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Grizzly Secret (Arcadian Bears #3)

by Becca Jameson

Grizzly shifter Joselyn Arthur has been living a lie. She’s been lying to her parents, her siblings, and even herself. The decision to move back to her hometown in the mountains of Alberta, Canada, after university and take a job in the family brewery two years ago was the dumbest choice she’d ever made. Alton Tarben has also been working his butt off for the past two years in his family’s brewery on the other side of town. He too is questioning why on earth he thought this would be a good idea. He’s lonely and bored, and his bed needs warming. When the two breweries end up in a battle over new product launches, Joselyn and Alton decide they’ve had enough. Enough hiding. Enough sneaking around. Enough separation. The problem is that life is not that simple. Silvertip isn’t progressive enough to tolerate the binding of two shifters from rival bear packs. Joselyn and Alton must decide if they’re finally willing to put their happiness first and risk losing their families and their community.

Grizzly Survival (Arcadian Bears #5)

by Becca Jameson

Gavin Wright is human. He is also not out. He has no intention of ever coming out. He’s unwilling to face the condemnation. Lucky for him, he’s had the privilege of hiding his true self inside a fake relationship with his best friend, Paige, for ten years. Dale Gerben is a grizzly shifter. As such, he has the ability to sense things humans cannot. Therefore, it comes as a surprise to him that Gavin thinks he’s so well hidden from the world. He isn’t hidden from Dale. And Dale is up for the challenge. It’s a summer fling. No one in the human world will find out. Dale needs someone to help him heal old wounds, and Gavin needs someone to show him what he’s capable of if he’d just trust himself. No one needs to get hurt. Until they do… The odds are not in their favor. It’s forbidden to change a human into a shifter. It’s challenging to maintain a life-long mixed relationship. Gavin has doubts. Dale has secrets. Two young girls are missing. There’s an accident. A race against the clock. Neither man will ever be the same.

Jessica's Wolves (Wolf Masters #3)

by Becca Jameson

This book is a rerelease of an older title—it has been re-edited and expanded from the original version. This series will also continue with new titles beginning in Summer 2015. Denying your inner self won’t keep the wolves at bay… A traumatic childhood has left Jessica Murphy in complete denial of her true self. When two wolves waltz into her life intent on claiming her, she has the urge to skip town. Accepting Reese and Charles as her mates won’t be an easy task. First she must confront her past… Jessica Murphy has been living a lie. A childhood trauma has caused her to deny her true self, and she has no intention of ever revealing who she really is. As a first-year teacher making her way in life, the last thing she expects or desires is for two hunky men to walk into her school and insist she is their mate. Charles Masters has been sowing his wild oats in Texas with his best friend, Reese Becker. When the two return home to Oregon for the holidays, they arrive with a young woman in tow who carries her own bundle of secrets. Caught between two females, Reese and Charles must juggle the woman they are destined to claim and the promises they've made to the desperate younger female wolf. A complex web of secrecy and denial unfolds as Jessica accepts her mates…and herself. Will the mysterious past uniting Jessica to her new extended family prove to be more than she is willing to handle?

Kara's Wolves (Wolf Masters #1)

by Becca Jameson

This book is a rerelease of an older title—it has been re-edited and expanded from the original version. This series will also continue with new titles beginning in Summer 2015. They have always shared…everything. What if one small woman manages to break that bond? Kara Shepherd is about to compete in her last gymnastics meet and graduate from college. A week before graduation, her roommates drag her out to a country bar to live a little before entering the real world. She has no idea the course her future is on is about to take a sharp turn. Justin Masters and his lifelong friend, Trevor Shields, share everything, from their home to their women. At twenty-eight years old, neither has met their mate, nor are they in a hurry to find a woman who will end their long-standing arrangement with each other. Their dairy farm, a few miles outside of town, allows them the luxury of shifting to their wolf form any time they want in relative seclusion. Justin’s world tips when Kara walks into the bar on a random Friday night. Immediately recognizing her scent as that of his mate, he is drawn to her by forces beyond his control. Nervous about sharing the news with Trevor, Justin is relieved to realize Kara is also his best friend’s mate. Now all they have to do is convince Kara she belongs in a permanent ménage and track down a stalker who seems hell-bent on taking Kara for himself.

Laurie's Wolves (Wolf Masters #8)

by Becca Jameson

When Laurie Hamilton agrees to ski lessons from the third born Masters son, she is more than aware that the odds of him being her mate are great. She is equally aware that another man will make them a threesome. Zachary Masters is also not shocked as he approaches Laurie that gorgeous sunny morning at the ski lodge. Considering both of his older brothers mated with both of her older siblings, chances were tremendous. Corbin Archers, however, is blindsided. A Native American shifter from the reservation, he didn’t see this claiming coming. When he inadvertently agrees to deliver a few supplies to the cabin where Laurie and Zach are stranded, he gets the shock of a lifetime. None of the three of them are stunned by the strange developments in and around the mountains where they live. They assimilate to the Native American spirit sightings with a level of understanding that has been growing for almost two years within both of their shifter communities. That doesn’t make the day-to-day task of figuring out what the spirits want any easier. And tensions heighten as members of both the Caucasian and Native American communities rise up against them for mixing their races and living a ménage lifestyle many do not approve of. When Laurie becomes convinced her presence is causing much of the unrest, both with nature and among the residents of both towns, she takes matters into her own hands and leaves town. The only problem with that is—mates cannot separate. Their souls are fated to unite. It takes only days for this to become obvious to all three parties, and Laurie returns to town just in time to help the hundreds of stranded skiers caught in a blizzard at the resort. Nature makes Her statement—as She always does. What does She want? And when will She be satisfied?

Lindsey's Wolves (Wolf Masters #2)

by Becca Jameson

This book is a rerelease of an older title—it has been re-edited and expanded from the original version. This series will also continue with new titles beginning in Summer 2015. Overcoming sexual inhibition can be tricky when faced with not one, but two, wolf shape-shifters claiming you as their own. Lindsey just finished college. She is supposed to start teaching this fall. At least that’s the plan, before she meets a sexy Spanish god named Alejandro and falls head over heels for him. Alejandro came to the U.S. to help out on the family dairy farm. He runs smack dab into Lindsey at the grocery store and immediately realizes she is his mate. Add to the mix Ryan. He lives on a neighboring farm and happens to stop by Kara’s where Lindsey is showing off her new man Alejandro. Alejandro and Ryan are stunned and none too happy to realize they’re both mated to Lindsey. Lindsey, who was raised in a fanatical religious sect, can’t begin to wrap her head around a threesome, and that’s before she finds out her men are shape-shifting wolves. While the three unsuspecting lovers attempt to come to terms with their unexpected life changes, Lindsey’s childhood church amps up their attempts to bring her back into the flock. Why won’t they leave her alone and what do they want? The answers are shocking and the results could be life-changing for everyone.

Melinda's Wolves (Wolf Masters #7)

by Becca Jameson

Melinda Bartel has avoided men her entire life. As a medicine woman and a shifter, she has always been too sensitive to endure physical contact with random men. So it comes as a shock when not one but two enormous male shifters walk into her life intent on claiming her. Trace Masters, a local deputy, has known for a while he would undoubtedly share his mate with another man. After all, it has been proven time and again that the Masters men are fated to share their mates. His only hope has been that he be lucky enough to claim a woman with his longtime friend Keegan. Keegan Phils, a building inspector, is equally pleased to find he will share Melinda with Trace. He quickly learns his feisty mate is not impressed with his current job assignment at the site of a controversial casino being built along the lake on Native American territory. Tensions rise as Melinda’s intuition suggests the building site is in grave danger. She fights an uphill battle to convince her men of her abilities while falling deeper every day under the intensity of their mating. The three of them find themselves fighting for their lives as danger consumes them. Can they endure the obstacles that Fate places in their paths and come out on the other side a solid trio? Only time will tell. And time is running out.

Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters #6)

by Becca Jameson

Rebecca Larson is a busy woman. Between her nursing job and training for a Spartan Race, she doesn’t have time for a social life. A weekend hiking trip with her girlfriend is strictly for the purpose of getting a high-altitude workout under her belt. Griffen Masters is not pleased his sister is bringing a friend on their annual siblings-only hike. And to make matters worse, the woman is human. She’ll never be able to keep up. However, the moment she arrives, his world tilts—she is his mate. As if Griffen doesn’t have enough problems wooing his mate and trying to keep his hands to himself for the weekend, a mysterious force causes him to need medical attention at the peak of the mountain. Miles Bartel is a long-time friend of Griffen and a vet. An added shock—Miles is also destined to mate with Rebecca. But the questions are piling up. What happened to Griffen in the first place? And how much light can Miles’ grandmother, a medicine woman, shed on the situation? The mating is inevitable and urgent. Everything else will have to wait. But strange events occur nearly every day, keeping all three on their toes. And answers are not forthcoming. If something doesn’t give soon, frayed nerves will start to affect their relationship.

Redeemed (Wolf Gatherings #4)

by Becca Jameson

Acknowledging her true mate is her only chance for redemption. Ashley Rice is broken. After being rescued from the clutches of a crazed shifter who kept her drugged and malleable for four years, she is recovering with the help of her family and a psychologist. Evan Harmon is the private investigator who rescued her. At the moment of escape, he knew she was his mate. Fighting his own instinctual need to take his Fated mate, he keeps that detail to himself to allow her time to heal. Six months later, at his breaking point, Evan attends a dinner at Ashley’s brother’s house, where he knows their relationship will be instantly revealed. But Ashley has a long road ahead of her. She is reluctant to enter into a relationship with anyone, including the man she knows in her soul is her mate. She doesn’t believe she is worthy and she needs more time. When neither Ashley nor Evan can stand their separation any longer and realization dawns that mating isn’t something that can be denied, Ashley and Evan enter into a constrained relationship that explodes into a claiming neither of them expected. But Evan has his own secrets, and Ashley suffers from agoraphobia. Can the two of them climb these hurdles and come out together?

Reviving Bianca (Project DEEP #6)

by Becca Jameson

Life has not been kind to Bianca.Childhood abuse has left her cautious. She trusts no one. Especially men. Guarding her emotional and physical scars has been her life’s mission. She went to her deathbed without ever sharing her secrets with anyone. Or so she thought. Waking up from ten years in a cryostat leaves her scared out of her mind. People have seen her scars. The horror of that new reality has her reeling. And worse? She’s been left alone in the care of a man she barely knows. Grayson’s job is to keep Bianca safe and nurse her to health.He’s well aware she has secrets. The welts on her back explain a lot about the private woman. It’s not a surprise that she doesn’t trust him. She doesn’t deserve whatever life has dealt her. He will move mountains to keep her safe and help her heal. As their friendship grows, he gradually breaks down her walls. He’d give anything for her to let him in. But he won’t rush her. Patience is his best option. Bianca believes she is too broken to be loved. Grayson will wait a lifetime to prove her wrong.The books in this series can be read on their own, but readers will enjoy the Project DEEP series more if they are read in order.

Reviving Dade (Project DEEP #3)

by Becca Jameson

Blair has the perfect cushy assignment.Protect Dade while he recovers from ten years in a cryostat. In a remote hidden cabin. With plenty of supplies. And nothing but time. But time is Dade’s number one enemy. And Blair can’t seem to maintain her badass persona around him. He’s breaking down her walls. She’s working her ass off to convince him life is worth living. A mole in the government would rather see him dead. An experimental treatment could save him. One he isn’t willing to try. Even when they’re arguing, the chemistry between them is palpable. But now is not the time for romance. Now is the time to fight for his life.

Reviving Graham (Project DEEP #5)

by Becca Jameson

Graham Wentz is an introvert. Painfully timid. Or he was. Until he woke up from a ten-year preservation. Now, he finds himself face-to-face with Kate Bauer, a woman he’d once secretly admired from a distance. Empowered with the knowledge that Kate also has eyes for him, Graham finds the confidence to take action. But Kate is hesitant. He’s certain she’s attracted to him, but something is holding her back. Graham is nothing if not patient. After all, his experience with women is extremely limited anyway. They’re living in a new world—one filled with obstacles at every turn. Their entire Project DEEP team is in trouble, as well as three decades’ worth of data. Graham and Kate need to step up to the plate and help the team. Curing diseases is Graham’s life. It’s all he knows. What if Kate decides that path is no longer her priority? Where does that leave the two of them? The books in this series can be read on their own, but readers will enjoy the Project DEEP series more if they read them in order.

Reviving Olivia (Project DEEP #7)

by Becca Jameson

Olivia.Cryonically preserved for ten years without her knowledge. Holds the mysterious key that could free everyone. Living on the run with two very tempting men, while hoping more than anything that her past doesn’t compromise her future. Spencer.Computer hacker who escaped the enemy. A skill set that could save the entire DEEP team. Lacking confidence could be his undoing, especially when it comes to the two people he cares about most. Damon.Cryonicist who revived twenty-four souls. Protector of the two lives in his care. Hopeful that he can convince them to be his, and scared to death he might not be enough for them. An unconventional relationship born under duress, in isolation. Can their bond hold true when the dust settles? The books in this series can be read on their own, but readers will enjoy the Project DEEP series more if they are read in order.

Reviving Trish (Project DEEP #2)

by Becca Jameson

After ten years, life is giving them a second chance…Tushar will do anything to rekindle his marriage.Keeping his wife safe is his number one priority.Hiding in the Mountains of Montana is their best chance at survival.Trish isn’t on the same page.She wants more time with the son she hasn’t seen for ten years.She wants her life back.What if it turns out no place is safe?The sparks that brought them together two decades ago are still burning.Neither is willing to take the risk.But second chances should never be squandered.

Reviving Zeke (Project DEEP #4)

by Becca Jameson

Zeke is the fifth person to be reanimated after being cryonically preserved for ten years.But he wakes up to a world that resents his very existence.Everything he worked for is in danger of being destroyed.The last thing he needs is a well-meaning scientist with her own agenda.Michelle would rather work with anyone besides the surly scientist she’s been partnered with.The man desperately needs an attitude adjustment.Too bad his penetrating glares also manage to hit a long-buried place inside her.It doesn’t matter because there’s no way she’s going to enter a relationship with a coworker.And after his disastrous marriage, he has no interest in letting any woman get under his skin.Even in their standoff, sparks fly.Eventually they will have to face the truth because curing disease isn’t their only job these days.Staying one step ahead of whoever would rather see them dead is equally important.They need each other, and it would be much easier if they could get along.Even better if they could find a way to let the other into their hearts.

Sharon's Wolves (Wolf Masters #10)

by Becca Jameson

Sharon Masters is the last unmated sibling in her family. Although history would suggest she is fated to mate with Cooper Hamilton, she hasn’t met him. For Cooper, the message is also clear. It’s the reason he hasn’t been to town in over two years. His time is up. As a seismologist, a series of earthquakes lure him to face his fate. Jackson Wolf is human. All he knows is the unbelievable physical attraction he has for Sharon. However, her family’s reputation for living in threesomes makes him shy away. Fate steps in, as She always does, to force Her hand. The land is rumbling. The citizens are fighting. The spirits are present. It’s time for Fate to arrange another mating. Her timing is never off.

Tarnished (Wolf Gatherings #1)

by Becca Jameson

Wolf shifter Mackenzie Davis has no interest in mating with another wolf. A horrific experience in her past has hardened her to this resolve. She loves her life as is, with the perfect job, the perfect friends, and the perfect boyfriend—a human one. Nevertheless, her mother implores her to attend this year’s Wolf Gathering. Reluctantly dragging her feet, she agrees to one day only. Drake Spencer has come to the gathering from Texas with his family. He’s twenty-eight and believes his chances of finding a mate are slim to none, especially since he saw the woman he felt connected to leave with another man at the last gathering. But what if the woman who has consumed his dreams for the last two years is not actually mated? When Mackenzie and Drake meet, sparks fly. Makenzie hopes to deny the claim on her. But can she? The call of mates is stronger than she expected. What will happen to her sense of self if she follows this man to Texas? Not to mention Drake. Can he live with the mental scars of her past?

Tessa's Wolf (Wolf Masters #5)

by Becca Jameson

Fate determines who a wolf-shifter’s mate is. Tessa just hopes she has enough time before she meets him to have her own life. She’s seen how it goes for her friends—each of them submitting to their mates and becoming subsumed in their new lives without ever looking back. That won’t be her. Aaron Garrett is the new vet in town. New job. New home. New life. Although he wasn’t planning on meeting his mate, he’s ready to give in to fate the instant he scents her. Unfortunately, Tessa’s determined to prove her will is stronger than the passion between them. To have her own life, she’s willing to fight Aaron, the heat between them, and fate itself. But fate has a way of bending things to HER will…

Wolf Gatherings - Boxed Set (Wolf Gatherings)

by Becca Jameson

One of the most beloved wolf shifter series Becca has ever written, all six stories are now available in one volume, six full-length books in one, 289,000 words and 600+ pages. This volume includes the full text of Tarnished, Dominated, Completed, Redeemed, Abandoned, and Betrayed, released originally between August 2013 and October 2014.

Wolf Masters Boxed Set Volume One (Wolf Masters Volume One Boxed Set)

by Becca Jameson

The Masters are a family of wolf shifters. Books 1-5 (Boxed Set Part One) center around Richard and Nancy Masters and their dairy farm in Oregon. They raised one daughter, four sons, and one adopted son. As each of the males come of age and meet their mate, they discover that they must share her with another man. For the first son, this is a relief. He's been sharing women with his best friend and adopted brother for as long as he can remember. The other three brothers are not quite so convinced, but Fate has Her way... Books 6-10 (Boxed Set Part Two) center around Adam and Carlie Masters. They have four sons and a daughter. They live in Montana and own a ski resort. Under the assumption that their family will follow the same path as their Oregon cousins (books 1-5), each man expects to mate with another man and a woman. The remaining daughter assumes she is fated to mate with one man. But, again, Fate steps in as She sees fit...

Wolf Masters Boxed Set Volume Two (Wolf Masters Volume Two Boxed Set #2)

by Becca Jameson

The Masters are a family of wolf shifters. Books 1-5 (Boxed Set Part One) center around Richard and Nancy Masters and their dairy farm in Oregon. They raised one daughter, four sons, and one adopted son. As each of the males come of age and meet their mate, they discover that they must share her with another man. For the first son, this is a relief. He's been sharing women with his best friend and adopted brother for as long as he can remember. The other three brothers are not quite so convinced, but Fate has Her way... Books 6-10 (Boxed Set Part Two) center around Adam and Carlie Masters. They have four sons and a daughter. They live in Montana and own a ski resort. Under the assumption that their family will follow the same path as their Oregon cousins (books 1-5), each man expects to mate with another man and a woman. The remaining daughter assumes she is fated to mate with one man. But, again, Fate steps in as She sees fit...

Wolf Trinity

by Becca Jameson

Emma is a wolf-shifter on the run from humans who killed her parents fifteen years ago. When she steps on an old trap in the Tennessee woods, she is truly screwed. Hungry and tired from weeks of running, she assumes she’s going to die. Liam and Jaden are also wolf-shifters. They’re staying in a cabin in the wilderness for the summer, hoping to spend lazy months enhancing their own relationship and escaping women altogether. But Fate has other plans in the form of a trapped female wolf near their cabin. Not only is she injured and mysteriously alone, but they realize she’s their mate. As Emma recovers from a broken leg, pheromones fill the tiny cabin, suffocating them all with the need to mate. But Emma has an agenda: run for her life and keep these two male shifters from succumbing to the same fate she is destined for—death. And Liam and Jaden have their own problems. They are concerned about what will happen to their own relationship if they claim the gorgeous female occupying their bed. They can’t be certain she will accept their need to be with each other as well as her. More importantly, they fear she will flee at the first opportunity, leaving the two men with holes in their hearts.

Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions

by Fredric Jameson

In an age of globalization characterized by the dizzying technologies of the First World, and the social disintegration of the Third, is the concept of utopia still meaningful? <P><P>Archaeologies of the Future, Jameson's most substantial work since Postmodernism, Or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, investigates the development of this form since Thomas More, and interrogates the functions of utopian thinking in a post-Communist age. The relationship between utopia and science fiction is explored through the representations of otherness ... alien life and alien worlds ... and a study of the works of Philip K. Dick, Ursula LeGuin, William Gibson, Brian Aldiss, Kim Stanley Robinson and more. Jameson's essential essays, including "The Desire Called Utopia," conclude with an examination of the opposing positions on utopia and an assessment of its political value today.

The Last: A Novel

by Hanna Jameson

For fans of high-concept thrillers such as Annihilation and The Girl with All the Gifts, this breathtaking dystopian psychological thriller follows an American academic stranded at a Swiss hotel as the world descends into nuclear war—along with twenty other survivors—who becomes obsessed with identifying a murderer in their midst after the body of a young girl is discovered in one of the hotel’s water tanks. Jon thought he had all the time in the world to respond to his wife’s text message: I miss you so much. I feel bad about how we left it. Love you. But as he’s waiting in the lobby of the L’Hotel Sixieme in Switzerland after an academic conference, still mulling over how to respond to his wife, he receives a string of horrifying push notifications. Washington, DC has been hit with a nuclear bomb, then New York, then London, and finally Berlin. That’s all he knows before news outlets and social media goes black—and before the clouds on the horizon turn orange. Now, two months later, there are twenty survivors holed up at the hotel, a place already tainted by its strange history of suicides and murders. Those who can’t bear to stay commit suicide or wander off into the woods. Jon and the others try to maintain some semblance of civilization. But when the water pressure disappears, and Jon and a crew of survivors investigate the hotel’s water tanks, they are shocked to discover the body of a young girl. As supplies dwindle and tensions rise, Jon becomes obsessed with investigating the death of the little girl as a way to cling to his own humanity. Yet the real question remains: can he afford to lose his mind in this hotel, or should he take his chances in the outside world?

The Business of Death: The Death Works Trilogy (Death Works #3)

by Trent Jamieson

Steven de Selby has a hangover. Bright lights, loud noise, and lots of exercise are the last thing he wants. But that's exactly what he gets when someone starts shooting at him.Steven is no stranger to death - Mr. D's his boss after all - but when a dead girl saves him from sharing her fate, he finds himself on the wrong end of the barrel. His job is to guide the restless dead to the underworld but now his clients are his own colleagues, friends, and family.Mr. D's gone missing and with no one in charge, the dead start to rise, the living are hunted, and the whole city teeters on the brink of a regional apocalypse - unless Steven can shake his hangover, not fall for the dead girl, and find out what happened to his boss - that is, Death himself.THE BUSINESS OF DEATH includes the first two volumes of the Death Works trilogy, Death Most Definite and Managing Death, as well as the third volume.

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