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Scopri il tuo potere: l'universo dentro di te

by Gautam Sharma

La consapevolezza dell'ego e la connessione al campo unificato. ...essere amati per se stessi ed essere apparentemente separati dal proprio stato originale di consapevolezza e dal campo unificato, ha proporzioni spirituali talmente profonde che, sin dalla prima infanzia si innescano dei processi in aree strategiche del cervello tali da provocare uno squilibrio e la dominanza, oltre alla negazione, alla sfiducia, al trascurare la nostra connessione al campo unificato e l'amore e la gioia e uno stato di consapevolezza spirituale ancora più profondo dentro di noi

Do Fracasso ao Sucesso: Cinco Princípios Mentais para Crescimento Pessoal

by Bootstrap Businessmen

Você está cansado de ler as mesmas histórias de livros motivacionais e de auto-ajuda que dão conselhos exagerados e antigos? Não seria ideal receber toda a informação que você precisa de uma vez só através de conselhos práticos baseados em conquistas reais? Então, Do Fracasso ao sucesso: Cinco Princípios Mentais para Crescimento Pessoal é exatamente o que você precisa para quebrar barreiras e triunfar. Baseado em uma longa pesquisa de fontes confiáveis sobre atletas mundiais, inventores, empreendedores e milionários, Do Fracasso ao Sucesso te leva a uma jornada breve mas provocante sobre a importância de falhar e como transformar isso em uma das suas maiores ferramentas. Cheio de histórias de fracassos seguidos de viradas espetaculares, esse livro te dá o que você precisa sem o besteirol tradicional dos livros motivacionais e de auto-ajuda.

Disciplina, autocontrol y fuerza de voluntad: Todo lo que necesitas para cumplir tus sueños

by Malcolm Griffin.

Este libro te guiará en el uso de herramientas sencillas y altamente efectivas que te permitirán desarrollar la actitud y diversos hábitos necesarios para convertirte en una persona más centrada, de modo que puedas cumplir cualquier meta que te propongas en el menor tiempo posible. Gracias a este libro aprenderás lo que significa realmente el autocontrol. Descubrirás cómo abordar y suprimir aquellos hábitos negativos que afectan tu disciplina. Con la ayuda de este libro desarrollarás el nivel de autocontrol necesario para cumplir con las metas que te propongas a través del empleo de las técnicas más efectivas. La mayoría de las personas quieren lograr la confianza, hábitos y mentalidad necesaria que conduzcan al éxito. Para muchos puede ser una tarea imposible. Sin embargo, hemos escrito este libro para que cuentes con su ayuda. En el audiolibro "Éxito, principios y hábitos" descubrirás a su vez los secretos que condujeron al mejoramiento de las vidas de otras personas. ¡Deslízate hacia el margen superior y hazte con tu copia ya!

Reboot Your Life: Energize Your Career and Life by Taking a Break

by Catherine Allen Nancy Bearg Rita Foley Jaye Smith

More Americans are choosing to take time off from work to relax or re-examine their priorities, so they can return to work energized. Some companies offer formal sabbatical programs, but how can the average person take time off to evaluate their direction, explore their passions, and make time for the things that are really important?Whether you're disillusioned with your career, yearning to follow a dream, or taking time out after a layoff, now is the time to step back and reboot. This book will show you how you can give yourself the best gift ever--the gift of time. People who take sabbaticals report feeling happier, and they return to their jobs refreshed, reinvigorated, and ready to tackle new challenges. Reboot Your Life draws upon the experiences of the four authors and their interview subjects: 200 people who have taken sabbaticals and 150 organizations offering sabbatical programs. The book includes real-life stories and exercises to help the reader figure out how to plan for and take a sabbatical, or how to use unexpected time off.

I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can

by Barbara Gordon

Barbara Gordon's groundbreaking memoir tells the extraordinary story of a woman who has it all, or thinks she does-a career as an Emmy-award-winning documentary producer, a man she loves, a world of friends, and a beautiful apartment in Manhattan.But beneath the façade, Barbara's life is spinning out of control. In spite of the pills prescribed by her doctor, a nameless terror disrupting her daily life intensifies until she is besieged by crippling anxiety attacks. A formerly strong, independent, successful woman, Barbara's life becomes a nightmare of paralysis and fear.When Barbara finds herself unable to leave her apartment or walk the streets of New York alone, she decides to take charge of her life. She doesn't want pills, she wants answers. Instead of ending her fears, quitting the medicine leads to the unraveling of what she thought was her perfect life, and Barbara becomes a casualty of a flawed and inept mental health system. Barbara had often spoken for the voiceless in her films, but she suddenly finds herself powerless, without a voice of her own. Though she feels frightened and misunderstood, the tenderness and love of another young patient, Jim, helps Barbara rediscover her voice and her identity.In the years since her memoir was first published, thousands of readers all over the world have read her book, followed her descent into hell, traveled with her along the bumpy road to recovery, and celebrated as she creates a new life. I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can is a strikingly honest look at a life gone off the rails. Throughout her journey, Gordon's hope and strength make her an incredible heroine worth rooting for.

Live a Life You Love: 7 Steps to a Healthier, Happier, More Passionate You

by Biali M.D. Dr. Susan Dr Susan Biali

The promise of Live A Life You Love is simple: being true to your most authentic self and following essential principles of wellness will make you happy, healthy, and passionately in love with life. With insights drawn from her own personal transformation from a depressed medical doctor to a joyful and fulfilled flamenco dancer, writer, speaker, and life coach, Dr. Susan Biali's seven-step plan will help you discover (or re-discover) the hopes, passions, and talents that make up the real you. Even if your dreams have faded, or you worry they are unrealistic, Dr. Biali will teach you how to reach that creative, hopeful place and work towards making those dreams a reality. Along the way, you'll also learn how to maximize your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.You will learn how to:.Begin making YOU a priority.Understand your body's language.Choose foods that slow aging, boost health, and improve energy.Improve your most important relationships.Balance your life and find time for what counts.Turn this knowledge into action today

Redefining Moments: End of Life Stories for Better Living

by Gordon Zacks

Redefining Moments is a book offering the perspective of a man at the tail end of a richly rewarding existence. Gordon B. Zacks was diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal cancer in December 2013. Instead of succumbing to illness and grief, he channeled the positive energy he had accumulated through decades of spiritual and emotional fulfillment. The result was not only a celebration of his time on the planet with his family and friends, but also an advice book whose purpose is to help others realize and maximize the joys of being alive. Zacks was an important business executive who influenced U.S. presidents and facilitated social progress, but the secret to his meaningful life lies beyond these achievements. Readers who heed his advice carefully may one day count themselves lucky to be in a similar position: able to greet death as an unexpected, but nonetheless welcome guest at the end of a great life.

The Anxiety Toolkit: Strategies for Fine-Tuning Your Mind and Moving Past Your Stuck Points

by Alice Boyes

Do you overthink before taking action? Are you prone to making negative predictions? Do you worry about the worst that could happen? Do you take negative feedback very hard? Are you self-critical? Does anything less than perfect performance feel like failure?If any of these issues resonate with you, you're probably suffering from some degree of anxiety, and you're not alone. The good news: while reducing your anxiety level to zero isn't possible or useful (anxiety can actually be helpful!), you can learn to successfully manage symptoms - such as excessive rumination, hesitation, fear of criticism and paralysing perfection.In The Anxiety Toolkit, Dr. Alice Boyes translates powerful, evidence-based tools used in therapy clinics into tips and tricks you can employ in everyday life. Whether you have an anxiety disorder, or are just anxiety-prone by nature, you'll discover how anxiety works, strategies to help you cope with common anxiety 'stuck' points and a confidence that - anxious or not - you have all the tools you need to succeed in life and work.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance

by Emily Fletcher

Foreword by Mark Hyman, MDPreface by Andrew Huberman, PhDYou know you should be meditating, so what’s stopping you? This entertaining and enlightening book by the founder of Ziva Meditation—the favorite training for high achievers—will finally take meditation mainstream.“We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation.”—Emily FletcherIn our high-stress, overworked lives, we think the answer to accomplishing more is to do more. But the best advantage we can give ourselves is to take a mental break—to spend a few minutes of the day giving the body and brain rest. Did you know that a brief meditation can offer rest that’s five times deeper than sleep? When you make time to practice the Z Technique this book teaches, you’ll actually be more productive than if you took an hour-and-a-half nap or had a cup of coffee.A leading expert in meditation for high performance, Emily Fletcher has taught meditation at numerous global corporations, including Google, Barclays Bank, and Viacom, to help their employees improve their focus and increase their productivity levels. With Stress Less, Accomplish More, anyone can get the benefits of her 15-minute twice-daily plan. Emily specifically developed the Z Technique for working people with busy lives. Now, you can learn to recharge anywhere, anytime—at home or at your desk. All you need is a few minutes and a chair (no apps, incense, or finger cymbals required).This is not just another meditation book. In Stress Less, Accomplish More, Emily teaches a powerful trifecta of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifesting to improve your personal and professional performance, clarity, health, and sleep. You’ll learn how to cultivate Mindfulness through brief but powerful exercises that will help you stop wasting time stressing. Plus, you’ll get Manifesting tools to help you get crystal clear on your personal and professional goals for the future.Filled with fascinating real-life transformations, interactive exercises, and practical knowledge, Stress Less, Accomplish More introduces you to a revelatory daily practice and shows you how to make it work for your modern life.

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

by Alberto Villoldo

Combining elements of Andrew Weil's SPONTANEOUS HEALING and Carolyn Myss's ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT with a concept all its own, Alberto Villoldo's remarkable book, Shaman, Healer, Sage demonstrates the healing power of energy medicine - a tradition practised in the Americas for more than 5,000 years - which is finally being recognized today by the medical establishment. As he explores such subjects as the Luminous Energy Field that surrounds our bodies, Villoldo shows us how, by learning to see and influence the imprints of disease on this aura of energy, we can discover not only how to heal ourselves and others, but prevent illness as well. Here too, he explores the subject of life beyond death, navigating this unseen world with the knowledge of a scientist and the wisdom of a shamanic healer. Classically trained as a medical anthropologist and a foremost teacher of the shamanic techniques of the Inkas, among whose descendants he has studied for more than twenty-five years, Villoldo weaves together a host of illuminating stories and exercises to provide an accessible, practical, and revolutionary programme of healing.

Motherhood, Spirituality and Culture (Routledge Research in Nursing and Midwifery)

by Noelia Molina

Motherhood, Spirituality and Culture explores spiritual skills that may assist women in changes, challenges and transformations undergone through the transition to motherhood. This study comprises rich, qualitative data gathered from interviews with 11 mothers. Results are analysed by constructing seven unique maternal narratives that elucidate and give voice to the mothers in their transition by in depth exploration of six themes emerging from the analysis. Overall discussion ranges across such realities as: • desires, expectations and illusions for mothering; • birth and spiritual embodied experiences of mothering; • instinctual knowing; identity and crisis, and connections of motherhood; • changes and transformations undergone through motherhood. This study presents a unique framework for qualitative studies of spirituality within motherhood research; by weaving together transpersonal psychology, humanistic psychology, spiritual intelligence and the spiritual maternal literature.This book will appeal to all women who have transitioned to motherhood. It willalso be of assistance to professionals who wish to approach any aspect of maternity care and support from a transpersonal perspective. It will also provideunique insights for academics and postgraduate students in the fields of anthropology, psychology, psychotherapy and feminism studies.

E-Myth Mastery: The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World Class Company

by Michael E. Gerber

The bestselling author of phenomenally successful and continually vital The E-Myth Revisited presents the next big step in entrepreneurial management and leadership with E-Myth Mastery. A practical, real-world program that is implemented real-time into your business, Gerber begins by engaging the reader in understanding why the entrepreneur is so critical to the success of any enterprise, no matter how small or large it may be, and why the mindset of an entrepreneur is so integral to the operating reality of the organization, of the small business, and the enterprise. He then covers seven essential skills: Leadership Marketing Money Management Lead Conversion Lead Generation Client Fulfilment Each of these seven skills is presented through a specific training module with corresponding tests and exercises that explain the content and principles to be learned, provide case studies and examples, as well as worksheets for applying those ideas to the business. Gerber ties it all together by helping readers put the pieces together in an E-Myth Business, an E-Myth Practice and an E-Myth Enterprise. This is the book that will show you the difference between being an entrepreneur versus doing a job, how to get money when the bank won't give it to you, how to expand your customer base when big business moves in down the street, how to develop the best people when you can't afford to pay them competitive wages, how to increase the predictability of what your business is able to promise, and then how to keep that promise, every single time, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Mastery is a business development program that helps you turn your company into a world-class operation...into a turn-key money machine!

Living with Bariatric Surgery: Managing your mind and your weight

by Denise Ratcliffe

Living with Bariatric Surgery: Managing Your Mind and Your Weight aims to help those who are considering bariatric surgery develop a psychological understanding of their eating behaviour and the changes needed in order to make surgery successful. It is also a resource for those who have undergone surgery to help them adapt to the physical, psychological and relationship adjustments that occur. Whilst the benefits of bariatric surgery are significant, the psychological challenges it presents for patients have been overlooked. This book will help patients develop a realistic view of bariatric surgery and the changes required. It incorporates the real-life experiences of people who have had bariatric surgery, showing how they have responded to the psychological and behavioural changes after surgery, and also features helpful psychoeducation, exercises and strategies to facilitate reflection and learning. Living with Bariatric Surgery will be an essential guide for anyone considering, preparing for or recovering from bariatric surgery, as well as health professionals working with these clients.

Persuasión: El poder excepcional

by María Del Madero

La persuasión es una de las habilidades más efectivas para construir relaciones personales exitosas y alcanzar lo que deseamos en la vida, con efectos a largo plazo. Convence. Inspira. Seduce. Las técnicas incluidas en este libro son poderosas y eficaces: Influencia, Carisma, Empatía, Magnetismo y Confiabilidad, ¿a quién no le agradaría desarrollar una personalidad con estas características? En Persuasión, sustentado en una amplia investigación y con ejercicios fáciles de aplicar, descubriremos: - Cómo aprender a comunicarnos con intención. - importancia de cuidar nuestra mente y evitar que llegue a ella información negativa. - Las leyes de la persuasión: Contraste, Asociación, Escasez y Expectativa. - Cómo identificar nuestro estilo de aprendizaje y las técnicas de comunicación verbal y no verbal para cada tipo de aprendizaje. - Cómo leer el lenguaje no verbal.

When Friendship Hurts: How to Deal with Friends Who Betray, Abandon, or Wound You

by Jan Yager

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?" We've all had friendships that have gone bad. Whether it takes the form of a simple yet inexplicable estrangement or a devastating betrayal, a failed friendship can make your life miserable, threaten your success at work or school, and even undermine your romantic relationships. Finally there is help. In When Friendship Hurts, Jan Yager, recognized internationally as a leading expert on friendship, explores what causes friendships to falter and explains how to mend them -- or end them. In this straightforward, illuminating book filled with dozens of quizzes and real-life examples, Yager covers all the bases, including: The twenty-one types of negative friends -- a rogues' gallery featuring such familiar types as the Blood-sucker, the Fault-finder, the Promise Breaker, and the Copycat How to recognize destructive friends as well as how to find ideal ones The e-mail effect -- how electronic communication has changed friendships for both the better and the worse The misuse of friendship at work -- how to deal with a co-worker's lies, deceit, or attempts at revenge How to stop obsessing about a failed friendship And much more The first highly prescriptive book to focus on the complexities of friendship, When Friendship Hurts demonstrates how, why, and when to let go of bad friends and how to develop the positive friendships that enrich our lives on every level. For everyone who has ever wondered about friends who betray, hurt, or reject them, this authoritative book provides invaluable insights and advice to resolve the problem once and for all.

Find Your Awesome: A 30-Day Challenge to Fall in Love with Your Playful, Imaginative & Colorful Self

by Judy Clement Wall

In a perfect world, maybe you wouldn't need a 30-day challenge to find and fall in love with your most playful, imaginative, and colorful self, but we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a fast-paced, high-octane society where feeling lost in the jostling crowd is the norm and finding our own significance is oftentimes the biggest challenge of all. Fearless love champion Judy Clement Wall will guide you through this challenge--to fill your well for 30 days and tap into the miracle that is you! When you learn to love and value yourself, your relationships with everyone else will change, because the person that you bring to the world will be the fullest, truest, best-loved version of yourself. So step up and take this challenge. Carve out a few minutes each day to fully engage with yourself; reflect, unwind, and have fun! Here's a sneak peek at just some of the prompts: #2: Be outrageously grateful#3: Create a life list#4: Appreciate your body in all its awesomeness#6: Doodle your perfect t-shirt #11: Find your life theme#12: Call BS on "should"#14: Text love.Using a stimulating mix of coloring, creative prompts, and other daily activities, master writer, artist and doodler Judy Clement Wall will help you uncover the undeniable awesomeness that is you.

An Adult Child's Guide to What's Normal: Being Functional In A Dysfunctional World

by Linda D. Friel John Friel

You have begun to deal with the pain and trauma of being raised in a dysfunctional family and now you are ready to lead a healthy life. But: Do you know what healthy people do? Do you know what is “normal”? Do you know how to ask unwanted guests to leave?In An Adult Child’s Guide to What’s “Normal”, John and Linda Friel have written a practical guide to living a healthy life. Your parents may not have been able to teach you social skills but it is not too late to learn them now. Read this guide and learn how to respond to the challenges, problems and traps that we are faced with daily.

What's Next?: The Journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference

by Thomas Nelson

A deeper and more intimate relationship with God is closer than you think.Have you ever felt as if something were missing from your life? Are you longing for a clearer sense of purpose? Do you feel stuck in a spiritual rut? In What’s Next?, bestselling author Chris Hodges offers a practical guide to all those looking for clarity and direction and reveals the four steps to spiritual maturity:know God,find freedom,discover purpose, andmake a difference.He demonstrates how each step is part of both a linear path and a cycle leading to deeper levels of faith. Accessible and clear, concise and profound, no matter where you are in your journey, What’s Next? is the guide you need to find your way and discover the joy that comes walking the road of richer faith.

How to Shine a Shoe: A Gentleman's Guide to Choosing, Wearing, and Caring for Top-Shelf Styles (How To Series)

by Potter Gift

The best-dressed men know that great style starts from the ground up, and this follow-up to How to Tie a Tie is a handsome guide to men's shoes--oxfords, brogues, loafers, and more. With a cover that looks and feels like the top of a wing-tip derby, this book includes info on how to pick out quality footwear that suits your style (for any occasion); tips on pairing shoes with patterned socks, ties, belts, and bags; and instructions for care of them, making it a great gift for anyone interested in menswear.Investing in a pair of good-quality oxfords, brogues, or loafers is a rite of passage (though not an inexpensive endeavor) for any graduate or young job seeker. With proper care, those shoes will stick by you through multiple promotions, weddings, and other special events. Here's a book on how to treat them right, with great tips and tricks for pairing them with chinos, suit pants, and denim so you always look great wherever you are.

He estado pensando: Reflexiones, oraciones y meditaciones para una vida plena

by Maria Shriver

Un libro de reflexiones para aquellos que buscan sabiduría, orientación, ánimo e inspiración en el camino hacia una vida plena. Como mujer prominente que asume diferentes roles, Maria Shriver sabe perfectamente cuán sorprendente, impredecible y estresante puede resultar la vida diaria. En este emotivo y poderoso libro, la autora comparte pasajes inspiradores, oraciones y reflexiones creados para hacer pensar, hacer sentir, hacer reír y ayudar a los lectores en su viaje a lo que ella llama “El campo abierto”—un lugar de aceptación, propósito y pasión—un lugar lleno de alegría. He estado pensando... (I've Been Thinking...) es ideal para cualquier persona en cualquier momento de su vida. Ya sea porque crees que todo está bien o porque el mundo se te cae a pedazos—sea porque estás evaluando tu vida o simplemente porque necesitas recargar energías, este es el libro al que te dirigirás una y otra vez. Es como hablar con un amigo cercano, es la compañía perfecta—un regalo excepcional para alguien que busque seguir adelante en la vida con gracia y esperanza.

Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About the Nature of God and His Love for Us

by Matthew Sleeth

The Bible talks about trees more than any living creation other than people. Perhaps you've missed the forest...and the trees.In this groundbreaking walk through Scripture, former physician and carpenter Dr. Matthew Sleeth makes the convincing case why trees are essential to every Christian's understanding of God. Yet we've mostly missed how God has chosen to tell His story--and ours--through the lens of trees. There's a tree on the first page of Genesis and the last page of Revelation. The Bible refers to its wisdom as a Tree of Life (Proverbs 3:18). Every major Biblical character has a tree associated with them. Jesus himself says he is the true vine (John 15:1). A tree was used to kill Jesus--and a tree is the only thing the Messiah ever harmed. This is no accident. When we subtract trees from Scripture, we miss lessons of faith necessary for our growth. This is the rare book that connects those who love the Creator with creation, and those who love creation with the Creator. It offers inspirational yet practical ways to express our love for God--and our neighbors--by planting spiritual trees and physical trees in the world.Join Dr. Sleeth as he navigates the Bible's trail of trees to explore the wonders of life, death, and rebirth. You'll be amazed at how science is just beginning to catch up to the truths described in Scripture thousands of years ago. Once you discover the hidden language of trees, your walk through the woods--and through Scripture--will never be the same.

30 Days to Happiness: Daily Meditations and Actions for Finding True Joy Within Yourself

by Rhonda Sciortino

FINDING TRUE HAPPINESS, ONE DAY AT A TIMEEverybody wants to be happy, yet few people know how to get there. We think we will be happy if we get the right job, meet the right people, get the new car. But there will always be something else we want—genuine happiness comes from within. It’s a state of mind, a way of looking at the world, a commitment to improving ourselves and authentically enjoying life.30 DAYS TO HAPPINESS is an honest assessment of the 30 key life inventory items that have the biggest influence on your happiness. By examining ourselves and finding room for improvement, we learn to treat each new day as an opportunity to live our best possible life, finding new solutions to challenges as we take another step down the path to true happiness.Make the most of your life by committing to becoming truly happy.

365 Ways to Beat Stress: How to Relax & Find Perfect Calm

by Adam Gordon

No other book offers so many easy-to-use and diverse stress-relief techniques in a uniquely attractive gift package.With a different technique or tip for each day of the year, no other book offers such a wide range of ways to release stress and anxiety, all set in an attractive illustrated design that will make dipping in for inspiration a joy. All the practices are effective yet also easy to follow, even if you have never tried them before, and range from energy techniques such as simple shiatsu, to quick stress fixes such as visualizing a blue bubble, to methods of life simplification such as avoiding a news overload and rationing your evenings out, to inspiring visualizations such as imagining yourself as the sky or as a lotus floating on water. This is one of the first two publications in a new 365 series from Watkins, showcasing easy, accessible and effective approaches to dealing with our demanding modern lives. Readers are free to work through the book in any order they like, either using the chapter headings to deal with aspects that they feel need particular attention (for example, home, work, relationships, mind and spirit, or stress and emotions), flicking through at random or selecting ideas in chronological order. There is no need to subscribe to any particular belief, lifestyle or long-term practice; this is simply a collection of brilliantly effective ideas that together have the potential to transform lives.

365 Ways to Find Peace: Meditations & Inspirations

by Marcus Braybrooke

No other book contains such a wide range of accessible, effective and inspiring self-calming techniques, drawn from traditions and literature from around the world, both secular and religious.With a different meditation or inspiration for each day of the year, this is a wonderfully inspiring collection that will open readers' hearts and mind and show them the way to find peace and contentment whatever their mood or situation. A fresh, attractive design featuring sympathetic line drawings adds to the appeal of this gift package.Author Marcus Braybrooke has drawn upon poetry and prose, sacred and secular, from all around the world and from all ages, from the Upanishads and the Tao Te Ching to the speeches of Mahatma Gandhi and the great 19th and 20th-century poets such as Walt Whitman, Rainer Maria Rilke, Wallace Stevens and Seamus Heaney. The inspirations and meditations are arranged thematically, following a structure that reflects the idea of love radiating outward - from self-esteem, the acknowledge of spirit within oneself; through love for family and friends; through love for humankind in general; to love for the One, the spiritual essence that animates all existence. Readers can choose to follow this order, or dip into the book at random, or select an area that they feel particularly drawn to work on.Containing the wisdom of all the world's great spiritual traditions, this is a book that will appeal to people of all faiths, as well as to those who believe in spiritual values without subscribing to a particular religion or even belief in a divinity.

21 Rituals to Ignite Your Intuition

by Theresa Cheung

21 simple and easy daily rituals to help you tune into your inner wisdom so that you can start making better, more inspired decisions in your lifeLike optimism, intuition can be cultivated. Research has shown that contrary to popular opinion intuition isn't something we are born with and it doesn't come naturally to everyone. Intuition is a skill that we can learn and we can get better at it the more we practise. Drawing on science, psychology and Theresa's techniques this book offers 21 simple and proven daily rituals to help you tune into your inner wisdom and start making better decisions in your life today. Following on from the success of 21 Rituals to Change your Life readers will be encouraged to follow a daily ritual plan for a period of at least 21 days. Research shows that it takes around three weeks to ensure a daily ritual becomes entrenched at a neural level and is therefore powerful enough to change your life for the better. Each of the intuition-boosting rituals are simple and easy to understand and can be incorporated into everyday life in a matter of moments. Most importantly they are enjoyable and rewarding, with, external benefits or internal insights becoming obvious within days. Combining science, esoteric arts, the power of ritual and the accessibility of popular psychology, this easy-to-read guide will engage, motivate and inspire.

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