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The Kindness Diaries

by Leon Logothesis

Follow the inspirational journey of a former stockbroker who leaves his unfulfilling desk job in search of a meaningful life. He sets out from Los Angeles on a vintage motorbike, determined to circumnavigate the globe surviving only on the kindness of strangers. Incredibly, he makes his way across the U.S., through Europe, India, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and finally to Canada and back to the Hollywood sign, by asking strangers for shelter, food, and gas. Again and again, he's won over by the generosity of humanity, from the homeless man who shares his blanket to the poor farmer who helps him with his broken down bike, and the HIV-positive mother who takes him in and feeds him. At each stop, he finds a way to give back to these unsuspecting Good Samaritans in life-changing ways, by rebuilding their homes, paying for their schooling, and leaving behind gifts big and small. The Kindness Diaries will introduce you to a world of adventure, renew your faith in the bonds that connect people, and inspire you to accept and generate kindness in your own life.

Kiss Your Ash Good-Bye!

by Joel Block

So you want to stop smoking? Great idea! It is not an exaggeration to say that if you successfully stop smoking, it would be about the most important thing you could do for yourself these days. Stopping always provides benefits, no matter how much or how long you've smoked. If you are among the many (including me!) that have struggled with smoke cessation you will be armed with a manual that contains powerful weapons to defeat your smoking dependence. The tips and tactics in the manual are based on proven psychological strategies that work. Follow the easily applied tactics and the odds are in your favor, you have taken a critical step toward becoming smoke free.

Kissing: A Field Guide

by Violet Blue

Kissing is an art form. A great kiss can stop traffic, start a five-alarm fire, and feel like Times Square on New Year's Eve. Get your smooch on with all the different tricks and tips in this handy guide. Bestselling author and columnist Violet Blue helps readers choose -- and perfect -- their very own unforgettable kissing style. Learn how to time a kiss perfectly, how to deliver (and receive) a first kiss, and how to ask for kisses with body language. Recognize when someone wants to kiss you, when to build tension, and when to take your kiss to the next level. Discover all the secrets and foolproof techniques for the perfect kiss in this indispensable guide to an overlooked sensual art.


by Violet Blue

Kissing is an art form. A great kiss can stop traffic, start a five-alarm fire, and feel like Times Square on New Year's Eve. Get your smooch on with all the different tricks and tips in this handy guide. Bestselling author and columnist Violet Blue helps readers choose - and perfect - their very own unforgettable kissing style. Learn how to time a kiss perfectly, how to deliver (and receive) a first kiss, and how to ask for kisses with body language. Recognize when someone wants to kiss you, when to build tension, and when to take your kiss to the next level. Discover all the secrets and foolproof techniques for the perfect kiss in this indispensable guide to an overlooked sensual art.

La Felicità A Portata Di Click

by Ambra Cascio Henry Osal

Cos'è la Felicità?"Tutti aspirano alla felicità, ma nessuno sa cosa sia."SenecaAlcuni di voi penseranno: "Che domanda inutile!", leggendo il titolo di questa introduzione. E risponderanno che la felicità è esattamente questo: felicità.Non è facile rispondere ad una domanda del genere. Se scavate un po', per alcuni la felicità sarà un momento di gioia, per altri un momento di piacere, per altri la sensazione di pace infinita che si prova mentre si riposa...Ci sono tanti tipi di felicità quante sono le persone esistenti al mondo. Questo perché la felicità non è una formula matematica, ma un'esperienza intima che ci permette di goderci la vita ed andare incontro al futuro con ottimismo.In questo breve viaggio che faremo insieme parlerò di come avere una vita più felice; in questo senso, intendo aiutarvi a scoprire la VOSTRA felicità. Sì, la vostra, perché così come ognuno di voi è UNICO, anche la vostra felicità lo è, e appartiene solo a voi. Ed è una cosa strana e meravigliosa allo stesso tempo.Che ne dite di unirvi a me in questo incredibile viaggio al centro della vostra felicità?

La Storia Non Raccontata Di Kim

by Ed Robinson Elisa Brambilla

L'autore di libri di saggistica best seller Ed Robinson presenta la storia vera e potente di una donna che ha sconfitto il dolore. Vi porterà a odiare dottori, avvocati e compagnie di assicurazione. Alla fine del libro, vi sarete innamorati di Kim. Questo racconto ispirante è destinato a diventare il libro più importante mai scritto sul dolore cronico e sulla gestione del dolore nella medicina moderna.

La tua buona stella: 15 strumenti per lavorare con la Legge dell'Attrazione

by Mafalda Lempicka Nicoletta Natoli

Conosci i fondamenti e il funzionamento della Legge dell’Attrazione ma i tuoi risultati sono irregolari o non la riesci ad applicare come ti piacerebbe. Forse sbagli il tuo metodo? Esiste una maniera più efficace per ottenere quello che desideri? Ci sono diversi strumenti per attrarre con successo quello che vogliamo che faccia parte della nostra vita. In questo libro ti presento tutti quelli che ho raccolto durante molti anni di studio e di messa in pratica della Legge dell’Attrazione. Nello stesso modo in cui non esistono due persone uguali, non esiste un unico metodo di attrazione con cui tutti lavorino a proprio agio. Scopri gli esercizi che ti sono più affini, quelli che ti permetteranno di focalizzare la tua energia creativa e di sprigionarla adeguatamente affinché l’universo risponda. Con questo libro raggiungerai finalmente tutti i tuoi obiettivi, attrarrai senza alcuna difficoltà tutte le cose buone e belle che l’universo ha in serbo per te.

The Language of Healing: Daily Comfort for Women Living with Breast Cancer

by Pat Benson Linda Dackman

This compassionate book for anyone confronting breast cancer offers comfort, guidance, and practical information from those who have been there. In moments of reflection after a cancer diagnosis, the ensuing feeling of uncertainty and despair can overcome us. The Language of Healing not only uplifts and strengthens the spirit of cancer patients and those recently diagnosed, it provides a path for the reader to reconnect with themselves and the world. This book of healing is built upon the experiences of women of all ages who have undergone all types of breast surgery and treatments. It contains the diverse voices of women who are single, married, divorced, widowed, straight, gay, and of different cultures and races. The Language of Healing offers 150 meditations and anecdotes to help with healing and provide empowerment. With this book, you will: · Discover healing insights and support · Explore options for defining a "new normal" · Commit to living each and every moment, fully and fearlessly

Laugh Your Way to Happiness

by Lesley Lyle Dr Madan Kataria

Lesley Lyle presents the surprising scientific evidence that reveals the importance of laughter for our mental and physical health, our prosperity, our relationships, our careers - in fact, every aspect of our lives. Drawing inspiration from Laughter Yoga, a movement founded in India by Dr Madan Kataria that uses laughter and breathing exercises to bring about amazing changes in the health and well-being of thousands of individuals, Lesley reveals: The scientific evidence of laughter's beneficial effects on our health, including lowering blood pressure and improving concentrationThe emotional aspects of laughter and how it can alleviate anxiety, stress and depressionThe spiritual aspects of laughter and how it can help provide a sense of connection and wholeness Throughout Lesley reveals how to bring more laughter into your daily life, including practising simple but fun exercises that will help you see opportunities for laughter in the most unexpected places. Laughter can be simulated as an exercise in a group; with eye contact and childlike playfulness, it soon turns into real and contagious laughter. This is a book that will delight, as well as inform - most importantly, it will positively change your life.

Launch!: The critical 90 days from idea to market

by Scott Duffy

About ninety-seven percent of a rocket's fuel is used in the first three feet of its launch. The same is true in launching a new business, product, or service. Those first few steps are absolutely critical.Scott Duffy has developed a practical approach for turning your big idea into a thriving venture by focusing on the crucial period immediately before, during, and after opening your doors (literally or online).His approach is based on his experiences working with top entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins and Richard Branson, who taught him how to balance the two key sides of entrepreneurship: The personal side, including personal finances, relationships, and health.The business side, including raising capital, building teams, establishing partnerships, and closing sales. Duffy also draws on the true stories of other big names, such as Howard Schultz, Lou Holtz, and MC Hammer, to offer guidance on turning your vision into a full-fledged enterprise.

Leader in Me: How Schools Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time

by Stephen R. Covey Sean Covey Muriel Summers David K. Hatch

From the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen R. Covey illustrates how his principles of leadership can be applied to children of all ages. In today&’s world, we are inundated with information about who to be, what to do, and how to live. But what if there was a way to learn not just what to think about, but how to think? A program that taught young people how to manage priorities, focus on goals, and be a positive influence in their schools?The Leader in Me is that program. In this bestseller, Stephen R. Covey took the 7 Habits that have already changed the lives of millions of readers and showed that even young children can use them as they develop. These habits are being adapted by schools around the country in leadership programs, most famously at the A.B Combs Elementary school in Raleigh. Not only do the programs work, but they work better than anyone could have imagined. This book is full of examples of how the students blossom under the program—from the classroom that decided to form a support group for one of their classmates who had behavioral problems to the fourth grader who overcame his fear of public speaking and took his class to see him compete in a national story telling competition.Perfect for individuals and corporations alike, The Leader in Me shows how easy it is to incorporate these skills into daily life so kids of all ages can be more effective, goal-oriented, and successful.

The Leader's Guide to Speaking with Presence: How to Project Confidence, Conviction, and Authority

by John Baldoni

Whether in a meeting or a presentation, a watercooler conversation or a formal speech, a leader&’s most important job is to.Your idea may be groundbreaking. The potential profits might be exhilarating. The time to act may be right now, but if you&’re not able to craft and deliver a clear message that doesn&’t lead the audience to gain your perspective, that can be the difference between your pitch being transformational and becoming forgettable.Executive coach and leadership expert John Baldoni provides this concise tool kit containing more than 100 practical tips for creating and communicating meaningful messages with presence and authority.In The Leader's Guide to Speaking with Presence, you will discover how to:Present their ideas clearly and provide contextRadiate confidence and put the audience at easeRefine their deliveryUse stories to inform, involve, and inspireLeverage the energy of any roomConvey optimism tempered with reality to gain buy-inTurn PowerPoint presentations into performancesWhen a leader learns to own the room with an authentic and persuasive speech, the audience will become putty in their hands. The Leader's Guide to Speaking with Presence helps leaders achieve the kind of genuine presence that evolves into lasting trust and quantifiable influence.

Leadership: How Leaders Achieve Sustainable High Performance (The\brian Tracy Success Library Ser.)

by Brian Tracy

Nobody comes into the world a natural leader. But what is it that transforms some people into the kind of magnetic individuals who inspire others to follow? Success expert Brian Tracy has helped thousands of people become exceptional leaders and now, in this concise and powerful book, he reveals how you can: * Inspire trust, confidence, and loyalty* Instill a sense of meaning and purpose in your organization* Tap into the motivation and enthusiasm that compels others to commit to your vision* Think strategically--keeping the big picture in mind* Continually focus on the future* Turn adversity into opportunity* Take the right kind of risks* Clearly communicate goals and strategies and gain buy-in* Build winning teams* Elicit extraordinary performance from ordinary people* Cultivate worthwhile relationships and leverage The Law of Reciprocity* Become the person seen as most likely to lead the organization to victory* And more Great leadership isn't a mystery. It is a skill that can be learned. Packed with practical, proven methods, this indispensable little guide will help you unlock your leadership potential.

Leadership and Mindful

by Joan Marques

Awareness is a critical aspect of successful leadership. As a new generation of business people enter the job market, the value of perceptive individuals should be considered among the most important assets for any company to acquire. Aimed at business students preparing to enter the workforce, Leadership and Mindful Behavior provides readers with guidelines for effective and perceptive leadership. Some of the aspects to be reviewed will be the importance of both soft and hard skills; the concepts of sleepwalking and wakefulness; and mental models, respect, change, and compassion.

Leading the Life You Want: Skills for Integrating Work and Life

by Stewart D. Friedman

"For nearly thirty years, my life's work has been to help people like you find ways to bring the often warring aspects of life into greater harmony. " - Stew Friedman, from Leading the Life You Want You're busy trying to lead a "full" life. But does it really feel full-or are you stretched too thin? Enter Stew Friedman, Wharton professor, adviser to leaders across the globe, and passionate advocate of replacing the misguided metaphor of "work/life balance" with something more realistic and sustainable. If you're seeking "balance" you'll never achieve it, argues Friedman. The idea that "work" competes with "life" ignores the more nuanced reality of our humanity-the interaction of four domains: work, home, community, and the private self. The goal is to create harmony among them instead of thinking only in terms of trade-offs. It can be done. Building on his national bestseller, Total Leadership, and on decades of research, teaching, and practice as both consultant and senior executive, Friedman identifies the critical skills for integrating work and the rest of life. He illustrates them through compelling original stories of these remarkable people: - former Bain & Company CEO and Bridgespan co-founder Tom Tierney - Facebook COO and bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg - nonprofit leader and US Navy SEAL Eric Greitens - US First Lady Michelle Obama - soccer champion-turned-broadcaster Julie Foudy - renowned artist Bruce Springsteen Each of these admirable (though surely imperfect) people exemplifies a set of skills-for being real, being whole, and being innovative-that produce a sense of purpose, coherence, and optimism. Based on interviews and research, their stories paint a vivid picture of how six very different leaders use these skills to act with authenticity, integrity, and creativity-and they prove that significant public success is accomplished not at the expense of the rest of life, but as the result of meaningful engagement in all its parts. With dozens of practical exercises for strengthening these skills, curated from the latest research in organizational psychology and related fields, this book will inspire you, inform you, and instruct you on how to take realistic steps now toward leading the life you truly want.

Leading the Life You Want

by Stewart D. Friedman

"For nearly thirty years, my life's work has been to help people like you find ways to bring the often warring aspects of life into greater harmony." - Stew Friedman, from Leading the Life You WantYou're busy trying to lead a "full" life. But does it really feel full-or are you stretched too thin? Enter Stew Friedman, Wharton professor, adviser to leaders across the globe, and passionate advocate of replacing the misguided metaphor of "work/life balance" with something more realistic and sustainable. If you're seeking "balance" you'll never achieve it, argues Friedman. The idea that "work" competes with "life" ignores the more nuanced reality of our humanity-the interaction of four domains: work, home, community, and the private self. The goal is to create harmony among them instead of thinking only in terms of trade-offs. It can be done.Building on his national bestseller, Total Leadership, and on decades of research, teaching, and practice as both consultant and senior executive, Friedman identifies the critical skills for integrating work and the rest of life. He illustrates them through compelling original stories of these remarkable people: former Bain & Company CEO and Bridgespan co-founder Tom Tierney Facebook COO and bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg nonprofit leader and US Navy SEAL Eric Greitens US First Lady Michelle Obama soccer champion-turned-broadcaster Julie Foudy renowned artist Bruce SpringsteenEach of these admirable (though surely imperfect) people exemplifies a set of skills-for being real, being whole, and being innovative-that produce a sense of purpose, coherence, and optimism.Based on interviews and research, their stories paint a vivid picture of how six very different leaders use these skills to act with authenticity, integrity, and creativity-and they prove that significant public success is accomplished not at the expense of the rest of life, but as the result of meaningful engagement in all its parts. With dozens of practical exercises for strengthening these skills, curated from the latest research in organizational psychology and related fields, this book will inspire you, inform you, and instruct you on how to take realistic steps now toward leading the life you truly want.

Leading the Life You Want

by Stewart D. Friedman

"For nearly thirty years, my life's work has been to help people like you find ways to bring the often warring aspects of life into greater harmony." - Stew Friedman, from Leading the Life You WantYou're busy trying to lead a "full" life. But does it really feel full-or are you stretched too thin? Enter Stew Friedman, Wharton professor, adviser to leaders across the globe, and passionate advocate of replacing the misguided metaphor of "work/life balance" with something more realistic and sustainable. If you're seeking "balance" you'll never achieve it, argues Friedman. The idea that "work" competes with "life" ignores the more nuanced reality of our humanity-the interaction of four domains: work, home, community, and the private self. The goal is to create harmony among them instead of thinking only in terms of trade-offs. It can be done.Building on his national bestseller, Total Leadership, and on decades of research, teaching, and practice as both consultant and senior executive, Friedman identifies the critical skills for integrating work and the rest of life. He illustrates them through compelling original stories of these remarkable people: former Bain & Company CEO and Bridgespan co-founder Tom Tierney Facebook COO and bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg nonprofit leader and US Navy SEAL Eric Greitens US First Lady Michelle Obama soccer champion-turned-broadcaster Julie Foudy renowned artist Bruce SpringsteenEach of these admirable (though surely imperfect) people exemplifies a set of skills-for being real, being whole, and being innovative-that produce a sense of purpose, coherence, and optimism.Based on interviews and research, their stories paint a vivid picture of how six very different leaders use these skills to act with authenticity, integrity, and creativity-and they prove that significant public success is accomplished not at the expense of the rest of life, but as the result of meaningful engagement in all its parts. With dozens of practical exercises for strengthening these skills, curated from the latest research in organizational psychology and related fields, this book will inspire you, inform you, and instruct you on how to take realistic steps now toward leading the life you truly want.

Leading You Out Of The Darkness Into The Light: A Blind Man's Inspirational Guide To Success

by Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Leading You Out of the Darkness Into the Light: A Blind Man's Inspirational Guide to Success is a motivational guide book in which blind man Max Ivey shares the 11 steps of his success as a blind entrepreneur and the lessons he has learned from his journey. It also provides 11 exercises readers to do, complete with email support from the author, whose sincerest desire to help you succeed in accomplishing a big goal or achieving your dreams! Stop the excuses and get started on your journey today! This is more than just a book; it’s a chance to change your life.

Lean Forward Into Your Life: Begin Each Day as If It Were on Purpose (Personal Development Ser.)

by Mary Anne Radmacher

Lead an Uncommon LifeWhat is your purpose in life? This is the question we ask ourselves far too often. In Lean Forward Into Your Life, author Mary Anne Radmacher invites you to find a new way to live: by leaning forward. When you’re trying to see something better, you lean toward it. When you are listening to someone and can barely hear, you lean in. When the really exciting part of a basketball game comes, you lean forward in your seat. When you’re trying to catch, to see, to listen to the best bits—you lean forward.Be intentional, always. This book does not fit in with typical self-help books. There are no quick and easy solutions, fool-proof steps to success, or thirty ways to hop, skip, and jump to a more successful, thinner, efficient, purposeful, happier life. Rather, this book is an invitation. A reflection. A mirror. A set of writing prompts to help you remember the questions you want to ask yourself for personal growth. An intimate portrait of some of the processes that have allowed Mary Anne Radmacher to live life how she chooses. And that can help you to live life how you choose too.Live a meaningful life of creative confidence and radical acceptance. This motivational book goes beyond finding your life goals. With the help of the incredible stories and thoughtful writing prompts in Lean Forward Into Your Life, you will learn how to:Begin each day as if it were on purposeListen hard, risk love, and play with abandonLive an uncommon life each and every dayReaders of personal development books and self-help books for women like Carry On, Warrior; Big Magic; or titles by Brené Brown, such as Daring Greatly and Rising Strong, will love Lean Forward Into Your Life.

Learn to Love Yourself Enough: 7 Steps to Improving Your Self-Esteem and Your Relationships

by Andrew G. Marshall

Create a wealth of self-worth.In a black-and-white world, there are two types of people—those who love themselves too much (and walk over everybody else) or hate themselves for failing to achieve goals (and probably end up being taken advantage of by others). But, according to British marital therapist, Andrew G. Marshall, neither has a healthy perception of oneself. This is because the secret to self-esteem does not lie in the extremes of love and hate, but in the middle, in the gray area that teaches us to love ourselves just enough: enough to have love to offer others; enough to be open to receive love from others. Only when this kind of balance is created, can self-love exist.Like no other book on self-esteem ever written, Learn to Love Yourself Enough helps readers walk through life on middle ground by revealing the seven factors that, together, add up to a wealth of self-worth. Examine your relationship with your parents: Discover the six types of child-parent relationships and how to accept the legacy of your past. Find Forgiveness: Debunk the two myths about forgiveness and discover what can be gained from negative experiences. Don't let other people put you down: Recognize the five phases of projection and how understanding our own projections lead to better and happy relationships. Re-program your inner voice: Identify the three kinds of negative thinking that work together to undermine self-confidence and whether they are based on fact or just opinion. Set realistic goals: Learn how perfectionism undermines self-esteem. Re-balance yourself: Understand that problems lurk in the extremes and why the middle way is the most successful way. Conquer Fears and Setbacks: Overcome the day-to-day problems that life and other people throw at us.

Learn, Work, Lead: Things Your Mentor Won't Tell You

by Terri Tierney Clark

In today's world, women's career success relies on much more than just taking advice from a mentor, knowing how to network, and being proactive. Young professional women have to learn how to analyze career decisions for themselves and figure out what to do when their decisions don't work out. Learn, Work, Lead: Things Your Mentor Won't Tell You is a cutting-edge career and job search guide that will teach you those skills and give you the tools to navigate successfully in a gender-biased workplace. It will show you how to plan your career now so that you will be chosen to lead in the future. Coaching on how to analyze career decisions and make the best choices even when your solutions differ from your mentors' advice. Guidance on how to succeed even when you're faced with problems that no one could predict. Tools to develop your optimal career plan. Lessons from top business leaders' career war stories.

Learning from the Giants: Life and Leadership Lessons from the Bible (Giants of the Bible)

by John C. Maxwell

If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In LEARNING FROM THE GIANTS John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

Learning In The Fast Lane: 8 Ways To Put All Students On The Road To Academic Success

by Suzy Pepper Rollins

Too often, students who fail a grade or a course receive remediation that ends up widening rather than closing achievement gaps. According to veteran classroom teacher and educational consultant Suzy Pepper Rollins, the true answer to supporting struggling students lies in acceleration. In Learning in the Fast Lane, she lays out a plan of action that teachers can use to immediately move underperforming students in the right direction and differentiate instruction for all learners—even those who excel academically. This essential guide identifies eight high-impact, research-based instructional approaches that will help you <p><p> * Make standards and learning goals explicit to students. <p> * Increase students' vocabulary—a key to their academic success. <p> * Build students' motivation and self-efficacy so that they become active, optimistic participants in class. <p> * Provide rich, timely feedback that enables students to improve when it counts. <p> * Address skill and knowledge gaps within the context of new learning. <p> Students deserve no less than the most effective strategies available. These hands-on, ready-to-implement practices will enable you to provide all students with compelling, rigorous, and engaging learning experiences.

Learning to Walk in the Dark: Because God Often Shows Up At Night

by Barbara Brown Taylor

Follow Barbara Brown Taylor on her journey to understand darkness, which takes her spelunking in unlit caves, learning to eat and cross the street as a blind person, discovering how "dark emotions" are prevented from seeing light from a psychiatrist, and rereading scripture to see all the times God shows up at night. With her characteristic charm and wisdom, Taylor is our guide through a spirituality of the nighttime, teaching us how to find God even in darkness, and giving us a way to let darkness teach us what we need to through a spirituality of the nighttime, teaching us how to find our footing in times of uncertainty and giving us strength and hope to face all of life's challenging moments.

Leaving Ordinary: Encounter God Through Extraordinary Prayer (InScribed Collection)

by Donna Gaines

The deepest longing of the human heart is to know and be known by God. God longs for an intimate relationship with us as well. But how do we develop that kind of relationship with a holy God? It is one thing to long for such a relationship, but quite another to experience intimacy with Him. In Leaving Ordinary, Donna Gaines shares from her personal experience how prayer can become the channel that links the believer's heart to the heart of God.God gave the pattern of the tabernacle to the Israelites. It was a temporary and portable dwelling for His glory. Through it God taught them how to approach and worship Him before He led them to their reward--the promised land. Using the tabernacle and its articles as a guide, Donna teaches readers how to interact with God in that secret place of true intimacy that leads to worship. Your ordinary daily practice of prayer can become an extraordinary encounter with the living Lord. Leaving Ordinary is essential reading for anyone who desires to enter into and experience the reality of God's presence.As you read, you will:Explore the tabernacle and discover how it can be a guide for prayer today.Learn how to gain a stronger, more intimate relationship with God.Develop your own personal prayer testimony as you experience His presence.

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