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Showing 11,576 through 11,600 of 36,669 results

The Checklist Book: Set Realistic Goals, Celebrate Tiny Wins, Reduce Stress and Overwhelm, and Feel Calmer Every Day

by Alexandra Franzen

Master both major and minor tasks—by going back to the basics and writing out a simple checklist. It will change your life. The checklist is one of the world&’s oldest—and most effective—productivity systems. If anything, says entrepreneur Alexandra Franzen, it is just as valuable now as it was during the days of the Roman Empire, allowing us to tangibly plan our day and set in stone what we want to accomplish. There are countless apps and organizational systems promising to help us straighten out our lives, but often they only add to the madness and leave us feeling drained and overwhelmed. Learn how to: · Choose your highest priorities · Set realistic goals · Celebrate tiny wins · Feel calmer every day By physically writing down our tasks on a single piece of paper, we force ourselves to be realistic and limit how much we can do in a day. Too often, we cram our day with tasks and chores and leave almost no space for self-care or time with loved ones. We end up disappointed in our inability to complete our never-ending to-do list. Checklists help you accomplish what needs to be done—and enjoy things you want to be doing, too. &“There are thousands of books on how to become more organized and productive, but very few have the heart, soul, humor, and gentle encouragement of this book.&” —Ellen Fondiler, career and business strategist

You're Going to Survive: True Stories from People Who've Endured Soul-Crushing Moments in Their Careers—Failure, Rejection, Disappointment, Public Humiliation—and How They Got Through It

by Alexandra Franzen

#1 Amazon New Release - How to Survive Adversity, Criticism, Rejection and DefeatLife involves adversity: No matter what kind of career you’ve chosen, you’re going to deal with discouragement, frustration, and situations that are, shall we say, “less than ideal.” It could be a hysterical client who’s demanding a refund. Or a book that gets rejected…48 times and counting. Or a job interview that goes nowhere. Or watching your best friend get the exciting promotion that you wanted. Or a vicious one-star review that rattles your self-esteem and makes you question your talent, your identity, everything. When that moment arrives, open this book.Defeat and getting through it: Inside, you’ll find inspiring true stories from all kinds of people—from authors, chefs, lawyers, website designers, and Broadway performers to personal stylists, jazz musicians, business consultants, non-profit fundraisers, and more—each describing one of the worst moments in their entire career, and how they got through it.How to stay motivated and never give up: Each chapter is filled with honesty, humor, and heartfelt encouragement to help you stay motivated, keep marching, and never give up?even when things feel incredibly tough. No matter what’s going on in your career right now, this isn’t the end of your story. You’re going to survive.

Via Il Disordine! - Rendi La Tua Vita Più Semplice In Un Solo Fine Settimana

by Eugenia Franzoni Sarah Goldberg

"Via il disordine" è stato revisionato e migliorato; grazie all'ottimo feedback che ho ricevuto, ora puoi scaricare una versione aggiornata e rivista, che ti dia un aiuto anche migliore per semplificarti la vita!La tua casa o il tuo appartamento ti fanno impazzire? Vuoi disfarti dell'immondizia e semplificare la tua vita ORA? Ti senti in imbarazzo se i tuoi amici (o tua madre!) vedono il caos che hai in casa? Allora questo libro è per te! Unisciti alle migliaia di persone che hanno scaricato questo bestseller #1 che aiuta a renderti la vita più semplice in un solo fine settimana!Guarda, io una volta avevo una casa che era un vero caos. Era un disastro, con tutta la roba dei bambini, di mio marito dappertutto, insieme a cose di qualsiasi tipo. Mi faceva diventar matta! Onestamente, ero anche un po' in imbarazzo quando i vicini venivano da me, perché mi pareva di avere immondizia sparsa per tutta casa.Non è più così! Ho deciso di dedicare UN FINE SETTIMANA della mia vita a far sparire il disordine per sempre, e ha funzionato! Ora voglio aiutare anche te a fare la stessa cosa, e ci si sente BENISSIMO ad aver eliminato la confusione e pulito una volta per tutte. Ho preso tutta la roba inutile che avevo in casa e l'ho venduta su eBay, e ora ho anche dei soldi in più!Questo libro ti porterà per mano in un intero fine settimana, da venerdì sera a domeica sera, e ti guiderà passo passo a mettere a posto la tua casa. Può sembrare un compito difficile, ma dagli una possibilità, non hai niente da perdere e molto da guadagnare in vivibilità!Inoltre, in fondo al libro ho anche dei consigli di posti in cui comprare le soluzioni per il ripostiglio, come scaffali e mensole solidissime, scatole etc, che ti aiuteranno a metterti sulla buona strada di una vita senza disordine!Ti serve un'altra ragione per comprare questo libro? Eccone una ottima: per me la Biblioteca dei Bambini è molto importante, quindi dono il 5% di tutti i

Come Usare Mailchimp Per I Principianti: Guida All'email Marketing Per Gli Autori Indipendenti

by Eugenia Franzoni Adam Netherlund

Come autore indipendente potreste aver sentito parlare della creazione di mailing list, ma che fare se non sapete come iniziare? Oggi ci sono moltissime possibilità: AWeber, Constant Contact, iContact, Vertical Response e molte altre, ma una delle più diffuse è MailChimp.Se volete provare MailChimp ma non siete sicuri dove iniziare, o avete avuto qualche problema, questo libro è dedicato a voi. Seguite le semplici istruzioni passo-passo che faranno diventare semplicissimo creare la vostra prima campagna e farvi restare in contatto con i vostri fan.In questa breve guida per principianti troverete:-Come iscriversi e creare la prima lista-Come costruire vari tipi di form di iscrizione-Come costruire la vostra prima campagna-Come capire le statistiche-Delle idee per costruire la mailing list (specifiche per gli autori indipendenti)-Suggerimenti generali e consigli su come scrivere una campagna-Ulteriori integrazioni come plugin di WordPress, applicazioni mobile, form per Facebook e per i tabletIl marketing via email non è difficile, e non deve costarvi un occhio della testa, quindi sedetevi, rilassatevi, e iniziamo a costruire le vostre nuove competenze.

23 Abitudini Per Non Procrastinare

by Eugenia Franzoni S. J. Scott

"23 abitudini per non procrastinare: Come smettere di essere pigri e arrivare a dei risultati nella vita" è la guida definitiva per riuscire a portare avanti i vostri progetti e per essere più produttivi. La verità è che a tutti piace fare le cose e diventare produttivi, ma quello che spesso accade è che lasciamo da parte i compiti importanti e che ce li perdiamo senza accorgercene. Il risultato? Siamo sopraffatti dalla quantità di cose da fare. In altre parole, "procrastinare" ci causa dello stress se non completiamo i nostri compiti in modo sistematico. La soluzione è semplice: sviluppare uno stato mentale che eviti il procrastinare, in cui si agisce di giorno in giorno e che ci permetta di non essere MAI sopraffatti dalle cose da fare. Nel libro "23 abitudini per non procrastinare" scoprirete un elenco di idee per aiutarvi a superare ogni giorno la tentazione di procrastinare. Anche se molti libri danno un semplice elenco di suggerimenti, con questo imparerete perché una strategia specifica funziona, quali concetti limitanti elimina e come può essere applicata immediatamente alla vostra vita. In breve, imparerete le cause fondamentali per cui procrastinate, e come superarle. Non c'è bisogno di essere controllati dal procrastinare; lo si può superare formandosi una serie di abitudini positive che ci spingono ad agire.

Le Nuove To-Do List - Una Guida Semplice Per Fare Realmente Le Cose Importanti

by Eugenia Franzoni S. J. Scott

IMPARA:: Perché la maggior parte delle persone FALLISCE nel portare a termine i propri compiti Crei liste di cose da fare che non vengono mai fatte? È facile iniziare ogni giornata lavorativa con una lunga serie di cose da fare, poi succede qualcosa di inaspettato e subito dopo il giorno è quasi finito. Lavori duramente e a ritmi serrati, ma alla fine ti ritrovi frustrato perché non c'è abbastanza tempo per fare tutto. Scriviamo tutti delle liste con la speranza che ci trasformino in macchine produttive. Sfortunatamente, le liste di cose da fare spesso hanno l'effetto opposto, e il tipo sbagliato di lista può demotivare, e quindi portarti ad impigrirti e procrastinare. SCOPRI:: Come creare to-do list fattibili La verità è che chiunque può scrivere una lista, ma la parte difficile è farlo in modo che sia fattibile e che si integri con la tua vita già piena. Quasi sempre, le liste di cose da fare sono un ammasso disordinato di compiti, necessità, desideri e idee casuali, e poi ci si chiede perché non si riesce a fare niente nella vita. Quale è la soluzione? Ripensare il modo in cui gestisci la tua vita di tutti i giorni. In particolare, si dovrebbero usare più liste che gestiscano diversi tipi di compiti. Questo è il concetto di base di questo libro, Le nuove to-do list: una guida semplice per fare realmente le cose importanti. SCARICA:: Le nuove to-do list: una guida semplice per fare realmente le cose importanti "Le nuove to-do list" è un manuale passo-passo per scrivere liste efficaci e fattibili. Imparerai: 7 errori comuni (e come risolverli) Lo strumento #1 per catturare le idee Come usare una lista di progetto per identificare i compiti critici Quando lavorare sulle attività di routine giornaliere Perché la revisione settimanale ti aiuta a fare le cose LA app per gestire le to-do list Come completare TRE compiti importanti ogni giorno 8 passi per avere il top dei risultati Co

Un'abitudine Sopra L'altra: 97 Modi Per Cambiare Vita In Cinque Minuti O Meno

by Eugenia Franzoni S. J. Scott

"Un'abitudine sopra l'altra: 97 modi per cambiare vita in cinque minuti o meno" è la guida definitiva per sviluppare più di un'abitudine insieme senza occupare troppo tempo libero. È facile pensare ad una dozzina di modi per migliorare istantaneamente la nostra vita, e probabilmente per ciascuno di essi servono solo pochi minuti. Il problema? Sembra che non ci sia mai tempo per fare tutto. La soluzione può essere quella di usare la potenza delle "abitudini impilate". Il concetto è quello di prendere una serie di piccoli cambiamenti, come mangiare un frutto o inviare un SMS al vostro compagno, e costruirci un rituale da seguire tutti i giorni. Impilare le abitudini funziona perché si elimina lo stress di cercare di cambiare troppe cose tutte insieme, e lo scopo è quello di concentrarsi su una routine di 10 o 30 minuti, che contenga una serie di piccole azioni (o cambiamenti). Basta creare una lista di controllo e seguirla tutti i giorni; in questo consistono le abitudini una sopra l'altra. In questo libro troverete 97 piccoli cambiamenti che possono migliorare istantaneamente la vostra vita. Inoltre, scoprirete come creare una semplice routine, gestita con una lista di controllo, che si possa ripetere giornalmente. Non solo, ma troverete gli strumenti per mantenere la motivazione e la costanza. In questo modo, anche se siete completamente stressati, troverete sempre il tempo e l'energia per completare la routine.

Strive: Embracing the gift of struggle

by Adam Fraser

Stop chasing happiness and seek fulfillment instead Strive shakes up everything you know about happiness, turns you around, and sets you on the track to true fulfillment. It's not what you think—happiness is not found in achievement and luxury and having all the free time in the world. Humans are most fulfilled and feel best about themselves when they are striving towards a difficult goal that involves struggle and discomfort. Dr. Adam Fraser is a peak performance researcher who helps people strive for ’better’ in everything that they do; in this book, he shares his insights into the human condition and why happiness always feels just out of reach. Whether you're looking to boost workplace productivity, or just need the motivation to go about your daily life, this book will show you the little-known truths about happiness, purpose, and fulfillment. In working with groups from all around the world, Dr. Fraser has observed that the unhappiest and most unfulfilled people have low levels of struggle and challenge. Too much comfort robs them of a sense of purpose; they have nothing to strive for, because everything is fine the way it is. This book takes you inside the root of human motivation to show you how to live and work toward fulfillment. Grow and evolve through embracing discomfort Reframe struggle as an opportunity for development Learn the three behaviours of striving effectively Discover your motivation—and use it Learn why you are most proud of overcoming the hard things in life When you're working toward a goal, you are engaged, motivated, and ready to take on the world. Once you achieve your goal, your happiness plummets—because nothing is left to strive for—unless you set your next goal right away. Strive provides the roadmap, and shows you how the joy is in the striving—not the destination.

Clean Your Way to Happy: 1,001 tips for tidying your home and clearing your mind

by Alexandra Fraser

Cleaning has never been easier with this essential guide to tidying your house and home. With over 1,000 ideas, hints, tips and shortcuts from industry professionals, every domestic cleaning problem is covered - from swift solutions in moments of panic to ideas for a weekend deep clean, Clean Your Way to Happy has everything you need to achieve a tidy home and a tidy mind.Sections include:· Kitchens· Around the home· Valuables· Stains· Pets and animals· Clothes· Cars and bikes· PreventionThis title was previously published as Trade Secrets: Cleaning.

Clean Your Way to Happy: 1,001 tips for tidying your home and clearing your mind

by Alexandra Fraser

Cleaning has never been easier with this essential guide to tidying your house and home. With over 1,000 ideas, hints, tips and shortcuts from industry professionals, every domestic cleaning problem is covered - from swift solutions in moments of panic to ideas for a weekend deep clean, Clean Your Way to Happy has everything you need to achieve a tidy home and a tidy mind.Sections include:· Kitchens· Around the home· Valuables· Stains· Pets and animals· Clothes· Cars and bikes· PreventionThis title was previously published as Trade Secrets: Cleaning.

Your Life in Color: Empowering Your Soul With The Energy Of Colour

by Dougall Fraser

Whether you are heading out to an important job interview or a pivotal first date, feeling empowered, confident, and ready are the key elements to success.Internationally renowned psychic and cosmic life coach Dougall Fraser draws from years of experience and observation to create a guide for utilizing the innate strength of colors in conjunction with your individual self. From white to gold to emerald green, every color has qualities that you can consciously draw strength and purpose from in order to support you in achieving your highest goals and dreams.Fraser explores each key color’s unique spiritual and practical qualities, providing insight into its history and shadow sides, real-world personal and professional anecdotes, and exercises and inspiration to evoke each color’s maximum power. His step-by-step plan will help you to integrate color energy into your daily life, from the inside out.Unlock the full magnitude of your soul’s potential by letting its true colors shine bold and bright!

Click: Ten Truths For Building Extraordinary Relationships

by George Fraser

In this book you will find ten simple principles that will dispel your dread of networking forever and reveal a proven path to success and happiness. Imagine mastering the skills to create an extraordinary marriage, lifelong friendships, or powerful and enriching business relationships. That is what awaits you in Click: the tools to tap into the richest resource on the planet--other people--no matter how hard it's been for you to do so in the past.

The Little Big Things: The Inspirational Memoir of the Year

by Henry Fraser

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER"Henry Fraser is one of the most remarkable people I've ever met" J.K. Rowling"What a story of transformation, inner power and inspiration" Jonny Wilkinson The memoir of the year by Henry Fraser, motivational speaker and mouth artist with a foreword by J.K. Rowling.Being challenged in life is inevitable, but being defeated is optional...Henry Fraser was 17 years old when a tragic accident severely crushed his spinal cord. Paralysed from the shoulders down, he has conquered unimaginable difficulty to embrace life and a new way of living. Through challenging adversity, he has found the opportunity to grow and inspire others.This book combines his wisdom and insight into finding the gifts in life's challenges, and will resonate with anyone facing an obstacle, no matter how big or small. It includes Henry's thoughts on how to look at the right things and avoid the wrong, finding progress in whatever you do, and acknowledging and accepting the darkness when it comes. Right at the heart of Henry's inspiring philosophy is his belief that every day is a good day.

The Little Big Things: The Inspirational Memoir of the Year

by Henry Fraser

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER"Henry Fraser is one of the most remarkable people I've ever met" J.K. Rowling"What a story of transformation, inner power and inspiration" Jonny Wilkinson The memoir of the year by Henry Fraser, motivational speaker and mouth artist with a foreword by J.K. Rowling.Being challenged in life is inevitable, but being defeated is optional...Henry Fraser was 17 years old when a tragic accident severely crushed his spinal cord. Paralysed from the shoulders down, he has conquered unimaginable difficulty to embrace life and a new way of living. Through challenging adversity, he has found the opportunity to grow and inspire others.This book combines his wisdom and insight into finding the gifts in life's challenges, and will resonate with anyone facing an obstacle, no matter how big or small. It includes Henry's thoughts on how to look at the right things and avoid the wrong, finding progress in whatever you do, and acknowledging and accepting the darkness when it comes. Right at the heart of Henry's inspiring philosophy is his belief that every day is a good day.

The Little Big Things: The Inspirational Memoir of the Year

by Henry Fraser

A short, inspirational read from Henry Fraser, a young quadriplegic motivational speaker and artist.Henry Fraser was a 17-year old sports enthusiast and senior prefect when he broke his spinal cord and was left paralysed from the shoulders down. Life as he knew it was over and yet, through extraordinary determination and a positive attitude, he has forged a successful career as an inspirational speaker and an artist. He chose survival over defeat, and transformed unimaginable difficulty into an opportunity to grow and inspire others. This book will combine his wisdom and insight into accepting life's challenges with positivity and hope, and will resonate with anyone facing an obstacle, no matter how big or small. It includes Henry's thoughts on how to look at the right things and avoid the wrong things, looking for progress in whatever you do, and acknowledging and accepting the darkness when it comes. Right at the heart of Henry's inspiring philosophy is his belief that every day is a good day.Written and Read by Henry Fraser(p) 2017 Orion Publishing Group

The Power in You: How to Accept your Past, Live in the Present and Shape a Positive Future

by Henry Fraser

From Sunday Times bestselling author...'Henry Fraser is one of the most remarkable people I've ever met' J.K. Rowling'What a story of transformation, inner power and inspiration' Jonny Wilkinson Mouth artist, motivational speaker and author of the inspirational memoir The Little Big Things, Henry Fraser, explores the transformative power of acceptance in this motivational guide.If The Little Big Things was about Henry's past, The Power in You is about his present and his future. And through understanding his daily experience, Henry teaches us all how best we can live. This book is about right now, and it's about tomorrow.It's about recognising progress, it's about accepting our past to become free of it, it's about living in the now to avoid anxiety. It's future focused on the positive.Henry discusses acceptance, how to adapt and deal with our pasts, how to forgive ourselves, and how to forgive others. He will remind us to live in the present and just how empowering that can be, how to work through self-doubt, how to become aware of our progress, and how everything you need in life comes from within you.The power is in you.

The Power in You: How to Accept your Past, Live in the Present and Shape a Positive Future

by Henry Fraser

From Sunday Times bestselling author...'Henry Fraser is one of the most remarkable people I've ever met' J.K. Rowling'What a story of transformation, inner power and inspiration' Jonny Wilkinson Mouth artist, motivational speaker and author of the inspirational memoir The Little Big Things, Henry Fraser, explores the transformative power of acceptance in this motivational guide.If The Little Big Things was about Henry's past, The Power in You is about his present and his future. And through understanding his daily experience, Henry teaches us all how best we can live. This book is about right now, and it's about tomorrow.It's about recognising progress, it's about accepting our past to become free of it, it's about living in the now to avoid anxiety. It's future focused on the positive.Henry discusses acceptance, how to adapt and deal with our pasts, how to forgive ourselves, and how to forgive others. He will remind us to live in the present and just how empowering that can be, how to work through self-doubt, how to become aware of our progress, and how everything you need in life comes from within you.The power is in you.

Making Your Mark: High-Performance College and Career Success (9th Edition)

by Lisa Fraser

THIS BOOK IS NOT ABOUT STUDY SKILLS. IT'S ABOUT GETTING A GOOD JOB AFTER YOU GRADUATE. The #1 reason most students give for attending college is "to get a good job." The skills outlined in Making Your Mark will help you graduate from college. But more important, these skills will see you through your entire career. It's kind of like a 2-for-1 deal. The college success skills you develop are the same employment skills you'll need for your career: good work habits, efficient time management, and an organized system for getting your work done at a high standard. If you approach your college years as professional development for your career, you'll be well prepared for the workplace, and you'll come as close as it gets to guaranteeing yourself a good job upon graduation.

Overcoming the Blues: Finding Christ-Centered Hope and Joy through Serving Others

by Ryan Noel Fraser

Nobody is immune to depression, not even the most faithful and dedicated Christians. Finding the strength to effectively cope with ongoing depression in one’s life may seem like an insurmountable personal and faith challenge for many followers of Jesus. You may feel like you’re useless, unworthy of joy, and a complete spiritual failure. While a number of books have been written on depression from a psychological perspective, Overcoming the Blues addresses spiritual concerns to provide hope and comfort for the faithful. As a counseling professor, minister, and licensed clinical pastoral therapist, Dr. Ryan Noel Fraser has recognized the ubiquity of depression among believers, as well as the overwhelming need for capable caregivers within the church. His revolutionary how-to guide offers practical guidance and holistic methods to relieve the distressing symptoms of depression in three Christ-centered ways: (1) Recognize God’s abiding presence (2) Reach out to others (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) (3) Respect your limitations This book seeks to motivate, mentor, and mobilize sufferers of depression in the church to see that serving is so much more than merely a short-lived distraction from your own suffering; it can be a powerful and restorative antidote—a transformative way of life that facilitates healing and hope.

The Green Labyrinth: Exploring the Mysteries of the Amazon

by Sylvia Fraser

Limited time offer. In the critically acclaimed The Rope in the Water, Sylvia Fraser described her three-month pilgrimage to India in search of "something larger than myself, something deeper, something more." In The Green Labyrinth, Fraser continues her journey, this time deep into the jungle of the Amazon in the company of shamans, traditional spiritualists practicing ancient rituals. At the heart of Fraser’s quest lies the mind-expanding drug "ayahuasca", a gateway to worlds beyond her own, to a better understanding of the mysteries of existence. Fraser takes us to shamanic sanctuaries that hover at the edge of our modern world, providing a portal to the unknown. Along the way she introduces us to a diverse group of pilgrims searching for their own answers with the help of shamans and ayahuasca. Through meaningful visions and with spiritual guidance, Fraser and her fellow travellers acquire insight into their emotional and psychic lives, and discover that many of the answers they are searching for lie within themselves.

Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connection

by Ed Frauenheim Ed Adams

"A wonderful book for thinking about how to release ourselves from crippling processes. It's time for men—and for all of us—to stand up and say, ‘Give us back our full humanity, give us back our dignity.'"—Paul Gilbert, PhD, author of The Compassionate Mind In a recent FiveThirtyEight poll, 60 percent of men surveyed said society puts pressure on men to behave in a way that is unhealthy or bad. Men account for 80 percent of suicides in the United States, and three in ten American men have suffered from depression. Ed Adams and Ed Frauenheim say a big part of the problem is a model of masculinity that's become outmoded and even dangerous, to both men and women. The conventional notion of what it means to be a man—what Adams and Frauenheim call "Confined Masculinity"—traps men in an emotional straitjacket; steers them toward selfishness, misogyny, and violence; and severely limits their possibilities. As an antidote, they propose a new paradigm: Liberating Masculinity. It builds on traditional masculine roles like the protector and provider, expanding men's options to include caring, collaboration, emotional expressivity, an inclusive spirit, and environmental stewardship. Through hopeful stories of men who have freed themselves from the strictures of Confined Masculinity, interviews with both leaders and everyday men, and practical exercises, this book shows the power of a masculinity defined by what the authors call the five Cs: curiosity, courage, compassion, connection, and commitment. Men will discover a way of being that fosters healthy, harmonious relationships at home, at work, and in the world.

Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization

by David Frawley

The book offers a most valuable overview of the connecting points between Yoga and Ayurveda and shows how both disciplines are relevant to contemporary spiritual practice.

This Is How Your Marriage Ends: A Hopeful Approach to Saving Relationships

by Matthew Fray

A thoughtful, down-to-earth, contemporary guide to help partners identify and address relationship-killing behavior patterns in their own lives.Good people can be bad at relationships. One night during his divorce, after one too many vodkas and a call with a phone-in-therapist who told him to “journal his feelings,” Matthew Fray started a blog. He needed to figure out how his ex-wife went from the eighteen-year-old college freshman who adored him to the angry woman who thought he was an asshole and left him. As he pieced together the story of his marriage and its end, Matthew began to realize a hard truth: even though he was a decent guy, he was a bad husband. As he shared raw, uncomfortable, and darkly humorous first-person stories about the lessons he’d learned from his failed marriage, a peculiar thing happened. Matthew started to gain a following. In January 2016 a post he wrote—“She Divorced Me Because I left the Dishes by the Sink”—went viral and was read over four million times.Filtered through the lens of his own surprising, life-changing experience and his years counseling couples, This Is How Your Marriage Ends exposes the root problem of so many relationships that go wrong. We simply haven’t been taught any of the necessary skills, Matthew explains. In fact, it is sometimes the assumption that we are acting on good intentions that causes us to alienate our partners and foment mistrust.With the humorous, entertaining, and counterintuitive approach of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, and the practical insights of The 5 Love Languages, This is How Your Marriage Ends helps readers identify relationship-killing behavior patterns in their own lives, and offers solutions to break free from the cycles of dysfunction and destruction. It is must-read for every partner no matter what stage–beginning, middle, or even end—of your relationship.

El corazón de la Historia: El diseño magistral de Dios para restaurar a su pueblo

by Randy Frazee

El Corazon de la Historia te ayudara a ver la palabra de Dios bajo una luz nueva e inspiradora. En lo que parecen ser relatos desconectados de la Biblia descubriras una epica grandiose en desarrollo: la historia de Dios desde Genesis en adelante, y tu propia experiencia contenida alli. Para entender la Biblia, dice el autor y pastor Randy Frazee, uno necesita lentes bifocales, porque intervienen dos perspectivas. La Historia Secundaria, que son nuestras experiencias, relatoes de hombres y mujeres que interactuan con Dios en el curso diario de la vida. La Historia Primaria, que es la historia de Dios, el relato de su proposito grandioso, supremo, que combina todas las experiencias individuales como paneles en un mural unificado. En 31 capitulos, El Corazon de la Historia te abrira los ojos al plan maestro de Dios desarrollandose en la vida de los personajes biblicos, y en la tuya. Descubre la esencia de la Historia de Dios, y el gozo que viene al alinear tu historia con la de el.

The Heart of the Story: Discover Your Life Within the Grand Epic of God's Story (The\story Ser.)

by Randy Frazee

The Heart of the Story will help you see God&’s Word in a new and inspiring light. In the Bible&’s seemingly disconnected stories, you&’ll discover one grand, unfolding epic – God&’s story from Genesis onward – and your own life-story contained within it.&“To understand the Bible,&” says author and pastor Randy Frazee, &“you need bifocal lenses, because two perspectives are involved. The Lower Story, our story, is actually many stories of men and women interacting with God in the daily course of life. The Upper Story is God&’s story, the tale of his great, overarching purpose that fits all the individual stories together like panels in one unified mural.&” In this new edition, Randy dives deeper in the Upper and Lower stories and shows how both perspectives will open your eyes to the richness and relevance of the Bible. Illuminating God&’s master-plan from Genesis to our daily lives, The Heart of the Story will encourage you to experience the joy that comes from aligning your stories with God&’s.

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