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The May Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)

by Noel Streatfeild

A treasury of inspiration for every May baby...Find out why you might give your May baby a name to do with messengers, what is meant by a gift of a posy of blue violets, daisies and apple blossom, and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Fred Astaire, Florence Nightingale or Queen Victoria?Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.

The November Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)

by Noel Streatfeild

A treasury of inspiration for every November baby...Find out why you might give your November baby a name to do with champions, what is meant by a gift of a bunch of laurel, and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Monet, William Blake or Winston Churchill? Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.

The October Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)

by Noel Streatfeild

A treasury of inspiration for every October baby...Find out why you might give your October baby a name to do with wine; what is meant by the gift of a bunch of marigolds, persicaria and meadow saffron; and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Mahatma Gandhi, Christopher Wren or Picasso?Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.

Prayer: How to Have a Conversation with God

by Rosalind Rinker

The classic study guide on conversational prayer that has revolutionized the prayer lives of millions."Prayer is a dialogue between two persons who love each other." With this profound insight, writer and missionary Rosalind Rinker gives the key to a simple yet powerfully effective method of increasing the joy and meaning of your prayers.This classic and inspiring guide was named #1 in Christianity Today&’s "Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals," putting Rinker in close ranks with classic writers such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C.S. Lewis, and Elizabeth Elliot. As nearly one million readers have discovered, Prayer: How to Have a Conversation with God offers a fresh take on the eternal promise: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20).

The September Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)

by Noel Streatfeild

A treasury of inspiration for every September baby...Find out why you might give your September baby a name to do with hunting or home, what is meant by a gift of a bunch of agrimony and mallow, and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Elizabeth I, George Gershwin or Euripides? Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.

Sparks of Divinity

by Georgia Leconte Philippe Leconte Noelle Perez-Christiaens B.K.S. Iyengar

Sparks of Divinity is a collection of the teachings of yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar first published in a French-English bilingual edition in 1976. The material for this book was gathered and compiled by Noëlle Perez-Christiaens from class notes and correspondence during the formative years of Iyengar's international career. The entries cover the period from the late 1950s, when Iyengar was invited by Yehudi Menuin to teach in Gstaad, Switzerland, to the year following the death of Iyengar's wife and the opening of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India.When Noëlle first studied with Iyengar in Pune in 1959, he was still teaching his pupils one-on-one at his home. During her stay in India, Noëlle was regarded virtually as one of the household, and this intimacy continued in their subsequent letters, where Iyengar wrote to her more as a colleague and friend than as a teacher. We are fortunate to include Noëlle's Indian Journal for 1959 and her Early Life of B.K.S. Iyengar, translated into English especially for this edition, for the intimate glimpses they give of Iyengar's personal life and family.Sparks of Divinity is also a testament to the deep bond between teacher and student. In an Afterword about Noëlle, we learn how an early suggestion from Iyengar moved her in a completely new direction, and how she attributes her discoveries about Aplomb (natural balance) to Iyengar's ongoing inspiration.

21 remedios secretos para el resfriado y la gripe: Desarrolle su sistema inmune y permanezca sano, ¡naturalmente!

by Siloam Editors

¡NO SE DEJE ENFERMAR! Detenga la gripe que viene y las demás. Un saludable sistema inmune es clave para ganar la batalla contra la gripe y otras enfermedades que enfrentamos a diario. COn el aporte de los populares autores: la doctora Leslie Ann Dauphin, del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades; el doctor Don Colbert, Janet Caccaro, Cherie Calbom y otros. 21 remedios secretos para el resfriado y la gripe le brinda maneras prácticas y naturales para desarrollar su sitema inmune y permanecer sano en las temporadas de gripe y refriados. con una perspectiva bíblica y las últimas investigaciones científicas sobre las prácticas de salud alternativas así como también el asesoramiento de expertos de los centros para profesionales del control de enfermedades-médicos, nutricionistas y naturistas-, este libro incluye información valiosa sobre: Duerma y descanseLimite la ingesta de azúcarVitaminas y suplementosRemedios caseros para el alivio de resfriado, tos, congestión, dolor de garganta y fiebreSuperalimentos que desarrollan inmunidad

El Arte de Ser un Mentor: Cómo abrazar la gran transición generacional

by Darlene Zschech

La tensión entre generaciones viejas y nuevas siempre ha existido, especialmente en la iglesia. Hemos luchado con esto por años, acumulando resentimientos y paralizando a algunos de ambos lados de la lucha. Resistimos el pensamiento de que los líderes emergentes y los ya establecidos pueden, y deben, trabajar juntos. Pero estos días son críticos, y la iglesia necesita un liderazgo magnánimo dispuesto a ir más allá de las luchas personales y los disparadores emocionales por causa de otros. Necesita líderes apasionados, que cultiven las relaciones, dispuestos a ser mentores y a que otros sean sus mentores, a dejar un legado próspero y viviente para las futuras generaciones. ¿Es posible? Absolutamente, y puede comenzar con usted.Únase a la internacionalmente aclamada líder Darlene Zschech en un viaje al corazón del arte de ser un mentor, y vea cómo el liderazgo intergeneracional impacta radicalmente el reino de maneras que usted nunca podría lograr solo.

Lo que aprendí viviendo

by Eleanor Roosevelt

Las espléndidas páginas de Lo que aprendí viviendo no pretenden ser unas memorias al uso. Tampoco un manual de autoayuda. En ellas se reúnen las palabras de una mujer sabia que caminó despacio, pisó fuerte y llegó lejos, sonriendo. «Nadie me hará sentir inferior sin mi consentimiento.» Bastan estas palabras de Eleanor Roosevelt para darse cuenta de que detrás de su sonrisa afable había un espíritu fuerte y combativo, dispuesto siempre a aprender algo nuevo y a luchar por una causa justa. Cuando escribió Lo que aprendí viviendo corrían los años sesenta; Eleanor ya se había retirado de la vida pública y vivía rodeada de hijos, nietos y amigos. Quedaban lejos sus años como primera dama de la Casa Blanca, pero aún le sobraba energía para contar sus experiencias. No le costó confesar que había sido una chica tímida, a menudo ignorante de los temas que se comentaban en las conferencias y banquetes a los que acudía con su marido, pero sus ganas de saber y el propósito de no quedarse atrás le ayudaron a seguir adelante. Con el pasar del tiempo también descubrió que nadie se convierte en heroína de la noche a la mañana: hay que andar paso a paso y echar una pizca de humor a la vida para descubrir que un problema no es tal si lo tomamos como un reto, que nuestro tiempo es valioso y hay que disfrutarlo, y que podemos encontrar un espacio propio aunque estemos rodeadas de funcionarios, cenando con John Fitzgerald Kennedy o charlando con Frank Sinatra.

Perdón Total: Cuando todo en tu interior quiere guardar rencor, señalar con un dedo acusador y recordar el dolor, Dios quiere que hagas a un lado todas esas cosas

by R. T. Kendall

"Libéralos, y tu serás liberado" ¡Ests no eran exactamente las palabras que R.T. Kendall hubiera esperado escuchar cuando atravesó la situación dolorosa de haber sido mainterpretado! Sin embargo, estas palabras penetraron en su corazón. El sabía que no podía ignorarlas y también que sería sanado. ¡La verdadera paz interna te aguarda! Usted puede evitar caer en la arena movediza espiritual y experimentar la increible libertad que se encuentra en el perdón total. ¿Es fácil perdonar? Por supuesto que no...pero este libro le ofrece un plan....y el aliento para echar fuera áreas que no se han perdonado y le han impedido disfrutar de lo maravilloso que Dios ofrece. Aprenda lo que es y no es el perdón. Descubra las consecuencias físicas, emocionales y espirituales dela falta del perdón, y vea por qué Dios le anima a perdonar. Tome la decisión de perdonar -y adéndrese en una nueva dimensión de libertad y paz interna.


by Maxwell Maltz

This book provides step by step exercises on how to change our lives for the better and how to reprogram ourselves for success.

Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition: The Original Text of the Classic Guide to a New Life

by Maxwell Maltz

A magnificent, deluxe edition of one of the greatest and top-selling self-help books ever written, suited to a lifetime of reading, rereading, notetaking, and display.Since 1960, Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics has sold millions of copies in dozens of editions and gained the loyalty of generations of artists, athletes, and high achievers who atrribute their success to the book's mind-conditioning program. Maltz's avowed admirers ranged from artist Salvatore Dali to first lady Nancy Reagan to actress Jane Fonda. Now -- in the only edition featuring Maltz's original, unexpuragated text -- Psycho-Cybernetics joins TarcherPerigee's highly successful line of Deluxe Editions in a keepsake volume that can be treasured for a lifetime.Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition features: shrink-wrapped, vegan-leather hardbound casing; acid-free paper; gilded page edges; ribbon place marker; o-card with vintage cover art; marbled endpapers; gold-stamped lettering on the casing; a bibliography of Maltz's work; and the original 1960 text, which is available nowhere else.From the Hardcover edition.

The Science of Psychic Healing

by Yogi Ramacharaka

William Walker Atkinson a.k.a. Yogi Ramacharaka was an exceptional authority and author on the new thought movement and the in Yogi tradition in the United States. This book on psychic healing presents the fundamentals of the principles behind Seiki healing and will help the reader develop their own abilities in psychic healing.

This Is It: and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience

by Alan W. Watts

In six revolutionary essays, philosopher Alan Watts explores the relationship between spiritual experience and ordinary life--and the need for them to coexist within each of us. With essays on "cosmic consciousness" (including Watts' account of his own ventures into this inward realm); the paradoxes of self-consciousness; LSD and consciousness; and the false opposition of spirit and matter, This Is It and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience is a truly mind-opening collection.From the Paperback edition.

You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life

by Eleanor Roosevelt

From one of the world’s most celebrated and admired public figures, a wise and intimate book on how to get the most of out life.Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each new thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.One of the most beloved figures of the twentieth century, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt remains a role model for a life well lived. At the age of seventy-six, Roosevelt penned this simple guide to living a fuller life—a powerful volume of enduring commonsense ideas and heartfelt values. Offering her own philosophy on living, she takes readers on a path to compassion, confidence, maturity, civic stewardship, and more. Her keys to a fulfilling life?Learning to Learn • Fear—the Great Enemy • The Uses of Time • The Difficult Art of Maturity • Readjustment is Endless • Learning to Be Useful• The Right to Be an Individual • How to Get the Best Out of People •Facing Responsibility • How Everyone Can Take Part in Politics • Learning to Be a Public ServantA crucial precursor to better-living guides like Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening or Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, as well as political memoirs such as John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage, the First Lady’s illuminating manual is a window into Eleanor Roosevelt herself and a trove of timeless wisdom that resonates in any era.

Conquest of Mind

by Eknath Easwaran

Getting caught in unwanted thoughts and emotions can feel like an inevitable part of life. But Easwaran, who taught meditation for nearly 40 years, shows a way to break free.Just as a fitness routine can result in a strong, supple body, spiritual disciplines can shape a secure personality and a resilient, loving mind.And opportunities to grow stronger spiritually arise not only during meditation but throughout the day. Working with difficult colleagues, going out to eat, and responding to a child's needs are all occasions to try out different, wiser choices.With humor and empathy, Easwaran places timeless teachings from the Buddha and other mystics into contemporary scenes - watching a juggler on the street, taking a tennis lesson, going to the theater. Training the mind is life's biggest adventure, one that brings deepening relationships, increasing vitality, and a greater sense of purpose.

Discover a Richer Life

by Ernest Holmes

An easy-to-read and easy-to-grasp volume that shows the path to health, wealth, and a life of great meaning. Is something missing in your life? The quality of our life's experience, from health and success to prosperity and happiness, stems directly from our relationship with the Universe and the patterns of thought that it inspires. In this beloved inspirational guidebook, Holmes provides the tools and blueprint for the foundation of a new and more successful life, grounded by and centered on the nature and meaning of reality. The world is ripe for discovery, and Discover a Richer Life is the map that will guide readers on a great adventure to a vibrant, fully realized life. .

A Grief Observed (Faber Paperbacks Ser.)

by C. S. Lewis

Written after his wife's tragic death as a way of surviving the "mad midnight moment," A Grief Observed is C.S. Lewis's honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. This work contains his concise, genuine reflections on that period: "Nothing will shake a man -- or at any rate a man like me -- out of his merely verbal thinking and his merely notional beliefs. He has to be knocked silly before he comes to his senses. Only torture will bring out the truth. Only under torture does he discover it himself." This is a beautiful and unflinchingly homest record of how even a stalwart believer can lose all sense of meaning in the universe, and how he can gradually regain his bearings.

How to Strengthen Your Memory

by Michael Fidlow

This is not just another book filled with the usual techniques for improving memory. Fidlow considers the natural memory and suggests techniques to enhance it. He explores artificial memory and provides strategies for improving it. He guides the reader through a variety of tricks and situations so that the reader can choose and apply techniques that make sense for that particular individual.

The Magic in Your Mind

by U. S. Andersen

A perennial self-help favorite, updated to speak powerfully to contemporary readers and with a foreword by Eckhart Tolle Before there was The Law of Attraction or The Secret, there was The Magic in Your Mind by U. S. Andersen. Eckhart Tolle recognized the brilliance of this self-empowerment classic and here presents it anew as the latest volume in his imprint. In clear, crisp, invigorating language, Andersen offers a liberating message for anyone seeking to improve and understand their life. He shows how to: • free your “Secret Self” and experience self-mastery • use mental visualization • understand the concept of “mind over matter” • fully employ your power of choice • overcome opposition with tools such as the innate sixth sense Andersen outlines a “mental magic” that makes it possible to attain goals in any field — one made evident by his own many successes in a variety of enterprises. “Here,” he promises, “you will learn the secret way in which your mind is tied to the source of all power; you will learn how you are capable of becoming anything and doing anything you can visualize.” An essential addition to any spirituality/self-help bookshelf or night table, The Magic in Your Mind invites you to experience your innate creative mental power that’s just waiting to be unleashed. “Open randomly to any page, start reading, and you most likely won’t want to put it down. As with all spiritual classics, this will be the case even if you have already read the book several times.” — from the foreword by Eckhart Tolle, bestselling author of The Power of Now

Sobre la muerte y los moribundos: Una lección de vida para médicos, enfermeras y familias

by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Aprende a identificar y comprender tus sentimientos y transformar las actitudes para aliviar el sufrimiento psicológico. Negar la muerte como hecho individual o social (con mecanismos del tipo «ya me preocuparé cuando sea necesario») tiene una importante consecuencia: la falta de preparación psicológica cuando se presenta el trance; especialmente en el paciente, pero también en los allegados o el equipo que lo atiende. Sobre la muerte y los moribundos cubre esta carencia. A través de la identificación y comprensión de los sentimientos -ira, negación, aceptación...- de los moribundos, esta obra muestra cómo controlar dichas emociones y cómo transformar las actitudes para aliviar el sufrimiento psicológico. Por ello, este libro es no solo indispensable para profesionales de la sanidad y psicólogos, sino también para todas las personas que deseen abordar su futuro con responsabilidad.

Strength in the Storm

by Eknath Easwaran

Stress and anxiety affect many of us as we struggle with work pressures, money worries, strained relationships, and the nagging sense that life may be running out of our control. But in the midst of chaos we can find balance, peace, and even wisdom, Easwaran says, if we learn to steady our minds. It's a simple idea, but one that runs deep - a truly calm mind can weather any storm.A highly respected teacher of meditation, Eknath Easwaran offers a wealth of insights, real-life stories and practical suggestions to help us try something more successful next time we're facing our stressors. He explains how to use a mantram (or mantra) to quiet the mind. He describes how to slow down and stay in the present, improve creativity and concentration, shed anxieties and resentments, strengthen our relationships, and stay kind and strong when faced with conflicts, supporting those around us.We learn to calm the mind through practice - there's no magic about it. We can't control what life throws at us, but we can learn to access the courage, patience, and compassion that we need to ride the waves of life minute-by-minute, day-by-day.

Take Your Time

by Eknath Easwaran

Over-scheduled, always tired, struggling with the pull of the online world - that's how many of us feel right now. Training a frazzled mind to embrace calm isn't easy. For over forty years, Easwaran dedicated himself to teaching meditation and the wisdom of slowing down. When the mind is unhurried, it is calm, kind, ready for anything, aware of what really matters amidst the clamor of a busy day. The secret is to learn to live in the present, to train our minds to work steadily and with one-pointed attention, however many tasks confront us. Through stories and parables, backed up by practical advice, Easwaran gives us gentle illustrations of a wiser way to live. As we read, we find ourselves in situations where we may get impatient or upset - standing in line, dealing with difficult colleagues, shopping with children with agendas of their own - but as Easwaran relates each event, we see it from the perspective of an unhurried mind. And we see small ways to change how we respond, opening the door to rich, loving relationships, creative and productive work, and a quiet sense of joy that can permeate our lives.

The Tough-Minded Optimist

by Norman Peale

"If you want to live in this tough world and still have some real faith and optimism, this book is for you." -- Norman Vincent Peale The many ills of the modern world can be debilitating. With so much seemingly senseless violence, pain, and destruction, we need a lot of inner strength to overcome cynicism and despair -- and to remain hopeful about the future. With Dr. Peale's careful guidance, you can achieve happiness and security by learning how to: Conquer your fear Free yourself of guilty feelings Live well and prosper, personally and professionally Become physically healthy -- the natural way Stay enthusiastic even in poor circumstances Tackle problems hopefully and creatively Harness the power of prayer

Happiness Is a Warm Puppy (Peanuts)

by Charles M. Schulz

This classic gift book featuring Charlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts gang has defined friendship and happiness for over fifty years.This classic 64-page gift book was originally published in 1962. Its timeless description of happiness and friendship is as important now as it was when the book was first published. It is the perfect gift for anyone who could use some extra happiness in their lives.

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