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Wilderness Skills for Women: How to Survive Heartbreak and Other Full-blown Meltdowns

by Marian Jordan

From Moses to Jesus, so many heroes of the Bible had to endure some type of wilderness season in their life, a time of testing that was painful to endure but ultimately brought glory to God. In Wilderness Skills for Women, rising author/speaker Marian Jordan sees the same thing happening today as she and her friends still find themselves going through periods of isolation, temptation, sorrow, and waiting. Whether it's relationship drama, the constant pull of our sinful nature, a health issue, or any variety of unmet dreams, Jordan turns readers to God's Word as the ultimate wilderness survival guide. Conversational and self-deprecatingly confessional in her delivery, this young writer finds ways to have fun with delicate subject matters, using wilderness analogies to great effect in chapters titled "Drink Plenty of Water," "Seek Shelter," and "Don't Eat the Red Berries. "

Coping with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): A Guide to Managing Memory Loss, Effective Brain Training and Reducing the Risk of Dementia

by Mary Jordan

Adults are being increasingly diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and this book provides strategies for concerned individuals to help slow the onset of the condition. Around 50% of adults with MCI go on to develop dementia, but research shows that self-help through early intervention and preventative measures can hugely slow this down.The self-help measures in this book include memory aids, health and lifestyle changes, activities, therapies and technological aids. All of them are known to improve cognition and can be incorporated into daily life. Every measure is firmly based in current research, and this book is also applicable to those with early-stage dementia wishing to delay the onset of more severe cognitive impairment.Given the paramount importance of early intervention to prevent cognitive impairment worsening, this book is essential reading for any older individual wanting the best strategies to help with how to do this in practice.

Praying for Strangers

by River Jordan

What if there was something you could do-something simple, yet so powerful-that could positively influence others and change your life in the process? Critically acclaimed author River Jordan discovered that very thing... As 2009 approached, both of River Jordan's sons were about to go off to war-one to Iraq and the other to Afghanistan-and she was planning a family reunion to see them off. All River could do was pray for her sons' safety and hope to maintain her strength, until she unexpectedly came upon the perfect New Year's resolution-one that focused on others instead of herself. She would pray for a complete stranger every single day of the year.In Praying for Strangers, Jordan tells that the discovery that she made along the journey was not simply that her prayers touched the lives of these strangers (in often astounding ways), but that the unexpected connections she made with other people would be a profound experience that would change her life forever.

The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Weddings

by Sarah Jordan David Borgenicht Joshua Piven

Wedding dress torn? Ring lost? Cake collapsed? Groom gone missing? Despite all the planning, the happy couple might not actually be prepared for The Big Day and all that can go awry. Luckily, the authors of the phenomenally best-selling Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook series are back with all new, step-by-step instructions to help the bride and groom-and everyone else--survive the nuptials, from trimming the guest list all the way through to repurposing unwanted presents. This matrimonial magna carta teaches how to charm nightmare in-laws, survive the bachelor party, combat floral allergies, stop a disastrous toast, and respond to honeymoon surprises. A helpful appendix provides creative solutions to other wedding emergencies: how to make a ring--or a bouquet--out of paper, conceal wedding day blemishes, and painlessly generate thank-you notes. No one should say "I do" without this essential survival guide: it's the absolutely perfect shower gift, and an indispensable self-help guide to getting hitched without a hitch.

The Year of Living Virtuously: Weekends Off

by Teresa Jordan

It was Benjamin Franklin who came up with the list - temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, humility. Then, for a year writer and visual artist Teresa Jordan sought to live it, taking weekends off.In the journal she kept, Jordan records her struggles with living in accordance with those perhaps antiquainted notions of virtue, as well as the temptations of the seven deadly sins. Those meditations became this collection of beautifully illustrated essays devoted to her quest to find meaning in what she calls her "ordinary life."Here the personal anecdote is interwoven with the thoughts of theologians, philosophers, scholars and scientists, including an evolutionary biologist. Though she claims to never have aspired to moral perfection, Jordon admits she did at times become all but obsessed with certain regimes concerning time management or diet and exercise.Benjamin Franklin charted his own progress by weekly entry, observing - in his 79th year - "I was supris'd to find myself so much fuller of faults than I had imagined."Teresa Jordan offers a wry and intimate look at one individual devoting one year in the middle of her life to the challenge of trying to live authentically and with holistic concern for those around us.

Sabotage: How Insecurity Destroys Everything

by Trinity Jordan

Without proper respect for ourselves, we don’t really live connected with God and others the way God has designed. During fourteen years of pastoral ministry Trinity Jordan has walked with a lot of people through their struggles. What he has noticed is that THIS is really about THAT in their lives. The THAT is almost always rooted in insecurity. Our unlove, lack of confidence, and acceptance of ourselves have alienated us from God and others. When Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love God and love others as we love ourselves--the key in that verse is us loving ourselves. Insecurity sabotages the abundant life God has for us here on earth. Sabotage deals with the root issues behind our insecurities, including comparing ourselves with others, lies we tell ourselves, discontent, and more. Addressing these issues will result in healthy relationships across the board--coworkers, church members, spouses, children, strangers, friends, family, and GOD.

Pressure: Lessons from the psychology of the penalty shootout

by Professor Geir Jordet

FOREWORD BY ARSÈNE WENGERIncludes exclusive interviews with Erling Haaland, Martin Ødegaard, Robert Lewandowski and other Premier League players'A gripping, surprising and deeply humane look at one of the most intense pieces of drama on earth.' James Graham, author of Dear England'I can score penalties in my sleep, so why not that one?' Marcus Rashford, Euros 2021The penalty shootout is the most intense drama in sport. The anxious wait, the building dread, the lonely, heavy-legged walk towards the penalty spot. One kick while the world holds its breath. Even football's most casual observers cannot escape the nerve-wracking suspense.What happens to a footballer's brain and body in these heart-pounding moments of pressure? Why do some thrive while others choke? In this ground-breaking book, sport psychology Professor Geir Jordet dissects each agonising element of the shootout's duel and the universal human stress mechanisms that it triggers and illuminates. Drawing on two decades of studying the atomic nuances of performance under pressure, Jordet's vivid case studies take you behind the scenes of football's most nail-biting moments. He interviews superstars and shares stories from his work with top teams and some of the world's best players.In the penalty shootout, as in life, it is often the tiny, seemingly invisible decisions that impact success and failure. After reading this book, you will have fresh insights and a newly acquired understanding of those dreaded moments when the pressure builds - how to handle them.

Ansia: Come Superare Il Disturbo E Conseguire Gli Obiettivi Della Tua Vita.

by Fitz Jordyn

L’ansia governa la tua vita? Hai la testa affollata di pensieri ansiosi che non riesci a mandare via? Se hai risposto ‘sì’ a una (o entrambe) le domande, questo è il manuale che fa per te. Nel libro l’autore condivide la propria esperienza e illustra in modo valido il modo in cui è riuscito a superare l’ansia e a imparare a rilassare la mente. Il suo resoconto, coinvolgente ed emozionante, è corredato di esempi tratti dalla sua personale esperienza. Tuttavia non si tratta di un elenco di esercizi complicati da eseguire, ma di un messaggio efficace che trasformerà il tuo modo di vedere la vita. La maggior parte delle persone non sa neppure di soffrire di ansia. Molti non si fanno neppure domande sulle ragioni per cui a volte avvertono di avere i battiti accelerati, difficoltà nella respirazione o si sentono sopraffatti senza alcun motivo. Semplicemente, non danno peso ai segnali. Se sei pronto a prendere in mano la situazione e migliorare la tua esistenza, quest’ottima guida contribuirà sicuramente ad accompagnarti nella giusta direzione!

Ansiedade : Supere A Ansiedade E Alcance Seus Objetivos

by Fitz Jordyn

A ansiedade domina a sua vida? Sua cabeça está cheia de pensamentos ansiosos que não irão embora? Você sofre de sintomas físicos de estresse? Se você respondeu 'Sim' a qualquer (ou todos) estas questões, então este é o livro para você. Jo compartilha sua história de como ela superou a ansiedade e aprendemos a aquietar a mente dela. Há não complicados exercícios a seguir, apenas uma mensagem poderosa que irá transformar a maneira que você pensa sobre a vida. O relato interessante e envolvente de Jo está repleto de exemplos extraídos de sua própria experiência. A maioria das pessoas não percebeu que está sofrendo de ansiedade. Muitos apenas o ignoram sem questionar por que, às vezes, experimentam coração acelerado, dificuldade de respirar e muitas vezes se sentem sobrecarregados sem qualquer motivo. Se você está pronto para agir e mudar sua vida para melhor, este livro definitivamente irá guiá-lo na direção certa!

El vendedor de sueños: ¿Pagarías por alcanzar la felicidad?

by Jorge I. Aguadero Casado

<P>Un libro que te ayudará a conocerte mejor y no dejar atrás los sueños que te inspiraban y ponían a volar. <P>"Podría haber seguido así hasta el final de mis días, pero me aterra que llegue la horrorosa vejez y, al echar la vista atrás, lamente entre sollozos el tiempo que perdí. La vida es breve y quero disfrutarla". <P>En una ciudad del Mediterráneo convergen diversos personajes, cuyas historias se entrelazan por la necesidad de descubrir que en los sueños -aquellos de los que se rehúye y que se han mantenido ocultos en lo más recóndito del corazón- se esconde la verdadera felicidad. <P>Un vendedor de sueños le mostrará es estos personajes que el cruce que divide posibles de imposibles sólo se puede tomar una decisión: hacerle frente a la vida para vivirla con amor o permanecer siempre como observador pasivo. Un libro en el que descubrirás que el límite es el que te impones tú mismo.

What's Wrong With Being Single?

by Maryam Jorjani

Absolutely nothing. Being single or facing divorce, separation or widowhood doesn't mean unhappiness. Singles--the latest, largest and least understood minority in America--are mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore. Drawing on many statistics and richly detailed case studies, Maryam Jorjani proves that society's pressures and misconceptions of togetherness drive many of us to get married. The result is often depression, divorce, addiction, violence--even suicide. Her conclusion: living the single lifestyle, free and independent, may just be the best prescription for what ails America.

Meditación : Alcance La Paz Espiritual Y Disciplina Con El Habito De La Atención Plena

by Jose Alfredo Hernandez Delgado

El mejor libro de meditación ¿Y cómo podemos hacer nuestra preocupación en la primavera. Toda la información en este libro y su vida feliz en este libro.

De la crisis a la prosperidad

by José Ángel Gámez Hernández

En este libro se pone énfasis en la enorme diversidad de recursos con que contamos los seres humanos para construir mejores condiciones de vida y con ello alcanzar altos niveles de bienestar. El autor pretende dar un impulso a quien lo lea. • Invita a quitar los estorbos de las creencias limitantes, para tener una verdadera valoración y apreciación de uno mismo. • Exhorta a construir el futuro con una clara visión de hacia dónde uno quiere ir. De uno depende en convertirse en alguien valioso, - nos dice - jamás te rindas. • Reta a descubrir un sentido de propósito que dé poder y significado a nuestra vida. • Nos menciona que hay que aprender a gozar y apreciar las recompensas de contribuir a la sociedad. • Da un Plan de Vuelo, para que en completa libertad, uno despliegue sus alas, vuele por arriba de las turbulencias de nuestra época y llegue a donde uno quiera, logrando así, todo lo que se proponga. -Es un libro útil para todo aquel que desee mejorar y superarse. Los conceptos y ejercicios vertidos aquí son el resultado de varios años de experiencia y trabajo continuo obteniendo resultados exitosos.

Tú habla, que yo te leo: Las claves de la comunicación no verbal

by José Luis Martín Ovejero

¿Prefieres saber solo lo que te quieran contaro conocer también lo que te cuenten sin querer? Da igual tu profesión, la comunicación no verbal te aporta habilidades de gran utilidad para tus relaciones sociales: vive con ventaja. El rostro, los gestos, el cuerpo, incluso la manera de hablar revelan qué sentimos, solo hay que saber interpretarlos. Aprende más de cien claves que te permitirán descifrar los secretos de la forma de comunicarnos más sincera y desconocida: la comunicación no verbal. Adquirirás unos conocimientos de gran utilidad práctica, tanto en tu vida profesional como personal.Somos más transparentes de lo que pensamos. Con frecuencia la comunicación no verbal le pasa desapercibida a nuestro cerebro, lo que la convierte en mucho más sincera que la verbal. Conocerla te ayudará no solo a comunicarte y a utilizar tus argumentos con mayor poder de convicción, también podrás entender mejor a las personas con quienes convives a diario. «Este libro contesta a las preguntas más frecuentes que personas como tú me han realizado. Con él aprenderás a leer las auténticas emociones e intenciones de la gente, al margen de lo que digan sus palabras.Hay mucha vida más allá de las palabras, ¿por qué limitarte solo a ellas? Entra en la mente de los demás por las ventanas abiertas de su comunicación no verbal. Tras leer este libro nunca más mirarás como antes a quienes te rodean, les comprenderás mejor». José Luis Martín Ovejero

Rumbo a la cima 10º aniversario

by José Manuel Vega Báez

El mayor problema que padece actualmente nuestra civilización es una profunda crisis de liderazgo a todos los niveles. Por fortuna, el liderazgo es una habilidad que puede perfeccionarse, y con ello fomentar el bien común partiendo de los ámbitos más cercanos.Rumbo a la cima 10º Aniversario, responderá preguntas con base en los más sólidos principios de liderazgo integral, combinando una emocionante narración deportiva con una efectiva metodología de aplicación inmediata, que dará por resultado el desarrollo permanente de la capacidad de liderazgo de los lectores.

Enseñanza de escritura creativa

by José Pedro Galindo Macías Valerie Hockert

Elimina el bloqueo del escritor y expresa las ideas en forma creativa mediante la escritura creativa. ¿Necesitas algunos ejercicios de escritura a prueba de bostezos y de sueño, para hacer que tus estudiantes participen en forma activa? Entonces este libro es para ti, ya que es muy completo y está diseñado para ser impartido durante 16 semanas. Por supuesto, puede, ser impartido en menos tiempo, mediante la combinación de algunas de las lecciones en una semana. Por lo que funcionaría con un programa de un curso de 8 semanas, o incluso de 12 semanas. El libro incluye muchos ejercicios de escritura creativa, para hacer que fluyan los instintos creativos. Es un libro de texto más comprensible y más completo que el de sus competidores. Diversos tipos de elaboración de párrafos e historietas para reescribir, están diseñados para hacer que fluyan los instintos creativos de los estudiantes y han demostrado ser muy benéficos para los estudiantes de los distintos niveles de escritura.

Changez votre vie


Un livre qui reprend les techniques traditionnelles de développement personnel en s'appuyant sur les découvertes récentes de la science et notamment de la physique quantique pour les enrichir, les adapter et les rendre plus puissantes. Un livre qui doit absolument être dans la bibliothèque de celui qui cherche à changer sa vie pour l'enrichir ou de celui qui lutte contre la maladie et grâce à ce livre retrouvera l'espoir et la force de lutter. Changez votre vie, transformez votre rêve en réalité...

La Alegría del sacrificio su sentido Cristiano

by José Rubén Valencia Gallegos

Son reflexiones de confianza y alegría para quienes avanzan en la vida interior. ¿Hay algún sentido en el sufrir? El cristiano va por el mejor camino, ¡lleva un tesoro! Camine poco o mucho, está en la dirección correcta, sólo tiene que conservar el don, endulzarse con la ternura de Dios, izar las velas e ilusionarse confiando en el atardecer que llega.

The Complete Diabetes Organizer

by Leslie Josel Susan Weiner

Is your lack of organization impacting your ability to effectively manage your diabetes? Do you run out of supplies and forget endocrinologist appointments? Do you find snacks in your pantry that expired sometime before the insulin pump was invented? Do you struggle to keep track of health-care invoices and payments? Do you succeed at keeping an active health journal for a week or two and then neglect it for a year or two?It sounds like you could use The Complete Diabetes Organizer!Within the pages of this book, diabetes educator Susan Weiner and organizing guru Leslie Josel provide you with dependable strategies and ideas designed to help streamline your diabetes care and simplify your life. From her distinguished career and experience in the fields of diabetes and dietetics, Susan Weiner brings helpful tips and tricks that are guaranteed to ease daily mechanics, promote improved nutrition, and relieve stress caused by disorder and confusion. Certified professional organizer and ADHD Specialist Leslie Josel applies her expertise to the topic of diabetes, with simple, surefire techniques that will allow you to disentangle yourself from the clutches of chronic disorganization.The Complete Diabetes Organizer is your guidebook to maintaining your diabetes with less effort and more confidence, allowing you to focus on enjoying a healthier, stress-free life.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

by Avy Joseph

Find out how to use CBT techniques in everyday life for emotionally healthy living What happens to you in life matters less than the way you feel about life; that's the message of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). If you've ever tried to change something about yourself--your mood, your weight, your behaviour--you'll have noticed that change often hurts, so you stop trying. CBT can help you when change starts to hurt. In the revised and updated edition of this bestselling title, professional CBT practitioner Avy Joseph shows you how to challenge negative thoughts and unhealthy beliefs to improve your outlook in your personal and professional life. Contains new scenarios and exercises for the reader to practice using CBT techniques in a variety of situations New introduction and conclusion from the author discussing the CBT technique and recent developments in the field Addresses key topics such as anxiety, change, resilience and self-belief Written by an expert in the field, Avy Joseph is widely-recognised as one of the UK's leading practitioners on the topic

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Your Route out of Perfectionism, Self-Sabotage and Other Everyday Habits with CBT

by Avy Joseph

Uncover the secrets of CBT and apply them to your own life In the newly revised Third Edition of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, veteran cognitive behaviour therapist and counsellor Avy Joseph delivers an essential and accessible discussion of how to use the time-tested and proven techniques in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to improve your own life and the lives of others. You’ll learn to challenge negative thoughts and unhealthy beliefs about yourself and begin improving your outlook on your personal and professional life. In the book, you’ll find updated scenarios and exercises for the practice of CBT techniques, discussions of how to maintain your mental health in a post-pandemic world and the difference between “Action Tendencies” and behaviours. You’ll also get: Insightful discussions about recent advances in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and how it fits with CBT Practical strategies for creating a more realistic perception of the events in your life, along with specific techniques – like understanding the difference between malicious and non-malicious envy Tips for developing emotional responsibility in practiceA can’t-miss resource for anyone interested in using CBT to solve their most intractable personal and professional problems, as well as those looking for evidence-based personal improvement techniques, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy will also earn a place in the libraries of CBT practitioners and therapists seeking a hands-on and accessible treatment of the discipline’s most essential subjects.

Before Atlantis: 20 Million Years of Human and Pre-Human Cultures

by Frank Joseph

A comprehensive exploration of Earth’s ancient past, the evolution of humanity, the rise of civilization, and the effects of global catastrophes • Explores biological evidence for the aquatic ape theory and 20-million-year-old evidence of pre-human cultures from which we are not descended • Traces the genesis of modern human civilization to Indonesia and the Central Pacific 75,000 years ago after a near-extinction-level volcanic eruption • Examines the profound similarities of megaliths around the world, including Nabta Playa and Gobekli Tepe, to reveal the transoceanic civilization that built them all Exploring emerging and suppressed evidence from archaeology, anthropology, and biology, Frank Joseph challenges conventional theories of evolution, the age of humanity, the origins of civilization, and the purpose of megaliths around the world. He reveals 20-million-year-old quartzite tools discovered in the remains of extinct fauna in Argentina and other evidence of ancient pre-human cultures from which we are not descended. He traces the genesis of modern human civilization to Indonesia and the Central Pacific 75,000 years ago, launched by a catastrophic volcanic eruption that abruptly reduced humanity from two million to a few thousand individuals worldwide. Further investigating the evolutionary branches of humanity, he explores the mounting biological evidence supporting the aquatic ape theory--that our ancestors spent one or more evolutionary phases in water--and shows how these aquatic phases of humanity fall neatly into place within his revised timeline of ancient history. Examining the profound similarities of megaliths around the world, including Nabta Playa, Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge, New Hampshire’s Mystery Hill, and the Japanese Oyu circles, the author explains how these precisely placed monuments of quartz were built specifically to produce altered states of consciousness, revealing the spiritual and technological sophistication of their Neolithic builders--a transoceanic civilization fractured by the cataclysmic effects of comets. Tying in his extensive research into Atlantis and Lemuria, Joseph provides a 20-million-year timeline of the rise and fall of ancient civilizations, both human and pre-human, the evolutionary stages of humanity, and the catastrophes and resulting climate changes that triggered them all--events that our relatively young civilization may soon experience.

L'onction du Saint-Esprit, tome 2: Série Saint-Esprit - Livre 2 (Série Saint-Esprit #2)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

Attendez-vous à recevoir un miracle surnaturel en lisant ce livre de la même façon que cet enfant mort qui est revenu à la vie ou cet enfant avec un visage plat comme le mur qui a reçu des globes oculaires et des orbites ou bien cet autre cas lorsque de la nourriture pour une ou deux personnes a été miraculeusement multipliée pour nourrir plus de cinquante personnes avec du surplus, tout ceci en raison de l'onction telle que décrite dans ce livre – L’onction du Saint-Esprit (tome 2 de la série Saint-Esprit, livre 2). Cet ouvrage est la suite de L'onction du Saint-Esprit : tome 1 (anciennement série des Pépites de la foi biblique livre 5, mais intitulée maintenant Série Saint-Esprit, livre 1). Ce livre s’avérera d'une grande aide et inspiration pour la vie chrétienne, l'onction apostolique, l'onction pastorale, l'onction prophétique, l'onction de guérison, l'onction de délivrance, l'intercession, la puissance du Saint-Esprit, la délivrance, les prières, l'expérience de la chambre haute, l'évangélisation, etc. Découvrez ce qui a fait d'eux de grands chrétiens et prédicateurs efficaces - Obtenez une copie de l’onction du Saint-Esprit et le tome 1 gratuit pour vos amis ou même vos pasteurs.

Manual de Achievers 1: Más de 100 claves inspiradoras para cumplir tu destino (serie de mejores guías de Achievers) (mejores libros de la serie Achievers #1)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

Manual de Achievers 1 mejores libros de la serie Achievers Book One contiene más de cien claves inspiradoras ampliadas y pepitas de éxito que lo ayudarán a cumplir su Destino. Este libro le ayuda en el autodescubrimiento: primero desarrolla el Concepto dado al nacer, construye su contenido (a partir de interacciones educativas) y luego el contexto (desde el entorno), las estrategias de resolución de problemas, ¿Su fe o destino? Fortalecer su voz (vocal o escrita), etc. Este manual es una lectura obligada y excelente para cualquier persona

Manual de Achievers 5: Más de 100 claves inspiradoras para cumplir tu destino (Serie de mejores guías de Achievers #5)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

Manual de Achievers 5 Serie de mejores guías de Achievers El libro cinco es una continuación del libro uno, dos, tres, cuatro y contiene más de cien claves inspiradas y motivacionales y pepitas de éxito que lo ayudarán a cumplir su Destino y aprovechar su potencial. Es una llamada de atención para cualquiera que quiera sobresalir en la vida. Este libro le ayudará en las estrategias de resolución de problemas, para descubrir y aprovechar sus potenciales. Este manual, manual de negocios y resúmenes de éxito es una lectura obligada y excelente para aquellos que desean cumplir sus. Es para gente de negocios, triunfadores, innovadores, consejeros, entrenadores de vida, líderes, trabajadores, pastores, etc.

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