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150 Aforismi Sul Successo e La Vita

by Wael El-Manzalawy Martina Morelli

"Getta un sasso nell'acqua stagnante. Puoi cambiare il mondo." - Wael El- Manzalawy Una sola frase può riassumere l'idea di un intero capitolo. Puoi risparmiare molri anni nella vita leggendo una frase. Questo libro contiene circa 150 aforismi di molti pensatori internazionali. Spero che questo libro vi sia utile. Aspetto una vostra risposta.

150 Citações Sobre o e a Sucesso e Vida

by Wael El-Manzalawy Lia Gonzaga

Um dos livros de citações mais populares dos últimos anos. Inspirador. Wael El´Manzalawy nos presenteia com uma leitura positiva que faz com que lembremos da nossa capacidade natural e intrínseca de criar suceso em nossa vida.

150 citas sobre el éxito y la vida

by Wael El-Manzalawy Pablo Crescentini

"Arroja una piedra al agua quieta. Puedes cambiar el mundo". -Wael El-Manzalawy Una sola cita puede resumir la idea de un capítulo entero. Una persona puede ahorrarse muchos años de vida leyendo una sola cita. Este libro contiene aproximadamente 150 citas de pensadores internacionales, y espero que le resulte útil al lector.

150 citations sur le succès et la vie

by Wael El-Manzalawy Jennifer Dureau

"L'échec peut vous détruire si vous êtes faible ; mais si vous êtes fort, vous pouvez détruire l'échec." -Wael El-Manzalawy Une seule citation peut résumer l'idée d'un chapitre entier. Ce livre contient environ 150 citations de penseurs internationaux.

The 2 AM Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure

by Jon Levy

"Jon Levy is what happens when you mix a behavioral scientist like Robert Cialdini with Indiana Jones." --Lewis Howes, New York Times bestselling author of The School of GreatnessJon Levy used to be a nerd. Now, he runs with the bulls in Pamplona, battles Kiefer Sutherland in Jenga, and crashes million-dollar weddings. How did he do it? The E.P.I.C. Model of Adventure, a breakthrough four-step process (Establish, Push Boundaries, Increase, Continue) for building the perfect adventure, from picking the right team, to choosing the right mission, and taking the right risks--with plenty of stories from his own exploits to show you how it's done. With the mold-breaking brilliance of Timothy Ferriss's The 4-Hour Work Week, and the geeky enthusiasm of a TED Talk, this book is your ticket to the next level. You'll learn plenty, but the first lesson is easy: nothing good happens after 2 AM--except the most EPIC experiences of our lives

2 Chairs: The Secret That Changes Everything

by Bob Beaudine

In this world you will have trouble. Count on it! It might be something small or something big, but you know you don’t have an answer. You’ve come to a realization there is a limit to what you can do alone. For such times as these, 2 Chairs asks three vital questions: -Does God know your situation? -Is it too hard for Him to handle? -Does He have a good plan for you? Following these questions, Bob Beaudine offers seven practical steps to walk courageously, faithfully, and cheerfully through your trouble whether it is a minor issue or a major crisis.

21 Days to Resilience: How to Transcend the Daily Grind, Deal with the Tough Stuff, and Discover Your Strongest Self

by Zelana Montminy

Happiness is not about wishful thinking, good luck, or avoiding negative thoughts. In fact, the only path to true happiness requires seeing challenges as opportunities and discovering emotional strength during times of struggle. In other words, it's about resilience. Resilience is a quality most of us want to possess. The big issue is that no one knows how to access it in their day-to-day life. We understand that it's important, that it's crucial even, but it seems like an ephemeral thing that you either have or you don't. How we actually attain the skills to become resilient has been left out of the conversation. Until now.In 21 Days to Resilience, Dr. Zelana Montminy, a leading expert in positive psychology, offers a practical, science-backed toolkit to develop your capacity to handle whatever life throws your way—and thrive. Each day of her powerful program, Dr. Montminy introduces a key trait necessary to improve resiliency and enhance wellbeing, such as gratitude, focus, playfulness, self-respect, and flexibility, then provides three simple tasks to accomplish that day—one in the morning, one during the day, and one in the evening. In addition, the book offers a "Take Stock" section that will help you gauge your current level of skill and each chapter ends with a "Lifelong" exercise that offers ways to build the skill as needed to keep your resiliency muscles strong.Dr. Montminy writes, "Being resilient does not mean that you won't encounter problems or have difficulties overcoming a challenge in your life. The difference is that resilient people don't let their adversity define them. At its core, resilience is about being capable and strong enough to persevere in adverse or stressful conditions—and to take away positive meaning from that experience. Living with resilience is more than just bouncing back; it is about shifting our perceptions, changing our responses, and growing from them." Combining proven science, unique exercises, and insights from real-life experience, 21 Days to Resilience lays the foundation for happiness and shows you how to build your strength to carry you through the rest of your life.

212 The Extra Degree: Extraordinary Results Begin with One Small Change

by Mac Anderson Sam Parker

212º The Extra Degree is a must-have in every personal and business library. A Simple Truths #1 bestseller, the concept is simple: At 211º, water is hot. At 212º, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes the difference. This analogy reflects the ultimate definition of excellence. The one extra degree of effort, in business and life, can separate the good from the great. The 212º concept is vividly illustrated for every aspect of your life through powerful stories that will inspire and motivate yourself or your team to the next level of success. We hope that you will join the people, businesses, and schools that have taken action and adopted the 212º concept and used the ONE extra degree to attain their goals.

3 Decisiones que toman las personas exitosas: El mapa para alcanzar el éxito

by John C. Maxwell

Durante casi tres décadas, John C. Maxwell ha estado entre las autoridades del éxito y liderazgo más solicitadas y respetadas. Este compendio de su best seller Your Roadmap for Success se enfoca en las tres cosas que crean una fórmula para el éxito. Pero existe algo que hay que ajustar: el modo en que vemos el éxito. Este no es un libro sobre personas exitosas; es un libro para personas exitosas, especialmente quienes no entiendan que ya están en el camino hacia el éxito. Todos tienen el potencial de llegar a ser un éxito hoy. John Maxwell revela los tres puntos esenciales para lograrlo. Usted puede llegar a ser un éxito hoy. El éxito es un viaje. Si sabe hacia dónde va y cómo llegar a ese lugar, va a alcanzar su destino. De hecho, ya lo ha alcanzado. La mentalidad más satisfactoria y transformadora que una persona puede adoptar es que el éxito está en el viaje. Cuando entiende que el proceso diario es lo que hace que sus metas sean reales, no sólo acaba de cambiar el plan del éxito... usted mismo ya ha llegado a ser un éxito. Este libro le enseñará lo que significa estar en el viaje hacia el éxito, le ayudará a descubrir su mapa personal y le equipará con lo que necesitará para cambiar de curso y para seguir creciendo. El camino al éxito le está esperando; es probable que usted ya esté en él.

3 Things Successful People Do

by John C. Maxwell

You have the potential to become a success today. Success is a journey. If you know where you're going and how to get there, you are going to reach your destination. In fact, you already have. The single most fulfilling, game-changing state of mind a person can adopt is the notion that success is in the journey itself. When you surrender superficial notions of "arrival" and realize that the daily process is what makes your goals real, you haven't just changed the game of success . . . you've become a success already. 3 Things Successful People Do will teach you what it means to be on the journey to success, help you discover your personal roadmap, and equip you with what you'll need to change course and keep growing. The path to success is waiting for you--chances are, you're on it already.

The 30-Day Sobriety Solution

by Dave Andrews Jack Canfield

From the bestselling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul comes a revolutionary programme to help you cut back or quit drinking entirely - on your own and in the privacy of your own home. Existing established published resources have utterly failed to help most alcoholics. Only a tiny percentage of those with alcohol abuse issues ever receive any sort of treatment, including Alcoholics Anonymous, which provides a dated programme of recovery that many find difficult to accept or practical to implement. There has also been no dramatic decline in alcoholism over time, suggesting that we are desperately in need of a fresh approach. The 30-Day Sobriety Solutionoffers the answer to anyone who feels their drinking has become unmanageable. Inspired by Canfield's work in self-esteem and success training and developed into a programme by Dave Andrews, it integrates positive psychology, neurolinguistic programming, cognitive therapy, meditation, positive self-talk and the correction of negative self-perceptions, amongst numerous other techniques. At the core of this programme are the two concepts of a no alcohol '30-Day Reboot', with the option of a non-abstinence track after the first 30 days. This is a model of sobriety that you can achieve in the privacy of your own home in only a few minutes a day.

The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home

by Jack Canfield Dave Andrews

A “sensitively written yet no-nonsense guide” to sobriety from the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and a recovery expert (Publishers Weekly, starred review).The 30-Day Sobriety Solution grew out of Jack Canfield’s decades-long work in self-esteem and success training. Its principles were carefully developed into a program by Dave Andrews and tested by thousands whose inspiring stories of recovery are shared throughout the book. Organized into five phases that span 30-day periods, this book guides you through each day with practical exercises that, over time, allow you to more easily make positive choices again and again.Integrating neuroscience, cognitive therapy, proven tools, and teachings, The 30-Day Sobriety Solution’s daily program will help you achieve your goals—whether that’s getting sober or just cutting back—and create positive, permanent change in your life.“A great book. It combines the best techniques of the human potential (EFT Tapping, neurolinguistic programming, life-purpose exercises, goal setting, meditation, guided visualization, affirmations, journaling), with the best approaches from recovery counseling and coaching in a comprehensive approach that works to overcome alcohol abuse and addiction.” —John Gray, #1 New York Times–bestselling author “This is a wonderful, thoughtful book that will guide you and inspire you to get complete control over your drinking problem once and for all.” —Brian Tracy, New York Times–bestselling author“For readers who sincerely want to stop drinking the lessons in this book will pave the way.” —Library Journal

30 Dias – Mude seus Hábitos, Mude sua Vida

by Marc Reklau Fabiana da Silva Louza

Você já se perguntou por que algumas pessoas parecem conseguir tudo facilmente e outras não? Você se sente como uma vítima das circunstâncias? Você está cansado de esperar que sua vida mude? Descubra como ter o controle e assumir a responsabilidade da sua vida, e como alguns pequenos passos diários podem mudar tudo. Neste ebook simples e rápido, você vai aprender o que é preciso para criar a vida que você quer. O livro foi escrito com base na ciência, neurociência, psicologia positiva e exemplos da vida real, e contem os melhores exercícios para criar uma dinâmica rápida em direção a uma vida mais feliz, saudável e rica. Trinta dias realmente podem fazer a diferença se você fizer as coisas de forma consistente e desenvolver novos hábitos! "30 Dias" não é apenas um livro para ler. Para fazê-lo funcionar, VOCÊ tem que trabalhar e fazer os exercícios propostos. Descubra o seu grande potencial e... *Pare de ser a vítima das circunstâncias e comece a criar as suas circunstâncias. *Pare de esperar por um milagre acontecer e torne-se um. *Pare de sofrer e comece a criar a vida que você quer. *Melhore a sua autoconfiança. *Melhores suas relações com seu parceiro, seus colegas e seu chefe! Por quanto tempo mais você vai esperar as circunstâncias mudarem magicamente? Por quanto tempo mais você vai ignorar o seu poder e verdadeiro potencial? Você realmente pode transformar seus sonhos em realidade - mas você tem que parar de falar e começar a agir. A hora é AGORA!

300 Things I Hope

by Iain S. Thomas

"A whole book of &“I hope this...&” and &“I hope that...&” and you think, blah blah, blah, until you read that particular hope which is just for you, it must be just for you it is so perfect, and the whole book opens like a window onto a sunny day."–Joey Comeau, Author of A Softerworld, Lock Pick Pornography, One Bloody Thing After Another and Overqualified, amongst other things This collection of hope will move you and remind you of what's important in life as you live it. From Iain S. Thomas, the creator of I Wrote This For You, and artist Carla Kreuser comes a collection of 300 things they truly and sincerely hope for you: from wishing you always have a pen, to hoping you're never lonely, and everything in-between. This collection of inspiring prose and illustrations will move you, and remind you of what's important in life as you live it. Or, that's what they hope.

397 Suggerimenti E Idee Per Scrivere Un Diario (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead Erica Scala

Scrivere un diario è fondamentalmente l’atto di registrare i propri pensieri e sentimenti, appuntandoli su base quotidiana. Quest’arte ormai è diffusa da centinaia di anni, ed è stata utilizzata dalla maggior parte delle persone per attenuare lo stress ed esprimere se stessi. Uno dei diari più famosi è quello di Samuel Pepys, un amministratore della marina del XVII secolo, che considerò importante scrivere ciò che accadeva durante la sua vita, dai suoi sentimenti personali a eventi importanti che non solo coinvolgevano lui, ma anche il mondo intero. Questi eventi comprendono la guerra Anglo-Olandese, la Restaurazione della Monarchia Inglese, e perfino il Grande Incendio e la Grande Peste di Londra. Oggi, una biblioteca di Cambridge porta il suo nome.

The 4 x 4 Diet: 4 Key Foods, 4-Minute Workouts, Four Weeks to the Body You Want

by Carrie Underwood Erin Oprea

Discover the 4 key foods and the 4-minute workouts that will change the way readers look and feel in just 4 weeks. Celebrity trainer and former marine Erin Oprea's motto is "lean and clean." Her unique 4 x 4 diet shows readers how to get clean by reducing the 4 major hitches in most diets: sugar, starch, sodium, and alcohol. She also tells readers how to get lean, using her 4-minute tabata workouts: 8 repititions of 20 seconds of high-intensity moves, then 10 seconds of rest. Within 4 weeks, the average person will be able to reduce bloating and belly fat; gain increased muscle definition in the arms, legs, and stomach; improve cardiovascular endurance; and break sugar and sodium addictions. Complete with meal plans and recipes, the 4 x 4 diet is perfect for anyone looking to streamline their body and lifestyle.

417 More Games, Puzzles & Trivia Challenges Specially Designed to Keep Your Brain Young

by Nancy Linde

It&’s never too late to improve your brain. Achieving and maintaining a higher level of mental fitness can be surprisingly fun—and to your brain, it&’s healthy exercise. In this follow-up volume to her bestselling 399 Games, Puzzle & Trivia Challenges Designed to Keep Your Brain Young, Nancy Linde offers a brand-new collection of puzzles, trivia challenges, brainteasers, and word games that are not only great fun to do but are specifically designed to give your brain the kind of workout that stimulates neurogenesis, the process that allows the brain to grow new cells.Cross-train your brain by targeting 6 key cognitive functions: Long-term memory, working memory, executive functioning, attention to detail, multitasking, and processing speed. This is the kind of exercise you&’ll want to do, and all it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day for a full workout.

4D Leadership

by Alan Watkins

Today's leaders need to change radically to meet the challenge of complex organizations in business landscapes that are in flux. This requires not merely new skills and competencies, but a step-change in development in three fundamental dimensions: how you do things, who you are, and how you relate to other people. 4D Leadership is what happens when this step-change in doing, being and relating takes place. When you move up to the next level of ability and sophistication in these three dimensions, you will have unlocked the fourth dimension (verticality) and you will receive a significant competitive advantage. Neuroscientist and leadership coach Dr Alan Watkins draws on groundbreaking research into adult development to present a framework that will transform your ability to excel as a leader. 4D Leadership isn't just a software patch for leadership skills: this is an upgrade to the next level of the human operating system, the next level of leadership development. 4D Leadership is the book for: anyone who feels overwhelmed by the competing priorities of their jobs; anyone who feels stressed by trying to maintain competitive advantage through innovation; anyone looking to develop a more responsive and rewarding strategy, drive change and take people with them, and become a truly rounded and 4-dimensional leader.

5-Minute Hair: 50 super-quick hairstyles to wear and go

by Jenny Strebe

Whether you're heading to work, a party or out with friends, 5-Minute Hair has fifty looks that are perfect for busy women everywhere.Hairstylist Jenny Strebe compiles the best classic and modern styles - from a retro bouffant ponytail to a hip stacked side plait - all simple enough to do in under five minutes. With plenty of options for all hair types and lengths, it has never been so easy to try something special, even when you're in a hurry.Packed full of easy-to-follow instructions, gorgeous step-by-step photographs and handy timesaving tips and tricks from the professionals, 5-Minute Hair is the perfect book to help you achieve maximum style with minimum fuss.

5-Minute Hairstyles

by Jenny Strebe

Fabulous hair in five minutes!A comprehensive, full-color collection of easy, stylish ponytails, braids, and buns to quickly set you up for day and night, work and play.Whether you're heading to work, a party, or a date, hairstylist Jenny Strebe has the perfect do for you--and all it takes to look great is five minutes! Featuring fifty pretty styles in a handy pocket-sized guide, 5-Minute Hairstyles includes classic and modern styles to match every look, including a retro bouffant ponytail, stacked side braid, and the perfect messy bun. A must for busy women everywhere, 5-Minute Hairstyles makes changing your look simple and fun, with easy-to-follow instructions, gorgeous step-by-step photographs, and handy timesaving tips and tricks from the professionals. With plenty of options for all hair types and lengths, it has never been so easy to look fabulous in five minutes!

5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy (5 Minutes with Jesus)

by Sheila Walsh Sherri Gragg

We all have days when joy feels out of reach. Maybe it&’s because our routines feel mundane or our struggles seem unending, but we end up just trying to get through the day. We forget that Scripture tells us joy—the joy of the Lord—is always within in reach.Jesus told his disciples to remain in his truth and love so that his joy may be in them, and Sheila Walsh guides women toward this amazing experience in 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy. Powerful devotions, encouraging scriptures, and memorable takeaways will inspire readers to draw close to Jesus and live with his joy every day. Spending time with the Savior can make a world of difference!With contemporary packaging and inspiring content, 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy makes a beautiful gift for a friend who needs encouragement and a great self-purchase for anyone looking for a little more joy in her life.

5% More: Making Small Changes to Achieve Extraordinary Results

by Michael Alden

Small changes lead to big results that stick 5% More presents a painless route to change, with results that can last a lifetime. Whether you want to boost your health, wealth, or wisdom, this book reveals a key technique that makes it stick. You may already know that breaking big goals into small chunks makes them easier to achieve, but the trick is in making those chunks large enough to be productive, yet small enough to be sustainable. This book shows you how to bring your goals within reach with only five percent more effort. Five percent is almost unnoticeable in terms of effort--but it accrues quickly, with each step boosting the baseline. Increase sales, decrease your marathon time, boost your savings, or master a new skill. Just five percent more can get you where you want to be. Small changes, small commitments, and small adjustments can lead to very big results. You can accomplish more than you ever thought possible in your business or in your life. This book walks you through the 5% More strategy to help you map your path to the future. Accomplish big changes with very small steps Make bigger leaps in progress each step of the way Break big goals into manageable milestones Find a change that you can stick to for the long-term Mountain climbers don't conquer Everest on their first time out--attempting to do so would be a tragic failure. No matter what your goal, no matter what your baseline, small, incremental steps set you up for success. 5% More gives you a concrete strategy for realizing your goals and making changes that last.

5 Steps to Reducing Stress: Recognizing What Works

by Genella Macintyre

In this simple, five-step guide, a psychology expert helps readers understand stress, develop a personal plan to manage it, and live a better life.Five Steps to Reducing Stress provides an essential strategy built upon understanding stress, taking stock, managing your external environment and then your internal one, and taking action. Corporate trainer and psychology expert Genella Macintyre pushes past the usual surface-level explanations for stress and digs deeper into the root causes. This book is a toolbox of practical micro-strategies based on discovering your personal stress-management style and recognizing what works. Journaling exercises and recommended activities provide key reference points. Reclaim your quality of time and quality of life!Praise for 5 Steps to Reducing Stress“Highly recommended! [Macintyre] breaks down the often-overwhelming process of getting out of distress and moving forward with life and living. Practical, bite-sized solutions encourage readers to build new habits, learn stress-mastery skills, and be more resilient.” —Esther Orioli, CEO, Essi Systems; author, StressMap® and Resiliency Map®“Having worked with military families for many years by assisting them with health and wellness resources, I am very aware of the stress that many of these families face. The easy-to-follow strategies in [this book] are ideal for anyone feeling stressed out and looking for a way to break out of the cycle and feel inspired to live life to the fullest!” —Kim Hetherington, former executive director, Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre“Macintyre’s approach to managing stress is a breath of fresh air! Stress is personal, and so is stress reduction—it’s not a one-size-fits-all fix. These five steps allow readers to take stock and then take action in a highly individualized way.” —Loretta LaRoche, bestselling author, star of seven PBS shows, and international stress-management and humor consultant

5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead

by Steve Cockram Jeremie Kubicek

Discover your leadership voice and unlock your potential to influence others 5 Voices is the code for unlocking your capacity to have honest conversations and build deeper, more authentic relationships with your teams, your families and your friends. In order to lead others effectively, we need a true understanding of ourselves, our natural tendencies and patterns of behavior. In learning what your leadership voice sounds like to others, you will discover what it feels like to be on the other side of your personality, as well as how to hear and value others' voices, namely the Pioneer, the Connector, the Creative, the Guardian, and the Nurturer. Once you understand your own leadership voice, you'll discover how best to communicate with each of the other voices, which will transform your communication at every level of relationship, both personal and professional. In mastering the 5 Voices of leadership, you will increase your emotional intelligence, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage as a leader. You will also be equipped with a simple, easy to remember vocabulary that, when shared, has a track record for decreasing the drama, misunderstanding and miscommunication in all spheres of influence. Are you focused on relationships, values, and people? Or are you oriented more toward tradition, money, and resources? Do you know how others hear your voice? Do you appreciate the contributions of others on your team? This book will help you identify your natural leadership style, and give you a framework for leveraging your strengths. Find your foundational leadership voice Learn to hear and value the voices of others Know yourself before leading others Connect and communicate well with team, family and friends All five leadership voices come with their own particular set of strengths, and all have areas for growth. Understanding both sides of the equation is the key to taking your leadership to the next level and is the secret to increasing your ability to influence your team, family and friends. 5 Voices is a simple key which unlocks complicated relational dynamics and improves the health and alignment of all your relationships.

50 for Your Future: Lessons From Down The Road

by Tavis Smiley

Stepping into your authentic life can be difficult, but rest assured you’re not the first one to walk this path . . .On these gorgeously illustrated pages, media mogul and social entrepreneur Tavis Smiley shares 50 nuggets of wisdom he’s gleaned while rising from humble roots to become a critically acclaimed host of television and radio, as well as an impactful philanthropist. Through his relationships with cultural luminaries such as Maya Angelou and Quincy Jones, and personal mentors such as Rosa Parks, Peter Jennings, and Smiley’s own sagacious grandmother "Big Mama"—not to mention the lumps he’s taken along the way—Smiley has learned how to avoid pitfalls like fear and convenience, and claim your best life.Here, Smiley offers both guidebook and toolkit to help you get on track, whether you’re just setting out on your own, or you need a course correction to keep marching toward your dreams.

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