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Showing 101 through 125 of 36,437 results

Master Your Motivation: Three Scientific Truths for Achieving Your Goals

by Susan Fowler

If you want to accomplish what's important to you, discipline and willpower won't get you where you need to go. In this iconoclastic new book, Susan Fowler reveals compelling insights and actions to help you master and maintain your motivation. Motivation is at the heart of everything you do and everything you want to do but don't. Unfortunately, the ways we typically motivate ourselves don't work. Relying on sheer determination eventually becomes exhausting—it's not sustainable. And even setting goals can backfire—if you're not setting them for the right reasons. Susan Fowler says motivation is energy, and what matters is the quality, not the quantity. Traditional “motivators” such as fear, guilt, or the promise of a reward provide low-quality, short-term energy. Drawing on the latest empirical research, she proves that high-quality, optimal motivation is a skill that you can learn and apply. Science tells us that satisfying three basic needs—for choice, connection, and competence—is essential to optimal motivation. You need to feel like you've picked your path, not that you're being driven down it. Your goal should be linked to people or a purpose meaningful to you. And you want to continually learn and grow. Through practical exercises and eye-opening stories, Fowler shows you how to identify and shift the quality of your motivation. The skill to master your motivation is important—it may be your greatest opportunity to evolve, grow in wisdom, and be the light the world so desperately needs.

Mayday!: Asking for Help in times of Need

by M. Nora Klaver

You don't have to do it alone. In this engaging guide to understanding and conquering the personal and professional fears that keep us from turning to others in times of need, coach Nora Klaver offers readers compelling insights on why we don't ask for help, why we should, and how to do it.

The Memo: Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation

by John Hope Bryant

True power in this world comes from economic independence, but too many people have too much month left at the end of their money. John Hope Bryant, founder and CEO of Operation HOPE, illuminates the path toward liberation that is hiding in plain sight. His message is simple: the supermajority of people who live in poverty, whom Bryant calls the invisible class, as well as millions in the struggling middle class, haven't gotten “the memo”—until now. Building on his personal experience of rising up from economically disadvantaged circumstances and his work with Operation HOPE, Bryant teaches readers five rules that lay the foundation for achieving financial freedom. He emphasizes the inseparable connection between “inner capital” (mindset, relationships, knowledge, and spirit) and “outer capital” (financial wealth and property). “If you have inner capital,” Bryant writes, “you can never be truly poor. If you lack inner capital, all the money in the world cannot set you free.” Bryant gives readers tools for empowerment by covering everything from achieving basic financial literacy to investing in positive relationships and approaching wealth with a completely new attitude. He makes this bold and controversial claim: “Once you have satisfied your basic sustenance needs—food, water, health, and a roof over your head—poverty has more to do with your head than your wallet.” Bryant wants to restore readers' “silver rights,” giving them the ability to succeed and prosper no matter what very real roadblocks society puts in their way. We have more power than we realize, if only we can recognize and claim it. “We are our first capital,” Bryant writes. “We are the CEOs of our own lives.”

Navigating the Impossible: Build Extraordinary Teams and Shatter Expectations 

by Jason Caldwell

World-record endurance athlete and professional leadership coach Jason Caldwell draws on his amazing experiences to show how anyone can build and lead teams that accomplish incredible things. Thirty-five days, 14 hours, and 3 minutes. That's how long it took Jason Caldwell and the crew of the American Spirit to row 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean during the 2016 Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge—or, as it's known to those who attempt it, “The World's Toughest Row.” They not only succeeded but set a world record. This was an extraordinary team effort. And that's what this book is about. Caldwell transfers the hard-won lessons of his transatlantic adventure out of the ocean and into your office, showing how to build and lead teams that do what others say cannot be done and sustain that level of performance. The thrilling details of Caldwell's quest to break the world's record deliver a “just-one-more-page” experience, during which you'll also learn lessons like ♣ How to quit like a winner♣ Why results aren't the measure of a high-performance team♣ What four questions you should ask yourself before you set any goal♣ How to harness the power of emotion-first leadership♣ Why the best people aren't necessarily the right people for your teamThis book is a distillation of Caldwell's worldwide speaking programs delivered to packed crowds at Fortune 500 companies and universities worldwide. It is the answer to a question he is constantly asked: How were you and your teams able to accomplish such seemingly impossible goals? And it's also a guidebook that can teach anyone how to do the same.

Outward Bound Lessons to Live a Life of Leadership: To Serve, to Strive, and Not to Yield

by Mark Michaux Brown

This is the first book to describe in detail the principles of Outward Bound, told through the stories of former instructors and graduates who show how to apply them to create healthier, more effective teams, organizations, and communities. For nearly six decades Outward Bound USA's education programs have shaped the lives of tens of thousands of participants. Strangers are put in an unfamiliar and unpredictable setting, where to succeed they must develop a sense of teamwork, resilience, self-confidence, and a focus on the greater good. But, Mark Brown asks, isn't the modern world just as unpredictable and challenging as any mountain or desert? He shows how the same principles that bind people together in the natural world work just as well in cities, companies, and communities. This book explores the concept of Expeditionary Leadership through the stories of people such as third-generation business steward Laura Kohler, the Home Depot cofounder Arthur Blank, and former United States Senator Mark Udall, whose lives were touched by Outward Bound and who then went on to make a positive difference in the world. They show how each of us can, in our own way, use the Outward Bound philosophy to bravely face the wild unknowns in our daily lives.From training the first Peace Corps volunteers to partnering with thousands of educational institutions and corporations, Outward Bound has helped build the self-confidence and character of participants who have gone on to live richer, more fulfilling, and successful lives. Outward Bound internationally operates in thirty-three countries and impacts nearly a quarter of a million people annually.

The Possible Self: A Leader's Guide to Personal Development

by Maja Djikic

Sometimes success isn't enough—discover how to achieve lasting, whole-life fulfillment through a simple five-stage plan that corresponds with the five key parts of ourselves.We're often told that the key to success in life involves advancing in our careers, so why do feel stuck and unfulfilled when everything seems to be going right?Adult development expert Maja Djikic explains that in order to discover our purpose and achieve real, lasting change, we need to move beyond narrowly targeted ideas and strategies like changing our mindset or slightly altering one aspect of our behavior. Instead, we need to go deeper and focus on our innate desires.Djikic says that sustained change can only happen when our whole self moves holistically the same direction and at the same time. She introduces a transformational system called the Wheel of Change—a simple, five-segment plan that corresponds with the five key parts of ourselves: Desires, Actions, Emotions, Thoughts, and Body.By understanding the mechanisms of these five integral parts, you will be able to escape the paradox of success without happiness and move towards your own path of fulfilling self-development.

The Power of Serving Others

by Dean Nelson Gary Morsch

Helping others can give our lives a sense of meaning and purpose that nothing else can. And yet many of us think that serving others just isn't an option. We think we don't have the time. We don't have the skills. We don't have the resources. We don't know where to start. The problems of the world are just too big for us to possibly make a difference. In The Power of Serving Others, Gary Morsch and Dean Nelson show that everybody has something to contribute and that our ability to transform our lives by transforming the lives of others is within our reach. Offering step-by-step advice, they address the common mental blocks that keep many of us from discovering the joy and power of serving others, and they will teach you how to establish meaning through daily service. Drawing on their own experiences in places like Calcutta, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Tanzania, and right here in the United States, and featuring moving personal stories from people ranging from a former Black Panther Party member to Mother Teresa, Morsch and Nelson show how people from all walks of life have found a deep sense of fulfillment through simple gestures of service. Many of the problems the people in this book are helping with--reconstruction in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Asian tsunami, combating AIDS in Africa, healing the wounds of the Balkan civil war--seem utterly daunting. What can you possibly do in the face of such need? The Power of Serving Others shows that no matter who you are--regardless of your age, expertise, or position--you can enrich your own life and the lives of others through service.

Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl's Principles for Discovering Meaning in Life and Work

by Alex Pattakos Elaine Dundon Stephen R. Covey

7 Principles for Finding Meaning in Life & WorkWorld-renowned psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning is one of the most important books of modern times. Frankl's extraordinary personal story of finding meaning amid the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps has inspired millions. Frankl vividly showed that you always have the ultimate freedom to choose your attitude—you don't have to be a prisoner of your thoughts. Dr. Alex Pattakos—who was urged by Frankl to write Prisoners of Our Thoughts—and Elaine Dundon, a personal and organizational innovation thought leader, show how Frankl's wisdom can help readers find meaning in every moment of their lives. Drawing on the entire body of Frankl's work, they identify seven “core principles” and demonstrate how they can be applied to everyday life and work. This revised and expanded third edition features new stories, practical exercises, applications, and insights from the authors' new work in MEANINGology®. Three new chapters outline how we all can benefit by putting meaning at the core of our lives, work, and society. And a new chapter on Viktor Frankl's legacy illustrates how his work continues to influence so many around the world.


by Ethan Willis Randy Garn

What is true prosperity? Is it simply having enough money? Certainly financial security is necessary for peace of mind. But for many people the pursuit of money stresses and exhausts them so much, it makes peace of mind impossible. And they're always chasing after more--they never feel like they have enough. True prosperity is when there is no conflict between money and happiness--when you don't have to drag yourself out of bed every morning because the way you make a living is true to who you are. And when your way of life is sustainable, you don't fall victim to the boom/crash syndrome that afflicts so many people because you know exactly what you need to be happy and have a plan to achieve it. For the past twelve years Ethan Willis and Randy Garn have helped tens of thousands of people find their own personal path to prosperity. After nearly 11 million hours of personal coaching observation in eighty countries, they've developed six Prosperity Practices that will enable you to create a life that is rich, rewarding, and renewing. You begin by focusing on what you have, not on what you do not--you'll be sur- prised what you find once you shift your way of thinking. A key part of this process is determining what Willis and Garn call your "Polaris Point": a precise description of the life you want and what you need to sustain it. This becomes your own private North Star, guiding all your actions and keeping you from chasing after things you don't really want or need. Then you'll discover how to leverage your passions, experi- ence, and expertise to generate the income you require to reach your Polaris Point. Although you'll find much to reflect on here, Prosper is an action guide--at the end of each chapter, Willis and Garn provide concrete steps you can take to make each of the Prosperity Practices a reality. Soon your life will be aligned with the core of your being, you will have a deep understanding of what you need to be happy, and you'll know how to hold to that vision--and you will truly prosper.

The Resiliency Advantage

by Al Siebert

Resiliency--the ability to adapt to life's changes and crises--is key to a healthy, productive life. Based on his deep knowledge of the new science of resiliency, Dr. Al Siebert explains how and why some people are more resilient than others and how resiliency can be learned at any age. Through anecdotes, exercises, and examples, Dr. Siebert details a unique five-level program for becoming more resilient.

Right Risk

by Bill Treasurer

We must take risks if we are to grow personally and professionally. Risks are a part of a fully-lived life. But in the commotion of today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, people have become disconnected from the wise counsel of their inner resources, hampering their ability to make meaningful choices. Consequently, risks are increasingly being taken in an impulsive, haphazard, and often reckless way. In Right Risk, Bill Treasurer draws on the experiences and insights of successful risk-takers (including his own experiences as a daredevil high diver) to detail ten principles that readers can use to take risks with greater intelligence and confidence. Right Risk is about taking more deliberate and intentional risks in an increasingly complex world. It aims to answer such questions as: How do I know which risks to take and which to avoid? How do I balance the need to take more risks with the need to preserve my safety? How do I muster up the courage to take risks when it is so much easier not to? How do I confront all those people who keep telling me what a mistake it would be to take the risk? And, most importantly, How do I make risk-taking less of an anxiety-provoking experience? Right Risk will help readers take risks with greater discipline, focus, and maturity-to confidently face life's challenges and take advantage of life's opportunities.

Saving Face: How to Preserve Dignity and Build Trust

by Maya Hu-Chan

Organizations now need to attract, retain, and motivate teams and employees across distance, time zones, and cultural differences. Building authentic and lasting human relations may be the most important calling for leaders in this century. According to management and global leadership specialist Maya Hu-Chan, the concept of "saving face" can help any leader preserve dignity and create more empathetic cross-cultural relationships. "Face" represents one's self-esteem, self-worth, identity, reputation, status, pride, and dignity. Saving face is often understood as saving someone from embarrassment, but it's also about developing an understanding of the background and motivations of others to discover the unique facets we all possess. Without that understanding, we risk causing others to lose face without even knowing it. Hu-Chan explains saving face through anecdotes and practical tools, such as her BUILD leadership model (Benevolence, Understanding, Interacting, Learning, and Delivery). This book illustrates how we can give face to create positive first impressions, avoid causing others to lose face, and, most importantly, build trust and lasting relationships inside and outside the workplace.

Shift into a Higher Gear: Better Your Best and Live Life to the Fullest

by Delatorro McNeal

Kick fear-based living to the curb and discover exactly how to manifest the life of your dreams!Is there another level of life that you want to live? Are there goals you've been struggling to achieve? It's time to stop settling for excuses and start achieving excellence! With nearly two decades of experience working with high achievers globally, peak performance expert Delatorro McNeal II is passionate about teaching people how to live life full throttle. As a motorcycle enthusiast, McNeal uses powerful biking metaphors to vividly illustrate how to reject the monotony of living on cruise control. Packed with interactive exercises, compelling questions, and thought-provoking analogies, this book teaches you the methodology and the psychology to bring the best out of yourself! Each of the twelve chapters starts with the word Shift and invites you to make a simple but profound change that will accelerate your results and expand the horizons of your possibilities. You'll discover how to• Lean into the curves of life and business • Sever your dependency on the "kickstands of life" • Put your weight into the changes you desire most • Steer the flow of your emotional states • Shift your core relationships to invite the right posse to your biker club• Drive defensively to avoid the potholes that stop most people from succeeding From the introduction all the way through to the conclusion, this book is a transformational seminar on paper. Join Delatorro McNeal as he takes you on the personal development journey of a lifetime.

Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook: A 52-Week Game Plan for Becoming a Trusted Servant Leader

by Ken Blanchard Randy Conley

Leadership legend and bestselling author Ken Blanchard returns with trust expert and thought leader Randy Conley to present a structured playbook based on the bestselling Simple Truths of Leadership.The companion playbook to Simple Truths of Leadership expands on the book's 52 essential principles of servant leadership and trust building. This structured playbook provides weekly prompts and exercises to help you track your progress toward your leadership goals. It focuses on one Simple Truth per week and includes: A summary of each Simple Truth A game plan for using each truth in your workplace, including thought-provoking questions and exercises to challenge your thinking and cause you to consider new ideas about leadership A Call to Action to Try It This WeekWith so much of today's workforce feeling disengaged from the work they do, it's critical for leaders to move away from self-serving methods and embrace servant leadership to put their followers' needs before their own. And by journaling alongside servant leadership principles, you will be able to turn the common sense behind these simple truths into common practice for you and your organization.

Simply Put: Why Clear Messages Winand How to Design Them

by Ben Guttmann

Stop complicating everything! Create simple messages that are more powerful, more memorable, and win people over.Simply Put is a modern exploration of the simplicity principle for anybody who needs to sell stuff or persuade others. This book is a splash of cold water, designed to wake up entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, and marketing pros who have something they need to tell the world but just can't quite connect the dots. With this book, we're all better marketers.So why does simple win? And how do we get simple? The award-winning marketing entrepreneur behind New York Times best-selling authors and notable campaigns such as I Love NY provides answers and tools to simplify messages in this practical guide. From Yes We Can to Just Do It, regardless of if they're trying to get your dollars, your votes, or just your thoughts, effective messages share one thing they're simple. Being able to tell your story clearly and effectively is the winning skill for the next generation of entrepreneurs and leaders.

So Far from Home

by Margaret J. Wheatley

We live in a time of increasing polarization and irrationality, like a Tower of Babel with no distinction between fact and opinion, where information no longer changes minds. In cyberspace, we are bombarded with constant distractions and narcissistic self-making activities. Instant judgment and blame have replaced rational thinking. Organizations are bloated by bureaucracy and meaningless measures. Those working for positive change become exhausted, ill, and heartsick as their good work is ignored, underfunded, or attacked. We need to acknowledge that we're lost in a world far different than we hoped for. We need new maps to navigate our brave new world. In Leadership and the New Science, Wheatley provided encouraging maps for how to design organizations based on living systems' capacity for inclusion, change, and adaptation. But in the twenty years since that book's publication, she's seen that in spite of our best efforts, the world that has emerged is on a destructive trajectory that won't be reversed by our working harder, finding new methods, or forming better networks. But Wheatley has not written a book to increase our despair. Quite the contrary. Her intention is to inspire us to do our work with greater resolve and energy, using maps that won't mislead us. So Far from Home offers maps of two kinds. Using the newest of the new sciences, Wheatley shows how different dynamics interacted to create this harsh new world. A second kind of map invites us to choose a new role for ourselves as warriors for the human spirit. We develop the skills we need most--insight, bravery, decency, compassion--as we look honestly at this complex, difficult world. Clarity gives us enduring strength to discover our right work and create meaningful lives in this dark time. So Far from Home is a startlingly honest, profoundly reflective, and yet paradoxically down-to-earth book rooted in the day-to-day experiences we all share but seen with fresh eyes. It is both affirming and provoking, calling us to reexamine our expectations and redefine our role for the work ahead. It is Wheatley's most personal, heartfelt work to date.

Stand Up!: How to Get Involved, Speak Out, and Win in a World on Fire

by Gordon Whitman

Stand Up!How to Get Involved, Speak Out, and Win in a World on FireA society that actively combats racism, treats climate change as a serious threat, and ensures that all people have a living wage and a decent life for themselves and their families is not a progressive pipe dream. Victories are being won every day, all over the country. But they didn't happen just by clicking “donate” on a website. Gordon Whitman says that fundamental change demands forming the kind of face-to-face relationships that have sustained every social movement in history.For two decades, Whitman has been working with PICO National Network to equip tens of thousands to fight racial discrimination and economic injustice. He brings that experience to this book, describing five kinds of conversations that enable people to create organizations that can successfully overcome the forces of oppression and reaction. The first conversation to have is with ourselves, to make sure we're clear about our purpose and in it for the long haul. Then we need to share the personal story of how we came to this point with others—there is no more powerful way to connect. They in turn will share their stories, and then we can have the third conversation, about becoming a team. This team reaches out to people they know to talk about their concerns and priorities, building a broad base of supporters.. Then, with our base at our back, we can have that final conversation, directly confronting the powers that be.Of course, this isn't as simple as it sounds. Appropriately enough, Whitman uses stories, his own and others, to illustrate how best to handle these conversations and to show how they work together to build a movement. We can't just sit on the sidelines sharing angry social media posts or signing online petitions. We need to get directly involved, reach out, knock on doors, and bring our whole selves to the table if the changes our country so desperately need are ever going to come.

Stepping Up

by John B. Izzo

More people need to step up. When we take responsibility for making change wherever we can, not only does it make our companies, communities, and the world better, but we are happier and more successful and have more fulfilling relationships. But all too often, we stop ourselves before we start. The problems seem too daunting, it's another department's responsibility, other people are the issue and we can't change them, and so on. And so nothing ever changes. With his distinctive mix of inspiring storytelling and practical advice, John Izzo compassionately demolishes the most typical excuses, helps us see a way through common roadblocks, and enables anyone, anywhere, anytime to effectively bring about positive change by simply stepping up. Through numerous examples, Izzo shows that when one person steps up, it creates a wave of energy that encourages others to join in. Take Silvana Fucito, the middle-aged shopkeeper who fought back against the Italian Mafia, leading her neighbors, and eventually the national government, to do the same. Or the teenagers in Nova Scotia who decided to stand up to bullying when a classmate was beaten for wearing a pink shirt, ultimately spawning "pink shirt" days around the world. Or Joanne Beaton, who took over a business division in danger of being outsourced away and, by challenging her people to step up, turned it into a service provider other companies outsourced to. Rather than regaling us with stories of extraordinary people and extraordinary deeds, Izzo tells us about regular people who see problems and decide--sometimes hesitantly, often uncertainly--to take that first step. Like them, each one of us can claim our power to change the world.

Sustainable Happiness

by Sarah Van Gelder

We're bombarded by messages telling us that more, bigger, and better things are the keys to happiness. So we pile up the stuff, pile on the hours, and end up exhausted and depressed on a planet full of trash. Yes! Magazine has been exploring the meaning of real happiness for 18 years, and in this utterly delightful book, they bring together what thoughtful researchers and thoughtful people have uncovered about achieving happiness that lasts. Each chapter takes a different approach and tackles a different aspect of happiness, but all lead to the same conclusion: it isn't money or things that make us happy, it's the depth of our relationships, the quality of our communities, the contribution we make through the work we do, our ability to enjoy a healthy natural world. The authors discuss the ways that our stories about happiness and well-being define the goals of individuals and society and offer insights readers can use in their own lives to enhance their long-term well-being.

They Just Don't Get It!: Changing Resistance into Understanding

by Leslie A. Yerkes Randy F. Martin

Entrepreneurs, managers, parents, teachers, and—at some point—everyone have to explain goals and intentions to another person in order to enlist help in achieving them. Too often, those brilliant explanations fall on seemingly deaf ears. They just don't get it! Instead of blaming them, this book counsels readers to look within, and shows that "their" problem is often "our" problem. Using the popular parable format, and illustrated with clever line drawings, They Just Don't Get It! gives knowledgeable, down-to-earth behavioral suggestions for opening communication, achieving goals, and building teams. Offering insight into the reasons ideas aren't implemented in an expected manner, the book provides the reader with personal insight into how to become a better communicator of ideas and an inspired motivator of people, both personally and professionally. Includes black-and-white illustrations throughout.

The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature

by Michael N Nagler , Ph.D.

In the latest fruit of a brilliant career, Michael Nagler argues that nonviolence—not just as a tactic but as a way of being—is the only way to unite deeply divided people and enable progressive movements and leaders of all stripes to fulfil their promise and potential.So many of the problems that beset us—war, poverty, isolation, and the climate crisis—have their roots in an old story about the universe: we are purposeless matter in a random void, and scarcity, competition, and violence are inevitable. Citing the convergence of modern science and the essence of the world's wisdom traditions, Michael Nagler argues for a new story: the universe is conscious and purposeful, humans are spiritual beings, and cooperation and collaboration are our natural way of interacting. This "new story" has had other champions, but Nagler is the first to realize that a piece is missing. For the new story to take hold, we have to embrace nonviolence, not only as a social change tactic but as a way of life. Nonviolence is the only power strong enough to "move the heart" toward this deep and revolutionary change in worldview. Nagler refers to this as the "third harmony," which is the harmony within and among us to resolve the crisis of the human image. Calling on us to realize the urgency of nonviolence for resolving our personal and collective problems, Nagler focuses on how to shift to our story on a personal, everyday level and then integrate it into the very foundations of our understanding of humanity and community, for our sake, for the sake of future generations, and the sake of nonviolence itself.

Thriving in the Fight: A Survival Manual for Latinas on the Front Lines of Change

by Denise Padín Collazo

Social justice work is more crucial than ever, but it can be physically and emotionally draining. Longtime activist Denise Collazo offers three keys to help Latinas keep their focus, morale, and energy high. Doing the work of social change is hard. Waking up every day to take on the biggest challenges of our time can be overwhelming, and sometimes progress is hard to see. She understands that Latina and all women of color activists do their best work when they are thriving, not simply surviving. Denise Padín Collazo has been there. She is the first Latina, the first woman of color, and the first woman period to raise a family and stay in the work of community organizing at Faith in Action, an international progressive network of 3,000 congregations and 2 million members. Drawing on her own experiences of triumph and failure, and those of other Latina activists, Collazo lays out three keys to thriving in the movement for social change: leading into your vision, living into the fullest version of yourself, and loving past negatives that hold you back. She also warns about the three signs that you may be surrendering: wishing for a future reality to emerge, wondering where your limits are, and waiting for permission and answers to come from others. Using this framework, Collazo offers wise and compassionate advice on some of the most important leadership challenges facing Latina activists. She explains how you can integrate family and work, step out of the background and claim your leadership potential, confront anti-Blackness in your own culture, keep focused on your ultimate purpose, and raise the necessary resources to keep fighting for justice. This honest, practical, and inspirational book will help Latina activists to burn bright, not burn out.

Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others (Bk Life. Ser.)

by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky Connie Burk

Offers those who care for others and the planet a way to stay engaged, hopeful, balanced, and healthy when dealing with hardship, suffering, and trauma • Deepens readers’ understanding of the many ways they and their organizations may be impacted by dealing with trauma and suffering • Uses moving first-person interviews and even cartoons to illuminate the idea of trauma stewardship Working to make the world a more hopeful and sustainable place often means having to confront pain, suffering, crisis, and trauma head-on, day in and day out. Over months and years this takes an enormous emotional, psychological, and physical toll, one that we’re often not even fully aware of until the day we feel like we just can’t go on anymore. And our well-being and the work we’re doing are too important to risk that happening. This book is for all those who notice that they are not the people they once were or who are being told that by their families, friends, colleagues, or pets. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky takes a deep and sympathetic look at the many ways the stress of dealing with trauma manifests itself: feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, diminished creativity, chronic exhaustion, cynicism, and a dozen more. To keep from being overwhelmed, we need to respond to suffering in a thoughtful, intentional way—not by hardening our hearts or by internalizing others’ struggles as our own but by developing a quality of compassionate presence. This is trauma stewardship. To help achieve this, Lipsky offers a variety of simple and profound practices, drawn from modern psychology and a range of spiritual traditions, that enable us to look carefully at our reactions and motivations and discover new sources of energy and renewal. She includes interviews with successful trauma stewards from different walks of life and even uses New Yorker cartoons to illustrate her points. “We can do meaningful work in a way that works for us and for those we serve,” Lipsky writes. “Taking care of ourselves while taking care of others allows us to contribute to our societies with such impact that we will leave a legacy informed by our deepest wisdom and greatest gifts instead of burdened by our struggles and despair.”

True North Groups

by Bill George Douglas M. Baker

All too often, we find ourselves forced to confront life's challenges on our own. What we need is an intimate group with whom we can examine our beliefs and share our lives. For the past thirty-five years, Bill George and Doug Baker have found the answer in True North Groups--small groups that gather regularly to explore members' greatest challenges. These groups provide opportunities for the honest conversations essential to develop the self-awareness, compassion, emotional intelligence, and authenticity required to be inspired human beings and inspiring leaders. "At various times," George and Baker write, "a True North Group will function as a nurturer, a grounding rod, a truth teller, and a mirror. At other times the group functions as a challenger or an inspirer. When people are wracked with self-doubts, it helps build their courage and ability to cope." Drawing on recent research in psychology and sociology, George and Baker explain why these groups are so critical to our personal and professional success. They cover every detail from choosing members, establishing norms, and dealing with conflicts to evaluating progress and deciding when it's time to restructure. True North Groups provides a wealth of practical resources, including suggested topics for the first twelve meetings advice on facilitating groups, techniques to evaluate group satisfaction, and much more. For the millions of people who are searching for greater meaning and intimacy in their lives, this book will help them to grow as leaders and as people--and to stay on course to their True North.

Up Is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility

by Beverly Kaye Lindy Williams Lynn Cowart

Up Was Never for Everyone!Move up or move out. When those two options appear to be the only ones, dissatisfaction grows and engagement suffers. In decades of studying careers around the globe, Beverly Kaye, Lindy Williams, and Lynn Cowart have found that, in fact, there are more options. And rethinking career mobility can lead you to them! The authors show how managers, coaches, and employees can partner to determine what's best and what's next. Keep the same job but discover new ways to learn and grow? Explore moving to a position that could be a better fit? Step back without getting derailed? This book encourages readers to take a “kaleidoscope” view—to be open to ever-shifting patterns of opportunities and possibilities—so they can create a unique, personalized path to a truly rewarding career.

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