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Coaching the Artist Within: Advice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists, and Musicians from America's Foremost Creativity Coach

by Eric Maisel PhD

Have you ever wished you had a professional coach who could encourage your creative pursuits, help structure your efforts, and cheer you on? Coaching the Artist Within is the first book to explain the techniques that creativity coaches use to help their clients survive and thrive in the arts. Designed to help any person become more creative, this book offers a complete program for developing the habits that make creating an everyday routine. The book’s twelve lessons and numerous exercises are at once inspiring, practical, and fun. To spice up the lessons, Eric Maisel shares anecdotes about his clients, including painters, actors, screenwriters, novelists, dancers, and poets. Best of all, Coaching the Artist Within will teach you to be your own coach, and the results will transform your relationship with the creative process.

Courage and Craft: Writing Your Life into Story

by Barbara Abercrombie

Have you always wanted to write about your life but wondered how to get started, how to keep going, and whether it's even worth it in the first place? Under the guidance of veteran author and writing teacher Barbara Abercrombie, you'll learn how to turn the messy, crazy, sad, and wonderful stuff of your life into prose or poetry that has order, clarity, and meaning. Abercrombie presents the nuts and bolts of several genres, showing you how to keep a journal, craft a personal essay, or write a memoir, autobiography, poem, or work of fiction. She offers lessons to embolden you as a writer and practical guidelines for working writing into your everyday life, giving and receiving feedback, and getting your work published. In Courage & Craft, you'll find exercises to keep the inner critic at bay, inspiration from writers who've been there, and proven advice for getting your words on the page and out into the world.

Creativity for Life

by Eric Maisel

As a therapist and creativity coach, Eric Maisel has worked with thousands of creative people. He knows firsthand the struggles that writers, musicians, artists, dancers, and actors face and has helped them find balance in their lives while pursuing their artistic endeavors. His new book presents a comprehensive approach to the much-misunderstood life of the artist. Creativity for Life offers practical ideas as well as exercises and inspiration to nurture growth as an artist and as a person, exploring such subjects as: Establishing your creativity practice Obscurity and stardom Blocks The artist's personality Moods and madness Artists in love Craft The rewards and perils of isolation Social interactions and community

Developing Intuition

by Shakti Gawain

Intuition is a birthright, but many have lost touch with it. If embraced and followed, intuition can be an accurate force that permeates all facets of life. Shakti teaches readers how to tap into their inner knowledge and use it to enhance their lives and attain their goals. Chapters explore the role of intuition in health, creativity, work, and prosperity. Exercises based on Shakti's workshops and seminars help readers listen to their inner guide but also evaluate the worthiness of such knowledge in the context of the real world. Stories from her clients and her own life illustrate the practical advice she gives.

Drawing As a Sacred Activity

by Heather Williams

In the tradition of such successful books on creativity as Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and The Artist's Way, artist and teacher Heather Williams presents a step-by-step approach to personal development -- and artistic satisfaction. Many people -- including Heather Williams -- were never encouraged to embrace their creative side, and this shutting down of part of their inner life can create conflict. This book is an invitation into each person's creative instincts and is designed to lead gently toward developing both artistic and spiritual qualities. The book is divided into three sections: Pencils & Perception (observing and drawing what you see in the physical world); Crayons & Consciousness (drawing the interior landscape of memories, emotions, dreams, and patterns); and Ink & Intuition (drawing on the intuitive wisdom within yourself). This book is not intended to make everyone a commercial artist, but it will help readers to see and be in their world more fully.

Freedom Is

by Brandon Bays

"This book is written to give you a living experience of freedom." These are the opening words of Freedom Is -- and Brandon Bays gives us exactly what she promises. This is a book about freedom, freedom in the truest sense, freedom on all levels of being. Brandon doesn't merely talk about freedom; she gives us a direct experience of it. She guides us, in her sure and gentle way, into the stillness and joy that are within us. She shows us how to liberate ourselves from any emotional blocks we may have, lift away negative self-concepts, and release past limitations so that we open naturally into our own soaring magnificence. Freedom Is is filled with powerfully effective process work, user-friendly tools, meditations, contemplations, and inspiring stories that will open your heart and draw you into the sublime presence of freedom.

Hip Tranquil Chick

by Kimberly Wilson

Hip Tranquil Chick addresses that huge but unacknowledged demographic of fashionistas equally at home at Bergdorf's and the yoga studio. The book is divided into two major sections that cover all bases for the style-minded seeker. "On the Mat" shares seven must-have modern-girl yoga sequences, such as "Healing Hip Openers" and "Negativity Releasing Heart Openers," and explains yoga philosophy in hip chick language. "Off the Mat" showcases nine ways to become more fabulous and balanced by incorporating yogic qualities like introspection, strength, and flexibility into daily life. The nine lifestyle chapters reveal how to turn on-the-mat wear into on-the-town style, how to create soulful surroundings at home and work, mindful money management, finding a passion-filled career, how strategic soiree-throwing creates community, tips for practicing social consciousness, and more. Each chapter is accompanied by helpful "OMwork" to translate these concepts into reality. Abundant illustrations accentuate the text, and a "savvy sources" section encourages further exploration.

Hiring the Heavens

by Jean Slatter

Whether you realize it or not, you play a part in the divine plan of creation. Once you recognize this, you can gain access to the immense power in the universe. It's simple: when you engage the right celestial helpers, anything becomes possible. In Hiring the Heavens, Jean Slatter shares how she learned to hire the Heavens and offers a fresh, revitalized way of bringing spirituality back into your everyday life. Whether the task is large or small, whether you want to manifest your dreams, find a soul mate, improve your finances, or simply get through your days without stress and worry, the Heavens are ready to help. With their assistance, you become cocreator and codirector of your life, experiencing more joy and more serendipity every day.


by Sandy Grason

Studies confirm what avid journalers have always known: writing helps you move forward in your life, heal, and realize your dreams. This inspiring book balances basic instructions in the art of journaling with intimate entries from the author and workshop participants. Exercises and prompts will gently encourage you to open your journal, and with pen or pencil in hand, begin to transform your life today!

La Quietud Habla

by Eckart Tolle

Es fácil penetrar la esencia del mensaje de Eckhart Tolle: si nos conectamos con la quietud interna podemos ir más allá de nuestra mente activa y nuestras emociones y descubrir grandes y duraderas profundidades de paz, satisfacción y serenidad. Su mensaje llegó a millones de personas en todo el mundo con su primer libro de mayor venta, "The Power of Now". Y ahora, en este nuevo y muy anticipado libro, Tolle nos brinda la esencia de sus enseñanzas en segmentos cortos y sencillos que están al alcance de todos.

Look for the Good and You'll Find God

by Echo Bodine

Since discovering her psychic and healing abilities in her teens, Echo Bodine has used those gifts to help others. While working as a barber, she often sensed when a client needed healing, and she'd silently provide it. She's helped people communicate with dead loved ones and helped others using the healing power that flows from her hands. She didn't always realize what her abilities meant or how to use them, but Echo continued to seek guidance. She discovered that as she sought the good in people and experiences, she also found the love of God and the power of good that come with spiritual practice. Join Echo for this ride through the incredible events of her life's journey. From one night's sighting of both comedian Bob Hope and a UFO to a glimpse into a European past life to a tangle with the IRS and a trip to Hollywood to explore reality television, all of Echo's adventures have deepened her understanding of God and her own humanity. Even situations that looked disastrous, such as alcohol addiction and teen pregnancy, became life-affirming milestones. Her stories reveal a hard-won wisdom that will help you, too, see the good everywhere and find divinity and guidance within.

Love Colors

by Pamala Oslie

Whether you're seeking a new romantic relationship or hoping to improve an existing one, knowing your own qualities and desires is the first step. Love Colors offers a fresh, powerful approach to better understand yourself and then create your ideal partnership. In her earlier book, Life Colors, psychic consultant Pamala Oslie explained that auras -- the field of energy that surrounds each of us -- contain important clues to our personalities and reveal the ways we relate to the world. In this book, she takes that understanding of auras one step further to help you find -- and keep -- your perfect mate. In Love Colors, you'll discover: * your personal love colors through a detailed personality quiz * the love colors you're most compatible with * tips for finding, recognizing, and attracting your ideal partner * ways to move past your fears and open yourself up to love * advice on maintaining balance and harmony in your relationship With Pamala's insights and advice, you'll gain invaluable self-knowledge and have new tools to create fulfilling, lasting love.

Money Magic

by Deborah L. Price

Making, keeping, and enjoying money isn't just about investments, salaries, inheritances, or dividends, according to Deborah Price. It's also about the games people play around money and their character type in relation to it. In Money Magic, Price shows how to transform your relationship with money to obtain the wealth you desire. The book is structured around eight "types": the Innocent (the ostrich approach); the Victim (blaming circumstances); the Warrior (conquering money); the Martyr (always rescuing someone); the Fool (gambler looking for a windfall); the Creator/Artist (regarding money as evil); the Tyrant (controlling through money); and the Magician (benefitting spiritually and financially from money). The Magician is the book's ideal, and Price offers exercises to help readers attain it. Describes eight money types, and offers quizzes to determine your type. Shows readers how to stop making fear-based money choices.

Over It!

by Lauralee Roark Carol Emery Normandi

National studies show that 65 percent of 11-year-old girls worry that they are too fat; 80 percent of eleven-year-old girls report dieting; and 90 percent of high school juniors and seniors diet regularly. Every year, desperate parents try to save their daughters from starving themselves to death. Yet every year, more girls eat less to look like their favorite supermodels. With this sobering fact in mind, Carol Emery Normandi and Lauralee Roark developed this book based on their ongoing workshops and the feedback of hundreds of young women. They look at the behaviors that may lead to eating disorders and the cultural, emotional, and physical reasons girls obsess about weight and eating. They go on to offer girls and their parents a map and a method for finding a realistic and livable balance. Stories and quotations from girls who have struggled with eating disorders give the book immediacy, and exercises and writing suggestions steer the girls toward a healthy self-image and wholesome eating patterns.

Playing the Quantum Field

by Brenda Anderson

Do you often feel you are at the mercy of external forces in your life? If so, this book is for you. Playing the Quantum Field demonstrates that you have the power to shape your own life, showing how your very next choice can change struggle into play. Brenda Anderson presents a fresh approach to everyday life based on the premise that everyone and everything in the universe are interconnected, and she shows you how to play the quantum field to create success and joy at home or on the job. She posits that the old rules no longer apply and presents a new set of rules, which include ten energetic choices you can make to take control of your life and move into what she calls the Power Zone. Once you grasp how easy it is to move among the choices along the energy spectrum, each day will become a dynamic, empowering exploration of the unlimited potential of the Field.

Practicando el poder de ahora

by Eckart Tolle

This book is a series of excerpts from the author's breakthrough book, The Power of Now, presented here for Spanish-language readers. Carefully arranged for maximum impact, the book includes all of the exercises and many of the most useful keys found in the original. Tolle gently but authoritatively guides the reader to a liberated mind and life by exploring the source of Chi, enlightened relationships, creative use of the mind, impermanence, and the cycle of life.

Quiet Your Mind

by John Selby

Never before has the psychological whistle been blown so clearly on the detrimental effects of chronic worrying, anxious problem-solving, and the general non-stop mental chatter of our thinking minds. John Selby, researcher, therapist, and educator, points out that we are indeed a nation of unwitting thinkaholics. In his essential new book, Quiet Your Mind, he offers us an easy-to-follow mind-management process through which we can learn to let go of fear-based mental habits and enter a more heart-centered, intuitively-clear, and spiritually-peaceful engagement with everyday life. With solid scientific grounding, yet written in a heart-to-heart tone, Selby offers a precise expose of how anxious thoughts focused on mental judgments, beliefs, and attitudes generate emotions such as irritation, worry, guilt, anger, and despair - leaving little room in our lives for positive spontaneous engagement with the world. In this definitive guidebook, Selby teaches how we can transcend such fear-based ideas and attitudes that hold us back in life, through potent yet easily-mastered techniques to quiet over-busy thoughtflows and nurture more present-moment, love-based mindstates.

Reflections in the Light

by Shakti Gawain

This book gives readers an inspirational thought and a useful tool -- an original affirmation -- to be read each day. Each entry has a heading, a short message or meditation, and an affirmation. This new edition of a classic puts the timeless words of Shakti Gawain into a beautiful, fresh package.

Secret Keeping

by John Howard Prin

What do author James Frey and former president Bill Clinton have in common? They were both secret keepers, and their secrets had disastrous effects on their careers. Millions of people hide addictions from their closest friends and family, often destroying their lives and the lives of others. This book explores how to break the secret-keeping habit and get the help and support needed to overcome addiction, rebuild self-esteem, and live honestly. The first half of the book explores the human tendency to keep secrets and profiles a variety of secret keepers from all walks of life and with a wide range of addictions. The second half helps readers examine and understand their own addictions and secret keeping and offers a clear, step-by-step approach to healing and recovery. Based on the twelve-step program, this book offers a way to change your life for the better, one day at a time. Practical solutions for countering secretive and destructive behaviors ranging from smoking to gambling to alcoholism Addictions -- to drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, eating, pornography, and sex -- are considered to be at epidemic levels in the United States

She Who Dreams

by Wanda Burch

Wanda Burch dreamt that she would die at a certain age; her dreams foretold her diagnosis of cancer, and they guided her toward treatment and wellness. Although she took advantage of all the medical resources available to her, Wanda believes she is alive today because of her intimate engagement with the dreamworld. This book is more than one woman's story, however. Wanda provides techniques such as questioning the dream and observing the surroundings of the dream to delve into the meaning behind the personal stories we tell ourselves in sleep. Through powerful prose and practical exercises, this book demonstrates that wisdom lives within each of us, and we can tap into that wisdom through dreamwork.

Soul Currency

by Ernest D. Chu

In tough times, we look outside ourselves for things to change instead of looking inward, where true abundance resides. It's tempting to downplay important values like generosity, integrity, and intuition. These niceties can take a backseat because we think the world needs to change before we can find wealth. But they are what make it possible to find prosperity, no matter what happens in the world around us. These inner traits help us reach our outer goals. Ernest Chu's transformational concept of "soul currency" refers to both something we use to exchange value (as with money) and the circulation of a divine force in our lives. Chu's own example, as an entrepreneur who pulled himself out of crushing debt, shows his practical, ready-to-implement principles in action. Soul currency bridges the material world of finance and the invisible world of Spirit, allowing abundance to come to us and flow through us. When we tap into the creative force of soul currency, we can experience unprecedented abundance and fulfillment.

Standing at Water's Edge

by Anne Paris

For most people who seek to create -- whether they are artists, writers, or businesspeople -- the daily task of immersing themselves in their creative work is both a joy and a profound challenge. Instead of stepping easily into the creative state, they succumb to chronic procrastination and torturous distraction. In Standing at Water's Edge, psychologist Anne Paris calls on her extensive experience in working with creative clients to explore the deep psychological fears that block us from creative immersion. Employing cutting-edge theory and research, Paris weaves a new understanding of the artist during the creative process. Rather than presenting the creation of art as a lonely, solitary endeavor, she shows how relationships with others are actually crucial to creativity. Shining a light on the innermost experience of the artist as he or she engages with others, the artwork, and the audience, Paris explores how our sense of connection with others can aid or inhibit creative immersion. She reveals a unique model of "mirrors, heroes, and twins" to explore the key relationships that support creativity. Paris's groundbreaking psychological approach gives artists valuable new insight into their own creative process, allowing them to unlock their potential and finish their greatest projects.

Stress Reduction for Busy People

by Dawn Groves

Offering serious information with a light touch, author Dawn Groves shows that by starting with a few simple changes, anyone can find a few minutes each day to take care of their bodies with exercise, sleep, and good food; their souls with meditation and prayer; and their minds with pursuits that challenge and please. Practical techniques will help readers understand how to mindfully interpret events and issues for healthier emotional responses. Groves demonstrates how a few choices can change bad habits into good ones and how parents can not only cope with their children but also help them become part of a lower-stress solution. Sections include "What to Do in a Crisis," "Your Stress-Management Strategy," and "Goal-Setting Hints and Tips."

Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter

by Shelly Brady

Despite being born with cerebral palsy, Bill Porter grew up to take the physically demanding job of a door to door salesman in the worst neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, earning no pay, only commissions. Eventually he became the companys top salesman in the city, the region, and finally the country. Along the way he learned powerful life lessons that he imparted to those around him. One of those people was Shelly Brady, first hired by Porter as a typist and driver, later to become his great friend. In this inspiring book, she brings together his lessons. These seemingly simple ideas, such as Mothers Know Best, Persistence Pays Off, and Know Your Limits, but Reach Beyond Them, resonate powerfully when seen through the lens of a life lived to the fullest against what would be impossible odds for many. Whether finding cooperative bellmen to button his cuffs or beaming a video to his speaking engagements because of ill health, Porter, whose life story became a cause celebre in the 1990s, gets the job done with a smile, and inspires readers to do the same.

The Celtic Way of Seeing

by Frank Maceowen

The Celtic Way of Seeing posits a direct link between the eye and the heart, a link that connects seekers to forces, energies, and knowledge that exist beyond the corporeal world. This book explores this concept through retelling the traditional story "The Settling of the Manor of Tara," which describes the spiritual divisions of Ireland and the four directions -- north, south, east, and west. The orientations to the four directions and the center become the focal point of a series of simple meditations that guide readers to "see" the directions, making the Irish Spirit Wheel come alive in their daily lives.

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