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¿De qué color es tu paracaídas?

by Richard N. Bolles

Un manual práctico para personas que buscan empleo o un cambio de profesión Edición del 40 aniversario. El libro de búsqueda de empleo más vendido en el mundo. Diez millones de ejemplares vendidos. Éste no es el Paracaídas que leyó su padre, ni tampoco el que leyó su madre. Ambos se sorprenderían con los cambios. Por espacio de cuarenta años, las personas que buscan empleo o un cambio de profesión han recurrido al libro de búsqueda de empleo más popular del mundo, confiadas en que cada edición les ofrecerá la información más actualizada sobre el mercado laboral y cómo encontrar un empleo significativo, incluso en tiempos económicos tan difíciles como éstos. Esta edición del 40 aniversario se ha renovado #en experiencia, relevancia y carácter urgente# con nuevas invenciones e información. Y este año es la fuente vital para ayudar a los habitantes del mundo a recuperar sus empleos. Reseñas: «¿De qué color es tu paracaídas? es acerca de la búsqueda de empleo y cambio de profesión, pero también ayuda a determinar quiénes somos como personas y lo que queremos en la vida». Time «... uno de los principales libros de búsqueda de empleo en el mercado. Y sigue siendo, sin dudas, el mejor. E indiscutiblemente el más popular». Fast Company «Bolles sabe de lo que está hablando: sus estrategias prácticas de búsqueda de empleo están respaldadas por años de investigación, y lo mejor de todo es que funcionan realmente». School Library Journal «Idealmente, todos deberían leer ¿De qué color es tu paracaídas? en décimo grado, y después todos los años subsiguientes». Fortune «Primero está el Paracaídas y luego todo lo demás... un libro que nos cambia la vida». Career Planning and Adult Development Journal «El Paracaídas sigue obteniendo récords de venta y sigue siendo la guía indispensable para todos, desde los Boomers en crisis de mediana edad en busca de un cambio de profesión, hasta los estudiantes que se proponen iniciar una carrera». New York Post

Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and Love

by Judith Orloff

Are you forever rushing around, fending off chronic exhaustion? Are you desperately overcommitted, afraid to say no? Do you have fang marks from being bled dry by energy vampires? Does the onslaught of violence in the news leave you drained? If so, you're the victim of a hidden energy crisis. To resolve it you need more than traditional solutions such as eating well, getting a good night’s sleep, and exercising. Here at last is the complete prescription to stop you from feeling constantly drained and enables you to live a more vibrant life: the Positive Energy Program created by Judith Orloff, M. D. Dr. Orloff is the pioneer behind Energy Psychiatry, a new field that addresses the subtle energetic components of health and behavior. Energy Psychiatry blends the practice of mainstream medicine with an emerging scientific understanding of subtle energies, revered by many cross-cultural healing traditions as our life force. InPositive Energy, Dr. Orloff explains this exciting new discipline and how it led her to formulate ten essential prescriptions for boosting energy, improving relationships, and combating energy vampires. The prescriptions are: • Awaken your intuition and rejuvenate yourself--and learn the cure for technodespair and overload from emails, computers, and phones • Find a nurturing spiritual path that fits your own beliefs and inner stirrings • Design an energy-aware approach to diet, exercise, and health--and learn how to avoid the "energetic overeating" that sabotages attempts to lose weight • Generate positive emotional energy to counter negativity • Develop a heart-centered sexuality • Open yourself to the flow of creativity and inspiration to achieve greater joy • Celebrate the sacredness of laughter, pampering, and the replenishment of retreat--it’s not selfish to take care of yourself • Discover how to attract positive people and situations • Protect yourself from energy vampires with specific shielding techniques • Create abundance and a continuing flow of energy The purpose of this program is to make your life easier. Each prescription has clear instructions for practicing the simple, powerful exercises Dr. Orloff gives her patients and uses herself--plus, there’s a "Treat Yourself" section to help you relax and enjoy the program’s full benefits. Following each chapter are Dr. Orloff’s interviews with luminaries who share their personal secrets about how they use a specific prescription to generate more energy. You'll discover how Quincy Jones’s intuition opened up after brain surgery, Larry King honed his interviewing techniques, Naomi Judd recovered from hepatitis C, and Jamie Lee Curtis deals with draining people. Dr. Orloff says, "We can't stop the negative circumstances of our time--our cell phones will keep ringing, e-mails will keep coming, people will be rude, our children will be demanding, and bad things will happen in the world. But we can learn ways to protect our energy so that we can stay centered in dealing with the stresses that arise. "Positive Energyshows you how to slow down time to match your natural rhythms, allowing you to be fully present for your life. Learning this can make the difference between an exuberant life and one you're always recovering from. Filled with Dr. Orloff's warmth, humor, and compassion,Positive Energyis your tool kit for transforming fatigue, stress, and fear into an abundance of vibrance, strength, and love. From the Hardcover edition.

Fearless Leadership: Overcoming Reticence, Procrastination, and the Voices of Doubt Inside Your Head

by Alan Weiss

The intent of this book -- the author's goal for you — is to understand the baseless underpinnings of almost all our fears. You read that correctly -- almost all our fears -- and therefore to discard them. The author has expertly coached leaders and managers in the discovery of, examination of, elimination of, and sustained freedom from fears. We all know people who are charming and articulate, but flounder on a stage addressing colleagues; musicians who master intricate scores but can’t play the basics when asked to solo; athletes who "choke"; business people who are strong until it comes time to ask for the business; people who consistently feel like "imposters." We are far better at dealing with external, tangible fears than our own imagined ones. We purchase insurance, watch the safety demonstrations, know how to use the Heimlich Maneuver. But those are responses to rare and often never-occurring emergencies. Our mythical and monstrous fears are daily dark clouds, masking our talents no less than depression or guilt. It’s time to realize there is no monster under the bed, never has been, and never will be without having to check nightly and without needing a weapon on the night table. Picture yourself freed of restraints that you could never properly articulate and were loath to discuss, but which you carried on your shoulders constantly, a dead weight, nonetheless. Essentially, this book is for entrepreneurs, business owners, and those who seek a better position for themselves and their talents, but who procrastinate, delay, and hang back. It’s about isolating and overcoming the internal fears that we generate every day like a geyser, triggered by time, events, or shifts in the environment. We are our own worst enemies and we ignore the practical remedies to escape fear because we use our energies instead on blaming everyone else.

Bounce Back!: How to Thrive in the Face of Adversity

by Karen Salmansohn

“The very act of reading it makes you feel happier.” - A.J. Jacobs A bad breakup. A serious illness. The loss of a job. Life has a habit of throwing people curveballs. To which Karen Salmansohn says: “When life throws you curveballs, hit them out of the park.”Bounce Back! mixes from-the-gut wisdom with humor, feistiness, and sophistication, in a hip, inspiring resource that will brighten the darkest mood. The book is grounded in happiness research, psychological studies, Greek philosophy. And it delivers: Here are 70 easily digestible, potentially life-changing tips on how to bounce back from adversity, each on a spread that's as punchy in look as it is powerful in message.Shrink negativity into nuggetivity. Think of yourself as the type of person the world says yes to. With its attitude, techniques, and advice on everything from exercise to staying connected, plus charming illustration and photography and a bold design, Bounce Back! is a full-on guide to moving forward with great positive energy. "Salmansohn's writing is bold, playful, insightful—with powerful metaphors that provoke and inspire. Her kinetic images amplify her message and take the book to a new level of literary experience." - Deepak Chopra, author of Seven Laws of Spiritual Success

Vertrauen in die eigene Kreativität

by The Blokehead

Dieses von Susanne Hornig ins Deutsche übersetzte Buch von Yap Kee Chong mit dem Titel "Creative Confidence" ist eine Anleitung zum Kreativen Schreiben mit unkonventionellen Hinweisen, Gedanken und Beispielen, wie Menschen mit schriftstellerischen Ambitionen ihre schlummernden Talente wecken und entfalten können. Ganz im Gegenteil zum bekannten Sprichwort macht Yap Kee Chong uns Mut und behauptet: Aller Anfang ist nicht schwer, wenn die Passion erst freigelassen ist.

Ansiedade: Use Terapia Para Combater Ansiedade, Depressão, Stress, Fobias E Ataques De Pânico

by Geert Winston

Ainda que as suas experiências possam divergir dependendo de uma série de fatores, quer a sua riqueza tenha sido adquirida ou herdada, estas elites geralmente descrevem-se como sendo produtivas e prudentes, e como tal moralmente dignas, enquanto os ricos indignos são preguiçosos, ostensivos e snobes. Sherman argumenta que esta distinção ética entre ricos "bons" e "maus" caracteriza a cultura americana de uma forma mais ampla, e que perpetua a desigualdade económica em vez de a desafiar. Finalmente, iremos falar sobre simples passos que pode começar a dar já hoje para curar a sua ansiedade. Iremos abordar exercícios simples de respiração e meditação, técnicas de consciência, e algumas técnicas para construir auto-confiança. Mantendo uma dieta saudável e algum exercício como parte do processo de cura, iremos passar por alguns dos processos para incorporar na sua rotina diária. Você merece que lutem por si, e espero que quando acabar de ler este livro, esteja no bom caminho para encontrar a sua paz, força e alegria.

Willpower and Energy: Yogananda's Energisation Exercises

by Stephen Sturgess

Paramhansa Yogananda's unique spiritual Yoga system of 39 Energisation Exercises can be used to develop your will power by using concentrated attention to draw abundant energy consciously into your body at all times from the eternal limitless Source of Cosmic Energy that is within and around you, recharging it with energy and vitality. With such will power and life energy, you can experience your spiritual subtle nature and positively transform your life. The Energisation Exercises invigorate the mind with vitality and enthusiasm, creating a spiritually elevating influence on one's attitude to daily life. The physical benefits of these exercises are important for keeping your body fit and healthy, but their primary benefit is that their practise strengthens the will power, which is the cornerstone of the science of Raja Yoga and an essential tool for the practice of Kriya. A practical companion to Paramhansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. You have read the story, now practise to get direct experience.

Unlocking Your Legacy: 25 Keys For Success

by Paul Meyer John Maxwell

When all is said and done, each of us will leave only 4 things behind: 1. Memories - thoughts that others have of us 2. Souvenirs - proof of our existence 3. Trophies - records of our achievements 4. Legacies - everything you are and possess today Eventually, memories will fade and souvenirs and trophies will be lost, stolen, or sold at garage sales. Only your legacy will remain, Admittedly, preparing a good legacy will take time and money, but don't let that stop you! Your legacy will also involve everything you do, say, think, and plan. In Unlocking Your Legacy, learn afresh the important keys to: -keeping your word -being a person of integrity -laughing at life and living worry-free -making your priorities your priority-and keeping them -making, keeping, and passing on your wealth -knowing God in a personal way -seeing others eye-to-eye Whatever your past, tomorrow is your future. When you live with the future in mind, you almost feel like you are living for someone else. In essence, you are! It's your legacy. Unlocking Your Legacy by Paul J. Meyer.

Blockchain for Everyone: How I Learned the Secrets of the New Millionaire Class (And You Can, Too)

by Sir John Hargrave

From the author of Mind Hacking and founder of Bitcoin Market Journal comes the first book to explain the money-making secrets behind bitcoin and blockchain in a user-friendly format. When John Hargrave first invested in cryptocurrency, the price of a single bitcoin was about $125; a few years later, that same bitcoin was worth $20,000. He wasn’t alone: this flood of new money is like the early days of the Internet, creating a new breed of “blockchain billionaires.” Sir John has unlocked their secrets. In Blockchain for Everyone, Sir John reveals the formula for investing in bitcoin and blockchain, using real-life stories, easy-to-understand examples, and a healthy helping of humor. Packed with illustrations, Blockchain for Everyone explains how (and when) to buy bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other blockchain assets, with step-by-step instructions. Blockchain for Everyone is the first blockchain investing book written for the layperson: a guide that helps everyone understand how to build wealth wisely. It’s the new investing manifesto!

Tree Wisdom: A Year of Healing Among the Trees

by Vincent Karche

Twelve lessons that trees can teach us to achieve inner calm, with mindfulness and journaling exercises.Forest bathing, tree hugging, 'earthing' and nature retreats--more and more, we are craving a return to nature, to peace, and simplicity. This book shows the way.When international opera tenor and forester Vincent Karche lost his voice, he was instructed by a shamanic healer that, to regain it, he would have to find himself again first. Thus began a journey into the heart of the forest.In this book, Vincent mirrors the cyclical nature of the seasons to help us reconnect to our natural rhythm, find inner peace, and activate physical and emotional healing. Just as a tree anchors its roots into the earth to weather storms, so too can we learn to cultivate resilience; to find instant relief from stress, we need only breathe slowly in and out as a tree would; and we can forge stronger relationships by encouraging symbiotic links with all beings, giving and taking only what we need as trees and plants do.In this poetic exploration of the unbreakable bond between nature and human, Vincent reminds us that we are both the forest and the tree: each unique in our being and yet part of a Divine natural creation.

Living Full Circle: Simple Ancient Rituals for Modern Life

by Dondeena Bradley

Discover a new path to wellness with this illuminating collection of simple and ancient self-care rituals.In a hectic world filled with trendy products and expensive retreats designed to reduce stress and anxiety, it&’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed just trying to find ways to be well. However, as product innovation and well-being services expert Dondeena Bradley shows in this book, the key to sustained wellness has always been within reach with ancient, tried-and-true practices. In Living Full Circle, Bradley translates time-tested and proven healing remedies into practical tools for taking care of yourself. Guiding you through the vast landscape of health and wellness, Bradley focuses on traditional methods and applies them to today&’s modern world. These classic and simple techniques will ultimately enable you to rejuvenate your daily rituals, ground and reconnect with all five of your senses, and improve your overall well-being. For anyone searching for ways to take back your health using natural, holistic methods, look no further than Living Full Circle—a modern guide to self-care rooted in ancient wisdom that is, today, more beneficial than ever.

The Compound Effect: Multiplying Your Success, One Simple Step At A Time

by Darren Hardy

No gimmicks. No Hyperbole. No Magic Bullet. The Compound Effect is based on the principle that decisions shape your destiny. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, presents The Compound Effect, a distillation of the fundamental principles that have guided the most phenomenal achievements in business, relationships, and beyond. This easy-to-use, step-by-step operating system allows you to multiply your success, chart your progress, and achieve any desire. If you're serious about living an extraordinary life, use the power of The Compound Effect to create the success you want.

The Self-Care Handbook: Connect with Yourself and Boost Your Wellbeing

by Gill Hasson

Learn how to improve and maintain your health and wellbeing with a practical and achievable self-care guide Are you looking after yourself? For so for many of us, with so much to do and think about, self care - taking care of our mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing - often falls by the wayside. The Self-Care Handbook equips you to make positive, helpful choices for incorporating self-care into your life. It explains how to take responsibility for your own wellbeing and provides ideas and practical advice on how you can better look after yourself. Bestselling author Gill Hasson shows you how to develop the mindset, routines and habits that can protect, maintain and improve your health and wellbeing. The Handbook presents straightforward approaches that can help you feel good about yourself, manage stress and anxiety, achieve a work-life balance, increase your physical health and much more. This book will help you: Encourage a positive, healthy relationship with yourself and strengthen your wellbeing Understand and implement the factors that can protect, maintain and improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing Manage overwhelm and simplify a busy life Know how best to relax, switch off and enjoy yourself Look after yourself when you’re going through difficulties, setbacks or a crisis The Self-Care Handbook is an important resource for anyone wishing to integrate healthy behaviours and activities and look after their physical and mental wellbeing.

The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD: Unhook Yourself and Live Life to the Full

by Patricia Zurita Psy.D

This workbook, based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), teaches teens with OCD new skills to handle the stream of pesky obsessions that show up in their mind.It presents the Choice Point - a tool to help teens choose how to handle those tricky moments when dealing with unwanted thoughts. Chapter by chapter, teens learn powerful skills to unhook from their obsessions, including exposure exercises and strategies for accepting their emotions, and complete activities to help them overcome their compulsions, avoidant behaviors, and requests for accommodations. With real-life examples and tons of fun activities, this workbook shows that fears, worry and nervousness are a part of life and gives teens the skills to choose how to respond to their obsessions and move towards the stuff they really care about. Making applying ACT and ERP skills fun, it encourages them to face their fears and live life to the full.

Cuando el amor es más fuerte que la muerte

by Marcelo Rittner Ana Gladys Vargas

En este libro está la clave para atravesar la oscuridad del sufrimiento: sólo debemos permitir que la luz del amor nos guíe. De madres y padres que perdieron a sus hijos e hijas para madres y padres que perdieron a sus hijos e hijas. El dolor de perder a un hijo o a una hija es tan grande que ni siquiera hay una palabra para nombrar a los padres y madres que lo padecen. En un intento por describir este sentimiento y darle sentido, Marcelo Rittner y Ana Gladys Vargas profundizan en experiencias personales y profesionales sobre el duelo, al tiempo que conversan con padres y madres que lo atraviesan, las únicas personas que saben lo que realmente significa. A través de estos testimonios, el dolor revela su verdadero rostro: el del amor que tenemos por quienes están ausentes. Y así sabemos que no todo está perdido, que las formas de amar son infinitas, que aún hay muchas razonespara seguir adelante en esta vida y disfrutar sus enseñanzas, para estar junto a la familia y amistades que queremos y nos quieren.

Healing The Heart Of Conflict: Eight Crucial Steps To Making Peace With Yourself And With Others

by Marc Gopin

Conflict can be a difficult concept to understand. You cannot just consider the logical reasons behind the confrontation. You must also understand the feelings and identity issues of the parties. Some people thrive on the toxic environment conflict creates, or they get caught in a loop with little chance of escape. <p><p> Dr. Marc Gopin has dedicated his career to recognizing, analyzing, and resolving conflict. According to Gopin, there are eight steps for healing conflict. His helpful guide provides an in-depth discussion on all steps. He encourages readers to identify the unique aspect of their conflict and also place it within a larger context to look for patterns. <p> The guide isn't just about resolving conflict in your own life but also about the ways you become a mediator in someone else's conflict. If a peacemaker isn't in control of his or her own emotions and doesn't fully understand intentions, the peacemaker can potentially add to the conflict instead of helping resolve it. <p> Whether you are having personal or professional problems, or you want to help resolve someone else's conflict, Healing the Heart of Conflict will help you take the first step toward a peaceful resolution.

Yesterday's Tomorrow: Recovery Meditations for Hard Cases

by Barry Longyear

This meditation book shows why and, more importantly, how recovery works written in no-nonsense language by a "hard case" who's been there -- and been there, and been there.At last, a meditation book that shows why and, more importantly, how recovery works written in no-nonsense language by a "hard case" who's been there -- and been there, and been there. Barry L. has been clean and sober for more than 14 years, but there was a time when his multiple trips through relapse, detox, and treatment made sobriety seem an impossibility. Now he's written a meditation book especially for "hard cases" like himself; those who struggle with the spiritual side of the program and have had a hard time staying sober. Here is blunt, bare-knuckle writing that tells it like it is.Know a few hard cases who just don't seem to get the program? They'll benefit from this book.

Pensamiento Positivo: Que Es Y Técnicas De Pensamiento Positivo. Poder Para La Salud Y El Exito.

by Jennifer Michaels

Si quieres pensar más positivamente y deshacerte de tu negatividad y pesimismo, este libro te ayudará a lograrlo. Aprenderas sobre algunos de los errores que debes evitar si deseas convertirse en un pensador positivo y qué hacer para pensar positivamente y convertirse en un optimista. Ser positivo está directamente conectado a cómo piensas. El pensamiento positivo afecta tu trabajo, tu salud, tus relaciones y tu vida en todos los sentidos. Afecta cómo ves las cosas. Cuando estás alegre, complacido y te sientes apreciado, ves posibilidades adicionales para tu vida. A veces, lo único que necesitas para hacer un cambio es ver las cosas desde una nueva perspectiva. Descubra veintiun exploraciones emocionales innovadoras para enfrentar audazmente los hábitos que lo frenan en esta guía innovadora que proporciona las herramientas que necesita para abrazar sin temor sus deseos más íntimos.

Pensamiento Positivo: Desarrollar Pensamiento Positivo Y Éxito Y Motivación En Buena Salud

by Napoleon Andrew

Es posible que no logren el mismo efecto en ti o que no funcionen en absoluto. Pero gracias a estos métodos, logré la fortaleza y espero que también puedan ofrecerte los mismos beneficios porque todos somos seres humanos y, al final del día, somos los únicos en los que podemos confiar. Nadie más, ni nuestros padres, ni nuestros amigos, y ciertamente no nuestros gobiernos pueden ofrecer el mismo nivel de apoyo y seguridad que podemos crear para nosotros mismos. Cuando aprendes a poner tu cerebro a tu lado, la vida parece ser más fácil. Nuestra felicidad, capacidad para alcanzar el éxito y resolver problemas en nuestras vidas, giran en torno a cómo usamos lo que tenemos. A los mejores jugadores de póker del mundo se les puede dar una terrible mano de cartas y aún así voltearla para que ganen la ronda. Este libro te mostrará cómo aprovechar el increíble poder que tienes dentro de ti y cómo convertirte en una fuerza imparable de la naturaleza, que puede superar cualquier desafío y lograr cualquier cosa que se proponga. No esperes más para descubrir TU CLAVE para una nueva y mejor vida.

Auto-disciplina: Como Guiar-se Para Aumentar a Autodisciplina e Motivação com Confiança

by Hugh Charan

Esse livro contém passos e estratégias comprovadas sobre como usar a autodisciplina para garantir que você pode mudar a sua vida e atingir qualquer objetivo em que você colocar a sua mente. Todos possuem metas que querem alcançar na vida, mas muitas pessoas desistem de estabelecer a alcançar essas metas porque elas não têm ideia de como atingir o sucesso. A vida tem altos e baixos porque qualquer coisa que não tenha altos e baixos, não existe ou não está viva. A vida irá lançar desafios a você, de novo e de novo, e de novo. A diferença entre pessoas que obtêm sucesso e alcançam o seu potencial por completo e as pessoas que se fazem de vítima reside estritamente na sua mentalidade, o que as faz reagir de certa maneira aos problemas. O problema é que nós vivemos em um mundo cheio de vítimas, pessoas falam muito mais do que agem.

Auto-Disciplina: Hábitos diarios para la autodisciplina de un líder más exitoso e influyente

by Katherine Scofield

Este libro revela enfoques habituales, métodos manejables, rutinas y tácticas que han cambiado la vida de atletas, celebridades, empresarios y personas importantes en el campo de los negocios. Lo que quieras lograr en la vida, habrá obstáculos y desafíos. Tener éxito no significa evitarlos. Esto no es simplemente un fracaso de la industria de la dieta, sino una incapacidad para controlar su alimentación. Con los químicos dañinos en los alimentos que provocan los antojos y el estrés de la vida cotidiana alentando a las personas a buscar la comodidad de comer, no es de extrañar que la industria de las dietas ahora valga miles de millones de dólares. Sin embargo, este libro proporciona estrategias paso a paso para desarrollar su autodisciplina y su poder para controlar su alimentación. La autodisciplina es muy importante. La autodisciplina puede ayudarlo a lograr sus sueños y ser la persona que desea. La autodisciplina es lo que se necesita para levantarse de la cama por la mañana. Una buena autodisciplina es lo que se necesita para lograr sus pequeños objetivos, como terminar una tarea o un proyecto de trabajo.

Auto-Disciplina: Técnicas Que Ayudan A Desarrollar La Fuerza De Voluntad Y La Motivación Para Vivir Una Vida Exitosa

by Joanna Robison

Este libro tiene información poderosa y procesable en cómo cambiar tu vida para mejor a través de consejos efectivos para ser más disciplinado. Diseñado como una plantilla completa de auto disciplina, este libro te provee con estrategias fáciles y efectivas para construir el estado mental correcto para que puedas frenar tus tentaciones y construir una buena vida para ti mismo. La auto disciplina puede ser definida como el auto control de nuestros sentimientos y la habilidad de llevar sus fallas y debilidades. Pero, ¿cómo afecta la auto disciplina en tu vida diaria? Bueno, puedes ser testigo de la auto disciplina en muchas maneras. Por ejemplo, si soportas la decepción y la frustración para alcanzar una meta más alta, piensa antes de realizar algo, asegúrate de terminar lo que comienzas, lleva a cabo tus planes y decisiones, o empújate a los límites de tu fuerza de voluntad, entonces ciertamente tienes auto disciplina. Todo comienza al descartar posesiones que no te traen gozo a tu vida. Marie Kondo delinea su método comprobado, incluyendo una orden de pasos, primero para descartar y después para guardar tus propiedades. Cuando esté hecho tendrás la energía para perseguir tus pasiones verdaderas en la vida y nunca volverás a un hogar desordenado.

I60!: Come goderti la tua seconda giovinezza

by Ana Builes

Oggi viviamo facilmente fino ai novant'anni. Trenta anni in più dei nostri genitori. Quando passiamo la trentina, la società ci condiziona a sentirci giovani. Quando raggiungiamo i sessant'anni, stiamo calpestando la seconda trentina, che corrisponde ad una seconda giovinezza. Ma arriviamo a questa seconda giovinezza con due grandi vantaggi: siamo più intelligenti e concentrati; Inoltre, la strada percorsa e le esperienze vissute ci rendono persone più sagge, il nostro potenziale energetico equilibrato e fluido. Abbiamo a nostro favore il tesoro della sintesi, la tranquillità e la sicurezza del conoscitore è un grande capitale invisibile con cui possiamo contare. Ma per approfittarne, di cosa abbiamo bisogno?

Coaching Locução e Rádio: Técnicas, métodos e práticas

by Miguel D'Addario

Partindo da ideia de guião como caminho ou esquema para o orador desenvolver com ordem e segurança a difusão da sua mensagem, é importante referir como deve estar balizado tal discurso,(sempre balizado pelo próprio orador) para recordar e ver aspectos do discurso com apenas um único olhar.

Ansiedad: Deshacerse De La Ansiedad Para Siempre

by Hazel Simon

El cerebro humano es la pieza de maquinaria orgánica más compleja en el planeta tierra. Durante casi toda la historia ha sido malentendido y consistentemente rodeado de datos inexactos y falsedades opacas. Luego surgió el campo de la neurociencia y, desde su inclusión, más y más sobre el misterio del cerebro ha comenzado a salir de la oscura cueva de la confusión y salir a la luz de la comprensión. ¿Esto suena familiar? De mala gana, usted decide asistir a un evento de redes con un compañero de trabajo quien cancela en el último minuto. La idea de ir solo le llena de ansiedad debilitante. Teme una próxima entrevista de trabajo. Dar una presentación en el trabajo le mantiene despierto por la noche. ¡Obtenga su copia hoy haciendo clic en el botón en la parte superior de esta página!

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