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Showing 11,476 through 11,500 of 36,437 results

Los 7 secretos de la persuasión

by James C. Crimmins

El primer libro que toma las ideas científicas más recientes sobre la mente y las aplica al arte de la persuasión. A lo largo de sus más de 27 años de experiencia en el campo de la publicidad, James C. Crimmins ha trabajado para marcas de reconocimiento mundial tales como Budweiser, McDonald's, State Farm y Betty Crocker. Crimmins combina toda su experiencia, tanto en el plano científico como en el profesional y el académico, para explicar cómo la revolución en la ciencia puede hacer que cualquier persona logre convencer de manera exitosa.

75 consejos para sobrevivir en el campamento. Manual patentado por mí misma (y por María Frisa) para hacerte la vida más fácil

by María Frisa

La vida a los 12 años puede ser bastante difícil: eres la única sin Facebook, tu ropa es un asco, no tienes novio y tus padres te meten en un campamento de verano sin ni siquiera consultarte... Por eso he patentado este manual: si yo sobreviví, tu también puedes lograrlo. <P><P>Sara anhela desesperadamente poder asistir al campamento de Inglés que organiza su escuela en vacaciones... al menos eso le ha dicho a sus padres; si fuera por ella, se quedaría en casa viendo la tele y jugando videojuegos durante todo el verano. Pero como sabe que esa no es una opción, ha decidido aplicar la psicología inversa: pedir que la envíen a ese campamento carísimo para que le nieguen el capricho y así pueda quedarse en casa. <P>Desafortunadamente, las cosas no salen como lo planeó y sus padres, esta vez, deciden que harán un esfuerzo y la mandarán a ese campamento, como un premio y para que pueda conocer y convivir con nuevos chicos, pero y ¿qué pasa con sus enemigos? Sara lo tiene claro: si va al campamento tendrá cerca a Marina y a Pollo, sus mejores amigos, pero también tendrá que convivir con la odiosa de Rebeca y su séquito. <P>Una vez que llega al campamento decide que quizá estar lejos de casa y de su hermana menor no sea tan malo aunque la comida sea incomible, los baños pareciera que son una broma, las tiendas de campaña parezcan de pitufos, las clases de inglés seam horribles y su peor enemiga resulte que no es tan mala como el chico al que acaba de conocer, un tal Hugo. Aún así, intentará que este sea el mejor verano de sus vidas. ¿Podrá Sara salirse con la suya?

Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It

by Gabriel Wyner

The ultimate rapid language-learning guide! For those who've despaired of ever learning a foreign language, here, finally, is a book that will make the words stick. At thirty years old, Gabriel Wyner speaks six languages fluently. He didn't learn them in school -- who does? -- rather, he learned them in the past few years, working on his own and practicing on the subway, using simple techniques and free online resources. In Fluent Forever Wyner reveals what he's discovered. The greatest challenge to learning a foreign language is the challenge of memory; there are just too many words and too many rules. For every new word we learn, we seem to forget two old ones, and as a result, fluency can seem out of reach. Fluent Forever tackles this challenge head-on. With empathy for the language-challenged and abundant humor, Wyner deconstructs the learning process, revealing how to build a foreign language in your mind from the ground up. Starting with pronunciation, you'll learn how to rewire your ears and turn foreign sounds into familiar sounds. You'll retrain your tongue to produce those sounds accurately, using tricks from opera singers and actors. Next, you'll begin to tackle words, and connect sounds and spellings to imagery, rather than translations, which will enable you to think in a foreign language. And with the help of sophisticated spaced-repetition techniques, you'll be able to memorize hundreds of words a month in minutes every day. Soon, you'll gain the ability to learn grammar and more difficult abstract words--without the tedious drills and exercises of language classes and grammar books. This is brain hacking at its most exciting, taking what we know about neuroscience and linguistics and using it to create the most efficient and enjoyable way to learn a foreign language in the spare minutes of your day.

T Is for Transformation: Unleash the 7 Superpowers to Help You Dig Deeper, Feel Stronger, and Live Your Best Life

by Shaun T.

As a fitness icon and motivational mastermind, Shaun T has helped millions of people transform their bodies and their lives through his Hip Hop Abs, INSANITY, and CIZE workouts. But people who think of Shaun T as just a workout force are missing something. He has always focused on building inner strength first, then moving to the exterior. And that inner focus started in his own life. He became the man and motivator he is today after escaping from the abuse he suffered as a child, and fighting his way back from a 50-pound weight gain in his early 20s. He knows firsthand that you can’t drop weight or enjoy better health until you overcome the mental obstacles that cause bad choices in the first place.In T is for Transformation, Shaun T unveils the 7 transformational principles that guided his progress through life and that are at the core of his incredibly successful workouts. T is for Transformation is a motivational master class as Shaun shows you how to become more flexible and resourceful, give everything you've got, and, most importantly, trust and believe in your path to success. The only real obstacles in life are the mental ones, and T is for Transformation can train you to achieve astonishing results in your own life, just as Shaun T has in his.

Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing

by Nate Klemp Eric Langshur

Imagine being less stressed, more focused, and happier every day of your life. Start Here outlines a program designed to help you do just that by cross-training the skill of lifelong wellbeing.If given the choice, we would all choose to be less stressed, to feel happier, and to experience a more optimal state of wellbeing. So why are these outcomes so hard to achieve? The answer is quite simple. No one has taught us how. It turns out that just as you train your body for fitness, you can train your mind for wellbeing. We call this Life Cross Training (LIFE XT), and Start Here is the manual for anyone seeking to achieve emotional fitness. Combining ancient wisdom with modern neuroscience from the world's leading experts, LIFE XT is a groundbreaking training program to master the art of wellbeing. The program teaches practices proven to rewire the brain for increased focus, engagement, and resilience to stress. By offering specific practices, habits, and assessments to manage your training and by helping to build up core skills such as mindfulness, gratitude, and compassion, authors Eric Langshur and Nate Klemp lay out a thorough and sustainable program that anyone can integrate into their daily lives. With Start Here, you will: -Feel less anxious, distracted, and overwhelmed, and more focused -Increase your productivity -Feel a stronger sense of meaning and contribution -Build stronger relationships with family, friends, and coworkers These are benefits we all seek and can all experience by cross-training with the scientifically validated practices presented in this book. Want to become less stressed, more emotionally fulfilled, and more in harmony with the world that surrounds you? Start here.

Coaching e cura

by Eva Lekunberri Vatella

Um passeio através do coaching holístico e a natureza, oferecendo ferramentas fundamentais para o crescimento pessoal. Baseado na experência da autora, nos faz mergulhar no mundo do auto-conhecimento, da conexão com a natureza e o alcance do bem-estar para viver mais plenamente.

Viver o Agora: Guia do Iniciante

by Anabela Sousa A. J. Parr

7 Lições e 7 Exercícios para Travar a sua Mente Tagarela e Começar a Viver o Agora (Guia do Iniciante) Este Guia do Iniciante contém 7 lições básicas e exercícios que você pode aplicar Agora para começar a abrandar e parar a sua "mente tagarela", e começar a desfrutar de viver "O Agora", uma experiência que irá conceder-lhe paz interior e liberdade da ilusão, começando Agora. Apresenta-nos os conceitos básicos, métodos e princípios por detrás dos ensinamentos espirituais de Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Dalai Lama, Ramana Maharshi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi e Alan Watts, entre outros., com base na premissa de que existe e sempre existiu apenas um ensinamento espiritual, embora surja em muitas formas. Este é, verdadeiramente, um guia do iniciante recomendado para quem busca a Verdade, querendo fugir da ilusão, e experimenta a paz interior que apenas o "Viver no Agora" pode proporcionar. As sete lições espirituais e exercícios que você vai encontrar neste livro baseiam-se nos seguintes antigos ensinamentos: * O sofrimento humano e a infelicidade são produzidos pela nossa “mente tagarela”, que produz um diálogo interior ou conversa contínuos, e que nos impede de viver o agora. * Existe uma maneira de abrandar e parar o tagarelar da nossa mente. Logo que aprenda a fazer isso, você também será capaz de abrandar e parar, quando necessário (especialmente quando você precisar mesmo de parar e acabar com sua aflição e sofrimento auto-infligidos). * Você não pode barrar seus pensamentos completamente, nem é desejável. Mesmo os seres iluminados necessitam de viver e interagir com a sociedade, como todos os seres humanos. * Ao diminuir efectivamente o tagarelar da sua mente, você pode fazer com que ele perca o seu poder. Reconheça-o simplesmente como “ilusão”, ou seja, o produto de um fenómeno psicológico comum entre os seres humanos e supostamente conhecido na Índia des

Vivre le moment présent en quelques étapes simples

by Essaid Bahri A. J. Parr

CES PAGES CONTIENNENT sept leçons et sept exercices de base que vous pouvez facilement appliquer, conçus pour vous aider à arrêter votre esprit bavard et à commencer à ressentir le moment présent, une pratique qui peut vous apporter paix intérieure et joie. ET CE À PARTIR D’AUJOURD’HUIT ! Ici, vous apprendrez les principes et les méthodes de base de la pratique ancienne de vivre le moment présent, fondement inestimable des enseignements spirituels ancestraux du monde, y compris ceux de Jésus, Bouddha, Krishna, Lao Tseu, Kabir et plus récemment ceux d’Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, le Dalaï Lama, Ramana Maharshi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Alan Watts entre d'innombrables autres.

Bulimia/Anorexia: The Binge/purge Cycle And Self-starvation

by Marlene Boskind-White William C. White Jr.

"The power of the book lies in [its] vast clinical experience.... Eminently readable and filled with clinical anecdote.... Invaluable."—The Lancet Here is a basic source of information on the dynamics of eating disorders, written by two therapists who pioneered in treating them. This accessible and empowering book now adds four new chapters: "Anorexia Nervosa: Sociocultural Perspectives," "Intensive Psychotherapy with Anorexics," "Surviving Managed Care" (addressed especially to therapists), and "Our Daughters, Ourselves." The book includes stories of bulimic and anorexic women in their own words—sympathetic peer-group voices to encourage women who have begun treatment or are considering it. The author also describes new school and college programs designed to help students who have eating disorders. Marlene Boskind-White draws on twenty-five years of clinical experience to set forth what actually works to combat and overcome bulimia and anorexia, focusing on ways to strengthen positive attitudes and develop practical coping skills. She evaluates new therapies and new medications such as Prozac and presents essential information on physiology and nutrition. "I give this book my unqualified endorsement."—Jean Rubel, Ph.D., Anorexia Nervosa and Related Disorders, Inc. "An outstanding contribution to the literature of eating disorders."—Albert D. Loro, Jr., Ph.D., former director, Eating Disorders Program, Duke University Medical School

Un abrazo al corazón

by Adriana Páramo Moguel

Reflexiona tu vida sin prejuicios y verdades ocultas. ¿Has estado triste por mucho tiempo? ¿Sigues recordando una traición que te hicieron hace muchos años? ¿Sientes que has postergado todas tus metas? ¿Vas como un barco a la deriva? <p><p>Lo primero que debes saber es que no eres la única persona que ha experimentado estos sentimientos. La tristeza, envidia, rencor, y pereza pueden desgastarnos e impedirnos vivir de forma placentera. Aquí encontraras las cápsulas con las que la autora brinda un abrazo a nuestro corazón y se acerca a nosotros para reflexionar sobre la vida, sin prejuicios ni verdades ocultas. <p> En estas páginas, la autora conversa con la misma cercanía con la que hablaría amigo entrañable con quien ha convivido toda la vida.

¡Adelante!: Ayuda instantánea para el miedo, el pánico , las palpitaciones, etc. (Pequeño manual de supervivencia)

by Dra. Claudia Croos-Müller

La ansiedad es uno de los males más comunes de la sociedad moderna, pero reducirla es tan fácil como chasquear los dedos. Descubre la conexión entre tu cuerpo y tus emociones de forma amena y divertida, y mejora tu bienestar con doce ejercicios súper sencillos, con bases científicas explicadas para todos los públicos. <P><P>¿Tienes palpitaciones, ansiedad o incluso ataques de pánico? La clave para evitarlos es tu propio cuerpo: empieza a trabajarlo desde fuera para notar los cambios por dentro. - Los ejercicios te llevan pocos minutos y tienen efecto inmediato. - Puedes hacerlos en cualquier parte, sin necesidad de esterilla. - Son simples y muy divertidos. <P>La doctora Claudia Croos-Müller, especialista en neurología y psicoterapia, propone 12 ejercicios posturales y Óscar, la oveja del buen humor, y su amiga Emily te demuestran cómo poner en práctica la rutina de ejercicios más sencilla del mundo para sentirte bien. Ejercicios posturales ingeniosamente simples contra el estrés emocional.

Passionista: The Empowered Woman's Guide to Pleasuring a Man (Kerner)

by Ian Kerner

Transform Yourself from "Passion Victim" to Passionista! In the smash hit She Comes First, Ian Kerner singlehandedly waged battle against male sexual "ill-cliteracy," and women everywhere benefited from his "viva la vulva" philosophy of female pleasure. Now, in Passionista, it's time to learn all about what turns men on--and makes them stay on. In this point-by-point, "blow-by-blow" guide, Kerner makes giving as much fun as receiving as he covers every angle of male sexuality, unlocks the secrets of satisfaction, and offers knowledgeable answers to the questions every woman wonders about. His advice is the closest you'll ever come to waking up in a guy's skin and knowing what truly makes him sexually tick. Written in the same witty, insightful, and utterly readable voice that has made She Comes First and Be Honest--You're Not That Into Him Either so popular, Passionista is the empowered woman's guide to enjoying sex to the fullest--and ensuring that he does the same.

The Art of Communicating

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen master Thick Nhat Hanh, bestselling author of Peace is Every Step and one of the most respected and celebrated religious leaders in the world, delivers a powerful path to happiness through mastering lifes most important skill. How do we say what we mean in a way that the other person can really hear?How can we listen with compassion and understanding?Communication fuels the ties that bind, whether in relationships, business, or everyday interactions. Most of us, however, have never been taught the fundamental skills of communication--or how to best represent our true selves. Effective communication is as important to our well-being and happiness as the food we put into our bodies. It can be either healthy (and nourishing) or toxic (and destructive). In this precise and practical guide, Zen master and Buddhist monk Thick Nhat Hanh reveals how to listen mindfully and express your fullest and most authentic self. With examples from his work with couples, families, and international conflicts, The Art of Communicating helps us move beyond the perils and frustrations of misrepresentation and misunderstanding to learn the listening and speaking skills that will forever change how we experience and impact the world.

Stuff Every Dad Should Know (Stuff You Should Know)

by Brett Cohen

A pocket-sized parenting guide for dads and dads-to-be, perfect as a gift. This handy little book is filled with all the fail-safe fatherhood tips and tricks a dad needs. From changing diapers and burping babies to building sand castles and hosting a sleepover party, this book is the perfect gift for everything from baby showers to Father’s Day. Chapters include: • How to Rid a Room of Monsters • How to Squelch a Temper Tantrum • How to Assign Chores • How to Discuss the Birds and the Bees • How to Save for College

The Mermaid Handbook: An Alluring Treasury of Literature, Lore, Art, Recipes, and Projects

by Carolyn Turgeon

Answer the enchanting siren call of the mermaid with this comprehensive, lavishly illustrated and intricately designed one-of-a-kind lifestyle compendium from the editor in chief of Faerie Magazine and author of The Faerie Handbook and globally published novel Mermaid, packed with lore, legends, facts and trivia, beautiful illustrations, and numerous step-by-step projects and recipes.Beautiful, seductive, mysterious, and potentially dangerous, the mermaid is a global literary and pop culture icon whose roots date back to ancient sea goddesses and Greek mythology. From Homer’s Odyssey and Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale The Little Mermaid to T.S. Eliot’s "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and the Disney animated film The Little Mermaid, this sea vixen has long seduced popular imagination. Cosmetic companies have drawn inspiration for their makeup lines from mermaids, as have designers throughout fashion history, from Jean Patou to Jean Paul Gaultier and Alexander McQueen. The fishtail dress is a perennial long red-carpet staple, favored by the likes of Marion Cotillard, Sofia Vergara, and Blake Lively.Divided into four sections—Fashion and Beauty; Arts and Culture; Real Mermaids and Where to Find Them; and Food, Entertaining and Stories of the Sea—The Mermaid Handbook is a unique and sumptuous compilation filled with creative ideas for decorating and living inspired by these beauties from the deep. Learn to make a sailor’s valentine; a mermaid comb and crown; and a pearl and sequin paillette necklace. There are recipes for mermaid-themed poke bowls, aquatic-themed honey gingerbread cookies, and the official cocktail of the 1960s-era mermaid attraction Aquarama.Folklore expert Carolyn Turgeon also includes profiles of true modern mermaids, tail makers, and mermaid bars; visits mermaid attractions like Weeki Wachee Springs; and provides tips on getting beachy mermaid hair and creating an alluring eye.

Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry : A Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and Forgiveness

by Joan McArthur-Blair Jeanie Cockell

Building Resilience with Appreciative InquiryA Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and ForgivenessAs a leader, you have work that is complex, full of ups and downs. Your ability to be resilient—to pick yourself up after setbacks and keep on going no matter the challenges—is critical not only to successful leadership but also to fostering teams, generating collaboration, and igniting your organization. In this breakthrough book, veteran consultants Joan McArthur-Blair and Jeanie Cockell show that Appreciative Inquiry can be an invaluable tool to build that resilience.Appreciative Inquiry is a time-tested, highly effective, and widely used change method that emphasizes identifying what's working well in a system and building on those strengths. Originating in the 1980s, it's been responsible for dramatic results in every conceivable type of organization. Using the authors' Appreciative Resilience model, leaders can use AI to increase their ability to weather the storms they'll inevitably face and come out stronger. A profoundly practical guide, this book features first-person accounts from leaders in all kinds of settings and situations describing how they've used AI concepts to increase their resilience, as well as a detailed description of the exercises and practices the authors use in their Appreciative Resilience Workshop. McArthur-Blair and Cockell believe that the core of resilience is the interplay among despair, hope, and forgiveness. Every leader experiences despair in those moments when there is no clear path forward. Maintaining hope that a better future is possible enables leaders to keep going. And forgiveness, of one's own shortcomings and those of others, helps leaders move from despair to hope. AI's focus on the best of what is and using that to generate the future makes it a particularly powerful aid and ally on this journey.

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

by Priya Parker

"Hosts of all kinds, this is a must-read!" --Chris Anderson, owner and curator of TEDA bold new approach to how we gather that will transform the ways we spend our time together--at work, at home, in our communities, and beyond.In The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker argues that the gatherings in our lives are lackluster and unproductive--which they don't have to be. We rely too much on routine and the conventions of gatherings when we should focus on distinctiveness and the people involved. At a time when coming together is more important than ever, Parker sets forth a human-centered approach to gathering that will help everyone create meaningful, memorable experiences, large and small, for work and for play.Drawing on her expertise as a facilitator of high-powered gatherings around the world, Parker takes us inside events of all kinds to show what works, what doesn't, and why. She investigates a wide array of gatherings--conferences, meetings, a courtroom, a flash-mob party, an Arab-Israeli summer camp--and explains how simple, specific changes can invigorate any group experience.The result is a book that's both journey and guide, full of exciting ideas with real-world applications. The Art of Gathering will forever alter the way you look at your next meeting, industry conference, dinner party, and backyard barbecue--and how you host and attend them.

My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired

by Benjamin Spall Michael Xander

"A guide to the early morning habits that boost your productivity and relax you—featuring interviews with leaders like Arianna Huffington, General Stanley McChrystal, Marie Kondo, and more."Marie Kondo performs a quick tidying ritual to quiet her mind before leaving the house. The president of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed Catmull, mixes three shots of espresso with three scoops of cocoa powder and two sweeteners. Fitness expert Jillian Michaels doesn't set an alarm, because her five-year-old jolts her from sleep by jumping into bed for a cuddle every morning.Part instruction manual, part someone else's diary, the authors of My Morning Routine interviewed sixty-four of today's most successful people, including three-time Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Soni, Twitter cofounder Biz Stone, and General Stanley McChrystal–and offer advice on creating a routine of your own.Some routines are all about early morning exercise and spartan living; others are more leisurely and self-indulgent. What they have in common is they don't feel like a chore. Once you land on the right routine, you'll look forward to waking up.This comprehensive guide will show you how to get into a routine that works for you so that you can develop the habits that move you forward. Just as a Jenga stack is only as sturdy as its foundational blocks, the choices we make throughout our day depend on the intentions we set in the morning. Like it or not, our morning habits form the stack that our whole day is built on.Whether you want to boost your productivity, implement a workout or meditation routine, or just learn to roll with the punches in the morning, this book has you covered.

The Signs: Decode the Stars, Reframe Your Life

by Carolyne Faulkner

In this inspiring guide to achieving happiness and wellness in life, work, and relationships, a “go-to life coach for those in the know” (InStyle) reveals how to use astrology as a roadmap to success. For thousands of years, people have looked to the night sky for guidance. Yet these days it’s so easy to lose touch with the universe and the important direction it can provide. In The Signs, astrologer and life coach Carolyne Faulkner reveals how the ancient wisdom of the stars can empower you to get the most out of life. Faulkner’s method is not about nebulous predictions or fate. It’s about discovering the qualities, good and bad, associated with your natal chart—the position of the planets at the time of your birth—and using that knowledge to inform your decisions and relationships. Easy to use and designed as both an introduction for the cosmically curious and a deep dive for experienced spiritual seekers, this guide shows you how to interpret your chart, find balance, and reconnect with yourself. Consult The Signs to learn what to do when: • You’re an inflexible Taurus, resistant to change. (Create things. Even a home-cooked meal will heal you in wondrous ways.) • You live with an argumentative Aries. (Never fight fire with fire. Wait till your partner calms down to discuss your feelings.) • You have Capricorn influence. (Shed the need to conform. Structure is important, but it needs to be flexible enough to change as we grow.)

Calm Clarity: How to Use Science to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Wisdom, Fulfillment, and Joy

by Due Quach

Author of the viral Medium piece, "Poor and Traumatized at Harvard," Due Quach shares her Calm Clarity program to show readers how to deal with toxic stress and adversity.We often don't realize how much control we have over our thoughts, feelings, and actions--on some days, the most minor irritation can upset us, but on others, we are in our best form and can rise to challenges with grace. These fluctuations depend on the neural networks firing in our brains, and we have the power to consciously break hardwired thought patterns. Due Quach developed an intimate understanding of the brain during her personal journey of healing from post-traumatic stress disorder. According to Quach, people function in three primary emotional states: Brain 1.0, Brain 2.0, and Brain 3.0. In Brain 1.0, people act out of fear and self-preservation. Brain 2.0 involves instant gratification and chasing short-term rewards at the expense of long-term well-being. Brain 3.0 is a state of mind that Quach calls "Calm Clarity," in which people's actions are aligned with their core values. As Quach confronted PTSD and successfully weaned herself off medication, she learned how to activate, exercise, and strengthen Brain 3.0 like a muscle. In Calm Clarity, she draws on the latest scientific research and ancient spiritual traditions alike to show us how we too can take ownership of our thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to be our best selves.

When You Die You Will Not Be Scared to Die

by Lindsay Tunkl

This brief artistic collection of fears around dying--and their ultimate futility in the face of the unknown--is a keepsake, a prayer book, a prompt for contemplation, and a gift to give to others to inspire conversations about the liberating power of death and what makes a good life.This small book of 12 meditations on death is intentionally repetitive and hypnotic in effect, and will inspire the reader to list what scares them most, come to terms with their own mortality, and realize what fears are holding them back from living a life fully with 100 percent commitment. It will appeal to anyone who wishes to live with greater intention and purpose and experience more joy and appreciation of the present moment. Buddhists and mindfulness practitioners, people who are aging, people who read the news and are worried, artists, people who are taking care of others who are dying, people who are dying (i.e., all of us ...), Tarot card readers and modern-day shamans will all find inspiration in these terse lists. Young people aghast at the adult world's seeming indifference to our mortality will especially relate to the uncompromising vision of this book.

Next Is Now: 5 Steps for Embracing Change—Building a Business that Thrives into the Future

by Lior Arussy

One of the world’s leading authorities on customer-centric business transformation, Lior Arussy delivers results—so when Fortune 500 companies see potentially disruptive change on their horizon, Arussy is the person they call. Founder and CEO of the global consulting firm, Strativity Group, he’s led more than 700,000 employees to embrace the drastic and continual change that is now their everyday reality—and thrive through it all.The old business model of adapting to change for continued success is dead. Change is the new normal. There are no more periods of stability and predictability. There is only change. This continuous upheaval can undercut morale, decrease productivity and decimate profits, or it can be a game-changing opportunity. Arussy illuminates the path to opportunity. He helps corporate leaders and their employees view change as an opportunity to become invested, drive that change, and achieve more success and job satisfaction than if change were simply implemented from the top down. Based on his experience working one-on-one with major corporate clients like Mercedes-Benz, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Thomson Reuters, HSBC and other Fortune 500 clients, Arussy shares his five-step Future Ready Impact program, and guides change impacted employees and business owners from a victim mentality to one of participation and ownership. As Stephen Cannon, the former president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz USA, raves, “For anyone interested in building a thriving business, Lior Arussy's insights provide actionable steps to integrate into your plans for achieving success.”

The Stuff: Unlock Your Power to Overcome Challenges, Soar, and Succeed

by Sharlee Jeter Sampson Davis Derek Jeter Marcus Brotherton

“Sampson and Sharlee’s message of the power of positivity, hard work, and resilience is one that we need to hear right now.” —Chris Gardner, #1 New York Times bestselling The Pursuit of Happyness Everyone has difficult moments in life. But everyone also has the Stuff to overcome hardships, to survive and thrive.Learn how to better access and hone the eleven core elements of the Stuff and be inspired by the real-world stories of triumph in this practical book by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Sampson Davis (The Pact, Living and Dying in Brick City) and Sharlee Jeter (Turn 2 Foundation). Everyone has those moments in life when they’re truly tested, when they wonder if they have the strength to overcome the challenges before them. We’ve all heard stories of people who have risen up in the face of the unimaginable. But not everyone believes that they have what it takes to do the same. However, what we need to realize our own potential—to fight for what we want our lives to be—already resides within each of us. You already have the Stuff. Learning how to develop and harness it is the key. Survivors themselves, Dr. Sampson Davis and Sharlee Jeter have created The Stuff Movement, interviewing dozens of people to find the common threads that enabled them to triumph over their challenges. Through the powerful stories of people who overcame cancer, poverty, toxic relationships, racism, violence, career roadblocks, and other obstacles big and small—The Stuff highlights eleven core elements that will help you not only survive but thrive in spite of life’s difficulties. These elements are as easy to understand as they are to enact—presented in plain talk, without judgment, and with compassion for the everyday challenges people face. As Dr. Davis and Sharlee share stories of the amazing people who’ve shown their Stuff, you’ll find that unearthing the same Stuff within yourself is a process as rewarding as it is important—and you’ll never say you can’t do it again. Read the book, and join the conversation at Featuring stories about John O’Leary (On Fire), Mercy Alexander, Rich Ruffalo, Mindee Hardin, Glenn and Cara O’Neill, Sean Swarner, Traci Micheline, Wess Stafford (Too Small to Ignore), Austin Hatch, Debra Peppers, Christine Magnus Moore, Martha Hawkins, Ali Stroker (Glee), Susan Scott Krabacher, Deval Patrick, and more.

The Kidult Handbook: From Blanket Forts to Capture the Flag, a Grownup's Guide to Playing Like a Kid

by Nicole Booz

Adulting is hard! But “kidulting”— engaging in nostalgic childhood activities to relieve stress, like playing with your old favorite toys, participating in games and activities from your youth, and even snacking on the foods you enjoyed as a kid— isn’t. Let this book be your guide to indulging your inner child.“Kidulting” is a thing, and it’s growing! Especially popular among millennials, the term “kidulting” refers to engaging in activities from your childhood, sometimes with a grown-up twist. Psychology Today points out that playing like a kid helps you look at the world with fresh eyes—or “beginner’s mind”—which allows you to slow down and focus. The Kidult Handbook is a fun and informative guide to healthy escapism through play. Much like adult coloring books, kidulting is a way of focusing your mind on something fun and creative to relieve stress. But this book goes way beyond just coloring—it includes 160 ideas for fun, from timeless classics like building blanket and pillow forts, to generation-specific ideas, from millennials to boomers. Interspersed throughout are fun facts and trivia about games through the ages. Most activities are unplugged and screen-free, and range from solitary pursuits to ones you can share with a friend or two. Feeling young again has never been so easy!

Sleep Affirmations: 200 Phrases for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep

by Jennifer Williamson

The perfect bedside companion, with 200 affirmations that will help you get to sleep—and stay asleep—and wake up refreshed.One out of three American adults have trouble getting to sleep each night—chances are you’ve spent some nights either tossing and turning, or waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep. This book helps you get into the best mindset for sleep, allowing you to enjoy deeper, more restful sleep through the power of 200 short affirmations, easily accessible in a flip-through format. These soothing messages will encourage you to leave the stressors of the day behind—and get ready to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow.

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