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Showing 12,176 through 12,200 of 36,437 results

I Can Make You Rich

by Paul McKenna

Do you want to make more money?Do you want to improve the quality of your life?Do you believe you can be rich?What if it’s easier than you think?Over the past decade, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., has made a study of the mind-set of people who are rich not only in money but in happiness and quality of life. In this groundbreaking book, he uses proven psychological techniques to help you install that same rich mind-set in yourself.In assembling this system, Dr. McKenna has had personal access to some of the wealthiest people in the world. What he’s learned is that making money is just a skill, but becoming rich is an art. If you’re ready to experience the same levels of creativity, confidence, and business genius as those super-achievers, let the system in this book help you develop the skill and master the art. Soon you’ll be seeing the world in an entirely new way, living with more freedom and greater passion than ever before.

Instant Confidence

by Paul McKenna

Would you like to have the confidence to go for anything you want?Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations?Would you like to feel powerful determination to improve your life?Then let Paul McKenna help you!In this groundbreaking book, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., reveals the secrets of mastering your emotions and living with a greater sense of ease and certainty than ever before. You will learn how to push the "off" switch on fear and desperation and create huge amounts of confidence and motivation in just a few moments. Before you’ve even finished the book, your whole attitude towards life will begin to change!Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance, or any other area of your life, Dr. McKenna will walk you through a series of simple yet powerful techniques to transform your outlook. You’ll also receive a guided hypnosis download that uses the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be reinforcing optimism and programing your mind for success.If you’re ready to feel completely comfortable in yourself and achieve what you are truly capable of, this book is for you!

Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight

by Paul McKenna

Are you worried about how smoking is damaging your health?Do you want to quit smoking, but worry that you’ll gain weight?Would you like to stop cravings in a matter of moments?Have you tried to quit before, only to start again?If quitting was easy, would you do it today?THEN LET PAUL McKENNA HELP YOU!Over the past three decades, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., has developed a unique approach that makes quitting surprisingly easy. Through the simple conditioning techniques revealed in this book and downloadable hypnosis session, you can retrain your mind and body so you no longer need cigarettes and actually feel better without them. Better still, you are highly unlikely to gain weight in the process! It doesn’t matter if you’ve smoked all your life, if you’ve tried to quit many times before, or if you don’t believe this system will work for you. All you have to do is follow Dr. McKenna’s instructions fully and completely and he can help you to feel free of cigarettes.

I Can Mend Your Broken Heart

by Paul McKenna

Almost everyone, at one time or another, is affected by a broken heart. But how can we cope with this most personal of traumas?Here, world-famous hypnotist Paul McKenna, Ph.D., and psychotherapist Dr. Hugh Willbourn show readers how to cope with the grief that can accompany the breakup of a relationship. I Can Mend Your Broken Heart is packed with simple, highly effective techniques that will make you feel better fast and bring about lasting improvements to your emotional life.You will also . . . • Learn to stop jealousy and obsessive thoughts • Feel calm and reestablish emotional equilibrium • Change bad habits and eliminate destructive psychological patterns • Develop your emotional intelligence • Find out why a relationship didn’t work • Regain self-confidence and open the door to new loveFollow the steps outlined in the book at your own pace and you will not only mend your broken heart now, but be well on your way to a brighter and more emotionally successful future.

Hypnotic Gastric Band: The New Surgery-free Weight-loss System

by Paul McKenna

More than 50 percent of Americans are overweight and looking for a solution. At last, there has been a weight-loss breakthrough that’s easy and has a significant success rate: Paul McKenna’s Hypnotic Gastric Band.Gastric band surgery, a radical operation that reduces the available space in the stomach, is a drastic—though often highly effective—treatment that’s often a last resort. Hypnotic Gastric Band offers similar results without the risks of surgery: this psychological procedure works to convince the unconscious mind that a gastric band has been put in place, helping the body to behave as if a band were physically present—so it’s easy to eat less and lose weight at last, while still feeling completely satisfied.Dr. McKenna spent years researching this groundbreaking process with leading medical experts in weight loss. He describes it as "the closest thing to real magic I have ever experienced," except this procedure isn’t magic, it’s grounded in solid science. All our decisions about food are made in the mind, which in many ways is like a computer. Hypnosis helps to reprogram the "computer" so that when people eat, they feel full faster.With the Hypnotic Gastric Band there is no dangerous physical surgery, no forbidden food, and no miserable dieting. Instead, the Hypnotic Gastric Band helps people make healthier food choices, enjoy their food more, and eat less without effort and without feeling deprived. The book comes with free digital downloads of guided hypnosis and detailed instructions to install your Hypnotic Gastric Band and to adjust it as the weight comes off. Just read the short book, then download the essential 25-minute hypnotic trance and start reprogramming your mind to eat less.

Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice

by Gregg Braden

Human by Design invites you on a journey beyond Darwin’s theory of evolution, beginning with the fact that we exist as we do, even more empowered, and more connected with ourselves and the world, than scientists have believed possible.In one of the great ironies of the modern world, the science that was expected to solve life’s mysteries has done just the opposite. New discoveries have led to more unanswered questions, created deeper mysteries, and brought us to the brink of forbidden territory when it comes to explaining our origin and existence. These discoveries reveal the following facts: • Fact 1. Our origin —Modern humans appeared suddenly on earth approximately 200,000 years ago, with the advanced brain, nervous system, and capabilities that set them apart from all other known forms of life already developed, rather than having developed slowly and gradually over a long periods of time. • Fact 2. Missing physical evidence —The relationships shown on the conventional tree of human evolution are speculative connections only. While they are believed to exist, a 150-year search has failed to produce the physical evidence that confirms the relationships shown on the evolutionary family tree. • Fact 3. New DNA evidence —The comparison of DNA between ancient Neanderthals, previously thought to be our ancestors, and early humans tells us that we did not descend from the Neanderthals. • Fact 4. A rare DNA fusion —Advanced genome analysis reveals that the DNA that sets us apart from other primates, including in our advanced brain and nervous system, is the result of an ancient and precise fusion of genes occurring in a way that suggests something beyond evolution made our humanness possible. • Fact 5. Our extraordinary abilities —We are born with the capacity to self-heal, to self-regulate longevity, to activate an enhanced immune response, and to experience deep intuition, sympathy, empathy, and, ultimately, compassion —and to do each of these on demand.In this book, New York Times best-selling author and 2017 Templeton Award nominee Gregg Braden crosses the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to answer the timeless question at the core of our existence —Who are we? —and to reveal science-based techniques that awaken our uniquely human experiences of deep intuition, precognition, advanced states of self-healing, and much more! Beyond any reasonable doubt, Human by Design reveals that we’re not what we’ve been told, and much more than we’ve ever imagined.

How to Live a Good Life: Soulful Stories, Surprising Science And Practical Wisdom

by Jonathan Fields

Seriously . . . another book that tells you how to live a good life? Don’t we have enough of those?You’d think so. Yet, more people than ever are walking through life disconnected, disengaged, dissatisfied, mired in regret, declining health, and a near maniacal state of gut-wrenching autopilot busyness.Whatever is out there isn’t getting through. We don’t know who to trust. We don’t know what’s real and what’s fantasy. We don’t know how and where to begin and we don’t want to wade through another minute of advice that gives us hope, then saps our time and leaves us empty.How to Live a Good Life is your antidote; a practical and provocative modern-day manual for the pursuit of a life well lived. No need for blind faith or surrender of intelligence; everything you’ll discover is immediately actionable and subject to validation through your own experience.Drawn from the intersection of science, spirituality, and the author’s years-long quest to learn at the feet of masters from nearly every tradition and walk of life, this book offers a simple yet powerful model, the "Good Life Buckets " —spend 30 days filling your buckets and reclaiming your life.Each day will bring a new, practical yet powerful idea, along with a specific exploration designed to rekindle deep, loving, and compassionate relationships; cultivate vitality, radiance, and graceful ease; and leave you feeling lit up by the way you contribute to the world, like you’re doing the work you were put on the planet to do.How to Live a Good Life is not just a book to be read; it’s a path to possibility, to be walked, then lived.

You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life: Simple 4-minute Meditations For Inspiration, Transformation And True Bliss

by Rebekah Borucki

"I don’t have time to meditate!"Rebekah "Bex" Borucki has heard this a lot. A certified yoga and meditation teacher, she’s taught hundreds of thousands of people how to create simple yet powerful meditation practices. In fact, as she’ll show you in this book, in as little as 4 minutes, you can change your life.After years of suffering from anxiety and depression, both as a child and as an adult, Bex took control of her mental and physical health by establishing a rigorous fitness and yoga routine that quickly evolved into her own regular, homegrown 4-minute daily meditation practice. Bex’s 4-minute meditations combine mantras, affirmations, breathing and bodywork techniques, and they’re designed so that even the busiest people can fit them into their lives.In this book, Bex guides you through 27 different meditation practices, and shares personal stories that demonstrate how meditation has helped her overcome various challenges. She also answers commonly asked questions like "Do my eyes have to stay closed?" and "What do I do if my body starts to hurt?"; provides technical information about props, postures, and mantras; and offers tools to cope with complex issues such as grief, body acceptance, and relationships.By spending just 4 minutes a day with this practice, you will find deep, meaningful, and lasting healing.

Remembering the Light Within: A Course In Soul-centred Living

by Mary R. Hulnick H. Ronald Hulnick

What if you discovered —not as a concept, but rather as a profound inner knowing born from the crucible of your own experience —that the essence of your very nature is, has always been, and always will be, the presence of love? That awareness would change everything. Your consciousness would be transformed, and you would move forward into a Soul-Centered life —your unique and beautiful life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.The book you hold in your hands is a vehicle for fostering just such an epiphany through the use of the empowering tools of Spiritual Psychology in your everyday life. As co-directors of the University of Santa Monica, the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick have had many years of experience in applying these principles and practices in their own lives as well as supporting thousands of students in doing the same. Their intention is nothing less than providing you with inspiration, practical tools, encouragement, and opportunities for learning how to live into the Spiritual Context —the awareness that you are a Soul and that your life serves spiritual purpose. As you read and engage with this book, you’ll learn practical ways for waking up more fully into the awareness of the loving being that you are. You will be remembering the Light within —remembering your essential nature. Can you imagine walking through this world in a consciousness that is Awake to Love? Wouldn’t that be amazing Grace? Opportunities for just such experiences are available to you, and this book will be your guide through this process.

The Power of Naming

by Melanie Dewberry

Who are you, really? This is the central question. The question you might have been asking yourself all these years. Who are you without your title, your gender, your talent, your weight, your income, or your personality? If you strip away all of your niceties, all those embellishments that you’ve added to your persona to be accepted, what is left? If you wriggle out of all the identities that others have foisted on you, if you release all the ways you smooth out your rough edges so you can belong and feel safe, who are you? What is your core identity?The Power of Naming: A Journey toward Your Soul’s Indigenous Nature is a beautiful guide to answering your soul’s yearning to be known, to live on purpose, and to be authentic. To hear and elicit your name, you will need to be honest with yourself and admit that deep down inside you have always had at least an inkling of your essence, but you’ve played a game of hide-and-seek with your soul.Through The Power of Naming, peaceful warriors are born, false identities and labels are cast off, and a deeper understanding of the true soul is unearthed. As you work through the chapters of this book, learning to apply the teachings imbued with the author’s rich Native American and African American background, you will rediscover who you are and experience a new sense of freedom, love, and alignment with your highest self.

The Ultimate Risk: Seven Mysteries To Unlock Your Passion And Purpose

by Tara L. Robinson

This is no ordinary self-help book.It’s an adventure story . . .Your life is your adventure —and you are its main character and hero. You need only open your eyes to the clues that are right in front of you.At the very core of your existence, there is a primal energy force that craves the answers these universal clues hold . . . nudging you forward, gnawing at you when you fail to act. Each day becomes a gamble —taken with your life. Everything is at stake.By opening The Ultimate Risk, you’ll begin a quest to uncover the secrets to living with passion, realizing your purpose, and creating a life brimming with meaning and enchantment at every turn. In her mesmerizing debut book, Tara L. Robinson presents seven hidden mysteries —from the power of intention to living backward in time to the Void —that will help you awaken to who you really are and tap into greater happiness than you’ve ever known. Immersing you in a fictional adventure story with you at the helm, she’ll launch you on a captivating journey where you’ll learn to use your natural spiritual abilities to build a real life that you love. As you unlock the stunning power of each deepening mystery, Tara will share illuminating examples and practical ways to integrate their principles you’re your daily experience.You have more power than you ever imagined . . . and this book will guide you to harness it once and for all and truly live a life without regret.

Play Life More Beautifully

by Andrew Harvey Seymour Bernstein

This inspiring book based on a series of passionate and illuminating conversations between two dear friends discusses everything from God, music, friendship, teaching, death, and more. One friend is religious scholar, poet, and teacher of mystical traditions, Andrew Harvey. The other is acclaimed pianist, composer, and teacher Seymour Bernstein. At 87 and going strong, Seymour has become an inspiration to thousands of people across the country thanks to the recently released and critically acclaimed documentary Seymour: An Introduction, which led to the idea for this book. In Conversations with Seymour, readers will learn more about themselves through the insight observations of Bernstein and Harvey.

The World Is a Nice Place: How to Overcome Adversity, Joyfully

by Amy Molloy

Imagine if you could hope for the best, even after the worst. Imagine if your past could become your superpower. Imagine if you could be happy, regardless. When life is hard, The World is a Nice Place offers a new way of thinking. We all have the power to fall in love with our lives—even when it’s a series of disasters. As an international journalist, Amy Molloy spent over a decade interviewing amazing people who’ve survived incredible challenges—from terrorism attacks, to natural disasters, loss, grief, breakups, breakdowns and the everyday events that can cause our lives to freeze. As a "serial survivor" herself, Amy wanted to discover the secret formula that allows some people to move forward—joyfully—after difficulty, without letting it become their entire identity. In The World is a Nice Place she shares her story. A child with obsessive compulsive tendencies, who became a teenager with an eating disorder and a 23-year-old widow. Throw in a family history of depression, a father paralyzed from cancer, and a tendency to have spiritual premonitions and it’s a recipe for a messed-up adult. Or, is it? This insightful and searingly honest book, the product of ten years’ research, combines personal anecdotes with practical tools to help readers explore their memories, pinpoint their triggers and use their past to empower, inspire and guide them. Don’t let the worst day of your life be your greatest achievement. Imagine if you could hope for the best, even after the worst. Imagine if your past could become your superpower. Imagine if you could be happy, regardless. When life is hard, The World is a Nice Place offers a new way of thinking. We all have the power to fall in love with our lives—even when it’s a series of disasters. As an international journalist, Amy Molloy spent over a decade interviewing amazing people who’ve survived incredible challenges—from terrorism attacks, to natural disasters, loss, grief, breakups, breakdowns and the everyday events that can cause our lives to freeze. As a "serial survivor" herself, Amy wanted to discover the secret formula that allows some people to move forward—joyfully—after difficulty, without letting it become their entire identity. In The World is a Nice Place she shares her story. A child with obsessive compulsive tendencies, who became a teenager with an eating disorder and a 23-year-old widow. Throw in a family history of depression, a father paralyzed from cancer, and a tendency to have spiritual premonitions and it’s a recipe for a messed-up adult. Or, is it? This insightful and searingly honest book, the product of ten years’ research, combines personal anecdotes with practical tools to help readers explore their memories, pinpoint their triggers and use their past to empower, inspire and guide them. Don’t let the worst day of your life be your greatest achievement.

Return To Life: Finding Your Way Back to Balance and Bliss in a Stressed-Out World

by Pam Butler

If you’ve found your way to Return to Life, it’s probably because you’ve experienced some hard times in your life. Maybe you’ve lived through a breakup or an illness; the death of someone close to you; or a period of high stress, anxiety, or debilitating depression. Maybe you’ve experienced all of the above at once. If you’ve ever experienced this kind of brought-you-to-your-knees moment, this book is meant for you.Everyone has their own story to tell. Some are more traumatic than others, but the larger truth is that everyone has faced hardship. None of us is alone in this. But the darkest of times provide some of the best opportunities to learn, grow, and change our lives for the better.Pam Butler shares wisdom that can be applied universally, no matter the challenge. Each chapter contains a practical takeaway, forming part of a ‘Bliss Toolbox’: the practices that will help you not only survive difficult times, but use the experiences to bring greater purpose and fulfillment to your life. These include: • stop, drop, and breathe • mindful journaling • meditation • exercising your mind muscle • gratitude • yoga • serving others and • creating a daily practice Let Pam’s inspirational story be the guide you need to live a more peaceful, purposeful, and happier life!

Be Feel Think Do

by Anne Berube

At the age of 23, modern-day shaman and inspirational speaker Anne Bérubé’s life was interrupted by a near fatal car accident and mystical experience. Trapped in the car, unable to breathe, she had a vision that forever realigned her life’s trajectory. The following years were marked by chronic pain, emotional turmoil, and malaise, through which her journey of introspection and personal transformation would eventually lead to profound insights around self-healing, inner peace, and soul-realization.In her inspirational memoir, Bérubé explores her journey of learning how to prioritize being and feeling in order to experience life richly, fully, and true to her soul’s calling. Bérubé opens her heart and her mind to the universe’s wisdom, providing guidance and comfort to those who feel at the precipice of change and awakening.

Manifesting with the Angels: Attract a Life of Happiness, Purpose, and Fulfillment with Heaven's Help

by Charles Virtue

This book connects you with Heaven’s help to fill in the gaps of manifestation teaching. We all think we know what we want, but we don’t know that what we want will actually bring us happiness. This book encourages us to step back from whatever it is we are dreaming about, recheck our priorities, work on potential karmic and past-life blocks we may not have known about, and then move forward with a more open mind that is less prone to attracting disappointment. Once you take more responsibility for your thoughts and energy/emotions, you’ll be able to fine-tune your life and use your God-given power of manifestation to attract benefits rather than obstacles.You’ll learn how to: • Work with Divine Timing and the Power of Prayer with Archangel Sandalphon • Frame Your Desires through Visualization and Affirmations with Archangel Gabriel • Harness the Power of Your Inner Passion with Archangel Nathaniel • Clear Your Fears of Happiness with Archangel Michael • Release Karmic Attachments and Cut Past-Life Cords with Archangel Raziel • Heal from Past Pain with Archangel Raphael

Sh#t Your Ego Says: Strategies To Overthrow Your Ego And Become The Hero Of Your Story

by James McCrae

"Don’t read this book," your Ego says."Your life could change. And that scares me."Sometimes our worst failures lead to our greatest transformation.In 2012, James McCrae left behind a comfortable life in Minnesota and a successful career in advertising to move to New York City and pursue his dreams of being a writer. Soon after he arrived, Hurricane Sandy ripped through the eastern seaboard. New York City was underwater, and James —jobless and running out of money —was suddenly homeless. Fleeing to the island of Culebra for refuge, James sat alone on Flamenco Beach while his greatest doubts and insecurities rose to the surface. What he discovered was his Ego —and it had a lot of sh#t to say.This story of adventure, redemption, and transformation reminds us that we all have two voices inside us: the Ego and the Higher Self. The Ego is our reactive, attached mind that tells us we’re victims of circumstance. The Higher Self is our source of intuition and imagination that reminds us we’re the creators of our reality. Sh#t Your Ego Says exposes the battle between these voices.With arresting honesty and candid, compelling prose, James takes you through practical strategies for overthrowing your Ego and reclaiming a life of creativity and freedom. Whether you’re looking to achieve meaningful career success, improve your relationships, or unlock your imagination, this book provides a no-nonsense roadmap to living with purpose.

How to be Your Own Genie: Manifesting The Magical Life You Were Born To Live

by Radleigh Valentine

After years of suppressing and denying his true self, Radleigh Valentine had a revelation: "The sparklier I am, the more me that I am, the happier and more magical my life becomes." Thus started a spiritual journey that led Radleigh to becoming the internationally renowned speaker, best-selling author, and spiritual intuitive that he is today.Now Radleigh distills all he’s learned over the decades through messages from the universe, angels, and his own experiences to show you how to manifest and live a magical life. Radleigh discusses the components of a magical life and offers practical advice and exercises to support you in several areas: • Getting in touch with your "inner genie" to make your wishes come true • Signs from the universe: how to read the messages you’re receiving every day • Daily, weekly, and monthly strategies for making your life more magical • How to speak to the angels and why these angelic messengers want to help you • Discovering your identity: examining your beliefs to choose only those that truly serve you • Manifesting what you really want and how to turn an adversity into a blessing • Finding love and managing the relationships in your life • The importance of choosing joy and living a life of gratitudeJoin Radleigh on a magical journey to discover and claim the magical life you were born to live!

Success Is for You: Using Heart-centred Power Principles For Lasting Abundance And Fulfilment

by David R. Hawkins

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., was renowned as a physician, lecturer, and researcher of consciousness. But he’s perhaps most revered for his books, particularly the seminal Power vs. Force, which has been translated into 25 languages and sold over a million copies.Success Is for You uses many of the concepts that fans of Dr. Hawkins will recognize and applies them to the world of business and the psychology of success. Expanding upon the illuminating discussion of the attractor patterns of success from Power vs. Force, this remarkable never-before-published book pulls back the curtain on the inner workings of the successful mind. For, truly, success, according to Dr. Hawkins, is an attitude we inhabit, rather than a goal we strive for.New readers will find this to be a perfect introduction to an incredible teacher and foremost expert on mental processes, providing profound insights and real-world examples to help anyone focus on—and consequently achieve—what they desire. This fascinating book reveals: • The causality formula for success (and deconstruction of so-called failure) • How goodwill can actually turn to profit • Nine acid-test steps to determine our mode of being • How to "get to the top" (and why the destination is really our starting point)Yet its scope ranges far beyond a mere how-to manual. As Dr. Hawkins says, "Having facts and know-how . . . does not guarantee success. There are other factors involved. It is these other secret factors that we are going to explore." The secret factors—the heart-centered power principles underlying success—are decoded here . . . delivering an eternal message of possibility for us all.

Healthy Is the New Skinny: Your Guide To Self-love In A Picture Perfect World

by Katie H. Willcox

We live in a world where beauty is everything. Society tells us that if we just looked a certain way, if we had the right products, if we were skinny enough, then we would be enough —we would have value. Society is wrong, but it took Katie H. Willcox years to understand this:"Over the course of my 30 short years, I have both worked as a professional model and been the exact opposite of our culture’s beauty ideal. I have struggled with my weight and felt like I didn’t and never would fit in. Then I had a powerful realization: my misery and self-loathing didn’t change with my weight or how ‘pretty’ society thought I was, so my looks weren’t the source of happiness and worth that I had believed them to be. But then, what was? And how had I come to invest so much of myself in beliefs that were so untrue?"In these pages, Katie shares the lessons she learned in her journey to find the answers to these questions. She reveals who gains from our feeling small and why we need to examine the messages we receive from our culture and our families. She explains how we can redefine beauty, make healthy the new "skinny," and harness the power of our thoughts to choose self-love. Katie encourages us to discover our true magnificent selves, find our purpose, and pursue our dreams —and help others to do the same.Join the movement! Visit and follow us on Instagram @healthyisthenewskinny.

Soul Friends: The Transforming Power of Deep Human Connection

by Stephen Cope

"Most of us will have many friends throughout our lifetimes —friends of all shapes, sizes, and callings. Many of these are wonderful, meaningful friendships. Some are difficult. But some magic few of these are connections that have gone right to our soul. These five or seven or ten friendships have been powerful keys to determining who we have become and who we will become. . . . These are the people I call Soul Friends."As the Senior Scholar-in-Residence for over 25 years at the renowned Kripalu Center, Stephen Cope has spent decades investigating —and writing about —the integration of body, mind, and spirit and the rich complexity of our relationships with others, and with ourselves. Perhaps the central truth that arises from his work is this: human beings are universally wired for one thing —vital connection with one another.Soul Friends invites us on a compelling journey into the connectivity of the human psyche, the study of which has fascinated scholars, philosophers, and thinkers for centuries. Cope seamlessly blends science, scholarship, and storytelling, drawing on his own life as well as the histories of famous figures —from Eleanor Roosevelt to Charles Darwin to Queen Victoria —whose formative relationships shed light on the nature of friendship itself. In his exploration, he distills human connection into six distinct yet interconnected mechanisms: containment, twinship, adversity, mirroring, identification, and conscious partnership. Then he invites us to reflect on how these forms of connection appear in our own lives, helping us work toward a fuller understanding of "who we have become and who we will become."Without a doubt, the journey to our most fulfilled selves requires us to look within. But in order to truly thrive, we must make the most of who we are in relation to one another as well. Unsparingly honest, deeply wise, and irresistibly readable, Soul Friends gives us a map to find our way.

Being in Balance: 9 Principles For Creating Habits To Match Your Desires

by Wayne W. Dyer

In this inspirational work, beloved best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer shows you how to restore balance in your life by offering nine principles for realigning your thoughts so that they correspond to your highest desires.Imagine a balance scale with one end weighted down to the ground, and the other end – featuring the objects of your desires – sticking up precariously in the air. This scale is a measurement of your thoughts. To restore the same balance that characterizes everything in our universe, you have to take up the weighty thoughts so that they match up to your desires.The seasons reflect the overall harmony of life. For example, winter passes and the blossoms emerge. This is balanced by a need to have the trees rest, so autumn arrives on time and helps the trees ready themselves for another period of repose. This book is dedicated to the idea that we’re a vital component of this creative process and have within ourselves the wherewithal to create all that we want if we recognize and revise out-of-balance thoughts.

Bloom: A Tale Of Courage, Surrender, And Breaking Through Upper Limits

by Bronnie Ware

As a free-spirited, independent woman, Bronnie Ware was used to donning a variety of hats: singer, songwriter, author, speaker, traveler, and adventurer. And as her soul would have it in her mid-forties, she felt the urge to add one more, mother.Ware, author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, had learned many lessons as a palliative-care giver, and she began to absorb even more from the opposite end of the spectrum as a giver of life. Only a few moments into motherhood, however, Ware’s body had a different idea, when chronic crippling pain from an auto-immune disease took hold.In this inspiring memoir, Ware reminds us that whether life’s lessons arrive through illness, trauma, or any other unexpected upheaval, life really does love us. By finding the courage to confront her upper limits, surrender to life’s blessings, and have gratitude every step of the way, Ware discovered how to bloom in a field of formidable challenges.

Women Rocking Business: The Ultimate Step-by-step Guidebook To Create A Thriving Life Doing Work You Love

by Sage Lavine

Can a woman like me, with just the spark of an idea, actually start a business and make money? Can I have a meaningful career that fits into my life, instead of fitting my life into the cracks of my work schedule?If you’re asking these questions, you’ve come to the right place —and the answer is a resounding YES!Sage Lavine is the CEO of Women Rocking Business, a consulting and coaching organization that has helped nearly 100,000 aspiring women entrepreneurs around the globe to build businesses that change the world. Her revolutionary approach is based on honoring innate feminine values: we become thriving entrepreneurs by empowering others rather than having power over them, working in a spirit of collaboration rather than competition, and prioritizing contribution rather than gain.In this book, Sage gives you the road map that has guided thousands of her clients —professional women in fields from health care to manufacturing to consulting, from therapists and artists to yoga teachers and real estate agents —to build their own successful and sustainable businesses on their own terms. You’ll learn how to: • Identify your gift to the world • Heal your relationship with money • Build a support network of entrepreneurial sisters • Plan winning strategies for marketing, sales, and service • Achieve success by working just 12 days a month (yes, it’s true!) • And much moreFilled with real-life case studies, integration exercises, and practical advice on every aspect of entrepreneurship, Women Rocking Business is an answered prayer for any woman who wants to get a business off the ground or take it to the next level. If you’re ready to make the difference you were born to make, Sage is ready to show you the way. You’ve got this!

We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace

by Karen Noe

After best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer left the physical plane in 2015, psychic medium Karen Noé began receiving very profound and specific messages from him for his family —and for the world. While Wayne comes through to Karen singularly, he also comes through together with a group of other celestial beings called the We Guides, which includes Saint Francis of Assisi and countless other angels and ascended masters.Wayne and the We Guides share 33 concepts that make up the We Consciousness —and they all point toward your becoming an instrument of peace. In order to extend peace outside of yourself, you must first feel peace within yourself. You must expect to see peace everywhere, and acknowledge the infinite peace that you are. Then you must live that identity to the fullest.After understanding and applying these ideas, you will be able to create miracles in your life and the lives of others as well. You’ll learn how to create heaven right here on earth.

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