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64 Lessons for a Life Without Limits

by T. D. Jakes

What people need today when they and society at large are in social and economic distress is great advice and spiritual support that is easy to access. 64 Lessons - informed by two of Bishop Jakes' bestselling titles, Reposition Yourself and Making Great Decisions - is a ready-reference book of advice to keep readers on course in managing their careers, relationships, health, home and spiritual well-being. The 64 lessons explore ideas like: 1. Good choices begin with research; 2. Quitting can be good, at the right time; 3. Begin before 'need' arises; 4. Regret can be the begging of triumph over adversity. For instance, we've all been told that quitters never win. But, there IS a time to quit, whether it's your job, marriage, church or project. The biggest problem with quitting is the timing. Quitting too soon may mean that you relinquish your dreams. Get comfortable with change. Even after you've repositioned yourself, change is constant. You may need to quit something in order to make room for the next season of your life. Before you quit anything, look within and determine your real motives. Revisit the longings deep in your heart. Get a clear perspective on what you're releasing and what your taking hold of. Examine your prior choices and consider what you've 'quit' in the past. This honest self-examination will prepare you for a new beginning.

The 7

by Keith Ablow Glenn Beck

Radio and television host Glenn Beck has experienced the rollercoaster of life like few others. From the suicide of his mother when he was just thirteen, to his eventual alcoholism, depression, divorce, unemployment, and health scares--Glenn has weathered life's darkest storms.Any one of those struggles could've ruined him, yet Glenn was able to keep moving forward. He saw past the darkness into the light; past his grief and addictions and into what his life could be.YOU CAN DO IT TOOThe process of finding happiness through personal redemption was not easy, but it left Glenn with a blueprint for how to confront future adversity. Glenn is living proof that these steps--he calls them wonders--don't just work on paper. They helped transform his life and can they can help to transform yours as well. THE 7 WONDERSGlenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow--two of the most popular and influential personalities in American media today--have joined forces to present a powerful guide to personal transformation and fulfillment that is as unique as their own unlikely partnership. They are called the "7 Wonders" and they can be used by anyone who has made the decision that they are ready to change their life.After the television talk show host and the bestselling psychiatrist struck up a fast friendship they realized that their experiences with life's struggles were complementary. What Keith had studied, Glenn had lived. What Keith had counseled patients on for years, Glenn had suffered through for decades.The deeply personal insights they shared brought them to realize that their life stories had seven key principles in common; seven wonders that seemed to be essential ingredients for anyone attempting to transform their life. Where does the courage to persevere come from when everything seems hopeless? Why is it nearly impossible to succeed without faith? How much do family and friendships matter in our journey? How do we break down our walls and reveal our inner truths? What does having compassion really mean? How do you tell real friends apart from those who are holding you back? If there's no one to blame for my past, what do you do with your anger and resentment? These kinds of questions are the starting point toward fundamentally changing how you view past damaging relationships, toward breaking the debilitating grip of addiction and depression, toward injecting life with new meaning and purpose and toward helping you embark on a new journey based on hope, strength, and personal empowerment.As you unwrap each of the seven wonders for yourself, you'll discover exactly what Glenn Beck found as he transformed his own life from darkness to light, from dead ends to endless possibilities, from addiction to freedom: it doesn't take a superhero to find the strength to change--it just takes the courage to take the first step. This book, which was only possible by combining together decades of personal struggle with world-class professional experience, can be that first step for you.The 7 Wonders grows out of a unique friendship that we've developed over the last five-years. It is unique because it brought together a psychiatrist who naturally burrows toward the truth, and a recovering addict who spent decades running from it.As we spent more time together we began to let our guards down. Over time we reached a level of honesty with each other that is rare. As a result, we learned that the principles that have guided the well-honed healing techniques of one of us are precisely the same principles that instinctively guided the other to replace nearly unbearable pain with genuine happiness.We believe that it was God's plan for us to meet; that it was God's plan for us to speak so openly with one another; and it was God's plan that we share with you the seven wonders we discovered together.We also firmly believe that it was God's plan that this book now finds you at this exact moment in your life. --Glenn Beck & Dr. Keith Ablow

The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less: Updated 20th anniversary edition of the productivity and business classic

by Richard Koch

'READ THIS BOOK AND USE IT' - TIM FERRISSTwenty years after its first publication, The 80/20 Principle is a global bestseller read by millions of highly effective people around the world. Now, it is more powerful and essential than ever. In the past, the principle gave those who used it a serious advantage. In the future, it will be the essential tool for anyone who wants to succeed.And it is powerful. Based on the counter-intuitive but widespread fact that 80% of results flow from 20% of causes, The 80/20 Principle shows how you can achieve much more with much less effort, time and resources, simply by concentrating on the all-important 20%. This major new edition includes four brand new chapters showing how to: * Use the rise of networks to your advantage * Benefit from more acute 90/10 and 99/1 forms of the principle * Tap into your subconscious to exert a super-potent and amazingly favourable influence on your life * Enjoy greater success with 5 mega rules to live by

86400: Manage Your Purpose to Make Every Second of Each Day Count

by Lavaille Lavette

Have you ever gotten to the point in your life where one day is like all the rest? Where the individuality, excitement and purpose of every moment is drained of its promising complexion? Through work, school, family and routine, people strive more and more to "get by" rather than "get going." But God didn't intend for it to be like this. Every precious second in a day, all 86,400 of them, is a gift from Him to us. Our lives, that we whittle away with routine and complacency, are meant for so much more.86,400 is the instigator for a renewed life of intention and relevance-ultimately making the most out of every single day. By showcasing how she and Christians who carry either celebrity or inspirational significance manage their daily gift, Lavaille effectively teaches readers how they can fulfill God's intended purpose.

Las 9 estaciones: Quien pone el amor como su meta, se libera de cualquier esclavitud

by Héctor Forero

Héctor Forero nos cuenta una historia, tan biográfica como fantástica, donde nos permite descubrir que hasta que nos liberemos de los miedos, del egoísmo y de la incapacidad de amar desinteresadamente, podremos encontrar la plenitud que tanto añoramos. Pablo es un exitoso escritor de televisión. Su vida está llena de abundancia material y de reconocimientos internacionales. Su cotidianidad transcurre entre mujeres, dinero, placeres... hasta que una serie de desgracias lo lleva a la pobreza, a la enfermedad, a la ruina de su matrimonio, a la maldición. Enfermo de cáncer y totalmente solo, Pablo es guiado en un viaje de aprendizajes que le permitirán liberarse de sus miedos, de su incapacidad de amar desinteresadamente, de las trampas del ego... Por cada estación que recorra, Pablo estará más cerca de la salud y de la verdadera plenitud de la vida: el amor, que es el principio y el final de todo.

The 9-to-5 Yogi: How to Feel Like a Sage while Working Like a Dog

by Shubhra Krishan

This compact but comprehensive volume contains easy-to-follow practical tips on how to transform your lifestyle to effectively cope with that dreaded scourge called stress (and its aftereffects) while slogging from 9 to 5 (and beyond)! Frustrated, frazzled and fatigued, Uma, the fictitious-but-very-real heroine of this story (a top-level executive in the corporate world), undergoes a nervous breakdown because she has been deprived of a promotion that should have rightfully been hers as she has worked day and night for it. Her energy levels have hit rock-bottom. Fortunately, a ‘saviour’ comes to her rescue in the nick of time. In the space of a few months, she is transformed from a virtual zombie to a 9-to-5 yogi! How? Nope, she does not move to the Himalayas. Or join Swami-something-Ananda. All she does is make some simple changes to her routine (suggested by a down-to-earth yoga guru along with useful inputs from her ‘saviour’) that work wonders for her even as she maintains her work schedules. Offering substantive information with a light touch, Shubhra Krishan shows how, by starting with a few mild and easy ‘strokes’, anyone can swim away from the whirlpool of chaos towards the shore of good health, mental stability and a tranquil life pattern. The beauty of her thoughtfully chosen insights is that they use simplicity to create simplicity. That’s what someone as time strapped and life-zapped as Uma needs. And Uma could be – you! You will come to know amazing facts such as: How ordinary items of daily use such as milk and milk products, vegetables, fruits and spices possess extraordinary healing powers; how the books you read, the TV programs you watch and the colors of your walls and those of your bed linen can affect your sleep patterns; and how a self-massage can get rid of fatigue and lead to absolute bliss. Here’s wishing you a happy journey towards achieving inner calm, a balanced mind and, above all, a fun-filled life in the future!

The Aaron/Q'uo Dialogues

by Carla L. Rueckert Barbara Brodsky

Carla Rueckert's previous writings in Secrets of the UFO (1976) and The Law of One series (1982) inspired many readers to submit transcripts of their own channeling material. One of those readers was the Buddhist teacher Barbara Brodsky, in whom Rueckert recognized a kindred spirit. Rueckert invited Brodsky to co-channel a conversation between their spirits, Aaron and Q'uo, and the result is this timely and compelling book. Developed from the transcripts of nine weekends of joint channeling, The Aaron-Q'uo Dialogues offers teachings from a "positive channeling" or "positive polarity" perspective. This perspective emphasizes, as Rueckert says, "living, thinking, and acting in service to others," and avoiding the "negative polarity" of focusing exclusively on service to self. The Aaron-Q'uo Dialogues shows how fear--fear of being too human, fear of death and dying, fear of failing to change with the times--holds us back, limiting our full potential and enjoyment of life. Addressing questions from a wide range of spiritual seekers who attended these sessions, Aaron and Q'uo answer a host of fundamental questions for living with more awareness and compassion. With warmth and humor, these conversations offer the spiritual seeker a valuable template for living a life of selflessness and spiritual peace.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The ABC of Enlightenment

by Osho Osho International Foundation

The inner world needs its own vocabulary, and Osho is a master of creating a language to describe experiences of the inner world that is simple, unpretentious and clear. 'The ABC of Enlightenment' is not just a dictionary but a book on life itself. It contains concise quotes by Osho on a large variety of topics. For those who are unfamiliar with him, this is an easy introduction to his way of life and also an entertaining reference book. From 'Absolute' to 'Zen' Osho is never at lack of profoundness and both traditional and contemporary issues are redefined and reinterpreted for a contemporary understanding.

The Abide Guide: Living Like Lebowski

by Oliver Benjamin Dwayne Eutsey

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Above All Else: A World Champion Skydiver's Story of Survival and What It Taught Him About Fear, Adversity, and Success

by Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld

World famous competitive skydiver and coach Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld presents proven tools and techniques for success and explains how they can be used in everyday life. Dan survived a plane crash from which sixteen of the twenty-two people on board were killed. He was left critically injured and woke up from a six-week-long coma with a broken neck, broken skull, severe head trauma, a collapsed lung, and other serious internal injuries. Against all odds, Dan recovered and went on to become one of the greatest competitive skydiver in the world. With the love and support of friends and family, Dan was able not only to resurrect his life but return to skydiving to achieve greater heights than he could have ever imagined. His techniques and methods for excelling are applicable to all people, no matter their goals. Dan uses his experiences to teach the lessons heOCOs learnedOCoas a competitor, coach, business owner, father, and husbandOCoto help others achieve their dreams, overcome obstacles, and reach their peak performance.

Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace

by Jan Johnson

Which activities give you energy and connect you with God? Do you know what behaviors are life-draining for you, separating you from God? Simplicity is about choosing the engaging, relational life we were meant to live. It means shedding obligation and pretension. It means spending time energy money in ways that help us become clear-headed. It means being intentional about what we do and how we live. These choices allow God's power to move through us and bless others as we have space to do good. In each chapter Jan Johnson provides small experiments with simplicity as well as questions for discussion or reflection to get you started. Come and discover the unhurried rhythms of grace.

The Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment's Notice

by Todd Henry

You go to work each day tasked with (1) inventing brilliant solutions that (2) meet specific objectives by (3) defined deadlines. If you do this successfully you get to keep your job. If you don't, you get to work on your résumé. The moment you exchange your creative efforts for money, you enter a world where you will have to be brilliant at a moment's notice. (No pressure, right?)" Many of us assume that our creative process is beyond our ability to influence, and pay attention to it only when it isn't working properly. For the most part, we go about our daily tasks and everything just "works. " Until it doesn't. We treat our creative process like a household appliance. It's just expected to work quietly in the background, and we lose sight of how much we depend on it until the day we're stuck with dirty socks. Adding to this lack of understanding is the rapidly accelerating pace of work. Each day we are faced with escalating expectations and a continual squeeze to do more with less. We are asked to produce everincreasing amounts of brilliance in ever-shrinking amounts of time. There is an unspoken (or spoken!) expectation that we'll be accessible 24/7, and as a result we frequently feel like we're "always on. " Now business creativity expert Todd Henry explains how to unleash your creative potential. Whether you're a creative by trade or an "accidental creative," this book will help you quickly and effectively integrate new ideas into your daily life. Born out of his consultancy and his popular podcast, the book offers a practical method for discovering your personal creative rhythm, whether you're a manager or a consultant, a designer or a performer. As he writes: "The always-on manner with which many creatives approach their work is arrhythmic, but the creative process is naturally rhythmic. Working harder and staring more intently at the problem to achieve better ideas is like trying to control the weather by staring at the clouds. Rather, you need to incorporate practices that instill a sense of structure, rhythm, and purpose into your life. You need to create space for your creative process to thrive rather than expecting it to operate in the cracks of your frenetic schedule. This will not only help you generate better ideas now, but it will also ensure that you are acting on the things that matter most instead of drifting through your days.

Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times

by Barbara Killinger

Clinical psychologist Dr Barbara Killinger offers insights and a variety of techniques that she developed in working with her clients over the years. Through their stories, she illustrates the dynamics of workaholism, showing how it produces profound personality changes, negatively affects family interactions, and reduces effectiveness at work. She explains the dynamics of how workaholism can result in the loss of personal and professional integrity, and why ambitious, perfectionistic people typically become obsessive and increasingly narcissistic. Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times shows us how to become aware of the darker side of our personalities, and how to avoid conflict and power struggles by establishing clear ego boundaries that help build mutual trust and respect in our personal and professional lives. The achievement of inner balance makes work-life balance possible.

Active Dreaming

by Robert Moss

As the success of the recent film Inception shows, dreams are a source of perennial fascination. Robert Moss has advanced our understanding of the phenomenon with his visionary and down-to-earth synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and venerable shamanic methods. His "active dreaming" involves re-entering dreams, exploring their possibilities, and directing the subconscious to illuminate and solve problems. He blazes a new trail, guiding readers to use the powers that govern their night dreams to pursue their ideal waking "dream lives." Based on Moss's decades of teaching, the techniques he shares in these pages are proven, powerful, and even playful. Readers learn to understand and utilize synchronicity, shared dreaming, children's dreams, and healing dreams. The examples Moss shares encourage readers to face fears and tap into dormant power. The result is the freedom to choose -- and then revel in -- the life of their dreams.

Addicted To You: One Night of Passion Book 1 (One Night of Passion)

by Beth Kery

From the New York Times ebook bestselling author of the Because You Are Mine series and The Affair, for fans for Sylvia Day, J. Kenner and Maya Banks. This is the first in Beth Kery's One Night of Passion series about a group of connected characters who each begin their romance with a night of impulsive, steamy sex...Irish film director Rill Pierce fled to the tiny, backwoods town of Vulture's Canyon, seeking sanctuary and solitude after a devastating tragedy. Once, his raw sex appeal and sultry Irish accent made women across the globe swoon. Now, he's barely recognisable... But Katie Hughes, his best friend's sister, is not the type of woman to give up on a man like Rill. She blazes into Vulture's Canyon determined to save him from himself. Instead, she finds herself unleashing years of pent-up passion. In a storm of hunger and need, Katie and Rill forget themselves and the world. But will Rill's insatiable attraction to Katie heal his pain - or will it just feed the darkness within him?***This was previously published under the author's pseudonym Bethany Kane***Lose yourself in One Night of Passion: Addicted To You, Bound To You, Captured By You, Exposed To You, Only For You.

Addiction & Grief: Letting Go of Fear, Anger, and Addiction

by Barb Rogers

Emotional Recovery From AddictionAuthentic recovery is more than an attitude. It is based on emotional work that involves an honest appraisal of one's life. It is through dealing with unresolved feelings of grief and anger that one can truly heal from addiction.The emotional “bottom” of recovery. Just as one needs to hit bottom with drinking or using in order to begin recovery, eventually one will also hit an emotional “bottom” of fear, anger, and grief. And recovery can only start by first understanding how, when, and where those emotions took control. Author Barb Rogers challenges readers in recovery to investigate the unresolved grief and loss in their lives and helps readers navigate the impacts of those emotions—emotions that can lead back to using if not resolved.Finding healing and happiness. Recovery from addictions involves more than getting sober. It involves finding happiness, which can only happen if the emotional work is done as well. Negative emotions have the ability to weigh on us and influence both our decisions and the way we handle life’s challenges. If we continue to live with fear, anger, and grief, we aren’t really free from our addictions. The steps to recovery—authentic and complete recovery—involve healing from the deeper issues in our life. Learn more about:The emotional healing that goes hand-in-hand with addiction recoveryDealing with grief and resolving underlying issuesHow to find happiness after getting soberIf you learned from books like This Naked Mind, Rewired, The Mindfulness Workbook for Addiction, or A Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps, then you’ll want to read Addiction & Grief.

The Addiction Solution: Unraveling the Mysteries of Addiction through Cutting-Edge Brain Science

by David Kipper Steven Whitney

A revolutionary and empowering paradigm in treating addiction based on groundbreaking new science.For decades addiction has been viewed and treated as a social and behavioral illness, afflicting people of "weak" character and "bad" moral fiber. However, recent breakthroughs in genetic technology have enabled doctors, for the first time, to correctly diagnose the disease and prove that addiction is an inherited, neuro-chemical disease originating in brain chemistry, determined by genetics, and triggered by stress.In their groundbreaking The Addiction Solution, David Kipper, MD, and Steven Whitney distill these exciting findings into a guide for the millions of adults who want to be free from the cycle of addiction, and for their loved ones who want to better understand it and to help. It draws on composite case histories to illustrate how the innovative Personal Recovery Program works by customizing treatment for a diverse group of addicts abusing a wide variety of different substances—from the first day of treatment to its successful resolution. The result is a complete guide to a world made brand-new by this enormous paradigm shift in the treatment of addiction.

Advanced Brain Training: Lateral thinking tests and Mensa-level puzzles to hone your mental agility

by Simon Wootton Terry Horne

The Genius Program s much more than a set of diverting and engaging puzzles - it will enable you to out-think and outperform everyone you know, either at work, at home, or on the pitch. It combines despatches from the front-line of neuroscience, revealing the link between your brain chemistry and things such as Risk, Innovation and Strategic Thinking. and giving your practical exercises so you can immediately see the benefits. The second part of the book features hundreds of challenging, Mensa-level puzzles, sudoku grids, crosswords and lateral and logical thinking problems, allowing you to develop the mental agility to put the lessons from the first part of the book into practice. Peppered with tips, techniques, cutting-edge research and fun puzzles, this is more challenging, fun and original than any other brain training book on the market.

Adventure In Everything: How The Five Elements Of Adventure Create A Life Of Authenticity, Purpose, And Inspiration (Adventure In Everything Ser.)

by Matt Walker

Have you ever wondered how others have reached their goals? Have you ever wanted to be more engaged and present? Have you ever wanted your life to be filled with adventure? Most of us have. It's important to note, though, that you don't need to climb Mount Everest, row across the Pacific Ocean, swim the English Channel, or ski to the North Pole to experience a life of adventure. In reality, finding it is a lifestyle choice that reconnects you with your dreams and passions. In Adventure in Everything, you'll learn a framework for making changes guaranteed to weave excitement and a sense of possibility into every single day. Whether it's finding a dream job, discovering a way to turn old responsibilities into new passions, enhancing your most significant relationships, or constructing a completely different way of being in this world, you have the potential for a life infused with exciting possibilities. With Adventure in Everything, you will discover this for yourself.

After Shock: Searching for Honest Faith When Your World Is Shaken

by Kent Annan

ECPAAre there questions or realities your faith can't handle?After Shock

Afterlives Of The Rich And Famous: Featuring over 40 stars we have loved and lost

by Sylvia Browne

In AFTERLIVES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS, renowned psychic Sylvia Browne explains exactly what happens to our spirits when our bodies stop living. She describes what the Other Side is like, and how the celebrities that we have lost are coping in the world beyond. She begins with a brief biography of each celebrity, which helps lend important context to what is happening to them now in the afterlife. She then shares whatever information the celebrities care to discuss with her via her Spirit Guide Francine. Her insights include their regrets, their private thoughts, their role in the afterlife, details of who they visit on earth, and their plans for reincarnation if they have any. It is also fascinating to discover which celebrities strike up friendships and spend time together on the Other Side!Celebrities featured include: Elvis Presley, Princess Diana, Patrick Swayze, Anna Nicole Smith, Brittany Murphy, Heath Ledger, Marilyn Monroe, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, George Harrison, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Grace Kelly, Bob Marley and Audrey Hepburn.

Afterlives of the Rich and Famous

by Sylvia Browne

“I have known Sylvia for twenty years, and I have the greatest respect for her….I applaud her for the peace and solace that she has brought to so many.” —Montel WilliamsThe world’s most acclaimed psychic, Sylvia Browne, the New York Times bestselling author of Life on the Other Side, All Pets Go to Heaven, Contacting Your Spirit Guide, and more, returns with a rare and riveting look at the lives of some of our favorite celebrities—after their deaths. How do Elvis Presley, Heath Ledger, John Lennon, and others view their time on Earth? After they have shuffled off this mortal coil, what wisdom do they wish to send back to us? Sylvia Browne’s moving look at these once larger-than-life heroes is a captivating voyage into the secrets they hold beyond the void.

The Age Revolution: The drug-free plan to stay fit, young and healthy

by Dr Charles Clark Maureen Clark

Combat the effects of ageing and live a fuller, healthier life.Getting older may be inevitable, but your body doesn't have to show the signs of age. This revolutionary health book from bestselling author Dr Charles Clark, reveals how you can slow - or even reverse - the process of ageing.Using medically proven techniques for progamming your body to work for you, rather than against you, he neutralises every age-related health concern.Improve your health and reduce requirement for medicationLower cholesterol and blood pressureProtect yourself from arthritis, cardiovascular disease and heart diseaseControl or reverse diabetesLook younger, prevent premature ageing and feel energised

Alcohol: It's History, Pharmacology and Treatment

by Mark Edmund Rose Cheryle J. Cherpital

The definitive guide to the effect of alcohol on people, families, communities, and society, written by two of America's leading experts on alcoholism and its impact.Throughout history, and across cultures, alcohol has affected the fabric of society through abuse and addiction, contributed to violence and accidents, and caused injuries and health issues. In Alcohol: Its History, Pharmacology, and Treatment, part of Hazelden's Library of Addictive Drugs Series, Cheryl Cherpitel, DrPH, and Mark Rose, MA, examine the nature and extent of alcohol use in the United States, current treatment models and demographics, and the biology of alcohol, addiction, and treatment.In separating fact from fiction, Cherpitel and Rose give context for understanding the alcohol problem by tracing its history and different uses over time, then offer an in-depth look atthe latest scientific findings on alcohol's effects on individualsthe myths and realities of alcohol's impact on the mindthe societal impacts of alcohol abuse as a factor in violence and accidentsthe pharmacology of pharmaceutical treatments for alcoholismthe history of treatment and current therapeutic treatment modelsThoroughly researched and highly readable, Alcohol offers a comprehensive understanding of medical, social, and political issues concerning this legal, yet potentially dangerous, drug.

Alcoholics Anonymous: The Original 1939 Edition (Dover Empower Your Life)

by Bill W. Dick B

Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, who developed the organization's twelve-step program. In 1939, they published this volume, which sets forth the cornerstone concepts of recovery and relates stories of those who have overcome alcoholism. Informally known as "The Big Book," it has gone through numerous editions, and as a lifeline to millions worldwide, it is the most widely used resource for recovering alcoholics. This edition features an Introduction by Dick B., an active recovered member of the Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship.

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