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Showing 13,776 through 13,800 of 36,609 results

Invested: How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Taught Me to Master My Mind, My Emotions, and My Money (with a Little Help from My Dad)

by Danielle Town Phil Town

In this essential handbook—a blend of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Happiness Project—the co-host of the wildly popular InvestED podcast shares her yearlong journey learning to invest, as taught to her by her father, investor and bestselling author Phil Town.Growing up, the words finance, savings, and portfolio made Danielle Town’s eyes glaze over, and the thought of stocks and financial statements shut down her brain. The daughter of a successful investor and bestselling financial author of Rule #1, Phil Town, she spent most of her adult life avoiding investing—until she realized that her time-consuming career as lawyer was making her feel anything but in control of her life or her money. Determined to regain her freedom, vote for her values with her money, and deal with her fear of the unpredictable stock market, she turned to her father, Phil, to help her take charge of her life and her future through Warren Buffett-style value investing. Over the course of a year, Danielle went from avoiding everything to do with the financial industrial complex to knowing exactly how and when to invest in wonderful companies. In Invested, Danielle shows you how to do the same: how to take command of your own life and finances by choosing companies with missions that match your values, using the same gold standard strategies that have catapulted Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger to the top of the Forbes 400. Avoiding complex math and obsolete financial models, she turns her father’s investing knowledge into twelve easy-to understand lessons. In each chapter, Danielle examines the investment strategies she mastered as her increasing know-how deepens the trust between her and her father. Throughout, she streamlines the process of making wise financial decisions and shows you just how easy—and profitable—investing can be.Capturing a warm, charming, and down-to-earth give and take between a headstrong daughter and her mostly patient dad, Invested makes the complex world of investing simple, straightforward, and approachable, and will help you formulate your own investment plan—and foster the confidence to put it into action.

Una buena ventura

by Fernando Montaño

La historia del bailarín colombiano que venció todos los obstáculos hasta alcanzar su sueño: convertirse en una de las figuras principales del Royal Ballet de Londres. Uno de los testimonios más inspiradores de todos los tiempos. Desde que era niño, el colombiano Fernando Montaño tomó la decisión de convertirse en bailarín profesional y hoy en día es una de las estrellas principales del Royal Ballet de Londres. Pero el camino para llegar ahí no ha sido fácil. En este libro, Montaño comparte por primera vez todas las adversidades, los fracasos y los episodios que marcaron su vida desde que abandonó Buenaventura, una de las zonas más pobres de Colombia, hasta llegar a Europa. Una historia inspiradora que habla sobre alcanzar los sueños, sobre la pobreza, la resiliencia, la discriminación racial, la disciplina, el talento y el arte.

Vitaminas: Para el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños

by Andrea Cardemil

Vitaminas Para el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños

Understanding Men's Passages: Discovering the New Map of Men's Lives

by Gail Sheehy

Hundreds of bold, imaginative men--celebrities as well as everyday heroes--share here their most intimate desires, deepest fears, and most fervent cravings for renewal. Decade by decade, Sheehy uncovers the real issues facing men today: finding new passion and purpose to invigorate the second half of their lives, dealing with "manopause," surviving job change, enjoying post-nesting zest, defeating depression, and learning what keeps a man young.

Daily Readings from Become a Better You: 90 Devotions for Improving Your Life Every Day

by Joel Osteen

In addition to his much anticipated most recent book, Become a Better You, Joel Osteen offers this lovingly compiled collection of motivational and inspirational readings to prepare and assist us in becoming the person that God wants each of us to be. It is the perfect complement to Become a Better You. This book will provide enlightening, insightful and inspiring words for all readers. The readings correspond beautifully with the seven values that Joel emphasizes in Become a Better You.

Life Lessons: How Our Mortality Can Teach Us About Life And Living

by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, David Kessler

If you only had a few days left, how would you live your life differently? Having now faced her own death the famous 'death and dying lady' takes on life and living, showing us how the lessons learned by many people - including herself - at the end, can teach us to improve and enjoy life at any time. Each one of us asks at some point, 'Is this really how I want to live my life?' This is a life-changing book, reminding us that the tragedy is not that life is short, but that we often see only in hindsight what really matters. LIFE LESSONS faces life's challenges, devoting a chapter to fourteen crucial areas: identity, love and relationships, loss and fear, power, time, tolerance, patience, surrender, guilt, happiness, play, creativity. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler have been to the edge of life, hundreds of times, with those who have died and those who have survived. They invite us to explore these stories, showing us a better way to live and the way towards a deeper happiness. This very positive and hopeful book is a unique way to see each life as meaningful and profound, as an authentic experience that can fulfil its potential.

Confesiunile unui vorbitor public

by Scott Berkun

În acest volum plin de haz ?i extrem de practic, scriitorul ?i vorbitorul profesionist Scott Berkun ne dezv?luie tehnicile folosite de marii oratori ?i ne arat? cum le poate utiliza oricine pentru a comunica mai bine.

Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing

by Timothy Mccall

The definitive book of yoga therapy, this groundbreaking work comes to you from the medical editor of the country's premier yoga magazine, who is both a practicing yogi and a Western-trained physician. Beginning with an overview of the history and science of yoga, Dr. McCall describes the many different techniques in the yoga tool kit; explains what yoga does and who can benefit from it (virtually everyone!); and provides lavishly illustrated and minutely detailed instructions on starting a yoga practice geared to your fitness level and your health status. Yoga as Medicine offers a wealth of practical information, including how to:*Utilize yogic tools, including postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, for both prevention and healing of illness*Master the art of becoming more in tune with your body*Communicate more effectively with your doctor*Adopt therapeutic yoga practices as either an alternative or a complement to surgery and to expensive, sometimes dangerous medications*Practice safely Find an instructor and a style of yoga that are right for you. With twenty chapters devoted to the work of individual master teachers, including such well-known figures as Patricia Walden, John Friend, and Rodney Yee, Yoga as Medicine shows how these experts have applied the wisdom of this ancient holistic practice to twenty different conditions, ranging from arthritis to chronic fatigue, depression, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, infertility, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, and obesity. Defining yoga as "a systematic technology to improve the body, understand the mind, and free the spirit," Dr. McCall shows the way to a path that can truly alter your life. An indispensable guide for the millions who now practice yoga or would like to begin, as well as for yoga teachers, body workers, doctors, nurses, and other health professionals.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Little Book of Lykke: Secrets of the World’s Happiest People (The Happiness Institute Series)

by Meik Wiking

Join the happiness revolution! The author of the New York Times bestseller The Little Book of Hygge offers more inspiration and suggestions for achieving greater happiness, by practicing Lykke (LOO-ka)—pursuing and finding the good that exists in the world around us every day.While the Danes are the happiest people on the planet, happiness isn’t exclusively Danish; cultures around the world have their own unique approaches to leading a contented, fulfilled life. For his work at the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Meik Wiking travels the globe from Dubai to Finland, Rio de Janeiro to Bhutan, South Korea to the United States, to discover the secrets of the very happiest people.In The Little Book of Lykke, Meik identifies the six factors that explain the majority of differences in happiness across the world—togetherness, money, health, freedom, trust, and kindness—and explores what actions we can take to become happier. As he reveals, we can deepen our blissfulness and contentment with little adjustments in our behavior, whether it’s eating like the French (sitting around a table and savoring our time) or dancing the tango like Argentinians in Buenos Aires.With his trademark warmth and wit, Meik explores the happiness gap for parents, how much money you really need to buy happiness, how we can be healthier without having to go to the gym, how we can learn to build trust and collaboration, how we can help ourselves by helping others, and why our expectations often outweigh our reality. Weaving together original research and personal anecdotes, The Little Book of Lykke is a global roadmap for joy that offers a new approach to achieving everyday happiness that not only improve our own lives, but help us build better communities and a better world.

¿Y ahora qué hacemos?: Preguntas y respuestas después de una infidelidad

by Alejandra Godoy Haeberle Antonio Godoy Delard

¿De qué manera se puede abordar terapéuticamente los episodios de infidelidad en la pareja? ¿Qué entendemos por infidelidad? ¿Han aumentado las infidelidades en el último tiempo? Quien fue infiel ¿lo volverá a ser? ¿Una pareja se puede recuperar después de una infidelidad? Estas y otras preguntas que muchos nos hemos hecho por años respecto de la infidelidad son las que responden los psicólogos Alejandra y Antonio Godoy, especialistas en pareja y sexualidad. A través del análisis de numerosos casos y de una extensa revisión de investigaciones, los autores abordan uno de los temas más complejos que viven algunas parejas: la infidelidad y cómo abordarla para evitar un quiebre. Con una vasta base teórica y a partir del estudio de ejemplos muy actuales, Alejandra y Antonio Godoy ofrecen una nueva mirada, la cual puede servir como guía para parejas, terapeutas, comunicadores y para todos aquellos que quieran orientar a aquellas que estén pasando por esta compleja situación como lo es una crisis pos-infidelidad "Nuestro principal objetivo es entregarles una mirada amplia y desprejuiciada que los ayude a derribar el sinnúmero de mitos que prevalecen al hablar de infidelidad. Para ello procuramos exponerles desde distintos ángulos los hallazgos más relevantes, basándonos tanto en información empírica como en nuestros años de experiencia clínica. Tenemos la esperanza de que ahora estén más dispuestos a dejar de lado sus creencias TAN arraigadas y generen nuevas interpretaciones que los conduzcan no solo a evitar la separación sino también a fortalecer su relación", aseguran los expertos en su libro. Como ellos mismos plantean, la idea es entregar una visión más amplia respecto de la infidelidad y persuadir a quienes la han vivido de que esta problemática no puede ser vista desde categorías como "bueno" y "malo", y de que no existen verdades absolutas en este asunto. Es posible que al final queden más preguntas y cuestionamientos en el aire que respuestas y aseveraciones, lo que puede ser una tremenda oportunidad para enriquecer el diálogo de la pareja.

26 Marathons: What I Learned About Faith, Identity, Running, and Life from My Marathon Career

by Meb Keflezighi Scott Douglas

Four-time Olympian Meb Keflezighi shares lessons learned from each of the 26 marathons he's run in his storied career. <P><P> When Meb Keflezighi ran his final marathon in New York City on November 5, 2017, it marked the end of an extraordinary distance-running career. As the first person in history to win both the Boston and New York City marathons as well as an Olympic marathon medal, Meb’s legacy is forever cemented. <P><P> Meb's last marathon was also his 26th, and each of those marathons has come with its own unique challenges, rewards, and outcomes. In 26 Marathons, take on those legendary races alongside Meb—every hill, bend, and unexpected turn of events that made each marathon an exceptional learning experience, and a fascinating story. <P><P> 26 Marathons offers the wisdom Meb has gleaned about life, family, identity, and faith in addition to tips about running, training, and nutrition. He shows runners of all levels how to apply the lessons he's learned to their own running and lives. <P><P>Equal parts inspiration and practical advice, 26 Marathons provides an inside look at the life and success of one of the greatest runners living today.

The Forgiveness Project: The Startling Discovery of How to Overcome Cancer, Find Health, and Achieve Peace

by Micheal Barry

After thorough medical, theological, and sociological research and clinical experience at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), author and pastor Michael Barry has made a startling discovery: the immune system and forgiveness are very much connected. Through the inspiring stories of five cancer patients, Barry helps readers identify--and overcome--the barriers that prevent healing and peace. See how a breast cancer patient named Jayne experienced spiritual and physical renewal when she learned to forgive. Meet Cathy whose story illustrates how forgiveness can positively change relationships. Be inspired by Sharon's story of spontaneous remission. With each true account comes proven strategies, tested and used by CTCA, that readers can implement to find peace with their past, relief from their hatefulness, and hope for healing.

Arregla tu vida con grafología: Escribe para lograr lo que quieres

by Maryfer Centeno

Éste no es un libro normal, ¡es el wordbook que tú necesitas para arreglar tu vida con grafología y lograr todo lo que quieres! Por la autora bestseller de Grafomaniatics. "Escribir este libro ha sido el mayor reto de mi vida porque cuando lo empecé, me sentía muy mal y muy triste, tenía que reinventarme pues no sabía quién era. Fue por medio de grafoterapia y ejercicios de grafología que fui reconstruyéndome. Ahora soy más consciente de quien soy y de todo mi poder, aprendí a perdonarme y a perdonar, solté mis dolores más profundos y volví a creer en mis sueños. Lo mejor de todo es que no sólo me sirve a mí, sino a muchísimas personas en el mundo. Éste no es un libro normal, ¡es el wordbook que tú necesitas para arreglar tu vida con grafología y lograr todo lo que quieres! Así que si tienes alguno de los problemas siguientes,¡este libro es para ti! - No sabes quién eres y le tienes miedo al cambio. - Te sientes fe@ y no te gusta tu cuerpo. - Sientes envidia y quisieras tener más dinero. - Te enojas de todo y no tomas buenas decisiones. - Te falta amor propio y tienes heridas emocionales. Además, Arregla tu vida con grafología te ayudará a mejorar tu imagen pública, a conocer a los demás por medio de su letra o sus dibujos, a sanar tus miedos, ansiedades y depresiones. En estas páginas sabrás si tu relación de pareja está intoxicada, si vives un noviazgo de maltrato o eres un maltratador, o si necesitas un cambio profundo en lo laboral, lo personal y hasta en redes sociales: no dudes más, ¡en este libro descubrirás que lo que necesitas es reinventarte para ser feliz! Maryfer Centeno

Creating Career Success: A Flexible Plan For The World Of Work (New 1st Editions In College Success)

by Francine Fabricant Jennifer Miller Debra Stark

Today's workplace is a dynamic, ever-changing environment. Job security is a thing of the past, layoffs are common, and people change jobs and careers frequently. Students need to be prepared to adapt to the unexpected twists and turns they may face. CREATING CAREER SUCCESS helps students develop a self-directed, proactive, flexible plan to launch and manage their careers over the years to come, using the latest technological resources and job search strategies. Through a process of self-assessment, career exploration, and self-promotion students discover how to connect their skills, interests and values to a variety of possible careers, build relationships, and present themselves in the best possible light to potential employers. Most importantly, students are encouraged to keep their minds and options open, and to engage themselves fully in the career development process.

Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks For Me and You

by Lin-Manuel Miranda Jonny Sun

Good morning. Do NOT get stuck in the comments section of life today. Make, do, create the things. Let others tussle it out. Vamos! <P><P>Before he inspired the world with Hamilton and was catapulted to international fame, Lin-Manuel Miranda was inspiring his Twitter followers with words of encouragement at the beginning and end of each day. He wrote these original sayings, aphorisms, and poetry for himself as much as for others. But as Miranda's audience grew, these messages took on a life on their own. Now Miranda has gathered the best of his daily greetings into a beautiful collection illustrated by acclaimed artist (and fellow Twitter favorite) Jonny Sun. <P><P>Full of comfort and motivation, Gmorning, Gnight! is a touchstone for anyone who needs a quick lift.

A Way Out: A Memoir of Conquering Depression and Social Anxiety

by Michelle Balge

What do you do when you're trapped in your mind? When you can't escape the feelings of depression and fear? <P><P>A Way Out gives a raw, unfiltered look into the life and thoughts of a young woman, Michelle, experiencing severe depression and social anxiety. Social anxiety plagued her since her early youth, hindering her most as a young adult. She began having suicidal thoughts in her early teens but didn't perceive them as being abnormal. This eventually evolved into a deep depression. Her social anxiety and depression fueled each other, creating a grave cycle of negative thoughts. <P><P>Michelle is able to share her experiences in a way that allows others to go along for the ride with her: the highs, the lows, and the amusingly unexpected. It artfully conveys Michelle's journey through mental illness and toward mental health. Beyond the haunting honesty, A Way Out delivers heart, humour, and hope.

My Friends, We Were Robbed!

by Rabbi Uri Zohar

In the late 1970s, an Israeli named Uri Zohar quietly made a decision to become Torah observant. When the news of that decision became public knowledge, it plunged a good portion of Israeli society, frum and non-frum alike, into total shock. You see, Uri Zohar was, at the time, the top comedian, television and radio talk show host, social satirist, actor, and film producer on the Israeli scene. Even more, he was the epitome of modern, non-Torah-observant Israeli society. How does such an individual simply jump ship one day?! Today, Rav Uri Zohar is one of our gedolim, a tremendous talmid chacham who is also involved in bringing others closer to Torah. This book contains the story of his decision to become a frum Jew, as well as his observations, thoughts, views, and descriptions of various facets of his journey's starting point, the world of the West. Is there a G-d Who gave the Torah to the Nation of Israel at Mt. Sinai, and if there is, what does He want from us? That is the question which Uri Zohar, at the height of his wildly successful career, set out to answer, and it is that intellectual excursion which is the subject of this book. Read the fascinating "teshuvah story" of Uri Zohar, as told to beloved author Nachman Seltzer. Join him on his journey of logic and reason, as related in Rav Zohar's own words, and discover-as he did-the deep, irrefutable truths of your very own heritage.

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles

by Deepak Chopra

As elegant as his bestselling How to Know God and as practical as his phenomenal The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, this groundbreaking new book from Deepak Chopra contains a dramatic premise: Not only are everyday coincidences meaningful, they actually provide us with glimpses of the field of infinite possibilities that lies at the heart of all things. By gaining access to this wellspring of creation, we can literally rewrite our destinies in any way we wish.From this realm of pure potential we are connected to everything that exists and everything that is yet to come. "Coincidences" can then be recognized as containing precious clues about particular facets of our lives that require our attention. As you become more aware of coincidences and their meanings, you begin to connect more and more with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is when you achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of desire.At a time when world events may leave us feeling especially insignificant and vulnerable, Deepak Chopra restores our awareness of the awesome powers within us. And through specific principles and exercises he provides the tools with which to create the magnificent, miraculous life that is our birthright.From the Hardcover edition.

Find Your Place: Locating Your Calling Through Your Gifts, Passions, and Story

by Rob Wegner Brian Phipps

Every person has been designed by God for one-of-a-kind Masterpiece Mission, what most people refer to as personal calling or personal purpose. Everyone needs to be able to name what God has put them on the earth to do. Most people never do. That is a tragedy of epic proportions.We need a simple way to discover that calling, and Find Your Place is that way. GPS technology is widely known as a way to know where you are on the earth, as well as a way to guide you to get where you want to go. The Find Your Place book will help followers of Jesus locate three signals that will help people discern their personal calling: their Gifts, their Passions, and their Story, and help them take meaningful next steps to engage that calling.Furthermore, the American Church has a Co-Dependency Disorder. Church members have become dependent upon church leaders, and church leaders need their members to remain that way. This co-dependence is doing more than throttling the vitality of the is strangling it. In order for the people of God to truly thrive and be salt and light in the world, church leaders must move from simply "gathering and teaching" their members to "empowering and releasing them." This book, the accompanying online assessment, and the disciple-making tools that both will be integrated into, will all be a part of a turn-key solution for church leaders to accomplish that goal.

Reimagining Your Love Story: Biblical and Psychological Practices for Healthy Relationships

by Andrea Gurney

We’ve all grown up watching the fairy tales that promise happily ever after with our one true love. Whether we like it or not, whether we think we believe it or not, chances are we’ve internalized that story of love. And despite the technology to find connection with more people than ever before, somehow we are also lonelier than ever before—even when we’re in relationships.Although we were created for loving, intimate relationships, we’ve lost our understanding of how to find and maintain them. Andrea Gurney wants readers to discover more authentic connections that aren’t made of wishes, so she equips us with practices from psychology, biblical truths, and lessons from relationship science. She also helps us examine our developmental history, including how cultural and familial messages take root in our psyches. Together, these tools craft a solid foundation on which lasting love can be built, rather than a pumpkin carriage that disappears when the clock strikes midnight. If you are disillusioned by unattainable societal standards, in need of healing from damaged relationships, or simply want to improve at relating well with others, you’re ready for Reimagining Your Love Story.

Energy Speaks: Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving, and Awakening

by Lee Harris Regina Meredith

A powerful new voice providing clear and direct guidance for personal transformation Energy Speaks gives us a clear blueprint for growth and change. It provides practical guidance and inspiration on the things that matter most to us — including love, sex, money, personal power, self-expression and purpose, emotional healing and well-being, and how to have peace with our families — as well as more esoteric topics, such as how to invoke the help of our spirit guides and angels. This empowering book is the work of a great emerging spiritual teacher. It is filled with tools that you can use to break free of limitations and transform your life.

The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology: Breathe and Connect with the Calm and Happy You

by Dominique Antiglio

In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, this comprehensive guide to the practice of Sophrology will help you cultivate resilience, confidence, and serenity in your daily life. Sophrology is a dynamic relaxation, stress-management, and personal-development system already popular in Europe, growing worldwide, and used successfully by people from all walks of life. The method combines Western science and Eastern wisdom using relaxation, breathing, body awareness, and visualization. In ten- to fifteen-minute practices, you will learn to: • manage stress and anxiety • beat insomnia • overcome fear of failure • support your needs and realize your goals • prepare for major life events (childbirth, exams, sports competitions, etc.) • regain calm and balance • live up to your full potential • enjoy your version of happiness Includes downloadable guided practices

Deep Human Connection: Why We Need It More than Anything Else

by Stephen Cope

New in paperback. Originally published as SOUL FRIENDS. Best-selling author Stephen Cope explores the essence of human connection through five essentialtypes of relationships."Destined to be a classic. . . . . Cope makes us want to risk making real, intentional human connections-and makes us long to celebrate them, and to allow them to transform us into fully-conscious and fully-alive human beings."- Geneen Roth, New York Times best-selling author of Women, Food and God and Lost and FoundDo you long to connect more deeply with other human beings? Do you wonder if you're living up to your human potential to make these deep connections happen-and perhaps missing out on this most compelling aspect of a vital life? In this groundbreaking new book, best-selling author Stephen Cope invites us to explore the most important questions in this domain: What is the nature of human connection? Why, precisely, is a capacity to connect deeply so important to the development of our minds, bodies, and spirits? What are the actual mechanisms of connection that we must master during the course of life? How can our lack of connection inhibit our happiness and satisfaction in life? Can we learn to connect more wisely than we do? Cope is well known as a master storyteller, and in this new book he seamlessly blends science, scholarship, and storytelling, drawing on poignant stories from his own life as well as the lives of famous figures-from E. M. Forster to Sigmund Freud to Queen Victoria-whose formative relationships shed light on the nature of connection itself. In the process, he lays out in stunning detail the precise mechanisms of human connection, which he distills into five helpful categories: containment, twinship, adversity, mirroring, and conscious partnership. Then he invites us into a remarkably practical reflection on how these forms of connection appear in our own lives, helping us work toward a fuller understanding of deep human connection-and a more satisfying and fruitful life.

Working with Kundalini: An Experiential Guide to the Process of Awakening

by Mary Mueller Shutan

A guide to moving gracefully through the 3-phase process of Kundalini awakening • Explains the three phases of Kundalini awakening, the effects of pre-Kundalini and neuro-Kundalini, and Kundalini’s connection to the chakras and the spiritual heart • Describes the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of Kundalini energy, including the rerouting of digestive fire, which can lead to food allergies and sensitivities • Explores supportive dietary and alternative health modalities, including fasting, paleo, keto, vegetarian, and mono diets, herbal allies, and meditation Kundalini awakenings can have profound physical, emotional, and mental effects, making it difficult to cope with everyday life, yet these powerful awakenings can also allow you to release past trauma, see past the illusions of the false self, and awaken your spiritual heart, enabling you to recognize the divine self. In this step-by-step guide to the 3-phase process of Kundalini awakening, Mary Shutan delivers practical information on how to deal with such a spiritual emergence in our modern world. Starting with her own story, she describes the nature of Kundalini energy, the reasons for the energy rising, and the connection to the chakra system. Debunking the myths associated with Kundalini awakening, she explains how the first phase of Kundalini rising involves a surging up of fire--the fire of purification. It releases the past, liberates you from past bondages and beliefs, and disrupts the neuro-endocrine systems of the body. The second phase involves expansive experiences of ecstasy, peace, bliss, and emptiness states as the upper chakras open, greater perspective on life comes in, and you connect with cosmic consciousness. The third phase, the opening of the spiritual heart, is a shift from upward-flowing energy to a downward flow of grace into the heart center, leading to compassion, re-anchoring in the world, and the embodiment of light. Exploring how Kundalini profoundly rewires the physical body and the mind, the author describes the rerouting of digestive fire during the rising of Kundalini energy. She explores the relationship between Kundalini and food allergies and sensitivities as well as supportive dietary and alternative health modalities, including fasting; paleo, keto, vegetarian, vegan, and mono diets; herbal allies; and mineral supplements. She also explores sexual practices that may help or hinder the process and meditation techniques to facilitate Kundalini awakening during each phase. Providing detailed guidance for each phase of Kundalini awakening, this experiential guide supports you as you transform not only emotionally and spiritually but also physically and socially into your divine self.

Life Is Not Complicated--You Are: Turning Your Biggest Disappointments Into Your Greatest Blessings

by Carlos Wallace

Every person on the planet has experienced loss; that's a brutal fact of life. But in these darkest times, we are presented with much more that just grief; we are given the opportunity to learn, heal, and grow. When you reach a place where you can view setbacks as reminders to appreciate the good things in your life, you have taken the first step to owning your destiny as a happier, more joyful, and more successful person. Carlos Wallace, president and CEO of entertainment management firm Sol-Caritas, has known his share of sadness and loss. In those times, he goes back to the lessons he learned from his parents and grandparents. From their hardship, he draws inspiration for strength. In their history, he finds encouragement for his future. The answers you're looking for are within reach. Perhaps the solution to your problem has already been revealed to you, but how will you know where to find the answers? When things spin out of control and you lose direction, these lessons can help you. Life really isn't all that complicated. People, on the other hand, are. No matter how long it takes to get to where you need to be, as long as you take that first step, you'll be further along than if you did nothing at all.

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