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Showing 18,526 through 18,550 of 36,532 results

Next Level: My Strategic Recoveries

by David Komolafe

In Next Level:My Strategic Recoveries Pastor Komolafe writes: &“Rewards await those who may be pressured on every side, struck down to the ground, but never struck out.&” He graciously shares the wisdom he has gained from God&’s Word, and from nearly 40 years of ministry.Next Level offers an arsenal of weapons—prayer, biblical truth, strategic instructions, and prophetic declarations—with which to do battle against our soul&’s enemy, who is the destroyer of hope. As a child of God, you are heir to a glorious future. Learn how to take effective aim at the specific things that hinder you. Set your course to experience God&’s goodness and grace to the fullest!

Health Habits for Diabetes: A Patient's Guide to Changing Behaviors & Mindset for Managing Type 2 Diabetes

by Justin Kompf

A patient's guide to identifying and executing easy strategies and positive behaviors to help better manage their Type 2 diabetes. Health Habits for Diabetes highlights how to take the motivation to change from their diagnosis, use willpower, examine their sources of influence, form habits, and form a new integrated identity around healthy behaviors. Health Habits for Diabetes provides a what, why, and how for each stage of health behavior change including medication compliance, physical activity, mindset and nutrition. Most of the things that make us sick are preventable. They are preventable because they are the result of our behaviors. Using examples from research and practice, Health Habits for Diabetes uses this behavioral focus to help patients manage their Type 2 diabetes.

You Need Help!: A Step-by-Step Plan to Convince a Loved One to Get Counseling

by Mark S Komrad Rosalynn Carter

If you feel that a friend or loved one has a problem and needs professional help, this step-by-step guide will give you the tools to approach, engage, and support him or her.Just about everyone knows a relative, friend, or coworker who is exhibiting signs of emotional or behavioral turmoil. Yet figuring out how to reach out to that person can feel insurmountable. We know it is the right thing to do, yet many of us hesitate to take action out of fear of conflict, hurt feelings, or damaging the relationship.Through a rich combination of user-friendly tools and real-life stories, Mark S. Komrad, MD, offers step-by-step guidance and support as you take the courageous step of helping a friend who might not even recognize that he or she is in need. He guides you in developing a strong course of action, starting by determining when professional help is needed, then moves you through the steps of picking the right time, making the first approach, gathering allies, selecting the right professional, and supporting friends or relatives as they go through the necessary therapeutic process to resolve their problems. Included are scripts based on Komrad’s work with his own patients, designed to help you anticipate next steps and arm you with the tools to respond constructively and compassionately.You will also find the guidance and information needed to understand mental illness and get past the stigma still associated with it, so you can engage and support your loved one with insight and compassion in his or her journey toward emotional stability and health.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)

by Marie Kondo

This best-selling guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for simplifying, organizing, and storing. <P><P>Japanese organizational consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly declutter your home once, you'll never have to do it again. Whereas most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, the KonMari Method's category-by-category, all-at-once prescription leads to lasting results. In fact, none of Kondo's clients have been repeat customers (and she still has a three-month waiting list of new customers!). <P><P>With detailed guidance for every type of item in the household, this quirky little manual from Japan's newest lifestyle phenomenon will help readers clear their clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home--and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.

The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)

by Marie Kondo

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author and star of Netflix&’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, this graphic novelization brings Kondo's life-changing tidying method to life with the fun, quirky story of a woman who transforms her home, work, and love life using Kondo's advice and inspiration. Marie Kondo presents the fictional story of Chiaki, a young woman in Tokyo who struggles with a cluttered apartment, messy love life, and lack of direction. After receiving a complaint from her attractive next-door neighbor about the sad state of her balcony, Chiaki gets Kondo to take her on as a client. Through a series of entertaining and insightful lessons, Kondo helps Chiaki get her home--and life--in order. This insightful, illustrated case study is perfect for people looking for a fun introduction to the KonMari Method of tidying up, as well as tried-and-true fans of Marie Kondo eager for a new way to think about what sparks joy. Featuring illustrations by award-winning manga artist Yuko Uramoto, this book also makes a great read for manga and graphic novel lovers of all ages.

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! ¡Recupera tu vida y aprovecha mejor los espacios de tu casa! Transforma tu hogar en un espacio armónico y libre de desorden con el increíble Método KonMari. La autora, Marie Kondo, ha vendido más de 3 millones de copias de sus libros, que han sido traducidos a más de 30 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países. En 2015 fue nombrada por la revista Time como una de las 100 personas más influyentes del año. La magia del orden ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Marie Kondo, con su método inspirador, te ayudará a poner en orden tu casa de una vez por todas. Paso a paso te guiará para que en tu casa sólo tengas las cosas esencialesy tu vida mejore; increíblemente te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y con energía para crear lo que sea. A partir de este momento sólo tendrás que elegir qué conservar y qué desechar. Algunos de los consejos del método KonMari: - Ordena por categoría, no por localización. - No guardes nada en tu armario que no te dé alegría. - Lo que no necesitas tú, tampoco lo necesita nadie de tu familia. - Despídete de cada pieza que tires con gratitud por su servicio dado. - Ordena bien una vez y siempre permanecerá ordenado. - Las maratones de orden tienen efecto rebote. Créate un hábito diario. - Empieza por las cosas más fáciles. - Aprende a doblar bien la ropa y ahorrarás espacio. - No compres más cajas ni materiales de almacenaje pequeño. No lo necesitas La crítica ha opinado: "Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cinco años" The Times "Marie Kondo es una mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros" The Sunday Times

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa... y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! Marie Kondo, la experta en orden japonesa, te ayudará a acomodar tus espacios de una vez por todas con su sencillo método KonMari. La clave para mantener el orden exitosamente está en acomodar los objetos de tu casa, habitación, apartamento, estudio u oficina en forma correcta, manteniendo solo lo que realmente amas y limpiándolo todo a la vez.Este método increíblemente fácil no solo transformará tu espacio, también te cambiará a ti. Te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y motivado para crear la vida que quieres. ** La magia del orden ha sido traducida a cuarenta idiomas ha vendido más de 12.000.000 de ejemplares todo el mundo. ** Se ha traducido a más de 24 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países.** Ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Reseñas:«Nunca poner a punto tu casa tuvo tanto que aportarte [...] No tardarás en descubrir que has vivido años rodeada de cosas que no necesitas».Cosmopolitan «Un método de organización con el que no solo transformarás un espacio sino que, también, te cambiará a ti».El Mundo «Si buscas soluciones para ordenar tu casa, aquí tienes el manual perfecto».ELLE«Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cincos años».The Times «Marie Kondo es una sola mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros».The Sunday Times «¿El desorden preside tu vida? Sigue las reglas del método Marie Kondo, la reina del orden, y sé feliz» En los blogs...«Sin duda es un libro que se lee en un momento, que engancha porque cuenta con ejemplos que ha vivido Marie Kondo con clientes... Es un libro que te ayuda a darte cuenta de que es mejor tener poco que te guste y te haga feliz, que mucho que no uses. Fíjate en tu ropa, estoy segura que aunque tengas el armario lleno, siempre terminas vistiendo igual. Un libro cuyo enfoque me ha gustado, aunque hay que adaptarlo a cada persona».Blog Historias contadas

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa... y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! Marie Kondo, la experta en orden japonesa, te ayudará a acomodar tus espacios de una vez por todas con su sencillo método KonMari. La clave para mantener el orden exitosamente está en acomodar los objetos de tu casa, habitación, apartamento, estudio u oficina en forma correcta, manteniendo solo lo que realmente amas y limpiándolo todo a la vez.Este método increíblemente fácil no solo transformará tu espacio, también te cambiará a ti. Te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y motivado para crear la vida que quieres. ** La magia del orden ha sido traducida a cuarenta idiomas ha vendido más de 12.000.000 de ejemplares todo el mundo. ** Se ha traducido a más de 24 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países.** Ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Reseñas:«Nunca poner a punto tu casa tuvo tanto que aportarte [...] No tardarás en descubrir que has vivido años rodeada de cosas que no necesitas».Cosmopolitan «Un método de organización con el que no solo transformarás un espacio sino que, también, te cambiará a ti».El Mundo «Si buscas soluciones para ordenar tu casa, aquí tienes el manual perfecto».ELLE«Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cincos años».The Times «Marie Kondo es una sola mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros».The Sunday Times «¿El desorden preside tu vida? Sigue las reglas del método Marie Kondo, la reina del orden, y sé feliz» En los blogs...«Sin duda es un libro que se lee en un momento, que engancha porque cuenta con ejemplos que ha vivido Marie Kondo con clientes... Es un libro que te ayuda a darte cuenta de que es mejor tener poco que te guste y te haga feliz, que mucho que no uses. Fíjate en tu ropa, estoy segura que aunque tengas el armario lleno, siempre terminas vistiendo igual. Un libro cuyo enfoque me ha gustado, aunque hay que adaptarlo a cada persona».Blog Historias contadas

Marie Kondo's Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and Achieve Your Ideal Life (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)

by Marie Kondo

Transform your home into a haven of calm and achieve your ideal lifestyle with this inspirational visual guide featuring more than 100 photographs, from the Netflix star and #1 bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Inspired by the Japanese concept of kurashi, or &“way of life,&” Kurashi at Home invites you to visualize your best life from the moment you wake up until the end of each day. By applying Marie Kondo's time-tested query—&“Does it spark joy?&”—to your mindset and behaviors, you are invited to take an even more holistic and personal approach to curating your environment by imagining what your life could look like full of connection and free from any limitations. This ideal vision then becomes a touchpoint that helps you make conscious, mindful choices—from how you use every corner of your living space to how you take advantage of every moment. At its core, the KonMari philosophy focuses not on what to get rid of, but on what sparks joy in your life. In this inspirational visual guide, beautiful photographs and Kondo's unique suggestions empower you to embrace what you love about your life and then reflect it in your home, activities, and relationships, like creating a calm nook for working, scheduling weekly get-togethers with family or friends, or having relaxing nighttime rituals that promote a restful sleep. Your newfound clarity will inspire you to clear out the unneeded clutter so you can appreciate the inviting spaces, treasured belongings, and peaceful moments that remain.

Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)

by Marie Kondo

Japanese decluttering guru Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has revolutionized homes--and lives--across the world. Now, Kondo presents an illustrated guide to her acclaimed KonMari Method, with step-by-step folding illustrations for everything from shirts to socks, plus drawings of perfectly organized drawers and closets. She also provides advice on frequently asked questions, such as whether to keep "necessary" items that may not bring you joy. With guidance on specific categories including kitchen tools, cleaning supplies, hobby goods, and digital photos, this comprehensive companion is sure to spark joy in anyone who wants to simplify their life.From the Hardcover edition.

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy

by Marie Kondo

Discover the books that inspired the Netflix phenomenon Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, now together in a convenient ebook bundle: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy.Japanese decluttering expert Marie Kondo has taken the world by storm with her Netflix show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Now fans can get the two books that started the movement, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy, in one ebook bundle that combines this philosophical wisdom, practical advice, and charming prescriptive illustrations into one master class. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is Kondo&’s guide to decluttering your home using her famed KonMari Method, and Spark Joy is an illustrated manual with step-by-step instructions for folding clothes and tackling messy areas of the home. With these two books, you can capture the joy of Marie Kondo&’s tidy lifestyle for yourself.

La felicidad en el trabajo

by Marie Kondo Scott Sonenshein

TU LUGAR DE TRABAJO ES MÁS IMPORTANTE QUE NUNCA. APRENDE CON MARIE KONDO A SACARLE EL MÁXIMO PARTIDO Y MEJORAR TU VIDA. El puesto de trabajo es un imán para el desorden y el caos. ¿Quién no se ha sentido agotado por reuniones improductivas, papeles revueltos, interminables correos electrónicos y tareas innecesarias? Todo esto consume tu motivación, limita tus posibilidades de progreso y socava tubienestar. La felicidad en el trabajo aplica el famoso método KonMari al espacio donde ejerces tu actividad laboral. Ofrece historias, consejos prácticos y estrategias para eliminar el desorden en el lugar donde trabajas y disfrutar de la productividad, el éxito y la felicidad que conllevan un entorno laboral y una mente ordenados. Los autores te guían mientras organizas tu vida laboral, ayudándote a desarrollar la confianza, a aumentar el éxito profesional y, por supuesto, a generar alegría.

Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life

by Marie Kondo Scott Sonenshein

Declutter your desk and brighten up your business with this transformative guide from an organizational psychologist and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.The workplace is a magnet for clutter and mess. Who hasn't felt drained by wasteful meetings, disorganized papers, endless emails, and unnecessary tasks? These are the modern-day hazards of working, and they can slowly drain the joy from work, limit our chances of career progress, and undermine our well-being.There is another way. In Joy at Work, bestselling author and Netflix star Marie Kondo and Rice University business professor Scott Sonenshein offer stories, studies, and strategies to help you eliminate clutter and make space for work that really matters.Using the world-renowned KonMari Method and cutting-edge research, Joy at Work will help you overcome the challenges of workplace mess and enjoy the productivity, success, and happiness that come with a tidy desk and mind.

Manifestación: Los Secretos De La Ley De La Atracción

by Ryan Kone

En este libro, el autor enseña al lector los secretos de la manifestación: cómo manifestar, la Fórmula de la Manifestación, cómo emprender acciones alineadas con tus deseos, cómo eliminar los bloqueos mentales y emocionales que impiden la manifestación y los cinco errores más comunes en la manifestación.

Peaceful Heart: The Buddhist Practice of Patience

by Dzigar Kongtrul

An introductory guide to cultivating patience and opening your heart to difficult circumstances from leading Buddhist teacher, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.In the Buddhist tradition, &“patience&” is our mind&’s ability to work positively with anything that bothers us—a vast spectrum of particulars that all boil down to not getting what we want or getting what we don&’t want. In fluid, accessible language, Dzigar Kongtrul expands on teachings by the ancient sage Shantideva that contain numerous powerful and surprising methods for preventing our minds from becoming consumed by what bothers us—especially in anger. The result of practicing patience is a state of mind where we can feel at home in every situation and be fully available to love and care for others. Patience is the lifeblood of a peaceful heart.

The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win

by Maria Konnikova

How a New York Times bestselling author and New Yorker contributor parlayed a strong grasp of the science of human decision-making and a woeful ignorance of cards into a life-changing run as a professional poker player, under the wing of a legend of the gameIt's true that Maria Konnikova had never actually played poker before and didn't even know the rules when she approached Erik Seidel, Poker Hall of Fame inductee and winner of tens of millions of dollars in earnings, and convinced him to be her mentor. But she knew her man: a famously thoughtful and broad-minded player, he was intrigued by her pitch that she wasn't interested in making money so much as learning about life. She had faced a stretch of personal bad luck, and her reflections on the role of chance had led her to a giant of game theory, who pointed her to poker as the ultimate master class in learning to distinguish between what can be controlled and what can't. And she certainly brought something to the table, including a Ph.D. in psychology and an acclaimed and growing body of work on human behavior and how to hack it. So Seidel was in, and soon she was down the rabbit hole with him, into the wild, fiercely competitive, overwhelmingly masculine world of high-stakes Texas Hold'em, their initial end point the following year's World Series of Poker.But then something extraordinary happened. Under Seidel's guidance, Konnikova did have many epiphanies about life that derived from her new pursuit, including how to better read, not just her opponents but far more importantly herself; how to identify what tilted her into an emotional state that got in the way of good decisions; and how to get to a place where she could accept luck for what it was, and what it wasn't. But she also began to win. And win. In a little over a year, she began making earnest money from tournaments, ultimately totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. She won a major title, got a sponsor, and got used to being on television, and to headlines like "How one writer's book deal turned her into a professional poker player." She even learned to like Las Vegas.But in the end, Maria Konnikova is a writer and student of human behavior, and ultimately the point was to render her incredible journey into a container for its invaluable lessons. The biggest bluff of all, she learned, is that skill is enough. Bad cards will come our way, but keeping our focus on how we play them and not on the outcome will keep us moving through many a dark patch, until the luck once again breaks our way.

The Vision Code: How to Create and Execute a Compelling Vision for your Business

by Oleg Konovalov

Noted CEOs, academics, and military personnel share their experience as visionary leaders The Vision Code explores the concept of "vision" and leadership. The book reveals the secrets of building and executing a strong vision within any organization. Oleg Konovalov—an acclaimed global thought leader—draws together in one volume in-depth interviews with nineteen extraordinary global visionaries that represent a variety of industries and organizations. These leaders explain why a vision is needed, how to implement it, how to communicate a vision effectively, and how to live by it with integrity. As Konovalov explains, vision is a key leadership skill that can be developed as a practical business tool for leading a company today and into the future. The stories of the nineteen leaders reveal how to develop a compelling vision and follow through with the vision in order to inspire an entire workforce. When a leader taps into the power of "vision," he or she creates a more meaningful business experience and ultimately, a better life. This compelling book: Offers a guide for making the concept of vision a reality Provides the information needed to develop a clear and persuasive vision Contains an accessible guide to a much-needed skill Includes interviews with Marshall Goldsmith (#1 Leadership Thinker), Martin Lindstrom (#1 Branding Expert), Garry Ridge (Chairman and CEO of WD-40 Company) and many others Written for leaders at all levels in organizations and industries of any type The Vision Code is a must-have book for anyone who wants to develop the skill to become a visionary leader.

More Sales, Less Time: Surprisingly Simple Strategies for Today's Crazy-Busy Sellers

by Jill Konrath

"I felt like time was taunting me: 'Behind again? You'll never get it all done.' I worked harder and longer hours, sacrificing my limited personal time to stay ahead of the game. Still, it wasn't sufficient. My work just kept expanding, demanding more of me. I could never seem to call it a day.In my entire career, I'd never faced a sales problem of this magnitude." Sound familiar? If so, you're probably an overwhelmed seller. Your clients expect more, with faster turnarounds. Your quota keeps going up. You need to leverage social media, keep up-to-date on your industry, figure out how to sell new products and services, and learn all the latest technologies. The demands are never-ending. You could work nonstop around the clock and still not get it all done. It's a huge problem faced by experienced sales pros, busy entrepreneurs, and sales rookies. If you don't stay on top of your time, it's tough to make your numbers, let alone blow them away.Konrath, a globally recognized sales consultant and speaker, knew she needed help, but found that advice aimed at typical workers didn't work for her--or for others who needed to sell for a living. Salespeople need their own productivity guidelines adapted to the fast-paced, always-on sales world. So Konrath experimented relentlessly to discover the best time-savers and sales hacks in order to deliver the first productivity guide specifically for sales success.In More Sales, Less Time, Konrath blends cutting-edge behavioral research with her own deep knowledge of sales to teach you how to succeed in this age of distraction. You'll discover how to: * Reclaim a minimum of one hour per day by eliminating major time sucks and changing the way you tackle e-mail and social media.* Free up time to focus on activities that have the highest impact on your sales results, such as preparing, researching, strategizing, and connecting with customers.* Optimize your sales processes to eliminate redundancies and wasted time.* Transform your mind-set to effortlessly incorporate new, more productive habits; leverage your best brainpower; and stay at the top of your sales game. Konrath helps you develop strategies specifically tailored to your life in sales, using your strengths to cut through the feeling of being overwhelmed. All salespeople have the same number of hours in a day; it's up to you to rescue your time to sell smarter.From the Hardcover edition.

Parenting Your Emerging Adult

by Varda Konstam

They're back or maybe they never left, your eighteen- to thirty-year-old emerging adults. They have been called narcissistic and self-absorbed. These Millenials, Generation Y or Boomerang Kids, face higher costs of living, higher college debt loads and a sense of material entitlement and they are clinging to the parental nest. Some 56 percent of men and 48 percent of women eighteen to twenty-four years old are living with their already recession-strapped parents. Parents of emerging adults are clearly "stressed-out" and in need of practical, credible advice. Parenting Your Emerging Adult is empowering and "uplifting", offering the tools and strategies parents need to get their emerging adults living successfully on their own.Parents will develop an understanding of this developmental period and how it intersects with the current economic, social and political times. They will become better grounded and confident in their abilities to make informed, sound decisions and will learn how to pick their battles, see the big picture and find effective solutions.Konstam demonstrates how, by developing a mastery of the key issues, learning to "work with the grain" and fostering independence, rules and consequences, parents will end the codependency, coddling and poor modeling so their emerging adult child will be successfully launched.

Teach Yourself Speed Reading

by Tina Konstant

Speed-reading is about reading--and being able to recall--more written information in less time. Following a unique five-step system, this practical guide teaches readers the basics of speed-reading in less than an hour. It includes tools and information on a variety of reading and memory techniques that allow readers to start using and practicing the techniques as they read--and therefore finish this book in a fraction of the time they would have taken previously. The book shows how to read effectively under pressure and concentrate in today's noisy, distracting environments.

Work Smarter Live Better: Flash

by Tina Konstant Morris Taylor

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. In just 96 pages, Work Smarter Live Better shows you how to deal with the avalanche of information that is the modern curse, from setting priorities to speedreading documents effectively. It is essential reading for anyone who has more work than time.

A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog Named Trixie

by Dean Koontz

In a profound, funny, and beautifully rendered portrait of a beloved companion, bestselling novelist Dean Koontz remembers the golden retriever who changed his life. A retired service dog, Trixie was three when Dean and his wife, Gerda, welcomed her into their home. She was superbly trained, but her greatest gifts couldn't be taught: her keen intelligence, her innate joy, and an uncanny knack for living in the moment. Whether chasing a tennis ball or protecting those she loved, Trixie gave all she had to everything she did, inspiring Dean and Gerda to trust their instincts and recapture a sense of wonder that will remain with them always. Trixie lived fewer than twelve years; in this wide world, she was a little thing. But in every way that mattered, she lived a big life.

How to Survive Life (and Death): A Guide for Happiness in This World and Beyond

by Robert Kopecky

Essential life lessons gained from near-death experiences: &“A simple guide for becoming grateful for one&’s life and fearless about one&’s inevitable death&” (Patheos Reviews). Over the years, Emmy-nominated art director Robert Kopecky has had three separate near-death experiences, giving him a unique expertise on the transition we call dying—and on the realities that lie beyond this life. What he brought back from the other side was a book not just about surviving life and death, but about learning how to live. For Robert, it is essential to live every day with radical kindness, radical forgiveness, and radical surrender. One of the most common fears among human beings is the fear of death. In How to Survive Life (and Death), Kopecky shows us the other side of our fears about dying—and living. Heartfelt, candid, and personal, Robert&’s stories and insights urge us to take a chance, learn something new, and go about life with an open heart.

God's Little Book of Guarantees for Moms (God's Little Book of Guarantees)

by Heather Kopp

Moms know that raising children is both a wonderful privilege and a daunting challenge. This contemporary collection of guarantees taken from God's Word encourages discouraged mothers, assuring them that He is intimately involved in their lives and the lives of their children. Key Scriptures address important issues such as discipline, patience, wisdom, self-renewal, and trusting God with kids. No matter what difficulties or confusion moms may face, they can always turn to God's unchanging promises for sure help and comfort. guarantee\gar-en-'tē\n1:a pledge, something given as security2:the protection of a right afforded by legal provision. Certificate of Motherhood It's official. You're a Mom . But what guarantees that you can meet the daunting challenges of family life unfolding just ahead?Plenty! -A Sacred Trust- In the fine print of these enduringWarranty Notesis your spiritual insurance policy for motherhood. Discover God's promise of partnership and flush benefits package for those who parent. Carry it. Share it. Build on it securely. Signed, sealed, delivered-it's yours!

Sober Mercies: How Love Caught Up with a Christian Drunk

by Heather Harpham Kopp

Where do you turn for hope when you already have the answer--but the answer isn't working?As a long-time Christian, Heather Kopp never expected to become an out-of-control alcoholic who kept private stashes of booze all over the place--tucked behind books in her study, zipped into a special compartment in her oversized purse, at the back of her closet stuffed inside her boots. Even as her career and marriage teetered on the brink, Kopp couldn't get a grip, desperately hiding the true extent of her drinking from the rest of the world--her husband included. During the day she wrote books about God and prayer and family. At night she'd locked herself in her bathroom to guzzle chardonnay.For her, as for many Christians who struggle with addiction, overwhelming shame and confusion only made things worse. Why wasn't her faith enough to save her? Why didn't repentance, Bible reading and prayer work? Where was God?Meanwhile, as she watched in horror, her grown son descended into his own nightmare of drugs and alcohol. She feared for his life, yet she couldn't stop drinking long enough to help him--or find a way out for herself.Until the day everything changed.Engaging, funny and bracingly honest, Kopp shares her remarkable journey into darkness...and back to the light again. Her story reveals the unique challenges and spiritual conundrums Christians face when they become ensnared in an addiction, and the redemption that's possible when we finally reach the end of ourselves. If you love Jesus but shop too much, drink too much, eat too much, crush on men who aren't your husband, or otherwise fixate on doing things you hate but can't stop doing, SOBER MERCIES is for you.As you follow Kopp's sincere, stumbling journey toward freedom and a deeply satisfying relationship with God, you'll find renewed hope--and practical steps of recovery--for your own journey.

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