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No me vendas, ayúdame a comprar

by Helios Herrera

El libro No me vendas. ¡Ayúdame a comprar! te permitirá estar actualizado en el mundo de las ventas, además de incrementar tu conocimiento para un éxito comercial. ¿Cuántas veces has soñado con que tus clientes te digan clara y directamente por qué no te compraron? La capacitación y las obras que han formado a miles de vendedores históricamente aborda el tema desde el análisis del proceso de la venta. No obstante, quien tiene la última palabra y quien acepta o no cerrar el trato, es el comprador. Esta obra analiza el proceso a través del cual todos compramos. Si te dedicas a las ventas, si quieres incrementar tus ingresos y establecer relaciones duraderas con tus clientes, no puedes más que darte la oportunidad de comprender, desde su óptica, el proceso que les permite aceptar o rechazar tu oferta.

No mires atrás: Liberarse y avanzar con pasión y propósito

by Christine Caine

Con un grito de &“Recuerden a la mujer de Lot&”, la profesora de Biblia, conferenciante internacional, activista y autora de best sellers Christine Caine nos motiva a dejar de mirar atrás, a desatascarnos y a seguir avanzando hacia las promesas y el propósito de Dios para nuestras vidas.Hay momentos en la vida en los que miramos hacia atrás y nos sentimos desesperados por hacer que el tiempo se detenga, sobre todo cuando nos sorprenden cambios inesperados. Pero no podemos detener el flujo de la vida, y no podemos detener el tiempo. Es más, mirar atrás no nos permite volver. La mayoría de las veces, solo hace que nos quedemos atascados. En un lugar, en un espacio, en un recuerdo, en una mentalidad, en un hábito.En Juan 17:32, Jesús entrega tres palabras &“Recuerda a la mujer de Lot&”, No sabemos su nombre ni su historia. Todo lo que sabemos es que cuando ella estaba huyendo de Sodoma y Gomorra, le dijeron que no mirara hacia atrás, e hizo lo único que se le pidió que no hiciera. Miró hacia atrás y se convirtió en una estatua de sal y de las 170 mujeres mencionadas en las Escrituras, ella es la única que Jesús nos dijo que recordáramos.En No mires atrás, Christine te motivará a:dejar de mirar hacia atrás y empezar a mirar a Jesúsinvitar a Jesús a entrar para que te ayude a desatascarte de los muchos lugares en los que a menudo nos encontramos;avanzar desde donde te encuentras hacia todos los planes, propósitos y promesas de Dios para tu vida; ymirar hacia el futuro y seguir avanzando hacia él con fe, especialmente cuando tu mundo ya no se parece en nada a lo que era antes.Jesús nos invita a avanzar hacia la novedad de lo que está por venir. Deja de descalificarte quedándote atorado en el pasado. Es hora de recordar a la mujer de Lot y no mirar atrás, sino avanzar con valentía.Don&’t Look BackWith a rallying cry to &“Remember Lot's wife,&” Bible teacher, international speaker, activist, and bestselling author Christine Caine motivates us to stop looking back, to get unstuck and to keep moving forward into God's promises and purpose for our lives.There are times in life when we look back and feel desperate to make time stand still, particularly when we get blindsided by unexpected changes. But we can't stop the flow of life, and we can't stop time. What's more, looking back doesn't enable us to go back. More often than not, it just makes us stuck. In a place. In a space. In a memory. In a mindset. In a habit.In John 17:32, Jesus drops three little words: &“Remember Lot's wife.&” We don&’t know her name, history, or story. All we know is that when she was fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah, she was told not to look back, and she did the one thing she was asked not to do. She looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. And out of the 170 women referred to in the Scriptures, she's the only one Jesus told us to remember.In this new book, Christine will motivate you tostop looking back and start looking to Jesus;invite Jesus in to help you get unstuck from the many places we often find ourselves;move on from where you are into all God's plans, purposes, and promises for your life; andlook forward to the future and keep moving toward it in faith--especially when your world is nothing like it once was.Jesus is beckoning us onward into the newness of what lies ahead. Stop disqualifying yourself by getting stuck in the past. It's time to remember Lot's wife and not look back but move forward boldly.

No More Bad Days: Trading the Pursuit of Perfection for the Gift of Grace

by Gary Miracle

Gary Miracle&’s life was forever changed by an infection that caused him to lose his arms and legs. He could have given up, but he chose to live and share his story, helping others respond to their own setbacks.In December 2019, Gary Miracle&’s life was forever changed by an infection that caused him to lose his arms and legs. One year later, the Christian band MercyMe shared his story with the world in their song &“Say I Won&’t,&” which has garnered more than 5.7 million views on YouTube alone. Knowing that God works through all circumstances, Gary is committed to living life to the fullest and helping others do the same in spite of setbacks. In the light of eternity in Christ, there are no more bad days. Each day can be a new beginning.

No More Clutter

by Sue Kay

Clutter affects us all: stressed time-poor professionals, couples rowing over their junk, older people with a lifetime's accumulated possessions, people working from home, growing families and people facing life changes such as divorce or bereavement. As we all consume and acquire more and more stuff, we feel increasingly overwhelmed by our possessions.

No More Clutter

by Sue Kay

Clutter affects us all: stressed time-poor professionals, couples rowing over their junk, older people with a lifetime's accumulated possessions, people working from home, growing families and people facing life changes such as divorce or bereavement. As we all consume and acquire more and more stuff, we feel increasingly overwhelmed by our possessions.

No More Dragons: Get Free from Broken Dreams, Lost Hope, Bad Religion, and Other Monsters

by Jim Burgen

Becoming a dragon is a dangerously subtle process.You make a long chain of bad choices. The chain gradually wraps around you. Layer by layer, it begins to take on the aspect of scales. One day you glance at yourself in the mirror and a monster is staring back at you. You aren't who you used to be. You aren't who you want to be. You're not who you were created and designed to be. Instead, you're a dragon. When Jim Burgen was nineteen years old, he realized how easy it had been to become a dragon. He knew he didn't want to be one anymore . . . but how? No More Dragons is the story of our common, hopeful journey from dragonhood back to personhood. As Pastor Burgen narrates the remarkable process of reclaiming himself from himself, he implores modern church goers to shake off the trivialities of churchiness in favor of the substantive questions that make a spiritual transformation: “Is Jesus the only one who can undragon people?”“Why don't I like most churches?” “Where is God in difficult times?” “How do you shed decades of gnarly scales?” Some choices will lead you to a better life. Some will kill you. Some choices will add a new layer of scales to your dragon, and some will slough them off. No More Dragons is about asking Christ to deliver you and learning how to obey him.

No More Fatigue: The Guide to Increase Energy and Productivity in Everything You Do

by Yani Feliciano

No More Fatigue helps those who are ready to get serious about making the necessary changes in their life so that they can feel great and thrive. Dr. Yani Feliciano, award-winning chiropractor and celebrated wellness advisor, has worked with thousands of clients who have wanted more than a life of just getting by. She’s guided her clients on how to double their energy and productivity, cut stress levels in half, and improve body functions, all in a matter of weeks. Within No More Fatigue, Dr. Yani lays out eight steps to increase readers’ energy and productivity on and off the job. In this easy-to-use guide, readers learn:How to avoid food combinations that zap the energy out of themWhy the amount of water and time of day they drink matters Why they need vitamins, minerals, and other types of supplements in their daily routine The differences between rest and sleep and what’s better for high productivity How stress reduction therapy helps them stay healthy Time management strategies that can double or triple their total productivity Body movements and stretches that help them prevent workplace injuries

No More Holiday Blues

by Wayne W. Dyer

Shows readers how to recapture the true spirit of Christmas, Hanukkah, and other holidays, offering specific ideas for overcoming self-defeating attitudes, rekindling childhood excitement, and making holidays experiences of joy.

No More Holiday Blues

by Wayne W. Dyer

Shows readers how to recapture the true spirit of Christmas, Hanukkah, and other holidays, offering specific ideas for overcoming self-defeating attitudes, rekindling childhood excitement, and making holidays experiences of joy.

No More Joint Pain

by Joseph A. Abboud Soo Kim Abboud

Arthritis is a major cause of joint pain, but there are myriad others. This is the first book to provide everyday readers with a comprehensive guide to musculoskeletal disease and pain, from degenerative arthritis in the elderly to common sports injuries in young athletes. Dr. Joseph A. Abboud and Dr. Soo Kim Abboud, offer clear, medically based information on the most common diseases to affect the musculoskeletal system. They explain each major joint in detail and draw on their extensive experience with patients to offer sound advice on treatment and prevention options. They also discuss the pros and cons of alternative medicine techniques, and they assess which of the newest technologies really work. With one hundred illustrations, specific instructions for beneficial exercises, and a helpful glossary, this manual is just what the doctor ordered for weekend warriors and anyone else who is contending with joint pain.

No More Knee Pain: A Woman's Guide to Natural Prevention and Relief

by Colleen J. Kapklein George J. Kessler

How women's hormones can affect their knees-and a natural, pain-free 12-week plan for relief. <P><P> Knee pain affects millions of Americans-and women make up the bulk of sufferers. But while it is a woman's anatomy, physiology, hormones, and habits that will likely determine when and how her knee will fail, many doctors still treat a woman's knee like a smaller version of a man's knee. <P> No More Knee Pain presents the first program designed especially for women. Written by Dr. George Kessler, who has helped hundreds of women heal their pain and reverse degenerative problems, this is the definitive book on female knee pain. Focusing on the structural and hormonal issues that bring about knee problems in women, No More Knee Pain is a groundbreaking new approach that shows women how they can at last find relief-without drugs or surgery. <P> Includes information on: <P> * How unbalanced hormones can take a toll on the joints and what to do about it<P> * The anatomy of the knee<P> * What mainstream medicine offers women with knee pain-and what it doesn't<P> * Nutritional supplements<P> * What to eat to ease joint pain<P> * Exercise dos and don'ts<P> * Mind-body factors<P> * Body mechanics, posture corrections, and knee exercises that really work-in just a few minutes a day

No More Letting Go

by Debra Jay

“Detachment” has been the standard message of most addiction literature for the last twenty years. The conventional wisdom offered to an addict’s loved ones has been to let the addict “hit bottom” before intervening. Now intervention specialist Debra Jay challenges this belief and offers a bold new approach to treating addiction that provides a practical and spiritual lifeline to families struggling with alcohol or drug abuse. In No More Letting Go, Jay argues that the traditional advice of “letting go” too often destroys both the addict and the family physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Jay contends that addiction is everybody’s business–not just the addict’s–and addiction doesn’t have the right to trump the welfare of a family. In short, highly accessible chapters written with warmth, understanding, and compassion, Jay weaves together philosophical and religious thought; new science on the brain function of an addict; the physical and psychological impact of addiction on family members; and poignant, real-life family stories. No More Letting Go is a powerful, informative guide that provides comfort, hope, and practical advice to anyone affected by a family member’s addiction. From the Trade Paperback edition.

(No More) Mediocre Me: How Saying No to the Status Quo Will Propel You From Ordinary to Extraordinary

by John E. Michel

If you were to account for your life at this moment—are you living up to your own potential? Does your present state of affairs give you reason to be disappointed or discouraged? Is your job unsatisfying…your relationships far from what they could be…your spiritual life a mere shadow of what it once was? If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then there is a very good chance you--like scores of other Americans--have been lulled into accepting a life that is simply "good enough." This is what I term a Mediocre Me Mindset--a confining way of thinking about your role in the world that convinces you to settle for the perceived safety of the status quo rather than push outside your comfort zone to try and make tomorrow a little better than you found it today. In Mediocre Me, you will find a simple, yet profoundly powerful approach to rethinking the way you view your role in the world. It’s a proven means of breaking free from the grasp of mediocrity so you can lead a life of true purpose, meaning, and significance. And perhaps the best part of all…it’s not a new idea! The concepts in Mediocre Me are actually anchored in an over two thousand year old legend. One that reminds us we are at our individual and collective best not when we are standing still, unwitting prisoners of the status quo, but rather, when we are unafraid to reject apathy and embrace action by leading the positive change we want to see occur in our surroundings. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “America is another name for opportunity.” At a time in our nation’s history when we seem more divided than united, more fearful than hopeful, there can be no more fence-sitting. It’s time to begin writing a different, more empowering personal leadership story of your own. One that will energize you to do what you can, when you can, where you can, to be a force for good in your part of the world when doing so is needed now more than ever.

No More Mondays: Fire Yourself -- and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work

by Dan Miller

Is Your Job Making You "Stupid"?Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, once wrote that a person who spends his life performing the same repetitive tasks "generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become." Wow! Now that's not a pretty picture. Unfortunately, much of our work today consists of those boring, repetitive tasks.But maybe you're one of the many who have gotten caught up in thinking work is just something you do to support your weekends. Work is that necessary evil, a means to an end, or just a curse from God. You probably take your role of providing for yourself and those depending on you seriously. But you don't expect to enjoy your work--you just do what has to be done.Only now you're seeing that even loyalty and dependability bring no guarantees. Lately you've seen coworkers who have been let go after years of faithful service. Perhaps your entire industryhas been shaken by outsourcing or changing technology. Maybe you're tired of the long commute and being tied to your desk when you know you could make your own hours and still be productive. You may have ideas stirring that you think could create new income and time freedom.But here comes another Monday. Maybe feeling trapped is just the reality of the way things are. Doesn't everyone dread Mondays? Doesn't every responsible person just bury their dreams and passions in exchange for getting a paycheck? Absolutely not! All of us, no matter how old we are or what kind of work we're doing, can learn to bring the same excitement to our jobs that we bring to whatever we love to do on our days off. I believe that each one of us can pursue work that is a reflection of our best selves--a true fulfillment of our callings.No More Mondays will show you that meaningful work really is within your grasp. And once you've opened the door and seen all the exciting career opportunities that await you--whether you decide to revolutionize your current job or launch a new career altogether--you'll find you can't go back to the old way of working."From No More MondaysFor everyone who dreads going to work on Monday mornings, inspiring advice on how to find fulfilling work in an uncertain age. Do you hate Mondays? If so, what's keeping you at your current job? If you said a steady paycheck and the promise of a secure retirement, then you're in for a big disappointment. In today's volatile economy, there is nothing safe about punching the clock for a job you hate. As beloved talk-show host and bestselling author Dan Miller reveals, the only way to find true security is by following your calling and then finding or creating work that matches that calling and passion. No More Mondays's practical, inspirational advice speaks to people looking for guidance on how to launch a new career or business, those who want to stay in their current jobs and give the old 9-to-5 model a twenty-first-century makeover, and managers desperate to understand the way people want to work today. For all of them, Dan Miller's message is loud and clear: If you're one of those people who dread going to work on Mondays, do something about it!

No More Mondays

by Dan Miller

Is Your Job Making You “Stupid”? Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, once wrote that a person who spends his life performing the same repetitive tasks “generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. ” Wow! Now that’s not a pretty picture. Unfortunately, much of our work today consists of those boring, repetitive tasks. But maybe you’re one of the many who have gotten caught up in thinking work is just something you do to support your weekends. Work is that necessary evil, a means to an end, or just a curse from God. You probably take your role of providing for yourself and those depending on you seriously. But you don’t expect to enjoy your work—you just do what has to be done. Only now you’re seeing that even loyalty and dependability bring no guarantees. Lately you’ve seen coworkers who have been let go after years of faithful service. Perhaps your entire industryhas been shaken by outsourcing or changing technology. Maybe you’re tired of the long commute and being tied to your desk when you know you could make your own hours and still be productive. You may have ideas stirring that you think could create new income and time freedom. But here comes another Monday. Maybe feeling trapped is just the reality of the way things are. Doesn’t everyone dread Mondays? Doesn’t every responsible person just bury their dreams and passions in exchange for getting a paycheck? Absolutely not! All of us, no matter how old we are or what kind of work we’re doing, can learn to bring the same excitement to our jobs that we bring to whatever we love to do on our days off. I believe that each one of us can pursue work that is a reflection of our best selves—a true fulfillment of our callings. No More Mondays will show you that meaningful work really is within your grasp. And once you’ve opened the door and seen all the exciting career opportunities that await you—whether you decide to revolutionize your current job or launch a new career altogether—you’ll find you can’t go back to the old way of working. ” From No More Mondays For everyone who dreads going to work on Monday mornings, inspiring advice on how to find fulfilling work in an uncertain age. Do you hate Mondays? If so, what's keeping you at your current job? If you said a steady paycheck and the promise of a secure retirement, then you're in for a big disappointment. In today's volatile economy, there is nothing safe about punching the clock for a job you hate. As beloved talk-show host and bestselling author Dan Miller reveals, the only way to find true security is by following your calling and then finding or creating work that matches that calling and passion. No More Mondays’s practical, inspirational advice speaks to people looking for guidance on how to launch a new career or business, those who want to stay in their current jobs and give the old 9-to-5 model a twenty-first-century makeover, and managers desperate to understand the way people want to work today. For all of them, Dan Miller's message is loud and clear: If you're one of those people who dread going to work on Mondays, do something about it!

No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan For Getting What You Want In Love, Sex And Life

by Robert Glover

It's no wonder that unfulfilled Nice Guys lash out in frustration at their loved ones, claims Dr. Glover. He explains how they can stop seeking approval and start getting what they want in life, by presenting the information and tools to help them ensure their needs are met, to express their emotions, to have a satisfying sex life, to embrace their masculinity and form meaningful relationships with other men, and to live up to their creative potential.

No More Secondhand Art

by Peter London

This book is about using art as an instrument of personal transformation, enabling us to move from an inherited to a chosen state of being. Peter London offers inspiration and fresh ideas to artists, art students, and art teachers--as well as to people who think they can't draw a straight line but want to explore the joys of creative expression. Inside every person, he believes, there is an original, creative self that has been covered over by secondhand ideas, borrowed beliefs, and conditioned behavior. By freeing the capacity for visual expression--a natural human language possessed by everyone--we can awaken and release the full powers of that original self. Among the topics and exercises included are: * How to increase the ability to visualize, fantasize, and dream * Obstacles to the creative encounter and what to do about them * Experimenting with art media as true mediators between imagination and expression * Making masks to reveal the hidden self * Painting with "forbidden" colors * Arranging found objects as metaphors for one's life " "Peter London--painter, author, art educator, and art therapist--has taught the approach presented in this and other books to thousands of students, ranging from teens to octogenarians, from "art phobics" to professional artists. Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, and a 2002 Distinguished Fellow at the National Art Education Association, he lives in Fairhaven, Massachusetts." ""A joy to read. In a style both conversational and precise, London questions the conventional attitudes that form a barrier to keep art outside most people's lives. London shows us that making images is as natural as speech, as dreams."--Yoga Journal "Passionate and insightful . . . A must-read for all artists, art students, and art teachers. But anyone who wants to explore their own inner dimensions of creativity can learn and profit from it."--Intuition "Peter London is grounded in his approach to the visual arts and he communicates it beautifully. He gives a fresh vision to creativity."--Natalie Goldberg, author of Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within "I am impressed--no, I am thrilled--by the courage and ripeness of his guidance toward creativity, how it can work, how it can be helped and hindered, how it can change everything."--M.C. Richards, author of Centering in Pottery, Poetry, and the Person "His eloquent, at times poetic ruminations return the reader to some earlier state of grace that may have been damaged or neglected in the hurly-burly of teaching. London not only invites the reader on this journey to some unexplored recesses of the mind, but also provides very specific tasks to ease the passage of transition. Philosopher and artist though he may be, London's commitment as a teacher shines on every page."--Al Hurwitz, author of Gifted and Talented in Art and coauthor of Children and Their Art

No More Worries!: Outsmart Anxiety and Be Positively You

by Poppy O'Neill

Do you worry a lot? Your teens are full of new challenges – peer pressure, exams and everything in between. It’s normal to feel anxious at times, but when it starts to affect your well-being it’s time to show worry the door. This book contains top tips and activities to help you alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, while remaining positively you.

No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running

by John Bingham

"You don't have to run fast to be a real runner" John Bingham, "the patron saint of the back of the pack," commands "The Penguin Brigade"-- those thousands of dedicated runners who have learned that the greatest joy in their sport comes not from how fast they go or how thin they become, but from simply having the courage to take the first step. Now Bingham shares the wisdom that took him from couch potato to columnist for Runner's World magazine. No Need for Speed explores both the why and the how of running for the rest of us; With information both practical (how to find the right running shoes for you, when to enter a race, what to eat before a run) and inspirational (focus on where you are instead of where you want to be, accepting the body you have, the beauty of being realistic about goals), Bingham extends a trusted hand and expert advice to beginners and veterans alike.

No One Can Change Your Life Except For You: The Sunday Times bestseller

by Laura Whitmore

'Funny, positive and life-affirming, Laura is like a PT for your self-confidence.' SARA PASCOE'Clear-headed advice and relatable honesty.' MATT HAIG'My favourite kind of book - like a glass of wine with your smart, funny friend.' KATHERINE RYAN'When I was a kid the first album I owned was by Wilson Phillips. I remember the lyric from the song Hold On, 'No one can change your life except for you'. It's how I've chosen to live my life. There is a freedom when you take back control. Stop waiting for someone to save you and do it yourself. I recognise everyone has different levels of struggle but no one just hands you a chance. We don't have to wait for Prince Charming to rescue us, or wait for the opportunity to come to us. We can be our own heroes. We can create our own dreams.'Laura Whitmore knows lucky breaks come to those who are ready to step into their own power, even when they're feeling nervous as hell about it. In No One Can Change Your Life Except For You, she shares her experiences of overcoming heartbreak, body image worries, self-doubt and insecurity.Laura has learned that optimism, self-belief and learning to accept yourself, will bring you more than anyone else can ever give you. And she shows how her own struggles can help you through yours.Frank, heartfelt, inspirational and funny, this is a book to remind you that the hero you are looking for is YOU.

No One Can Stop Me But Me

by Jennifer Hernandez

No One Can Stop Me But Me is a real-life rags-to-riches story that shows anything is possible if we just believe in ourselves. As a teenager, businesswoman Jennifer Hernandez fell into a life of rebellion—drugs, sex, gangs, fights, school dropouts, pregnancy, and stints in and out of psych hospitals. How did she turn this around, becoming an iconic mortgage loan officer and sought-after life coach? In No One Can Stop Me But Me, Jennifer takes us on an unforgettable journey, from childhood trauma and reckless adolescence to breaking through barriers she could never have dreamed of. The Chicago-born girl seemed to be living a perfect life as the daughter of balloon vendors with a traveling carnival. Jennifer spent her days whirling on carnival rides with her brother until her parents&’ sudden divorce. Feeling alone and having no one to talk to, Jennifer began looking for love in all the wrong places and her life started spiraling out of control. Yet through this dark and troubling time, Jennifer was saved by motherhood and managed to pull herself together and find a way out. She is now in the top 1% of real estate lenders in the country, proof that desperation is the mother of invention, that your inner strength and focus is the true secret to success. You are the only one limiting yourself. When you stop holding yourself back, you can truly become the best version of yourself—the person you were meant to be.

No One Has to Die Alone

by Lani Leary Jean Watson

Caring for a terminally ill loved one can be the single biggest challenge of your life. Drawing from her experience sitting with over 500 people as they died and caring for her own terminally ill father, Dr. Lani Leary gently guides caregivers, family, and friends through the difficult transitions of illness, death, and bereavement. No One Has to Die Alone offers the practical skills, vocabulary, and insights needed to truly address the needs of a dying loved one while caring for yourself through the process. Dr. Leary shows both patient and caregiver how to rise above feelings of fear and isolation to find peace and meaning in each person's unique end-of-life experience. Whether used as a reference book to address a particular challenge or read from start to finish, this is a must-read for anyone facing death or the loss of a loved one. You'll learn: * how to listen to and support a loved one's needs; * what to expect as a loved one declines and the different grieving processes and tasks; * the key to supporting a grieving child; * what resources are available for patients and caregivers; * the lessons of near-death experiences and the value of after-death communications.

No One is Unemployable: Creative Solutions for Overcoming Barriers to Employment

by Debra L. Angel Elisabeth E. Harney

Explains a 10-step process to overcome either the employer's or employee's barriers such as criminal record, lack of education, immigration, etc.

No One Succeeds Alone: Learn Everything You Can from Everyone You Can

by Robert Reffkin

The inspirational story of Compass CEO Robert Reffkin, whose mother, mentors, and search for belonging taught him valuable lessons that anyone with a dream can put into action today to improve their own quality of life No one expected a dreadlocked fifteen-year-old who cared more about his DJ business than his homework to grow up to become one of the youngest-ever White House fellows, create multiple nonprofits, and found a multibillion-dollar company. But Robert Reffkin — raised by an Israeli immigrant single mother, disowned by his maternal grandparents for being Black, and abandoned by his father — has always defied the odds. Compass&’s mission is to help everyone find their place in the world, and in these pages, Reffkin distills the wisdom he&’s gathered along his journey. Each chapter offers a part of his life story and a practical lesson, such as:Love your customers more than your ideasFind someone to give you the critical feedback others won&’tCreate your own &“rich-kid&’s network&”The advice in No One Succeeds Alone will inspire you to dream bigger than you ever have before, realize your full potential, and give back by helping make someone else&’s dreams come true, too. All author proceeds from No One Succeeds Alone are being donated to nonprofits that help young people realize their dreams.

No One Understands You and What to Do About It

by Heidi Grant Halvorson

Have you ever felt you're not getting through to the person you're talking to, or not coming across the way you intend? You're not alone.That's the bad news. But there is something we can do about it. Heidi Grant Halvorson, social psychologist and bestselling author, explains why we're often misunderstood and how we can fix that.Most of us assume that other people see us as we see ourselves, and that they see us as we truly are. But neither is true. Our everyday interactions are colored by subtle biases that distort how others see us-and also shape our perceptions of them.You can learn to clarify the message you're sending once you understand the lenses that shape perception: Trust. Are you friend or foe? Power. How much influence do you have over me? Ego. Do you make me feel insecure?Based on decades of research in psychology and social science, Halvorson explains how these lenses affect our interactions-and how to manage them.Once you understand the science of perception, you'll communicate more clearly, send the messages you intend to send, and improve your personal relationships. You'll also become a fairer and more accurate judge of others. Halvorson even offers an evidence-based action plan for repairing a damaged reputation.This book is not about making a good impression, although it will certainly help you do that. It's about coming across as you intend. It's about the authenticity we all strive for.

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