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Leaving Ordinary: Encounter God Through Extraordinary Prayer (InScribed Collection)

by Donna Gaines

The deepest longing of the human heart is to know and be known by God. God longs for an intimate relationship with us as well. But how do we develop that kind of relationship with a holy God? It is one thing to long for such a relationship, but quite another to experience intimacy with Him. In Leaving Ordinary, Donna Gaines shares from her personal experience how prayer can become the channel that links the believer's heart to the heart of God.God gave the pattern of the tabernacle to the Israelites. It was a temporary and portable dwelling for His glory. Through it God taught them how to approach and worship Him before He led them to their reward--the promised land. Using the tabernacle and its articles as a guide, Donna teaches readers how to interact with God in that secret place of true intimacy that leads to worship. Your ordinary daily practice of prayer can become an extraordinary encounter with the living Lord. Leaving Ordinary is essential reading for anyone who desires to enter into and experience the reality of God's presence.As you read, you will:Explore the tabernacle and discover how it can be a guide for prayer today.Learn how to gain a stronger, more intimate relationship with God.Develop your own personal prayer testimony as you experience His presence.

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance

by Edwene Gaines

The solution to financial problems lies within, Gaines insists, and here she shows readers how to raise their abundance consciousness and free themselves from a life of deprivation and want.

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance

by Edwene Gaines

An empowering message about the true meaning of prosperity-to help anyone achieve a life of material and spiritual abundanceImagine if you could achieve a life of true prosperity, enjoying:o a vitally alive, healthy body through which you experience relationships that are always satisfying and intimate, honest, and nurturingo work you love so much that it's not work-it's playo all the money you can spendLiving at this exceptional level is not only possible-it's right there for you, Edwene Gaines explains, if only you abide by the four spiritual laws of prosperity. Gaines, an ordained Unity minister, has been delivering her inspirational, life-changing message to audiences of all faiths at workshops across the country. Now she brings her powerful words to readers of this, her first book. Explaining the four spiritual laws, she shows why it is essential to:o tithe to the person or place where you have received your spiritual nourishmento set clear-cut, tangible goalso forgive everyone all the time, especially yourselfo seek, discover, and follow your divine purpose-which will help you to assign significance to your life and bring a passion to all that you doThe solution to financial problems lies within, Gaines insists, and here she shows readers how to raise their abundance consciousness and free themselves from a life of deprivation and want.

The Stories We Tell: Every Piece of Your Story Matters

by Joanna Gaines

"Readers will be inspired by Gaines' desire to find strength in self-discovery." —Publishers WeeklyJoanna Gaines invites us on an authentic and vulnerable journey into her story, a story of doubt and belief, shame and acceptance; a journey from insecurity to self-discovery, and finding truth on the other side of lies.Star of Fixer Upper and New York Times bestselling author, Joanna grew up in a multiracial family, the product of a unique and beautiful love story between her Korean mother and her American father. Experiencing regular teasing as a child because of what made her different, it wasn&’t until later in life that she started to see those differences as the most beautiful part of her story.From stories that brought shame and her soul&’s deepest insecurities to the page to stories about healing and hope and having just a little bit more fun, join Joanna as she journeys through the years of becoming a wife, mother of five, and business owner—looking back to mend what&’s broken and gain clarity in places that are cloudy so she can look forward with grateful and certain eyes, believing that every chapter has its purpose. The Stories We Tell reminds us that every piece of our story matters to who we are today and who we&’ll become tomorrow."This book is not an autobiography. I still have too much to learn and discover about myself, and I feel as though I am only halfway there. This book also is not a how-to, because I certainly don&’t have all the answers. What I hope this book is for you is an invitation to come as you are. To join me, with a vulnerable and open heart, as we connect the chapters of our life stories, and figure out where we go next, learning to move forward from within.The only way to break free was to rewrite my story. Because something would happen every time my pen stopped: it was like my soul was coming back to my body. Like the deepest parts of me that got knocked around and drowned out by all the crap I let the world convince me about who I was came back to the surface. And what was left was only what was real and true. I was, finally, standing in the fullness of my story. I felt hopeful. I felt full. Our story may crack us open, but it also pieces us back together. I&’m grateful to have found truth on the other side of lies. Vulnerability on the other side of fear. Empathy on the other side of pain. This is how I know that every season has a purpose, and that holding, even when it leads to letting go, is what clues us into the bigger story being told."—Joanna Gaines

The Philosopher's Dog: Friendships with Animals

by Raimond Gaita

The philosopher Raimond Gaita has always been fascinated by animals– their obvious intelligence and disturbing brutality, their uncanny responsiveness to our moods and needs, the deep feelings they elicit from us and seem to return. In this marvelous, luminous book, Gaita trains the lens of philosophy on the mystery and beauty of the animals he has known and loved best. The Philosopher’s Dogis one of those rare works that engage the heart from the very first paragraph and haunt the mind long after one has finished reading. What does Gaita’s dog, Gypsy, think about while she sits on her mat gazing out to sea for hours on end? Why did the irascible cockatoo Jack greet Gaita’s father with kisses each morning but bite everyone else? How can we acknowledge that animals are sentient and yet deny that they have consciousness? Is it possible to love animals and still eat meat? In contemplating questions like these, Gaita weaves together personal stories–inspiring, sometimes heartbreaking accounts about the animals he and his family members have sheltered–with the reflections and analysis of a professional philosopher. A graceful, engaging stylist, Gaita is perfectly lucid as he grapples with great thinkers through the ages–from Socrates to Wittgenstein, Descartes to Hannah Arendt. And yet, as important as formal philosophy has been to him, Gaita frankly acknowledges that he has learned much about the nature of life from Gypsy and Jack and his courageously arrogant cat Tosca. In the end, he argues that love should be the essence of our bond with animals, the critical factor that guides how we treat them and think about their place in our world. In pondering the meaning and morality of his relationships with animals, and with the natural world more generally, Raimond Gaita has created a surprising masterpiece, a book of startling insights, spellbinding stories, meticulous observations, and wise reflection. At once engrossing and thought-provoking,The Philosopher’s Dog is a supremely enjoyable book. From the Hardcover edition.

Quiérete mucho: Guía sencilla y eficaz para aumentar la autoestima

by Raimon Gaja

Quiérete mucho nos da claves para evaluar nuestro nivel de autoestima. A menudo mantenemos actitudes negativas y generamos pensamientos llenos de desespero que nos desmotivan, nos impiden alcanzar nuestros objetivos y nos hacen sentir desgraciados o culpables. Una baja autoestima impide llevar una vida psicológicamente saludable. Partiendo de la premisa que entender la causa de este problema es el punto de partida para empezar a solucionarlo, Quiérete mucho nos muestra caminos alternativos que nos ayudan a cambiar este patrón negativo y desprendernos de los obstáculos que nos impiden desarrollar todo nuestro potencial. Raimon Gaja trata el tema de la autoestima con el rigor y la importancia que se merece, sin reducirla a un simple aspecto secundario. A través de varios cuestionarios, Quiérete mucho nos da claves para evaluar nuestro nivel de autoestima y saber qué tipo de pensamiento distorsionado tenemos. Y también a comprobar si vamos evolucionando.

Vivir en pareja: Tecnicas sencillas pero eficaces para una convivencia feliz (Psicologia Y Autoayu Ser.)

by Raimon Gaja

Aprende a vivir en pareja: técnicas sencillas pero eficaces para una convivencia feliz Para la gran mayoría de personas vivir en pareja constituye uno de los pasos más decisivos que han de dar en sus vidas. Lamentablemente, la ilusión y el amor no son suficientes: llegamos a la pareja sin la experiencia necesaria para construir una relación satisfactoria y duradera. Este libro enseña a adquirir una serie de habilidades imprescindibles, como la de establecer una comunicación fluida o la de enfocar correctamente el planteamiento y resolución de problemas, para que la relación en pareja, que no es fácil, nos proporcione una excelente oportunidad de enriquecernos emocionalmente.

No son perfectas, son felices: De la autocrítica a la aceptación

by Raimon Gaja María José Mateo

Cómo mejorar tu autoimagen desde dentro. Muchas personas, sin padecer un defecto físico grave, no se sienten a gusto con su propio cuerpo, y ven el medio más razonable de terminar con su malestar en opciones tramposamente obvias: dietas, tratamientos cosméticos, gimnasios, peluquerías o centros clínicos de cirugía estética. El presente libro analiza de manera profunda este fenómeno y expone claramente cómo para sentirse bien con uno mismo es fundamental mejorar la autoestima desde un punto de vista psicológico y emocional. Al proporcionarnos herramientas para cambiar nuestra imagen interior, lograremos algo que los muchos recursos comerciales jamás lograrán: que nos sintamos bien en nuestra piel.

Volver a empezar: Lograr una buena convivencia en las familias reconstituidas es posible

by Raimon Gaja Marina Muñoz

Hombres y mujeres que desmienten el mito del padrastro y la madrastra malos... La visión habitual que se tiene de la madrastra o el padrastro está muy arraigada en el inconsciente colectivo y generalmente tiene connotaciones negativas. Sin embargo, esta figura es más importante de lo que se tiende a creer, y en las configuraciones sociales actuales es preciso que muchos mitos asociados a ella sean destruidos de una vez por todas. Este libro hace hincapié en este aspecto y presenta un discurso innovador. En él, el padrastro o la madrastra pasa a ser un personaje principal, y a influir positivamente tanto en su pareja como en los hijos de esta, aprendiendo a encontrar un lugar de respeto y seguridad sin sustituir al progenitor.

¡Adelante!: Cómo ser emprendedora y autosuficiente para alcanzar una vida rica y realizada

by Nely Galán Suze Orman

Una revolución mundial del espíritu emprendedor está en marcha. Para Nely Galán --empresaria, productora de TV y magnate de bienes raíces-- ayudar a mujeres a volverse emprendedoras y autosuficientes es una misión. ¿Y qué es ser una mujer rica y exitosa? Significa ser rica en todos los sentidos: rica en dinero, rica en familia, rica en amor, rica en tiempo: ¡es abundancia! Galán lo dice todo de frente, sin tapujos, compartiendo valiosos consejos francos y sensatos como: * "El Príncipe Azul no existe": Ningún marido te va a rescatar, tu jefe no es tu héroe. Primero, ¡elígete tú! * "Piensa como inmigrante": Ahorra, ahorra y luego, ahorra todavía más. No gastes dinero que no tienes, mantén tus metas a la vista para gastar dentro de tus límites. * "No compres zapatos, compra propiedades": Olvídate de la gratificación inmediata. Prueba con una orientación por metas. Sueña en grande, rompe el cascarón y descubre una idea ambiciosa, adopta una visión para tu vida. * "El poder no te lo entregan en bandeja de plata, tienes que tomarlo": Escucha tu voz interior pero mantén la mente abierta para escuchar un buen consejo. Desafíate tú misma e identifica mentores. ¡Adelante! también presenta inspiradoras historias de mujeres exitosas, ejercicios para identificar tus metas y tus fortalezas, así como consejos prácticos y pequeños trucos para ahorrar dinero, hacer dinero y encontrar "dineros escondidos" que puedan contribuir a poner en acción tus sueños de trabajar por cuenta propia. Así que únete al movimiento ¡Adelante! La revolución empieza dentro de ti. "Un libro sabio y muy necesario que enseña a las mujeres a no temerle al dinero sino a verlo como una forma hacer realidad sus sueños".--Sandra Cisneros "Sé de primera mano que Nely Galán es una máxima empresaria y tu mejor amiga. La generosidad de su espíritu salta de las páginas de este libro".--Nell Merlino, fundadora de Count Me In for Women's Economic Independence, una organización para mujeres empresarias "¡Adelante! enseña a las mujeres a liberar su pasión y lanzarse a tomar acción para alcanzar su éxito. Nely inspira a sus lectoras a usar lo que tienen para conseguir lo que quieren".--Tory Johnson, autora de The Shift, bestseller #1 del New York Times "Tú no estarás completa hasta que te sientes realizada en todo aspecto de tu vida y tu dinero. Y eso es lo que más va a impactar el futuro de tus hijos".--Maria Elena Lagomasino, presidenta de WE Family Offices y miembra de la junta directiva de Walt Disney, Coca-Cola y AvonFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Sparen macht glücklich: Wer nicht spart, wann er kann, kann kein Geld ausgeben, wenn er das möchte.

by Tomas Pulido Galan

In seinem Buch "Sparen macht glücklich" ("Ahorra y sé feliz") gibt Tomás Pulido Galán, ein erfolgreicher Autor von Ratgebern, dem Leser 350 Tipps, wie man Geld sparen kann. Es zeigt die unterschiedlichsten Sparmöglichkeiten in vielen Bereichen auf: im Haushalt, bei Fahrzeugen, bei Banken und Versicherungen, bei Immobilien, in der Freizeit etc. Auch zusätzliche Verdienstmöglichkeiten wie z.B. Nebenjobs finden Erwähnung. Sein Buch über das Sparen ist bei in Spanien und Lateinamerika ein Bestseller.

Parenting Anxious Kids: Understanding Anxiety in Children by Age and Stage

by Regine Galanti

The complete CBT-based guide for parenting kids with anxietyDo you suspect your child may have anxiety? While it's normal for children of all ages to experience fears and worries, if your child's anxiety interferes with their daily life, it's time to get some help. Parenting Anxious Kids is an accessible, research-based guide for parents that is filled with actionable steps to help your child conquer their anxiety—and a must-have parenting tool in a world where kids' anxieties and fears are increasing.Utilizing clinically proven cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, Parenting Anxious Kids provides parents with the tools they need to support their children without asking them to become their kids' therapist. Author and clinical psychologist Regine Galanti guides parents to help their children grow into resilient, independent, and healthy adults. This book includes:A guide to childhood anxiety based on developmental stagesAssessments to help parents differentiate unhealthy and problematic anxiety from normal, transitional anxietyCBT skills related to parenting styles that foster brave, well-adapted childrenGuidance on how parents can support brave behavior as early as toddlerhood, including how to model positive approaches to anxietyAnd more!Anxiety in children is manageable —the most important thing is to get started right away so your child doesn't miss out on relationships, activities, and all the things that make being a kid fun! Parenting Anxious Kids is the perfect resource to help your child become their best self and learn how to manage anything life throws their way.

A New You

by Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

When you're looking for hope and inspiration. . . look around you! "God's love is everywhere," say Catherine Galasso-Vigorito, author of the nationally syndicated column, "A New You. " "We simply have to look at life with new eyes in order to see it. " With Catherine's guidance, we are able to recognize the overwhelming signs that God and goodness are all around us. Catherine's themes not only support and encourage#151;they also strengthen our belief in God and in ourselves. InA New You, Catherine blends her own faith-filled vision with the voices of her readers, whose letters and testimonials confirm their awareness of the Lord's presence in their lives. You, too, may wish to write to Catherine once you've read her inspiring columns. They will make you think, make you feel, and even help you to believe. Her soothing words of inspiration come at exactly the right time for a world deeply in need of faith, hope, and reassurance.

Cat Daddy: What the World's Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me About Life, Love, and Coming Clean

by Jackson Galaxy

"Mr. Galaxy--shaved head, arms full of tattoos--seems physically at odds with his gentle voice and gentle approach to animals. . . . But though he may be dealing with humans who have been terrorized and even bloodied by their out-of-control pets, he's a model of consistency. The cats, not the people, are his No. 1 priority. "--The New York Times "Galaxy is not your average animal behaviorist. He speaks Cat. And cats listen. He works miracles in saving death-row cats in shelters by helping them get over their fears and increase their self-esteem, and coaching them to 'work it' with potential adopters. "--mousebreath. com "He's the kind of magic man who can lull a shelter's roomful of ferocious felines to sleep. "--Yahoo! "Each of us sheds light on our subject from our own particular point of view. Fortunately for us all Jackson Galaxy's light is very bright. His success at resolving behavioral difficulties in cats stems from his ability to slide his mind into the cat's point of view and proceed from there. His insights into both human and cat behavior are right on. "--Anitra Frazier, author of The Natural Cat Cat behaviorist and star of Animal Planet's hit television showMy Cat from Hell,Jackson Galaxy, a. k. a. "Cat Daddy," isn't what you might expect for a cat expert (asTheNew York Timesnoted, with his goatee and tattoos he "looks like a Hells Angel"). Yet Galaxy's ability to connect with even the most troubled felines--not to mention the stressed-out humans living in their wake--is awe-inspiring. In this book, Galaxy tells the poignant story of his thirteen-year relationship with a petite gray-and-white short-haired cat named Benny, and gives singular advice for living with, caring for, and loving the feline in your home. When Benny arrived in his life, Galaxy was a down-and-out rock musician with not too much more going on than a part-time job at an animal shelter and a drug problem. Benny's previous owner brought the cat to the shelter in a cardboard box to give him up. Benny had seen better days--his pelvis had just been shattered by the wheels of a car--and his owner insisted he'd been "unbondable" from day one. Nothing could have been further from the truth. An inspiring account of two broken beings who fixed each other,Cat Daddyis laced throughout with Galaxy's amazing "Cat Mojo" advice for understanding what cats need most from us humans in order to live happier, healthier lives.

Strong Women Lift Each Other Up

by Molly Galbraith

&“Molly Galbraith is collaborative, uplifting, and relentlessly authentic.&” -- Melissa Urban, Whole30 CEO, New York Times bestselling author As women, many of us have false beliefs about who we are and what we must do to succeed, and these beliefs pit us against other women—holding us back from strength, success, empowerment, connection, and making the kind of difference we&’re here to make.It&’s time for a change.Strong Women Lift Each Other Up is an evidence-based, actionable guide to creating a better life for yourself and a better world with more opportunity for women and girls.If you&’ve ever . . .struggled with jealousy or comparing your life or body to other womenwanted to support or believe in women, but felt like they&’re catty or tearing you downfelt like you&’re competing with other women for opportunities that are scarceor felt like you were made for more than the life you&’re living now. . . this book is for you.Women are ready to stop the vicious cycle of criticizing, judging, gossiping, and comparing themselves. We want to feel good in our own skin and know we&’re enough, just as we are. By the end of this book, you won&’t walk into a room and size up other women. You&’ll walk in feeling like you don&’t have to compare yourself at all. You&’ll radiate confidence from the inside out.You&’ll chase your dreams without worrying what others think.You&’ll lift other women up because you&’ll know there&’s enough success to go around.You&’ll live a life filled with meaning and purpose.And you&’ll know exactly who you are and be damn proud of it.Change starts now. With this book—and with you.

You're Not That Great: (but neither is anyone else)

by Elan Gale

I am addicted to positivity. I am addicted to positivity. I am addicted to positivity.I care more about feeling great than being great.I am NOT THAT GREAT.The self-help industry tells you that if you're positive, if you put your best foot forward and if you just believe in yourself that you will find happiness. Let's be real, you can read all the inspirational quotes you want. You can spend your days giving yourself affirmations in your heart-shaped mirror and trying to learn to love yourself. You can say your mantra over and over again while sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat in a Whole Foods parking lot. But the truth is, you're not a badass and you still don't have the life you want. That's where You're Not That Great (but neither is anyone else) comes in. This book teaches you how to harness all the negativity in the world and use it to improve your life, taking everyday feelings like self-loathing, regret and shame and making them work for you. Positive thinking is for assholes. Negative thinking is for winners.

The Mind Monster Solution: How to overcome self-sabotage and reclaim your life

by Hazel Gale

This paperback edition was formerly published in hardback under the title Fight.'Life-changing. One of the best books I've ever read!' - Dr Michelle Braude, author of The Food Effect Diet'Incredibly well-researched, practical and relatable. Clearly written by a true professional expert as well as an expert by experience. An excellent resource not only for those who want to address challenges and self-limiting patterns such as self-sabotage but also gain a comprehensive understanding of why they occur. Highly recommend.' - Shahroo Izadi, author of best-selling The Kindness MethodWhenever elite fighter Hazel Gale entered the ring, she felt fear. Not just the rational fear of being knocked out. But something deeper as well. The fear that she didn't deserve success, and that she would let everyone - especially herself - down. While others saw a confident world champion athlete, Hazel was plagued by anxiety, self-doubt and depression. It was these things - the monsters of her mind - that she felt were her most dangerous opponents, and she waged a war. It was that hard-fought internal battle that ultimately led her to burn out.Now a sought-after London therapist, Hazel has created a revolutionary system for overcoming fear, underperformance and self-sabotage. In The Mind Monster Solution, she uses personal anecdotes, practical exercises and innovative therapeutic tools to help you create a balanced life, rich with meaning, confidence and positivity. Written with humility and humour, this book will help you emerge victorious from your own battles, whatever they may be.

The Mind Monster Solution: How to overcome self-sabotage and reclaim your life

by Hazel Gale

This audiobook was formerly published under the title Fight.'Life-changing. One of the best books I've ever read!' - Dr Michelle Braude, author of The Food Effect DietWhenever elite fighter Hazel Gale entered the ring, she felt fear. Not just the rational fear of being knocked out. But something deeper as well. The fear that she didn't deserve success, and that she would let everyone - especially herself - down. While others saw a confident world champion athlete, Hazel was plagued by anxiety, self-doubt and depression. It was these things - the monsters of her mind - that she felt were her most dangerous opponents, and she waged a war. It was that hard-fought internal battle that ultimately led her to burn out.Now a sought-after London therapist, Hazel has created a revolutionary system for overcoming fear, underperformance and self-sabotage. In The Mind Monster Solution, she uses personal anecdotes, practical exercises and innovative therapeutic tools to help you create a balanced life, rich with meaning, confidence and positivity. Written with humility and humour, this audiobook will help you emerge victorious from your own battles, whatever they may be. The audiobook, read by author Hazel Gale, contains four additional guided meditations. (P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Discover What You're Best At

by Linda Gale

Take the test -- and find the right career for you. Join the ranks of the more than half-million people who have discovered their true talents and made successful career choices with Discover What You're Best At. Now this bestselling career guide has been revised for the twenty-first century, including valuable new information on the skills in demand in electronic communications, medical technology, and other high-tech fields. The book's unique National Career Aptitude System enables you to identify not only your interests but also your innate talents and potential skills, and then to match your career strengths to dozens of the more than 1,100 jobs described in detail. Discover What You're Best At enables you to set realistic and rewarding career goals based on your abilities. It gives you the edge you need to take on the job market and succeed in your chosen career. Discover What You're Best At will help you: SAVE MONEY -- possibly thousands of dollars -- by heading you in the proper career direction before you choose a school or a course of study SAVE TIME -- by allowing you to tailor your curriculum to your career objectives, without resorting to trial-and-error course samplings SET REALISTIC GOALS -- why be an office administrator when your interpersonal skills make you a natural for sales? LEARN ABOUT NEW AREAS -- with more than 1,100 career possibilities listed and described in detail, you could easily discover that you have an interest in and aptitude for an exciting position you never knew existed. Discover What You're Best At could put you well on your way to success. It's the only career resource you'll ever need.

Your Network Is Your Net Worth

by Porter Gale Guy Kawaski

An internationally known public speaker, entrepreneur, and marketing executive shares practical, up-to-date tips for mastering the skills of networking.Networking doesn't have to be that frenzied old-school game with over-scheduled calendars full of power lunches and sterile evenings at community business gatherings. We've entered a new era where shifting cultural values and improved digital technology enable us to network in vastly improved, more focused, and more enjoyable ways. A new take on How to Win Friends and Influence People, Your Network Is Your Net Worth is an entertaining, straightforward guide filled with revealing case studies, practical tips, and original strategies for building your network. Using digital tools, this book teaches you how to harness social media to connect with your true passions. Author Porter Gale also outlines how to navigate many offline interactions, such as communicating in interviews or day-to-day conversations and working a party in order to connect with others who share your interests. Stories, illustrations, quizzes, checklists, and exercises will help you pinpoint your skills and interests and leverage them into not only building a bigger network, but finding the right career and life path. When you focus on your passions and reorganize your networking around your true beliefs, you will discover the kind of lasting relationships, personal transformation, and, ultimately, tangible wealth that are the foundation for happiness and success. With a message both timely and important, Your Network Is Your Net Worth is an up-to-date, anecdotal book that will help you transition into an emotionally and financially rewarding career.

The Prayer of Jehoshaphat: Seeing Beyond Life's Storms

by Stanley D. Gale

The Prayer of Jehoshaphat develops King Jehoshaphat's prayer in 2 Chronicles 20 to give us focus, stability, strength, courage and direction in times of great distress. In the overwhelming circumstances that enter our lives, it directs us to take hold of the hand of our God who leads us from the point of crisis to gather up His blessings for us deposited by the storm.

The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't

by Julia Galef

A better way to combat knee-jerk biases and make smarter decisions, from Julia Galef, the acclaimed expert on rational decision-making.When it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a "soldier" mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalizing in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe--and shoot down those we don't. But if we want to get things right more often, argues Galef, we should train ourselves to have a "scout" mindset. Unlike the soldier, a scout's goal isn't to defend one side over the other. It's to go out, survey the territory, and come back with as accurate a map as possible. Regardless of what they hope to be the case, above all, the scout wants to know what's actually true.In The Scout Mindset, Galef shows that what makes scouts better at getting things right isn't that they're smarter or more knowledgeable than everyone else. It's a handful of emotional skills, habits, and ways of looking at the world--which anyone can learn. With fascinating examples ranging from how to survive being stranded in the middle of the ocean, to how Jeff Bezos avoids overconfidence, to how superforecasters outperform CIA operatives, to Reddit threads and modern partisan politics, Galef explores why our brains deceive us and what we can do to change the way we think.

The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't

by Julia Galef

Winner of best smart thinking book 2022 (Business Book Awards)Guardian best books of 2021'Original, thought-provoking and a joy to read' Tim Harford'Highly recommended. It's not easy to become (more of) a scout, but it's hard not to be inspired by this book' Rutger BregmanWhen it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a 'soldier' mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalising in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe - and shoot down those we don't.But if we want to get things right more often we should train ourselves to think more like a scout. Unlike the soldier, a scout's goal isn't to defend one side over the other. It's to go out, survey the territory, and come back with as accurate a map as possible. Regardless of what they hope to be the case, above all, the scout wants to know what's actually true.In The Scout Mindset, Galef shows that what makes scouts better at getting things right isn't that they're smarter or more knowledgeable than everyone else. It's a handful of emotional skills, habits, and ways of looking at the world - which anyone can learn. With fascinating examples ranging from how to survive being stranded in the middle of the ocean, to how Jeff Bezos avoids overconfidence, to how superforecasters outperform CIA operatives, to Reddit threads and modern partisan politics, Galef explores why our brains deceive us and what we can do to change the way we think.'With insights that are both sharp and actionable, The Scout Mindset picks up where Predictably Irrational left off. Reading it will teach you to think more clearly, see yourself more accurately, and be wrong a little less often' Adam Grant

The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don't

by Julia Galef

Winner of best smart thinking book 2022 (Business Book Awards)Guardian best books of 2021'Original, thought-provoking and a joy to read' Tim Harford'Highly recommended. It's not easy to become (more of) a scout, but it's hard not to be inspired by this book' Rutger BregmanWhen it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a 'soldier' mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalising in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe - and shoot down those we don't.But if we want to get things right more often we should train ourselves to think more like a scout. Unlike the soldier, a scout's goal isn't to defend one side over the other. It's to go out, survey the territory, and come back with as accurate a map as possible. Regardless of what they hope to be the case, above all, the scout wants to know what's actually true.In The Scout Mindset, Galef shows that what makes scouts better at getting things right isn't that they're smarter or more knowledgeable than everyone else. It's a handful of emotional skills, habits, and ways of looking at the world - which anyone can learn. With fascinating examples ranging from how to survive being stranded in the middle of the ocean, to how Jeff Bezos avoids overconfidence, to how superforecasters outperform CIA operatives, to Reddit threads and modern partisan politics, Galef explores why our brains deceive us and what we can do to change the way we think.'With insights that are both sharp and actionable, The Scout Mindset picks up where Predictably Irrational left off. Reading it will teach you to think more clearly, see yourself more accurately, and be wrong a little less often' Adam Grant

How to Be Healthy: An Ancient Guide to Wellness (Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers)

by Galen

Timeless wisdom about how to be healthy in body and mind from one of the greatest physicians of the ancient worldThe second-century Greek physician Galen—the most famous doctor in antiquity after Hippocrates—is a central figure in Western medicine. A talented doctor, surgeon, writer, philosopher, teacher, pharmacologist, and inventor, Galen attended the court of Marcus Aurelius, living through outbreaks of plague (likely smallpox) that devastated the Roman Empire. He also served as physician for professional gladiators, boasting that only two fighters died during his first year (his predecessor had lost sixteen). In writings that provided the foundation of Western medicine up to the nineteenth century, Galen created a unified account of health and disease. In How to Be Healthy, practicing physician and classical historian Katherine Van Schaik presents a collection of Galen’s enduring insights about how we can take care of our bodies and minds, prevent disease, and reach a healthy old age.Although we now know that many of Galen’s ideas about physiology are wrong, How to Be Healthy shows that much of his advice remains sound. In these selections from his writings, presented in fresh translations, Galen discusses the art of medicine, exercise and diet, the mind-body connection, the difficulty of applying general medical principles to individuals, and much more. Featuring an introduction, brief commentaries that connect ancient medical practices to modern ones, and the original Greek on facing pages, How to Be Healthy offers an entertaining and enlightening new perspective on the age-old pursuit of wellness, from the importance of “the exercise with a small ball” to the benefits of “avoiding distress.”

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