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Autopublicar en Kindle y CreateSpace: El viaje desde la biografía al libro, con bajo presupuesto (1 #1)

by Dr Dipak Kumar Sharma

Un libro claro y ameno para aquellos escritores noveles que quieren autopublicar al costo más económico posible.Dr Sharma es un excelente motivador, claro, preciso sin tecnicismos innecesarios. Te ayuda con su vasta experiencia a incursionar en el mundo de los escritores independientes con herramientas práticas y seguras online sobre escritura, edición mercado y ventas. Un libro de cabecera para cualquier escritor creativo

Poupées Sexuelles: Un Mal ou un Bien?

by Gabriel Agbo Olivier Kamenan KOFFI, Enseignant, Traducteur

Les vendeurs de gadgets sexuels engrangent des milliards de dollars chaque année. Leurs produits sont très diversifiés et disponibles aujourd’hui partout dans le monde. Maintenant l’on a l’impression que ce commerce de gadgets de stimulation et satisfaction artificielles ou technologiques de désirs sexuels est très en vogue. Les célibataires, mariés, vieux, jeunes fréquentent tous aujourd’hui les magasins de gadgets sexuels et les confections deviennent de plus en plus attrayantes et sophistiquées. L’ingéniosité créatrice des fabricants semble être sans limite dans l’invention de ces nouveaux instruments de plaisirs sexuels. Aujourd’hui certains de ces gadgets agissent ou se comportent comme de parfaits partenaires de sexe opposé. Cela est vrai. L’objet de la présente analyse est de rechercher les origines, le but et les effets de ces gadgets sur les utilisateurs, particulièrement leurs implications psychologiques et spirituelles. Les gadgets sexuels ne datent pas d'aujourd’hui. Leur histoire remonte loin en arrière au temps de l'usage des objets taillés en forme de pénis. Les Romains, Grecs, Chinois, Asiatiques, Indiens des temps anciens faisaient tailler ces objets dans des pierres, du fer, de l'or, du bois ou autres matériaux et s'en servaient pour se masturber. Certains parmi eux (notamment les Grecs) vouaient également un culte aux dieux et déesses du sexe; là où ces objets étaient exhibés et utilisés, d’autres orgies notamment des rapports sexuels avec des démons ou esprits impurs étaient abondamment développées. L'on peut donc affirmer sans ambages que les gadgets sexuels tirent leur origine des plaisirs ''illimités'' et de l'adoration des dieux démoniaques. Cette invention a pris plusieurs formes et le 20ème siècle a vu l'apparition du premier vibrateur électrique. Depuis ce temps, l'on assiste à un déluge de ces instruments de plaisir sexuel, qui au départ manuels sont au fil du

Life After School Explained: The Definitive Reference Guide

by Cap Llc. Compass

Credit cards, HMOs, leases, business dinners... this witty book explains all of the "life skills" that no one bothers to teach in the classroom. The book was written by a team of young professionals, and is full of funny first-hand experiences from their first few years in the real world. This book is the definitive reference guide for life after school. It is full of helpful and humorous hints for anyone who eats, spends money, works, or pays taxes. The book draws on tips from the popular Cap & Compass campus seminars, and includes a lot of feedback from graduating seniors and recent grads. It's the perfect gift for recent graduates (college or high school). A few of the topics covered include: mutual funds, 401k's, work dinner etiquette, buying vs. leasing a car, engagement rings, student loans, auto insurance, dressing for the job, taxes, ...

Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams

by Jack Canfield D. D. Watkins

Long before he was the cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield was a master motivator, teacher, and a self-esteem trainer. In his latest book, Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction, the man known internationally as America's Success Coach helps readers apply the principles of the famed Law of Attraction to their lives.Canfield covers all areas of life -- from career and creative pursuits to health, financial prosperity and winning relationships -- and guides readers to understand how the Law of Attraction works in their lives through reprogram-minded, interactive prescription. In addition Canfield discusses: · How not to let life 'happen' to you, but to be a pro-active agent in your destiny · Orchestrating positive changes to make yourself a magnet to the Law of Attraction · Connecting your bundle of intelligent energy for optimum, life-changing results.and much more

Going through Hell to Get to Heaven

by Dr Scot Hodkiewicz

Dr. Scot Hodkiewicz had followed his plan step by step and was happily living the American Dream—the perfect family, a lucrative job, and a secure, comfortable lifestyle.But as Scot drove with his wife, three young children, and two dogs down a Wisconsin highway, he discovered that God had other plans for his life. A drunk driver hit Scot’s car head on, nearly killing Scot and his wife. Left with a mangled body and a broken spirit, Scot entered a downward spiral of pain, addiction, and potential tragedy.Scot initially was filled with anger, hatred, and self-pity before he started to see the everyday angels around him and hear God’s voice directing him at each trial. Scot learned the power of forgiveness and humility and saw that his struggles were actually his path to salvation. In his personal Hell, Scot found that Heaven doesn’t exist only after death but can be found here on Earth by listening to God.Scot invites readers to share in his miraculous journey so that they, too, will be able to turn their eyes, ears, and hearts to God and confidently say, “Not my will, but yours.” With questions for study and reflection, Going through Hell to Get to Heaven is an ideal companion for Christians seeking to walk more closely with God.

Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You've Always Wanted

by Kimberly Friedmutter

Activate the raw power of your subconscious to create the life you've always wanted, using six essential lessons from one of the world’s most renowned hypnotherapists.Unsatisfying careers. Volatile, unhealthy relationships. Unfulfilled dreams. Too many of us are living lives that fall short of what we truly desire. But as celebrity hypnotist Kimberly Friedmutter explains in this life-changing book, not only is it possible to design the life of your dreams, but the power to do so lies within you, in your subconscious mind. The subconscious is the root of your true power and desire; it's your inner eight-year-old, your authentic self. It is the honest compass that will lead you to a life of happiness, so long as you are able to follow its direction. We all have the power to access it—children do so effortlessly—but as we grow up we’re taught to stop daydreaming and to follow society’s rules, which makes us disconnect from our subconscious, often with tragic results. In Subconscious Power, Kimberly guides you through six principles that bring your conscious mind in line with your subconscious desires. She shares practical, three-minute exercises that will help you transform your relationships, find true love, lose weight after years of struggling with the scale, overcome addictions, and achieve new career successes and heights. Featuring inspiring success stories and the practical tools you need to make meaningful change, Subconscious Power will empower you to stop being a passive participant in a life you don't love, and to actively choose the life you truly desire.

The Art of Is: Improvising as a Way of Life

by Stephen Nachmanovitch

A MASTERFUL BOOK ABOUT BREATHING LIFE INTO ART AND ART INTO LIFE “Stephen Nachmanovitch’s The Art of Is is a philosophical meditation on living, living fully, living in the present. To the author, an improvisation is a co-creation that arises out of listening and mutual attentiveness, out of a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. It is a product of the nervous system, bigger than the brain and bigger than the body; it is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, unprecedented and unrepeatable. Drawing from the wisdom of the ages, The Art of Is not only gives the reader an inside view of the states of mind that give rise to improvisation, it is also a celebration of the power of the human spirit, which — when exercised with love, immense patience, and discipline — is an antidote to hate.” — Yo-Yo Ma, cellist

Ser mamá: Cómo encontrar el balance...sin perder la cabeza!

by Jeannette Torres

¿Qué mamá no ha deseado que los días tengan 27 horas y las semanas 9 días? Entre ser mamá, esposa, hija, profesional y, sí, también persona, las horas no dan. La psicóloga y columnista Jeannette Torres, experta en relaciones de familia y madre de dos hijos, ha vivido en carne propia los malabares que la mujer moderna debe hacer para mantener el balance ¡sin perder la cabeza! Tan pronto como Jeannette fue madre, nacieron muchas preguntas: ¿Estaré haciendo un buen trabajo como mamá? ¿Estaré tomando las decisiones correctas para el desarrollo de mis hijos? ¿Estaré haciendo bien en dejarlos e irme a trabajar? Así fue como Jeannette descubrió que no importa qué profesión tenga una mujer, ni cuán preparada esté: ¡nadie la prepara para ser mamá! Y para terminar de complicar las cosas, la mujer del siglo XXI vive una cantidad de retos que sus madres y abuelas jamás imaginaron que existirían. A partir de sus propias experiencias, Jeannette aconseja enfrentar los retos de ser mamá desde cinco frentes: Tiempo: Cómo sacar tiempo para ti, la familia, el amor, el trabajo# y no tener sentimiento de culpa. Disciplina: Cómo ponerles límites a tus hijos, tener una comunicación fluida y enseñarles responsabilidad e independencia. Hogar: Cómo sostener conversaciones difíciles con tus hijos, fortalecer su autoestima, evitar que sean víctimas de agresividad e inculcarles el orgullo de quiénes somos y de dónde venimos. El nuevo "normal": Cómo lidiar con internet, el celular, los selfies y el aburrimiento cuando no están conectados. La educación: Cómo inculcar el respeto, ofrecerles una buena alimentación enseñarles a valorar el dinero y administrar el tiempo. Al final de cada uno de los temas que componen esos cincopilares, Jeannette ofrece consejos prácticos para que puedas aplicarlos en tu propia vida. "Este libro te ayudará a ver que no estás sola. Que no importa tu edad, cuántos hijos tengas, tu estado civil, o qué haces diariamente: encontrar el balance es una búsqueda constante y vivir en armonía con nosotras mismas es posible". -Jeannette Torres

Seek First: How the Kindgom of God Changes Everything

by Jeremy R. Treat

FIND WHAT MATTERS MOST. BUILD YOUR LIFE AROUND IT.In an age of distraction, everyone is looking for something that gives purpose and perspective on life. Jesus says it's the kingdom of God. But the kingdom is not just another religious idea. Rather, God's loving reign brings clarity and coherence to all of life - identity, work, play, relationships, justice, character - in a way that is profound and practical. Seek First brings theology to the streets, giving a vision for the kingdom that will truly change your life."Treat presents the message of the kingdom in a way that gives us a grander vision for life, whether in the workplace or on the basketball court." - CHRIS BROUSSARD, NBA analyst and sports broadcaster"Few books do as good a job as this one in showing us how giving up everything for Christ and his kingdom is the pathway to our greatest gain. Seek First is a gem!" - SCOTT SAULS, author and senior pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church"With insight and passion Treat reveals why we ought to reorient our lives and reprioritize our loves . . . practical and powerful." - MARIELLE WAKIM, editor, Los Angeles magazine"A prophetic and urgent note to the generations . . . a clearly written and much-needed book!" - KEVIN J. VANHOOZER, professor, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life

by Humble The Poet

The internationally bestselling self-empowerment book from influencer, rapper, and spoken word artist Humble the Poet, now available in a new edition with a new foreword by the author. Unlearn offers short, accessible, and counterintuitive lessons for reaching our full potential.Beloved for his sincerity, playfulness, and sage advice, globally famous rapper, spoken word artist, poet, blogger, and influencer Humble the Poet has traditionally shared his message of self-discovery, creativity, and empowerment with his fans through music and written word. That message has now been extended to this empowering book, offering insights and wisdom that challenge conventional thinking and help you tap into your best, most authentic self. Humble sees life with unique clarity. In Unlearn, he opens our eyes to our own lives, helping us to recognize the possibilities that await us and the challenges that prevent us from realizing our dreams. With his characteristic honesty and forthrightness, he helps us shed the problematic lessons we’ve learned throughout our lives that limit us, from sabotaging habits, to fixed mindsets, to past regrets, and relearn new, unconventional ways of moving through life. Among his 101 lessons are:Fitting In Is a Pointless ActivityDon’t Trust Everything You FeelKilling Expectations Births HappinessComparisons are KillerBaby Steps Add UpYou Decide Your WorthProfound in its simplicity, Unlearn is the perfect invitation to a new beginning and to pursue a life of fulfillment.

Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life

by Beth Kempton

The definitive guide that teaches you how to use the Japanese concept of wabi sabi to reshape every area of your life and find happiness right where you are.Fed up with the exhausting challenges of our fast-paced, consumption-driven existence, millions of people around the world are turning to timeless cultural traditions to find true meaning. In this transformative handbook, Beth Kempton introduces you to wabi sabi (”wah-bi sah-bi”), a captivating concept from Japanese aesthetics that offers a whole new way of looking at the world.With roots in Zen and the Way of Tea, wabi sabi teaches you to see beauty in imperfection, appreciate simplicity, and accept the transient nature of all things. It inspires you to simplify everything and concentrate on what truly matters. Filled with simple yet profound wisdom, Wabi Sabi will help you slow down, reconnect with nature, and be gentler on yourself. From honoring the rhythm of the seasons to creating a welcoming home, from reframing failure to aging with grace, Wabi Sabi teaches you find more joy and inspiration throughout your perfectly imperfect life.

The Hidden Meaning of Birds--A Spiritual Field Guide: Explore the Symbology and Significance of These Divine Winged Messengers

by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Behold the power of nature with this illustrated field guide to recognizing and understanding the messages that the universe sends us through the birds we see in our daily lives!Birds are all around us—pecking at the sidewalk, perching on a nearby tree branch, flying in the sky above our heads. But do you ever feel like a bird might be trying to connect with you—or even tell you something? The Hidden Meaning of Birds can help you decipher the special message your avian oracle is trying to share. The Hidden Meaning of Birds isn’t just your typical field guide to birds. In addition to a physical description of a variety of common bird species, it also includes the folklore and unique symbolism associated with each to help you understand the changes these mystical creatures want you to make in your life. With this enlightening volume as your inspiration, get ready to reexamine your life from a bird’s eye view—one robin, crow, and hummingbird at a time!

Living a Life of Harmony: Seven Guidelines for Cultivating Peace and Kindness

by Darren Cockburn

7 simple yet powerful guidelines provide a compass for navigating life harmoniously, cultivating a peaceful mind, and spreading kindness • Offers 7 guidelines for living a life of harmony and peace based on existing guidance from Buddhism, Yoga, and other great teachings, integrated and updated for the modern world • Explains how to implement the guidelines in daily life on a practical basis, supported by real-life examples and practices • Illustrates in-depth how and why each of these guidelines hold value and how they provide a set of tools to help us deal with life’s ups and downs more skillfully, mindfully, and compassionately In our very busy world it’s easy to get lost in the details and demands of everyday living. Fatigued and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information, the myriad of choices our technologically advanced communication era offers, we lose sight of what life is all about. How do we find balance and harmony in this overloaded world? And how do we navigate life in tune with our soul as well as with modern society? As author Darren Cockburn explains, we are all part of one big universal process that encompasses and connects everything--every thought, emotion, action, nature, all there is. Over the centuries, religions and philosophies have provided direction on how to act ethically and in accordance with this process, yet in our modern world, these “rules” may seem outdated or too rigid. Integrating and updating existing guidance from Buddhism, Yoga, and other great teachings, the author offers 7 guidelines for living a life of harmony and balance: honor the body, bring awareness and acceptance into every moment, act with kindness, understand the truth and communicate it skillfully, do only what needs to be done, harmoniously obtain and retain only what you need, and apply the guidelines to your digital device usage. He illustrates how and why each of these guidelines hold value, revealing their interconnections, and explains how to implement them practically in daily life, sharing real-life examples as well as practices to support each guideline and deepen your existing spiritual practice. The author explores how the 7 easy-to-practice guidelines help us gain a deeper understanding of the universal process of life, as well as provide a set of tools to help us deal with life’s ups and downs more skillfully. They enable us to face life empowered and confident, peacefully observe and accept what life presents us with, cultivate compassion and kindness, as well as spread mindfulness to those around us. Practiced together, these guidelines provide a simple yet powerful compass to guide you to a peaceful mind and harmonious living, much needed in today’s world.

The Art of the Wasted Day

by Patricia Hampl

A spirited inquiry into the lost value of leisure and daydreamThe Art of the Wasted Day is a picaresque travelogue of leisure written from a lifelong enchantment with solitude. Patricia Hampl visits the homes of historic exemplars of ease who made repose a goal, even an art form. She begins with two celebrated eighteenth-century Irish ladies who ran off to live a life of "retirement" in rural Wales. Her search then leads to Moravia to consider the monk-geneticist, Gregor Mendel, and finally to Bordeaux for Michel Montaigne--the hero of this book--who retreated from court life to sit in his chateau tower and write about whatever passed through his mind, thus inventing the personal essay. Hampl's own life winds through these pilgrimages, from childhood days lazing under a neighbor's beechnut tree, to a fascination with monastic life, and then to love--and the loss of that love which forms this book's silver thread of inquiry. Finally, a remembered journey down the Mississippi near home in an old cabin cruiser with her husband turns out, after all her international quests, to be the great adventure of her life. The real job of being human, Hampl finds, is getting lost in thought, something only leisure can provide. The Art of the Wasted Day is a compelling celebration of the purpose and appeal of letting go.

Bella Figura: How to Live, Love, and Eat the Italian Way

by Kamin Mohammadi

One woman's story of finding beauty, and herself--and a practical guide to living a better life, the Italian way!Kamin Mohammadi, a magazine editor in London, should have been on top of the world. But after heartbreak and loneliness, the stress of her "dream life" was ruining her physical and mental health. Gifted a ticket to freedom--a redundancy package and the offer of a friend's apartment in Florence--Kamin took a giant leap. It did not take her long to notice how differently her new Italian neighbors approached life: enjoying themselves, taking their time to eat and drink, taking their lives at a deliberately slower pace. Filled with wonderful characters--from the local bartender/barista who becomes her love adviser, to the plumbers who fix her heating and teach her to make pasta al pomodoro--here is a mantra for savoring the beauty and color of every day that Italians have followed for generations, a guide to the slow life for busy people, a story of finding love (and self-love) in unlikely places, and an evocative account of a year living an Italian life.

Touching the Dragon: And Other Techniques for Surviving Life's Wars

by Christian D'Andrea James Hatch

From former special ops Navy SEAL senior chief; master naval parachutist (four Bronze Stars with Valor, Navy and Marine Corps Medal recipient, etc.); fighter in 150 missions (Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Africa); expert military dog trainer and handler whose SEAL dogs were partners and medal winners--a fierce, moving tale of a return from hell, being badly wounded on a special ops mission that ended his two-decades-long military career, his searing recovery, and the struggle to live life off the speeding train of war.In Touching the Dragon, James Hatch, Naval Special Warfare Operator, expert commando, tactical master in deadly operations, twenty-four years in service to his country (he enlisted in the Army National Guard at age seventeen), writes of his years of military service, from joining the Navy at eighteen, becoming a SEAL, to his joining the Naval Special Warfare Development group ("If I died in a gunfight, it would be doing something I loved"). He writes of the harrowing secret missions (Iraq, Bosnia, Africa); and of the fateful final mission (Afghanistan), that left him badly shot (a bullet exploding through his femur and out the back of his leg) as Hatch and his SEAL team crew were attempting to rescue a rogue soldier--Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his post, was captured by Al Qaida and Taliban militants, and was set to be smuggled to a part of the world where Americans could never reach him. Hatch writes of the horrific wound to his leg; of having no choice but to end his military career; of coming home to the country he'd spent his life defending; of the ordeal of getting well physically (eighteen surgeries; twelve months of recovery; learning to walk again); of having to find out who he was as a man apart from the chaotic world of special operations missions; of days and months of despair, alcoholism, the pull toward suicide; and of finally, through love of family, friends, soldiers, and his specially trained military dogs, touching the dragon, of going through the fear of feeling unfit for society, of finding a purpose and a way back to life.

Run for Your Life: How to Run, Walk, and Move Without Pain or Injury and Achieve a Sense of Well-Being and Joy

by Mark Cucuzzella

The first running book by a leading pioneering running doctor and athlete, creator of the Air Force's Efficient Running program--the result of more than three decades of study, practice, and science that shows us in clearly illustrated and accessible text how easy it is to run efficiently and injury-free, whether you're in your twenties, sixties, or seventies--for beginning runners and experienced marathoners.In Run for Your Life, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella explains the simple mechanics of how our bodies have evolved and adapted to run. Despite our natural ability and our human need to run, each year more than half of all runners suffer injuries. Pain and discouragement inevitably follow. Cucuzzella's book outlines the proven, practical techniques to avoid injury and reach the goal of personal fitness and overall health. His book--the first running book to be written by a professor of medicine with the credibility of the Air Force behind him--gives us a straightforward, easy-to-follow look at the anatomy, biomechanics, nutrition, and/or clinical medicine with clear drawings and black-and-white photographs. The book provides illustrated exercises designed to teach healthy running, along with simple progressions, a weekly/monthly schedule detailing common mistakes, and cautions that allow the reader to tailor the training regime to individual needs and abilities. With an annotated list of videos and other innovative, book-Internet links. The proceeds from RUN FOR YOUR LIFE will go to support Mark Cucuzzella's community work through his non-profit organization, Eastern Area Health Education Center/Freedoms Run. Learn more here:

Sales Badassery: Kick Ass. Take Names. Crush the Competition.

by Frank J. Rumbauskas Jr.

Turn the tables on the social dynamics of sales—stop chasing prospects and start closing deals Sales Badassery: Kick Ass. Take Names. Crush the Competition is a no-nonsense guide to transforming your entire attitude to sales, turning the old way of doing things on its head to shift all the power to you. The common myth of sales strategy tells you to approach a prospect from a position of deference—they hold the superior position, forcing you to supplicate, beg, make undue concessions, and be at their beck and call during and after the sale. This indispensable work shows you that levelling the playing field is not enough, you need to slant it in your direction. The innovative Sales Badassery philosophy enables you to turn yourself into an unstoppable sales powerhouse, taking no prisoners along the way. Best-selling author Frank Rumbauskas has distilled years of successful sales experience into an effective sales philosophy. This invaluable book provides the tools and guidance for transforming ordinary salespeople into top-level businesspersons. Regardless of what you sell, the proven techniques of this essential resource will empower you to: Transform yourself into a Sales Badass, respected by your customers and feared by your competitors Stop sucking up to your prospects and never accept the word “no” Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for disrespectful and unreasonable customers Convert customers into colleagues to expand your contacts and increase referrals Sales Badassery: Kick Ass. Take Names. Crush the Competition is a must-read for everyone tired of chasing prospects and selling their souls for the sake of a sale. This transformative approach to sales will enable you leverage your power, conquer your competitors, and steer your goals in the direction you always wanted.

Linguagem Corporal: As Melhores Dicas Para Melhorar Sua Linguagem Corporal ( Body Language )

by Carol Clark

Neste guia, você aprenderá a promover melhores relacionamentos, comunicar-se efetivamente, estabelecer metas para o futuro, adotar uma perspectiva mais contente, feliz e positiva e, o mais importante, controlar as emoções negativas e orientar sua própria mente, sem influências externas. Este livro explicará a você como funciona a linguagem corporal e como entender melhor o que as outras pessoas estão dizendo com seus movimentos e expressões corporais.

Linguagem Corporal: Guia Simples De Domínio, Elevação De Status E Comunicação Não Verbal ( Body Language)

by Brian Levine

Este livro tem a capacidade de mudar totalmente sua vida. Você aprenderá quais sinais de linguagem corporal deve procurar quando quiser saber se a pessoa com quem está falando está dizendo a verdade ou está tentando te enganar. Ele sempre lhe dará essa vantagem para que você possa ajustar o seu plano de jogo, direcionando as coisas na direção que VOCÊ precisa. Este livro ajudará você a entender e usar diferentes tipos de comunicação não-verbal. Usando os princípios e as instruções deste livro, você aprenderá os melhores tipos de linguagem corporal para usar em diferentes situações sociais. O que você está esperando? Não espere mais! Role para cima e clique no botão "Comprar agora" para começar a jornada para a vida dos seus sonhos!

Linguagem Corporal: Guia Para A Leitura Da Comunicação Não Verbal ( Body Language)

by Jennifer Bradberry

Acredite ou não, a maior parte de nossa comunicação é na verdade não verbal. Ou seja, a maior parte do que estamos dizendo expressa-se através de nossos movimentos, postura, expressões e ações. Essa forma coletiva de comunicação é conhecida como linguagem corporal. Compreender os princípios básicos da comunicação não verbal passa a ser uma questão muito importante para os estudantes deste campo. Entretanto, filtrar quais as orientações mais apropriadas para alcançar esse objetivo pode parecer ser trabalho algo complicado hoje em dia, pois existem centenas de livros sobre o assunto, todos oferecendo apresentações diferentes do mesmo assunto. Esta descrição multifacetada da mesma ideia passa a servir como guia para a redação deste livro. Não espere mais tempo para descobrir a sua chave para uma vida nova e melhor.

Meditação: Guia Sobre Como Meditar Para Pessoas Ocupadas Para Curar Depressão, Ansiedade E Estresse

by Judith Simmons

Às vezes nossas considerações são sobrepujadas por pensamentos de fundo sobre ocasiões passadas ou tensão sobre o futuro, o que pode tornar difícil apreciar o presente. Caso você esteja vivenciando sérias dificuldades no presente, existem algumas técnicas objetivas que podem oferecer auxílio. Existem detalhes facilmente negligenciados que você pode fazer de maneira consistente, por exemplo, fazer um sinal de cuidado, descobrindo como refletir e realizar demonstrações arbitrárias de generosidade. Se você se sente como se a vida fosse nada além de uma série de instâncias onde você atravessa os momentos e não consegue descobrir exatamente como sair da rotina na qual você está simplesmente porque você não sabe como entrou nela em primeiro lugar, então, provavelmente, os sintomas que estão causando isso não são físicos, eles são metafísicos. Como tal, provavelmente os seus chakras estão desalinhados, causando tudo, desde sentimentos de dúvida e insegurança à dor física que não possui uma causa aparente.Faça um favor a você e comece a liberar sua própria kundalini adormecida antes cedo do que tarde, você nunca sabe que problemas poderá vir a resolver. Se você está pronto para agir e mudar a sua vida para melhor, este livro definitivamente guiará você na direção certa!

Sabedoria do Coração

by Katrina Bowlin-MacKenzie

Introdução Esse é um livro de questões. A maioria minhas, algumas encontradas na internet, sem autor listado e com autores que os nomes são citados após a questão. Espero que estas questões tragam alguma alegria e sabedoria para você. Este livro também pode ser usado para afirmações diárias. Abra em uma página aleatória, feche seus olhos e corra seus dedos pela página. O comentário em que parar será sua afirmação do dia.

Linguagem Corporal : Como Analisar Pessoas Em Menos De Um Dia

by Patrick Ryder

QUER APRENDER MAIS SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO HUMANO? Dia após dia, muitas pessoas sofrem desses problemas. Em muitas situações sociais, não conseguimos descobrir o que as pessoas realmente querem nos dizer ou como podemos nos relacionar profundamente com elas. O problema é que muitas delas tendem somente a ouvir o que o querem, mas não analisar o contexto por completo. Aprender a ler pessoas lhe dá uma vantagem definitiva quanto a prever comportamento, moldar suas ações para edificar um relacionamento favorável com as pessoas, construir mais relacionamentos pessoais satisfatórios, priorizando o desenvolvimento de relações profissionais. Compre este livro hoje mesmo.

Linguagem Corporal : Como Dominar A Habilidade Para Uma Vida Efetiva ( Body Language)

by Nathan Good

O autor aqui mostra a guia dos passos, um por um e que a diferença pode ser travada para os diferentes tipos de linguagem corporal e o modo não verbal de comunicação. Em palavras simples, espera-se que este livro ganhe a escolha dos leitores. Ao aprender como a linguagem corporal funciona, você também descobrirá como adaptar melhor sua própria linguagem corporal. Este livro mostrará a você como mudar sua linguagem corporal para parecer mais confiante, poderoso, experiente e atraente. O que você está esperando? Não espere mais!

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