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Showing 11,576 through 11,600 of 36,608 results

100 Secretos de la Gente Saludable, Los: Lo que los Cientificos Han Descubierto y Como Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida (100 Secretos)

by David Niven

La Ciencia de una Vida Saludable ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las personas que se sienten y se ven saludables, y las que están cansadas o deprimidas y jamás están en forma? A diario enfrentamos una cantidad alarmante de estudios y estadísticas que nos dicen qué debemos y no debemos comer, cuánto tiempo tenemos que hacer ejercicio o cómo protegernos del humo de segunda mano y los dañinos rayos del sol. Pero estos estudios, además de ser contradictorios, suelen tener información científica literalmente incomprensible para el lector común. En este libro, David Niven nos hace el favor de resumir los millones de estudios que se han hecho acerca de la salud del ser humano, y de convertirlos en cien fáciles puntos que nos ayudarán a vivir más saludables y felices. Desmontando mitos comunes con consejos reales y aplicables, Niven nos explica la importancia de estos descubrimientos. Coma con frecuencia. Los investigadores de la universidad Oxford hallaron que las personas que comen cinco o seis veces al día tienen un 5 por ciento menos de colesterol que la persona media, y tienen un 45 por ciento más de posibilidades de mantener su peso ideal que las personas que sólo comen una o dos veces al día. ¿Quién dice que la cafeína es mala para la salud? La mayoría de los resultados científicos prueban que, para un adulto saludable, cantidades moderadas de cafeína (aproximadamente tres tazas de café al día) no presentan ningún riesgo a la salud. Hogar, dulce hogar. Según un estudio de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles, aquellas personas que dicen tener una vida de hogar satisfactoria tienen un 24 por ciento más de posibilidades de vivir más que la expectativa normal de vida.

The Power of You: Simple steps to develop your inner strength, master your fears and live to your greatest potential

by Anne Jones

We live in a world that is changing fast, and this can feel very unsettling. THE POWER OF YOU is a response to the negativity and fear in the world and shows how you can prevent negative energies from damaging you emotionally and spiritually. Healer and bestselling author Anne Jones looks at the sources of these, sometimes hidden, threats - aggressive media tactics, corporate arrogance and self-interest, health scares, recession, environmental fears, corrupt governing and even personal negativity - and helps you understand the power they can wield. Through uplifting exercises and meditations, she shows you how you can withstand these challenges to our personal power, disperse the fear, and build strength and courage. THE POWER OF YOU will help you to protect your integrity, stay empowered while facing the negativity of today's world and bring positivity into every area of your life.

Living the Sutras: A Guide to Yoga Wisdom beyond the Mat

by Kelly DiNardo Amy Pearce-Hayden

Bring the wisdom of ancient Yoga philosophy into your life in a fresh, accessible, and relevant way.In its highest form, yoga is a practice for your body and your mind. Living the Sutras brings the wisdom of classical yoga philosophy into your life in an accessible and relevant way. The Yoga Sutras, a foundational text of yoga philosophy and practice, written by the guru Patanjali over two thousand years ago, are made up of 196 aphorisms that offer potent teachings on how to deal with loss and pain, and guidance on how to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Kelly DiNardo and Amy Pearce-Hayden offer an entrée to this yoga training for the mind and spirit by introducing a sutra or group of sutras on a related theme, providing a brief commentary, and writing prompts to allow you to reflect on and apply the meaning of the sutras to your life. The book is at once an introduction to the classical philosophy, a quick guide for students and teachers, and an active self-study that helps you to engage with yoga wisdom in a deeply personal way.

The Playmaker's Advantage: How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level

by Leonard Zaichkowsky Daniel Peterson

Discover how to improve your mental game—the next frontier in sports training—no matter your age or experience and become the Playmaker or the decisive general on the court or field.Coaches search for it. Parents dream of it. Fans love it. Athletes want it. The Playmaker on any sports team possesses it: an elusive, intangible quality combining anticipation, perception, and decision-making skills. This quality raises their game above the competition and allows them to pass when no one else can, anticipate the movement of opponents, and avoid costly mental mistakes, thus holding the team together. Using today’s technology and tools, it is now possible to understand, assess, and train this sixth sense rather than just hope it magically appears. Now, for the first time, cognitive science research is revealing the secrets of the Playmaker’s keen sense of awareness. Just as tests of speed, strength, and agility have provided a baseline of physiological biomarkers, coaches can now capture cognitive metrics including attention, pattern recognition, anticipation, and the ability to take quick, decisive action during the chaos of competition. The Playmaker’s Advantage is a groundbreaking book that will educate athletes of all ages about this essential creative capability in an accessible, easy to understand method.

Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them): A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying

by Sallie Tisdale

A straightforward, wise, and humorous narrative field guide for both the dying and those who love them by an author who brings a unique set of qualifications to this delicate subject—she's a Pushcart Prize-winning writer, a palliative care nurse with more than ten years of experience, and a lifelong Buddhist. <P><P>If you don't plan, you're only limiting your options. We do not know when we will die. We may see it coming from far away, or all at once. But I will die and you will die. You believe that, don't you? <P><P>You get ready to die the way you get ready for a trip. Start by realizing you don't know the way. Read a few travel guides. Study the language, look at maps, gather equipment. Let yourself imagine what it will be like. Pack your bags. This book is one of those travel guides—a guide to preparing for your own death and the deaths of people close to you. <P><P>The fact of death is hard to believe. Sallie Tisdale explores our fears and all the ways death and talking about death make us uncomfortable—but she also explores its intimacies and joys. <P><P>Tisdale looks at grief, what the last days and hours of life are like, and what happens to dead bodies. Advice for Future Corpses includes exercises designed to make you think differently about the inevitable. She includes practical advice, personal experience, a little Buddhist philosophy, and stories. <P>But this isn't a book of inspiration or spiritual advice—Advice for Future Corpses is about how you can get ready. Start by admitting that we are all future corpses.

Consciousness Dialogues: From Beginner's Mind through Enlightenment: 150 Conversations with Peter Ralston

by Peter Ralston

Peter Ralston responds to 150 questions about consciousness from a global spectrum of people striving to grasp the nature of their own selvesThis illuminating collection of 150 questions and responses between Peter Ralston and a global spectrum of seekers provides a rare and nuanced look at the nature of consciousness and the path to understanding our true selves. Ralston is the author of the groundbreaking trilogy on the existential foundations of the human condition—The Book of Not Knowing, Pursuing Consciousness, and The Genius of Being. Here he has selected inquiries from more than two decades of question-and-answer exchanges with students as they work their way through his communications. The mosaic of viewpoints from an astonishing diversity of real people at all levels of consciousness work yields a narrative that is intricate, wide-ranging, intimate, and emotionally honest. These dialogues expand our understanding of consciousness, test our assumptions, and interrogate the very process of inquiry.

Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear (7 Revolutionary Lessons To Overcome Fear Ser.)

by Sromovasam S. Pillay

<p>Winner of a Books for a Better Life AwardMany people who find themselves "stuck" in life are vaguely aware that fear is responsible for holding them back. <p>Whether it's a fear of intimacy, mortality, success, or failure, the majority of us experience an inhibiting fear at some point in our lives. <p>Naming these fears and examining them is critical to becoming aware of and, eventually, overcoming them. <p>Life Unlocked draws from cutting-edge research in human psychology and neuroscience to illuminate the ways in which fear applies a brake to our movement through life. Informed by the latest breakthroughs in brain imaging and psychiatry, Dr. Pillay offers readers an enlightening understanding of how our brains work and physically process feelings of fear and anxiety. <p>Based on this research, and his extensive clinical experience with patients, Dr. Pillay has developed 7 essential lessons to help move people past their fears: <br>1. What you don't know can hurt you2. Dread is not something you feel; it is something you attend to3. If it's hard to change, it is not unchangeable4. We all know that we fear failure, but fear of success is equally relevant5. Attachments are not just crucial to survival; they affect your physiology6. Fear-based prejudice may register entirely outside of awareness7. Trauma can impact the developing brainIn Life Unlocked, Dr. Pillay examines a wide breadth of issues and shares real examples from his practice to show readers that when they are able to move past the things that limit them, they can truly unlock their potential, and their lives.

Bless This House: Creating Sacred Space Where You Live, Work & Travel

by Donna Henes

In this comprehensive guide to crafting your own spiritual intentions, rituals, and blessings, urban shaman Mama Donna draws upon a variety of world cultures to show how to transform your environment into a sanctified haven. Spiritual blessings of our surroundings can help enhance our daily lives, from processing emotions and releasing negative energy to setting the stage for our fondest dreams to come true.Your immediate surroundings are the psychic as well as physical spaces that you occupy in the world — they house not just your body but your energy, your thoughts, your demeanor, your spirit, your deeds, and your legacy. Shouldn't the energetic atmosphere within your walls support you emotionally and spiritually as well? A personalized blessing ceremony engenders an aura of hope and the possibility of positive new beginnings, creating a safe milieu conducive to regeneration. Times of celebration and transition — receiving dinner guests, hosting a family get-together, traveling to a new locale, moving offices or homes — also deserve to be sanctified. This book is your guide to creating a warm home and blessing your space for any occasion."The way an architect and a builder understand a house, Donna Henes understands a home. She can minister to a dwelling like a chaplain, tap its inner workings like a good therapist, and polish its energy to a spotless shine. I know: she's done it for mine. And in this enchanting book, you get to access the prowess of Mama Donna in your home, even if oceans separate you from her legendary Brooklyn digs. What she knows — and what she senses — inhabit these pages so accessibly, it's as if this shaman of spaces is whispering in your ear." — Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life and Shelter for the Spirit"Get out your highlighter! Mama Donna's book Bless this House is immensely readable, practical, and filled with modern and ancient wisdom. After using her methods, your home will shimmer and sparkle with healing, radiant energy. Highly recommended!" — Denise Linn, award-winning author of Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home and Feng Shui for the Soul"The original crystal-packing mama." — New York Press"Bless This House is a beautiful embrace of a book; erudite and inspiring, wise and kind. If you want to feel 'at home' in your life, let Mama Donna show you the way. She is, without question, the high priestess of sacred space." — Jane Alexander, author of the bestselling Spirit of the Home series"Donna Henes, familiarly known as 'Mama Donna,' is a national treasure. Among the many delights of this beautifully designed and carefully organized book are the numerous interspersed meditations on the meanings of home." — Feminism and

Leadership Your Way: Play the Hand You're Dealt and Win

by Kim Krisco

"Krisco shares the ideas that allowed our team to break through the rigid mindsets we've been struggling to change." — Michael Barker, Vice President, Organization Development, Verizon"Leadership Your Way is the playbook for business leaders who are committed to transforming themselves." — Daniel W. McGee, CEO, American Motion Systems, Inc."The 21st century's best leaders will have to read this book — a fistful of useful ideas for futuristic leaders." — Frank Feather, author, The Future Consumer and G-Forces: The 35 Global Forces Restructuring Our FutureLeadership Your Way provides a clear, transformational framework for managers to take advantage of their innate leadership style. Kim Krisco encourages authenticity above all else, rather than operating according to rules which may be more suited for different personality types. He describes four distinct personalities and shows how they apply to ten common leadership initiatives — acts that every successful leader performs.With this book, you'll learn to maximize your leadership style by leveraging your natural strengths, managing your weaker areas, and playing the hand you're dealt. Using numerous case studies, Krisco puts you in touch with your own innate interpersonal style, providing personalized coaching that will enable you to comfortably and naturally put each leadership initiative into play to achieve business success and personal fulfillment.

A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Tools to Shift, Transform and Ascend

by Jim Self Roxane Burnett

Follow the step-by-step techniques to manifest a new way of being and step out of the chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifthConnect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page of this book.Access free supplemental meditations, lectures, videos and animations from the actual Mastering Alchemy course, guided by the Teachers of Light. A free, private online classroom is available only to readers of this book.This unique, interactive book offers a self-contained programme to access a totally new way of life. It is A Course in Miracles for the 21st century, reaching far beyond that earlier initiative by incorporating the profound Shift in human consciousness that has been occurring over the last few decades.A Course in Mastering Alchemy has been specifically orchestrated by the Teachers of Light to expand your understanding, your consciousness and your ability to use the new energy tools and manifestation techniques they offer.What can Alchemy do for you?Alchemy is the ability to alter the frequencies of our thoughts to change how you perceive and interact with the world. Begin to experience a new higher level of conscious awareness. To master alchemy, new energy tools of unparalleled capacity have now become available. These are provided here for the first time in book form by the Teachers of Light. The guidance of these Ascended Beings has been given to Jim Self and Roxane Burnett and are presented in the hugely popular online Mastering Alchemy course.This book will provide you with all the information, exercises and practical experiences you need to:• Become conscious of the rules and limitations of your present reality.• Recognize that much of who you believe you are has very little to do with who you really are.• Step out of the unnecessary concept of “suffering” into a state of complete wellbeing.• Recreate yourself so you are no longer at the mercy of conditioned thoughts and emotionally charged reactions.• Begin to access your highest consciousness.• Create a new, strong and capable platform for experiencing the world.Join with Jim and Roxane and walk the pathway into your personal ascension.

The Highest Calling

by Lawrence Janesky

An inspirational novel about business and life, struggle and successThere are millions of people who own small businesses--and millions struggle. The Highest Calling is the inspirational story of one of them: Troy Becker. Troy has struggled for twelve years with his remodeling business. Not making much money, working seventy hours per week, his family life suffering, Troy is frustrated and confused.One day, an old man named Cy mysteriously appears in Troy's life--and keeps appearing. Cy, who is on a desperate journey of his own, comes to understand he has been put there to help Troy--but why? And how will he convince Troy to listen? The Highest Calling is the story of helping others and of learning how to do the right things to succeed. Cy weaves the most important and powerful business principles of all time into the lessons he delivers to his student, for Troy's sake--and his own. His teachings are beneficial to businesspeople and managers alike. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will learn. The Highest Calling is more than an inspirational book. For those who seek, it is a powerful entrepreneurial education--one that will improve the lives of millions for a lifetime.

The New Natural: Your Ultimate Guide to Cutting-Edge Age Reversal

by Neil Sadick

<p>Obvious face-lifts and Botox overload are no longer in vogue, but a new generation of fillers, laser treatments, and topical preparations are keeping millions looking younger—and more natural—for decades longer. <p>Prominent dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Neil Sadick explains how every woman, at any age, can have beautiful, healthy skin without a scalpel or surgery. <p>Starting off with the basics of skin care we all need in our early adult, damage-prevention years, Sadick cites the most efficacious cosmetic products and discusses the best practices for preserving a glowing, youthful appearance. <p>For older readers looking to maintain healthy skin and reverse damage, he explains the various nonsurgical options available: from the modern day miracle of cell therapy to cosmeceuticals, fillers, and treatments for cellulite and hair loss. <p>Throughout he mentions brand-name products at every price point and treatments for every budget.User-friendly and backed by the latest science and technology, The New Natural is every adult's guide to the most advanced antiaging protocol for achieving young, vibrant skin—now and in the future.

Relationship Breakthrough: How to Create Outstanding Relationships in Every Area of Your Life

by Cloe Madanes

<p>Everyone faces the challenges of making relationships work. Whether with spouses, family members, friends, lovers, or colleagues, relationships have the power to make one feel happy, frustrated, or miserable. <p>In Relationship Breakthrough, Cloe Madanes—an expert in creating healing, empowering relationships—gives readers vital tools to transform their relationships and their lives. Madanes's cutting-edge methods produce real results and create rewarding, sustainable relationships. <p>Using simple, step-by-step exercises and drawing on the examples of clients who have benefited from this technique, Relationship Breakthrough teaches readers how to: - overcome life's inevitable losses - resolve long-standing family conflicts - synchronize their needs with those of others - create outstanding relationships in every area of their lives This is the only book that ties the guiding principles of Tony Robbins's work with Cloe Madanes's revolutionary approach to relationship therapy. <p>Our connections with the people in our lives have the capacity to bring us great joy, if only we understood the fundamental needs we all have, but sometimes express differently. Drawing on her trademark wisdom, empathy, and extensive clinical experience, Madanes shows readers how to better understand their own needs and those of others, bringing clarity and insight into any relationship.

The Power Of The Next Small Step: What's the Best that Could Happen?

by Rayya Ghul

The Power of the Next Small Step is a self-help book which grew out of Rayya Ghul's practice and training courses in Solution Focused coaching and therapy. <P><P>The book presents Solution Focused ideas in a conversational and accessible way so that anyone interested in taking control of their future can make use of them. <P>The book is designed for ordinary people with the kinds of challenges which can face all of us; difficulty dealing with co-workers, being stuck in a conflict with a teenager, losing confidence after redundancy or deep sadness at the loss of a loved one. <P>This book doesn't provide specific solutions to these problems, rather it gives you the power to generate your own route to move towards your personal goals using the skills, knowledge and resources you already have (but may have forgotten).

Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies

by Bill Hughes

Samsung Galaxy S9 For Dummies documents all the features and capabilities of this popular smartphone, approaching them from the point of view of a user who is perhaps a bit baffled by the documentation and online support that comes with the phone. All aspects of the device are covered, from setup and configuration, to extensive use of the new features and capabilities. <p><p> Whether you’re looking for approachable guidance on the basics like texting, e-mailing, and accessing the internet, or more advanced topics like downloading apps, synching with a PC, and expanding the phone’s potential with new software releases, this trusted resource covers it all.

The Christian Life and Hope: A Guide For Study And Devotion

by Alister E. McGrath

Popular author Alister E. McGrath explores the great theme of Christian hope and the way in which it transforms and sustains the Christian life in this fifth and final volume in the Heart of Christian Faith series. McGrath reflects on how the creeds give us a framework for Christian living, as well as for Christian believing. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, this book provides spiritual consideration of the difference that our belief in God makes to the way in which we think about ourselves and the world.

Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women

by Renee Engeln

An award-winning Northwestern University psychology professor reveals how the cultural obsession with women's appearance is an epidemic that harms women's ability to get ahead and to live happy, meaningful lives, in this powerful, eye-opening work in the vein of Naomi Wolf, Peggy Orenstein, and Sheryl Sandberg.Today’s young women face a bewildering set of contradictions when it comes to beauty. They don’t want to be Barbie dolls but, like generations of women before them, are told they must look like them. They’re angry about the media’s treatment of women but hungrily consume the very outlets that belittle them. They mock modern culture’s absurd beauty ideal and make videos exposing Photoshopping tricks, but feel pressured to emulate the same images they criticize by posing with a "skinny arm." They understand that what they see isn’t real but still download apps to airbrush their selfies. Yet these same young women are fierce fighters for the issues they care about. They are ready to fight back against their beauty-sick culture and create a different world for themselves, but they need a way forward.In Beauty Sick, Dr. Renee Engeln, whose TEDx talk on beauty sickness has received more than 250,000 views, reveals the shocking consequences of our obsession with girls’ appearance on their emotional and physical health and their wallets and ambitions, including depression, eating disorders, disruptions in cognitive processing, and lost money and time. Combining scientific studies with the voices of real women of all ages, she makes clear that to truly fulfill their potential, we must break free from cultural forces that feed destructive desires, attitudes, and words—from fat-shaming to denigrating commentary about other women. She provides inspiration and workable solutions to help girls and women overcome negative attitudes and embrace their whole selves, to transform their lives, claim the futures they deserve, and, ultimately, change their world.

Fortalezas Humanas 1

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P><P> En ella explora todas las fortalezas, valores o talentos que necesitamos desarrollar para disfrutar de una buena salud mental -psíquica y emocional- y para saber afrontar cualquier adversidad o desgracia que encontremos en la vida. <P>Viviremos mejor cuando hayamos aprendido a propiciar actitudes conscientemente positivas y desarrollado nuestro talento para la felicidad y el disfrute de lo cotidiano. <P> En orden alfabético, Bernabé Tierno analiza todas las virtudes personales que llenan la vida de emociones positivas y nos ayudan a alcanzar el bienestar. Una obra única para disfrutar de una vida más positiva. <P>Este primer volumen muestra la importancia de valores como la alegría, la amistad, la autoestima y la compasión.

Fortalezas Humanas 2

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P><P>En ella explora todas las fortalezas, valores o talentos que necesitamos desarrollar para disfrutar de una buena salud mental -psíquica y emocional- y para saber afrontar cualquier adversidad o desgracia que encontremos en la vida. <P>Viviremos mejor cuando hayamos aprendido a propiciar actitudes conscientemente positivas y desarrollado nuestro talento para la felicidad y el disfrute de lo cotidiano. <P>En orden alfabético, Bernabé Tierno analiza todas las virtudes personales que llenan la vida de emociones positivas y nos ayudan a alcanzar el bienestar. Una obra única para disfrutar de una vida más positiva. Este segundo volumen muestra la importancia de valores como la confianza, la creatividad, el diálogo y la disciplina.

Fortalezas Humanas 3

by Bernabé Tierno

<P>La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P>Todas las virtudes, recursos y estrategias necesarias para llevar una vida plena y positiva. Este es el tercer título de una serie de seis libros que forman la obra más completa y significativa de Bernabé Tierno. <P>El reputado psicólogo continúa su listado alfabético de valores necesarios para afrontar el día a día con actitud práctica y alegría. Son valores que nos ayudan a comprender y estimar a los demás, y que facilitan la relación madura con el entorno. <P>Tierno describe cada fortaleza y, a través de ejemplos, preguntas y consejos prácticos, explica claramente lo que representan en nuestras vidas y en nuestro comportamiento diario.

Fortalezas Humanas 4

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P><P>Todas las virtudes, recursos y estrategias necesarios para llevar una vida plena y positiva. Cuarto volumen de una serie que forman la obra más completa y significativa de Bernabé Tierno. <P>Partiendo de la psicología positiva, el reputado psicólogo sigue indagando en todos aquellos valores que contribuyen a formar nuestra personalidad y nos permiten desenvolvernos en el mundo. <P>Dispuestos en orden alfabético y explicados a través de ejemplos y consejos prácticos, estos valores nos ayudarán a aceptarnos a nosotros mismos y a comprender y estimar a los demás. Una obra original y única que ofrece respuestas directas a los problemas de la vida cotidiana. <P>Gozo intelectual - Gratitud - Heroicidad - Higiene mental- Honradez - Honestidad - Hospitalidad - Humanidad - Humildad - Humor - Ideal - Identidad - Ilusión - Imaginación - Independencia - Individualidad - Jovialidad - Justicia - Laboriosidad - Lealtad - Libertad - Madurez - Magnanimidad - Mansedumbre - Mayores

Fortalezas Humanas 5

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. Fortalezas humanas es, sin duda, la obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno. <P><P>En ella explora todas las fortalezas, valores o talentos que necesitamos desarrollar para disfrutar de una buena salud mental, psíquica y emocional y para saber afrontar cualquier adversidad o desgracia que encontremos en la vida. <P>Viviremos mejor si hemos aprendido a propiciar actitudes conscientemente positivas y desarrollado nuestro talento para la felicidad y el disfrute de lo cotidiano. En orden alfabético, Bernabé Tierno analiza todas las virtudes personales que llenan la vida de emociones positivas y nos ayudan a alcanzar el bienestar. <P>Una obra única para disfrutar de una vida más positiva. Este quinto volumen muestra la importancia de valores como la modestia, el optimismo, la prudencia y el respeto. <P>Misericordia - Modelos - Modestia - Moral - Muerte - Naturalidad - Obediencia - Optimismo - Orden - Paciencia - Paz - Piedad - Placer- Disfrute - Pobreza de espíritu - Poder - Profesión - Vocación como realización - Proyecto de sí mismo - Prudencia - Quererse a sí mismo - Razón - Relajación psicofísica y mental - Religión - Respeto - Responsabilidad - Riqueza

Student Note-Taking Guide to Accompany Managing Stress (Fifth Edition): Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being

by Brian Luke Seaward

Student Note-Taking Guide to accompany Managing Stress Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being

You Are Free Study Guide: Be Who You Already Are

by Rebekah Lyons

In this six session video Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Rebekah Lyons explores why we all want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what we were made for. Yet many of us believe that “calling” feels like something held for the exclusive few. Rebekah’s heart is to dismantle that idea, to remind each and every one of us that God has plans for something specific if we have ears to hear the still small voice of a Father that beckons. What if we pressed into finding our truest selves hidden below the surface? Rebekah has traveled the country sharing with vulnerability her own pain and struggles to hear God and follow Him. “I have prayed with hands laid for healing and deliverance on women considering suicide, experiencing trauma, fighting cancer, holding off divorce, overcoming addiction and more. These are women, battle weary and wounded saying, “I’m done with the life I’ve created. I hunger for all that God promises. I want to expect more from a passionate and relentless God. I cannot continue to operate from a place of wounding. Please set me free.” But there is risk in this journey. We cannot get ahead of ourselves and just end up with a prettier version of striving. Rebekah reminds viewers that without healing from God along the way we can be pulled back into a place of wounding and bondage. But abiding in God’s presence will bring us answers and inform and sustain our calling. Rebekah’s voice is a vulnerable, prophetic call for women to become who they’ve already been designed to be. She is answering the questions women are asking. Listen to hear how we truly run free. Designed for use with the You Are Free DVD (sold separately).

Rule of Thumb: A Guide To Marketing Yourself For Success (Rule of Thumb #3)

by Rita Rocker

In today's competitive business environment, good manners, proper speech, a dynamic appearance, professional communication and networking skills can make the difference between getting ahead and being left behind. Even in business relationships, people are judged by how they act, speak, look, and write. It takes seven seconds to capture your prospect's or audience's attention. In those first few moments, people are making judgments about your image, outlook on life, moral character, economic and educational levels, trustworthiness, social position and future success. Use this book to build a successful, personal brand, NOW!

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