteen, Brion has ascended to the throne and seven-year-old Alaric has come to court. Through the coming years, both will grow to manhood and come to realize their destinies. Brion will strive to solidify his power and position, seek out a bride to secure his legacy, and ultimately, when faced with an unbeatable foe, call upon Alaric to fulfill his oath.Meanwhile, Alaric slowly learns the extent of his powers and how to use them, and will face the prejudice that many have against Deryni in its ugliest form. He will experience bittersweet first love, great personal loss, and the hard lessons one gains from both. And he will be there to unleash the full power of his Deryni magic at Brion's command.For Alaric is--and always will be--the King's Deryni.

Obsidian Prey (A Ghost Hunters Novel #6)

by Jayne Castle

Amber tuner and independent prospector Lyra Dore lost her heart--and her discovery of a rare amethyst ruin--to cutthroat businessman Cruz Sweetwater. At least she had her artistically talented dust-bunny to comfort her... But the ruin's mysterious power has put everyone involved with the project in danger. And only by trusting their psychic instincts will Cruz and Lyra survive-- and surrender to the desire that binds them.

The Lost Fleet: Dauntless (The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier #1)

by Jack Campbell

Captain John "Black Jack" Geary's legendary exploits are known to every schoolchild. Revered for his heroic "last stand" in the early days of the war, he was presumed dead. But a century later, Geary miraculously returns from survival hibernation and reluctantly takes command of the Alliance Fleet as it faces annihilation by the Syndic.Appalled by the hero-worship around him, Geary is nevertheless a man who will do his duty. And he knows that bringing the stolen Syndic hypernet key safely home is the Alliance's one chance to win the war. But to do that, Geary will have to live up to the impossibly heroic "Black Jack" legend...

The Book of Taltos (Jhereg #2)

by Steven Brust

Steven Brust's first three novels featuring assassin Vlad Taltos and his jhereg companion were collected in one volume as The Book of Jhereg. The Book of Taltos continues the adventure with books four and five in the series-Taltos and Phoenix.Vlad Taltos is an assassin unlike no other. Not only is he quick with a sword, but he also possesses a gift for witchcraft conjuring. The latest addition to his already formidable arsenal is a leathery-winged jhereg who shares a telepathic link with Vlad-making him twice as deadly...The adventures chronicled in Taltos and Phoenix find Vlad accepting a job in the Land of the Dead, but a living human being cannot walk the paths of the dead and return, alive, to the land of men. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view), the Demon Goddess is willing to rescue him-if Vlad is willing to grant her a favor in return...

Redemption Ark (Revelation Space #3)

by Alastair Reynolds

This stunning sequel to Revelation Space begins late in the twenty-sixth century. The human race has advanced enough to accidentally trigger alien machines designed to detect intelligent life--and destroy it.

La Segunda Revolución. Heredero (La Segunda Revolución #1)

by Costa Alcalá

Antes de la Revolución había diez Familias, una para cada poder. Ahora solo quedan ocho. Aura desapareció. De Dominio, la Familia Imperial, solo queda un mal recuerdo. #SegundaRevolución IX Premio El Templo de las Mil Puertas a la mejor novela nacional perteneciente a saga. Casi veinte años después, los estudiantes del Liceo de la Guardia de Blyd se entrenan para proteger con su magia a una sociedad que hace años que vive en paz. Pero cuando la sombra de Dominio vuelve a acechar al país, un grupo de estudiantes tendrá que enfrentarse a los secretos del pasado... sin revelar los suyos. «Por su mundo exquisitamente trabajado y original, su estilo lleno de intriga y tensión, y unos personajes que se salen de cualquier arquetipo.»Premios El Templo de las Mil Puertas 2018 Reseña:«Llevaba una racha de lecturas bastante mediocre y ya echaba en falta un libro de esos que no te dejan despegarte... no sabía que lo que estaba esperando, sin saberlo, era La segunda revolución. Me ha encantado.»Fiebre Lectora En los blogs...«O Dios mío, pedazo de sorpresa me llevé con esta novela. Otro tipo de fantasía que nunca había visto en la que magia y tecnología se entrelazan, una trama que mezcla desde de truculentos asesinatos y guerras hasta problemáticas de instituto. Una primera parte de saga que me ha encantado y que se merece estar, por supuesto, en el Top 2.»Sebas G. Mouret, El coleccionista de Mundos

The Wolf at the Door (Big Bad Wolf #1)

by Charlie Adhara

A former FBI agent is partnered with the enemy in this suspenseful male/male shifter romance from debut author Charlie AdharaHunting for big bad wolves was never part of Agent Cooper Dayton’s plan, but a werewolf attack lands him in the carefully guarded Bureau of Special Investigations. A new case comes with a new partner: ruggedly sexy werewolf Oliver Park.Park is an agent of The Trust, a werewolf oversight organization working to ease escalating tensions with the BSI. But as far as Cooper’s concerned, it’s failing. As they investigate a series of mysterious deaths unlike anything they’ve seen, every bone in Cooper’s body is suspicious of his new partner—even when Park proves himself as competent as he is utterly captivating.When more people vanish, pressure to solve the case skyrockets. And though he’d resolved to keep things professional, Cooper’s friction with Park soon erupts…into a physical need that can’t be contained or controlled. But with a body count that’s rising by the day, werewolves and humans are in equal danger. If Cooper and Park don’t catch the killer soon, one—or both—of them could be the next to go.This book is approximately 90,000 wordsCarina Press acknowledges the editorial services of Mackenzie Walton

Star Trek: Fatal Error

by Keith R. DeCandido

Take it apart, figure it out, put it back together. That's the ongoing mission of the U.S.S. da Vinci, commanded by Captain David Gold and his first officer, Commander Sonya Gomez, late of the Starship Enterprise and one of Starfleet's top engineers. They oversee a crack S.C.E. team composed of specialists in such diverse fields as tactical systems, alien cultures, computers, linguistics, and cryptography. Together they're ready to cope with just about every kind of high-tech challenge imaginable -- and a few that nobody could have imagined. For centuries, the planet Eerlik has had a thriving civilization, completely run, maintained, and administered by a giant sentient computer. But now that computer is breaking down and the desperate inhabitants are helpless to repair the damage. Only the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci, accompanied by Geordi La Forge, can hope to fix the massive computer before the Eerlikkan society collapses entirely. Their mission grows more dangerous, however, when they discover evidence of sabotage -- and learn firsthand that hostile forces will do whatever it takes to stop Gold and his crew from saving the imperiled planet!


by Dean Wesley Smith Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The Klingon Empire remains the Federation's most fearsome and uneasy ally, but can any human fully understand the heart and soul of a true Klingon warrior? During crucial negotiations on Deep Space Nine . Gowron, leader of the Klingon High Council, tests human understanding of the Klingon way by sharing the powerful story of one warrior's quest for honor... Pok is a young Klingon caught up in the dangerous complexities of clan politics. When his father is murdered in his own home on the day of Pok's Rite of Ascension, Pok must find the assassin and close the circle of vengeance. But as he searches for the truth amidst strange aliens and treacherous friends, Pok discovers that every day can be a good day to die and that only his own warrior's training stands between him and the business end of d'k tahg knife!

Fortune's Light

by Michael Jan Friedman

Dante Maxima Seven -- a world known to its inhabitants as Imprima. A world where Madragi -- huge social/economic entities wealthy beyond compare -- control the fate of millions.. Years ago, William Riker was part of the Starfleet delegation that opened Imprima to the Federation. Now the disappearance of an old friend -- Teller Conlon, who also served on that team -- draws Riker and the Enterprise across the galaxy, back to Imprima. Because the jewel known as Fortune's Light -- one of Madraga Criathis's most priceless possessions -- has been stolen. And Teller Conlon stands accused of its theft. Now Riker must discover the truth behind the disappearance of both his friend and Fortune's Light, no easy task on a world where treachery and intrigue are commonplace...and where even an old friend's embrace may conceal the deadly bite of a dagger's blade.

Guises of the Mind

by Rebecca Neason

The world Capulon IV is finally ready to join the Federation aften years of waiting. All that remains is the ruler's coronation and a routine signing of the final treaty. When the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise and their passengers -- a group of women from a religious order dedicated to helping the downtrodden -- arrive for the event they expect to find a world willing and happy to receicve them. Instead, they encounter deceit and treachery. The crown prince, once excited and eager to join the Federation, now refuses even to speak with Captain Picard. Beaming to the surface in an attempt to work out the problem, Picard, Troi, and Mother Veronica, the abbess of the nuns, are drugged and captured. Now they must somehow excape and stop the crowning. If they cannot prevent it, the King will be omnipotent, with the power to destroy the Starship Enterprise and all of Capulon IV as well...


by Peter David

When the U.S.S. Excalibur was suddenly and mercilessly destroyed, Starfleet lost one of its finest starships. But the crew members of the Excalibur lost their captain...and their home. Now, in mourning for their ship and Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, First Officer Elizabeth Shelby and the rest of the crew await new assignments For Lieutenant Soleta, that means a painful reunion with her Romulan father, while Zak Kebron and Mark McHenry are sent undercover to investigate a series of mysterious alien abductions an a low-tech world. Going their separate ways throughout the Alpha Quadrant, the Excalibur's survivors must face diverse challenges and dangers on their own. The ship is history, but the adventure continues...

Star Trek: Grand Designs

by Dayton Ward Kevin Dilmore

Tensions between two planets in the Rhaax system have abated to the point where the sides have agreed to disarmament. The S.C.E. crew on the U.S.S. da Vinci is sent along with a Federation diplomat to act as weapons inspectors to make sure that the terms of the cease-fire and disarmament are followed. But soon the S.C.E. learns that neither side has any intention of truly disarming -- and then Tev, P8 Blue, and Soloman are captured by one side. Captain Gold must find a way to rescue his crew, and keep the peace, before both planets explode!

Star Trek: Distant Shores Anthology

by Marco Palmieri

Washed up on a faraway galactic shore, Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager faced a choice: accept exile or set a course for home, a seventy-thousand-light-year journey fraught with unknown perils. She chose the latter. Janeway's decision launched her crew on a seven-year trek pursuing an often lonely path that embodied the purest form of the Starfleet adage "to boldly go..." Committed to that difficult road, Voyager's crew was rewarded with unimaginable experiences on strange and fantastic worlds, encountering exotic alien species and astonishing phenomena...and challenged along the way by conflicts from within as well as from without. Yet none of their adventures tempered their shared determination to find a way back to friends and family.

Terok Nor: Dawn of the Eagles

by S. D. Perry

Before the Dominion War and the decimation of Cardassia...before the coming of the Emissary and the discovery of the wormhole...before space station Terok Nor became Deep Space 9™...there was the Occupation: the military takeover of an alien planet and the violent insurgency that fought against it. Now that fifty-year tale of warring ideologies, terrorism, greed, secret intelligence, moral compromises, and embattled faiths is at last given its due in the three-book saga of Star Trek's Lost Era... TEROK NOR As violence all across Bajor continues to escalate, Cardassian forces tighten their grip on the captive planet, driving back the resistance at every turn; but on Terok Nor and elsewhere, the winds of change are stirring -- the beginnings of a hurricane that will alter the landscape of the Occupation. And while secret dealings, shifting alliances, and personal demons buoy the wings of revolution, a mysterious shape-shifting life form begins a journey that will decide the fate of worlds.

Typhon Pact: The Khitomer Accords Saga

by David R. George III Una McCormack

Three thrilling novels set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation!Plagues of Night In the wake of the final Borg invasion, which destroyed entire worlds, cost the lives of sixty-three billion people, and struck a crippling blow to Starfleet, six nations adversarial to the United Federation of Planets—the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly, the Gorn Hegemony, the Tzenkethi Coalition, and the Holy Order of the Kinshaya—joined ranks to form the Typhon Pact. For almost three years, the Federation and the Klingon Empire, allied under the Khitomer Accords, have contended with the nascent coalition on a predominantly cold-war footing. But as Starfleet rebuilds itself, factions within the Typhon Pact grow restive, concerned about their own inability to develop a quantum slipstream drive to match that of the Federation. Will leaders such as UFP President Bacco and RSE Praetor Kamemor bring about a lasting peace across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, or will the cold war between the two alliances deepen, and perhaps even lead to an all-out shooting war? Raise the Dawn After the disastrous events in the Bajoran system, Captain Benjamin Sisko must confront the consequences of the recent choices he has made in his life. At the same time, the United Federation of Planets and its Khitomer Accords allies have come to the brink of war with the Typhon Pact. While factions within the Pact unsuccessfully used the recent gestures of goodwill—the opening of borders and a joint Federation-Romulan exploratory mission—to develop quantum-slipstream drive, they have not given up their goals. Employing a broad range of assets, from Romulus to Cardassia, from Ab-Tzenketh to Bajor, they embark on a dangerous new plan to acquire the technology they need to take control of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. While UFP President Bacco and Romulan Praetor Kamemor work feverishly to reestablish peace, Captains Sisko, Jean-Luc Picard, and Ro Laren stand on the front lines of the conflict...even as a new danger threatens the Bajoran wormhole as it once more becomes a flashpoint of galactic history. Brinkmanship The Venette Convention has always remained independent, but it is about to become the flashpoint for a tense military standoff between the two power blocs now dominating interstellar space—the United Federation of Planets and the recently formed Typhon Pact. The Venetan government turns to the Typhon Pact’s Tzenkethi Coalition for protection in the new order, and has agreed to allow three of their supply bases for Tzenkethi use. But these bases—if militarized—would put Tzenkethi weapons unacceptably close to Federation, Cardassian, and Ferengi space. While Captain Ezri Dax and the crew of the U.S.S. Aventine are sent to investigate exactly what is happening at one of the Venette bases, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are assigned to a diplomatic mission sent to the Venette homeworld in order to broker a mutually acceptable resolution. But the Cardassian delegates don’t seem particularly keen on using diplomacy to resolve the situation, which soon spirals out of control toward all-out war. . .

Gemworld: A Desperate Quest on a Planet in Turmoil

by John Vornholt

Sparkling like a three-dimensional snowflake in the depths of space, Gernworld once was one of the Federation's greatest marvels. Six different alien races coexisted peacefully on an artificial world composed entirely of crystal -- until the very substance of Gemworld began to multiply out of control, tearing the world apart. Now the entire planet -- and the Starship Enterprise as well-faces total destruction. The only way to stop the disaster is to turn off the vast network of force fields holding Gemworld's atmosphere in place, but to do so will require the cooperation of each of the planet's half dozen alien civilizations, one of which sabotaged Gemworld in the first place. With time running out, Captain Picard and his crew, including a lovestruck Lieutenant Barclay, must embark on a hazardous trek across the dying planet to find and unite the chief engineers from many strange and exotic races -- while watching out for a mass murderer determined to destroy a world!

Aquaman: The Junior Novel (Aquaman)

by Jim McCann

AQUAMAN hits the big screen on December 21, 2018. The all-star cast includes Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Patrick Wilson, Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe, and more. Based on the major motion picture, Aquaman: The Junior Novel retells the action-packed story of Aquaman. This book contains never-before-seen scenes and a full-color section of eye-catching art.Home is calling. . . . Known to most as simply Aquaman, Arthur Curry possesses incredible powers. He’s also the reluctant heir to a mysterious underwater kingdom. But Arthur wants nothing to do with the people of Atlantis, who took his mother from him many years ago.Arthur’s destiny beckons when a vicious storm sends the warships of several world powers to shipwreck on the shores. This act is a warning from the King of Atlantis himself to the surface world: War is coming.Aquaman will have to travel deep beneath the sea to protect the surface world from the looming threat. In order to save the only world he’s ever known, will Aquaman embrace his destiny to unite the seven kingdoms of Atlantis?

Aquaman: Undertow (Aquaman)

by Steve Behling Dan Burgess

AQUAMAN hits the big screen on December 21, 2018. The all-star cast includes Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Patrick Wilson, Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe, and more. Aquaman: Undertow is the never-before-seen prequel story of a young Arthur Curry, set in the cinematic world of Aquaman and the DC Universe—perfect for fans of the highly anticipated movie! Before he was King of Atlantis . . . Thirteen-year-old Arthur Curry has enough troubles to sink a ship. His mom left him and his dad when Arthur was only three years old. He doesn't fit in with the other students at school. To them, he's just “fish boy,” a weird, freaky kid. But Arthur has a secret. Something so secret, even he doesn't know what it is. With the help of his only friend, Claudia, Arthur will begin to learn the truth about his mother, himself, and a legendary world that may actually exist.Oh, and he learns about octopuses. Octopi. It's probably octopi, right?


by Lucy Chamizo Vinent

Rimas y mucho más para ti. Léelas y luego me dirás. Rimandulero significa para el imaginario popular sitio adonde se destinan las rimas para su conservación, cuya finalidad es garantizar disfrute actual y/o posterior de las mismas. La compilación a cargo de la sola preferencia personal o colectiva, pues su definición igual aplica tanto a bien común como individual. Este poemario es una muestra conceptual, especialmente recomendado a los niños. Con deseo del mejor esparcimiento, para ustedes, Rimandulero.

Marsbound (A Marsbound Novel #1)

by Joe Haldeman

Young Carmen Dula and her family are embarking on the adventure of a lifetime-they're going to Mars. But Carmen's rebellious streak leads her to venture out into the bleak Mars landscape alone, where she is saved by an angel. An angel with too many arms and legs, a head that looks like a potato gone bad-and a message for the humans on Mars: We were here first...

The Farseer Trilogy 3-Book Bundle: Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin, Assassin's Quest (Farseer Trilogy #Bks. 1-3)

by Robin Hobb

Since Robin Hobb's debut novel took the fantasy world by storm, the adventures of her beloved assassin FitzChivalry Farseer have spawned a sweeping epic that spans more than a dozen books--and counting. Discover the phenomenon from the beginning with this eBook bundle of the original trilogy: ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE ROYAL ASSASSIN ASSASSIN'S QUEST Young Fitz is the bastard son of the noble Prince Chivalry, raised in the shadow of the royal court by his father's gruff stableman. He is treated as an outcast by all the royalty except the devious King Shrewd, who has him secretly tutored in the arts of the assassin. For in Fitz's blood runs the magic Skill--and the darker knowledge of a child raised with the stable hounds and rejected by his family. As barbarous raiders ravage the coasts, Fitz is growing to manhood. Soon he will face his first dangerous, soul-shattering mission. And though some regard him as a threat to the throne, he may just be the key to the survival of the kingdom. Praise for Robin Hobb and the Farseer Trilogy "Fantasy as it ought to be written . . . Robin Hobb's books are diamonds in a sea of zircons."--George R. R. Martin "A gleaming debut in the crowded field of epic fantasies . . . a delightful take on the powers and politics behind the throne."--Publishers Weekly, on Assassin's Apprentice "This is the kind of book you fall into, and start reading slower as you get to the end, because you don't want it to be over."--Steven Brust, on Assassin's Apprentice "[Robin] Hobb continues to revitalize a genre that often seems all too generic, making it new in ways that range from the subtle to the shocking."--Locus, on Royal Assassin "[Royal Assassin] reaches astonishing new heights. . . . The Farseer saga is destined for greatness--a must-read for every devotee of epic fantasy."--Sense of Wonder "An enthralling conclusion to this superb trilogy, displaying an exceptional combination of originality, magic, adventure, character, and drama."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review), on Assassin's Quest "Superbly written, wholly satisfying, unforgettable: better than any fantasy trilogy in print--including mine!"--Melanie Rawn, on Assassin's Quest

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