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By Light Alone

by Adam Roberts

In a world where we have been genetically engineered so that we can photosynthesise sunlight with our hair, hunger is a thing of the past, food an indulgence. The poor grow their hair, the rich affect baldness and flaunt their wealth by still eating.But other hungers remain ... The young daughter of an affluent New York family is kidnapped. The ransom demands are refused. A year later a young woman arrives at the family home claiming to be their long lost daughter. She has changed so much, she has lived on light, can anyone be sure that she has come home?Adam Roberts' new novel is yet another amazing melding of startling ideas and beautiful prose. Set in a New York of the future it nevertheless has echoes of a Fitzgeraldesque affluence and art-deco style. It charts his further progress as one of the most important writers of his generation.

By Light Alone

by Adam Roberts

In a world where we have been genetically engineered so that we can photosynthesise sunlight with our hair, hunger is a thing of the past, food an indulgence. The poor grow their hair, the rich affect baldness and flaunt their wealth by still eating.But other hungers remain ... The young daughter of an affluent New York family is kidnapped. The ransom demands are refused. A year later a young woman arrives at the family home claiming to be their long lost daughter. She has changed so much, she has lived on light, can anyone be sure that she has come home?Adam Roberts' new novel is yet another amazing melding of startling ideas and beautiful prose. Set in a New York of the future it nevertheless has echoes of a Fitzgeraldesque affluence and art-deco style. It charts his further progress as one of the most important writers of his generation.

Bye For Now: A Wishers Story

by Kathleen Churchyard

The candles dripped onto the icing as Robin deliberated. What could she possibly wish? She wanted to wake up the next day and learn all her problems were gone. But since her problems weren’t going to disappear, she didn’t want to be Robin anymore. “I wish I was somebody else,” Robin wished. And in that moment, she meant it. She blew out the candles. After the worst eleventh birthday ever, Robin wakes up the next morning in the body of Fiona, an eleven-year-old girl from London with an amazing life. Fiona is gorgeous, with glamorous parents, and she’s the star of a major theatrical production. Why would Fiona have wished herself out of her own body? Slowly, Robin discovers a whole network of girls like her-girls who have gotten their wish and are living somebody else’s life. But what happens when Robin finally decides she wants to go home? Does anybody in the Wishers network know how to make this happen? In this exciting first novel, Kathleen Churchyard asks: What if you wished for someone else’s life-and it came true?

Caccia a Seth (Compagni predestinati #1)

by Cristina Righetti J. R. Loveless

Un libro della serie Compagni predestinatiIl veterinario Seth Davies arriva a Senaka, nel Wyoming, alla ricerca di tranquillità e di anonimato, per tentare di fuggire dal proprio passato. Da sempre è stato una calamita per i guai e per il dolore, e ha avuto buone dosi di entrambi. Kasey Whitedove lo condanna a prima vista. È convinto che nessun uomo bianco potrebbe amare gli animali nel modo in cui la maggior parte del popolo Cheyenne si aspetterebbe, così rende i primi giorni di Seth a Senaka un vero incubo. Tuttavia un incidente pone Kasey nella difficile posizione di dover mettere da parte l'orgoglio e di desiderare ardentemente Seth, nonostante i pericoli della sua vita da licantropo e i pesanti segreti dell'altro uomo. Per Kasey, dare la caccia a Seth e tenerlo al sicuro dal suo passato è appena diventata la priorità.

The Cage of Zeus (The Cage of Zeus Series)

by Sayuri Ueda

The future of sex and the future of terrorism collide. The Rounds are humans with sex organs of both genders. Artificially created to test the limits of the human body in space, they are now a minority, despised and hunted by the terrorist group Vessel of Life. Aboard Jupiter-I, a space station orbiting the gas giant that shares its name, the Rounds have created their own society with a radically different view of gender and of life itself. Security chief Shirosaki keeps the peace between the Rounds and the typically gendered "Monaurals," but when a terrorist strike hits the station, the balance of power and tolerance is at risk...and an entire people is targeted for genocide.

La caída del dragón (Trilogía de independencia, #3)

by Juan Manuel Zunzunegui

El imperio español se desmorona tras las guerras napoleónicas, el desertor realista Miguel de Montellano se ve inmerso en una serie de intrigas que lo llevan de la cárcel de San Juan de Ulúa, en Veracruz, hasta Sevilla, La Habana y Nueva Orleáns, envuelto en medio de conspiraciones contra el naciente imperio mexicano, al tiempo que trata de luchar contra un destino vaticinado por un santero cubano y una gitana española. Logias masónicas, espías norteamericanos, agentes de Simón Bolívar y hasta el fantasma de Guadalupe Victoria se ven involucrados en las conjuras contra la vida del libertador de México, mientras Sofía Guillén trata de sobrevivir a un nuevo encuentro con Alejandra de la Gándara, con la ayuda de una misteriosa extraña que se hace llamar Leonor de Moctezuma y Cortés. Distanciados por los años, y con miles de kilómetros de por medio, Sofía y Miguel intentarán terminar de embonar las piezas de un misterio que abarca a los linajes de Cortés y Moctezuma, una herencia histórica y un secreto oculto entre los restos mortales del conquistador. La caída del dragón es el inmejorable final de una vertiginosa trilogía histórica donde se cuenta la historia de la Conquista y la Independencia de México.

La caja del amor: La mecánica del corazón | La alargada sombra del amor | Metamorfosis en el cielo

by Mathias Malzieu

Un pack de tres eBooks imprescindibles de Mathias Malzieu: La mecánica del corazón, La alargada sobra del amor y Metamorfosis en el cielo. La mecánica del corazón Imagina la noche más fría de la historia: La nieve cae sobre la ciudad de Edimburgo. En lo alto de una colina nace el pequeño Jack, pero su corazón está dañado. Y por eso necesitará reemplazarlo por un reloj de madera, un corazón artificial del que dependerá su vida.Acompañaremos a Jack en su aventura quijotesca desde las frías callejuelas escocesas hasta una radiante ciudad andaluza, en busca del amor. Pero ¡cuidado!, Jack debe seguir unas reglas para sobrevivir: Uno: no toques las agujas.Dos: domina tu cólera.Tres: no te enamores nunca. La mecánica del corazón depende de ello...Deseemos suerte a Jack, y recordemos que, como en este cuento para niños grandes, todos hemos sufrido alguna vez por nuestro voluble corazón. La alargada sombra del amor Mathias, un joven treintañero, acaba de perder a su madre. El período de duelo se cierne sobre él. Mientras espera en el parking del hospital a su padre y a su hermana, ocurre un hecho insólito. Un gigante se le aparece y le anuncia: «Soy el gigante Jack, doctor en sombrología. Trato a las personasaquejadas de duelo administrándoles un trozo de mi sombra. Conla sombra su puede batir el dolor y la muerte.» ¿Será Mathias capaz de vencer el dolor? ¿Evitará al abismo? ¿Somos nosotros mismos capaces de asumir la pérdida de un amor, un familiar o un amigo? Si no es así, el gigante Jack -un viejo conocido de los lectores- tiene la fórmula perfecta para todos. Metamorfosis en el cielo Todos tenemos sueños, y el del joven Tom «Hematoma» Cloudman es volar. Por eso es acróbata -algunos dicen que el peor acróbata del mundo- y especialista en escenas de riesgo, pues así se siente más cerca del cielo. Entre saltos y piruetas su cuerpo se desgasta, hasta que un día le detectan una grave enfermedad.Pero el destino de Tom no es el de cualquiera, y si le acompañamos veremos que poco después, en uno de sus paseos nocturnos por la clínica, conoce a una fascinante criatura, mitad mujer y mitad pájaro, de quien cae fulminantemente enamorado.¡Pobre Tom! Lo que no sabe es que esa criatura tiene la llave de su destino. La mujer pájaro le propone un trato: «Yo puedo convertirte en pájaro y curarte, aunque tienes que asumirtodas lasconsecuencias. Para activar tu metamorfosis, tienes que hacerme el amor.La metamorfosis del amor podría salvar tu vida. O no.» Si Tom es fiel a sus sentimientos, tendrá que dar un paso irreversible: transformarse y abandonar la vida humana por una nueva aventura... y es que, ¿en qué estamos dispuestos a convertirnos por amor? La crítica ha dicho...«La mecánica del corazón es una joya. Con este libro se siente el impulso de comprarlo de diez en diez ejemplares para poder regalarlo a nuestros seres queridos.»Philippe Manche, SOIR «Los consejos que alberga este libro [La alargada sombra del amorpueden convertirse en mantras para los lectores.»La Vanguardia «[Metamorfosis en el cielo es]no de los libros más cautivadores de la temporada.»El País

The Calpa & Notes Pertaining to a Panel in Salon D

by John Norman

From the author of the Gor Series, two science fiction short stories exploring human relationships with verbal flair and philosophical complexity. &“The Calpa&” attempts to describe the indescribable and paints an image of a thing unseen and ancient along the beach of a tiny village. &“Notes Pertaining to a Panel in Salon D&” presents a lively Science Fiction convention panel exploring what life would be like if prehistory and evolution had skipped a beat. Available for the first time as an e-book pairing, these stories were previously published in the collection Norman Invasions.

Camera Obscura

by Lavie Tidhar

CAN'T FIND A RATIONAL EXPLANATION TO A MYSTERY? CALL IN THE QUIET COUNCIL. The mysterious and glamorous Lady De Winter is one of their most valuable agents. A despicable murder inside a locked and bolted room on the Rue Morgue in Paris is just the start. This whirlwind adventure will take Milady to the highest and lowest parts of that great city - and cause her to question the very nature of reality itself.From the Paperback edition.

El camino del trono

by Ange Guéro

Hace milenios, cuando llegaron a Los Reinos en un éxodo masivo, los miembros del pueblo turquesa fueron condenados a la esclavitud por su piel clara y sus ojos azules. Esperan la llegada de Ayesha, la diosa de los esclavos, así lo anuncia una vieja profecía.Ajenos al destino de las razas inferiores, los gobernantes del pequeño país de Harabec tienen ahora una preocupación mayor: Mirakani, la futura reina, ha desaparecido tras un naufragio en un país enemigo. Si tuvo suerte y sobrevivió, no será fácil salir con vida del territorio hostil. Su muerte significaría el fin de las alianzas comerciales y militares que sostenían el frágil equilibrio entre Los Reinos.Sin embargo, con la ayuda de Arekh, un esclavo de pasado turbulento, Mirakani luchará contra viento y marea para escapar de los ataques del malvado Emir, el mayor enemigo de la nación, y de Halios, el usurpador del trono.«Estamos sin duda ante la obra más ambiciosa y lograda de la fantasía épica escrita en Francia.»Le Monde

Canyons Of Night: Number 1 in series (Rainshadow Island #1)

by Jayne Castle

Charlotte Enright, owner of a small antiques shop called Looking Glass Antiques on Rainshadow Island, and Slade Attridge, the community's new chief of police, both have something in common: they possess strong paranormal talents. They met several years ago when they were in their teens spending the summer on the island. Slade saved Charlotte from a gang of drunken toughs, but then at the end of the summer Slade and Charlotte went their separate ways and started their adult lives. Now, fifteen years later, they have both been drawn back to Rainshadow Island. They will discover the adult passion they have for each other and start to explore some of the mysteries of the forbidden section of the island known only as the Preserve.

Canyons of Night (Arcane Society: Looking Glass Trilogy #3)

by Jayne Castle

The island of Rainshadow is home to the mysterious, privately-owned woods known only as the Preserve. Now, after fifteen years away, both Charlotte Enright and her teen crush, Slade Attridge, have returned. But will their psi talents and Slade's dust bunny companion be enough to keep them from getting drawn into the darkness at the heart of the Preserve?

Cape Storm (Weather Warden #8)

by Rachel Caine

Check the forecast for the series that's "an addictive force of nature that will suck you in ." (News and Sentinel) Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin and her new husband, the Djinn David, are running from a malevolent hurricane bent on destroying her. Joined by an army of fellow Wardens and Djinn onboard a hijacked luxury liner, Joanne has lured the storm into furious pursuit. But even their combined magic may not be enough to stop it-nor the power-mad ex-Weather Warden controlling it...

Captain Nemo

by Kevin J. Anderson

Captain Nemo is the fictional life story of one of Jules Verne's most memorable characters from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island. It covers his boyhood friendship with the dreamer, Jules Verne, adventures aboard sailing ships, battles with pirates, and survival on a mysterious deserted island. Each time he returns home to his beloved France, Captain Nemo shares the tales of his exploits with the struggling writer Verne. <P> We follow Nemo's exploration of hidden caverns that lead to the center of the earth, travels across darkest Africa in a hydrogen balloon, and his imprisonment by an evil Ottoman caliph who commands the dark genius to construct a sub-marine boat, the Nautilus, in order to attack merchant ships that venture through the newly completed Suez Canal.

Captive Heart: A Novel Of The Dark Crescent Sisterhood (The Dark Crescent Sisterhood #6)

by Anna Windsor

The Dark Crescent Sisterhood #6 As Sybils--protector warrior "witches"--they control the Elements...But passion is a force that no one can contain. Being the only fully trained water Sybil is a big responsibility, which leaves Andy Myles too busy defending New York from flesh-eating Rakshasha demons and dealing with a personal tragedy to even think about entrusting her broken heart to the wrong man. So the last thing she needs is the FBI's overbearing adviser for Manhattan Occult Crimes Unit, Jack Blackmore whose Army-tough attitude and critical ways are working her last nerve. Honestly, she she could just drown him in a tidal wave of her water energy--except for the one small fact that she can't stop thinking about kissing him. A lot. What is it about hating a man that makes him so hot? Jack's 100% percent human and 200% tough. He's never come across a problem he couldn't solve bullets, steel and his own two hands. But now he finds himself fighting beside warrior witches who can kill with just a snap of their fingers and he seems powerless to defend his heart against a wild woman with kisses that taste like sweet southern rain. But as a wave of evil takes hold over the city, Jack has only one opportunity to put an end to the all of the violence--and win Andy's love. "The finale of this trilogy in Windsor's Dark Crescent Sisterhood series races out the gate and never looks back. From the first, Andy Myles has been a fan favorite, so seeing her finally get her due is hugely satisfying. Windsor's skill and talents are on full display as she gives the readers exactly what they want: thrilling tales filled with action, passion and gut-wrenching emotion! Brava!" -RT Book Review

Captive Heart (Dark Crescent Sisterhood #6)

by Anna Windsor

As the world's only fully trained water Sybil, Andy Myles is too busy battling New York's demonic population and coping with personal tragedy to trust her broken heart to the wrong man. Jack Blackmore, FBI adviser to Manhattan's Occult Crimes Unit, is Army-tough and rattling Andy's nerves big-time, criticizing her strategies for attacking the powerful flesh-feasting Rakshasa. She could happily drown Jack with a rogue wave of her water energy--or her kisses. Honestly, when did hating a man become so hot? Jack's all human-and he puts his trust in bullets, steel, and fists, not magic. Tough and confident, he's never met a problem he couldn't handle. Then again, he's never fought alongside warrior witches who can kill with a flick of a finger or lost his heart to a wild, unpredictable woman whose kisses taste like sweet southern rain. As a tide of despotic evil sweeps through the streets of New York, Jack's got one chance to stop a malevolent rampage--and claim Andy's heart.

Captive Surrender

by Linda Mooney

An elite member of the Psi Police Corps, Maurra instinctively goes to the alien's defense when she sees him attacked by a group of vicious Kronners. Her attempt fails and Maurra wakes, naked, in a cell on a Kronner ship-her psionic abilities rendered useless.She discovers that the alien, Safan, was also kidnapped and is held in the cell next to hers. They are both horrified when a disembodied voice tells them their lives will be spared on one condition: that they have sex for the amusement of their "audience". In a situation with no escape, Maurra and Safan reluctantly obey and are surprised to find that their intimate performance opens them to new levels of pleasure. But when their captors reveal the next level of their sick plan, Maurra and Safan grow desperate to escape-together. 53,000 words

Carbonidus (Serie Superfieras #Volumen 6)

by Joaquín Londáiz Montiel Escletxa

Joaquín Londáiz presenta una nueva colección de primeras lecturas dirigida a los más pequeños. Con ilustraciones a color. El viento era gélido y soplaba con tanta fuerza, que hasta la supercaravana parecía tiritar de frío. Estábamos al norte, muy al norte. Una llamada de socorro nos había llevado hasta allí. Una desaparición misteriosa, un almacén vacío cerrado con diez llaves plateadas, unos diminutos seres negros, un bosque oscuro y una fortaleza de hielo salida de la nada# ¡Chuletas y chuletones! Aquello iba a ser difícil de resolver.

Carbonidus (Superfieras #6)

by Escletxa Escletxa Joaquín Londáiz Montiel

El viento era gélido y soplaba con tanta fuerza, que hasta la supercaravana parecía tiritar de frío. Estábamos al norte, muy al norte. Una llamada de socorro nos había llevado hasta allí. Una desaparición misteriosa, un almacén vacio cerrado con diez llaves plateadas, unos diminutos seres negros, un bosque oscuro y una fortaleza de hielo salida de la nada? ¡Chuletas y chuletones! Aquello iba a ser difícil de resolver.

Carnal Machines: Steampunk Erotica

by D. L. King

The Victorians wrote some of the best and most enduring erotica. For such a tightly-laced age, people spent a lot of time thinking about things carnal. Jules Verne, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, et al enthralled us with their visions of new possibilities. The rich and slightly decadent visuals of the steam age lend themselves perfectly to the new carnality of post-punk era. And, of course, what is repressed will be even more exciting once the corset is unlaced. Steampunk, even without sex, is erotic; with sex, it's over-the-top hot. A widowed lady engineer invents a small device that can store the energy from sexual frustration and convert it to electricity to help power a home. Teresa Noelle Roberts shows us what it can do, confronted with sexual fulfillment. What volume of steampunk would be complete without a tale of sailing ships and the men who sail them? If your taste runs to sexy pirates in space, Poe Von Page will delight you with the mutinous crew of the Danika Blue and their new captain. Then there's the very special room on the top floor in the House of the Sable Locks, a brothel where sexually discriminating men go to have their fantasies fulfilled. Even if a man daren't put those fantasies into words, Elizabeth Schechter's "Succubus" will give the madam all the information she needs with which to make her clients happy. There are brothels, flying machines, steam-powered conveyances, manor houses, spiritualist societies. The following stories afford intelligently written, beautifully crafted glimpses into other worlds, where the Carnal Machines won't fail to seduce you, get you wet or make you hard so, lie back, relax; a happy ending is guaranteed.

Carnal Machines

by D. L. King

The Victorians wrote some of the best and most enduring erotica. For such a tightly-laced age, people spent a lot of time thinking about things carnal. Jules Verne, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, et al enthralled us with their visions of new possibilities. The rich and slightly decadent visuals of the steam age lend themselves perfectly to the new carnality of post-punk era. And, of course, what is repressed will be even more exciting once the corset is unlaced. Steampunk, even without sex, is erotic; with sex, it's over-the-top hot. A widowed lady engineer invents a small device that can store the energy from sexual frustration and convert it to electricity to help power a home. Teresa Noelle Roberts shows us what it can do, confronted with sexual fulfillment. What volume of steampunk would be complete without a tale of sailing ships and the men who sail them? If your taste runs to sexy pirates in space, Poe Von Page will delight you with the mutinous crew of the Danika Blue and their new captain. Then there's the very special room on the top floor in the House of the Sable Locks, a brothel where sexually discriminating men go to have their fantasies fulfilled. Even if a man daren't put those fantasies into words, Elizabeth Schechter's "Succubus" will give the madam all the information she needs with which to make her clients happy. There are brothels, flying machines, steam-powered conveyances, manor houses, spiritualist societies. The following stories afford intelligently written, beautifully crafted glimpses into other worlds, where the Carnal Machines won't fail to seduce you, get you wet or make you hard so, lie back, relax; a happy ending is guaranteed.

Carrier of the Mark

by Leigh Fallon

Their love was meant to be. When Megan Rosenberg moves to Ireland, everything in her life seems to fall into place. After growing up in America, she's surprised to find herself feeling at home in her new school. She connects with a group of friends, and she is instantly drawn to darkly handsome Adam DeRÍs. But Megan is about to discover that her feelings for Adam are tied to a fate that was sealed long ago-and that the passion and power that brought them together could be their ultimate destruction.

Carrion Comfort

by Dan Simmons

Carrion Comfort is a science fiction/horror novel by American writer Dan Simmons, published in 1989 in hard cover by Dark Harvest and in 1990 in paperback by Warner Books. It won the Bram Stoker Award, the Locus Poll Award for Best Horror Novel, and the August Derleth Award for Best Novel.

Cascade (River of Time #2)

by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Mom touched my underdress--a gown made six hundred years before--and her eyes widened as she rubbed the raw silk between thumb and forefinger. She turned and touched Lia's gown. "Where did you get these clothes?" In Cascade, the second book in the River of Time Series, Gabi knows she's left her heart in the fourteenth century and she persuades Lia to help her to return, even though they know doing so will risk their very lives. When they arrive, weeks have passed and all of Siena longs to celebrate the heroines who turned the tide in the battle against Florence--while the Florentines will go to great lengths to see them dead. But Marcello patiently awaits, and Gabi must decide if she's willing to leave her family behind for good in order to give her heart to him forever.

Cast in Ruin: Cast In Chaos Cast In Ruin Cast In Peril (The Chronicles of Elantra #7)

by Michelle Sagara

CAST IN RUIN Seven corpses are discovered in the streets of a Dragon's fief. All identical, down to their clothing. Kaylin Neya is assigned to discover who they were, who killed them--and why. Is the evil lurking at the borders of Elantra preparing to cross over? At least the investigation delays her meeting with the Dragon Emperor. And as the shadows grow longer over the fiefs, Kaylin must use every skill she's ever learned to save the people she's sworn to protect. Sword in hand, dragons in the sky, this time there's no retreat and no surrender... Previously Published in 2011

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