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Showing 11,501 through 11,525 of 36,532 results

Growing in Patience

by Lisa O Engelhardt

Many of us are impatient; the responsibilities and hardships of life seem to try our patience at every turn. And sometimes, it’s the little things that make us snap. However, scripture tells us that “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). With those wise and hopeful words in mind, Growing in Patience presents positive, productive, and spiritual ways to deal with impatience. After all, patience must be nurtured. It is a virtue we must prayerfully ask for from God and then—by God’s grace—seek to put into practice each day.

Alcoholics Anonymous: The Original 1939 Edition (Dover Empower Your Life)

by Bill W. Dick B

Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, who developed the organization's twelve-step program. In 1939, they published this volume, which sets forth the cornerstone concepts of recovery and relates stories of those who have overcome alcoholism. Informally known as "The Big Book," it has gone through numerous editions, and as a lifeline to millions worldwide, it is the most widely used resource for recovering alcoholics. This edition features an Introduction by Dick B., an active recovered member of the Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship.

Segredos para Uma Supermemória: Guia completo para conseguir uma memória excelente e uma óptima saude cerebral

by Earl Mindell

Guia completo para conseguir uma memória excelente e uma óptima saúde cerebral. Hoje, a nossa esperança de vida é maior e, com esta vida prolongada, novas preocupações, como problemas de memória e demência, podem interferir na capacidade de viver uma vida plena e independente. A boa notícia é que os problemas de memória relacionados com a idade não são um produto natural do envelhecimento. Podemos desfrutar de uma boa função cognitiva nos nossos anos seniores. Na Bíblia da Memória do Dr. Earl Mindell, partilha os seus conhecimentos e indica as ferramentas essenciais para determos a debilitação cognitiva e para mantermos uma memória saudável, mesmo depois dos oitenta. Este livro mostra como o envelhecimento impacta a função cognitiva, como os medicamentos destinados a melhorar a memória realmente afectam o cérebro e o que podemos fazer para preservar e até melhorar nossa memória.

El vendedor de sueños: ¿Pagarías por alcanzar la felicidad?

by Jorge I. Aguadero Casado

<P>Un libro que te ayudará a conocerte mejor y no dejar atrás los sueños que te inspiraban y ponían a volar. <P>"Podría haber seguido así hasta el final de mis días, pero me aterra que llegue la horrorosa vejez y, al echar la vista atrás, lamente entre sollozos el tiempo que perdí. La vida es breve y quero disfrutarla". <P>En una ciudad del Mediterráneo convergen diversos personajes, cuyas historias se entrelazan por la necesidad de descubrir que en los sueños -aquellos de los que se rehúye y que se han mantenido ocultos en lo más recóndito del corazón- se esconde la verdadera felicidad. <P>Un vendedor de sueños le mostrará es estos personajes que el cruce que divide posibles de imposibles sólo se puede tomar una decisión: hacerle frente a la vida para vivirla con amor o permanecer siempre como observador pasivo. Un libro en el que descubrirás que el límite es el que te impones tú mismo.

Los alimentos del metabolismo acelerado

by Haylie Pomroy con Eve Adamson

<P>Tu cuerpo se comunica constantemente contigo a través de diversos síntomas, y tú debes aprender a escucharlo para saber qué intenta decirte: ¿duermes mal?, ¿pesas más de lo que deberías?, ¿sufres problemas digestivos?, ¿tus períodos son irregulares?, ¿tienes la presión arterial alta?, ¿tu piel y tu cabello han perdido brillo? <P>La autora nos proporciona recetas para prevenir diversas enfermedades -entre ellas la diabetes y el cáncer-, tratar problemas de salud que están mermando tu calidad de vida -como la gastritis o la menopausia-, y mejorar tu condición atlética y tu rendimiento diario. <P>Enamórate del poder de los alimentos que te ayudarán a perder peso, regenerar tu metabolismo y disfrutar de una vida más plena y en armonía.

A enzima prodigiosa 2

by Hiromi Shinya

A revolução na saúde continua! Mais de 2 milhões de livros vendidos. <P>Combata o envelhecimento, detenha o Alzheimer, evite a diabetes e melhore a sua vida sexual com o revolucionário método do Dr. Hiromi Shinya. <P>Temos mais de 5000 enzimas no nosso corpo. Já conhece a sua enzima prodigiosa? <P>Mude pequenos hábitos hoje e ganhe uma nova vida. <P>São mais de dois milhões os leitores que decidiram transformar a sua saúde seguindo os ensinamentos do Dr. Hiromi Shinya em A enzima prodigiosa: um regime alimentar que consiste na geração corporal de uma enzima vital - a «enzima prodigiosa» - com extraordinárias capacidades regeneradoras e curativas. <P>Neste novo livro, o Dr. Shinya regressa ao método que está a revolucionar o mundo da saúde e a transformar a vida de milhares de pessoas, comprovado ao longo de cinco décadas de experiência. Assente no princípio de que a chave para a nossa saúde está nas nossas mãos, A enzima prodigiosa 2 traça o plano a seguir para ter uma vida longa e saudável.

Partnering with Nature: The Wild Path to Reconnecting with the Earth

by Catriona Macgregor

Partnering with Nature is a simple book with a powerful message: our connections to the natural environment-- and ultimately, to ourselves--are crucial in today's fragmented world. As each successive generation moves farther away from nature, the growing disconnect is expressed through physical as well as mental stress, from depression and fatigue in adults to attention disorders and obesity in children. The way we relate to nature helps define our place within it, and by awakening this natural, yet dormant connection to the environment around us, we can move beyond solitary stewardship and into partnership.In Partnering with Nature, Catriona MacGregor weaves together scientific and historical wisdom, spiritual insights, and inspiring stories that illuminate the energies that link humans, animals, and the natural world. Through observation and conscious practice, we can open up to the power of nature to transform our lives, uplift our spirits, and even to direct our bodies to a healthier potential. For everyone who has a sense of something missing, who wishes to make a difference in their world, who yearns to reclaim their sense of wonder and awe, or who struggles with their health or emotional balance--nature speaks to all who will listen.

The Sun and Her Flowers

by Rupi Kaur

<P>From Rupi Kaur, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of milk and honey, comes her long-awaited second collection of poetry. A vibrant and transcendent journey about growth and healing. Ancestry and honoring one’s roots. Expatriation and rising up to find a home within yourself. <P>Divided into five chapters and illustrated by Kaur, the sun and her flowers is a journey of wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and blooming. A celebration of love in all its forms. <P> this is the recipe of life said my mother as she held me in her arms as i wept think of those flowers you plant in the garden each year they will teach you that people too must wilt fall root rise in order to bloom <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Kenzie's Rules for Life: How to Be Happy, Healthy, and Dance to Your Own Beat

by Maddie Ziegler Mackenzie Ziegler

An inspirational, upbeat collection of relatable lessons from the teen sensation, Mackenzie Ziegler—an award-winning dancer, singer/songwriter, and actress.Growing up is hard, but growing up in the spotlight is even harder. However, Mackenzie Ziegler is taking it all in stride, thanks to her positive attitude on life. From getting her start on Dance Moms, to her sold-out tour alongside Johnny Orlando, there’s nothing that she can’t do. In Kenzie’s Rules for Life, the dance prodigy, singer/songwriter, actress, and model offers her advice on friendship, family, fitness, style, and positivity. She shares lessons drawn from her own experiences for those navigating through their tween years on how to be happy, healthy, and confident in all aspects of their lives.

The Inflamed Mind: A Radical New Approach To Depression

by Edward Bullmore

A radical new approach to depression from the publishers who brought you Michael Mosley’s international bestsellers Worldwide, depression will be the single biggest cause of disability in the next 20 years. But treatment for it has not changed much in the last three decades. In the world of psychiatry, time has apparently stood still . . . until now. In this game-changing book, world neuroscience expert Professor Edward Bullmore reveals the breakthrough new science on the link between depression and inflammation of the body and brain. He explains how and why we now know that mental disorders can have their root cause in the immune system, and outlines a future revolution in which treatments could be specifically targeted to break the vicious cycle of stress, inflammation and depression. The Inflamed Mind goes far beyond the clinic and the lab, representing a whole new way of looking at how mind, brain and body all work together in a sometimes misguided effort to help us survive in a hostile world. It offers insights into the story of Western medicine, how we have got it wrong as well as right in the past, and how we could start getting to grips with depression and other mental disorders much more effectively in the future. 'An important book, a hopeful book, for anyone who wants to think about depression in a new way.' Tom Insel MD, Co-founder and President, Mindstrong Health UK 'Edward Bullmore has led us out of the dark ages and shone a light on the crucial link between systemic inflammation and mental illness. This book … heralds a new field of personalised psychiatry in the same way that we are seeing personalised therapy in cancer. Sir Robert Lechler, President, Academy of Medical Sciences (UK)


by William Seabrook Joe Ollmann

"Perhaps the most honest and haunting accounts of the struggle for mental health in literature." -- ObserverThis dramatic memoir recounts an eight-month stay at a Westchester mental hospital in the early 1930s. William Seabrook, a renowned journalist and explorer, voluntarily committed himself to an asylum for treatment of acute alcoholism. His sincere, self-critical appraisal of his experiences offers a highly interesting look at addiction and treatment in the days before Alcoholics Anonymous and other modern programs. "Very few people could be as honest as Seabrook is here," noted The New York Times, "and it is honesty plus the talent Seabrook has already had that makes a book of this sort first-rate." This edition of the soul-baring narrative features a new graphic novel-style introduction by Joe Ollmann, who also created the cover art."With zombies in vogue and his books coming back onto the market after decades out of print, maybe old Willie Seabrook, the lost king of the weird, can finally get the recognition and infamy he earned." - Benjamin Welton,

My House Burned Down and Now I Can See the Stars: Reflections on Losing and Finding

by Ann Hisle

"Bereavement counselor Ann Hisle's book of stories, poems, and quotations illustrates spiritual practices that strengthen and prepare us to meet and adapt to the inevitable losses of daily living. The practices help us navigate through these losses so there can be findings. The book is comforting and challenging, personal and professional, inspiring and practical. The eleven spiritual practices/chapters can be read independently for reflection or sequentially as a spiritual journey. This book is a unique gem." -- Helen Fitzgerald, author of The Mourning HandbookLosing and finding are equally fundamental to life - and loss is not the end of the story. Psychotherapist and bereavement counselor Ann Hisle offers sound advice and uplifting spiritual practices that help people cope with loss. Hisle's inspiring stories of hope, along with her selections of thought-provoking quotations, form the foundations for deeper living, greater loving, and a more powerful sense of humanity. Starting with an acknowledgement of the need for both good and bad luck, the author discusses how we can learn from our suffering, the value of sharing our experiences, and the appreciation of apparent coincidences. She considers the innate rewards of forgiving and asking forgiveness, letting go and lightening up, and opening to a higher power. In addition, Hisle explores how our personal histories can instruct us; the balance of mental, physical, and spiritual needs; and the pulling together of collective wisdom for personal growth. Anyone who has struggled with accepting loss and moving beyond heartbreak toward a more balanced perspective will appreciate this book's practical and philosophical encouragement."Ann Hisle has written a wonderful book about life, loss, and coming to terms with grief. It is not a panacea for grief or a superficial 'fix it' book but it is insightful, thoughtful, and profound." -- Books and BBQ

Cientos de miles de millones de sonrisas: La formula coquete para ser feliz

by Verónica Díaz

Cientos de miles de millones de motivos para perseguir tus sueños. El libro que todos los Coquetes están esperando. <P><P>¿Eres de los que piensa que no hay nada imposible? <P>¿Eres fan de los besos antes del desayuno, de los planes espontáneos y de disfrutar de los momentos más insignificantes? <P>¿Te emocionas ante la posibilidad de un nuevo reto, un viaje que llevas tiempo planeando, una cena en familia? <P>Si tu respuesta es sí, este libro es para ti. Lee y sonríe. ------- Verónica Díaz, más conocida como @ModaJustCoco, ha puesto en palabras la mejor de sus sonrisas para dibujar un viaje fascinante hacia el optimismo, un lugar desde el que la vida se disfruta con pasión. A través de sus páginas descubrirás lo que significa ser un loco feliz, disfrutar de las pequeñas cosas, darle una oportunidad a los sueños y vivir de acuerdo a tus deseos. <P>Ya ha llegado el momento de comenzar a vivir la vida que siempre has imaginado. Este libro resume la filosofía Coquete, esa que prima los besos diarios y los planes más especiales, y que te inunda la vida con cientos de miles de millones de sonrisas. ------- Un buen la vida como una oportunidad,es optimista,es aventurero,es soñador,colecciona momentos únicos,disfruta en familia,es un loco feliz.

365 Daily Meditations for On and Off the Mat: A Year in Hot Yoga

by Scott Ginsberg

Presenting a year's worth of daily meditations inspired by the challenges and graces of a hot yoga practice, this guide highlights the connections between life as experienced both on and off the mat. Each inspirational meditation draws from the principles of the hot yoga system, offering jewels of wisdom and perspective that can be easily applied to everyday life. In his tender and often hilarious style, Scott understands that the hot room is where we confront our weaknesses as well as celebrate our strengths. The wisdom we learn in those exchanges, from our own bodies, our instructors, and our classmates, is never finished evolving and deepening. The more we practice, the more we learn a new mindset of openness and acceptance, one that we strive to incorporate into our daily lives outside of the studio.

What If It Does Work Out?: How a Side Hustle Can Change Your Life

by Susie Moore

"Having a sense of meaning and purpose is key to a thriving life. Susie Moore not only helps you discover your own purpose, but offers a practical guide to making it the driving force in your life and work." — Arianna HuffingtonDo you have a hobby or passion that has nothing to do with your nine-to-five job? Do you craft vintage jewelry, make handmade furniture, or offer expert negotiating advice to family and friends in your spare time? Then you, too, could join the 1/3 of Americans who turn their talents into a lucrative side hustle.In What If It Does Work Out? life coach and professional side-hustler Susie Moore offers expert tips and guidance to help you earn an extra source of income by doing something you love. In her energetic and encouraging style, she guides you through all of the planning stages and potential obstacles, showing how to overcome any hesitation or fear, create multiple revenue streams, and more. Susie also presents inspiring stories from fellow side hustle successes, including the founders of Spanx and MindBodyGreen. Recommended by Entrepreneur magazine as a book "entrepreneurs must read to dominate their industry," What If It Does Work Out? features all you need to take the practical steps toward living the life of your dreams. "Susie Moore is a powerhouse … highly energetic, positive, generous and creative." — Bruce Littlefield, New York Times bestselling author"After working with Susie for more than a year, I've witnessed the incredibly positive impact her work has on our millennial readers — as well as my own personal and professional life. Her advice is down-to-earth, relatable, and encouraging, with just the right amount of tough love you need to make your goals a reality. This book is guaranteed to change your life, in the best way possible." — Locke Hughes, Greatist"Susie is an inspiration. She runs circles around the rest of us and makes it look easy. Any insight into how she does it is worth reading! For someone so accomplished to open up so candidly is an opportunity for the rest of us to learn, and one we shouldn't miss." — Libby Kane, Business Insider"Susie Moore is a light to everyone who meets her. Her immense insight and experience will help anyone who wants to craft a side hustle and live a life of freedom, security, and creativity." — Melyssa Griffin, The Nectar Collective"Launching a side hustle is no easy task, but after reading Susie Moore's book, I found it not only to be manageable but also inspirational. Susie's positivity shines throughout the entire book, helping side hustlers overcome fear and doubt to help them move forward. Great read for anyone thinking of taking the plunge." — Andrea Huspeni,

The Push: A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk, and Going Beyond Limits

by Tommy Caldwell

A dramatic, inspiring memoir by legendary rock climber Tommy Caldwell, the first person to free climb the Dawn Wall of Yosemite’s El Capitan "If you want to be inspired by a great leader, if you want to feel what it takes to do what no one thought possible, if you want to be absorbed by a heroic journey--Tommy Caldwell's story is one of the best you could ever hope to find.” – Jim Collins, author of Good to Great On January 14, 2015, Tommy Caldwell, along with his partner, Kevin Jorgeson, summited what is widely regarded as the hardest climb in history—Yosemite’s nearly vertical 3,000-foot Dawn Wall, after nineteen days on the route. Caldwell’s odds-defying feat was the culmination of an entire lifetime of pushing himself to his limits as an athlete. This engrossing memoir chronicles the journey of a boy with a fanatical mountain-guide father who was determined to instill toughness in his son to a teen whose obsessive nature drove him to the top of the sport-climbing circuit. Caldwell’s affinity for adventure then led him to the vertigo-inducing and little understood world of big wall free climbing. But his evolution as a climber was not without challenges; in his early twenties, he was held hostage by militants in a harrowing ordeal in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Soon after, he lost his left index finger in an accident. Later his wife, and main climbing partner, left him. Caldwell emerged from these hardships with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He set his sights on free climbing El Capitan’s biggest, steepest, blankest face—the Dawn Wall. This epic assault took more than seven years, during which time Caldwell redefined the sport, found love again, and became a father. The Push is an arresting story of focus, drive, motivation, endurance, and transformation, a book that will appeal to anyone seeking to overcome fear and doubt, cultivate perseverance, turn failure into growth, and find connection with family and with the natural world.

Contar ovejas

by Axel Lindén

El debut de un urbanita sueco convertido en pastor de ovejas durante 1.026 días. Contar ovejas es un libro sutil y filosófico, exquisitamente ingenioso y conmovedor, en el que su autor, un académico de origen sueco, se convierte en pastor y trata de organizar su vida en una granja con un huidizo rebaño de ovejas. Nuestro protagonista comienza su aventura con una idea por demás ingenua de lo que significará cuidar su propiedad y, sobre todo, el rebaño, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo y va adaptándose a su nueva realidad, cualquier traza de ingenuidad se desvanece para ser reemplazada por la cabal comprensión de lo que es su realidad como pastor: dura a veces, fácil otras, en ocasiones muy satisfactoria, y en otras agotadora. Contar ovejas recoge los pensamientos y reflexiones de Axel Lindén durante los 1.026 días que pasó en el campo, al tiempo que nos ayuda a volver a lo básico y plantearnos las responsabilidades que suponen cuidar de algo y de alguien.

The Confidence Kit: Your Bullsh*t-Free Guide to Owning Your Fear

by Caroline Foran

Consider this your ultimate guide to confidence.From the Number One bestselling author of Owning It: Your Bullsh*t Free Guide To Living With Anxiety, comes The Confidence Kit, a refreshing take on something that's common to us all - fear. When journalist and author Caroline Foran published Owning It, her bullsh*t-free account of living with anxiety, it became a phenomenal Number One bestseller. Here, in The Confidence Kit, she returns with her unique, down-to-earth style, sharing her essential toolkit for improved self-confidence. Her goal? To take our inner fears and anxieties and turn them into the building blocks of confidence.From understanding the fear of failure and knowing when and how to step outside your comfort zone to tools such as 'fear hacking' and the art of decision-making, The Confidence Kit is jam-packed with practical advice, expert input, along with the author's signature sense of humour. Consider it your ultimate guide to confidence.'The goal of this book isn't to teach you how to become completely fearless. It's about how you can employ techniques to build your confidence, to own your fears and anxieties -- to bring you one step closer to achieving what you want in life' Caroline Foran

Patti d'amore

by Juan Pedropablo Anna Del Riso

Fin dall'inizio della creazione, e per un lungo periodo di tempo della storia dell’umanità fino ad ora, alcune scintille divine hanno deciso di incarnarsi sulla terra. Fu allora che ebbero origine i Complementi Divini o anche chiamate Anime Gemelle, che dopo un processo di densificazione sono entrate nel nostro sistema solare per compiere la loro evoluzione esperienzale e ad un certo punto tornare a incontrarsi con un fine più alto e più sublime, ottenere l'ascensione, oppure tornare a casa. Queste Anime belle, che contengono l'essenza stessa della divinità, non sono qualcosa di lontano, qualcosa che appartiene a un altro mondo o dimensione. Molte di loro vivono e coesistono proprio qui sul nostro pianeta, in modo palpabile e tangibile come la vita stessa. “Alleanze d'Amore” ci presenta in modo semplice, pratico e rivelatore due storie di persone che hanno sperimentato questo magico incontro della loro essenza, attraverso le loro esperienze reali possiamo riconoscere e ricordare che l'Amore Eterno e Sacro è una Realtà . Non c'è dubbio che questo libro vi farà porre delle domande che ci porteranno ad indagare di più su questo entusiasmante tema e ci faranno ricordare dei percorsi che forse sono stati dimenticati. Una testimonianza scritta come un romanzo, che si incarna in parole ed eventi che rivelano al lettore la realtà dell'amore puro, concreto e spiritualizzato, vissuto ore e da sempre da tempo immemorabile. Un libro sui generis, una storia d'amore fatta di mail, messaggi ed esperienze. Un tuffo nei ricordi, un amore unico raccontato da due fronti. I protagonisti Mariela, José Marìa, Juan e Maria in un intreccio che confonde presente e passato, vivono l'esperienza dell'amore delle anime gemelle, fatto di esperienze extrasensoriali, momenti di domande e di esplosione di amore. Leggere questo romanzo vi farà riflettere sull'esistenza del vero amore, s

El Manual de Depresión para Escritores

by Giselle Renarde Denisse Herrera

Si eres un escritor que vive con depresión, probablemente no sepas qué hacer. Hay días en los que la depresión devora tus palabras y te encuentras a ti mismo incapaz de trabajar. La gente te dice que no estás solo. Entonces, ¿por qué se siente como si lo estuvieras? Siendo una autora con depresión crónica, Giselle Renarde creó este libro como una manera de llegar a otros escritores con la esperanza en ellos. El Manual de Depresión para Escritores incluye: Actividades específicas para ayudarte en los días oscuros. Ideas practicas para ayudarte a avanzar en tu negocio de escritura aún cuando sientas que te es imposible escribir. Todo está escrito en un tono personal, accesible y cordial. El Manual de Depresión para Escritores fue escrito para ti, con amor, preocupación y aliento.

El amor es de todos los colores: Elije ser feliz

by Camila Chaín Londoño

Camila Chaín, una de las locutoras de radio más reconocidas de Colombia, comparte por primera vez su experiencia personal para que las personas aprendan a quererse, a aceptarse y a saber que el amor es de todos los colores. <P><P>Uno de los testimonios más divertidos y conmovedores que se publicarán este año. <P><P>Este es un libro dirigido a todas las personas que creen en el amor y en la igualdad. También es para las que aún sienten temor, inseguridad y dudan si eso que sienten en su corazón está bien, que están definiendo quiénes son, qué camino tomar y que descubrirán a partir de este conmovedor relato, que cuando se vive con valentía y coherencia todo deja de ser tan complicado. <P> Camila Chaín, una de las periodistas más influyentes de Colombia, comparte por primera vez su testimonio y el de otras personas, que como ella, eligieron la libertad y descubrieron que el amor es de todos los colores

Hygge: El secreto danés de la felicidad. Cómo disfrutar de una vida cotidiana feliz y saludable

by Maya Thoresen María José Galdón Galdón

Utilice el hygge para darle un giro a tu vida y realmente disfrutarla. Lo más preciado son los momentos más sencillos. Deshágase del afán de bienes materiales. En Hygge: El secreto danés de la felicidad. Cómo disfrutar de una vida cotidiana feliz y saludable, descubrirá los secretos para disfrutar mejor de la vida y minimizar el estrés. Aprenderá a añadir calidez a sus días en lugar de estrés. Aprenderá sobre todo a dejar de mirar continuamente el móvil y a crear más momentos mágicos con sus seres queridos. Hacer dinero y comprar cosas es fácil. Pero, ¿qué pasa con las experiencias? Las experiencias son más duraderas y significativas que los coches, la ropa, los gadgets y los complementos. En este libro aprenderá a simplificar su vida y a ser más feliz dando prioridad a los pequeños momentos y no a los objetos materiales. Aprenderá a preferir pasar tiempo con su familia y realizar divertidas actividades gratuitas en lugar de estresarse sobre cómo pagar la deuda de su tarjeta de crédito.

O Manual da Depressão para Escritores

by Giselle Renarde Aline Gomes Moreira

Se você é um(a) escritor(a) vivendo com depressão, pode ser que você não saiba para onde se virar. Há dias em que a depressão devora as suas palavras e você se encontra incapaz de trabalhar. As pessoas dizem que você não está só. Então por que parece que você está? O Manual da Depressão para Escritores inclui atividades específicas para lhe ajudar a atravessar os dias de escuridão e ideias praticar para lhe ajudar a seguir em frente com os seus negócios na escrita mesmo quando você acha impossível escrever.

Tai Chi for Depression: A 10-Week Program to Empower Yourself and Beat Depression

by Aihan Kuhn

This book is designed to help readers understand depression and make positive changes to overcome it. Dr. Aihan Kuhn teaches a unique tai chi form that combines elements of Chen and Yang styles as well as qigong and meditation. The form is easy to learn, easy to remember, and easy to practice. Dr. Kuhn’s multidisciplinary approach to mental health also focuses on positive thought, a healthy diet, and self-confidence. Dr. Kuhn instructs readers on a unique tai chi form that is perfect for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. The circular movements create better energy flow in the body. The martial character empowers the mind, strengthens the body, improves stamina, and increases self-esteem. Slow, symmetrical movements promote balance and calm. This book features: • Detailed instructions and photos describing Dr. Kuhn’s 16-step tai chi form • Personal reflections on using tai chi to overcome depression • A 10-week plan to help readers begin their journey to wellness With this book you will: • Learn about the clinical features of depression • Learn Dr. Kuhn’s 16-step tai chi form • Discover the psychological, emotional, and spiritual benefits of tai chi • Begin a holistic approach to mental health “When I was just starting out as a doctor, my focus was mainly on treating disease,” Dr. Kuhn writes. “Now my focus is on teaching people how to prevent disease and treating patients in the early stages of their illness so they can avoid additional problems.” In many ways, Tai Chi for Depression represents the culmination of her life’s work.

Brain Fitness: The Easy Way of Keeping Your Mind Sharp Through Qigong

by Aihan Kuhn

In Brain Fitness Dr. Aihan Kuhn shares her expertise in tai chi, qigong, and medicine, giving readers exercises designed to prevent brain aging. This book represents a synthesis of Dr. Kuhn’s studies in martial arts as well as Eastern and Western healing Tai chi and qigong practitioners around the world have long known that these arts promote fitness and self-defense. In this book Dr. Kuhn discusses their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. She emphasizes how tai chi and qigong aid in memory, emotional balance, and lifelong learning. This book features • An illustrated manual detailing tai chi and qigong exercises to prevent brain aging • Elements of Eastern and Western medicine combined to form a new vision of brain health • Dr. Kuhn’s concise, accessible guidance from a lifetime of studying martial arts and medicine With this book you will • Learn Dr. Kuhn’s keys to prevent brain aging • Discover the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of tai chi • Learn how tai chi and qigong assist in human healing Dr. Kuhn says we have long assumed that getting older means facing a decline in memory, attention span, numerical ability, creativity, alertness, learning ability, and language. “But we were wrong,” she adds. “New findings from science show that if the brain is consistently stimulated, no matter at what age, the brain can remain young and healthy.” She has written Brain Fitness to help us all maintain that clarity, creativity, and vitality.

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