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The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms

by Danielle Laporte

The Fire Starter Sessions is an apathy-kicking, integrity-infusing guide to defining success on your own terms. <P><P> As the creator of "the best place online for kick-ass spirituality," Danielle LaPorte's straight-talk life-and-livelihood sermons have been read by over one million people. Bold but empathetic, she reframes popular self-help and success concepts: <P> : Life balance is a myth, and the pursuit of it is causing us more stress then the craving for balance itself. <P> : Being well-rounded is over-rated. When you focus on developing your true strengths, you enter your mastery zone. <P> : Screw your principles (they might be holding you back). <P> : We have ambition backwards. <P> Getting clear on how you want to feel in your life + work is more important than setting goals. It's the most potent form of clarity that you can have, and it's what leads to true fulfillment. <P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these. </i>


by David J. Laporte William T. Carpenter

From the pathological killer who gunned down the innocents at Virginia Tech to the average citizen who suspects the government is monitoring phone calls, the signs of suspiciousness and paranoia are all around us. In this comprehensive overview of an increasingly serious problem, an experienced psychologist and researcher describes what paranoia is, how and why it manifests itself, and the many forms it takes, including stalking, pathological jealousy, as a reaction to post-traumatic stress disorder, and perhaps even militia movements. Using striking vignettes from the present and the past, each chapter illustrates specific manifestations of paranoia while also describing in layperson's terms the clinical analysis of the condition. Among the topics discussed are the evolutionary origins of our "suspiciousness system" and factors that can trigger it today, the connection between illicit drug usage and paranoid behavior, PTSD, violent expressions of paranoia, and options for treating various kinds of paranoia.The author emphasizes that life in post-9/11 America is a fertile environment for paranoia; in an era of computer hackers, omnipresent security cameras, NSA surveillance, and terrorism, "normal" people have good reasons to be suspicious as their sense of security and privacy is undermined. But in such an insecure atmosphere, everyday suspicion can easily be ratcheted up, resulting in paranoia and occasionally violent outbursts. He warns of a possible epidemic of paranoia and suggests public health measures that could be used to counteract this potentially dangerous trend.Whether you consider yourself susceptible to paranoia or know others who might be, this enlightening book will help you understand the many factors that can distort your mental outlook.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Forged in Darkness: The Many Paths of Personal Transformation

by Dr. Joanna LaPrade

Written by an experienced psychotherapist, Forged in Darkness encourages readers to work with archetypes in mythology to stop rejecting the darkness within and instead learn to embrace it.When we search within, we inevitably find the underworld – lost connections, failed enterprises, haunting memories, insecurities and buried secrets. This book unites self-discovery with mythology, returning the underworld to its rightful place – a dreaded realm that harbours profound transformation, richness and expansion. Using archetypes from mythology, psychotherapist Dr Joanna LaPrade teaches readers that experiences of darkness are natural and necessary markers along the path of growth and discovery. We all experience darkness, and this comprehensive and accessible guide will show readers of all ages how to embrace the shadowed parts of themselves. For millennia, cultures around the world have told myths about the underworld. It is a tragedy that the only image we have in the West is that of Hercules, requiring us to be strong and defeat the shadowed parts of our life. Forged in Darkness explores the archetype Hercules represents and turns toward other heroes and gods for models of journeying into darkness. When we question, learn to accept and make sacrifices, Odysseus is present. We acknowledge Dionysus when we reconnect with what is volcanic, unrestrained and feral. We may experience Persephone as we&’re abducted from our comforts and connected to a mysterious authority within.

Normal Is Just a Setting on the Dryer: And Other Lessons from the Real Real World

by Adair Lara Roxanna Bikadoroff

We could all use some advice now and then. When the self-help books just aren't helping, it's time to call in the experts: real people. San Francisco Chronicle columnist Adair Lara polled her readers for life lessons learned through experience, receiving thousands of heartfelt and irreverent responses. The best are compiled here in over 200 bits of priceless counsel. With witty illustrations by Roxanna Bikadoroff, this handy little volume is filled with humor, unconventional insights, and the kind of common wisdom that will always bear repeating.

Tus modelos del amor: Descubre cómo a

by Karla Lara

«Si hasta ahora has pensado que eso del amor no es para ti, entonces éste es el libro que necesitas. No importa si eres mujer, hombre, heterosexual, homosexual, soltero, casado o divorciado, en estas páginas encontrarás respuestas a muchas de tus preguntas con respecto al amor». Todos queremos encontrar el amor, mantener una relación o superar un fracaso amoroso, hemos escuchado muchas veces que el amor propio es importantísimo y que, sin amarnos primero a nosotros, no podemos amar a nadie más... pero nadie nos ha dicho cómo lograr que ese amor propio crezca, tampoco nos dicen cómo evitar que un amor a punto de fracasar sobreviva o cómo salirnos de un patrón de relaciones tóxicas. Karla Lara nos acompaña en este proceso mediante ejercicios, objetivos claros y explicaciones precisas que nos ayudarán a comprender que nuestro modelo de amor puede transformarse y que las relaciones de pareja se construyen entre dos (o más, si se da un acuerdo). Acepta el reto y atrévete a cuestionarte y crecer emocionalmente.

Imagen, actitud y poder: Haz que tu estilo y tu personalidad trabajen por ti

by Lucy Lara

Lucy Lara explora el arte sutil de hacerte dueña de tu poder a través de tu actitud, tu estilo y tu aplomo. ¿Recuerdas el momento esta mañana cuando elegiste lo que te ibas a poner? ¿Fue un acto consciente o uno rutinario? ¿Lo resolviste como unaecuación o esquivaste la avalancha de opciones que se lanzaban sobre ti eligiendo lo primero, lo obvio, «lo de siempre»? Si supieras que una decisión sobre tu persona se toma, en gran medida, con base en tu aspecto, ¿le dedicarías más tiempo?De la misma forma, en el día a día, también influyen la actitud que tienes y tus reacciones ante loinesperado. Utilizando como modelo su vasta experiencia como editora de revistas, Lucy te ofrece los mejores consejos para que tengas una presencia impactante, desde cómo dominar las emociones, hasta cómo sortear el infame techo de cristal al que nos enfrentamos las mujeres en nuestras carreras profesionales. Incluye anécdotas entretenidas como cuando Lucy hizo una entrevista para una posición y fue elegida para un puesto más alto, y te sugiere los accesorios que ella acuñó como «los 7 fantásticos», capaces de abrirte el mejor camino.Espejearte, conducirte con congruencia y responder positivamente son sólo algunas habilidades críticas que Lucy explica para que alcances el puesto de tus sueños.

Imagen, actitud y poder: Haz que tu estilo y tu personalidad trabajen por ti

by Lucy Lara

Lucy Lara explora el arte sutil de hacerte dueña de tu poder a través de tu actitud, tu estilo y tu aplomo. ¿Recuerdas el momento esta mañana cuando elegiste lo que te ibas a poner? ¿Fue un acto consciente o uno rutinario? ¿Lo resolviste como una ecuación o esquivaste la avalancha de opciones que se lanzaban sobre ti eligiendo lo primero, lo obvio, «lo de siempre»? Si supieras que una decisión sobre tu persona se toma, en gran medida, con base en tu aspecto, ¿le dedicarías más tiempo?De la misma forma, en el día a día, también influyen la actitud que tienes y tus reacciones ante lo inesperado. Utilizando como modelo su vasta experiencia como editora de revistas, Lucy te ofrece los mejores consejos para que tengas una presencia impactante, desde cómo dominar las emociones, hasta cómo sortear el infame techo de cristal al que nos enfrentamos las mujeres en nuestras carreras profesionales. Incluye anécdotas entretenidas como cuando Lucy hizo una entrevista para una posición y fue elegida para un puesto más alto, y te sugiere los accesorios que ella acuñó como «los 7 fantásticos», capaces de abrirte el mejor camino. Espejearte, conducirte con congruencia y responder positivamente son sólo algunas habilidades críticas que Lucy explica para que alcances el puesto de tus sueños. Lo que se ha dicho... "Una significativa historia sobre la importancia de la moda y la imagen en todos los ámbitos de la vida de las personas y cómo puede afectar a nuestra actitud y encumbrarnos al liderazgo." -PURIFICACIÓN GARCÍA, empresaria y diseñadora "¿Como supo que era policía, señora? ¿Por mi personalidad o mi bravura?" y la mujer respondió: "No, porque está usted vestido como policía". Esta era una broma que nos hacía nuestra maestra de sexto grado cuando nos negábamos a portar el uniforme con dignidad. Vestir el papel, evidenciar lo que somos. En mis muchos años trabajando al lado de Lucy, he aprendido no solo a expresarme a través de lo que uso, sino a conseguir que lo que uso sea un aliado en mis planes. Si alguien puede dar cátedra en el tema de vestir para triunfar, para ser tomado en serio y empoderarte, esa es sin duda Lucy Lara. Este libro será sin duda alguna, un gran aliado para lograr tus metas en la vida... -ANTONIO GONZÁLEZ DE COSIO, autor de El libro del estilo

El poder de reinventarte: Conquista tu fuerza y seguridad para transformarte en lo que quieras ser

by Lucy Lara

Lucy Lara vierte su corazón en estas páginas para entregar su libro más personal a la fecha. Vivir como inmigrante en Estados Unidos, la infertilidad, el desgastante proceso de la adopción, el desamor, elascenso en la pendiente profesional, la pérdida de relaciones cercanas y la desilusión de expectativasno cumplidas no son asuntos ajenos para la autora. Reconoce que, ante todo esto, su carácter sólido y decidido, la pasión por lo que le interesa y la voluntad de hacer lo que sea para alcanzar sus metas la han convertido en quien es. En este libro Lucy Lara pone el foco en acceder al poder individual a través de la transformación continua, una práctica necesaria y constante. Trata de su incansable búsqueda para encontrar un propósito y las herramientas que ha descubierto para replantear valores, prioridades y habilidades que juegan un papel indispensable en el cambio. Esta lectura acompaña un momento en el que todos hemos tenido que adaptarnos a una realidad diferente que demanda: · Rescatar a la persona que siempre has querido ser para crecer y triunfar sin maltratarte en el camino. · Desactivar una actitud insegura para lograr vivir en plenitud. · Abandonar la absurda idea de perfección para abrazar tu verdadero potencial al reinventarte. La crítica dice: “Cuando nos aproximamos a una figura exitosa difícilmente imaginamos sus quiebres, fragilidad e inseguridades. Lucy Lara se abre de capa y, con las lecciones aprendidas en estos tiempos de incertidumbre, alumbra el camino de la autotransformación. Hay luz en los momentos oscuros...” SILVIA CHEREM, periodista y autora de múltiples bestsellers entre los que destaca Ese instante.

Dry Humping: A Guide to Dating, Relating, and Hooking Up Without the Booze


A lighthearted, cheeky, and judgment-free handbook from sober sexpert Tawny Lara on how to have better sex, better dates, and better partnerships—without relying on alcohol!When you&’re intimidated or overwhelmed, it&’s easy to turn to alcohol to feel more relaxed and outgoing. But what if you want to cut back or cut out alcohol from your life? What do you do on dates? How do you soothe worries and hang-ups? And how the heck do you get up the nerve to be naked with someone new?In Dry Humping, you will learn how to have better dates, sex, and partnerships with tools like: Booze-free date ideasScripts for awkward conversationsInterviews with experts Thought-provoking promptsPerspectives from a diverse range of regular peopleAnd more!You don&’t need alcohol to have a fun, carefree, fulfilling dating life. Dry Humping offers you the tools to step away from alcohol, for however long you want to, while also having more fun in and out of the bedroom.

When They Win, You Win: Being a Great Manager Is Simpler Than You Think

by Russ Laraway

From the legendary Silicon Valley manager who inspired Radical Candor, the three simple rules for creating happy, engaged teams.Businesses everywhere are plagued by managers who seem to think that keeping their staff miserable is the best way to deliver profits. This is a failure of leadership that also hurts the bottom line; research has shown that maintaining a happy, engaged workforce consistently drives measurably better business results across the board.In When They Win, You Win, Russ Laraway, the Chief People Officer at Qualtrics, provides a simple, coherent, and complete leadership standard that teaches organizational planners and managers how to develop incredible levels of employee engagement. The book identifies three key elements: clear direction-setting, frequent coaching, and active engagement with employees on their long-term career goals.Russ Laraway's approach to management, developed at Google, Twitter, and Qualtrics, shows the way to cultivate a happy, productive, and engaged team. Happy results are sure to follow—for you, your customers, your shareholders, and your employees alike.

How to Make Partner and Still Have a Life: The Smart Way to Get to and Stay at the Top

by Jo Larbie Heather Townsend

The burning question on every ambitious fee-earner's lips is: 'how do I make partner at this firm?' Fully updated with the latest insights to tackle all the most current challenges in this fast developing industry, this 2nd edition of How to Make Partner and Still Have a Life is your route map to making it to the top in a professional services firm. It shows you how to stand out, be in the right place at the right time and build your kitbag of skills to overcome the many hurdles and reach the Holy Grail of becoming partner. This book reveals what it really takes to make it, and what it will involve once you're there. It helps you make an informed decision on whether or not this is the right step for you, and guides you on how to become a partner and still sustain a healthy work/life balance. Heather Townsend and Jo Larbie show you the rules of the game, laying bare exactly what you need to do to take the ultimate step.

How to Make Partner and Still Have a Life: The Smart Way to Get to and Stay at the Top (Kogan Page Ser.)

by Jo Larbie Heather Townsend

Becoming a partner in a professional services firm is for many ambitious fee-earners the ultimate goal. But in this challenging industry, with long hours, high pressure and even higher expectations, how do you stand out from the crowd? How do you build the most effective relationships? And how do you find the time to do all of this and still have a fulfilling personal life? Now in its third edition, How to Make Partner and Still Have a Life equips individuals at the start of their career through to partner with the skills needed to reach and succeed at the leadership level.How to Make Partner and Still Have a Life details the expectations and realities of being a partner and outlines how you can continue to achieve once you have obtained the much-coveted role. This edition is updated with guidance on developing the right mindset for success and the importance of mentoring and sponsorship. There is a specific focus on women and BAME professionals and the challenges faced by individuals coming from non-traditional or under-represented backgrounds. Heather Townsend and Jo Larbie provide a guide to help you tackle common obstacles and work smarter - not harder - to reach the top. Start your journey to partnership and still have the time for a life outside of work.

Dying to Be Free: A Healing Guide for Families after a Suicide

by Jean Larch Beverly Cobain

Honest, gentle advice for those who have survived an unspeakable loss—the suicide of a loved one.Surviving the heartbreak of a loved one's suicide - you don't have to go through it alone. Authors Beverly Cobain and Jean Larch break through suicide's silent stigma in Dying to Be Free, offering gentle advice for those left behind, so that healing can begin.

Where Have You Gone, God?

by Jennifer Rees Larcombe

The author examines times during the Christian life when God feels far away. Presents Scriptures pertaining to spiritual wildernesses, provides reasons that some of these deserts occur, and offers many personal stories of grief, anxiety, bereavement, and spiritual dryness. Included are ideas for making the most of a difficult time and suggestions for making one's way out of the proverbial desert.

Flipping the Fairytale: The Six Magic Keys to Unlocking Your Relationship Potential

by Cindi Laree

Disenchanted with the search for Prince Charming and tired of kissing frogs?You&’re struggling to find your Prince Charming, soul mate, or dream guy and are tired of dating all the wrong men. Or maybe you haven&’t even been able to find the wrong men to date. Are your dreams of a passionate Happily Ever After fading quickly? Look no further! In six simple steps, transform your dating persona and learn to find and attract the dream-come-true relationship so you can have your fairytale ending. Author Cindi Laree takes you through her six-step process in which you can laugh, learn from the mishaps she encountered while kissing Frogs, running from Dragons, mistaking Knights in Shining Armor for the Prince, and discover how to find your own passionate Happily Ever After.In Flipping the Fairytale, you&’ll learn:Where to find quality men in your kingdomHow to spot Frogs, Dragons, and Village IdiotsWhat to look for while screening potential suitorsHow to attract Prince CharmingHow to easily create your dream-come-true relationshipDo not delay. Join Cindi as Enchanted meets to find a prince and create your Happily Ever After today.

Drop the Diet, Drop the Weight: Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss

by Vera LaRee

Learn to win at the weight loss game by freeing your mind and body from the attitudes that keep you stuck in a dieting rut.Cult survivor and longtime fitness enthusiast, Vera LaRee has spent her life mastering the art of staying free of systems that hold the mind hostage. She is a former bodybuilder competitor who now devotes her life to dismantling the idea of a thin supremacy. In Drop the Diet, Drop the Weight, those who are sick of their weight being a problem learn:How the dieting industry is working against them to keep them trapped in weight gainHow to stop letting deeply hidden body image issues manipulate themHow to leverage their own body and mind to work with their goalsHow to learn to trust themselves to end their weight struggles

Persuade: The 4-Step Process to Influence People and Decisions

by Andres Lares Jeff Cochran Shaun Digan

Transform your ability to persuade and negotiate with this practical new resource In Persuade: The 4-Step Process to Influence People and Decisions, accomplished sales, negotiation, and influence experts Andres Lares, Jeff Cochran, and Shaun Digan PhD deliver a concise and insightful take on how to transform your ability to persuade others regardless of the setting. In this important book you'll discover: Original research and scientific studies shedding light on the human decision-making processes that drive success and failure in virtually all interactions Real world examples and practical exercises to illustrate and practice the concepts discussed A fun yet rigorous approach of a complex subject that can be practically applied in any business situation Persuade is perfect for executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders and will earn a place in the libraries of any professional who negotiates or influences on a regular basis. It is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their persuasion or deal-making abilities.

Bryson City Tales: Stories of a Doctor's First Year of Practice in the Smoky Mountains

by Walt Larimore

Captivating stories of how a young doctor's first year of medical practice in the Smoky Mountains shaped his practice of life and faith.The little mountain hamlet of Bryson City, North Carolina, offers more than dazzling vistas. For Walt Larimore, a young "flatlander" physician setting up his first practice, the town presents its peculiar challenges as well. With the winsomeness of a James Herriott book, Bryson City Tales sweeps you into a world of colorful characters, the texture of Smoky Mountain life, and the warmth, humor, quirks, and struggles of a small country town.It's a world where the family doctor is also the emergency physician, the coroner, and the obstetrician, and where wilderness medicine is part of the job, search-and-rescue calls in the national forest are a way of life, and the next patient just may be somebody's livestock or pet.Bryson City Tales is the tender and insightful chronicle of a young man's rite of passage from medical student to family physician. Laughter and adventure await you in these pages, and lessons learned from Bryson City's unforgettable residents.

Super Sized Kids

by Walter L. Larimore

A guide for getting your whole family to a healthy weight.

Minimalismo: Um guia completo para a felicidade com menos (para iniciantes)

by Jefferson Lark

Há tantas pessoas que são consumidas pela busca inscessante por dinheiro e poder. Eles estão sempre tentando encontrar uma maneira de possuir coisas sem sentido que não podem trazer a verdadeira felicidade e satisfação, e ao longo do processo, eles perdem coisas que são verdadeiramente valiosas. Eles acabam ficando sobrecarregados, deprimidos e sem propósito, apesar de tudo o que conseguiram. Minimalismo é um processo que envolve livrar-se de tudo o que não serve mais a propósito. Ele gira em torno de encontrar significado, valor e intenção em todos os aspectos da vida. Quando um minimalista decide seguir um caminho mais significativo, é lhe dada a capacidade de escapar das liberdades e constrições que ligam tantas pessoas a uma vida de descontentamento. O minimalismo é mal interpretado como o caminho dos monges. Na realidade, o minimalismo é o caminho para aceitar as coisas que trazem alegria e valor na vida e evitar as coisas que levam ao estresse. É um caminho de alegria e estabilidade.

Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos

by Brett Larkin

&“Brett translates the magic of ancient yoga for those who need it most.&” —James Nestor, New York Times bestselling author of BreathOverwhelmed? Overscheduled? Want to access the benefits of yoga, but can&’t seem to make it to the mat? Beat stress with a yoga ritual that works for you in 20-minutes or less. Featuring adaptations for anxiety, weight loss, injury, and prenatal yoga, this "playful and real" (Elena Brower) guide is a must-read for beginners and seasoned yoga teachers alike. We all know that yoga can calm your mind and heal your body, but let&’s be real: It can be hard to cram one more thing into your messy, stressful, time-crunched life. Good news! If you're not making it to the mat, the problem isn&’t you—it&’s the yoga you&’re practicing. Award-winning instructor and Uplifted Yoga founder Brett Larkin is here to help you design an adaptable, personalized practice, and cut to the chase with quick yoga habits that soothe your soul. With the support of quizzes and thirty book-exclusive companion videos you&’ll learn: A five-step method to design a personal practice that works for your schedule. How to adapt your practice to meet your physical, mental, and emotional needs. More than a dozen yoga habits that will help you calm your mind and body, even if you never manage to make it to the mat. Grounded in the wisdom of yoga&’s original texts, Brett reminds us that yoga was always meant to fit easily into our everyday lives. Whether you&’re a beginner or a life-long practitioner, Yoga Life is your new go-to for a personal, transformative, joyful at-home practice to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit.

Rightly Dividing the Word

by Clarence Larkin

The book does not contain the opinions of the Author, nor quotations from other writers, but is based solely on the Scriptures, chapter and verse being given for every statement. The book is "Timely" in these days of Apostasy and denial of THE FAITH. -from the Foreword The Reverend Clarence Larkin was one of the most widely influential Christian fundamentalists of the early twentieth century, and his writings remain key to appreciating the conservative religious thought that today enjoys widespread popularity. This 1920 work outlines the fundamental doctrines of Christianity as revealed by the Bible, from "The Mystery of Godliness" to "Election and Free-will." Numerous charts and illustrations explain "The Five Great World-Wide Kingdoms," "The Threefold Nature of Man," "The Satanic Trinity," and more. Also available from Cosimo Classics: Larkin's The Spirit World, The Second Coming of Christ, and The Book of Revelation.

The Impostor Leaders: Lessons on How Not to Lead

by Enda M. Larkin

Taking a novel approach to the subject of leadership, this book uses its dark side as a vehicle to highlight some important leadership lessons, helping all managers to reflect on their own performance. The Impostor Leaders clarifies what is meant by genuine leadership, focusing on the fact that leading and managing go hand in hand. Based on this ability to consistently combine the leadership and management roles, this book describes in detail and practical terms, using real-world examples, the range of good and bad leader-types seen in organizations today. The Leadership Wheel is also introduced as a conceptual framework to isolate eight types of leaders across four categories. Appealing to leaders and managers across industry sectors, this book’s substantial analysis of bad leadership gives readers a tangible framework against which to consider their own capabilities.

The Chocolate Cake Sutra: Ingredients for a Sweet Life

by Geri Larkin

Chock full of moving and enlightening stories, The Chocolate Cake Sutra will help you let go of perfectionism and celebrate the sacred nature of the life you already have.

Love Dharma

by Geri Larkin

Love Dharma offers compassionate guidance and advice, looking at contemporary relationship dilemmas from a Buddhist perspective as expressed in traditional stories of enlightened Buddhist women who lived and loved during the Buddha's lifetime. You will discover how to use your romantic triumphs and tragedies to achieve personal peace and happiness, develop more satisfying connections with others, and share yourself without losing yourself. Author Geri Larkin teaches that the difficult and joyous moments of our love lives are truly opportunities to continue our spiritual journey

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