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Stronger Than Before: Take Charge of Your Healing to Survive and Thrive with Breast Cancer

by Alison Porter

A much-needed book for the modern readership, providing support and guidance for every stage of the breast cancer journey, written by a breast-cancer survivor.Welcome to your breast cancer self-care bible.Stronger Than Before is the book Alison Porter went looking for when she first learned she had breast cancer. It's a practical handbook to guide you - and your friends and family - through every stage of the illness, from early diagnosis to treatment choices, and ultimately to a life beyond cancer.In this book, you'll discover:the different types of breast cancer, what to ask your doctor and how to make the choices that are right for youself-help techniques on every level - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - to support you through treatment and recoveryhow to view your illness as a catalyst for post-traumatic growth, and move on with your life with greater meaning and purposeyour options for reconstruction and how to maintain a cancer-preventative lifestyleadvice for friends and family, so they can be truly helpful in how they offer you supportWritten by a breast cancer survivor and thriver, Stronger Than Before contains invaluable information, guidance and tips, as well as tools and techniques to help you emerge from this life-changing experience healthier, more purposeful and stronger than before.

Craftfulness: Mend Yourself by Making Things

by Rosemary Davidson Arzu Tahsin

Craftfulness is the idea that making things with your hands makes you feel better, and can offer the same benefits as mindfulness and meditation, yoga, running, playing an instrument or singing.Integrating mindfulness, neuroscience, positive psychology, and creativity research, Craftfulness offers a thought-provoking and surprising reconsideration of craft, and how making things with our hands can connect us to our deepest selves and improve our well-being and overall happiness.We should get this out of the way: Craftfulness is not a "crafting book." Rather, it is an investigation of the wisdom generations of men and women know to be true: that making things is a vital means of self-expression, self-realization, and self-help that sparks the mind, touches the soul, and rejuvenates the spirit.Integrating mindfulness, neuroscience, positive psychology, and creativity research, Rosemary Davidson and Arzu Tahsin explore how the simple act of making something from scratch affects mental well-being, and offer a brilliantly reasoned argument in favor of craft.Process, not product, is the soul of a craft practice. Whether you knit, crochet, sculpt, weave, quilt, tat, draw, or bind books--working toward small, attainable goals provides a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and control that is proven to positively impact our mental health and happiness.Davidson and Tahsin illuminate how craft practice re-introduces balance into our lives and our habits by cultivating creativity, carving space for ourselves, promoting focus, creating a safe space for failure, and ultimately, how to make peace with imperfection.Like Matthew B. Crawford's Shop Class as Soul Craft, Ken Robinson's Out of Our Minds, or Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Flow, Craftfulness helps us to see our world in a new way, offering opportunities to disconnect from the world, and pay attention to ourselves.

A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind: Housekeeping Secrets From The World's Tidiest Monks

by Shoukei Matsumoto

Little known fact: Buddhist Monks are amazing at cleaning and tidying. In this one-of-a-kind guide to cleaning your home, Buddhist monk Shoukei Matsumoto reveals how to make your home as spotless as it is tranquil and peaceful. For Buddhist monks cleaning well is a cardinal skill and, in A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind, readers will discover their never-before-shared cleaning pro tips. In the Zen Buddhist tradition, true enlightenment is impossible if your home has even a speck of dust and, as such, Buddhist monks have much to teach us lay people about achieving a truly Zen clean. A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind features charming illustrations and step-by-step instructions on such essential household cleansing tips as: * First, Air It Out: Before cleaning anything Monk's first open the temple windows to purify the air and let the crisp morning breeze in. * Don't Procrastinate: 'Zengosaidan ' is a Zen expression meaning that one should put all their efforts into each day so they have no regrets. In the context of cleaning, this means don't put off cleaning those dishes you've left in the sink. * Remember to Put On Your Samue: Samue robes are worn by Japanese monks when they perform their daily duties of cleaning and looking after the temple. Easy to move in and to wash and care for, they are the perfect cleaning attire.From cleaning up everything from your kitchen sink, toilet, and that pile of unidentified stuff in the corner of your garage to your mind, body, and spirit, this book will guide you in creating a home environment that will calm your thoughts and nourish your soul.

Solteros señalados: cómo son estereotipados, estigmatizados e ignorados y aún son felices

by Bella DePaulo

Solteros señalados estableció a Bella DePaulo como la "principal intelectual y escritora de Estados Unidos sobre la experiencia de ser soltero". Utiliza la investigación científica, la cultura popular, y las experiencias de personas solteras para revelar las historias de éxito jamás contadas de personas solteras. Sí, es cierto que los solteros son estereotipados y estigmatizados. Pero no son víctimas. La autora, quien posee un doctorado en Harvard, observa los estudios sobre los solteros y descubre que los estereotipos, como por ejemplo, que son infelices, solitarios y egoístas, son sólo mitos. Solteros señalados incluye capítulos sobre mujeres, hombres, padres y ancianos solteros. También hay capítulos en los que se desacreditan varios mitos sobre ellos. En la introducción, DePaulo describe el lugar importante del soltero en la sociedad contemporánea. Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses adultos no están casados (son divorciados, viudos o siempre han sido solteros) y la edad en la que la gente se casa (entre los que lo hacen) ha estado aumentando casi cada año. Solteros señalados ha sido analizado en los periódicos y revistas más prestigiosos de los Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo. Bella DePaulo ha aparecido en televisión nacional e internacional y en programas de radio. (Para ver su biografía y la sección de medios, entre a este link Los capítulos de Solteros señalados a menudo son asignados en los cursos universitarios. El libro fue escrito con los altos estándares de una científica social consumada, y el ingenio de una buena escritora. The Washington Post lo describió como una “diatriba hilarante con una investigación excepcional a favor de vivir bien siendo soltero.” Otro de los periódicos principales comentó, "Fascinante. Este libro no podría haber llegado en un mejor momento. Por más que la adulación social de la pareja discrimine

Como Hacer tu Vida Más Interesante

by Bernard Levine

Si quieres conocer a alguien especial que verdaderamente te ame, si deseas que te contacten ofreciéndote una oportunidad laboral fantástica o quizás tu sueño es recibir la foto firmada de tu famoso preferido, por correo… Entonces, estás de suerte. Este libro te llevará por un viaje emocionante con hallazgos extraordinarios, sorpresas maravillosas y algunas joyas. Si deseas darle un toque de clase y entusiasmo a tu vida, debes tener este libro. Prepárate para mimarte y darte los gustos.

Quelle joie de vivre: Le secret por réaliser vos rêves avec la Loi d'Attraction

by Mafalda Lempicka

Dans ce livre, j'expliquerai tout ce que j'ai appris sur la Loi de l'Attraction, cette merveilleuse loi qui fonctionne, que nous la connaissions ou non, et avec laquelle nous pouvons travailler consciemment pour rendre notre vie meilleure, pour vivre PLEINEMENT, ce qui est notre destin

El libro de los pensamientos Volumen 2

by Antonio Almas

Un libro con pequeños pensamientos sobre la vida, la espiritualidad y sociedad. Porque la vida no es solo un camino de múltiples opciones, y el pensamiento no se restringe a análisis lógicos. Este libro pretende ser un momento de introspección en que la emoción y la razón van de la mano hacia el infinito.

The Other Side of the Wall: An ultramarathoner's story

by Mario Reynoso

“THE FINAL PART OF A ONE-HUNDRED MILE RACE CAN BE A VERY LONELY PLACE.” Steve Cairns “WHEN THE FATIGUE IS SO GREAT THAT YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN’T GO ANY FARTHER, SEARCH, LOOK WITHIN YOURSELF AND I PROMISE YOU THAT YOU WILL FIND MORE.” Ken Chlouber, Race director, Leadville 100 Have you ever heard the phrase “The great ones are not the ones who have never failed, but the ones who have never failed to give up?” Mario Reynoso is one who has never given up. In this book not only does he tell you how he became an ultramarathoner; he delivers his soul to you, his passion for overcoming pain, fatigue, and mistakes. His story is one that shows that happiness is found on the road, not at the finish line. A book that teaches you that the mind is the most powerful muscle for every runner.

Les 10 compétences essentielles du fonctionnaire: Un manuel proposé par Shahid Hussain Raja

by Shahid Hussain Raja

Être fonctionnaire est à la fois un honneur et un privilège, mais aussi une grande responsabilité. S’acquitter fidèlement de ses fonctions exige que vous soyez très efficace dans la prestation de services, efficient dans son exécution et honnête dans votre action publique. Cet opuscule tente de répertorier les compétences qui peuvent vous aider à vous insérer dans ce moule. Heureusement, toutes ces compétences dont vous aurez besoin dans l’exercice de vos fonctions peuvent s’apprendre et non pas héritées. Il faut seulement un engagement sans réserve et des efforts dévoués pour les apprendre. Bien que le livre ait été écrit principalement pour guider les fonctionnaires, plutôt que les hauts responsables publics, il est toutefois extrêmement utile à tous ceux qui sont impliqués n’importe type de gestion (organismes gouvernementaux ou organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) et le secteur privé, l’entreprise.) En outre, il peut être utile pour les étudiants en gestion-administration publique ou en gestion des affaires ainsi que tout lecteur qui souhaite améliorer ses compétences en leadership et en gestion.

Como Ter Mais Entusiamo em Sua Vida

by Bernard Levine

Se você quer conhecer aquele alguém especial que realmente pode te amar, ou se você prefere receber uma fantástica proposta de emprego ou até mesmo seu desejo seja uma foto com seu ídolo favorito... então você está seguindo um verdadeiro caminho especial. Este livro te levará numa jornada emocionante repleta de descobertas extraordinárias, surpresas maravilhosas e verdadeiras jóias raras. Será indispensável se você quer um toque de classe e entusiamo em sua vida. Uma coisa é certa... Você aprenderá e descubrirá muito sobre si. Prepare-se pois a mudança de hábito começa já!

Meditación: Una Guía Simple Para Aumentar La Positividad

by Muata Ortner

La meditación tiene una amplia gama de beneficios para la salud física y mental. Puede ayudarte a concentrarte y puede mantener tus emociones equilibradas y estables. La meditación puede cambiar tu vida para mejor. Puede ayudar a aumentar tu optimismo y puede ayudarter a controlar tus pensamientos. Algunas personas piensan que la meditación es algo que lleva años aprender. La verdad es que es un estado de conciencia muy natural que puede desarrollarse en tan solo unos minutos cada día. ¡Los beneficios de la meditación son infinitos! Si estás listo para actuar y cambiar su vida para mejor, ¡este libro definitivamente te guiará en la dirección correcta!

In Praise of Slow: How a Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed

by Carl Honore

In the tradition of such trailblazing books as No Logo and The Tipping Point, In Praise of Slow heralds a growing international movement of people dedicated to slowing down the pace of our contemporary times and enjoying a richer, fuller life as a result.These days, almost everyone complains about the hectic pace of their lives. We live in a world where speed rules and everyone is under pressure to go faster. But when speed is king, anyone or anything that gets in our way, that slows us down, becomes an enemy. Thanks to speed, we are living in the age of rage.Carl Honore has discovered a movement that is quickly working its way into the mainstream. Groups of people are developing a recipe for living better in a fast-paced, modern environment by striving for a new balance between fast and slow. In an entertaining and hands-on investigation of this new movement, Honore takes us from a Tantric sex workshop in a trendy neighbourhood in London, England to Bra, Italy, the home of the Slow Food, Slow Cities and Slow Sex movements. He examines how we can continue to live productive lives by embracing the tenets of the slow movement.A challenging take on the cult of speed, as well as a corrective look at how we can approach our lives with new understanding, In Praise of Slow uncovers a movement whose time has come.

Daniel Plan Journal: 40 Days to a Healthier Life (The Daniel Plan)

by Rick Warren

The Perfect Daniel Plan Companion for Better Overall HealthResearch shows that tracking your food and exercise greatly contributes to your long-term success. Maximize your momentum by exploring and charting your journey through the five key essentials of The Daniel Plan—faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends.Taking readers of The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life to the next level, The Daniel Plan Journal is the perfect companion, providing encouraging reminders about your health. On the days you need a little boost, The Daniel Plan Journal has the daily Scripture, inspiration, and motivation you need to stay on track and keep moving forward.

Poder sin límites: La nueva ciencia del desarrollo personal

by Anthony Robbins

Cómo lograr la calidad de vida que deseas y mereces mejorando a la vez tu vida personal y profesional. «La vida pagará cualquier precio que tú pidas.» <P><P>Esta sencilla máxima muestra elocuentemente la teoría básica de este libro: el problema esencial del desarrollo personal no está en las circunstancias, sino en nuestra actitud vital. Solemos pedirle a la vida un precio bajo, limitando nuestras ambiciones, siendo presas de la frustración o el miedo de ir más allá. <P><P>Y esta actitud negativa es lo que Poder sin límites ayuda a combatir enseñándonos el poder oculto del cerebro, los mecanismos correctos de relación interpersonal e incluso hábitos alimentarios adecuados para proporcionarnos el sistema de creencias y la sólida confianza en nosotros mismos que nos permitirán alcanzar el éxito.

Controle su destino: Despertando el gigante que lleva dentro

by Anthony Robbins

Un viaje de autodescubrimiento cuya estación final es la más plena y satisfactoria realización de uno mismo. ¿Se deja arrastrar por circunstancias que parecen estar fuera de su control? Esa carencia de autodominio es consecuencia de múltiples factores: hábitos negativos, escaso conocimiento de los propios valores personales, dificultades en las relaciones con los demás... Todo ello causa esa angustiosa sensación de estar manejado por los otros, por «lo» otro. En Controle su destino, Anthony Robbins propone una serie de pautas sencillas de seguir que nos ayudan a descubrir nuestras creencias más profundas, nuestras preguntas fundamentales. Los lectores han dicho...«Impresionante. Leer sí o sí. Top10 de los últimos 100 que he leído. Libro de referencia. Recomendadísimo en todos los sentidos.» «Un maravilloso libro para "controlar tu destino". Aporta información y herramientas útiles para aplicar en tu vida y para aplicar en sesiones de coaching personal» «Si te gusta leer libros de autoayuda este, para mí, es EL LIBRO.»

Unfuck Your Adulting: Give Yourself Permission, Carry Your Own Baggage, Don't Be a Dick, Make Decisions, & Other Life Skills (Five Minute Therapy #3)

by Faith Harper

Dr. Faith explains the fundamentals of adulting in this handy guide. Spoiler: None of the requirements are about having certain jobs, kids, possessions and debts, or being totally bored and stressed out and hating your life. This book will not teach you to change your oil or fold fitted sheets. Instead, Dr. Faith offers wisdom from her life experience and counseling practice like, “If it’s not yours, don’t touch it,” “Love people but not their bullshit,” “Invest in small comforts,” and “Either win or learn.” It’s hard work to do adulty stuff well, but the kind of work that’s satisfying because it’s about being good to yourself and other people and building a life that you’re okay with waking up to every day. Keep these hot tips around for when you’re making big decisions, dealing with difficult situations, or to give to a friend or kid who’s making any kind of big life transition. The truth is, adulting is way more fun than kidding. You got this!

Once Upon a Time: Discovering Our Forever After Story

by Debbie Macomber

From one of America's favorite storytellers comes a heartwarming, inspirational book to help readers understand their lives as one continuous, never-ending story."What I didn't understand at that time was that not only would all my writing dreams come true (and even above and beyond anything I could have dreamed or imagined), but that I would come to see my own life as one grand story. That's what this book is about." Debbie Macomber has inspired readers with her stories for decades. Now for the first time, she helps us to understand that our lives are stories, part of a grand narrative that God is writing day by day. With chapters that cover the importance of characters, setting, backstory, and conflict, Macomber uses the elements of a story to show how to understand our own lives better. Each chapter has a storytelling prompt--a searching question that will help frame your story--and a sidebar that pulls an idea out of the chapter and expands it with practical tips. Once Upon a Time shares Debbie's love of story and helps showcase the big picture of the story God is writing through us.

Fully Human: 3 Steps to Grow Your Emotional Fitness in Work, Leadership, and Life

by Susan Packard

HGTV cofounder Susan Packard launches the next chapter in emotional intelligence (EQ), and shows you how to increase your personal satisfaction and productivity—in work and life—via her three-step path toward EQ Fitness. Emotions can sink us, or they can power us like fuel to succeed. Many of us show up for work, and life, feeling lonely even in a room full of people, or bringing unproductive emotions into work, like anger or fear. You don’t have to feel this way. Susan Packard offers an accessible new guidebook to grow your emotional fitness, and it’s arrived just in time, as technology is quickly becoming our main interface for communication. No matter where you are in your career, success is an inside job. Packard lays out how to develop interdependent work relationships, and for leaders, how to build healthy company cultures. Packard introduces us to successful people, and companies, that are rich with ‘connector’ emotions like hope, empathy and trust-building. She tackles unconventional topics, like how workaholism keeps us emotionally adolescent, and how forgiveness belongs in the workplace too. Packard shares her EQ Fit-catalyzed success at HGTV and the stories of the executives she coaches in mindfulness and other emerging techniques, and she teaches an ‘inside out’ practice of self-discovery, which helps you uncover unproductive emotions, and dispel them. The best leaders balance power and grace, and everyone can effectively use resilience--an ability to endure tough situations and make tough decisions, and vulnerability, a willingness to open up, change, and admit when we need help. She offers new tools to bring our strongest emotional selves to work each day.

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen

by Marc Lesser Daniel J. Siegel

What would your work and your life look like if you knew how to stay focused yet flexible, if you got more of the right things done, and if you were helping to create a more peaceful world at the same time? “A mindful leader makes the work environment a generative social field in which compassion, connection, and creativity thrive. The seven accessible practices in this book can teach you how to become just such a leader.” — from the foreword by Daniel J. Siegel, MD, executive director of Mindsight Institute Today’s leaders are grappling with the pace and complexity of change, the challenge of supporting healthy collaboration and alignment among teams, and the resulting stress and burnout. The practice of mindful leadership may be one of the most important competencies in business today if leaders are to move beyond fear, anxiety, nagging self-doubt, and the feeling of constant overwhelm. Marc Lesser has taught his proven seven-step method to leaders at Google, Genentech, SAP, Facebook, and dozens of other Fortune 500 companies for over twenty years and has distilled a lifetime of mindfulness and business experience into these chapters. This incredibly practical yet accessible book draws on Marc’s experience as a CEO of three companies, as cofounder of the world-renowned Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program within Google, and as a longtime Zen practitioner. The principles in this book can be applied to leadership at any level, providing readers with the tools they need to shift awareness, enhance communication, build trust, eliminate fear and self-doubt, and minimize unnecessary workplace drama. Embracing any one of the seven practices alone can be life-changing. When used together, they support a path of well-being, productivity, and positive influence. Practicing mindful leadership will allow you to achieve results — with more energy, clarity, meaning, and connection. Your intentions and actions will be more aligned. You will accomplish more with less wasted effort. After reading this book, you’ll understand why some of the world’s most successful companies routinely incorporate the Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader, integrating mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and business savvy to create great corporate cultures, and even a better world.

Creative Trespassing: How to Put the Spark and Joy Back into Your Work and Life

by Tania Katan

"At once playful, smart, easy to implement and, dare I say, punk rock, the pages of this book will wake you up to your personal power and remind you just how enjoyable your life, and work, can be. I highly recommend you let Katan trespass all over your sitch and get yourself this fabulous book." - Jen Sincero, #1 New York Times bestselling author of You are a Badass and You are a Badass at Making MoneyCreative disruptor, inspirational speaker, and co-creator of the internationally viral campaign #ItWasNeverADress shows you how to put the spark back into your work and life."You don't have to turn into a corporate drone to kick ass in the working world," says Tania Katan. After more than ten years of smuggling creativity into the business sector without getting busted, Katan is here to tell you that any task or pursuit can be a creative one. You just need to be willing to defy conformity and be ready to conjure imagination anywhere, at any time. If you're feeling stuck in a dullsville job, a windowless cubicle, or an ill-fitting polyester work shirt, chin up! Katan has been there, too, and she's lived to tell the story. How? By choosing to stand out rather than fit in, to find her light, and to bask in it with all of her quirks and flaws. "The moment you choose to let the world see the real you--messy, imperfect, warts and all," she says, "is the moment you choose to shine too."Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking new ways to innovate, a newbie trying to spice up routine entry-level work, a free spirit with a rich creative life outside the office looking to bring more of that magic into your job, or just someone who occasionally feels the urge to scream "Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?!!," Katan will show you how to transform monotony into novelty and become more energized in your work and in the world.Peppered with stories of her own shenanigans--from organizing a wrestling match in the middle of an art museum to staging a corporate culture intervention via post-its--and lessons from the rule-breaking exploits of artists, change-makers, and totally legit business leaders alike, this book is a rollicking, uninhibited guide to using creativity as fuel for a freer and more joyful life.

Mindfulness and Intimacy

by Ben Connelly

Go beyond mere mindfulness—and deepen your connection to your self, the people in your life, and the world around you.Mindfulness is an ancient and powerful practice of awareness and nonjudgmental discernment that can help us ground ourselves in the present moment, with the world and our lives just as they are. But there’s a risk: by focusing our attention on something (or someone), we might always see it as something other, as separate from ourselves. To close up this distance, mindfulness has traditionally been paired with a focus on intimacy, community, and interdependence. In this book, Ben Connelly shows us how to bring these two practices together—bringing warm hearts to our clear seeing. Helpful meditations and exercises show how mindfulness and intimacy can together enrich our empathetic engagement with ourselves and the word around us—with our values, with the environment, and with the people in our lives, in all their distinct manifestations of race and religion, sexuality and gender, culture and class—and lead to a truly engaged, compassionate, and joy-filled life.

Do One Thing Different: Ten Simple Ways to Change Your Life

by Bill O'Hanlon

The 20th anniversary edition of a self-help classic, updated with a new preface: Tapping into widespread popular interest in highly effective, short-term therapeutic approaches to personal problems, author Bill O’Hanlon offers 10 Solution Keys to help you free yourself from "analysis paralysis" and quickly get unstuck from aggravating problems. <P><P>“If you do one thing different, read this book! It is filled with practical, creative, effective, down-to-earth solutions to life’s challenging problems.”—Michele Weiner-Davis, author of Divorce BustingTired of feeling stuck all the time when you’re trying to solve a problem or are facing conflict? Do you get easily flustered or angry when a negative confrontation arises? Have you ever wished you could communicate more easily with your spouse, kids, colleagues, or anyone else you have a difference in opinion with? <P><P>In this newly updated edition of Do One Thing Different, Bill O’Hanlon will arm you with his ten easy Solution Keys so that you can move quickly from "stuck" to "smooth sailing" in all aspects of your life. Humorous, direct, and—most important of all—effective, these keys will help you change how you view and "do" your problems—from difficult relationships to enhancing sexuality and resolving conflicts of all kinds. The next time you have a problem, try one of these Solution Keys:Break Problem Patterns: Change any one of what you usually do in the problem situation by doing one thing different! Example: If you usually get angry and defensive, sit quietly and listen. <P><P>Find and Use Solution Patterns: Import solutions from other situations where you felt competent. Examples: What do you know on the golf course that you forget when you get behind the wheel of your car? What do you say to resolve a problem with an angry customer that you don't say to your angry partner?Shift Your Attention: Focus on what you would like to have happen rather than on what is happening. <P><P>Grounded in therapeutic practice, Do One Thing Different will put you back in control of your emotions and your life.

Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful Peop le

by Toni Sciarra Poynter Joe Navarro

What makes a narcissist go from self-involved to terrifying? In this national bestseller, Joe Navarro, a leading FBI profiler, unlocks the secrets to the personality disorders that put us all at risk. “I should have known.”“How could we have missed the warning signs?””I always thought there was something off about him.”When we wake up to new tragedies in the news every day—shootings, rampages, acts of domestic terrorism—we often blame ourselves for missing the mania lurking inside unsuspecting individuals. But how could we have known that the charismatic leader had the characteristics of a tyrant? And how can ordinary people identify threats from those who are poised to devastate their lives on a daily basis—the crazy coworkers, out-of-control family members, or relentless neighbors?In Dangerous Personalities, former FBI profiler Joe Navarro has the answers. He shows us how to identify the four most common "dangerous personalities" and how to analyze the potential threat level: the Narcissist, the Predator, the Paranoid, and the Unstable Personality. Along the way, he provides essential tips and tricks to protect ourselves both immediately and in the long-term, as well as how to heal the trauma of being exposed to the destructive egos in our world.

Self-Hypnosis Made Easy: Reach Your Full Potential Using All of Your Mind

by Valerie Austin

Train yourself into deep hypnotic trances and work with your subconscious mind to transform problems and reach your full potential.Self-hypnosis can be a great tool to overcome obstacles in our lives. Self-Hypnosis Made Easy gives the reader the skills to train themselves into deep hypnotic trances, getting rid of negative thoughts and behaviors, and improving any aspect of their life that they want to change. In this book, readers will discover: Easy-to-follow, step-by-step techniques for self-hypnosis Practical exercises to help deepen a hypnotic trance How hypnosis can help them stop smoking, eliminate phobias, reduce weight, sleep better - and more. How hypnosis can help overcome a major illness.For total beginners and improvers alike, this book is an excellent resource to learn self-hypnosis.This title was originally published within the Hay House Basics series.

Ilusiones (Centro Literario)

by Richard Bach

Por el autor de Juan Salvador Gaviota. Historia para descubrir lo más hondo de nosotros mismos. En el espacio aéreo sin nubes que se extiende entre los campos de maíz de Illinois y el azul infinito, un hombre deposita su fe en la hélice de su biplano. Para ese piloto, la fe es tan real como un depósito lleno de gasolina# hasta que se encuentra con Donal Shimoda, un antiguo mecánico que se define como un mesías y es capaz de lograr que las penas desaparezcan y que la imaginación remonte el vuelo. En Ilusiones descubrimos las verdades atemporales que dan alas a nuestras almas: que la gente no necesita máquinas voladoras para levantar el vuelo, que incluso las nubes más oscuras tienen un sentido cuando nos situamos por encima de ellas y que los mesías pueden encontrarse en lugares tan insospechados como un campo de heno, un pueblo perdido en medio de la llanura o, sobre todo, en lo más hondo de nosotros mismos.

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