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Showing 15,826 through 15,850 of 36,437 results

Brave, Beautiful and Baring it All: Opening Our Hearts to Happiness No Matter What Life Throws At Us

by Rhyanna Watson

In this bold, compassionate title, yoga teacher, wellness trainer and social media sensation Rhyanna Watson - who has come out the other side of a lot of personal trauma both stronger and happier - explores how to strip back your protective layers, feel brave and beautiful again, and make the rest of your life the best of your life.Rhyanna's nurturing yet empowering text encourages us to get out of our heads and more into our bodies and hearts in order to reconnect with both ourselves and others - to feel less judged, more accepted; less flawed, more worthy; less insecure, more confident; less scared, more loved.As the title suggests, the key message is that it's only when we're willing to be brave, open our minds and hearts, get fit from the inside out, and both 'bare' it all (allowing ourselves to be vulnerable when appropriate) and 'bear' it all (accepting both the good and the bad with patience and grace) that we will be able to feel our most beautiful and live our best lives. Being brave doesn't mean we have to jump out of planes or fight lions of course! It simply means being open enough to really get to know and love ourselves, stripped of all societal pressures and expectations. And when it comes to being beautiful, well, we're all beautiful in our own ways, so it's just about accepting our own truth and embracing and believing in ourselves!

Hope in the Mail: Reflections on Writing and Life

by Wendelin Van Draanen

Part writing guide and part memoir, this inspiring book from the author of Flipped and The Running Dream is like Bird by Bird for YA readers and writers. <p><p> Wendelin Van Draanen didn't grow up wanting to be a writer, but thirty books later, she's convinced that writing saved her life. Or, at least, saved her from a life of bitterness and despair. Writing helped her sort out what she thought and felt and wanted. And digging deep into fictional characters helped her understand the real people in her life better as well. <p> Wendelin shares what she's learned--about writing, life, and what it takes to live the writing life. This book is packed with practical advice on the craft: about how to create characters and plot a story that's exciting to read. But maybe even more helpful is the insight she provides into the persistence, and perseverance, it takes to live a productive, creative life. And she answers the age-old question Where do you get your ideas? by revealing how events in her own life became the seeds of her best-loved novels.Hope in the Mail is a wildly inspirational read for anyone with a story to share.

I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck \ Yo era un c*brón amargado (Spanish edition): Cómo ser hombre y vivir una vida con sentido

by John Kim

El terapeuta enojado (The Angry Therapist) que ha ayudado a miles de hombres a encontrar más felicidad en sus relaciones y más propósito en sus vidas ahora comparte sus ideas con todos en esta poderosa y concisa guía de autoayuda, que cubre temas esenciales, desde la vulnerabilidad y las actitudes pretenciosas hasta los ejercicios y la mujer.Después de pasar por un divorcio y buscar profundamente dentro de su alma, John Kim llegó a una asombrosa realización: era un c*abrón amagado y que era el único responsable de los problemas en su vida. Armado con esta nueva perspectiva, comenzó el blog The Angry Therapist, una admisión de que, mientras era un terapeuta y entrenador de vida autorizado, no era mejor que las personas que buscaban su consejo. En su primer escrito, "My Fucking Feelings", escribió sobre las dificultades y las deficiencias que lo habían llevado a este punto. A medida que avanzaba su trabajo, catapultándolo al rol de guía poco convencional y poco convencional para miles de personas en todo el mundo, Kim evolucionó de comportarse como un niño a vivir como un hombre, y mostró a sus clientes cómo hacerlo también.En Yo era un c*brón amargado, Kim reflexiona en lo que debe y lo que no debe hacer para mejorar su condición de hombre, lo que define como hombre de acuerdo a su transparencia y fuerza de carácter, no por abdominales o la mejor oficina. Con su exclusivo enfoque, despreocupado y liviano que te hará reír y pensar. Kim te llevará a un viaje inusual y accidentado de autoexploración y descubrimiento. Compartirá su sabiduría e información, en asuntos de cómo por qué:• Ser agradable es para los niños, y ser amable es para los hombres • Hacer tiempo para los amigos podría convertirte en un mejor amigo, amante y ser humano” • Orinarse en la ducha es un signo de un problema mayor • Discutir, juzgar y responder, "No lo sé" te impide tener una relación saludable, una gran carrera y una vida feliz No nacemos ya hombres. Nacemos niños. La transición de la miseria a encontrar el sentido, es un proceso interno que requiere trabajo: reflexión, dolor, valor y, a veces, un renacimiento. Kim lo sabe porque él ha estado allí. La verdad es que los hombres no estaban destinados solo a pagar facturas y morir. Con este libro como guía, amarás mucho, caminarás alto y encontrarás una vida llena de propósito y pasión.

The Alcoholic Family

by Peter Steinglass David Reiss. Steven Wolin Linda Bennett

This pathbreaking book paints a radical new picture of alcoholism, offering powerful evidence that most chronic alcoholics live out their lives in intact, relatively quiet family environments. The authors show, however, that living in an alcoholic family—in which alcoholism is the central theme around which family life is organized—has profound effects on family members both drinkers and nondrinkers.

Your Moontime Magic: A Girl’s Guide to Getting Your Period and Loving Your Body

by Maureen Theresa Smith

Celebrate You! Your Moontime Magic was created to honor and support everything about you! The start of your periods, also known as your moontime, and the transition from your kid-self to your teen-self can be awesome but also overwhelming. Let this book coach you through all things moontime, including physical and emotional changes, self-nurturing, mindfulness, and self-love. You&’ll be inspired by stories of girls supporting other girls and discover rituals and mythology from many cultures to help you celebrate this special experience. It&’s time to remove the needless embarrassment around periods so you can rock your monthly cycles! Complete with exercises, crafts, meditations, recipes, and practical advice, Your Moontime Magic provides guidance to care for your changing body and direction for bringing your magical visions to life.

The Book of Jonathon and The Book of Eron: Two Books on Awakening into Life After Death

by Atem

Death comes unexpectedly for both Jonathon and Eron. A series of landscapes and tasks unfold, each more challenging than the last. There are guides to assist and new insights into life on Earth, shared with those of us who still walk in this realm.Step into the unknown, be filled with wonder and tantalized by mysteries that can barely be touched by words on a page. Here is a doorway into the greatest mystery of all.The author was a well-known composer. One day, as she sat at her desk composing a score, she began to hear words instead of music.The Book of Jonathon' was the first of seven books Atem received. Each offers first person accounts of souls recently arrived in the afterlife.

All You Have to Do Is Ask: How to Master the Most Important Skill for Success

by Wayne Baker

A set of tools for mastering the one skill standing between us and success: the ability to ask for the things we need to succeed. Imagine you&’re on a deadline for a big project, and feeling overwhelmed. Or you're looking for a job, but can't seem to get your foot in the door. Or you're dying for tickets to a sold out concert, and all your leads have gone cold. What do these problems have in common? They can all be solved simply by reaching out to a colleague, friend, or wider network and making an ask. Studies show that asking for help makes us better and less frustrated at our jobs. It helps us find new opportunities and new talent. It unlocks new ideas and solutions, and enhances team performance. And it helps us get the things we need outside the workplace as well. And yet, we rarely give ourselves permission to ask. Luckily, the research shows that asking—and getting—what we need is much easier than we tend to think. Here, Wayne Baker shares a set of strategies—used at companies like Google, GM, and IDEO—that individuals, teams, and leaders can use to make asking for help a personal and organizational habit, including: • A quiz to identify your asking-giving style • SMART criteria for who, when, and how to ask • &“Plug-and-play &” routines that make requests a standard component of meetings • Mini-games that incentivize asking within teams • The Reciprocity Ring, a guided activity that allows people to tap into the giving power of a network Picking up where the bestselling book Give and Take left off, All You Have to Do Is Ask shows us how to ignite the cycle of giving and receiving by asking for the things we need.Advance praise for All You Have to Do Is Ask&“Asking for help and support has been a key to my success. Wayne Baker expertly shares how everyone can do it.&”—Shellye Archambeau, former CEO, MetricStream, and board director, Verizon and Nordstrom &“Wayne Baker shares the formula for driving personal, organizational, and social change by tapping the power of our teams and networks for help. This insightful book is a must-read for anyone seeking practical and proven solutions to make our workplaces and world a better place.&”—Noel Tichy, professor, University of Michigan, and author of Judgment and Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will

Lecciones de liderazgo creativo: Mi gran aventura al frente de la empresa que ha convertido la magia en realidad

by Robert A. Iger

El CEO de Disney comparte las ideas y los valores que le han permitido reinventar una de las compañías más admiradas del mundo e inspirar a las personas que dan vida a la magia. Robert Iger se convirtió en CEO de la Walt Disney Company en 2005 durante un momento difícil para la empresa. La moral se había deteriorado, la competencia era intensa y la tecnología estaba cambiando más rápido que en cualquier otro momento de la historia. Su proyecto de futuro se basaba en tres ideas muy claras: renovar el compromiso con la importancia de la calidad, integrar la tecnología en lugar de luchar contra ella y pensar con ambición y con una visión global para convertir a Disney en una marca más fuerte en los mercados internacionales. Catorce años después, Disney es la compañía de medios más grande y respetada del mundo, y cuenta entre sus propiedades con Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm y 21st Century Fox. Con Robert Iger al frente, reconocido como uno de los CEO más innovadores y exitosos de nuestra era, el valor de la empresa se ha quintuplicado. En Lecciones de liderazgo creativo, Iger comparte las lecciones aprendidas al frente de Disney y de sus 200.000 empleados y explora los principios necesarios para un verdadero liderazgo, que son: Optimismo. Incluso ante las dificultades, un líder optimista encontrará el camino hacia el mejor resultado posible y se centrará en ello, en lugar de ceder ante el pesimismo y la culpa. Valentía. Los líderes deben estar dispuestos a correr riesgos y a hacer grandes apuestas. El miedo al fracaso destruye la creatividad. Decisión. Todas las decisiones, por complejas que parezcan, pueden tomarse de manera oportuna. La indecisión es un derroche y mina la moral. Equidad. Hay que tratar a las personas con decencia, empatía y ser accesible para ellas. Este libro muestra la inagotable curiosidad que ha impulsado a Iger durante cuarenta y cinco años, desde el día en que comenzó como humilde aprendiz en un estudio de la ABC. Y trata también de la consideración y el respeto, y la primacía de la dignidad sobre el dinero que ha sido fundamental en todos los proyectos impulsados por Iger, desde la profunda amistad con Steve Jobs en sus últimos años hasta el perdurable amor por la mitología de «Star Wars». «Las ideas de este libro me parecen universales», escribe Iger. «No solo para los aspirantes a CEO del mundo, sino para todas aquellas personas que quieran sentirse menos temerosas, con más confianza en sí mismas, en su trayectoria profesional e incluso personal.» Reseñas:«Cultivar la creatividad es más un arte que una habilidad, especialmente en una empresa que es sinónimo de creatividad. Y eso constituye un gran reto. Bob Iger no solo ha estado a la altura de noventa y seis años de una historia revolucionaria, sino que ha llevado la marca Disney mucho más allá de cualquier expectativa y lo ha hecho con audacia y con acierto. Este libro cuenta cómo lo ha logrado.»Steven Spielberg «Hemos esperado años a que Bob Iger compartiera sus secretos de liderazgo. Por fin lo ha hecho y son absolutamente brillantes. Lecciones de liderazgo creativo no son solo unas memorias, pues el libro ofrece la oportunidad de departir abiertamente con el CEO más clarividente, sino también son una guía imprescindible para afrontar los desafíos más relevantes de nuestra era: cómo impulsar el cambio, aprovechar la tecnología, construir una cultura duradera y empoderar a las personas. Una lectura apasionante y muy reveladora.»Daniel Coyle, autor de Cuando las arañas tejen juntas pueden atar a un león y El pequeño libro del talento «Era de esperar que una obra escrita por la persona que ha dirigido Disney durante décadas destacara por un relato apasionante y por una gran sabiduría sobre el liderazgo. Bob Iger lo ha conseguido y ha ido incluso más allá. Su libro

Minimalistamente. El poder transformador de lo simple

by Adriana Coines

Reduce tu vida a lo esencial para llenarla de significado. Hace tres años, la bloguera Adriana Coines inició su transformación depurando su armario y ya no se detuvo: cambió hábitos, se liberó de todo aquello que le restaba energía y dejó espacio a nuevas experiencias y personas, al tiempo que cultivaba el amor y el respeto hacia sí misma. A lo largo de 16 capítulos, comparte todo lo que ha ido aprendiendo y cuenta cómo el minimalismo cambió su vida en todos los ámbitos: se replanteó sus relaciones, su profesión, la gestión del tiempo, el vínculo con la naturaleza, su dependencia a las redes... En este libro, a través de ejercicios y consejos prácticos, invita a otras personas a reflexionar y a disfrutar de una vida más sencilla y feliz.

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! ¡Recupera tu vida y aprovecha mejor los espacios de tu casa! Transforma tu hogar en un espacio armónico y libre de desorden con el increíble Método KonMari. La autora, Marie Kondo, ha vendido más de 3 millones de copias de sus libros, que han sido traducidos a más de 30 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países. En 2015 fue nombrada por la revista Time como una de las 100 personas más influyentes del año. La magia del orden ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Marie Kondo, con su método inspirador, te ayudará a poner en orden tu casa de una vez por todas. Paso a paso te guiará para que en tu casa sólo tengas las cosas esencialesy tu vida mejore; increíblemente te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y con energía para crear lo que sea. A partir de este momento sólo tendrás que elegir qué conservar y qué desechar. Algunos de los consejos del método KonMari: - Ordena por categoría, no por localización. - No guardes nada en tu armario que no te dé alegría. - Lo que no necesitas tú, tampoco lo necesita nadie de tu familia. - Despídete de cada pieza que tires con gratitud por su servicio dado. - Ordena bien una vez y siempre permanecerá ordenado. - Las maratones de orden tienen efecto rebote. Créate un hábito diario. - Empieza por las cosas más fáciles. - Aprende a doblar bien la ropa y ahorrarás espacio. - No compres más cajas ni materiales de almacenaje pequeño. No lo necesitas La crítica ha opinado: "Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cinco años" The Times "Marie Kondo es una mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros" The Sunday Times

AvoCuddle: Comfort Words for When You're Feeling Downbeet

by Xxxxxx

Let your fellow human beans know that everything will be okale with this little book of upbeat and adorkable fruit puns.This cute and colorful series of fruit-pun-filled gift books are the perfect pick-me-ups for you, your friend or your partner in crime. Do you need to avocuddle, or are you grapeful for someone who’s 24 Carrot Gold? Then share the clove with these little books: AvoCuddle, and You are 24 Carrot Gold.*veg, nuts and seeds are fair game

You Are 24 Carrot Gold: Words of Love for Someone Who's Worth Their Weight in Root Vegetables

by Xxxxxx

There’s always that one pearson who’s the cherry on top, the cool beans, the pea’s knees. Tell them they’re amaizeing with this little book of upbeat and adorkable fruit puns.This cute and colorful series of fruit-pun-filled gift books are the perfect pick-me-ups for you, your friend or your partner in crime. Do you need to avocuddle, or are you grapeful for someone who’s 24 carrot gold?? Then share the clove with these little books: AvoCuddle, and You are 24 Carrot Gold.*veg, nuts and seeds are fair game

All Things Being Equal: Why Math Is the Key to a Better World

by John Mighton

From the award-winning founder of JUMP Math, All Things Being Equal is a proven guide to succeeding in math, and a passionate argument for why this success can and must be available to the majority instead of the privileged few. For two decades, John Mighton has developed strategies for fostering intellectual potential in all children through learning math. Math, Mighton says, provides us with mental tools of incredible power. When we learn math we learn to see patterns, to think logically and systematically, to draw analogies, to perceive risk, to understand cause and effect--among many other critical skills. Yet we tolerate and in fact expect a vast performance gap in math among students, and live in a world where many adults aren't equipped with these crucial tools. This learning gap is unnecessary, dangerous and tragic, he cautions, and it has led us to a problem of intellectual poverty which is apparent everywhere--in fake news, political turmoil, floundering economies, even in erroneous medical diagnoses. In All Things Being Equal, Mighton argues that math study is an ideal starting point to break down social inequality and empower individuals to build a smarter, kinder, more equitable world. Bringing together the latest cognitive research and incremental learning strategies, Mighton goes deep into the classroom and beyond to offer a hopeful--and urgent--vision for a numerate society.

Tus modelos del amor: Descubre cómo a

by Karla Lara

«Si hasta ahora has pensado que eso del amor no es para ti, entonces éste es el libro que necesitas. No importa si eres mujer, hombre, heterosexual, homosexual, soltero, casado o divorciado, en estas páginas encontrarás respuestas a muchas de tus preguntas con respecto al amor». Todos queremos encontrar el amor, mantener una relación o superar un fracaso amoroso, hemos escuchado muchas veces que el amor propio es importantísimo y que, sin amarnos primero a nosotros, no podemos amar a nadie más... pero nadie nos ha dicho cómo lograr que ese amor propio crezca, tampoco nos dicen cómo evitar que un amor a punto de fracasar sobreviva o cómo salirnos de un patrón de relaciones tóxicas. Karla Lara nos acompaña en este proceso mediante ejercicios, objetivos claros y explicaciones precisas que nos ayudarán a comprender que nuestro modelo de amor puede transformarse y que las relaciones de pareja se construyen entre dos (o más, si se da un acuerdo). Acepta el reto y atrévete a cuestionarte y crecer emocionalmente.

Everything Is Possible: Finding The Faith And Courage To Follow Your Dreams

by Jen Bricker Sheryl Berk Nick Vujicic

Jen Bricker was born without legs. Shocked and uncertain they could care for her, her biological parents gave her up for adoption. In her loving adoptive home, there was just one simple rule: "Never say 'can't.'" And pretty soon, there was nothing this small but mighty powerhouse set her sights on that she couldn't conquer: roller-skating, volleyball, power tumbling, and spinning from silk ribbons thirty feet in the air. Everything Is Possible is her incredible story--a story of God working out his plan for her life from before day one. Readers follow Jen from the challenges of growing up different to holding captive audiences numbering in the tens of thousands. Everything Is Possible shows readers what they can accomplish when they remove the words coincidence and limitation from their vocabulary. Filled with heart and spirit, as well as Jen's wit, wisdom, and no-holds-barred honesty, this inspiring true story points the way to purpose and joy. Foreword by Nick Vujicic.

Older, but Better, but Older: From the Authors of How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are

by Sophie Mas Caroline De Maigret

From the bestselling authors of How to be Parisian, what smart, savvy, fabulous French women think, feel and advise as they hit forty on life, love, and everything elseOlder, but Better, but Older has the playful wit, self deprecation and worldly advice we have come to expect from these bestselling authors, but now that advice is focused on the French woman's mindset as she hurtles towards forty. Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas are back to amuse you with how they find they are modifying their favorite bad-girl behavior as they address beauty, love, seduction as well as lifestyle, family, work, and living alone. They are still bohemian iconoclasts saying what you don't expect to hear. They will tell you things aren't what they used to be--when a thirty-year-old guy arrives at a party and does not even glance at you; when you wake up feeling great and everyone tells you how tired you look; you know you're an adult when you're excited just to go home. Neuroses vs. confidence, resistance vs. acceptance, passion vs. serenity, de Maigret and Mas through spirited short stories capture the different stages of ageing--as nostalgic but modern Parisian women. From the privately absurd to the strangely universal, this book captures moments of everyday life that will make the reader nod, cringe, and laugh out loud.

The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store

by Cait Flanders

In her late twenties, Cait Flanders found herself stuck in the consumerism cycle that grips so many of us: earn more, buy more, want more, rinse, repeat. Even after she worked her way out of nearly $30,000 of consumer debt, her old habits took hold again. When she realized that nothing she was doing or buying was making her happy —only keeping her from meeting her goals —she decided to set herself a challenge: she would not shop for an entire year.The Year of Less documents Cait’s life for twelve months during which she bought only consumables: groceries, toiletries, gas for her car. Along the way, she challenged herself to consume less of many other things besides shopping. She decluttered her apartment and got rid of 70 percent of her belongings; learned how to fix things rather than throw them away; researched the zero waste movement; and completed a television ban. At every stage, she learned that the less she consumed, the more fulfilled she felt.The challenge became a lifeline when, in the course of the year, Cait found herself in situations that turned her life upside down. In the face of hardship, she realized why she had always turned to shopping, alcohol, and food —and what it had cost her. Unable to reach for any of her usual vices, she changed habits she’d spent years perfecting and discovered what truly mattered to her.Blending Cait’s compelling story with inspiring insight and practical guidance, The Year of Less will leave you questioning what you’re holding on to in your own life —and, quite possibly, lead you to find your own path of less.

Find Your Pleasure: The Art of Living a More Joyful Life

by Cynthia Loyst

From The Social cohost Cynthia Loyst, a deeply personal lifestyle book about how to take the guilt out of pleasure and get to the heart of what you need and want in all aspects of life—from family, home, and work to love and sex.Find Your Pleasure is a pleasure revolution: where society has told women to feel guilty or ashamed for embracing pleasures, Cynthia Loyst shows you how to get to the heart of what you need and want, in every aspect of life. Live: Uncover the beauty of everyday moments, celebrate family and friends, find fun and satisfaction in your workdays, and enjoy the immense rewards parenting has to offer—all while being mindful of taking care of yourself. Love: Cynthia reveals everything from learning to enjoy your body more, ways to feel intimate and communicate effectively with your partner, and the keys to having better sex. Inspire: Find out how to let your creative self bloom, seek out exciting new pathways in life, and let kindness guide you with Cynthia&’s tips and tricks for mastering mindfulness and meditation. Through her insightful anecdotes, Cynthia empowers women to revel in all of life&’s joys, even the messy ones. Filled with beautiful color photographs, Find Your Pleasure is a treat for the soul that you can devour in one go or savor in tiny bites.

Self-Confidence: The remarkable truth of how a small change can boost your resilience and increase your success

by Paul McGee

The special Tenth Anniversary Edition of the classic, bestselling guide to increasing self-confidence and boosting personal and professional success Confidence is profoundly important to virtually every aspect of our lives – it’s the main ingredient for handling anything thrown at us. Whether in our school or business careers, personal relationships or the way in which we present ourselves to the world, confidence is often the deciding factor between success or failure. But how does one increase self-confidence? Sunday Times best sellingAuthor Paul McGee has helped thousands of people answer this very question with his bestselling book Self-Confidence. Blending Paul’s humour and wit with expert insights and practical advice, this beloved resource remains the essential guide to increasing self-confidence and boosting success. Paul shows you how increasing your confidence by even a small amount can lead to dramatic positive changes in your life. Celebrating its tenth year in publication, this new Anniversary Edition has been extensively updated to addresses current “hot topics” and trends for improving confidence and driving personal and professional success. Paul offers new guidance on strengthening resilience, promoting well-being, enhancing mental health and much more. Along the way, Paul shares honest and very personal stories from his own life to highlight important lessons and reinforce your confidence-building process. This must-have guide will help you: Understand how making small changes will yield enormous results Manage self-doubt and overcome anxiety Discover who or what crushed your confidence and meet them head-on Refuse to let setbacks sap your confidence by turning them into motivation to forge ahead Step away from your comfort zone and achieve what you always wanted, but lacked the confidence to pursue The special edition of Self-Confidence provides everything you need to start on the path to increased confidence, resilience and success. You will be astonished by what you can accomplish when you have the confidence to try.

Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home

by Vicki Psarias

Chosen by the Independent as one of the 10 best business books written by women'Vicki is one inspirational mumboss, who shares her secrets to juggling a thriving business with raising a family in this entertaining and empowering read!' Una Healy'Ideal for going back to work without losing your mind . . . a no-nonsense guide to navigating the transition' Marie Claire 'If ever there is a person who has shown just how successful you can be online whilst also being an amazing parent it is Vicki. Read, learn and follow. A brilliant book from an inspirational mother'. Natasha Courtenay-Smith, author of The Million Dollar BlogIn Mumboss, Vicki Psarias, founder of, shares her #mumboss manifesto for surviving and thriving at work and at home. Vicki writes about everything from juggling work and family, to regaining your confidence after having a baby and battling imposter syndrome.An award-winning blogger and vlogger, in this book Vicki shares how to turn your passions into a business that suits the modern mum's lifestyle. Mumboss is full of practical advice, tips and tricks to help fellow #mumbosses build their own business or return to work, while creating a personal brand and learning how to market yourself.Vicki's funny, fresh approach to life and work as a mum has brought her a loyal fanbase and a brilliantly successful business: her blog Honest Mum is one of the UK's most popular parenting and lifestyle sites, and the blog combined with Vicki's social channels has an average monthly reach of 3 million. A Lean In for the blogging and vlogging generation, Mumboss is an essential book for all parents, whether they are returning to work or looking to start a new career, as well as anyone looking to build their brand or business online.'A must-read for the modern Mum; particularly one who has aspirations to build her own business. I wish I had been able to read it three years ago!' Katie Massie-Taylor, Co-Founder, Mush

Success from the Inside Out: Power to Rise from the Past to a Fulfilling Future

by Nona Jones

In Success from the Inside Out, corporate executive and leadership speaker Nona Jones takes you on a personal journey to discovering the difference between success that empties, and success that fills. Many of us aspire to achieve position, wealth, and notability in the hopes that those things will erase the pain of the past. But for those like Nona Jones who have experienced trauma, success requires more than a changed mindset--it requires repairing a broken spirit.Nona was appointed to an executive role with a Fortune 100 company at only 23 years old. Since then, she has led award-winning initiatives in public affairs, brokered multi-million dollar business deals, addressed the United Nations, and championed juvenile justice and education policy reform in the halls of Congress--all under the age of 35.Then in one of the largest wake-up moments of her life, Nona realized that her past battles were waging a present war. Though she tried to push away the memories, her childhood trauma continued to affect her emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically--until she made a pivotal decision.Success from the Inside Out charts the course of Nona's breakthrough--a course that can also lead you out of the storms of your past or present. Through her own remarkable story and insights, Nona helps you:Claim victory at the place where the defeat happenedRecognize ways you use work to cover up inward brokennessStill the voices in your head that say you aren't good enoughChoose not just empty success but fulfilling successMap your mile-markers toward your biggest goalsPush through from brokenness to breakthroughAs Nona writes, "I've discovered that the only thing stronger than the power trauma has to change you is the power you reclaim when you acknowledge its effect on you." Success from the Inside Out is an empowering guide to finding healing from the past so you can move with freedom and hope into the future.

Psicomagia: El poder transformativo de la psicoterapia shamanica (Best Seller (debolsillo) Ser. #Vol. 180)

by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Alejandro Jodorowsky nos muestra el camino que le llevó a la psicomagia, desde sus primeros actos poéticos y teatrales hasta su aprendizaje para controlar el mundo onírico. Estos pasos imprescindibles, junto con el conocimiento que maestros, curanderos y chamanes le transmitieron, fue lo que dio origen a sus técnicas para sanar, conocidas como psicomagia y psicogenealogía. El libro ofrece también al lector una entrevista con Jodorowsky, en la que nos habla de la muerte, del destino, las religiones, su idea sobre el futuro de la humanidad o la necesidad de despertar nuestra mente. El volumen se cierra con una serie de ejercicios donde el autor nos muestra cómo es posible desarrollar nuestra creatividad y utilizarla para que nos libere de roles e ideas preconcebidas, y un apéndice con doce casos psiquiátricos reales cuyos pacientes fueron curados al serles prescritos actos de psicomagia.

From Beginning to End: The Rituals of Our Lives

by Robert Fulghum

FROM BEGINNING TO ENDWhy "rituals"?My thinking was set in motion by those who, knowing I was a parish minister for many years, have asked me for advice about ceremonies and celebrations. They wanted words to use at graduations, funerals, and the welcoming of children. They inquired about grace at family meals, the reaffirmation of wedding vows, and ways to heal wounds suffered in personal conflict. People requested help with the rituals of solitude, such as meditation, prayer, and contemplation. . . .Rituals do not always involve words, occasions, officials, or an audience. Rituals are often silent, solitary, and self-contained. The most powerful rites of passage are reflective--when you look back on your life again and again, paying attention to the rivers you have crossed and the gates you have opened and walked on through, the thresholds you have passed over.I see ritual when people sit together silently by an open fire.Remembering.As human beings have remembered for thousands and thousands of years.FULGHUMFrom the Paperback edition.

Finding God's Life for My Will: His Presence Is the Plan

by Mike Donehey

The lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist for award-winning contemporary Christian band Tenth Avenue North shows readers that by seeking God first and focusing on serving Him, we can live daily in His will."Perhaps God isn't giving me the plan because He wants to be the plan." This was the aha moment for Mike Donehey after years of wrestling with his obsession to know God's specific plans for his life. He came to the realization that waiting for absolute certainty from God before making decisions may seem uberspiritual, but it can lead to a life of intense stress, paralyzing fear, and crushing regret--just the opposite of the freedom granted to those living a Christ-filled life."This is my I gave up begging to know God's will and began to ask His life to come and change my will."With his signature humor and relentless hunger for God, Mike will show you that discovering the Father's purpose and plan for our lives is not the shell game that we all too often make it out to be. If you're unsure what to do next, take heart and accept the ultimate invitation: learn to see God as the plan, not simply the formula to the plan.

The Middle Matters: Why That (Extra)Ordinary Life Looks Really Good on You

by Lisa-Jo Baker

The best-selling author of Never Unfriended opens up about midlife and what it feels like to have outgrown those teenage jeans, but finally grown into the shape of our souls.Do you ever wonder how you woke up one day with all the responsibilities of a grown-up who secretly enjoys going to Costco, can no longer recognize the tween celebrities on the magazines at checkout, but is still surprised when a Starbucks Barista calls you "ma'am"--because your inside self is frozen in time from about twenty years ago? So does Lisa-Jo Baker. Welcome to the middle!In these intimate reflections on midlife, Lisa-Jo Baker invites women to get a good look at their middles and gives permission to embrace them--beyond what the media, the mirror, the magazines, or our teenagers say. Through gutsy, beautiful storytelling, she admits out loud what most women are thinking about marriage, parenting, failure, and how badly we all want to buy those matching Magnolia Market mugs. Her delicious stories come from not being afraid of who she is (Your Age is Not a Dirty Word). Because she has finally grown comfortable in her own skin (The Scale is Not the Boss of You). She's not asking you to seize the day, just to make sure you actually see it; for all its wildly ordinary glory (Sobbing in my Minivan Over Honor Roll). Because Lisa-Jo knows that the middle might be the best part of the love story of life, muffin top included.

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