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My Jesus, Your Jesus: Inspirational Messages of Hope and Healing

by Dr. Beverly Rose

&“I wish I had what you have,&” people often remark after hearing me speak at Christian events. I usually inch my wheelchair closer, smile, and say, jokingly, &“Do you mean a neuromuscular disease?&” We laugh, but I&’m left to wonder: How can I possibly explain that they already have what I have—but don&’t know it? —Dr. Beverly Rose In My Jesus, Your Jesus Dr. Beverly Rose shows readers how to reap the benefits of their God-given blessings. Employing wit, honest emotion, and tremendous spiritual wisdom, she shares powerful ways to overcome the daily obstacles, challenges, and trials of life by faith. In My Jesus, Your Jesus she introduces readers to the One she loves—a Jesus who is personal, accessible, and able to lift every one of us above our circumstances. Dr. Rose has penned an inspirational, courageous, and encouraging devotional that will enable readers to find hope, joy, and healing. As Dr. Rose puts it, &“Whatever the malady, Jesus is the remedy.&”

The Malachi Prophecy

by Will J. Harris

As God&’s &“last word&” from the prophetic age, Malachi holds great portent. The Malachi Prophecy explores its dire warnings, delivered to a nation (perhaps like our own) weary of their God and forgetful of His purpose, and illuminates its foreshadowing of the gospel that would come to Israel 400 years later, as well as before the Messianic Age. Malachi declared to Jews of his day (and to the faithful of our own age) who &“remember&” the Lord that He would write their names in His &“book of remembrance&” and &“spare&” them for Himself (Mal. 3:17). Ultimately, as Romans 11:26 prophesies, &“all Israel will be saved.&” Until then, The Malachi Prophecy, like Will J. Harris&’s The Messiah Question, provides abundant scriptural resources for reaching unbelieving Jews with the good news of their Messiah.

Next Level: My Strategic Recoveries

by David Komolafe

In Next Level:My Strategic Recoveries Pastor Komolafe writes: &“Rewards await those who may be pressured on every side, struck down to the ground, but never struck out.&” He graciously shares the wisdom he has gained from God&’s Word, and from nearly 40 years of ministry.Next Level offers an arsenal of weapons—prayer, biblical truth, strategic instructions, and prophetic declarations—with which to do battle against our soul&’s enemy, who is the destroyer of hope. As a child of God, you are heir to a glorious future. Learn how to take effective aim at the specific things that hinder you. Set your course to experience God&’s goodness and grace to the fullest!

War On Fear: What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid?

by John Morgan

What Would Your Life Look Like Without Fear? Where would you go? What dreams would you aspire to achieve? Imagine the possibilities of living without fear. In his new book, War On Fear, author, speaker and presidential impersonator, John Morgan, shares his personal struggles with fear to give you practical advice and guidance for victory over your fears. After reading War On Fear, you will be empowered to become a more confident, positive person.

When It All Comes Together: How God Can Redeem Your Brokenness for His Glory

by Riva Tims

Be encouraged to find hope in the midst of crisis by understanding how God uses our difficulties for our good. Riva Tims and her late ex-husband, Zachery Tims, were the pastors of a megachurch in Central Florida until news of his infidelity surfaced. After the couple&’s public divorce, Zachery lost his battle with drug addiction. Riva has overcome the betrayal, heartbreak, grief, and loss while holding on to her faith in God. In a moving sequel to the story she shared in When It All Falls Apart, Tims&’s powerful new book helps you learn to positively identify defining moments in your life—which often surface during difficult circumstances—and see how God is meticulously at work through all you experience. Tims&’s life exemplifies the truth that God gives a double anointing to those who stand in faith through tribulation.

Limitless: Your Past is a Memory. God Makes All Things New.

by Jentezen Franklin

When it seems like everything is falling apart, it can be hard to stay focused on the promises of God. With the weight of the world on your shoulders, it becomes very inviting to sit down and give up. Before you know it, doubts, frustration, and bitterness begin to creep in and steal all of the joy and power from your life and your relationship with God. The past is just a memory. God makes all things new. In Limitless best-selling author Jentezen Franklin encourages you to stop listening to the negative voices in your head that say things are never going to get better. You don&’t have to believe that your kids are never going to serve God or you&’ll never regain your health. In this book, you&’ll discover how to: Let go of the baggage and overcome the limits of your past once and for allBlock the enemy&’s access into your life and cancel his assignments to limit youRevive your prayer life and worship times through new levels of intimacy with GodActivate your faith to stop merely talking about miracles and start experiencing themDream God-sized dreams, determine not to become satisfied, and decide to go to the next level in your walk with GodYou don&’t have to live a powerless, lukewarm Christian life. You can be victorious through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Healing Words: Discover the Healing Power of Speaking the Scriptures

by Sylvia Rogers

The world is plagued with sick believers who are ignorant of how the body functions, how emotions specifically impact health, how thinking patterns affect health, and how to receive healing from the atonement of Christ. They spend thousands of dollars on health care and are often not truly healed or healthy. Many are looking for answers and are hungry for this information. Illness is not the will of God. Healing Words makes it clear that it is God&’s will to see His people living an abundant life, and it provides practical, specific steps to move in this direction. This book will teach people how to put the principles of healing to use. Each chapter on body systems will include:A description of the body system components and common challengesChinese medicine insights and observationsProven and effective healing scriptures specific to various body systemsHealing declarations and a sample prayerA foundation for learning about God&’s will to heal is included in the beginning so the reader can grow in knowledge and boldness in receiving what God has already provided.

El fuego de su santidad: Prepárese para entrar en la presencia de Dios

by Sergio Scataglini

¡No es suficiente tener 98% de santidad! Si el agua que usted toma tuviera 2% de contaminación, ¿la bebería? ¡Claro que no! De la misma forma, el Señor busca la pureza en nuestras vidas —nada menos que un 100%. Él exige que dejemos de hacer la paz con el pecado y que busquemos la santidad. Sólo entonces es que podremos ver su poder fluir a través de nosotros y seremos partícipes de su presencia en nuestras vidas. Hay un solo camino hacia la limpieza espiritual, y ese camino corre directamente en dirección al fuego de su santidad. Su propósito se hace evidente cuando emergemos puros y sin manchas. Es entonces que nos percatamos de los beneficios de una vida santa y dedicada al Señor, y encontramos su poder fluyendo a través de nosotros para alcanzar las almas perdidas.

Ya no vivo yo: La travesía de un hijo homosexual a Dios. La búsqueda de esperanza de una madre quebrantada.


Regresa a casa, hay esperanza Christopher Yuan, un hijo de inmigrantes chinos, descubrió a temprana edad que era diferente. Sentía atracción por otros varones. A medida que crecía hasta la edad adulta, su madre, Angela, tenía la esperanza de poder controlar la situación. En lugar de esto, encontró que su hijo y su vida estaban fuera de control, y sus propias luchas estaban determinadas a derrotarla. Pasaron años de angustia, confusión, y oración antes de que los Yuans encontraran un lugar donde entregarse completamente, lo cual es el deseo de Dios para todas las familias. Su increíble historia, contada desde la perspectiva de la madre y el hijo, ofrece esperanza para cualquier persona afectada por la homosexualidad. Dios llama a todos los que están perdidos a regresar a casa con El. Ya no vivo yo le habla a los pródigos, a los padres de los hijos pródigos y a aquellos que quieran servir a la comunidad gay. INCLUYE UNA GUIA DE DISCUSION.

Tesoros escondidos: Cómo encontrar esperanza en el dolor


Soledad, Depresión, Dolor. Estas son algunas de las palabras que describen los tiempos de sufrimiento que en ocasiones enfrentamos en la vida. No obstante, independientemente de cuál sea la circunstancia esos valles emocionales pueden tornarse en las etapas donde más conocemos a Dios íntimamente. Esos valles son capaces de transformarse en: PAZ, ALEGRIA, BIENESTAR. En Tesoros escondidos, Nolita W. de Theo comparte su experiencia con la depresión tras la pérdida de dos embarazos muy deseados. Theo utiliza ejemplos bíblicos y personales para demostrar cómo en medio de las pruebas y los sufrimientos el Señor nos sostiene con su amor y nos muestra el propósito detrás de las vivencias difíciles.

Ladrón de identidad: Conozca el plan de Satanás para robar su propósito, pasión y poder

by Robby Dawkins

Desde el Jardín del Edén, Satanás ha secuestrado, robado y reprogramado nuestra verdadera identidad. Fuimos creados para grandes cosas... pero vivimos como si fuéramos débiles El Dios sin límites nos ha formado a su imagen... pero caminamos en nuestras vidas diarias como si fuéramos incompetentes. Dios tiene un plan asombroso para nosotros, y el enemigo procura sabotearlo. Cuando no reconocemos quiénes somos en realidad, limitamos a Dios. No obstante, cuando comprendemos la verdad de nuestra identidad en Cristo, podemos caminar con autoridad en el poder reservado para cada uno de los hijos de Dios. Podemos sanar a los enfermos, expulsar demonios y librar a los cautivos.Podemos ver milagros y causar un impacto duradero para el reino. No se conforme con el techo de cristal construido con las mentiras del enemigo. Ataviéselo. Cambie el temor y la duda por una vida de posibilidades radicales.Reclame su verdadera identidad... y cambie el mundo.

Ya perdí suficiente / I've Lost Enough: Hoy puede ser el día de tu restitución

by Laura Mercado

¡Ya es suficiente! Con esta expresión Laura Mercado puso fin a un ciclo de dolor y amargura que la abrumó por muchos años. En su libro Ya perdí suficiente Laura narra cómo desde pequeña ha sufrido diversas pérdidas, como lo fue la trágica muerte de su papá. Estas experiencias han dejado muchas lágrimas, pero Dios ha sido fiel en rescatarla y fortificar su fe. En su caminar la autora ha sido testigo de la provisión y el cuidado de Dios quien no la ha abandonado en ningún momento. Además, comparte cómo ha sido sanada, restaurada y transformada emocional y espiritualmente. Algunos de los temas que encontrará en este libro son: Perder para ganar Cómo abrazar las nuevas temporadas Enfrentando el dolor ¡Y mucho más! Todos podemos con nuestra confianza puesta en Dios ejecutar nuestra fe y ver nuestros panoramas ser transformados. Levántate pues tu invierno ya ha pasado.

Breaking the Stronghold of Food: How We Conquered Food Addictions and Discovered a New Way of Living

by Michael L. Brown

Are you sick and tired of being overweight? Are you fighting a losing battle with your waistline and eating yourself into the grave? Have you had it with feeling drained, discouraged, and run down because of obesity but find yourself enslaved to unhealthy eating habits?Are you convinced that God has a better way, but you simply can&’t break through? In their first-ever jointly authored book, Michael and Nancy Brown share the inspiring, practical, and humorous story of their own journey from obesity to vibrant health. If you want to break free from the stronghold of food and discover a wonderful new way of life, this book will show you the way.

Discernment: Keys to Unlocking the Benefits

by Timothy Quackenbos

What if you discovered a way to unlock the secret to receive the benefits of every promise of God? In Discernment: Keys to Unlocking the Benefits, Timothy Quackenbos explains how you can hear the Word of God, discern it and put it into action immediately. Quackenbos says you have the authority to take the key of walking in full obedience to the Lord and open doors to what God has planned for you—a life of continuous freedom. Reap the benefits of God&’s promises. Read Discernment and discover a victorious life!

Spoiled Identity?: Break Every Chain for the Future Generation

by Emelda Rusike Denenga

Many people endure lives of quiet desperation— self-imprisoned—and with little hope. There is a way out. In her book Spoiled Identity, Emelda Rusike Denenga is a witness to the truth that with God, nothing is impossible. She has seen cancer, mental illness, and invalidism disappear when the name of Jesus is called upon. Denenga poses important questions like:• In whom do you put your true identity—Jesus or the world? • How can you resist the devil and make him flee? • What spiritual warfare weapons do you have at your disposal? Break the chains that trap you in an unfruitful and discouraging life. Shut the door in the enemy&’s face today.

The Enemy In You: Journey From Brokenness to Wholeness

by Johnny Honaker

You have been through the storms of life and have achieved victory, but an empty feeling lingers. It could be you have to recover what Satan has plundered from you. In The Enemy in You, Pastor Johnny Honaker takes you on a journey from brokenness to wholeness. As God brings healing, you will ascend from the ashes and ruins of pain and calamity to achieve your personal destiny. THIS BOOK EQUIPS YOU TO:• Recover your identity in Christ from the clutches of the enemy • Understand the source of pain and overcome it • Demolish the invisible walls that keep you emotionally chained Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to identify and confront the brokenness in your life, and walk out of hardship with your hands full of God&’s blessings.

Speak Out: Releasing the Power of Declaring Prayer

by Kathy DeGraw

Do you long for your prayers to pack more of a PUNCH against the enemy? If you have ever felt inadequate in this area, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and there is something you can do about it. In her book, Speak Out, author Kathy DeGraw assures you that because the HOLY SPIRIT co-labors with you, you cannot fail when you pray. DeGraw teaches you how to decree and declare, and also answers these questions:What is the difference between praying in your mind silently and declaring out of your mouth?How can decreeing and declaring increase your faith?What is the benefit of praying in tongues?After you read Speak Out, feel empowered through verbal prayer to take the authoritative mantle Jesus gave you and BREAK DOWN STRONGHOLDS IN YOUR LIFE.

Created to Believe: Be Bold, Brave & Brilliant

by Mikel French

WHO AND WHAT YOU BELIEVETransforms your heart. Shapes your thoughts. Develops your attitudes. Releases power in your words. Is the foundation of every relationship in your life. What you believe, and how you apply it, determines the destiny of your life. Created To Believe is a 30-day devotional that will help you to develop the mind of Christ and develop your faith to inspire regeneration, personal transformation, and Holy Action. To believe is an adventure in the heart of God. Discover how to think big, act big, and go big for God!

Teshuvah Eclipses: The Invitation and The Warning

by Ron Allen

In Teshuvah Eclipses, Ron Allen explains how a 2017 natural phenomenon brings a solemn admonition for Americans to return to their Christian foundation. He reveals how such eclipses: • Marked the rise of the U.S. and Israel as nations• Gave prophetic warnings for nations to repent or face disaster • Sparked the birth of Messianic Judaism • Encourage Christian unity in answer to the prayer of Jesus in John 17 Accept the Teshuvah invitation to repent and return to God. Pray earnestly for God to heal the land before it is too late.

Better: The Journey from Wounded to Willing to Better

by Wanda Hall Carter

In Better, Wanda Hall Carter speaks from experience and struggle, and coaches you to victory. Through strong biblical teaching, she takes you down a path to wholeness and freedom through small, incremental portals of daily self-assessment. Take up your cross. Lose your life so you can find it in Him. Be &“Better.&”

I'm All In!: How You Can Live an Extraordinary Life by Surrendering to God

by Heriberto Alonso

In I'm All In, Heriberto "Hery" Alonso arms you with life-changing keys to help you get unstuck spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, including: Steps to defeat pride, lust, anxiety, fear, and other lies of the enemyThe power of a made-up mind-set in Christ Jesus (defeating double-mindedness)Benefits of living in the will of God rather than in you ownTen ways to heal and let go of a tainted love or toxic romantic relationshipWays to transform from a casual Christian fan to a true follower of ChristIt's time to surrender completely to God, rise up, and be "ALL IN" so you can experience His fullness, joy, and peace.

Trinity of Faith: A biblical teaching on the three dimensions of faith

by Calvin King

In this rich Biblical exploration of faith, Calvin King answers thesequestions and more, such as: »» Why trust God? »» Why hope in God? »» Why believe in God? King explains that having the answers to these questions will help you walk in the fullness of God. Trust, hope, and belief make up the trinity of faith and are the main ingredients to a healthy faith. In reading Trinity of Faith, you will thoroughly examine these three areas in depth, not only learning about what they are, but also exploring how they work. With this knowledge, you will discover how to build trust, hope, and belief in your life.This book will change your life and will strengthen your faith. Are you ready for the journey? Dig in.

Words Have Great Power: Understanding the Supernatural Power Behind Speaking Wholesome Words

by Donald Spellman

In Words Have Great Power, you will learn what the Bible says about words and how they can affect you. Showing you how blessings and curses come from your words, Apostle Spellman explains the root problem of an uncontrollable tongue and the steps you can take to be healed. Through the author&’s well-crafted words, you will learn about:Blessing and cursing — and the effects of eachThe link between your mouth and your heartHow your tongue can show your spiritual conditionHow it&’s not only the words, it&’s the manner in which they are saidThe warnings of using negative wordsIf you want to build up others as well as yourself, journey through this book to explore how your words can edify and strengthen those around you.

La prescripción de Dios para la salud interna: Sabiduría Bíblica confirmada por la ciencia

by Dr. James P Gills

¿A dónde acude en busca de sanidad para la mente y el espíritu? La senda hacia la salud interna comienza con ser transformada por Cristo y estar alineado con Él. Pero esta senda tiene muchos obstáculos, como orgullo, envidia y celos. Para recibir todo lo que Dios es, desarraigue esos obstáculos y busque alineamiento con Él.La prescripción de Dios para la salud interna significa ser transformado mediante la renovación de su mente por medio del perdón, la oración y la comunión con otros. Al igual que el Dr. James Gills aplique la verdad bíblica a una de sus mayores necesidades mientras se aventura por un camino hacia la esperanza y la sanidad.Where do you go for healing of the mind and spirit? The path to inner healing starts with being transformed by and aligned with Christ. But this path has many roadblocks, such as pride, envy, and jealousy. In order to receive all that God is, uproot these roadblocks, and seek spiritual alignment with Him. God's Rx for inner healing means being transformed by the renewing of your mind through forgiveness, prayer, and fellowship with others. Join James Gills, MD, in applying biblical truth to one of your greatest needs while venturing on a path to hope and healing.

La prescripción de Dios para el miedo y la preocupación: Sabiduría Bíblica confirmada por la ciencia

by Dr. James P. Gills

¿A dónde acude para disfrutar de la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento? Jesús nos da un mandato claro con respecto a preocuparnos: no lo hagan. Aun así, la preocupación y el miedo pueden parecer inevitables e imposibles de vencer. Sin embargo, no lo son. Existe una cura: ser agradecidos. Es posible hallar la paz cuando deja ir el miedo y la preocupación, le da gracias a Dios por su relación con usted y confía en Él para que controle todo en su vida, tanto ahora como en el futuro. Manténgase afianzado a la realidad de la soberanía de Dios, y sepa que Él promete nunca dejarlo o abandonarlo. A lo largo de estas páginas, examine sus miedos y preocupaciones y descubra cómo un corazón lleno de gratitud es en realidad la prescripción de Dios para el miedo y la preocupación. Al igual que el Dr. James Gills aplique la verdad bíblica a una de sus mayores necesidades mientras se aventura por un camino hacia esperanza y la sanidad. Jesus gives you a clear command about worry: don&’t do it! Yet worry and fear can seem inevitable and impossible to overcome. Peace can be found when you let go of fear and worry, thank God for is relationship with you, and trust Him to handle everything in your life. Hold tight to the reality of God's sovereignty, and know that He promises to never leave or forsake you. In these pages examine your fears and worries, and discover how a thankful heart is indeed God's Rx for fear and worry. Join James Gills, MD, in applying biblical truth to one of your greatest needs while venturing on a path to hope and healing.

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