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The Empathy Trap: Understanding Antisocial Personalities

by Jane McGregor

Sociopathy affects an estimated 1- 4% of the population, but not all sociopaths are cold-blooded murderers. They're best described as people without a conscience, who prey on those with high levels of empathy, but themselves lack any concern for others' feelings and show no remorse for their actions. Drawing on real life cases, The Empathy Trap: Understanding Antisocial Personalities explores this taboo subject and looks at how people can protect themselves against these arch-manipulators. Topics include: - Defining sociopathy, and related conditions such as psychopathy, narcissism, and personality disorder - How sociopaths operate and why they're often difficult to spot - Identifying sociopathic behavior - The sociopath's relations with other people and why they often go unpunished - Coping with the aftermath of a destructive relationship - Re-establishing boundaries and control of your life - Practical advice for keeping sociopaths at bay - Resources and further help.

Guide to Personal Happiness

by Albert Ellis Irving M. Becker

Written by the legendary two fathers of RET therapy, this book is a straightforward look at how to supercharge your level of daily happiness.

From Anger to Intimacy: How Forgiveness Can Transform Your Marriage

by Gary Smalley Ted Cunningham

Did you know that spiritual, emotional, physical and relational exhaustion lead to, ANGER? And unresolved anger leads to sin. All couples deal with anger and how they respond (stuff it, spew it or study it), can make all the difference in their relationship and in their lives. In From Anger to Intimacy, Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham explore this often maligned and God-given emotion that unless dealt with can strip us of everything we love. Now couples can learn the skills to: resolve conflict, hurt and pain in a healthy way, master their internal buttons so as to overcome feelings of anger, frustration and rage, use five specific tactics to deal with anger and rage when they rear their ugly heads, walk in the freedom God intends by learning the three essentials of forgiveness and five keys to nurturing a forgiving spirit, craft the perfect apology, remove the roadblocks to forgiveness once and for all, break sexual addiction and heal after an affair, and find answers to big questions about anger and forgiveness in their marriage.

Life Admin: How I Learned to Do Less, Do Better, and Live More

by Elizabeth F. Emens

Reading this book should be at the top of your To Do list. Life Admin will give you many hours of your life back. Every day an unseen form of labor creeps into our lives—stealing precious moments of free time, placing a strain on our schedules and our relationships, and earning neither appreciation nor compensation in return. This labor is life admin: the kind of secretarial and managerial work necessary to run a life and a household. Elizabeth Emens was a working mother with two young children, swamped like so many of us, when she realized that this invisible labor was consuming her. Desperate to survive and to help others along the way, she conducted interviews and focus groups to gather favorite tips and tricks, admin confessions, and the secrets of admin-happy households. Life Admin tackles the problem of admin in all its forms, from everyday tasks like scheduling doctors appointments and paying bills, to life-cycle events like planning a wedding, a birth, a funeral. Emens explores how this labor is created, how it affects our lives, and how we might avoid, reduce, and redistribute admin whenever possible—as individuals and as a society. Life Admin is the book that will teach us all how to do less of it, and to do it better.

Journaling: Como Criar Um Diário De Autoconhecimento Perfeito Em 1 Mês – 5 Minutos Por Dia

by The Blokehead

Manter um diário é um ótimo caminho em direção ao autoconhecimento. Entretanto, isso só é possível quando torna-se um hábito, e não algo feito apenas uma vez. Essencialmente, criar um diário de autoconhecimento opera maravilhas porque "força" a pessoa a gastar tempo consigo mesma. Ao dar atenção aos seus próprios pensamentos, você tira tempo para refletir e recuperar-se, gerando uma atividade terapêutica. Manter um diário de autoconhecimento também ajuda a aperfeiçoar seus pensamentos e comportamentos, pois proporciona compreensões que são negligenciadas na rotina diária.

Kundalini: La Guida Kundalini del Risveglio per Guarire e Sbloccare il Tuo Potere Spirituale

by John Wald

Sblocca Oggi il Tuo Potere Spirituale Stai cercando una pratica che renda più efficace la capacità naturale del corpo di guarirsi da solo? Vuoi imparare le possibilità del potere spirituale? Vuoi potenziare il tuo corpo, la tua mente ed il tuo spirito? Questo libro vuole fornire la capacità di capire cosa è la pratica Kundalini, con una breve storia ed altre informazioni del posso che ti aiuteranno ad avere un contesto più completo. In questo libro ci sono anche suggerimenti su come iniziare la tua pratica Kundalini per curare e potenziare il tuo corpo, la tua mente ed il tuo spirito. Tra le pagine di questo libro, troverai le risposte a queste e ad altre domande. Solo alcune delle domande e degli argomenti trattati comprendono: La Connessione dello Spirito al Corpo Il Tesoro Nascosto Le Scure Nebbie della Preistoria Il Bhagavad Gita Yoga Kundalini Risveglio Guarigione Potere Spirituale Il Significato dell'Egoismo Pericoli Potenziali dei Poteri Spirituali Benefici Spirituali Chakra, Nadi e Corpo Sottile Ed altro! Anche se le centinaia di dettagli della pratica Kundalini vanno oltre questo libro, questo capitolo ti forniranno un'ampia conoscenza di ciò che viene coinvolto nel risveglio dell'energia Kundalini. Quando avrai finito di leggere, avrai una chiara idea delle sfide e dei benefici del risveglio Kundalini. Prendi oggi la tua copia del Kundalini!

Drinking: A Love Story

by Caroline Knapp

Fifteen million Americans a year are plagued with alcoholism. Five million of them are women. Many of them, like Caroline Knapp, started in their early teens and began to use alcohol as "liquid armor," a way to protect themselves against the difficult realities of life. In this extraordinarily candid and revealing memoir, Knapp offers important insights not only about alcoholism, but about life itself and how we learn to cope with it.

The Shift: Taking Your Life From Ambition To Meaning

by Wayne W. Dyer

The Shift—the book inspired by the movie of the same name—illustrates how and why to make the move from ambition to meaning. Experience the internationally renowned principles and teachings of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer as they come to life in this one-of-a-kind enhanced e-book. Download The Shiftand allow these lessons to guide you down a more authentic and rewarding path today. As we contemplate leaving the morning of our life, where ego has played a commanding role, and entering the afternoon (and evening), where meaning and purpose replace ambition and struggle, we may encounter unexpected occurrences that accompany this new direction. It’s almost a universal law that we’ll experience a fall of some kind. Yet these falls or low points provide the energy we need to move away from ego and into a life of meaning and purpose. The Shift doesn’t mean that we lose our drive and ambition; it signifies that we become ambitious about something new. We make a commitment to living a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful, rather than a life based on never-ending demands and false promises that are the trademark of the ego’s agenda.

The Only Thing That Matters: Book 2 In The Conversations With Humanity Series (Conversations With Humanity Ser. #2)

by Neale Donald Walsch

Something very unusual is occurring on this planet right now. You have no doubt noticed it. It may be producing a more than normal amount of challenge and disjointedness in your life, and perhaps even some major upheavals. You are probably noticing it in the lives of others as well. For a while you may have thought that this was all just your mind playing tricks on you; that things were not really happening any differently, and that you’re just a little tired, a little overcommitted, a little oversensitive. But now, as each day presents itself with obstacles mounting and challenges increasing and more and more personal issues coming up to be faced and healed, it is apparent that all of this is not an illusion, not an exaggeration. So you may be asking, "Why is all this happening? What am I doing wrong?" And here’s the answer . . . You’re doing nothing wrong. AND . . . there is something very unusual going on right now in your life, and all over the planet.

Somos lo que hablamos: El poder terapéutico de hablar y hablarnos

by Luis Rojas Marcos

Descubre el inmenso poder terapéutico del habla. Un texto interesante, emotivo e imprescindible sobre la importancia y los beneficios de hablar para comunicarnos así como de hablarnos a nosotros. Hablar es la actividad humana más eficaz para proteger la autoestima, gestionar nuestro programa vital, disfrutar de la convivencia y las relaciones afectivas y facilitar nuestro bienestar físico, mental y social. Está, pues íntimamente relacionado con la buena salud y la satisfacción con la vida. En este ensayo divulgativo, el reconocido psiquiatra Luis Rojas Marcos nos demuestra, el papel fundamental que desempeña el lenguaje a través de experiencias personales vitales y de su reconocida y dilatada carrera profesional en las que el habla ha desarrollado un papel fundamental porque... ¿qué hace un psiquiatra si no escuchar a sus pacientes?

Improvisation for the Spirit: Live a More Creative, Spontaneous, and Courageous Life Using the Tools of Improv Comedy

by Katie Goodman

"A practical, fascinating, and funny guidebook. I've already begun applying hints from Improvisation for the Spirit, and I'm hoping that from now on, when people point and laugh at me, it will be for more appropriate reasons. A delightful read, filled with wonderful strategies." - Martha Beck, Life Coach Columnist for O, The Oprah Magazine, and author of Steering by Starlight Wish you could gag your Inner Critic? Feeling blocked creatively? Want to make a big change, but fear taking the leap? Comedy improv requires quick thinking, collaboration, getting out of your own way, and being in the moment without being a perfectionist. Katie Goodman, an internationally touring improv comedian and comedy writer, uses her witty and encouraging style to show you how to acquire the skills of improv comedy and apply them to every aspect of daily life. Along the way Goodman shares hilarious and insightful stories from her experiences onstage, as well as step-by-step exercises from her popular self-discovery workshops and retreats. Packed with creative, original, and, most importantly, fun exercises, Improvisation for the Spirit offers a truly transformational guide for anyone wanting to get more out of life. "Bottom line: Katie is funny. She teaches you to live your life like an improv scene - no fear and fully committed." - Wayne Brady, improv comedian, Whose Line Is It Anyway? and Don't Forget the Lyrics "Katie Goodman's writing fl ows and then jumps with anecdotes and prescriptions for finding courage. Fun to read, hard to put down." - Lesley Stahl, 60 Minutes "If you feel that something is holding you back, that the life you are meant to live is out there somewhere if only you could fi nd it, then this book should go straight to the top of your reading list." - Carl Honore, author of In Praise of Slowness and Under Pressure

What Should I Do with My Life?: The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question

by Po Bronson

Po Bronson tackles the biggest, most threatening, most obvious question that anyone has to face, 'What should I do with my life?' It is a problem that is increasingly encountered not just by the young but by people who have half their lives or more behind them. The modern route to self-discovery is to trade what you have for a completely different way of life, to face the challenges and finally confront our real aims and desires. Bronson's book is a fascinating account of finding and following people who have uprooted their lives and fought with these questions in radical ways. From the investment banker who gave it all up to become a catfish farmer in Mississippi, to the chemical engineer from Walthamstow who decided to become a lawyer in his sixties; these stories of individual dilemma and drama - and sometimes unsuccessful gambles are bound up with Bronson's account of his own search for a calling.

To Be a Runner: How Racing Up Mountains, Running With the Bulls, or Just Taking on a 5 K Makes You a Better Person and the World a Better Place

by Martin Dugard

With an exuberant mix of passion, insight, instruction, and humor, best-selling author—and lifelong runner—Martin Dugard takes a journey through the world of running to illustrate how the sport helps us fulfill that universal desire to be the best possible version of ourselves each and every time we lace up our shoes. To Be a Runner represents a new way to write about running by bridging the chasm between the two categories of running books: how-to and personal narrative. Spinning colorful yarns of his running and racing adventures on six continents—from competing in the infamous Raid Gauloises to coaching his son's high school cross-country team—Dugard considers what it means to truly integrate the activity into one's life. For example, how the simple act of buying a new pair of running shoes can be a source of meaning and hope. As entertaining as it is provocative, To Be a Runner is about far more than running: It is about life, and how we should live it.

Fama, Fortuna y Ambición: ¿Cuál es el verdadero significado del éxito? (Life Essentials #Volumen)

by Osho

Fama, Fortuna y ambición es una obra en la que Osho medita, entre otros temas, sobre el dinero y el poder, dejando claro que no son negativos mientras esta abundancia material no sustituya a la espiritual o la haga a un lado, y que no es necesario desear con intensidad para obtener las cosas materiales o espirituales, pues se presentarán precisamente cuando menos las estemos esperando y después del esfuerzo personal necesario para lograrlo. La sociedad engendra la idea de la ambición, de ser poderoso, de ser rico. Es una sociedad completamente equivocada. Produce personas insanas, psicológicamente enfermas. Y cuando han alcanzado la meta que la sociedad y el sistema educativo les ha impuesto, se encuentran en un punto muerto. La carretera se acaba; más allá no hay nada. Así, o se convierten en falsas personas religiosas o saltan a la locura o al suicidio y se destruyen.

Day Nine: A Postpartum Depression Memoir

by Amanda Munday

A harrowing memoir about a woman’s struggle with postpartum depression. Nine days after the birth of her daughter, Amanda was involuntarily admitted to a Toronto psychiatric ward for postpartum depression. The typical hold-and-release process in Ontario is seventy-two hours. She stayed eighteen days. New parent sleep deprivation is familiar, but Munday’s tumultuous experience with depression is one rarely discussed within parent communities. Any mental illness comes with a strong public stigma, and with mental illness connected to motherhood, the judgments run deep. Through her experiences, Munday presents the harsh realities of new parenthood and the quiet suffering postpartum depression commands. Day Nine is an intimate memoir that reads like a freight train, revealing how common life transitions — childbirth and parenthood — can unravel into a medical emergency few new parents are prepared for.

Spiritual Power: The Mask of the Absolute - Volume 2

by Gian Kumar

‘What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.’— PlutarchIn this compact volume, Gian Kumar, a thinker by nature, has delved into the essence of spirituality, and its relationship with every aspect of human existence. When we cease to blame destiny for every mishap occurring in our lives and instead seek answers from within, we will be on the path to illumination and awareness. Gian Kumar has put this wisdom to the test innumerable times in his life. His own struggles strengthened his resolve to fight life’s battles from his inner resources rather than look outward. He shares his insights with us, offering some new revelations each time. He reiterates that spiritualism is purely based on the theory that ‘all that exists is one and not two.’ We are here to experience this oneness, with the realization that we are all interconnected and interrelated and simply cannot exist on our own.This volume should be used as an advanced guide to help us discover the inner path of spirituality, and how to live complete, fulfilling lives.

Así es la vida

by Marcela Lechuga

El intenso viaje del ser humano por la vida Este libro nos anima a tomar las situaciones del día a día como desafíos y no como amenazas, para así dejar de percibir el estrés como un enemigo, aceptándolo como el motor que nos facilita ser protagonistas de nuestra vida. Así es la vida nos conduce a entrar en nuestros temores más profundos: el estrés, las pérdidas, la enfermedad, el envejecer, el morir. Junto al conocimiento científico, sus experiencias profesionales y sus vivencias personales, Marcela Lechuga nos alienta a enfrentarlos y trascenderlos. Un recorrido que va desde el miedo hasta el amor. Recordándonos que en todos los instantes de la vida nos hemos enfrentado a retos para crecer y madurar y lo seguiremos haciendo hasta el último día. Porque así es la vida.

Why Men Won't Commit: How To Get What You (both) Want Without Playing Games

by George Weinberg

Why are men afraid to commit? Dr Weinberg answers this question in WHY MEN WON'T COMMIT and shows women how to help their men change their minds. Dr Weinberg considers that men have four basic needs (the need to be special, to travel light, for loyalty and for emotional closeness) and if they feel that these aren't being met they will develop bad gut reactions against their girlfriends, which will most likely mystify these women. The problem for women and men is that men themselves couldn't tell you about these needs because they've grown up establishing a 'masculine pretence' that forbids them from showing emotion or discussing problems. Dr Weinberg's WHY MEN WON'T COMMIT provides a bridge between the two sexes that will lead to greater understanding, greater commitment and greater happiness. This is a unique approach to an age-old problem because it shows women why they needn't play games, or lose their own dignity, to help men commit. An informed, practical, straight-talking guide to men, or as Dr Weinberg calls them 'the fragile sex', WHY MEN WON'T COMMIT is invaluable to every woman who feels her single life must end - and soon!

Power Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life

by Robert Feldman

P.O.W.E.R. Learning is the only research-based student success series with a unifying system for critical thinking and problem solving. P.O.W.E.R. Learning maximizes students' potential for success in college and in life. Using the scientifically-based, yet simple and class-tested principles of the P.O.W.E.R. (Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, and Rethink) system, students gain a sense of mastery and achievement as they move through the text; with the growth of their confidence comes the increased intellectual enthusiasm and personal discipline needed for them to excel.

Thriving In College And Beyond: Research-based Strategies For Academic Success And Personal Development

by Joe B. Cuseo Aaron Thompson Michele Campagna Viki S. Fecas

Thriving in the Community College and Beyond: Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development With Lassi Code

A Parent's Guide To Montessori Classroom(revised)

by Aline D. Wolf

This booklet describes in detail the Montessori program for children between the ages of three and six. It is designed to help you, the par¬ents, understand the long-range purpose of Montessori education and to give you a description of the equipment that your child will be using for approximately three years. This information may also interest your child's future teachers, who may want to know the details of his or her earlier learning experience.

Someday Is Not a Day in the Week: 10 Hacks to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

by Sam Horn

"Inspired me to ask myself why and to stop postponing the forgotten dreams." —Geneen Roth, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Women Food and God and This Messy Magnificent LifeFull of inspirational insights and advice, lifehacks, and real-world examples, Someday is Not a Day in the Week is CEO Sam Horn’s motivational guide to help readers get what they want in life today rather than "someday."Are you:• Working, working, working?• Busy taking care of everyone but yourself?• Wondering what to do with the rest of your life?• Planning to do what makes you happy someday when you have more time, money, or freedom?What if someday never happens? As the Buddha said, “The thing is, we think we have time.”Sam Horn is a woman on a mission about not waiting for SOMEDAY ... and this is her manifesto. Her dad’s dream was to visit all the National Parks when he retired. He worked six to seven days a week for decades. A week into his long-delayed dream, he had a stroke. Sam doesn’t want that to happen to you. She took her business on the road for a Year by the Water. During her travels, she asked people, “Do you like your life? Your job? If so, why? If not, why not?”The surprising insights about what makes people happy or unhappy, what they’re doing about it (or not), and why...will inspire you to carve out time for what truly matters now, not later.Life is much too precious to postpone. It’s time to put yourself in your own story. The good news is, there are “hacks” you can do right now to make your life more of what you want it to be. And you don’t have to be selfish, quit your job, or win the lottery to do them. Sam Horn offers actionable, practical advice in short, snappy chapters to show you how to get started on your best life — now.

The Power of Agency: The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles, Make Effective Decisions, and Create a Life on Your Own Terms

by Dr. Paul Napper Anthony Rao

Introducing The Power of Agency, a science-backed approach to living life on your own terms. Agency is the ability to act as an effective agent for yourself—reflecting, making creative choices, and constructing a meaningful life. Grounded in extensive psychological research, The Power of Agency gives you the tools to help alleviate anxiety, manage competing demands and help you live your version of success.Renowned psychology experts Paul Napper and Anthony Rao will help you break through your state of overwhelm by showing you how to access your personal agency with seven empowering principles: control stimuli, associate selectively, move, position yourself as a learner, manage your emotions and beliefs, check your intuition, deliberate and then act.Featuring stories of people who have successfully applied these principles to improve their lives, The Power of Agency will give you the insights and skills to build your confidence, conquer challenges, and live more authentically.

Go Big: Make Your Shot Count In The Connected World

by Cory Cotton

It began with a free sandwich, a simple camera, and twenty “I can do better than you” shots. From that afternoon of friendly competition, six college guys created Dude Perfect, a YouTube group that specializes in the craziest basketball shots you can imagine. Within months, the guys went from shooting backyard trick shots to starring in GMC truck commercials and standing on an L.A. Red Carpet. Listed by Advertising Age as one of YouTube’s Hottest Brands, Dude Perfect’s videos have reached and inspired hundreds of millions with one contagious message—the very phrase they championed from day one—Go Big. By leveraging the connected world, Dude Perfect’s dream became a reality, and now, they want the same for you. Written by one of the dudes himself, Go Big tells their story and unveils their secret: five practical principles for taking your passions, skills, and dreams to the next level. Are you ready to Go Big?

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