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by RuPaul

FOREWORD BY JANE FONDAA timeless collection of philosophies from renaissance performer and the world’s most famous shape-shifter RuPaul, whose sage outlook has created an unprecedented career for more than thirty-five years. GuRu is packed with more than 80 beautiful photographs that illustrate the concept of building the life you want from the outside in and the inside out."You’re born naked and the rest is drag."As someone who has deconstructed life’s hilarious facade, RuPaul has broken "the fourth wall" to expand on the concept of mind, body, and spirit. This unique perspective has allowed RuPaul to break the shackles of self-imposed limitations, but reader beware, this is a daily practice that requires diligence and touchstones to keep you walking in the sunshine of the spirit. Once you’re willing to look beyond the identity that was given to you, a hidden world of possibilities will open its doors.Throughout the history of humans on this planet, there’ve always been shaman, seers, and mediums who are able to interpret both high and low frequencies and remind humans to look beyond the surface for the truth of who we really are. And who we really are is an extension of the power that created the universe (aka: God in drag). FYI: most people are not willing to hear or accept that.That is RuPaul’s secret for success, not only in show business, but in all aspects of life, especially in navigating the emotional landmines that inhibit most sweet, sensitive souls.If you think this book is just about "doing drag," you are sorely mistaken because for RuPaul, drag is merely a device to deactivate the identity-based ego and allow space for the unlimited.

Las tres preguntas: Cómo descubrir y dominar el poder de tu interior

by Don Miguel Ruiz Barbara Emrys

En Los cuatro acuerdos, don Miguel Ruiz introduce a los buscadores en la senda a la iluminación a los principios de la cultura espiritual mesoamericana: los antiguos toltecas. En este libro nos adentra en las prácticas de los nativos americanos, y nos pide que consideremos algunas preguntas esenciales que rigen nuestras vidas y gobiernan nuestro poder espiritual. Tres preguntas eternas pueden guiarnos a descubrir nuestro poder y usarlo juiciosamente:•¿Quién soy?•¿Qué es lo real?•¿Cómo expreso amor?En cada etapa de nuestras vidas debemos hacernos estas preguntas sencillas pero muy profundas. El encontrar las respuestas nos abrirá las puertas a la siguiente etapa en nuestro crecimiento y finalmente nos conducirá a nuestro yo, completo y verdadero. Pero, como aclara don Miguel Ruiz, si no hacemos estas preguntas –o si no prestamos atención a las respuestas– seremos nosotros quienes sufriremos, porque nunca conseguiremos actuar según nuestro poder o lo usaremos para destrucción. Solo cuando el poder esté ligado a nuestra identidad, podrá estar alineado con el universo y ser de verdadero provecho para nosotros y para los demás. Las tres preguntas anteriores proveen un marco práctico que permite a los lectores involucrarse con el mensaje transformador de Ruiz y actuar como un medio para vencer el temor y la ansiedad, y hallar la paz interior. Como una guía fundamental para todos los buscadores que persiguen el autoconocimiento, el entendimiento y la aceptación, este libro es el próximo paso en nuestra metamorfosis espiritual singular.

Old School Grit: Times May Change, But The Rules For Success Never Do (Sports For The Soul Series)

by Darrin Donnelly

Psychologists tell us that the secret to a successful and happy life, more than anything else, is something called GRIT. Defined as the willpower to persevere with passion and a sense of purpose, research shows that grit is what matters most in whether a person succeeds or fails. <P><P> That same research shows that previous generations had a lot more grit than today's younger generations. This isn't surprising. After all, most of us would agree that those older, wiser, and tougher members of the Greatest Generation are prime examples of what it means to persevere, to never back down, and to make sacrifices for a greater purpose. We could all use more of the OLD SCHOOL GRIT they embraced. <P><P> In this inspirational fable, Bob Flanagan represents the voice of old school grit. A legendary college basketball coach who thinks like John Wooden and talks like Mike Ditka, Flanagan is entering the final days of his coaching career. While his team tries to advance through the NCAA postseason tournament, Flanagan uses his last days as a coach to write his grandchildren letters revealing the rules for a successful and happy life. The rules of grit. <P><P> Though Coach Flanagan's letters are intended for his grandchildren, they might as well be for America in general. This is a man who lives by the old school code of faith, family, courage, and character; and he believes too many people have gone soft these days. They give up on their dreams too easily. They whine, complain, and pass the blame. They spend all their time and energy trying to avoid challenges instead of bucking up and powering through them. <P><P> Flanagan's letters are a rallying cry for toughening up and building grit. His fifteen rules provide a clear path to success in any endeavor.

Best You Ever: 365 Ways To Be Richer, Happier, Thinner, Smarter, Younger, Sexier, and More Relaxed -- Each and Every Day

by Rebecca Swanner Carolyn Dean Eve Adamson Meera Lester Rachel Laferriere

You can never be too rich or too thin...or too happy, smart, young, sexy or stress-free. In this book, you'll find the daily tips, tricks, and tried-and-true tactics you need to be all these things-and more. Each day's entry offers advice for a different aspect of your life, such as:Monday: Only Use Cash or Checks to Make Sure You Save MoneyTuesday: Create a Happiness Blog to Record Life's Best MomentsWednesday: Eat Folic Acid to Be ThinnerThursday: Try Sage and Lemon Balm to Improve Your MemoryFriday: Pile on the Garlic to Fight AgingSaturday: To Spice Things Up, Create Your Arousal MapSunday: Tune Up Your Chakras to Relax With this book, you can transform yourself and your life-one day at a time!

Christmas Stories You'll Love: A Merry Celebration of Joy and Peace

by Colleen Sell

Homemade meals. Carolers. Family gatherings. And everything else that’s wonderful about this time of year! Christmas Stories You’ll Love is a cheerful collection of tales that celebrate the spirit of the season. As you’re readying for the holidays, take a minute to enjoy these uplifting stories and remember how much fun Christmas can be. Happy holidays and enjoy!

A Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers: Stories that Celebrate the Extraordinary Relationship Between Horse and Rider

by Colleen Sell

Riding creates an unbreakable bond between horse and owner. In this new collection, you will meet more than fifty magnificent and dependable creatures and the people whose lives they've changed. From a spirited horse who takes his visually impaired owner on a life-changing journey, to a magical miniature who brings joy to those who need it most through animal assisted therapy, A Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers is sure to gallop away with your heart.

A Cup of Comfort for Inspiration: Uplifting Stories That Will Brighten Your Day

by Colleen Sell

Just like a cup of hot tea or coffee on a cold morning, this remarkable collection of true stories will warm your heart, lighten your mood, and rouse you to move mountains. In each one of these stories, you'll share in the blessings and triumphs of ordinary folks who have rediscovered the everyday pleasures inherent in living and loving. You will be inspired by stories such as: A woman gives her last five dollars to a homeless man, causing a ripple effect; An estranged family fills their house with joyful noise during a rare reunion; A housekeeper's love and firmness saves the lives of two motherless boys; A self-proclaimed "regular feller" works his way up from floor sweeper to company owner, and gives a whole town a lifetime of opportunity and hope. A Cup of Comfort for Inspiration offers uplifting stories of people making a difference.

A Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Sons: Stories that Celebrate a Very Special Bond

by Colleen Sell

He'll always be your little boy, and you'll always be the first woman who loved him unconditionally and believed in him completely. And as he grows into the wonderful man you knew he would become, he begins to realize that if he has anyone to thank for who he is, was, and will be, it's Mom. A Cup of Comfort for Mothers & Sons explores the depth and importance of the indestructible bond between mother and son. Here, ordinary mothers and sons explore all they mean to one another, and give thanks for the connection that has never failed them. A mother's love and faith sees her seven-year-old boy through a coma to a miraculous recovery. A wife discovers the depth of her husband's kindness and caring when he nurses his Alzheimer-stricken mother. A son whose mother died when he was only sixteen finds that she nonetheless provided a lifetime of mothering and love before she passed away. A teenage son and his mother make a deal: He stays on the straight and narrow, and she stops nagging him to fill the ice cube trays. This installment in the unparalleled Cup of Comfort series is a surefire winner for all the sons and mothers you cherish in your life.

A Cup of Comfort for Single Mothers: Stories that Celebrate the Women Who Do It All

by Colleen Sell

Features single mothers who have created a bond with their sons and daughters. From a woman who never misses one of her son's games - despite being the only single mother in the stands - to a new single mom whose three-year-old daughter provides comedic relief after a less-than ideal first date, this book features women who inspire you.

A Cup of Comfort for Sisters: Stories that Celebrate the Special Bonds of Sisterhood

by Colleen Sell

No one knows you quite like your sister does - though you and she may have your differences and your rivalries. You can depend on her for support, for guidance, and for a reassuring hug you can't find anywhere else. This book celebrates this bond with more than fifty stories of sisters.

Depression (The Everything Healthy Living Series)

by Adams Media

If you or a family member is suffering from depression, you may feel overwhelmed by the challenges associated with this condition. The Everything® Healthy Living Series is here to help. These concise, thoughtful guides offer the expert advice and the latest medical information you need to manage your pain and lead a healthy life.Inside you’ll find expert advice and helpful tips on understanding depression, seeking professional help, various treatment options, and thoughtful guidance on helping family and friends understand your condition. Living with depression can be challenging, but with the right guidance you can live a happy and healthy life.

A Cup of Comfort for the Grieving Heart: Stories to Lift Your Spirit and Heal Your Soul

by Colleen Sell

For those who have suffered the loss of a family member or dear friend, it's easy to feel alone. This book assures you that others understand and empathize with the pain you are experiencing.Featuring stories of solace and peace from those who have displayed the courage to go on, these tenderhearted personal accounts provide a supportive shoulder to cry on during a time of need.They say only time can alleviate the pain of grieving. But this moving collection will help you celebrate the lives of your dearly departed loved ones, and keep your heart brimming with bittersweet memories.

Conversaciones con María: Mensajes de amor, sanación, esperanza y unidad para todos (Atria Espanol)

by Anna Raimondi

Esta obra nos revela una moderna María que el mundo necesita conocer.A la edad de cinco años, en el patio de su casa en la ciudad de Long Island, Anna Raimondi tuvo una profunda experiencia. Fiel a su carácter de niña contemplativa, se escondió en una pequeña gruta que una vez había contenido una estatua de la Virgen María. En medio de esa paz oyó una voz, gentil y fuerte a la vez, que le dijo: “Anna, estoy a tu disposición siempre. Acude siempre a mí”. Ese fue el principio de la primera conversación entre ellas. Y aunque tuvieron muchas otras después, las incluidas en este libro tuvieron lugar el año pasado y transmiten el enfático mensaje de María y su deseo de que todo el mundo lo escuche. A través de Anna, María elabora y nos enseña importantes verdades acerca de: El alma, su naturaleza inmortal y las lecciones que cada alma debe de aprender. La oración, su poder, la forma correcta de orar, y la diferencia entre entregarse a Dios y no asumir responsabilidad por las acciones propias. Lo que ocurre cuando morimos, con revelaciones sobre las realidades del reino celestial, el infierno, el purgatorio y la reencarnación. María también nos ofrece perspicaces respuestas a preguntas sobre el terrorismo, la crisis global de refugiados, el racismo, la desigualdad entre los géneros, la igualdad matrimonial, y más. Sus conversaciones con Anna son esclarecedoras y provocativas, y le presenta a los lectores un camino de regreso a los sencillos mensajes de amor, perdón y paz que Dios nos dio.

Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management

by Ruth Pearce

“This book will soon become a widely accepted standard on how to deliver a successful project on time and on budget in any industry.” —John Garahan, Vice President, Global Delivery, Broadridge Financial Solutions Successful project managers must engage and motivate others to achieve complex goals. Ruth Pearce shows how behavior, language, and attitudes affect engagement and how leveraging character strengths can help improve relationships, increase innovation, and build higher-functioning teams. This focus on character strengths—such as bravery, curiosity, fairness, gratitude, and humor—can help project managers recognize and cultivate the things that are best in themselves and others. Many project managers do not have the authority to direct the activities of people on their teams—they can only influence them. The most influential people succeed by focusing less on themselves and their message and more on others. They pay attention, they are brave, they are vulnerable, they are curious, and they look for and acknowledge the things that are important about and to the other person. And they model the behavior that they want to see. This book tells you how.Pearce provides tools and frameworks for building a culture of appreciation, understanding character strengths, mapping leadership qualities, understanding learning styles, identifying team roles, and executing plans. She also explores the factors that contribute to conflict and tensions, as well as strategies for getting through difficult times. We see these tools and techniques in action through “Maggie,” a project manager who is struggling to motivate her team. Each chapter concludes with reflective questions to make the ideas stick and with key strategies for success.

Living in the Light: MyDaily Devotional (MyDaily)

by Johnny Hunt

Living in the Lightis a thoroughly trustworthy and inspiring devotional focused on the Light of the World, Jesus, and how to live as a reflection of His light.Living in Jesus' light has the power to change lives, relationships, and the world at large. General Editor Dr. Johnny Hunt, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, is joined by 50 Southern Baptist pastors and ministry leaders, including Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Dr. Grant Ethridge, Dr. Don Wilton, Dr. Ted Traylor, Dr. David Edwards, and Dr. Alex Himaya, to write this outstanding devotional.Each daily entry includes uplifting Scripture passages, a devotion, and a prayer. Explore such interesting themes as how Jesus is a lamp unto your feet, how to be a reflection of Jesus' light, and how Jesus lights the path to your future.

Perfecting Patience: Buddhist Techniques to Overcome Ange (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama)

by The Dalai Lama

In the days of extremism and severely divisive belief systems, learning patience and compassion practices (from the modern master of patience and compassion) is more valuable than ever.All of the world’s major religions emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and tolerance. This is particularly true in the Buddhist traditions, which unanimously state that compassion and love are the foundation of all paths of practice. To cultivate the potential for compassion and love inherent within us, it is crucial to counteract their opposing forces of anger and hatred. In Perfecting Patience, the Dalai Lama shows how, through the practice of patience and tolerance, we can overcome the obstacles of anger and hatred. He bases his discussion on A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life, the classic work on the activities of bodhisattvas—those who aspire to attain full enlightenment in order to benefit all beings. This book was previously published under the title Healing Anger.

Stealing the Corner Office: The Winning Career Strategies they'll Never Teach you in Business School

by Brendan Reid

Stealing the Corner Office is mandatory reading for smart, hardworking managers who always wonder why their seemingly incompetent superiors are so successful. Its controversial, but highly effective tactics for middle managers and aspiring executives who want learn the real secrets for moving up the corporate ladder.

101 Ways to Happiness

by Louise Hay

Learn the 101 ways to achieve and maintain a joyful state of being. Louise Hays warm, inspiration messages remind you that the keys to a happy life are with you, and can be reached at any time.

Art & Soul, Reloaded

by Pam Grout

With her trademark humor, enthusiasm, and no-nonsense guidance, #1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared Pam Grout invites you on a yearlong "apprenticeship" to recognize and unleash your innate creativity. Making art does not necessarily mean painting a gallery-worthy still life or belting out a Grammy-winning song. It simply means finding a way to give your inner muse a voice in this world. Sure, there’s drawing, dancing, singing, and writing. But there’s also art to be made from creating your own pair of angel wings or inventing a new toy or curating your own at-home film festival. Each week features a project of self-examination, an inspirational message, a real-world example of a celebrity who has addressed similar obstacles, and three zany activities to awaken your infinite creativity. It’s time to declare the beat of your own drum.

The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga

by Ellen Grace O'Brian Philip Goldberg

Achieve Success and Prosperity through the Principles of Yoga Although millions of Westerners practice yoga simply for its health benefits, the philosophy and wisdom behind the multifaceted discipline have far more to offer. In The Jewel of Abundance, award-winning author and Kriya Yoga teacher Ellen Grace O’Brian reveals an overlooked aspect of yoga: its powerful teachings on prosperity. She draws upon the ancient Vedic tradition of yoga philosophy and practice and shows how spirituality and earthly success can complement each other, leading to realization of the higher Self. O’Brian presents a clear explanation of both the philosophy of yoga and the nuts and bolts of practice, such as setting up a daily meditation routine, incorporating mantras, discerning how to cooperate with universal principles for complete well-being, and cultivating mindfulness in action. Along the way, she illustrates her lessons with personal stories and timeless sayings from great sages, both Eastern and Western. With O’Brian’s insightful guidance, readers will discover an inexhaustible source of abundance that is available to them whenever they look within.

Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart (Updated and Expanded Edition)

by Kyle Idleman

What do Netflix, our desire for the corner office, and that perfect picture we just posted on Instagram have to do with each other? None of these things is wrong in itself. But when we begin to allow entertainment, success, or social media to control us, we miss out on the joy of God’s rule in our hearts.In Gods at War, Pastor Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of Not a Fan, helps every believer recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives.According to Idleman, idolatry isn’t an issue?it is the issue.By asking insightful questions, Idleman reveals which false gods each of us are allowing on the throne of our lives. What do you sacrifice for? What makes you mad? What do you worry about? Whose applause do you long for? We’re all wired for worship, but we often end up valuing and honoring the idols of money, sex, food, romance, success, and many others that keep us from the intimate relationship with God that we desire.In this updated edition, Pastor Kyle adds a new introduction as well as new content about the battle many of us face with technology—whether we are tempted to send just one more text, stay online when our bodies need rest, or find ourselves putting email before in-person relationships. How can we seek God with our whole hearts instead?Using true, powerful, and honest testimonies of those who have struggled in each area, Gods at War illustrates a clear path away from the heartache of our 21st century idolatry back to the heart of God—enabling us to truly be completely committed followers of Jesus.

My Hungry Head: Dismantling the Diet Prison: Understanding Your Body, Controlling Your Cravings and Taking Charge of Your Weight

by Marybeth Sherrin

We are constantly bombarded by signals telling us to eat. Some were wired into our bodies thousand of years ago. Some jump out at us from the TV screen or the supermarket shelf. But over time, we can all learn to sort out these signals and reach and maintain a healthy weight. This method works because it deals with causes, not with symptoms.

Facing Life's Challenges: Daily Meditations for Overcoming Depression, Grief, and "the Blues"

by Amy Dean

Amy E. Dean, bestselling author of Night Light and Pleasant Dreams, tells us in Facing Life's Challenges--Daily Meditations for Overcoming Depression, Grief and "The Blues," that there are healthy responses to emotional pain, as well as destructive responses. She says, "Give yourself permission to feel and express those feelings when handling a loss, or major disappointment, in life. Doing so can lead to healing and long-term recovery."Facing Life's Challenges is designed to assist readers experiencing depression, who are going through a grieving process or just generally having a hard time. Each of the 366 daily meditations in this book suggests a simple "mental conditioning exercise" that can help muster an optimistic attitude even when things are most chaotic.Facing Life's Challenges can help you gradually minimize your emotional lows, and maximize your self-empowering highs.

There Are No Goodbyes: Guidance and Comfort From Those Who Have Passed

by Elizabeth Robinson

From a young age, trained counsellor, Elizabeth Robinson, was aware of being able to sense and know beyond the five senses. Her ability to see ‘beyond the veil’ into the spiritual realm has allowed her to effectively illuminate and articulate what holds people back from expressing their true potential.We live in a society that teaches us that contact with those who have passed does not exist; we have a medical model that, for the most part, labels these as aberrant experiences, is finite and, frequently, judgmental. In her work, Elizabeth combines conventional wisdom with knowledge gleaned from beyond the physical.In this deeply moving account, Elizabeth shares her extraordinary path to self-awareness. Tracing her journey from practicing privately and in hospitals in Australia, to living and working in the U.S., and returning to Sydney, she outlines experiences with clients and colleagues who have passed, and the insight and comfort that those experiences provide to those still living.There Are No Goodbyes firmly makes the case that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The phenomenal accounts in this book help us realize that there is no need to fear death, as we are all immortal and innately spiritual beings, connected eternally by the power of unconditional love!

The Free-Time Formula: Finding Happiness, Focus, and Productivity No Matter How Busy You Are

by Jeff Sanders

Find the time, clarity, and mental space to achieve your goals The Free-Time Formula helps you slow down time and get the important things done. We're all overworked, stressed, and always being asked to do more, and do it better; the days aren't getting any longer, so something has to give—don't let it be your sanity. This book provides a real-world framework for more effective time management that helps you prioritize, focus, clarify, and go. You'll begin with a time audit to assess your current stress, strategies, and output—and the results may shock you. From there, you'll work step-by-step toward a new daily routine that will help you become the focused, efficient achiever you've been trying to be for so long. It's not about cramming more into your precious 24 hours, it's about figuring out what really matters to you, and getting the most important things done first. Every day. Never miss another big deadline, never flake on an important meeting, never be late to an appointment again. It is possible with great planning, and this book is your personal guide. Focused on action, not filler, this book is an excellent resource for those who want to achieve more, but do less. With a few simple changes, you'll find the time you've been missing and put it to more productive use. Define and prioritize your personal and professional goals and responsibilities Cut the distractions and clarify your daily objectives Adapt your workplace tools and environment to facilitate actual work Periodically self-assess, course–correct when needed, and plan for the future Rather than rush through another day leaving things un-done and roses un-sniffed, take a beat and a breath, and take back your day with The Free-Time Formula.

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