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The Hero Inside You: A 90-Day Journey to Purpose, Power, and the Person You Were Meant to Be

by Tony Edgell

There is nothing more unmotivating than working just for a paycheck and believing money and materialism will bring happiness, or selling your soul for what we have been taught to believe will make us happy. How do you know if you’re living your purpose? When you’re living your purpose, you are motivated, grateful, inspired, joyful, peaceful, and experience abundance. The complete opposite of this is just surviving and doing what everyone else is doing. Everyone wants to be a Hero and share their calling to make the world a better place. Everyone wants to feel passion in life. The challenge is to find the gift buried below all the societal conditioning we have absorbed in our life and what we are told will bring us joy. You can find that spark of divinity and empowerment inside of you. Anyone committed to embracing and applying the practical tools in The Hero Inside You can change the way they feel, find their calling, thrive and fall in love with life.The Hero Inside You teaches you how to find your purpose buried deep inside the heart; you cannot use the logical mind the way most people think and believe to discover this purpose. . .this calling. Learn how take the Hero’s journey and live the life you were meant to live and be the true you---a Hero.


by Rhonda Byrne

De Rhonda Byrne, creadora de la película y el libro El Secreto, obras que han logrado éxitos de ventas internacionales, nos llega Héroe (edición en español de Hero), su último proyecto capaz de cambiar el mundo y el más importante hasta la fecha.Imagina que existiera un mapa que te mostrara cómo llegar de donde estás ahora a la vida más brillante, rica, gratificante y fastuosa que jamás hayas podido soñar. Imagina que ese mapa te mostrara dando cada paso en la jornada hacia esa vida en que tus mayores sueños se realizan, indicándote cómo superar los tropiezos, desafiar todo obstáculo, y cómo ya tienes toda la capacidad y calidad necesarias para triunfar en tu jornada.Tienes ese mapa en las manos. Este es el mapa para tu vida, el mapa hacia lo sublime.Doce de las personas más exitosas que viven hoy en el mundo comparten sus historias que parecen imposibles, y revelan que cada uno de nosotros nació con todo lo necesario para vivir el mayor de nuestros sueños, y que haciéndolo cumplimos nuestra misión, encontramos felicidad eterna y literalmente cambiamos el mundo.Esa es la razón por la que estás aquí en el planeta Tierra.

The Heroic Path: In Search of the Masculine Heart

by Bob Goff John Sowers

God designed men to live with risk, adventure, and danger. But today's man has no rites of passage, no elders, no map to manhood. He may physically be an adult, but still wonders, "Am I a man?" When John Sowers twin daughters were born, he felt exposed, thinking manhood was out of reach. He needed direction. Following in the steps of ordinary men and the heroes of history, legend and myth, he uncovered a new and ancient road. Walk with John on his personal quest to discover the "wild masculine" and to become all that God intended men to be. From a thrilling brush with Kodiak bears in Alaska, to a war hero who rescued his comrades in the Valley of Death, from mythic heroes of Tolkien, to the footsteps of the One, True Myth - as Jesus walked from village into the wilderness, and back again. Stunningly written, this revolutionary book calls older men out of complacency and younger men out of confusion. It calls all men into the greater Story - into a life of sacrificial love, holy defiance, and clear purpose..

Higher Life Design: Arriving at Your Intended Destination Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy

by Jefferson Santos

I walked down the sidewalk on my way to the mailbox fearing the worst. Rather than a friend, the mailbox seemed more like an assassin. Its favorite target? My pride. My future. And most devastating - my credit score. I wasn’t financially irresponsible, but then again Donald Trump wasn’t sitting at my feet to learn any tips about money management either. Truth is I was broke. Worse than that, I was broke and in the hole. Yep. Twenty-three years old, $70K in debt, and living with my mom in her apartment. I was the essence of a self-made man. Except that I hadn’t made anything yet and I definitely didn’t feel like a man at the moment. Despite a large amount of entrepreneurial ambition for my new business start-up, life had me in a choke hold and I felt close to tapping out. Life held Author Jefferson Santos up against the ropes until he discovered the answer, the 7 steps that now make up the "Higher Life Design". Today a competent and confident entrepreneur, Jefferson earns over 7 figures. A quarter of a million strong, his international team grows daily. He’s trained teams from A to Z from Amsterdam to Zimbabwe and everywhere else in between. His house and car are both paid for by his company and in the past 84 months he’s taken 107 vacations. In this transformational book Jefferson will show you the 7 step model that changed his life. What if you had vibrant health, abundant wealth, and unending happiness? What if you got the exact results you wanted? Think it’s too good to be true? Think again. Think Higher Life Design.

A Hijabi's Journey to Live, Laugh & Love

by Farheen Khan

This is the story of Farheen Khan and her inspiring voyage as she rose above betrayal, culture and tradition to live in the present. She will motivate all women to face challenges and re-evaluate their purpose in life in order to focus on what matters most.

A História Não Contada De Kim

by Ed Robinson Mayara Alves Pereira Leal

O autor best-seller de não ficção Ed Robinson traz para você uma história forte e verídica do triunfo de uma mulher sobre a dor. Você vai passar a odiar médicos, advogados e companhias de seguros. No momento em que terminar de ler este livro, você terá se apaixonado por Kim. Este conto profundamente inspirador é destinado a se tornar o livro mais importante já escrito sobre dor crônica e controle da dor no ambiente de saúde de hoje.

La Historia No Contada De Kim

by Ed Robinson Pablo Crescentini

Una historia verdadera del triunfo de una mujer sobre el dolorÉxito en ventas de novelas testimonio, el autor Ed Robinson presenta aquí una poderosa historia verdadera que cuenta el triunfo de una mujer sobre el dolor. Llevará al lector a odiar a médicos, abogados y compañías aseguradoras. Hacia el final, resultará imposible no enamorarse de Kim.Una historia profundamente inspiradora que está destinada a convertirse en el libro más importante jamás escrito sobre dolor crónico y manejo del dolor en el ambiente del cuidado de la salud del mundo actual.

Historias del estudio de yoga

by Rain Mitchell

Una historia de historias, de disyuntivas y de elecciones con el yoga como elemento de unión. Lee es un talentoso maestro de yoga y dueño del estudio de yoga Los Angeles Edendale. Sus estudiantes, que son de lo más superficiales y chic, como todo en Los Ángeles, han buscado a Lee para sanar su dolor físico y emocional. Lee alivia cada una de sus vidas a través de sus conocimientos llegando a mantener con ellas una singular amistad. Sin embargo, cuando una cadena de estudios de yoga en expansión en Los Ángeles intenta atraer a Lee con un contrato lucrativo y empieza a tener problemas maritales con su guapo marido, Alan, será el maestro el que necesite los consejos de sus alumnas más que nunca. Historias del estudio de yoga nos da una visión íntima sobre la tendencia actual de la práctica del yoga, contada con la dosis justa de humor, ingenio y sensibilidad para encantar a los lectores. Reseñas:«Divertido e inteligente... Tanto si eres un maestro de yoga como si eres un eterno iniciado (como yo) vas a adorar Historias del estudio de yoga».Anita Diamant, autora de The red tent. «Los pantalones de yoga son opcionales para esta historia que gira en torno al maestro yogui Lee y cuatro de sus dedicadas estudiantes: Stephanie, guionista de Hollywood, la bailarina Graciela, la exdrogadicta Katherine y la actriz Imani. Cada una de ellas con su carrera personal y su melodrama romántico, pero no hay que temer: el yoga los mantendrá unidos (...) Si te gustan las historias de amistad, unión y te gusta la postura de El perro mirando hacia abajo, este debería ser un agradable pasatiempo».Publisher Weekly «La perfecta integración de nombres y la explicación de las posiciones de yoga no es un obstáculo para una lectura fluida, a la vez que Mitchell avanza paulatinamente en el desarrollo de los personajes enriqueciendo esta divertida meditación sobre la construcción y el sostén de una comunidad».Booklist «Mitchell lleva al lector a un viaje exclusivo al interior de un estudio de yoga, no solo por la respiración y los movimientos, sino a través de todos los pequeños secretos que hay bajo las poses. Lo hace con humor, amor, angustia y situaciones identificables. Mitchell atrae al lector y lo envuelve en una historia de autodescubrimiento del amor, la amistad y el sentido común en un lugar poco común, pero con resultados que se identifican con la mayoría de nosotros».Romantic times book review

Holy Shift!: 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles

by Robert Holden

A Course in Miracles is a modern psycho-spiritual text that has inspired teachers like Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Jerry Jampolsky, Sondra Ray, and Gabrielle Bernstein. With more than two million copies in print, in over thirty languages, individual students and study groups study it daily around the world. Robert Holden has studied the daily lessons offered in A Course in Miracles for twenty years.In Holy Shift!, Robert has selected 365 of his favorite passages from A Course in Miracles to serve as daily meditations throughout the year. Students who are already familiar with the Course will enjoy this portable edition of miracles, and those new to the Course will appreciate the friendly and accessible introduction. Holy Shiftwill help everyone to practice the universal tenets of this profound teaching and to experience a year of miracles.

Home After Exile: A Spiritual Odyssey

by Elizabeth Ayres

What does home mean to you? The spiritual autobiography "Home After Exile" begins in an orphanage. The author's adopted father dies when she's six. Her adopted mother says she's a worthless piece of garbage. Her stepfather haunts her bedroom at night. Through all that darkness, a mysterious 'something more' invites Ayres to a journey of spiritual growth. As a child, she builds altars in the woods to commune with a numinous Presence that is both More and All. As an adult, she sets out to find more prosaic cures for the loneliness that dogs her every step. Marriage. A convent. A search for her birthmother. Still it lures her on, that tantalizing glimpse of wholeness and belonging she had savored as a child. Finally and miraculously given, in the most unlikely place of all. Annie Dillard, author of "An American Childhood," says, "Sumptuous, lyrical prose. The earth-centered spirituality of this inspiring life story is an archetype of redemption, changing the way we relate to ourselves, each other and the planet." The Franciscan theologian Ilia Delio, OSF, author of "The Unbearable Wholeness of Being," says, "In her uplifting memoir, Elizabeth Ayres opens her soul to the world, revealing an insuperable human spirit that remains - despite years of abuse and abandonment - infinitely free and deeply in love with the God of life. Ayres is an artist of the human spirit, whose spiritual journey through death into life bears witness to the power of that divine Love which carries us on eagles' wings."

Home Behind the Sun

by Jason Locy Timothy D. Willard

Timothy Willard and Jason Locy show readers how to discover the brilliance of God in the shadows of everyday life.Life opens up before each of us, it beckons, it tempts, it thrills, it betrays. And what do we desire? All of it and none of it.We're not in this to survive, but to live. We want to experience joy in the everyday grind of work, relationships, and parenting. We want healing in our suffering. Forgiveness in the midst of our pains. Purpose through the journey. We want to break free from the temporal and live with an eternal perspective. We want to be brilliant.In Home Behind The Sun coauthors Timothy Willard and Jason Locy invite you to step out of the shadows and into the brilliance. They want to introduce you to the God of the mysterious. A God who combats despair with joy, topples bitterness with forgiveness, and eliminates cynicism with belief and whimsy.You're invited home. Home, behind the sun.

Home Grown

by Ben Hewitt

When Ben Hewitt and his wife bought a sprawling acreage of field and forest in northern Vermont, the landscape easily allowed them to envision the self-sustaining family farm they were eager to start. But over the years, the land became so much more than a building site; it became the birthplace of their two sons, the main source of family income and food, and ultimately, both classroom and home for their children. Having opted out of formal education, Hewitt's sons learn through self-directed play, exploration, and experimentation on their farm, in the woods, and (reluctantly) indoors. This approach has allowed the boys to develop confidence, resourcefulness, and creativity. They learn, they play, they read, they test boundaries, they challenge themselves, they fail, they recover. And these freedoms allow their innate personalities to flourish, further fueling growth and exploration. Living in tune with the natural world teaches us to reclaim our passion, curiosity, and connectivity. Hewitt shows us how small, mindful decisions about day-to-day life can lead to greater awareness of the world in your backyard and beyond. We are inspired to ask: What is the true meaning of "home" when the place a family lives is school, school system, and curriculum? When the parent is also the teacher, how do parenting decisions affect a child's learning? (And exactly how much trouble can a couple of curious boys gallivanting in the wild woods all day get into?) Home Grown reminds us that learning at any age is a lifelong process, and the best "education" is never confined to a classroom. These essays on nature, parenting, and education show us that big change can come from making small changes in how you live on the land, while building a life you love.

Home in Harmony: Designing An Inspired Life

by Christa O'Leary

We all deserve a calm, well-ordered, pleasingly designed refuge where we can relax and enjoy our families. Having had four children in a little more than five years while running a thriving design business, Christa O’Leary has become the guardian at the gate of our sanctuaries—our homes. She teaches us to be aware of the toxins found in both our food and furnishings; the detrimental effects of our unhealthy habits; and society’s frantic need to have the latest gadgets, to get ahead, and to be forever on the go. As a designer, therapist, and eco-friendly expert, she’s often asked how she makes her hockey-mom life and peaceful, beautiful, healthy home look so effortless. Well, the hunt for her secret is over!Christa shows us that it’s possible for all of us to feel inspired, energized, and in love with our lives and our homes. There are other books that address some of the components found in Home in Harmony, including design, color, feng shui, psychology, clean eating, detoxification, meditation, and finding our soul’s purpose. However, this is the first book that puts it all together in a fun-to-read, easy-to-implement format. This is the formula for living an extraordinary life, and it’s now available to everyone!

Home Run: Learn God's Game Plan for Life and Leadership

by John C. Maxwell Kevin Myers

You are invited to live life to the fullest. For five hard years Christian leader Kevin Myers struggled personally and professionally. But it was during that time that God pointed out where he was going wrong and showed him the biblical pattern for living. It proceeded to transform his life, leadership, ministry, and relationships. During that time John Maxwell also became his mentor. Together, using a baseball diamond as an analogy for following God's plan for life, Myers and Maxwell provide a clear path forward while helping you keep your priorities in order and your eyes on the prize. What is that pattern?Connection with God: Winning DependenceCharacter: Winning WithinCommunity: Winning with OthersCompetence: Winning ResultsChallenging, heart-felt, and insightful, Myers' story will connect with anyone who feels their life is falling short of God's promises. The hard-won lessons Myers learned, along with insightful comments and on-point application from Maxwell, will make it possible for you to win in this performance-based culture without losing your soul. There are no shortcuts or steals in the spiritual journey of life. HOME RUN is a guidebook for living life and learning how to succeed God's way.

Homemade Cleaners: Quick-and-Easy, Toxin-Free Recipes to Replace Your Kitchen Cleaner, Bathroom Disinfectant, Laundry Detergent, Bleach, Bug Killer, Air Freshener, and More

by Mandy O'Brien Dionna Ford

A comprehensive guide to natural cleaners that completely disinfect, polish, and freshen . . . without the dangerous toxins.Toxic chemicals are found in almost all commercial cleaners—the very products people buy to make their homes hygienic and healthy. The recipes in, Homemade Cleaners use common, affordable ingredients that not only get every room in the house sparkling and germ-free but are also safe for families and the environment.The green cleaners in this invaluable guide are all that is needed to keep a purified home without using harsh chemicals that can cause everything from skin irritation to central nervous system damage. Using nontoxic materials like vinegar, baking soda, and even vodka, Homemade Cleaners focuses on every floor, wall, window, and appliance, and includes methods for absorbing odors, information on air-purifying plants, a primer on basic chemistry, a checklist of essential supplies, and tips for cutting down on waste.

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

by Bruce H. Lipton

Discover the secret to manifesting and maintaining the Honeymoon Effect—a state of bliss, passion, energy, and health in the early stages of a great love—throughout your entire life Think back on the most spectacular love affair of your life—the Big One that toppled you head over heels. For most, it was a time of heartfelt bliss, robust health, and abundant energy. Life was so beautiful that you couldn&’t wait to bound out of bed in the morning to experience more Heaven on Earth. It was the Honeymoon Effect that was to last forever. Unfortunately for most, the Honeymoon Effect is frequently short lived. Imagine what your planetary experience would be like if you could maintain the Honeymoon Effect throughout your whole life. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., best-selling author of The Biology of Belief, describes how the Honeymoon Effect was not a chance event or a coincidence, but a personal creation. This book reveals how we manifest the Honeymoon Effect and the reasons why we lose it. This knowledge empowers readers to create the honeymoon experience again, this time in a way that ensures a happily-ever-after relationship that even a Hollywood producer would love. With authority, eloquence, and an easy-to-read style, Lipton covers the influence of quantum physics (good vibrations), biochemistry (love potions), and psychology (the conscious and subconscious minds) in creating and sustaining juicy loving relationships. He also asserts that if we use the fifty trillion cells that live harmoniously in every healthy human body as a model, we can create not just honeymoon relationships for couples but also a &“super organism&” called humanity that can heal our planet.

Honey’s Rules: Finding the Sweet Life

by Honey Lou Abelgas

A guide to the modern woman on finding the rules to living a sweet life by being fierce,confident and by believing in yourself. It will inspire both men and women o finding inner peace, trust their own intuition, and go after what they truly desire. You will be taken on a spiritual journey that will lead you to look at life in a whole new perspective. A series of life stories that will help find meaning to life, motivate those who want to give up, and inspire others to want to do better. It shares insights on friendship, love, spirituality, and motherhood.

Hop, Skip, Jump

by Marney K. Makridakis

Work and play are so often set apart that we see them as polar opposites. But what if we didn’t? Marney K. Makridakis presents an approach for melding them into a single approach and shows how doing so can transform every aspect of our lives #151; work, health, family, money, and more. Hop, skip, and jump represent three distinct phases of the manifestation process that work #151; and play #151; together to make our dreams come true. Makridakis’ techniques put readers in charge of each of these areas in playful and imaginative yet practical and productive ways. Readers discover their Play Personality and then practice taking it through dreaming, sustaining momentum, and taking daring actions. Along the way, 75 ready-to-use playful tools bust blocks, support goals and wild dreams and schemes, and facilitate choices where none seemed possible.

The House on Carnaval Street: From Kabul to a Home by the Mexican Sea

by Deborah Rodriguez

I hadn't been planning on making Mexico my new home, but the little house on the sea was all that I had left . . . Intimate, honest and touching, this is the story of Deborah Rodriguez's often hilarious journey of self-discovery. Forced to flee her life in Afghanistan, she leaves behind her friends, her possessions and her two beloved businesses: a hair salon and a coffee shop.But life proves no easier 'back home'. After a year living in California where she teeters on the edge of sanity, Deborah makes a decision: she's going to get the old Deb back. So, at the age of forty-nine, she packs her life and her cat, Polly, into her Mini Cooper and heads south to a pretty seaside town in Mexico. Home is now an unassuming little house on Carnaval Street.If you liked Eat, Pray, Love you will love The House on Carnaval Street. Rodriguez's story speaks to every woman, mother, sister, wife - to anyone who has ever questioned their relationships, their place in the world and the choices that they've made.

How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness

by Russ Roberts

A forgotten book by one of history's greatest thinkers reveals the surprising connections between happiness, virtue, fame, and fortune.Adam Smith may have become the patron saint of capitalism after he penned his most famous work, The Wealth of Nations. But few people know that when it came to the behavior of individuals--the way we perceive ourselves, the way we treat others, and the decisions we make in pursuit of happiness--the Scottish philosopher had just as much to say. He developed his ideas on human nature in an epic, sprawling work titled The Theory of Moral Sentiments.Most economists have never read it, and for most of his life, Russ Roberts was no exception. But when he finally picked up the book by the founder of his field, he realized he'd stumbled upon what might be the greatest self-help book that almost no one has read.In How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life, Roberts examines Smith's forgotten masterpiece, and finds a treasure trove of timeless, practical wisdom. Smith's insights into human nature are just as relevant today as they were three hundred years ago. What does it take to be truly happy? Should we pursue fame and fortune or the respect of our friends and family? How can we make the world a better place? Smith's unexpected answers, framed within the rich context of current events, literature, history, and pop culture, are at once profound, counterintuitive, and highly entertaining.By reinvigorating Smith's neglected classic, Roberts provides us with an invaluable look at human behavior through the lens of one of history's greatest minds.

How I Did It

by Daniel Mcginn Harvard Business Review

Powerful stories from the world's top CEOs to help prepare you for the hard decisions ahead.The essays in How I Did It teach and inspire. Pulled directly from the pages of one of the most popular columns in Harvard Business Review, these essays offer firsthand accounts of the most difficult management challenges faced by the men and women who occupy the corner office. It's the next best thing to sitting down and talking face-to-face with these corporate leaders. You'll hear from renowned global leaders including: Kevin Ryan, Gilt Groupe Mindy Grossman, HSN Kevin Plank, Under Armour Daniel P. Amos, Aflac Pramod Bhasin, Genpact Eric Schmidt, Google Ellen Kullman, DuPont Patrizio Bertelli, Prada Pierre Omidyar, Omidyar Network Jorge Cauz, Encyclopaedia Brittanica Richard Gelfond, IMAXLet these potent stories of strategic thinking-and often bold and unconventional action-be your guide as you step into your own future as a leader.

How Much Is Too Much? [previously published as How Much Is Enough?]: Raising Likeable, Responsible, Respectful Children -- from Toddlers to Teens -- in an Age of Overindulgence

by Connie Dawson David Bredehoft Ph.D. Jean Illsley Clarke

A down-to-earth guide to regaining control of your kids and your family Overindulgence is not the badge of a bad parent. In fact, it comes directly from having a good and generous heart. But despite our good intentions, the abundance we heap on our kids often becomes more than they need or can handle. Family and parenting experts Jean Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson, and David Bredehoft help you to understand: How damaging overindulgence can be for children When you are overindulging--and how to stop Which methods work best to establish firm rules and structure How to instill responsibility and independence in your kids What to do when family and friends are overindulging your kids What grandparents can do to help Based on new research gathered over the past ten years, How Much Is Too Much? gives you the insight and advice you need to put your children on track for a happy and successful life.

How Should We Live? A Practical Approach to Everyday Morality: A Practical Approach to Everyday Morality

by John Kekes

What is your highest ideal? What code do you live by? We all know that these differ from person to person. Artists, scientists, social activists, farmers, executives, and athletes are guided by very different ideals. Nonetheless for hundreds of years philosophers have sought a single, overriding ideal that should guide everyone, always, everywhere, and after centuries of debate we’re no closer to an answer. In How Should We Live?, John Kekes offers a refreshing alternative, one in which we eschew absolute ideals and instead consider our lives as they really are, day by day, subject to countless vicissitudes and unforeseen obstacles. Kekes argues that ideal theories are abstractions from the realities of everyday life and its problems. The well-known arenas where absolute ideals conflict#151;dramatic moral controversies about complex problems involved in abortion, euthanasia, plea bargaining, privacy, and other hotly debated topics#151;should not be the primary concerns of moral thinking. Instead, he focuses on the simpler problems of ordinary lives in ordinary circumstances. In each chapter he presents the conflicts that a real person#151;a schoolteacher, lawyer, father, or nurse, for example#151;is likely to face. He then uses their situations to shed light on the mundane issues we all must deal with in everyday life, such as how we use our limited time, energy, or money; how we balance short- and long-term satisfactions; how we deal with conflicting loyalties; how we control our emotions; how we deal with people we dislike; and so on. Along the way he engages some of our most important theorists, including Donald Davidson, Thomas Nagel, Christine Korsgaard, Harry Frankfurt, Charles Taylor, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Bernard Williams, ultimately showing that no ideal#151;whether autonomy, love, duty, happiness, or truthfulness#151;trumps any other. No single ideal can always guide how we overcome the many different problems that stand in the way of living as we should. Rather than rejecting such ideals, How Should We Live? offers a way of balancing them by a practical and pluralistic approach#151;rather than a theory#151;that helps us cope with our problems and come closer to what our lives should be

How Successful People Grow: 15 Ways to Get Ahead in Life

by John C. Maxwell

Are there tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and here, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In the way that only he can communicate, John teaches . . . The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself The Law of Modeling: It's Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others This compact read will help readers become lifelong learners whose potential keeps increasing and never gets "used up."ts "used up."

How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination

by Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead believes the greatest value you can add is to become more of yourself.Hogshead rose to the top of the advertising profession in her early 20s, writing ads that fascinated millions of consumers. Over the course of her ad career, Sally won hundreds of awards for creativity, copywriting, and branding, and was one of the most awarded advertising copywriters right from start of career, including almost every major international advertising award.She frequently appears in national media including NBC's Today Show and the New York Times. Hogshead was recently inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, the industry's highest award for professional excellence. Her advertising work hangs in the Smithsonian Museum of American History.The science of fascination is based on Hogshead's decade of research with 250,000 participants, including dozens of Fortune 500 teams, hundreds of small businesses, and over a thousand C-level executives.

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