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Showing 12,551 through 12,575 of 36,608 results

Staying OK: How to Maximize Good Feelings and Minimize Bad Ones

by Amy Harris Thomas A. Harris

A sequel to I'm OK—You're OK. This book offers advice on making important changes and taking charge of your life, resolving conflicts, and rooting out the causes of worry, panic, depression, regret, confusion and feelings of inadequacy.

Stepping into Greatness: Success is Up to You!

by Elizabeth Fayt Daniel Gutierrez

Through self-realization, acceptance and forgiveness, Daniel Gutierrez shows how to transform your way of thinking so that you can leave behind and learn from obstacles, self-doubts and destructive relationships in order to evolve into the successful person you were meant to be. Accepting your greatness means taking the first step toward personal transformation that will lead to a success beyond your wildest dreams.

Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood

by Dennis Rainey

As men, all of us face decisions in life that demand courage. Big or little, complex or straightforward, these choices--let's call them battles--matter a great deal. One courageous choice leads to another; tomorrow's integrity depends on today's bravery.

The Steve Jobs Way

by Jay Elliot William Simon

The former Senior Vice President of Apple Computer and close colleague of Steve Jobs’s throughout his tenure, Jay Elliot takes readers on a remarkable tour through Jobs’s astonishing career. From the inception of game-changing products like the Apple II and the Macintosh, to his stunning fall from grace, and on to his rebirth at the helm of Apple, his involvement with Pixar, and the development of the iPod, iPhone, iPad, and much more,The Steve Jobs Waypresents real-life examples of Jobs’s leadership challenges and triumphs, showing readers how to apply these principles to their own lives and careers. Packed with exclusive interviews from key figures in Apple Computer’s history, this revealing account provides a rarely seen, intimate glimpse into the Steve Jobs you won’t see on stage, thoroughly exploring his management and leadership principles. From product development meetings to design labs, through executive boardroom showdowns to the world outside of Silicon Valley, readers will see therealSteve Jobs, the “Boy Genius” who forever transformed technology and the way we work, play, consume, and communicate-all through the eyes of someone who worked side by side with Jobs. Written in partnership with William L. Simon, coauthor of the bestselling Jobs biographyiCon,The Steve Jobs Wayis the “how to be like Steve” book that readers have been waiting for.

The Steve Jobs Way

by William L. Simon Jay Elliot

The former Senior Vice President of Apple Computer and close colleague of Steve Jobs's throughout his tenure, Jay Elliot takes readers on a remarkable tour through Jobs's astonishing career. From the inception of game-changing products like the Apple II and the Macintosh, to his stunning fall from grace, and on to his rebirth at the helm of Apple, his involvement with Pixar, and the development of the iPod, iPhone, iPad, and much more, The Steve Jobs Way presents real-life examples of Jobs's leadership challenges and triumphs, showing readers how to apply these principles to their own lives and careers. Packed with exclusive interviews from key figures in Apple Computer's history, this revealing account provides a rarely seen, intimate glimpse into the Steve Jobs you won't see on stage, thoroughly exploring his management and leadership principles. From product development meetings to design labs, through executive boardroom showdowns to the world outside of Silicon Valley, readers will see the real Steve Jobs, the "Boy Genius" who forever transformed technology and the way we work, play, consume, and communicate--all through the eyes of someone who worked side by side with Jobs. Written in partnership with William L. Simon, coauthor of the bestselling Jobs biography iCon, The Steve Jobs Way is the "how to be like Steve" book that readers have been waiting for.

Steven Petrow's Complete Gay And Lesbian Manners: The Definitive Guide To LGBT Life

by Steven Petrow Sally Chew

Finally, the first big book of manners for the more than 15 million lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the United States and Canada and the people who love them, work with them, and live with them. Written by Steven Petrow, the go-to authority on the subject-he's the same-sex wedding expert at The New York Times and a columnist for The Huffington Post, Yahoo's Shine, GayWeddings. com, and the "Q" Syndicate (with distribution to more than 100 LGBT newspapers and websites)-this is the definitive book of LGBT etiquette. Encyclopedic in its approach, filled with practical wisdom, lively wit, and much insight, Steven Petrow's Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners covers everything: from coming out to being out in the workplace; from dealing with the joy and complexity of same-sex weddings and commitment ceremonies (including how to propose and write meaningful vows) to handling the legal paperwork every couple needs. There's a chapter on sex etiquette, and another on the challenges and opportunities of raising a family, plus sections on travel, bullying, entertaining, meeting new friends, introducing your partner to your family, a primer on gay pride, and so much more. Throughout there are hundreds of questions-some posed by LGBT folk, and others by straight people: What do the mothers of two brides wear to a lesbian wedding? What do you say to an anti-gay joke? How do you answer "Who's the father?" when there are two mothers? Manners, yes, but with a twist. **In recognition of Quality, Excellence, and Design, this ebook has been granted a QED seal of approval from Digital Book World. **

Still Standing: Addicts Talk About Living Sober

by Bucky Sinister

Stories heal, and Bucky Sinister, sober since February 19th, 2002, and a veteran of the punk rock and spoken word scene, brings the stories from the trenches about how to get sober, stay sober, and live sober. Still Standing is about the stories that heal you, and the hard times that don't kill you. Sinister goes beyond the 12-steps with stories from the misfits, freaks, and weirdos that have come to recovery from a variety of backgrounds--tattoo artists, bartenders, musicians to help answer the What Now? question of living sober. Topics include: 10 Things Every New Recovering Addict Should Have; Prayer and the Atheist; Job Interviews; and Ways Addicts Can Be of Service to Normies.

Stillpower: Excellence with Ease in Sports and Life

by Garret Kramer

Fuel Your Performance, and Life, with the Clarity of Stillpower For years, athletes, coaches, parents, and organizations have searched for the secrets to optimum mental performance. However, in spite of a myriad of tools and techniques, success and contentment continue to be as elusive as ever, until now. Garret Kramer's Stillpower offers a revolutionary explanation for this predicament and provides a basic, yet dynamic, approach for the future. In an accessible style, Kramer reveals the innate principles behind consistent achievement and highlights the misalignment between the experiences of all performers and the strategies of the coaches, psychologists, and experts who are hoping to help them. Stillpower uses real-life examples to explore such questions as: What is "the zone" and what must we do (or not do) to get there? Why do we need to understand the difference between insight and intellect? Is goal setting really useful? Why doesn't willpower work? And why do the best mentors focus on a person's state of mind and not behavior? Virtually all of us--athletes and non-athletes alike--are looking outside of ourselves, trying to unlock the keys to happiness, freedom, and excellence with ease. Stillpower encourages us to look within to finally find the answers.

Stop Eating your Heart Out: The 21-Day Program to Free Yourself from Emotional Eating

by Meryl Hershey Beck

Stop Eating Your Heart Out speaks to anyone's challenges with food, weight, and emotional eating, and then offers a multitude of effective self-help tools. As the author discloses her very personal struggle with food and out-of-control eating, she is telling the story of millions of others who use food to self-soothe. The book's focus, however, is on recovery. In her wisdom as a licensed professional clinical counselor, the author enumerates methods that have worked for her and her clients over the past twenty years. Tools for recovery include Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Inner Child work, 12 Step recovery, journaling, creative visualization, meditation, gratitude, conscious living, and so much more. Compulsive overeating is conquerable. If you, or anyone you love, want freedom from emotional eating, this book is for you.

Stop Saying You're Fine: The No-BS Guide to Getting What You Want

by Mel Robbins

Right now, over 100 million Americans secretly feel frustrated and bored with their lives. You may be one of them if... *you've come to regard yourself as "your own worst enemy" *you've developed a commute-work-commute-sleep routine that seems endless *you and your significant other treat each other like roommates *you constantly daydream and wonder, "Is this all there is?" *you sense a potentially hot relationship with someone next door, down the hall, or in the adjacent cubicle but somehow it never happens *you worry that no matter what you do to stay in shape, the battle is already lost *you have a tendency, when asked how you're doing, to just say, "Fine." If any of the above sounds familiar, there's clearly something missing from your life. This book will help you discover what it is, and how to win it back. Written by Mel Robbins, one of America's top relationship experts and radio/tv personalities, this hands-on guide not only shows you how to put your finger on the problem, it reveals what to do about it. Mel Robbins has spent her career teaching people how to push past their self-imposed limits to get what they truly desire. She has an in-depth understanding of the psychological and social factors that repeatedly hold you back, and more important, a unique set of tools for getting you where you want to be. In Stop Saying You're Fine, she draws on the latest neuroscientific research, interviews with countless everyday people, and ideas she's tested in her own life to show what works and what doesn't. The key, she explains, is understanding how your own brain works against you. Because evolution has biased your mental gears against taking action, what you need are techniques to outsmart yourself. That may sound impossible, but Mel has created a remarkably effective method to help you do just that -- and some of her discoveries will astonish you. By ignoring how you feel and seizing small moments of rich possibility -a process she calls "leaning in" - you can make tiny course directions add up to huge change. Among this book's other topics: how everything can depend on not hitting the "snooze" button; the science of connecting with other people, what children can teach us about getting things done; and why five seconds is the maximum time you should wait before acting on a great idea. Blending warmth, humor and unflinching honesty with up-to-the-minute science and hard-earned wisdom, Stop Saying You're Fine moves beyond the platitudes and easy fixes offered in many self-help books. Mel's insights will actually help vault you to a better life, ensuring that the next time someone asks how you're doing, you can truthfully answer, "Absolutely great."From the Hardcover edition.

Stop Squatting with Your Spurs On: The Power to Read People, Get What You Want and Communicate without Pain

by Angel Tucker

Communication can be painful, to say the least, if you don’t understand the person you are talking to. Want to solve this problem forever? Want to know how to read the personality of anyone in 60 seconds or less to create pain free communication? You will now have the power to do just that! Anything from getting that promotion at work to creating harmony at home is all within your reach! Learn the easy tips and tricks to having it all by understanding how we are each different and what pushes the “action” buttons in other people. Success can be yours and it isn’t even hard. Take control of your relationships now and for good. Unleash the power of personality profiling.

Stories for Christmas: Celebrating the Warmth, Joy, and Wonder of the Holiday

by Adams Media

A Cup of Comfort brings the holiday cheer to readers with this wonderful selection of Christmas stories to celebrate the holidays. As you read these personal accounts of Christmases past, you can reflect on your own holiday memories and get into the spirit of the season. Merry Christmas and enjoy!

The Storm Before the Calm (Conversations With Humanity Ser. #1)

by Neale Donald Walsch

Something happened in early 2011 that hasn't happened in decades, perhaps centuries-and we didn't even notice it. That is, we didn't see it for what it was. Massive unrest from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya rocked the Arab world and threw the globe into political crisis. Within days, an earthquake-tsunami-nuclear calamity of terrifying proportions shocked Japan and sent the world reeling once again, even as the globe's financial markets shuddered to sustain themselves while states and nations tottered on the brink of bankruptcy-where many still linger. All of this, of course, we did notice. What we may have missed was that ancient predictions for this period of time called for exactly this: simultaneous environmental, political, and financial disasters. Were we seeing the beginning of "the end of history"-and not picking up the signal? In his prescient new book, The Storm Before The Calm , seven-time New York Times best-selling author Neale Donald Walsch offers a startling answer: yes. But Walsch also says there is nothing to fear, advancing an extraordinary explanation for what is happening even now all over the planet. Then-and more important-he provides a stunning prescription for healing our lives and our world through the answering of seven simple questions, inviting people everywhere to join in an earth-saving exchange at Compelling and perfectly timed, The Storm Before The Calm answers every question that is worth asking about December, 2012 and beyond.

Storytelling and the Future of Organizations: An Antenarrative Handbook (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by David M. Boje

Storytelling is part of social action and interaction that actually shapes the future of organizations. Organization and management studies have overwhelmingly focused to date on rational narrative structures with beginnings, middles, and ends, where narrative has proved to be a handy concept in qualitative studies. Far less attention is given however to the more spontaneous and ‘non-staged’ storytelling that occurs in organizations. Storytelling and the Future of Organizations explores the science and practice of ‘antenarrative’ because that is how the future of organization is shaped. Antenarrative is a term invented by David M. Boje in 2001, and is defined as a ‘bet on the future,’ as ‘before’ narrative linearity, coherence, and stability sets in. Antenarrative is all about ’prospective sensemaking,’ betting on the future before narrative retrospection fossilizes the past. Antenarrative storytelling is therefore agential in ways that traditional narratology has yet to come to grips with. This handbook contribution is bringing together a decade of scholarship on ‘antenarrative.’ It is the first volume to offer such a varied but systematic examination of non-traditional narrative inquiry in the management realm, organizing and developing its approach, and providing new insights for management students and scholars.

The Strangest Secret: How to Live the Life You Desire (Ignite Reads)

by Earl Nightingale

"If you understand completely what I am going to tell you, from this moment on, your life will never be the same again."—Earl NightingaleThis amazing message was first played for a group of salespeople at Earl Nightingale's insurance agency. They were utterly electrified. Word of it spread like wildfire, and everyone who heard it was positively ignited into action. Requests for a recording of the message came pouring in—thousands of requests per week. Within no time, more than 200,000 people had called, written, or just walked right into Earl's office to request a copy. As years went by, that number soared above 1,000,000.Today, more than 65 years later, The Strangest Secret remains one of the most powerful and influential messages ever recorded. Now in print, updated with never before published content and a foreword by Dave Ramsey, The Strangest Secret will inspire anyone in your organization to truly understand how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

The Strawberry Letter

by Shirley Strawberry

Listen up, ladies! Shirley Strawberry, co-host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, delivers more of the no-nonsense woman-to-woman straight talk her listeners have come to love. Shirley tells it like it is--from the heart. Whether the topic is cheating boyfriends, crazy mothers-in-law, job troubles, or money problems, Shirley's girlfriend-next-door honesty has made the Strawberry Letters segment of the show a huge hit. Now, in this uplifting motivational guide, she brings her vivacious, inspirational, and down-to-earth message to women everywhere: Get up, get out, and be the best you can be! As a single parent and a woman willing to let Mr. Right find her, Shirley's been there and done that--and she's got hard-won lessons to share. In this call to action to help women look at their lives with a candid eye, she tackles the issues her fans want to hear about: * Love and Relationships: the highs and lows of dating, marriage, and breakups * Family: the challenges of being a great mom * Sisterhood: ways to get (and give) the support you need to stay sane * Self: tips for overcoming low self-esteem and depression, and finding balance, faith, and acceptance Full of motivating "Strawberry Tips," personal stories that provide welcome advice on the run, and helpful suggestions for drama-stuck girlfriends, this book offers a simple message of strength: a challenge to love yourself and your life!From the Hardcover edition.

Strength in Darkness

by Margaret Charles Kerry John of the Cross

How will I get through this? Will I ever feel God's love again? Prayer, once filled with insight and consolation, now feels routine. When all roads seem impassable where do you turn? John of the Cross offers you his wise counsel as a roadmap through rough terrain. St. John of the Cross is the author of the best-selling classic Dark Night of the Soul.

Stress Management and Prevention

by David D. Chen Jeffrey A. Kottler

Stress Management and Prevention, Second Edition offers a fun and exciting way to learn about stress, its causes, and ways to deal with and prevent it. Not only will you enjoy reading it, but you'll also find yourself motivated to continue incorporating what you learn into your life long after your class is over. You'll explore both Western and Eastern views of stress to learn about its nature, what can trigger it, and the impact it can have on your body and your life. Numerous coping strategies are explored, including problem solving and time management skills, psychological and spiritual relaxation methods, and healthy nutritional and lifestyle choices. Self-reflection and self-awareness exercises, activities, and hands-on techniques will show you how to effectively and easily manage your stress and, most importantly, prevent it from reoccurring. A collection of 17 videos to accompany the text are available here:

Student Success For Health Professionals

by Lippincott Williams Wilkins Staff Nancy Olrech

This Second Edition of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' Student Success for Health Professionals Made Incredibly Easy has been revised and updated with a more user-friendly organization and design, but retains the health professions focus, the concise and approachable narrative, the fun features and art, and the self-paced online course of the first edition. It is still the first and only student success text designed specifically for health professions students and programs!

Study Skills and Strategies for Students in High School,Third Edition

by Charles T. Mangrum Stephen S. Strichart

This book provides students with strategies and skills that will help them plan their study time, take effective notes, remember information, take tests, build vocabulary. etc.

Succeeding When You're Supposed to Fail

by Rom Brafman

IN COUNTLESS STUDIES, PSYCHOLOGISTS HAVE DISCOVERED A SURPRISING FACT: For decades they assumed that people who face adversity--a difficult childhood, career turbulence, sudden bouts of bad luck--will succumb to their circumstances. Yet over and over again they found a significant percentage are able to overcome their life circumstances and achieve spectacular success. How is it that individuals who are not "supposed" to succeed manage to overcome the odds? Are there certain traits that such people have in common? Can the rest of us learn from their success and apply it to our own lives? In Succeeding When You're Supposed to Fail, Rom Brafman, psychologist and coauthor of the bestselling book Sway, set out to answer these questions. In a riveting narrative that interweaves compelling stories from education, the military, and business and a wide range of groundbreaking new research, Brafman identifies the six hidden drivers behind unlikely success. Among them: *The critical importance of the Limelight Effect--our ability to redirect the focus of our lives to the result of our own efforts, as opposed to external forces *The value of a satellite in our lives--the remarkable way in which a consistent ally who accepts us unconditionally while still challenging us to be our best can make a huge difference *The power of temperament--people who are able to tunnel through life's obstacles have a surprisingly mild disposition; they don't allow the bumps in the road to unsettle them By understanding and incorporating these strat-egies in our own lives, Brafman argues, we can all be better prepared to overcome the inevitable obstacles we face, from setbacks at work to chall-enges in our personal lives.

The Success Gurus

by The Editors at Soundview Executive Book Summaries Andrew Clancy

Insightful and easy-to-read summaries of fifteen great books. There are dozens of leadership and career books published every year, each promising a different path to success. How are readers expected to get the information they need without reading every one of them? Soundview Executive Book Summaries has developed a reputation for being the premier business book selection service in the country. Each month Soundview editors select and summarize the best books so that readers can get a better idea of what's out there and which books will give them an edge. Soundview follows up its previous books (The Marketing Gurus, The Management Gurus, and The Sales Gurus) with this collection of fifteen synopses of definitive books from authors who know the challenges of having a great career. They include Daniel Pink, Seth Godin, Stephen R. Covey, and Marchall Goldsmith. Two of the summaries have never been published. Each book is represented by main points, key examples, best quotes, and more.

Successful Flirting: Flash

by Sam Van Rood

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Successful Flirting is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to the art of making an impression and charming people in any situation. In just 96 pages, the reader will discover how to hold the attention of others, chat easily and confidently, and possibly even win over their future love.MASTER THE BASICSBOOST YOUR SOCIAL LIFECHARM THE OPPOSITE SEXMAKE NEW FRIENDSFLIRT YOUR WAY TO THE TOPBECOME A SUCCESS

Successful Flirting: Flash

by Sam Van Rood

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Successful Flirting is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to the art of making an impression and charming people in any situation. In just 96 pages, the reader will discover how to hold the attention of others, chat easily and confidently, and possibly even win over their future love.MASTER THE BASICSBOOST YOUR SOCIAL LIFECHARM THE OPPOSITE SEXMAKE NEW FRIENDSFLIRT YOUR WAY TO THE TOPBECOME A SUCCESS

Successful Self-motivation: Flash

by Frances Coombes

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Successful Self-motivation helps you to learn how to motivate yourself and be motivating to others. In just 96 pages, Successful Self-motivation will improve your insight, boost your creativity and create the circumstances for success.

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