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At My Best: 365 Meditations for the Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional Well-being

by Anonymous

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."--Ralph Waldo Emerson.To achieve well-being in life you need physical, spiritual, and emotional health.At My Best, by author of A Day At A Time, draws on the wisdom of the present and past to help you set personal priorities in your search for well-being and follow through with disciplined and consistent actions toward that goal. Here are 365 mediations, one for each day of the year, built around appropriate quotations form famous authors that deal with such themes as your inner power, the link between mind and body, how your thoughts affect your health, how to choose affirming responses to setbacks in your life, and the use of mental imagery and visualization to conquer addiction and self-defeat.From the Trade Paperback edition.

When Dreams Come True: A Love Story Only God Could Write

by Eric Ludy Leslie Ludy

This daringly real, intensely moving love story gives vision and hope to everyone in search of a love worth waiting for. In their bestseller When God Writes Your Love Story, Eric and Leslie Ludy described the breathtaking perfection of God's plans for each young person and offered fresh guidelines for being Christlike in relationships with the opposite sex. When Dreams Come True shares the Ludys' personal story, illustrating how they lived out the principles of the first book in their own romance and marriage. Includes an all-new chapter from Eric Ludy, "What Happened Next?" "I had a God who knew my every desire. He also knew how I would fall. And yet He was waiting on the other side of my failure and my shattered dreams with some dreams of His own. . . " Here's hope for anyone in search of a love worth waiting for. From the bestselling authors ofWhen God Writes Your Love Storycomes this daringly real, true-life account of Eric and Leslie Ludy's own journey through the struggles and triumphs of a God-written romance. Story Behind the Book Eric and Leslie Ludy know that most young people today have never seen a successful, Christ-centered relationship modeled, and believe that "happily ever after" is a thing of the past. The Ludy's wroteWhen Dreams Come Trueto offer their own example of a God-written love story, providing the vision for that "something better" that so many young people have never seen. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Leitfaden Achtsamkeit Durch Tägliche Meditation: Wie Sie Ihr Leben ändern um Stress abzubauen und glücklich zu sein

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Wären Sie gerne imstande, Beschwerden zu beseitigen? Hätten Sie gerne weniger Angst, und würden Sie gerne mit klarem Verstand besser schlafen? Seit langem wird Achtsamkeit durch Meditation zur Behandlung einer Reihe von Beschwerden eingesetzt, um so ein glücklicheres und gesünderes Leben zu ermöglichen! Die Anwendung von Heilmethoden der Achtsamkeitsmeditation hilft auch bei chronischen Krankheiten, Entzündungen, dem Immunsystem, dem Energiepegel, der Konzentration, der allgemeinen Zufriedenheit und vielem mehr! Erleben Sie mehr positive Emotionen. Wir stellen die Geheimnisse vor, die Naturheilkundler einsetzen, um sich gesünder als je zuvor zu fühlen! Mit jahrzehntelang erprobten Strategien zeigt Ihnen dieses eBook den schnellsten und wirksamsten Weg auf, wie Sie Meditation zum Nutzen Ihres Wohlbefindens einsetzen können! Dieser Leitfaden vermittelt Ihnen bewährte Praktiken ohne den Einsatz von teuren Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln oder Kursen. Inhalt: - Abhilfemaßnahmen. - Stress besiegen. - Ängste abbauen & beseitigen. - Mehr Energie haben. - Besser schlafen. - Achtsamkeit. - Beschwerden überwinden. - Ernährung. - Was Sie wissen sollten. + VIELES MEHR! Sie möchten gesünder sein, Beschwerden heilen oder die Konzentration und das Wohlbefinden verbessern? Dann ist dieser Leitfaden genau das Richtige für Sie. --> Scrollen Sie zum Seitenanfang, und klicken Sie für den Sofortkauf auf den Button „In den Warenkorb“ Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Autor und/oder der/die Rechteinhaber erhebt/erheben keine Ansprüche und gibt/geben keine Versprechungen oder Garantien in Bezug auf die Genauigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit des Inhalts dieses Buches und lehnt/lehnen ausdrücklich die Haftung für Fehler und Auslassungen in den Inhalten ab. Dieses Produkt ist nur als Nachschlagewerk gedacht. Bitte wenden Sie sich an einen Fachmann, bevor Sie Maßnahmen zu den d

Other Me: A autoscopy about the reality of lide and the conception of the self.

by Antonio Almas

And then it came the time for silence; it had to come one day, because too many words disorders the mind, too much talking exhausts your head, overwhelm your senses and strays you from what's essential. I know that I attempted to run, that I couldn't accept loneliness and the absence of noise. I struggled to keep myself among others, to be like them, to have lots of friends, to go to lots of parties and feel lots of joy, but that was not who I was. I was a tiny, quiet person, who always wanted to be on their own, shut into their own world, in silence, hidden inside their own brain. I never had the hang for being public, even though I had such ability for argumentation. When I first started in the political arts, I felt uncomfortable with all the lies, the need for constantly being under the sight of the people, under the scrutiny of others; I was never into being scrutinized. Not sure if it's for fear, although, yes, I've always been afraid of everything, of being wimpy, of not being as good as the others. I always use others in a comparative way, after all, that's the way it is, we're always pointing out differences between ones and others, fighting to surpass the others instead of helping each other. In sum, a young one with inferiority complexes can only grow into an adult filled with insecurity, who, besides their obstinacy for an independent life and paying your own bills, has left behind a few fragilities which, apparently, weren't so evident though equally serious; as serious as those of who could not be in charge of building a solid, stable life.

Auto-hipnosis: Aprende a obtener lo que deseas

by Andrew V. Rodriguez

Este libro contiene pasos y estrategias comprobadas sobre como la hipnosis puede ser benéfica para tu vida personal y cómo puedes obtener lo que desees con su ayuda. Esta guía cubre todo lo que necesitarás para ir de no saber nada sobre la hipnosis a desarrollar con confianza tus propias y exitosas sesiones de auto hipnosis.

Meditation für Anfänger: Étapes faciles pour trouver votre paix intérieure, réduire le stress et augmenter le bonheur

by Sarah Sands

Möchten Sie in der Lage sein, Beschwerden zu beseitigen, weniger Angst zu haben, besser mit einem klaren Verstand zu schlafen, und Depressionen zu schlagen? Für die längste Zeit, Achtsamkeit durch Meditationstechniken wurden verwendet, um eine Reihe von Beschwerden zu behandeln, damit Sie ein glücklicheres und gesünderes Leben zu leben! Meditation Heilungstechniken werden auch bei chronischen Krankheiten helfen, Entzündungen, Ihr Immunsystem, Energieniveaus, Fokus, allgemeines Glück, und vieles mehr! Erleben Sie mehr positive Emotionen und weniger Depressionen. Die Einführung der Geheimnisse natürliche Heilprofis verwenden, um gesünder als je zuvor fühlen! Mit jahrzehntelangen getesteten Strategien zeigt Ihnen dieses E-Book den schnellsten und effektivsten Weg, Meditation zu treiben, um Ihrem Wohlbefinden zu nützen! Dieser Leitfaden lehrt Sie bewährte Techniken ohne den Einsatz von teuren Ergänzungen oder Kursen. Was enthalten ist: - Schlag Depression. - Abhilfemaßnahmen. - Schlag stressen. - Reduzieren und beseitigen der Angst. - Haben Sie mehr Energie. - Schlafen Sie besser. - Achtsamkeit. - Überwinden der Beschwerden. - Ernährung. - Was Sie wissen sollten.

Impostor... Not anymore: How to rediscover your sense of legitimacy when you feel like an imposter...

by Asma Elferkouss

By sharing his experience, an author shares his pursuit for legitimacy. A testimony that comes straight from the heart, combining both authenticity and fragility.

Cómo Encontrar Tu Yo Interior para Despertar a Quién Eres Realmente

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

No improta qué experiencias personales te sucedan, todos hemos afrontado desafíos en nestras vidas donde nos quedamos con el sentimientimiento de una agotada autoestima. Divorcio, dificultades, fallos y otros sucesos trágicos de la vida conforman quienes somos y la manera en que pensamos. Algunos de estos eventos tienen efects tán duraderos que pueden impedirnos avanzar y disminuir nuestra autoestima. Esta guía te aydará a: •Entenderte a ti mismo •Aumentar tu autoestima •Ser más feliz •Ser más exitoso •Vivir en tus propios términos --> Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la página y haga clic en añadir al carrito para comprar al instante Información legal: Este autor y / o los propietarios de los derechos no confirman, prometen o garantizan en lo que respecta a la precisión, integridad o idoneidad del contenido de este libro, y renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por errores u omisiones en el contenido. Este producto es solo para uso de referencia. Consulte a un profesional antes de tomar medidas sobre cualquiera de los contenidos incluidos.

Impostor, ¿yo? Nunca más...

by Asma Elferkouss

Esta obra pretende desvelar el misterio de un autor al que le cuesta sentirse legítimo por sus obras. Decide confesar sus interioridades: una serie de experiencias personales en las que muchos podemos sentirnos identificados.

Wie du dein inneres Selbst finden sollst, um zu erwachen zu wem du wirklich bist:

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Egal, was Ihre persönliche Erfahrung ist, wir alle haben Herausforderungen im Leben, die uns mit einem erschöpften Gefühl des Selbstwerts lassen . Scheidung, Härten, Misserfolge und andere tragische Lebensereignisse können alle prägen, wer wir sind und die Art und Weise beeinflussen, wie wir denken. Einige dieser Ereignisse haben eine so nachhaltige Wirkung, dass sie uns zurückhalten und uns mit einem verminderten Selbstwertgefühl zurücklassen können. Wenn wir wirklich erfolgreich und gedeihen sein wollen, müssen wir uns zuerst selbst verstehen. Dieser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen, - Sich selbst zu verstehen -Selbst Wertschätzung zu haben -Glücklicher zu werden - Erfolgreicher zu sein - Das Leben zu Ihren Bedingungen zu leben

Diane Stein's Guide to Goddess Craft

by Diane Stein

Originally published as The Women's Spirituality Book, this guide describes the beliefs and practices of the Goddess craft as it relates to the daily lives of women. It emphasizes achieving power and control through healing, visualization, Tarot, and the women's I Ching.Diane Stein teaches the specific techniques-the craft-of this worship, encouraging women to become leaders in the transformation of the world into a safer, gentler place for all.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Journal de méditation pour une réflexion quotidienne: Méditez chaque jour avec une pensée de Marc-Aurèle

by Jack Baiesi

Dans ce journal, chaque jour vous pourrez transcrire vos pensées et réflexions avant et après méditation. Ces notes quotidiennes vous permettront d’être plus conscient et d’apprendre de plus en plus à chaque méditation. Ce journal couvre une période de 21 jours. Si à la fin de cette période, vous êtes satisfait des effets obtenus par la méditation, vous pouvez reprendre un nouveau cycle de 21 jours, et ainsi de suite. Chaque journée commence par une méditation sur une pensée de Marc Aurèle.

Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession

by Anne Rice

Anne Rice has written twenty-eight novels - magnificent tales of other worldly beings, novels set centuries ago and in contemporary times, that explore the realms of good and evil, love and alienation, pageantry and ritual: each a reflection of her own moral journey. Now, in her powerful, haunting memoir - her first work of non-fiction - she writes about her own life as a Catholic. She begins with her New Orleans childhood, in the 1940s and 1950s, where in a vivid world of the senses, of ritual and devotion, her faith was formed. In adolescence, in the shadow of her mother's drinking and slow death, and against a backdrop of Haight-Ashbury and radical Berkeley in the late 1960s, she slowly lost her belief in God but still felt that life had to be conscientious and meaningful. She married her highschool sweetheart and wrote Interview with the Vampire, a lament for her lost faith. It was the tragic death of her young daughter which turned her into a writer; and the birth of her son, Christopher, that saved her from taking the same road as her mother. Rice describes a Damascene moment in Rio de Janeiro, and how, after thirty-eight years as an atheist, she turned back to Christ, not in blind faith but in a profound transcendental surrender made with open eyes to an all-knowing God, encompassing knowledge, beauty and science. Hers is a faith which has survived even in the face of her husband's subsequent death from cancer, and the divisive nature of contemporary religious debate. This is a spiritual confession that is a celebration; that moves towards a full commitment to Christ, rooted in the words of the Gospel of Matthew: "Love your enemies. "

Diario di meditazione

by Jack Baiesi

In questo diario puoi scrivere ogni giorno tutti i tuoi pensieri e le tue riflessioni, prima e dopo la meditazione. Così facendo, potrai acquisire una maggiore consapevolezza e apprendere di più da ogni meditazione. Il diario contiene 21 giorni. Se, dopo questo periodo, sarai soddisfatto degli effetti sulla tua pratica di meditazione, potrai ripetere la procedura per altri 21 giorni e così via. Ciascun giorno inizia con una meditazione di Marco Aurelio Antonino.

In Pursuit of Meaning

by Asma Elferkouss

Paralyzed due an accident, a young dynamic woman finds herself bedridden overnight. She goes down her memory lane to try to get out of it. Will she find the strength she needs to move forward?

In the Company of Women: Deepening Our Relationships with the Important Women in Our Lives

by Brenda Hunter

All women long for the enjoyment, counsel and emotional support found in close relationships. However, although they might wish that strong friendships would just "happen," they generally find that they require skill and effort. In the Company of Women gives insight into the art of friendship, offering wisdom and practical advice into how a woman can make-and nurture-lifelong relationships with other women. Whether a woman is single or married, employed or parenting full-time, In the Company of Women will give her tips for building stronger, closer relationships with her mother, sisters, daughters, friends, mentors and peers throughout every phase of her life.From the Trade Paperback edition.

What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement, Second Edition: Planning a Prosperous, Healthy, and Happy Future

by John E. Nelson Richard N. Bolles

Plan Now for the Life You WantToday's economic realities have reset our expectations of what retirement is, yet there's still the promise for what it can be: a life stage filled with more freedom and potential than ever before. Given the new normal, how do you plan for a future filled with prosperity, health, and happiness? As a companion to What Color Is Your Parachute?, the world's best-selling career book, What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement offers both a holistic, big-picture look at these years as well as practical tools and exercises to help you build a life full of security, vitality, and community.This second edition contains updates throughout, including a section on Social Security, an in-depth exercise on values and how they inform your retirement map, and the one-of-a-kind resource for organizing the sea of information on finances and mental and physical health: the Retirement Well-Being Profile. More than a guide on where to live, how to stay active, or which investments to choose, What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement helps you develop a detailed picture of your ideal retirement, so that--whether you're planning retirement or are there already--you can take a comprehensive approach to make the most of these vital years.From the Trade Paperback edition.

7 Ways to Build a Better You

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Seven Ways to Build a Better You, based on Sheri Rose Shepherd's popular video series, is for people who are ready to break out of the mindset of mediocrity and enter into a spirit of excellence -- emotionally, physically, relationally, and spiritually. Seven chapters, with seven life lessons in each chapter, provide tools to build a foundation for life that's grounded in God's master plan. Sheri Rose mixes in humor and heartwarming stories to motivate the reader to excellence in every area of life.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Creando la baraja de tarot de Mantegna Tarocci

by Elena Kryuchkova Olga Kryuchkova

Este libro incluye la descripción de las cartas de la baraja medieval de Mantegna Tarocci. Cada carta tiene su descripción. El libro tiene una sección en la cual hay imágenes en blanco y negro para colorear. El lector puede colorear las cartas, otorgarles energía, escapar de los problemas del día a día, desarrollar su creatividad. Luego de pintar las cartas las puede pegar en cartón (o el material deseado) para así tener una baraja única de cartas, las cuales puede usar en su vida diaria. Este libro está destinado a una amplia audiencia con interés primario en la adivinación de las cartas de tarot.

Choices: For Women Who Long to Discover Life's Best

by Mary Farrar

Today Women have many choices. This book of 12 lessons prepares women to make wise, God-aligned decisions in such vital areas as career, family, and personal growth. Each lesson has its own group study guide.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Mental Attic: The secret everyone should know

by Ghaffar Dews

Anguish, stress, and depression can be some of the biggest problems in our life, and sometimes the most lethal, and just as we can train to reach the top of the world, we can reach our mind's supreme hight, where it works 24 hours a day and gives us everything we need and want, the peal which is called the mental attic, the highest part of our mind, and this book helps us understand and learn how we can reach it and obtain everything we need.

A Reason to Believe: Lessons from an Improbable Life

by Deval Patrick

"I've simply seen too much goodness in this country--and have come so far in my own journey--not to believe in those ideals, and my faith in the future is sometimes restored under the darkest clouds." --Governor Deval Patrick. In January 2007, Deval Patrick became the first black governor of the state of Massachusetts, one of only two black governors elected in American history. But that was just one triumphant step in a long, improbable journey that began in a poor tenement on the South Side of Chicago. From a chaotic childhood to an elite boarding school in New England, from a sojourn doing relief work in Africa to the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies, and then to a career in politics, Patrick has led an extraordinary life. In this heartfelt and inspirational book, he pays tribute to the family, friends, and strangers who, through words and deeds, have instilled in him transcendent lessons of faith, perseverance, and friendship. In doing so, he reminds us of the power of community and the imperative of idealism. With humility, humor, and grace, he offers a road map for attaining happiness, empowerment, and success while also making an appeal for readers to cultivate those achievements in others, to feel a greater stake in this world, and to shape a life worth living. Warm, nostalgic, and inspirational, A Reason to Believe is destined to become a timeless tribute to a uniquely American odyssey and a testament to what is possible in our lives and our communities if we are hopeful, generous, and resilient. GOVERNOR DEVAL PATRICK is donating a portion of the proceeds from A REASON TO BELIEVE to A Better Chance, a national organization dedicated to opening the doors to greater educational opportunities for young people of color. To learn more, visit

Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live

by Lothar Schafer

A hopeful and controversial view of the universe and ourselves based on the principles of quantum physics, offering a way of making our lives and the world better, with a foreword by Deepak Chopra In Infinite Potential, physical chemist Lothar Schäfer presents a stunning view of the universe as interconnected, nonmaterial, composed of a field of infinite potential, and conscious. With his own research as well as that of some of the most distinguished scientists of our time, Schäfer moves us from a reality of Darwinian competition to cooperation, a meaningless universe to a meaningful one, and a disconnected, isolated existence to an interconnected one. In so doing, he shows us that our potential is infinite and calls us to live in accordance with the order of the universe, creating a society based on the cosmic principle of connection, emphasizing cooperation and community.From the Hardcover edition.

Alla ricerca di Significato

by Asma Elferkouss

Paralizzata a causa di un incidente, una giovane donna piena di energia si ritrova da un giorno all’altro costretta a letto. Per tentare di sopravvivere, si addentra nei meandri della sua memoria… Troverà la forza per andare avanti?

Toxic Faith: Experiencing Healing Over Painful Spiritual Abuse

by Stephen Arterburn Jack Felton

When religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict.<P> Toxic Faith distinguishes between a healthy faith and a misguided religiosity that traps believers in an addictive practice of religion. It shows how unbalanced ministries, misguided churches, and unscrupulous leaders can lead their followers away from God and into a desolate experience of religion that drives many to despair. Toxic Faith shows readers how to find hope for a return to genuine, healthy faith that can add meaning to life. In the words of the author, "I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing."From the Trade Paperback edition.

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