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The Difference a Day Makes

by Karen M. Jones

If your compassionate instincts are greater than the time or energy you can spare, The Difference a Day Makes is all you need to turn your good intentions into powerful action. Flip this book open to any page and discover simple yet meaningful things you can do -- in a few minutes or hours -- to become an "everyday altruist" and improve your world.

The Flight from Intimacy

by Barry K. Weinhold Janae B. Weinhold

Do you know someone who... Has trouble being close to others? Has a strong need to be right -- all the time? Acts self-centered and egotistical? Never asks for help? Has to look good all the time? Works long hours but never finishes? Expects perfection in self and others? Seldom appears vulnerable or weak? Has difficulty relaxing? If so, this person may suffer from counter-dependency, the little-known flip side of co-dependency. The Flight from Intimacy, by psychologists Janae and Barry Weinhold, reveals counter-dependency as the major barrier to creating intimate relationships. People with counter-dependent behaviors appear strong, secure, and successful on the outside, while on the inside they feel weak, fearful, insecure, and needy. They function well in the world of business but often struggle in intimate relationships. Being in a relationship with this kind of person can be extremely frustrating. The Flight from Intimacy shows readers how to recognize and cope with counter-dependent people. And if you recognize yourself in the description above, this book will help you learn how to change. It teaches readers how to use committed relationships to heal childhood wounds and provides proven ways to use conflicts as opportunities for creating intimate, partnership relationships.

The Goddess of Happiness: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss

by Debbie Gisonni

Most people consider happiness the most important pursuit in life, yet few seem to find it. Women, in particular, face a constant internal battle between finding their own happiness and ensuring the happiness of others. Debbie Gissoni, aka "The Goddess of Happiness," shows that happiness is a choice that anyone can make, anytime and anywhere. In 44 dynamic entries the author shares her stories, insights, humor, and simple suggestions to bring out the radiant Goddess in every woman. Each entry includes meditations and journaling ideas to help readers transform the pursuit of happiness into a tangible, everyday practice. Gissoni teaches that all women are goddesses — they just need to tap their innate power and reacquaint themselves with their own magic; and that life is meant to be enjoyable — not to be taken so seriously or made too complicated. Each of these chapters ends with five simple ways to have an easier and happier life.

The Mandala of Being

by Richard Moss

The Mandala of Being shows us why and how we habitually obstruct our innate potential for what Richard Moss calls radical aliveness, a life of authenticity, overflowing energy, and joy. In these pages, Richard Moss gives us an effective practice that is readily incorporated into day-to-day life. It illustrates that there are in fact only four places our minds ever go when we leave the Now -- the past, the future, judgments of ourselves, and judgments of others. It allows us to trace precisely the path we have taken away from our most authentic and essential being whenever we are not fully present, and simultaneously shows us the way home. Drawing from his profound self-realization and more than three decades of working with people of diverse backgrounds, Richard Moss accompanies and encourages the reader on a journey toward freedom from fear and any other limiting or threatening feeling. Deep self-understanding, inner ease, spontaneous healing, more fulfilling relationships, and enhanced creativity are all wonderful blessings that can arise from reading and reflecting on The Mandala of Being.

The Millionaire Course

by Marc Allen

This book is an entire course, an in-depth guide to accomplishing one's dreams in life. Structured in results-minded lessons and interwoven with keys that offer sudden moments of understanding, the book helps the reader grasp new ways of thinking of, and attaining, wealth. Lesson topics include "Imagine your ideal scene," "Discover your core beliefs and learn how to change them," and "Grow at your own pace." Author Marc Allen offers both a life-changing philosophy and the specific tools -- the business plan, the vocabulary, even resources for financing -- needed to create the life of your dreams. An easy-to-implement plan for attaining wealth and fulfillment by doing what we love and adhering to compassionate values. Contains 12 major lessons and 160 keys to success.

The Power of Partnership

by Riane Eisler

Based on the research that brought international recognition to Raine Eisler's groundbreaking work The Chalice and the Blade but addressing the world as it is today, The Power of Partnership offers inspiration and guidance for moving to the better lives we yearn for. Eisler offers us a new lens, a new paradigm, for seeing the world and living in it. The Partnership Model, which emphasizes mutual respect and a fundamental awareness of the sacredness of all life, creates a solid foundation for families, businesses, communities, and the world. In contrast, the suffocating paradigm that has guided much of recorded history -- what Eisler calls the Domination Model -- has led individuals and groups, acting out of fear, to oppress women, wage war, terrorize, and subjugate others. Using these simple yet far-reaching models, Eisler shows how political and personal relationships based on domination inevitably result in misery and violence, while those founded on partnership foster respect, love, and an explosion of creativity.

The Real Meaning of Life

by David Seaman

The Real Meaning of Life wasn't written by an expert. It isn't the culmination of painstaking self-study or a sudden breakthrough. Instead, this fascinating book collects the insights of everyday people who responded to NYU freshman David Seaman's simple query, "What is the meaning of life?" To his surprise, he received a flood of responses. Some suggested things like "bikinis and beer," but Seaman found that most were much more thoughtful -- so much so that he created a website and now this book to collect the best of them. From thousands of respondents -- including Buddhists, born-again Christians, atheists, waitresses, students, and recovering heart attack patients -- come incredibly diverse nuggets of wisdom that can be aphoristic ("Be grease, not glue"), philosophical ("There is no point to life, and that is exactly what makes it so special"), or whimsical ("Me, I'm going snowboarding").

The Seven Whispers

by Christina Baldwin

The Seven Whispers Maintain peace of mind Move at the pace of guidance Practice certainty of purpose Surrender to surprise Ask for what you need and offer what you can Love the folks in front of you Return to the world In The Seven Whispers, journal writing pioneer Christina Baldwin teaches us to listen to the inner voice that originates from each of our souls -- the voice of spirit. Though we may call this voice by whatever name has meaning for us -- spirit, intuition, or God -- hearing it is a universal human experience. Built around seven phrases, or whispers, Baldwin's book is a personal guide for finding and listening to that voice. A powerful call to reenvision our lives, told in the voice of a trusted friend, The Seven Whispers delivers a wonderfully inspiring yet practical spirituality.

The Translucent Revolution

by Arjuna Ardagh

There is a gentle but profound revolution in human consciousness happening throughout the world -- it has affected millions of people from all walks of life, and the numbers continue to multiply exponentially. The breakthroughs they have experienced are startlingly similar and are marked by a new sense of well-being, increased joy in life, diminished fear, and a natural impulse to serve and contribute to the world in a real way. For more than a decade, Arjuna Ardagh has studied this worldwide advance in human consciousness marked by what he calls "translucents" -- individuals who have undergone a spiritual awakening deeply enough that it has permanently transformed their relationship to themselves and to reality, while allowing them to remain involved in ordinary life. The Translucent Revolution draws on the author's dialogues with thousands of writers, teachers, and workshop participants around the world who display characteristics of "translucence." He blends observation, anecdote, and research, including commentaries from leading pioneers in the field of human consciousness.

The Type-Z Guide to Success

by Marc Allen

Is it possible to be both lazy and successful? Marc Allen answers this question with a resounding YES! In this miraculous little book, you'll learn an extraordinarily simple four-step program and discover how you can achieve your dreams in life -- even if you're lazy, inexperienced, overwhelmed, or financially challenged. And if you're a workaholic or a Type A, you'll learn how to have more time for relaxation and fun -- and still be successful.

The World Is a Waiting Lover

by Trebbe Johnson

Johnson explores the concept of the Beloved -- the elusive, alluring force that beckons us forth to passionate engagement with the world -- and shows how our sense of love is often linked to something far greater than ourselves. She explains that mistaking a human lover for the inner, eternal Beloved is the first step in any romance, yet the ability to distinguish between the two ultimately holds the key to our quest for personal freedom and fulfillment. Steeped in Western and Eastern myth and romantic imagery, The World is a Waiting Lover guides us through story and thought in order to discover passion, Eros, and our authentic selves. It is a personal story and, at the same time, an invitation to explore our individual yearnings to live with fearless authenticity as we find more passion and meaning in our work, relationships, and view of the future.

What Would You Do If You Had No Fear?

by Diane Conway

For this book, author Diane Conway approached a police officer, a waitress, a politician, a lawyer, a cab driver, and many others, and asked them each the same question: "What would you do if you had no fear?" The results, chronicled in this book, were both surprising and enlightening. Her respondents told her their secrets, their long-hidden dreams, and their fears. Their dreams included quitting mind-numbing jobs, applying to medical school, buying tickets to South America, finding true love, quitting drinking, or having an affair. The distance between dreaming and doing, according to Conway, is surprisingly short. In What Would You Do If You Had No Fear? her fresh voice and "Studs Terkel in drag persona" challenge readers to stop, open their hearts, and truly live. Included are self-tests, quizzes, growth exercises, and inspiring quotes for realizing one's fear-free potential.

When Prayers Aren't Answered

by John E. Welshons

In the depths of grief, some find solace in their faith, while others feel that God has deserted them. In this gentle and wise guide, a beloved spiritual teacher counsels that prayer works -- but not always in the ways we expect. Welshons, who has worked closely with Ram Dass and Stephen Levine and trained with Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, confronts life's most challenging experiences directly, acknowledging both the reality and inevitability of unexpected, unwanted change. Then, with insights gathered from the world's great spiritual traditions, he shows how to use painful circumstances as fuel for enlightenment. In short, step-by-step chapters, Welshons shares stories of transformation from his own life and the lives of those he has counseled. With deep empathy, he lights a path toward the communion, peace, and joy that are possible when we open our hearts to life in its totality.

Why Walk When You Can Fly?

by Isha Judd

Imposing no belief system or dogma, the teachings of Why Walk When You Can Fly? are practical and easy to incorporate into daily life, yet they produce a profound inner transformation. At the core are four "facets" -- simple, powerful statements of profound truths. As you use the facets, an abiding sense of well-being and present-moment awareness will permeate your life. Through parables, moving testimonials, and humor, Isha imparts the essential truths that we have nothing to fear and we are all one. This inviting, accessible book will help you live a life of unconditional love, happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

Mental Resilience

by Kamal Sarma

A powerful and engrossing tale of extremes and extremists, D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love follows the passionate relationships of two sisters, Gudrun and Ursula Brangwen, with their respective lovers, the ominous Gerald Crich and the charismatic but fragile Rupert Birkin. Beginning in a narrow-minded English colliery town and culminating amidst the ice and snow of the Alps, the abortive alliance between the two men and the couples' affairs are played out against the derangements of industrialism and the need to find new ways of living and better ways of dying. A masterpiece that heralded the erotic consciousness of the twentieth century, Lawrence considered Women in Love his best novel, exploring through it his belief that love is "the great creative process. "

Breaking Free of the Co-Dependency Trap

by Janae B. Weinhold Barry K. Weinhold

This bestselling book, now in a revised edition, radically challenges the prevailing medical definition of co-dependency as a permanent, progressive, and incurable addiction. Rather, the authors identify it as the result of developmental traumas that interfered with the infant-parent bonding relationship during the first year of life. Drawing on decades of clinical experience, Barry and Janae Weinhold correlate the developmental causes of co-dependency with relationship problems later in life, such as establishing and maintaining boundaries, clinging and dependent behaviors, people pleasing, and difficulty achieving success in the world. Then they focus on healing co-dependency, providing compelling case histories and practical activities to help readers heal early trauma and transform themselves and their primary relationships.

Do It Anyway

by Kent M. Keith

Dr. Kent Keith published the Paradoxical Commandments as part of a book he wrote for student leaders in the 1960s when he was an undergraduate at Harvard. These maxims for finding meaning in the face of adversity took on a life of their own, making their way into countless speeches, advice columns, books, institutions, and homes around the world. They were even found on the wall of Mother Teresa's children's home in Calcutta. They became the basis of Keith's bestselling book Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments. Do It Anyway expands on the vision behind the Paradoxical Commandments. It includes forty stories of people who live the commandments each day and gives you the examples, tools, and encouragement to find personal meaning and deep happiness, no matter who you are or what your circumstances, even when times are tough.


by Marc Lesser

A certain kind of busyness is crucial to life, allowing us to earn a living, create art, and achieve success. But too often it consumes us and we become crazy busy, nonstop busy, and we expend extraneous effort that gets us nowhere. Marc Lesser's new book shows us the benefits of doing less in a world that has increasingly embraced more -- more desire, more activity, more things, more exhaustion. Less is about stopping, about the possibility of finding composure in the midst of activity. The ideas and practices that Lesser outlines offer a radical yet simple approach to transforming a lifestyle based on endless to-do lists into a more meaningful approach that is truly more productive in every sense.

Knitting the Threads of Time

by Nora Murphy

In an era of global warming, war, escalating expenses, declining income, and drugs and violence in schools, many mothers feel they have little control over their families or their worlds. Nora Murphy eloquently demonstrates that many women do control one tiny thing: their next stitch. While tracing the frustrations and joys of knitting a sweater for her son through the course of one cold, dark Minnesota winter, Murphy eloquently brings to life the traditions and cultures of women from many backgrounds, including Hmong, American Indian, Mexican, African, and Irish. Murphy's personal stories -- about her struggles to understand esoteric knitting patterns, her help from the shaman of the knit shop, and her challenges sticking with an often vexing project -- will appeal to knitters as well as everyone else who has labored to create something from scratch.

Choosing ME Before WE: Every Woman's Guide to Life and Love

by Christine Arylo

Full of sass, soul, and the type of empowering wisdom that no woman should live without, Choosing ME before WE is like a heart-to-heart with your closest girlfriend. And best of all, you’ll discover that your closest girlfriend is your own truest self, inside you, always ready to offer wise, loving advice and counsel about what is best for you. Designed to challenge and guide women to create the relationships they want instead of the ones they often find themselves stuck in, this book is packed with: stimulating questions to uncover what’s true for you, daring you to get downright real about yourself and your relationships powerful techniques to change old habits that sabotage your dreams real-life experiences shared by the author, her friends, and her clients Author Christine Arylo, who almost married the wrong guy for all the wrong reasons, speaks to women of all ages, whether they’re seeking a relationship, evaluating a less-than-fulfilling one, rebounding from a bad breakup, or working through issues with a partner. Choosing ME before WE teaches women to stop settling, to get real about the kind of partner they’re looking for, and to start exploring and creating what they truly want in themselves and their relationships.

Visionary Business

by Marc Allen

A powerful book presenting the 12 keys of business success and the 25 principles and practices of visionary business This transformative book has helped people all over the world to not only envision and create success but also build a truly visionary business: one that supports its employees, the community, and the environment. We meet Marc Allen's mentor Bernie, an unforgettable character who teaches Marc the ways of ethical and socially responsible business. Together they turn Marc's fledgling attempts at business into a thriving corporate success, founded on diverse principles of positive psychology, Eastern and Western spirituality, market savvy, and simple kindness. Marc finds that it's all too easy to fall prey to anxieties and negative beliefs when you set out to create your own business, especially if you are learning the details as you go. Fortunately, Bernie shows Marc the most important thing of all: how to transform his thinking and change his old beliefs. This essential inner work is one of the great keys Bernie gives Marc. Step by step, Marc learns everything necessary to create the business of his dreams.

The Genius Machine

by Gerald Sindell

A complete, step-by-step system for developing an idea, thinking through an issue, or creating a revolutionary innovation Gifted with the unique ability to help people discover and apply their own innate genius, intellectual property consultant Gerald Sindell works with individuals and organizations to maximize returns on their most precious capital: their ideas and innovations. Dubbed the "Genius Machine" by his clients, Sindell's eleven-step process has proven invaluable for countless individuals and businesses needing to hone their message or launch a new product in today's tough market. Ideas enter the Genius Machine fuzzy, weak, or partially baked. Through this eleven-step process, they are examined from every angle and emerge robust, polished, and ready to change the world. Whether you are designing a house, writing a term paper, or perfecting the business plan for a new startup, The Genius Machine will help your thinking succeed.

The Science of Making Things Happen

by Kim Marcille Romaner

Entrepreneur, speaker, and consultant Kim Romaner has spent years researching the latest advances in science and technology and then working with colleagues and clients to apply those discoveries in practical -- and profitable -- ways. In these pages, she reveals five principles from recent and little-known scientific discoveries that you can use right now to accomplish your dreams, whether those dreams are focused on career, relationships, fitness, creative projects, or business endeavors. You'll learn how to wield the power of quantum, neurological, and biological mechanisms already in play to change your life as if by magic. The big lesson of this book is that the universe is designed to turn the possibilities you choose into realities, and Kim guides you through the cutting-edge science of amplifying those possibilities and achieving your goals.

Happiness from the Inside Out

by Robert Mack

Discover 8 Ways to Be Happier, Starting Right Now Many think that happiness, like success, comes from getting what they want. But new evidence from positive psychology suggests that happiness is something else, or at least something more. Presenting surprisingly practical wisdom in a playful and entertaining format, Rob Mack delivers a simple-to-follow instruction manual, based in both science and personal experience, for living a happier, healthier, and wealthier life, starting today. Mack describes eight tried-and-true principles for realizing unconditional happiness and achieving the unparalleled success that comes with it. With a little effort, anyone -- regardless of current circumstances -- can discover new levels of joy and contentment on the inside and live a wonderfully prosperous and abundant life on the outside.

Mortician Diaries

by March Knights Nadle

After 50 years in the funeral business, 80-year-old grandmother-undertaker June Knights Nadle has seen it all -- at least all of what goes on before, during, and after life's ultimate challenge. In Mortician Diaries, she combines equal doses of charm, humanity, humor, and reality to tell it like it is on this taboo subject. A kind of Prairie Home Companion set in a mortuary, the book features memorable stories of regret -- "I wish I had kissed him on the morning he had the accident" -- and renewal, as the lesson of facing life's last great event is learned, or not. Some of the accounts here are funny, some sad. Some are haunting in their strangeness as they reveal the many ways in which people cope. Along the way, the reader is drawn into Nadle's own life story as an unconventional woman who devoted herself to the dead and to those they left behind.

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