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Emprendedor. PERSIGUE TUS SUEÑOS (Nuevos Entornos)

by Gabriel Masfurroll Lacambra

<P>El libro es la consecuencia del encuentro de dos anhelos: el de edebé que quiere dar apoyo a su iniciativa de introducir el talento emprendedor en sus materiales para el aula, y el de Gabriel Masfurroll que quiere compartir la satisfacción de la aventura de emprender que ha guiado su vida personal y profesional. <P>En primer lugar, el libro aporta credibilidad. En él el autor reflexiona sobre las capacidades emprendedoras (iniciativa, esfuerzo, riesgo, toma de decisiones?); orienta sobre los factores del éxito emprendedor (un buen equipo, trabajo duro, una buena comunicación, amor a lo que haces, el apoyo de la familia?), advierte de los riesgos (acomodarse en el éxito?)? Y lo hace a través de experiencias vividas personalmente en su trayectoria profesional y, también, mostrándonos los sentimientos que le han acompañado en este recorrido, su mundo interior. Además, es un libro que anima a emprender, que transmite ilusión ??tú quieres, tú puedes?-, pero dejando bien claro el esfuerzo y el sacrificio que comporta. No obstante, ?es un reto que vale la pena? y nos propone ejemplos de emprendedores que han partido de la nada, como él mismo. <P>Es un libro empapado de valores, enraizado en el mundo real -tremendamente real- en el que nos habla de humildad, de honestidad, de retorno a la sociedad? En definitiva de valores muy necesarios para la formación de los jóvenes, y no tan jóvenes, para convivir en la sociedad actual y aspirar a un mundo mejor. <P>Biografía Gabriel Masfurroll es un emprendedor multifacético. Empresario, escritor, filántropo, deportista, dedicado a apoyar a nuevos emprendedores... <P>Como empresario, en 2010 empezó una nueva etapa profesional con la creación de Wings 4 Business ( Masfurroll es considerado el pionero en la creación de cadenas hospitalarias privadas en España, pues en 1997 fundó USP Hospitales, de la que fue Consejero Delegado y Presidente hasta 2010. Desde 1980 ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en destacados hospitales españoles y en las mejores cadenas hospitalarias norteamericanas y británicas. Su experiencia como nadador de alta competición en su juventud le enseñó que el éxito no llega solo, que hay que trabajar duro, ser tenaz y aprender de los fracasos. Su notoriedad en el ámbito directivo del deporte llegó en varias etapas: como directivo del F.C. Barcelona, como Chairman del Advisory Board de la NFL en España y actualmente es vicepresidente de la Fundación F.C. Barcelona. <P>La filantropía es otro de los ámbitos a los que destina tiempo y esfuerzo. Fue en 1984 fundador y secretario del Patronato de la Fundación Catalana del Síndrome de Down (, y es fundador y Presidente de Fundación Alex (, una entidad que lleva el nombre de su segundo hijo, Alex, que nació con síndrome de Down y murió a los 3 años de edad, y que está destinada a impulsar proyectos a favor de la infancia y las personas con capacidades diferentes. Desde 2011 es Patrono de la Fundacion Junior Achievement ( para fomentar el emprendimiento en las escuelas, de la que también es Presidente del Consejo Asesor en Catalunya. También es presidente de la Fundación Laureus España (

Caring is Everything: Getting to the Heart of Humanity, Leadership, and Life

by David Irvine

David Irvine’s groundbreaking Becoming Real and The Authentic Leader introduced readers to a means of deepening one’s leadership presence through the power of authenticity. Now, he takes us further along that journey. Part memoir and part inspirational guide, Caring is Everything is David’s courageous exploration into the power of caring. As a person committed to making a difference in the world—whether you are a corporate executive, caregiver, community volunteer, teacher, or family member—you will benefit from the insights contained in this thought-provoking book. Caring, the most noble of human journeys, has a pervasive, enduring influence on the well-being of those around us. Caring impacts who we are as people and the places where we work and live. And, at a crucial time in human history, it inspires us to tend to our living planet.

The Pursuit of Pleasurable Work: Craftwork in Twenty-First Century England (New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations #4)

by Trevor H. J. Marchand

Against the backdrop of an alienating, technologizing and ever-accelerating world of material production, this book tells an intimate story: one about a community of woodworkers training at an historic institution in London’s East End during the present ‘renaissance of craftsmanship’. The animated and scholarly accounts of learning, achievement and challenges reveal the deep human desire to create with our hands, the persistent longing to find meaningful work, and the struggle to realise dreams. In its penetrating explorations of the nature of embodied skill, the book champions greater appreciation for the dexterity, ingenuity and intelligence that lie at the heart of craftwork.

The Pursuit of Pleasurable Work: Craftwork in Twenty-First Century England (New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations #4)

by Trevor H. J. Marchand

Against the backdrop of an alienating, technologizing and ever-accelerating world of material production, this book tells an intimate story: one about a community of woodworkers training at an historic institution in London’s East End during the present ‘renaissance of craftsmanship’. The animated and scholarly accounts of learning, achievement and challenges reveal the deep human desire to create with our hands, the persistent longing to find meaningful work, and the struggle to realise dreams. In its penetrating explorations of the nature of embodied skill, the book champions greater appreciation for the dexterity, ingenuity and intelligence that lie at the heart of craftwork.

The 8 Dimensions of Leadership: DiSC Strategies for Becoming a Better Leader

by Mark Scullard Jeffrey Sugerman

Don't Be a One-Dimensional Leader! To be an effective leader you need to know your strengths--but that's only part of the story. You also need a broad perspective on all the behaviors needed to be an effective leader. This book provides both. Using the third-generation DiSC® online personality assessment--one of the most scientifically validated tools available--The 8 Dimensions of Leadership helps you identify your primary leadership dimension. Whether you are a Pioneering, Energizing, Affirming, Inclusive, Humble, Deliberate, Resolute, or Commanding leader, the authors help you understand the psychological drivers, motivations, and "blind spots" characteristic of your style. But no single style will take you all the way. A Humble leader may have a hard time making tough decisions. A Commanding leader may run roughshod over potential allies. The authors detail the lessons all leaders can learn from each style, enabling you to craft a multidimensional approach to becoming the leader you aspire to be.

The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul

by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

Whether we are overwhelmed by work or school; our families or communities; caretaking for others or ourselves; or engagement in social justice, environmental advocacy, or civil service, just a few subtle shifts can help us sustain. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, bestselling author of Trauma Stewardship, shows us how, offering concrete strategies to help us mitigate harm, cultivate our ability to be decent and equitable, and to act with integrity. The Age of Overwhelm aims to help ease our burden of overwhelm, restore our perspective, and give us strength to navigate what is yet to come.

The Anatomy of Peace

by Arbinger

NEW EDITION, REVISED AND UPDATED Like Leadership and Self-Deception, The Arbinger Institute's first book, The Anatomy of Peace has become a worldwide phenomenon--not because of a media blitz, movie tie-in, or celebrity endorsement, but because readers have enthusiastically recommended it to colleagues, relatives, and friends. The Anatomy of Peace asks, What if conflicts at home, conflicts at work, and conflicts in the world stem from the same root cause? What if we systematically misunderstand that cause? And what if, as a result, we unwittingly perpetuate the very problems we think we are trying to solve? Through an intriguing story we learn how and why we contribute to the divisions and problems we blame on others and the surprising way that these problems can be solved. Yusuf al-Falah, an Arab, and Avi Rozen, a Jew, each lost his father at the hands of the other's ethnic cousins. The Anatomy of Peace is the story of how they came together, how they help warring parents and children come together, and how we too can find our way out of the struggles that weigh us down. This second edition includes new sections enabling readers to go deeper into the book's key concepts; access to free digital study and discussion guides; and information about The Reconciliation Project, a highly successful global peace initiative based on concepts in The Anatomy of Peace.

The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict (Bk Life Ser.)

by The Arbinger Institute

From the authors of Leadership and Self-Deception, which sold over 2 million copies, this new edition explores how we misunderstand the causes of our conflicts and shows us the paths to achieving true peace within ourselves, in our relationships, and even between nations. In this day and age, perhaps there is nothing more important than knowing how to heal relationships that are breaking and how to maintain connections when people are pulling apart. So many of our conflicts seem unsolvable, but what if conflicts at home, at work, and in the world stem from the same root cause? What if we systematically misunderstand that cause? And what if, as a result, we unwittingly perpetuate the very problems we think we are trying to solve?This book unfolds as a story. Yusuf al-Falah, an Arab, and Avi Rozen, a Jew, each lost his father at the hands of each other's cousins. The Anatomy of Peace is the story of how they come together, how they help their warring parents and children come together, and how we too can find our way out of the personal, professional, and global conflicts that weigh us down. This expanded third edition includes diagrams and discussions that further explain some of the book's approaches, current research about key ideas, and how the transformation approach in the book relates to Arbinger's comprehensive organizational mindset-change process.

The Anatomy of Peace, Fourth Edition: Resolving the Heart of Conflict

by The Arbinger Institute

From the authors of Leadership and Self-Deception (over 2 million copies sold) comes a new edition of this bestseller that has been thoroughly revised to more effectively address the diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges that plague our communities and hinder our organizations.What if conflicts at home, at work, and in the world stem from the same root cause? What if we systematically misunderstand that cause? And what if, as a result, we unwittingly perpetuate the very problems we think we are trying to solve? The Anatomy of Peace uses a fictional story of an Arab and a Jew—both of whom lost their fathers at the hands of the other's cousins—to powerfully show readers the way to transform conflict. We learn how they come together, how they help parents and children come together, and how we too can find our way out of the personal, professional, and social conflicts that weigh us down. The fourth edition includes revisions and new materials and resources that increase its relevance and usefulness at a time of deeply entrenched divisions throughout society. Additionally, it includes new detailed discussions of the pattern of dehumanization that lies at the heart of today's most pressing struggles with prejudice and discrimination—challenges that cannot be solved until the origins of bias and discrimination are properly understood and addressed. The new edition is a unique and vital resource for combatting racism and prejudice in their many manifestations.

The Answer to How Is Yes

by Peter Block

Modern culture's worship of "how-to" pragmatism has turned us into instruments of efficiency and commerce--but we're doing more and more about things that mean less and less. We constantly ask "how? and still struggle to find purpose and act on what matters. Instead of acting on what we know to be of importance, we wait for bosses to change, we seek the latest fad, we invest in one more degree. Asking how keeps us safe--instead of being led by our hearts into uncharted territory, we keep our heads down and stick to the rules. But we are gaining the world and losing our souls. Peter Block puts the "how-to" craze in perspective and presents a guide to the difficult and life-granting journey of bringing what we know is of personal value into an indifferent or even hostile corporate and cultural landscape. He raises our awareness of the trade-offs we've made in the name of practicality and expediency, and offers hope for a way of life in which we're motivated not by what "works," but by the things that truly matter in life--idealism, intimacy, depth and engagement.

The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook

by Roxy Manning Sarah Peyton

The Antiracist Heart delivers a unique path to antiracist activism and introspection by applying neuroscience exercises, questionnaires, and journaling prompts based on the book How to Have Antiracist Conversations.Have you wanted to stand up for the values you believe in, yet found yourself inexplicably held back? Do you long for a way to hold people accountable that doesn't simultaneously demean them? The Antiracist Heart combines cutting-edge neuroscience with ways to build Martin Luther King Jr's vision of Beloved Community, delivering practical tools for the internal and interpersonal work of antiracism. This book prepares the reader to have a new kind of conversation when racist harms occur one that doesn't shy away from hard truths yet doesn't demonize anyone. Based on the framework of How to Have Antiracist Conversations, the activities in this handbook empower readers to disrupt the ways racism plays out in daily life. In each chapter, Manning, a clinical psychologist and antiracist activist, and Peyton, a neuroscience expert and educator, both trainers in Nonviolent Communication, unpack key concepts like bias and trauma using brain science alongside practices for self-connection and dialogue. The exercises are: FlexibleDesigned to work for individuals or groups For people of the Global Majority (BIPOC) or white peopleFor those with or without experience in addressing the effects of racismBy better understanding the neuroscience of how brains develop in response to culture, readers gain skills to interrupt implicit biases and racist constructs deep within the brain. The activities invite introspection and a radical form of self-compassion that make antiracist dialogues and actions possible, thus creating real change.

The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change

by David Cooperrider Diana D. Whitney Jacqueline Stavros

One of today’s most popular change methods, Appreciative Inquiry (AI) has been used to undertake transformational initiatives in dozens of organizations, ranging from McDonald’s to the U.S. Navy to Save the Children. The assumption of AI is simple. Every organization has things that work right—things that give it life when it is vital, effective, and successful. AI begins by identifying this positive core and connecting organizational visions, plans, and structures to it in ways that heighten energy and inspire action for change. This book presents all of the concepts, examples, and aids necessary to engage groups of all sizes in Appreciative Inquiry. The authors provide background information on what AI is and how it works and offer sample project plans, designs, agendas, course outlines, interview guidelines, participant worksheets, a list of resources, and more. This second edition has been extensively revised, updated, and expanded, including new case studies, new tools and supplemental articles, an expanded bibliography and resource list, and an entirely new chapter on case applications. And throughout, the authors focus on how AI can support an organizational focus on sustainability and the “triple bottom line” of people, prosperity, and planet.

Auténtico, Second Edition: The Definitive Guide to Latino Career Success

by Robert Rodriguez Andrés T. Tapia

America has an urgent need for Latino and Latina executives. This book identifies a path to uplift and amplify their representation in leadership.Latinos and Latinas will account for a third of our workforce by 2050—yet they make up only 5 percent of senior roles in corporate America. Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Andrés T. Tapia call this low percentage of Latino and Latina corporate executives today the "5 percent Shame." Inspired by Price M. Cobbs's seminal work on the secrets of successful Black leaders, this book seeks to understand the impact on Latinos and Latinas of the external forces of conscious and unconscious biases and of the internal forces of whether to assimilate or double down on their cultural identities in their quest to get ahead. The second edition features a new foreword by Henry Cisneros, former secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as updated statistics and graphs to represent how America's career landscape for Latinos has and has not changed and how to ensure Latinos can rise to their fullest potential.Using insights from in-depth interviews with twenty highly successful boomer Latino and Latina executives and focus groups with dozens of Gen X and millennial leaders, the authors have captured lessons about how these individuals chose their career paths, addressed challenges, and seized opportunities. The discussions are interpreted through the lenses of the authors' different personal experiences as Latino leaders in corporate America and synthesized as a guide for future leaders.

Battling Healthcare Burnout: Learning to Love the Job You Have, While Creating the Job You Love

by Thom Mayer, MD

When physicians and nurses suffer from burnout, patients suffer as well. This book pinpoints the how and why and shows what healthcare providers and their organizations can do.Burnout is among the most critical topics in healthcare as it deprives us of our most important resource—the talents and passion of those who perform the difficult work of caring for patients and their families. The purpose of this book is to provide not only a taxonomy of burnout within the landscape of healthcare but also to provide pathways for healthcare professionals to guide themselves and their organizations toward changing the culture and systems of their organization. The work of battling burnout begins from within. Thom Mayer views every healthcare team member as both a leader and performance athlete, engaged in a cycle of performance, training, and recovery. In these roles, they must both lead and protect themselves and their teams.Battling Healthcare Burnout looks at individuals' role in promoting change within themselves and their organization and addresses solutions to change the culture and systems of work. Both are presented with a pragmatic focusand a liberal use of examples and case studies, including those from several nationally recognized healthcare systems.

Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management

by Ruth Pearce

“This book will soon become a widely accepted standard on how to deliver a successful project on time and on budget in any industry.” —John Garahan, Vice President, Global Delivery, Broadridge Financial Solutions Successful project managers must engage and motivate others to achieve complex goals. Ruth Pearce shows how behavior, language, and attitudes affect engagement and how leveraging character strengths can help improve relationships, increase innovation, and build higher-functioning teams. This focus on character strengths—such as bravery, curiosity, fairness, gratitude, and humor—can help project managers recognize and cultivate the things that are best in themselves and others. Many project managers do not have the authority to direct the activities of people on their teams—they can only influence them. The most influential people succeed by focusing less on themselves and their message and more on others. They pay attention, they are brave, they are vulnerable, they are curious, and they look for and acknowledge the things that are important about and to the other person. And they model the behavior that they want to see. This book tells you how.Pearce provides tools and frameworks for building a culture of appreciation, understanding character strengths, mapping leadership qualities, understanding learning styles, identifying team roles, and executing plans. She also explores the factors that contribute to conflict and tensions, as well as strategies for getting through difficult times. We see these tools and techniques in action through “Maggie,” a project manager who is struggling to motivate her team. Each chapter concludes with reflective questions to make the ideas stick and with key strategies for success.

Be the Best Bad Presenter Ever

by Karen Hough

If you're like most people, the phrase "You'll be giving a presentation" is on a par with "It looks like that molar will have to come out. " Well, let's be honest: you'd prefer the surgery, wouldn't you? One reason most people regard public speaking as a nightmare is that they have to be "perfect. " They drive themselves crazy trying to conform to all sorts of handed-down rules that tie them up in knots and put their audiences to sleep. But Karen Hough knows that by throwing out those rules, relaxing, being yourself, and even making "mistakes," you'll connect with your audience much more effectively than the guy with the impeccable PowerPoint presentation. Hough has used her unique approach to take the anxiety out of one of the greatest fears in business. It's authenticity and passion that win people over, she says, not polish. It's why people trust vlogs more than commercials and user reviews more than ads. But you can't be authentic if you're following constraining rules that drain the life and personality out of your presentation. Hough debunks over a dozen myths about presenting to make it more fun and natural for everybody. She explains why mirrors are evil, why you should never end with questions, what the real purpose of any presentation should be, and much more. You'll discover how to embrace and develop your own style and communicate your message in a way that's all "wrong" according to the experts and that your audiences will find compellingly right. If presentations really didn't matter, we'd all just send memos. There are a million ways to share information out there, but the more we digitize, the more we long for human connection. By following Karen Hough's wise and witty advice, you'll avoid being forced to become one more robot behind a podium and be freed to be a living, breathing, occasionally clumsy real person whose passion is powerful and infectious.

Begin Boldly: How Women Can Reimagine Risk, Embrace Uncertainty, and Launch a Brilliant Career

by Christie Hunter Arscott

Learn how to take the right risks for lasting success. Begin Boldly provides a framework for making the kind of bold moves that will get your career off to its best start!Have you ever shied away from taking a risk? Maybe you didn't apply for a job because you didn't meet 100 percent of the requirements or passed up the opportunity to take on a challenging role because you didn't feel ready. If you can relate, you are not alone. Despite recognizing the benefits of making bold moves, most women—especially those early in their careers—struggle to harness the power of risk-taking. Begin Boldly changes that.Christie Hunter Arscott equips readers to intelligently take risks using an actionable model built around three mindsets: a curious mindset, a courageous mindset, and an agile mindset. With a step-by-step method for taking risks, assessing rewards, and refining approaches, she gives women a flexible and repeatable framework to help them develop this critical career skill.Begin Boldly inspires women to take chances on themselves and turns risk-taking into an enlightening and empowering antidote for self-doubt. As Christie reminds us, the biggest risk for women is not taking any risks at all.A discussion guide is available in this book.

The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love

by Sonya Renee Taylor

The Body Is Not an ApologyThe Power of Radical Self-LoveAgainst a global backdrop of war, social upheaval, and personal despair, there is a growing sense of urgency to challenge the systems of oppression that dehumanize bodies and strip us of our shared humanity. Rather than feel helpless in the face of oppression, world-renowned activist, performance poet, and author Sonya Renee Taylor teaches us how to turn to the power of radical self-love in her new book, The Body Is Not an Apology. Radical self-love is the guiding framework that transforms the learned self-hatred of our bodies and the prejudices we have about other people's bodies into a vision of compassion, equity, and justice. In a revolutionary departure from the corporate self-help and body-positivity movement, Taylor forges the inextricable bond between radical self-love and social justice. The first step is recognizing that we have all been indoctrinated into a system of body shame that profits off of our self-hatred. When we ask ourselves, “Who benefits from our collective shame?” we can begin to make the distinction between the messages we are receiving about our bodies or other bodies and the truth. This book moves us beyond our all-too-often hidden lives, where we are easily encouraged to forget that we are whole humans having whole human experiences in our bodies alongside others. Radical self-love encourages us to embark on a personal journey of transformation with thoughtful reflection on the origins of our minds and bodies as a source of strength. In doing this, we not only learn to reject negative messages about ourselves but begin to thwart the very power structures that uphold them. Systems of oppression thrive off of our inability to make peace with bodies and difference. Radical self-love not only dismantles shame and self-loathing in us but has the power to dismantle global systems of injustice—because when we make peace with our bodies, only then do we have the capacity to truly make peace with the bodies of others.

The Body Is Not an Apology, Second Edition: The Power of Radical Self-Love

by Sonya Renee Taylor

"To build a world that works for everyone, we must first make the radical decision to love every facet of ourselves. . . . ‘The body is not an apology' is the mantra we should all embrace."—Kimberlé Crenshaw, legal scholar and founder and Executive Director, African American Policy Forum Humans are a varied and divergent bunch with all manner of beliefs, morals, and bodies. Systems of oppression thrive off our inability to make peace with difference and injure the relationship we have with our own bodies.The Body Is Not an Apology offers radical self-love as the balm to heal the wounds inflicted by these violent systems. World-renowned activist and poet Sonya Renee Taylor invites us to reconnect with the radical origins of our minds and bodies and celebrate our collective, enduring strength. As we awaken to our own indoctrinated body shame, we feel inspired to awaken others and to interrupt the systems that perpetuate body shame and oppression against all bodies. When we act from this truth on a global scale, we usher in the transformative opportunity of radical self-love, which is the opportunity for a more just, equitable, and compassionate world—for us all.This second edition includes stories from Taylor's travels around the world combating body terrorism and shines a light on the path toward liberation guided by love. In a brand new final chapter, she offers specific tools, actions, and resources for confronting racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia. And she provides a case study showing how radical self-love not only dismantles shame and self-loathing in us but has the power to dismantle entire systems of injustice. Together with the accompanying workbook, Your Body Is Not an Apology, Taylor brings the practice of radical self-love to life.

Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman's Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power, and Purpose

by Kathy Caprino

Helps professional women experiencing feelings of disempowerment and dissatisfaction regain the confidence, courage, and energy to take control of their lives Identifies 12 crises professional women face today and offers specific advice and tools for overcoming them Draws on interviews with over one hundred women, offering inspiring stories and practical advice for addressing and resolving disempowerment Thousands of professional women, though outwardly successful, find themselves in the midst of a crisis, believing that they’ve sacrificed meaning, fulfillment, and balance in their lives to achieve work-related success. Their lives feel unmanageable—and they are confused, blocked, overwhelmed and unable to move forward effectively. Kathy Caprino sheds light on this growing epidemic of disempowerment and shows women how to reinvigorate and reclaim their lives. Breakdown, Breakthrough uses a comprehensive coaching, behavioral, and spiritual framework to explore how women can restore their power and reconnect with their life visions as they awake from the paralysis of professional dissatisfaction and personal diminishment. Caprino outlines a new model for understanding disempowerment, one that focuses on women’s relationships with themselves, with others, with the world, and with what she calls their higher selves. She identifies twelve specific challenges professional women face and offers concrete, practical advice for overcoming each one—helping readers “step back, let go of what is holding them back, and say yes” to creating a compelling and rewarding next chapter of life and work. This is also a deeply personal book. Caprino candidly discusses her own struggles with crippling feelings of disempowerment, and shares moving stories and heartfelt advice gleaned from her interviews with over one hundred women who experienced and overcame the crises she describes. Breakdown, Breakthrough offers working women who are stressed, stuck, and dissatisfied access to new inspiration, hope, and a definite plan of action.

Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry : A Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and Forgiveness

by Joan McArthur-Blair Jeanie Cockell

Building Resilience with Appreciative InquiryA Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and ForgivenessAs a leader, you have work that is complex, full of ups and downs. Your ability to be resilient—to pick yourself up after setbacks and keep on going no matter the challenges—is critical not only to successful leadership but also to fostering teams, generating collaboration, and igniting your organization. In this breakthrough book, veteran consultants Joan McArthur-Blair and Jeanie Cockell show that Appreciative Inquiry can be an invaluable tool to build that resilience.Appreciative Inquiry is a time-tested, highly effective, and widely used change method that emphasizes identifying what's working well in a system and building on those strengths. Originating in the 1980s, it's been responsible for dramatic results in every conceivable type of organization. Using the authors' Appreciative Resilience model, leaders can use AI to increase their ability to weather the storms they'll inevitably face and come out stronger. A profoundly practical guide, this book features first-person accounts from leaders in all kinds of settings and situations describing how they've used AI concepts to increase their resilience, as well as a detailed description of the exercises and practices the authors use in their Appreciative Resilience Workshop. McArthur-Blair and Cockell believe that the core of resilience is the interplay among despair, hope, and forgiveness. Every leader experiences despair in those moments when there is no clear path forward. Maintaining hope that a better future is possible enables leaders to keep going. And forgiveness, of one's own shortcomings and those of others, helps leaders move from despair to hope. AI's focus on the best of what is and using that to generate the future makes it a particularly powerful aid and ally on this journey.

Burnout to Breakthrough: Building Resilience to Refuel, Recharge, and Reclaim What Matters

by Eileen McDargh

For the first time, the World Health Organization has classified burnout as a health problem. Renowned motivational speaker Eileen McDargh proposes that to tackle it, we must learn to break out of energy-draining thoughts and behaviors. Resilience, she argues, is strictly a matter of energy management--by better managing your energy, you can both build resiliency and overcome burnout. Breakthrough happens when our energy is consciously distributed to what matters most in our lives. So after a short survey that will tell you where you fit in a burnout and resiliency profile, McDargh helps pinpoint the causes of your burnout and examine the energy demands that keep you from refueling and recharging. She provides an in-depth energy analysis and gives you the keys to master the four dimensions that can give you a resilience breakthrough: head, heart, hands, and humor.McDargh guides the reader through the process of identifying energy drains and implementing strategies for handling them, whatever phase of life you are in. Her intention is to help you not only to successfully manage work and life demands but also make even larger strides in understanding how to put together a life by design and not by default.

The Cactus and Snowflake at Work: How the Logical and Sensitive Can Thrive Side by Side

by Devora Zack

This hilarious and profound workplace guide proves the rigorously rational and the supremely sympathetic can meet in the middle and merge their strengths. Readers will discover how blending with their opposite opens the pathway to being their truest selves.The famed Myers-Briggs personality scale says that Feelers (who lead with their hearts) put more weight on personal concerns and the people involved, and Thinkers (who lead with their heads) are guided by objective principles and impartial facts. This book calls them Cacti and Snowflakes—each singularly transcendent. But can people with such fundamentally different ways of making sense of and engaging with the world work together?Yes, says Devora Zack! The key is not to try to change each other. Zack says we can directly control only three things: what we say, what we think, and what we do. The best use of our energy is to focus on our own reactions and perceptions rather than try to "fix" other people. This book includes an assessment so readers can learn where they are on the Thinker/Feeler spectrum—and because it's a spectrum, readers might well be a snowcactus or a cactusflake. Then Zack helps them figure out where other people might be, guiding them through a myriad of modes of communication and motivation based on personality type. She includes real-life scenarios that show how to nurture one's nature while successfully connecting with those on the other side.As always, Zack fearlessly and entertainingly dispels myths, squashes stereotypes, and transforms perceived liabilities into strengths. And she once again affirms that, like chocolate and peanut butter, we are better together.

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life

by Marshall Goldsmith Marilee G. Adams

NEW EDITION, EXPANDED AND UPDATED. Great Results Begin with Great Questions. In this new expanded edition of her classic international bestseller, Marilee Adams shows how the kinds of questions we ask shape our thinking and can be the root cause of many personal and organizational problems. She uses a highly instructive and entertaining story to show how to quickly recognize any undermining questions that pop into your mind--or out of your mouth--and reframe them to achieve amazingly positive and practical results. The third edition includes a new introduction and epilogue and two powerful new tools that show how Question Thinking can dramatically improve coaching and leadership. Based on Adams's decades of research and experience, this book can make a life-transforming difference--as it already has for many thousands of people around the world.

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life, 4th Edition: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Results

by Marilee G. Adams

Discover how the questions we ask ourselves and others can either expand our mindsets and open us up to exciting new possibilities or constrict our mindsets and limit our choices for successful change. Change Your Questions, Change Your Life is an international bestseller that has sold over 400,000 copies in twenty-two languages. People have discovered that, when we're looking for answers, we often forget to take the time to ask the right questions. But, as Dr. Marilee Adams shows, intentionally using questions helps us make wiser choices, find solutions, and transform our personal and professional lives. Dr. Adams uses a highly engaging fable to illustrate how great results begin with great questions. The book's hero, Ben Knight, learns such breakthrough insights and undergoes a transformative journey. As we read how his coach takes him step by step through the twelve powerful tools of Question Thinking, we also learn how to apply the same information and practical skills in our own lives. At the center of this work is the Choice Map, which provides a simple yet powerful image to predict the likely results of the questions we ask ourselves and others. It tells us how to change our questions and our mindsets for the most rewarding outcomes. The book contains a new chapter delving into what neuroscience reveals about managing our stresses and fears more effectively using methodssuch as those described in this book. It includes powerful and practical tools that help readers switch from a constricting Judger to an expansive Learner mindset, achieve the results they desire, and foster breakthroughs.

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