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Showing 11,601 through 11,625 of 36,408 results

Speak the Truth: How to Bring God Back into Every Conversation

by Carmen Laberge

Animosity, confrontation, confusion—from cable news right down to our kids' classrooms, Christians are waking up to a world very different from the one we once knew. We are quick to blame everyone else from Hollywood to Washington, but it is not the culture's fault God is sidelined. If God is missing from the conversation, then it is because His people have failed to represent Him there. Christians have been far too silent for far too long, retreating out of fear of offending someone or the unpleasantness of stepping outside our comfort zone. When Christians have spoken up, too often it has not been in ways that honor Jesus. We have inserted our own opinion, obscuring the beauty and truth of the Gospel in favor of our political, ideological, or personal agenda. It's time for us to embrace our calling as Christ's ambassadors. To do that, we must be equipped to engage the world in ways that bring the mind of Christ to bear on the matters of the day. Carmen LaBerge's Speak the Truth seeks to give believers the confidence to speak the truth and the tools to re-engage in the culture and address the problems we are facing today by boldly—and lovingly—bringing God back into every conversation

Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible

by John Van Pay

GOD WANTS TO FINISH WHAT HE STARTED IN YOU Surrendering your life to Jesus is the greatest decision you will ever make, but that's just the starting line. Many of us begin a journey of following Jesus without a realistic expectation of the price required to finish our spiritual race. As a result, we lose heart when the road becomes difficult. In Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible, pastor and marathon runner John Van Pay offers help. Van Pay shows how the "endurance runners of the Bible" overcame obstacles on their faith journeys and how you too can finish your spiritual race through their example. By adding personal adventures, humorous mishaps, and grueling struggles from his own endurance races and life experiences, Van Pay shares in vulnerable ways how God helps when things get tough. You too can finish strong.

Foundations and Practice of Healing Touch

by Joel G. Anderson Lisa C. Anselme Laura K. Hart

<P>Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing, heart-centered, biofield (energy) therapy.<P> Gentle, intentional touch assists in balancing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. <P>This text serves as a thorough introduction to the foundations and practice of Healing Touch to students and novices, as well as a reference and starting point for additional study for practitioners and instructors.

Successful Business Plan (Fifth Edition): Secrets and Strategies

by Rhonda Abrams

A complete, step-by-step guide to researching and writing a business plan. Includes expert help, worksheets to jumpstart the process, a sample business plan, tips on impressing funders, winning tips for competitions, and more.

Smart Values - The Packers Story

by Gabrielle Pratt

Gabrielle Pratt’s new book, Smart Value - The Packers Story was written to encourage young people how to manage the funds they earn. The story traces the work experience of four Junior High School students Alan, Tevin, Ron and Sonya who pack groceries at their neighbourhood food-store. They are guided by the young store manager, Mr Ross who gives them tips on saving money using simple four letter words. Over a period of several weeks he discusses the key points for the students to practice. He also gives them a challenge to enter just in time for Christmas. “I hope the young people who take the time to read the book and go through the simple exercises at the end would cultivate money management skills that would help them in life,” declares the author. Imagine how many problems can be avoided when a person knows how to handle money responsibly. The book is available as a paperback and e-book.

Los laberintos de la mente: Comprende tus conflictos para superar lo que te limita

by Daniel Fernández

Este libro pretende guiar al lector en la ardua tarea de descubrirse, de entender el porqué de sus obstáculos, de comprender cuáles son las llaves para esas puertas que no quieren abrirse. En fin, de reconocer cuál es su verdadero laberinto y, en consecuencia, empezar a tomar conciencia de cómo atravesarlo. ¿Qué nos lleva a sentirnos imposibilitados de ser felices? Siempre habrá problemas en la vida que nos toque transitar; son parte del camino, es habitual cruzarse con ellos. Sin embargo, según el modo en que los abordemos, podrán conformar un agobiante laberinto por el que deambularemos extraviados, ignorantes de quiénes somos y de cuáles son las verdaderas causas de nuestros conflictos. O, también, podrían ser nuevos desafíos que lograremos, finalmente, sortear. Con un lenguaje sencillo y sin tecnicismos, este libro viene a revelarnos una clave: cada obstáculo con el que creemos chocar es un espejo y nos trae un enigma para resolver. La salida del laberinto dependerá de que podamos descifrarlo. Daniel Fernández, licenciado en Psicología y autor de estas páginas, recurre a su experiencia como psicoanalista y nos ilustra con casos clínicos reales muchos de esos conflictos que habitan nuestro día a día. Así, cada uno de sus lectores podrá identificarse, reconocerse en ellos y finalmente encontrar las herramientas útiles para generar valiosos cambios a nivel personal.

Modo avión: Técnicas para perder definitivamente el miedo a volar

by Claudio Plá

Claudio Plá Alem, médico psiquiatra especializado en aerofobia, imparte desde hace años cursos para que los pasajeros pierdan el miedo a volar y puedan viajar tranquilos. Este libro es una guía con ejercicios prácticos e información concreta para entender por qué los aviones son el medio de transporte más seguro en la actualidad. El miedo a volar es lógico. Los aviones asustan por su tamaño, su peso, sus ruidos y vibraciones, porque van demasiado alto, porque se meten en tormentas que los sacuden. A pesar de los innumerables avances tecnológicos del hombre, nos resulta difícil creer que esas pesadas máquinas puedan surcar el cielo. Tenemos tanto miedo a volar que ponemos excusas sin sentido con tal de no subirnos al avión. ¿Para qué ir al Caribe si podemos llegar rápidamente en micro a la playa más cercana? ¿Por qué viajar a ver un partido de fútbol si puedo hacerlo desde el sillón de casa? ¿Qué sentido tiene conocer París si en mi barrio hay lindos cafés y edificios de arquitectura francesa? La buena noticia es que el miedo a volar puede curarse. Y viajar puede volverse un placer. El vuelo es una de las conquistas humanas que más se identifican con la libertad. Subirse a un avión implica que en cuestión de horas podemos estar en Roma, Tokio, Nueva York o Río de Janeiro. Claudio Plá Alem, médico psiquiatra que imparte cursos desde hace años para que las personas pierdan el miedo a volar, comparte su método con herramientas novedosas y ejercicios prácticos que nos ayudarán a viajar tranquilos y entender por qué los aviones son el medio de transporte más seguro en la actualidad. «Claudio Plá Alem es un profundo conocedor del mundo de los aviones y de la naturaleza humana. A favor de estas erudiciones ha ido construyendo foros de ayuda para las personas que tienen miedo a volar. He conocido sus cursos y sus libros, y he comprobado no sólo su utilidad práctica sino también su interés como pieza de conocimiento. He visto cómo personas que durante años se habían negado del modo más cerril al abordaje de máquinas aéreas reconsideraban su disposición y aprendían a disfrutar del placer de los vuelos comerciales sin permitir que el miedo, la superstición, las enfermedades de la psique o el mero capricho los dejara sin conocer Roma. Ahora aparece un nuevo libro: Modo avión. Adivino desde ya su valor como ayuda terapéutica o como lectura placentera. No hay una vez que viaje yo en avión sin recordar en algún momento de la jornada los consejos, las observaciones y los datos precisos que Claudio me ha transmitido alguna vez. Como ya lo he hecho muchas veces, recomiendo asomarse a estos trabajos que acaso puedan ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra vida.»Alejandro Dolina

Wildcare: Working In Less Than Desirable Conditions And Remote Environments

by Frank Hubbell

Intended to be used as curriculum materials to obtain Wilderness First Responder Certification. It is also a good guide to wilderness medicine and extreme first aid.

Enfréntate al miedo: Caminos del guerrero para superar el temor

by Jorge Cantero

Un verdadero guerrero siempre enfrenta al miedo que no lo deja vivir en paz y de forma honorable. Así como los guerreros, nosotros debemos enfrentar con determinación y valentía las pruebas que la vida nos pone en el camino, siempre tomando en cuenta que débil es el que se rinde pero valiente es el que pelea, pese a que sabe que puede ser vencido y es vulnerable. Tener miedo es lo más normal del mundo porque no queremos perder nada de lo que nos rodea y el temor siempre pone en peligro nuestra vida cotidiana, así que atrévete a desarrollar tu carácter, a enfrentar al miedo y liberarte del temor.

Regreso al origen: Camino en la búsqueda de la paz y la felicidad

by Jorge Cantero

Jorge Cantero funge como una guía en su segundo libro Regreso al origen. Haciendo una reflexión, que más bien parece una conversación entre amigos, el autor nos lleva de la mano en la búsqueda de los principio y su trascendencia, compasión respeto, felicidad son algunos valores en los que se sumerge de manera profunda para explicarnos la importancia de volver a ellos y continuar, para así poder tener una vida equilibrada. Regresar a los básicos y reencontrar la esperanza es el mensaje que se queda en nuestro interior al concluir de leer este libro. Ser felices y vivir en paz es aquello a lo que debemos atrevernos. “Salgan y reclamen su vida”.

Bipolar Breakthrough: The Essential Guide to Going Beyond Moodswings to Harness Your Highs, Escape the Cycles of Recurrent Depression, and Thrive with Bipolar II

by Ronald R. Fieve

<p>More than 30 years ago, Ronald R. Fieve, MD, gained national recognition for his pioneering treatment of what was then known as "manic-depression." <p>Since then, he has focused on patients with mild bipolarity, also known as Bipolar II. With the right treatment, these patients can turn their illness into an asset. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Fieve presents a highly successful program that allows Bipolar II patients to harness the creativity and energy of their hypomanic "highs" while minimizing the potentially devastating "lows" of depression. <p>Now with a new foreword explaining the most up-to-date research on the bipolar spectrum, Bipolar Breakthrough includes: <br>-six stay-well strategies for anyone suffering from Bipolar II -the latest information on cutting-edge medications with fewer side effects -a special section on the complications of a bipolar diagnosis for pregnant women, children, and the elderly With results supported by thousands of patient histories, Dr. Fieve's Bipolar Breakthrough is a landmark work that will help the millions of Bipolar II sufferers live better lives.

Creating the Good Life: Applying Aristotle's Wisdom to Find Meaning and Happiness

by James O'Toole

<p>Professionals and business people in midlife are increasingly asking themselves "what's next?" in their careers and personal lives. <p>Creating the Good Life draws on the wisdom of the ages to help contemporary men and women plan for satisfying, useful, moral, and meaningful second halves of their lives.For centuries, the brightest people in Western societies have looked to Aristotle for guidance on how to lead a good life and how to create a good society. <p>Now James O'Toole--the Mortimer J. Adler Senior Fellow of the Aspen Institute--translates that classical philosophical framework into practical, comprehensible terms to help professionals and business people apply it to their own lives and work. <p>His book helps thoughtful readers address some of the profound questions they are currently struggling with in planning their futures: <br>• How do I find meaning and satisfaction? <br>• How much money do I need in order to be happy? <br> • What is the right balance between work, family, and leisure? <br>• What are my responsibilities to my community? <br>• How can I create a good society in my own company? <p>Bridging philosophy and self-help, O'Toole's book shows how happiness ultimately is attainable no matter one's level of income, if one uses Aristotle's practical exercises to ask the right questions and to discipline oneself to pursue things that are "good for us." The book is the basis for O'Toole's new "Good Life" seminar, where thoughtful men and women gather to create robust and satisfying life plans.

La felicidad en esta vida

by Papa Francisco

Una colección de homilías, discursos y "mensajes del día" que reúne la sabiduría del papa Francisco para encontrar la felicidad en el presente. Para el papa Francisco, el aprecio por nuestra vida cotidiana es un compromiso espiritual. <P><P> La alegría es un atributo divino, y crear alegría a nuestro alrededor es una parte esencial de la fe. Cada homilía y discurso de este libro, escrito en un lenguaje cálido, atractivo y accesible tanto para creyentes como para no creyentes, ofrece una lección clave que guía a los lectores a encontrar el amor y la felicidad en un mundo caótico. <P>En este libro, el papa Francisco reflexiona sobre la dignidad de la mujer y sus derechos, habla sobre cómo el amor al deporte puede sacar a relucir nuestras mejores cualidades y explica por qué luchar contra la discriminación es la esencia para amar a tu prójimo. <P> Además, comparte historias personales y anécdotas de su vida, nos da mensajes reconfortantes de esperanza y nos comparte cómo los problemas familiares pueden hacer de nosotros mejores personas.

Purposeful: Are You a Manager or a Movement Starter?

by Jennifer Dulski

Managers accept the world as it is; movement starters push the boundaries to make it more just, compassionate, and even joyful. We all need to decide: Are we managers or movement starters?Jennifer Dulski, the head of Groups at Facebook, and former president of, explains how you can turn your mission into a movement that creates change--whether you're at a startup or a political campaign, at a Fortune 500 company or a local community group, or an intern or a CEO. Anyone can spark change if they believe in the power of taking action, no matter where, or how small, they start.Dulski explains how to create a clear vision, inspire supporters, persuade decision makers, navigate criticism, and more. She pairs her own experience as a startup founder, tech executive, and social change leader with powerful stories of movement leaders from both business and activism.Our world needs movement starters more than ever. Packed with practical advice and the inspiring true stories of movement starters from all walks of life, Purposeful will empower you to start your own movement and make your mark on the world.

Unlock Your Dream: Discover the Adventure You Were Created For

by Philip Wagner

Life Can Be Hard. Dream Anyway!"God gave you a specific desire, an assignment to complete, and it's something that will be larger than you, but it's something that will fulfill you completely. He allows us to be a part of His redeeming work, bringing a lost world back into communion with Him. God has a dream for our world, for humanity, and He has a dream for you and me. We have the capacity to reach those dreams, but it's crucial that our desires lead us to the God-dream for our lives... Our greatest pursuit will be that dream." --Philip Wagner Your dreams are calling. Will you answer? We all dream. The capacity for dreaming and pursuing those dreams is a gift given to every individual. But many people cannot even begin to describe their dreams, much less figure out how to bring them to fruition in the face of frustrating obstacles, distractions, and setbacks. In Unlock Your Dream Philip Wagner will inspire you to engage in life's greatest quest: discovering and reaching God's purpose and dreams for your life. You'll be empowered, equipped, and freed to give life to your dreams and to live with joy and expectation for an adventurous future.

Disarmed: Unconventional Lessons from the World's Only One-Armed Special Forces Sharpshooter

by Izzy Ezagui

The inspiring story of a young American who volunteered to fight in the Israel Defense Forces, lost his arm in combat, and then returned to the battlefield.Combining refreshing candor with self-deprecating wit, this inspiring memoir will encourage readers to live up to their aspirations despite seemingly impossible odds.On January 8, 2009, Izzy Ezagui--an American who had enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at nineteen--lost his arm in a mortar attack on the border of the Gaza Strip. In this stirring and wryly humorous memoir, Izzy recounts his tortuous trek through rehabilitation to re-enlistment as a squad commander in the IDF. He became the world's only one-armed Special Forces sharpshooter.This isn't a typical war chronicle, full of macho bluster and the usual hero tropes. Izzy wrote this book with his fellow millennials in mind--not necessarily those with military ambitions, but everyone facing life's daily battles. His message is universal: if a self-described "nerd" and "one-armed basket case" like him can accomplish what he set his mind to, then anyone can become a hero in his or her own life.Growing up in a religious household in Miami, Izzy's early life was plagued by self-doubt, family drama, and (far too few) girl troubles. His search for direction eventually led him to that explosion on the Gaza border, changing his life forever.In the midst of disaster, Izzy discovered a deep well at his core, from which he could draw strength. Through his motivational speeches across the world, and now through this book, he encourages people to seek their own power, and to face whatever adversity life throws at them.

The Missing Piece: Finding the Better Part of Me: A Love Journey

by Rob Hill Sr. Jas Waters

For anyone who has suffered pain, disappointment, or a broken heart, entrepreneur and motivational speaker Rob Hill, Sr. shares the transformational personal story of his struggles and the invaluable lessons those difficult challenges have taught him about looking within to find the power to heal and live a purposeful life.Often the greatest opponent we face in the game of life is ourselves. We spend hours, days, and years searching for answers to the questions of our hearts. But the answer is there. Our full awareness of self, our understanding of purpose, and our appreciation for the power of love are the missing pieces needed to heal the pain so many us feel. It was the answer to the pain I felt. These inspirational nuggets of wisdom are just a few of the priceless life lessons that have struck a chord with hundreds of thousands of people and earned Rob Hill Sr. the title, “heart healer.” Ever since Hill made the courageous decision to dedicate his life to helping others, his own painful coming-of-age experiences—homelessness, a damaged relationship with his father, hours spent contemplating suicide—have served as the basis for his positive message of healing and transformation. Whether you struggle with fostering healthy relationships, finding love, believing in yourself, overcoming the obstacles life tosses in your way, or any other number of conflicting human experiences, Hill’s perceptive, penetrating yet compassionate words will help you find your way. The Missing Piece is the captivating story of the man behind the powerful, uplifting message, part memoir and part roadmap to deep personal contentment and success.

The Attachment Effect: Exploring the Powerful Ways Our Earliest Bond Shapes Our Relationships and Lives

by Peter Lovenheim

"Every reader will find this book about attachment enlightening."--Dr. Sue Johnson, author of Hold Me Tight"Does a magnificent job of revealing how attachment manifests at the workplace, in friendships, religion, and even politics.” --Amir Levine, M.D., author of AttachedA revealing look at attachment theory, uncovering how our early childhood experiences create a blueprint for all our relationships to come Attachment theory is having a moment. It’s the subject of much-shared articles and popular relationship guides. Why is this fifty-year-old theory, widely accepted in psychological circles, suddenly in vogue? Because people are discovering how powerfully it sheds light on who we love--and how. Fascinated by the subject, award-winning journalist and author Peter Lovenheim embarked on a journey to understand it from the inside out. Interviewing researchers, professors, counselors, and other experts, as well as individuals and couples whose attachment stories illuminate and embody the theory's key concepts. The result is this engaging and revealing book, which is part journalism, part memoir, part psychological guide--and a fascinating read for anyone who wants to better understand the needs and dynamics that drive the complex relationships in their lives.Topics include: * What it means to be securely and insecurely attached * How our early childhood experiences create a blueprint for future relationships--and how to use those insights to gain self-awareness and growth * Why anxious and avoidant attachment types tend to attract each other, and how to break the negative cycle * How anyone can work to become "earned secure" regardless of their upbringing and past relationships.

Infinite Possibility: How to Use the Ideas of Neville Goddard to Create the Life You Want

by Katherine Jegede

An immensely practical, hands-on journey through the techniques of the most radical mystical figure of the last century, Neville Goddard, who taught that your mind is God. This fresh take from a powerful new voice appeals to the growing audience around Neville."According to Neville, there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate. Not a 'good' source and a separate 'evil' one, but one universal source bending in obedience to the creative will of men and women everywhere. The how remains a mystery; but this eternal fact is nonetheless true. As soon as I was able to feel and accept this to be true, I was free." --Katherine JegedeGrowing up in London, Katherine Jegede was always searching for a philosophy to make sense of life. When she found the mind-as-creator philosophy of Neville Goddard, she thought she had found it. Falling victim to a terrible crime, however, caused Jegede to rethink everything she thought she knew. Rather than abandoning Neville's ideas, however, she discovered within them a new source of strength and fortitude. She not only rebounded from her crisis, but also used Neville's creative-mind principles to become a television presenter, something she had never before imagined possible.In this primer and introduction to Neville's methods, Jegede powerfully guides the reader through his techniques--and explains how to apply them, now, in your life.

The Archetype Diet: Reclaim Your Self-Worth and Change the Shape of Your Body

by Dana James Mark Hyman

Discover your unique female archetype to combat emotional eating, lose weight, and become your happiest, healthiest you. In working with thousands of women who wanted to lose weight and change the shape of their bodies, leading nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner Dana James observed a striking trend: no matter how diligent they were in sticking to their diet and exercise plans, old behavioral patterns and self-doubt sabotaged their efforts. In The Archetype Diet, James helps readers escape the seemingly endless psychological tug-of-war that is hampering their ability to care for themselves and explains which hormones cause you to store body fat on your belly, thighs and hips, and what to eat to change it. A revolutionary, holistic approach to weight loss, this book guides in readers in discovering which of four archetypes they embody: · The Nurturer is always there to care for others. She is kind and compassionate, but this can come at the expense of her own self-care. · The Wonder Woman bases her self-worth on her accomplishments. She is ambitious and driven, but her work often takes precendent over her diet.· The Femme Fatale is sensual, strong, and alluring but can become obsessed with her looks to the point that she develops an unhealthy relationship with food. · The Ethereal is spiritual and intuitive, but highly sensitive to her environment so she tends to eat to numb her reactions to the world. By becoming attuned to your archetype, James shows how you can alter your diet to help feed your unique body chemistry while simultaneously examining how your sense of self-worth shapes your behaviors—including what you eat—in ways that may be working against your goals. Offering recipes, a ten-day meal plan, and a step-by-step psychological intervention, The Archetype Diet will put you on the path to becoming leaner, stronger, and more attuned to your feminine fire and energy.

Zen in the Age of Anxiety: Wisdom for Navigating Our Modern Lives

by Tim Burkett Wanda Isle

Zen wisdom for identifying the causes of mental and emotional anxiety epidemic in today's world and for finding the path to a peaceful heart in the midst of them--a path that leads directly though the center of the anxiety we're trying to escape.Wrestling with fear doesn’t have to be a negative experience. This book offers an approach to life that unlocks a new way of thinking and being in the world, one that leads directly through the center of the anxieties we seek to avoid.Written in the style of an owner’s manual, a guide to being human, Burkett focuses on areas of pain and anxiety as they tend to manifest for modern people: feelings of unworthiness, and issues surrounding sex, money, failure, and even death. Providing wisdom from Zen (channeled through his many experiences as a psychotherapist) and using language and metaphors from popular culture, he takes anxiety and teaches us to turn those fears into the building blocks of a fulfilling life.

Changeable: How Collaborative Problem Solving Changes Lives at Home, at School, and at Work

by J. Stuart Ablon

A bold new way to help anyone change Why is it so hard to change problem behavior—in our kids, our colleagues, and even ourselves? Conventional methods often backfire, creating a downward spiral of resentment and frustration, and a missed opportunity for growth. What if the thinking behind these old methods is wrong? What if people don’t misbehave because they want to, but because they lack the skills to do better? Or as renowned psychologist J. Stuart Ablon asks, what if changing problem behavior is a matter of skill, not will? Based on more than twenty-five years of clinical work with juvenile offenders as well training parents, teachers, counselors and law enforcement, and supported by research in neuroscience, Changeable presents a radical new way of thinking about challenging and unwanted behavior -- Collaborative Problem Solving -- that builds empathy, helps others reach their full potential, and most of all really works. With illuminating scientific evidence, remarkable success stories, and actionable insights, Changeable gives parents, teachers, CEOs and anyone interested in learning about why we behave the way we do a roadmap for helping people grow. *Includes a Bonus PDF with charts and graphs.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love

by Amy Newmark

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love will warm the heart and lift the spirit of any reader who is looking for, or has found, the miracle of love. Stories of dating, romance, love and marriage, with all their ups and downs, will encourage, inspire and amuse readers.Everyone loves a good love story. And we all enjoy stories about how the love started and blossomed. This fun new book about dating, romance, love, and marriage will make you laugh and make you cry, and is guaranteed to inspire you to renew that search for your soul mate or open your heart a little more to the one you already have. It’s never too late for love at any age. Read about how couples met, when "they knew," proposals, maintaining the relationship, second chances, and all the other facets of the miracle that is love.

Get a Life That Doesn't Suck: 10 Surefire Ways to Live Life and Love the Ride

by Michelle Deangelis

<p>Life can really suck. But it doesn't have to. With the help of esteemed consultant and coach Michelle DeAngelis, life can really rock. <p>DeAngelis serves up a combination of street-smart wisdom and cheerful irreverence as she shows readers how to enjoy the "ride of their lives," regardless of the roadblocks or potholes along the way. <p>By providing the specific mechanics to joy, DeAngelis shows that joy is a repeatable by-product of living one's life in integrity and of making conscious choices every day that kick misery, worry, and guilt to the curb. <p>She explains how most people are not naturally equipped to deal with life's challenges and then introduces foundational tools and effective techniques to take readers from crappy to happy. <p>She starts with a Joy Quotient Quiz that gives readers their "JQ" score and identifies their "Gap"--the measurable difference between what people think and what they do--which is where life sucks. <p>She then teaches a four-step, fast-acting process that provides "suck relief" to solve everyday problems. The centerpiece of the work is DeAngelis's 10 Life-Changing Ahas. <p>From the title to the very last line, Get a Life That Doesn't Suck is not your everyday self-help book. <p>Through humor and real-life examples, DeAngelis explains how readers can reduce their stress, improve their outlook, and get rid of whatever is holding them back. She provides the formula for readers to make joy real and accessible so that the journey from "life sucks" to "life rocks" is worth the trip.

El amor en tiempos de Tinder

by Lola Pazos

Manual urgente para triunfar en redes de contacto. Doscientos años después del fallecimiento de Jane Austen, la autora de Orgullo y Prejuicio regresa al siglo XXI para retomar el tema del amor entre hombres y mujeres, uno de los asuntos recurrentes de su obra. <P><P>Para su sorpresa, esta británica universal observa cómo, lejos de lo que ocurría en su siglo XIX, las parejas se conocen ahora gracias a una nueva herramienta, Tinder. <P>A través de los personajes de sus novelas y emails que va recibiendo de perfiles en Internet, Austen ofrecerá su particular visión sobre las redes de contacto. Todo para desentrañar la gran complejidad de la naturaleza y sentimientos humanos. El amor en tiempos de Tinder se convierte en un manual imprescindible de nuestro tiempo para quienes quieran seducir a través de las nuevas aplicaciones.

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