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Seiki Jutsu: The Practice of Non-Subtle Energy Medicine

by Bradford Keeney Hillary Keeney

A guide to the ancient Japanese art of working with concentrated life-force energy, seiki, for self-healing, revitalization, and creativity • Explains how to awaken seiki, guiding you through the stages of seiki development • Details how to develop your own daily practice for self-healing and renewal as well as providing exercises to infuse your everyday activities with seiki • Includes many inspiring stories from the authors’ decades of healing work Seiki jutsu is the ancient Japanese shamanic art of working with seiki, concentrated life-force energy, for self-healing, revitalization, creativity, and inspiration. Known in Tantra as kundalini and to the Kalahari Bushmen as n/om, seiki has been called “activated and strengthened chi” and is often described as a “non-subtle” energy because it is strongly felt when awakened. Centering on spontaneity of movement to gather and transmit seiki, the practice of seiki jutsu does not require years of training or endless memorization of forms. Once you have received seiki, your daily practice will teach you to activate the flow of this powerful energy to recharge your body, mind, and spirit and empower you to find your unique destiny. Renowned seiki jutsu masters Bradford and Hillary Keeney detail the history and lineage of seiki jutsu beginning in 8th-century Japan and reveal how this ancient practice was used by the samurai. The authors show how seiki underlies the “flow experience” sought after by artists, musicians, athletes, and performers of all types. They explain how to recognize the awakening of seiki, guiding you through the stages of seiki development with stories of healings they have participated in or witnessed. They reveal how to develop your own daily practice for self-healing and renewal as well as provide active exercises to discover your life’s purpose, infuse your everyday activities with seiki, and motivate yourself to create a fulfilling life. They show that no method of performance, spiritual practice, or philosophy of life can fully awaken unless you are instilled with sufficient seiki. Regarded in Japan as “the fountain of youth,” seiki jutsu provides a way to bring maximum vitality into every aspect of life.

Seize the Day: Living on Purpose and Making Every Day Count

by Joyce Meyer

Today is no ordinary day. You may perform simple routines, feel uninspired, or lack the excitement of hope. But today could be the most important one of your life -- depending on how you choose to spend it. Joyce Meyer encourages you not to waste another minute. There is something special, valuable waiting for you to discover in each day. And when you spend time with God daily, asking Him to help you find it, you'll unlock the wonderful purpose He has in store for you. When you commit to letting God direct you, instead of resting passively in your own disappointments, you'll be open to receive greater happiness and blessings than you ever thought possible. All you need is the right encouragement. With over four decades of experience helping others find fulfillment, Joyce shares key biblical insights and personal stories that will help you make the most of this moment and SEIZE THE DAY!

Seize the Moment: How to Fuel the Fires of Revival (From Revival to Reformation #1)

by Michael Brown

Revival is dependent on how much we allow the Holy Spirit to move. After reading this book, you will have the confidence to share the good news of what the Holy Spirit is doing in our world with everyone who will listen. You will no longer sit on the sidelines, but rather you will partner with the Holy Spirit to do all that He has asked you to do. Respected theologian and Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, saw firsthand the impact of the long-running Brownsville Revival on the church and the nation. He believes another powerful move of God is on the horizon, and he doesn&’t want believers to miss or squander that moment. In Seize the Moment, Brown lays out twenty-five proven ways readers can cultivate and sustain revival so it becomes more than an emotional experience and changes their lives, communities, and nations. With insight gleaned from years of experience, Brown challenges readers to: make Jesus and the cross central reach the lost never downplay the importance of holiness steer clear of doctrinal weirdness keep the main thing the main thing and more For those who want to be a part of the next great move of God, Revival Rising is essential reading. It will show readers how to embrace revival with wisdom and discernment and avoid the pitfalls that can sabotage a move of God, safeguard the purity of revival, and cultivate an environment where God&’s presence dwells unhindered. Christians have been praying, fasting, and longing for revival for years. This practical and inspirational book will help them be ready for it when it comes. If readers apply Brown&’s wisdom, with the Spirit&’s help, instead of messing up a move of God they will enjoy the fruit of revival for many years to come.

Seizure the Day: Living a Happy Life with Illness

by Brian Orend

This guide to being happy while living with chronic illness and conditions is grounded in scientific research

Seizure the Day: Living a Happy Life with Illness

by Brian Orend

This guide to being happy while living with chronic illness and conditions is grounded in scientific research

Seja Curado em Nome de Jesus

by Andrea Cruz Miranda Goodall Dy Wakefield

Caro Leitor, Este livro foi criado para dar-lhe esperança para construir a sua fé e receber a sua cura. Palavras de cura interior! Dy Wakefield

Seja Inteligente!: Um Breve Guia para Turbinar seu Cérebro

by Henry Osal Walter L. S. Borges

Seja Inteligente! Um Breve Guia para Turbinar seu Cérebro Temos a intenção de transmitir ao leitor ou leitora informações valiosas sobre como aumentar, de fato, sua inteligência. A inteligência nada mais é do que a habilidade de entender as coisas e de agir de acordo com esse entendimento. Por conseguinte, a inteligência significa o quão astutamente sabemos lidar com nossa vida, tornando-a melhor a cada dia que passa. Encontremos, hoje, maneiras de aprimorar nossa inteligência. Todos os pontos deste livro focam na melhoria da inteligência; por favor, olhe-os com cuidado!

Seja resiliente contra o estresse e se acalme!

by Gary Randolph

Tornar-se mais calmo e resiliente é a chave para uma vida bem sucedida.  A calma nos torna fortes e nos dá força e resiliência para enfrentar o caos da vida. Quando as pessoas se veem em situações desagradáveis emocionalmente parte do cérebro fica em alerta vermelho. Isto dificulta as capacidades cognitivas e o processo de tomada de decisões. Se você quer superar suas emoções e assumir o controle do estresss este guia é para você.

Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess

by Hank Wesselman Nicki Scully Normandi Ellis

A shamanic ritual with the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet to bring about alchemical transformation at the deepest levels of your being• Details how to work with Sekhmet to transform your negative behavior patterns and character flaws into creative impulses and higher energies• Leads you through guided visualizations, illustrated with photographs, to Sekhmet’s chapel at the Temple of Karnak and through her shamanic ritual of transformation• Includes initiations, rites of passage, and transmissions from Sekhmet to release your fears and anger and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spiritSekhmet is the lioness goddess of the Egyptian Pantheon, a fierce protector of truth, balance, and the Cosmic order of Ma’at. Known and feared as the goddess of war and destruction, she also represents the transformative power of kundalini energy, or sekhem, and is the main goddess to harness this power for healing. As “She Who Comes in Times of Chaos,” she takes offerings of fear, rage, and weakness and transforms them into alchemical gold, the universal medicine for physical, emotional, and soul healing.In this book you are guided through a shamanic ritual of alchemical transformation and initiation with Sekhmet, working with this powerful goddess to release your most deeply rooted negative behavior patterns and be reborn into a more purified state of consciousness. Using intensive self-examination exercises to help you prepare to meet the goddess, the author leads you through a guided visualization, illustrated with photographs, to an ancient statue of Sekhmet in her chapel at the Temple of Karnak. There, you will be shamanistically devoured by the goddess, directly experiencing the alchemical process of transformation in the belly of Sekhmet until you are rebirthed as a fully realized adult child of the goddess. You will experience how your offering of pain, fear, rage, and self-sabotage is digested, absorbed, and assimilated by Sekhmet while you are initiated into the alchemy of total transformation. The initiations, rites of passage, and transmissions from Sekhmet included in the journey restructure the most important aspects of your body, mind, spirit, and soul.This journey of shamanic death, illumination, and rebirth in the belly of Sekhmet provides an opportunity to heal on all levels and allows you to release your rage, anger, and fear as you transform the energies that maintained them into creative and constructive solutions that benefit yourself, your community, and the planet.

Seks Speelgoed: Goed of Euwel?

by Gabriël Agbo

Handelaars van seks speelgoed maak biljoene dollar elke jaar.  Hulle produkte is so gediversifiseer en is vandag in elke deel van die wêreld beskikbaar.  Dit lyk asof hierdie besigheid van kunsmatige of tegnologies bevredigende seksuele begeertes in die mode is.  Die enkellopende, getroude, oud, jonk patroniseer seks winkels en die vervaardigers, wyslik ook, is stadig maar seker besig om meer aantreklike en gesofistikeerde goed uitdraai.  Dit lyk asof daar geen einde tot hulle innoverende vindingrykheid is om hierdie nuwe instrumente van plesier te ontwerp nie.  Vandag tree en gedra sommige van heirdie speelgoed hulle presies soos die teenoorgestelde geslag in die seks handeling.  Maar hier wil ons kyk na die oorsprong, intensies en effekte van hierdie speelgoed op die gebruikers, veral die spirituele en sielkundige implikasies. Seks speelgoed is nie nuut nie.  Hulle het 'n lang geskiedenis wat met die gebruik van 'n gevormde objek begin het wat 'n penis voorstel.  Die antieke Romeine, Grieke, Sjinese, Asiërs en Indiërs het hierdie objekte uit steen, yster, goud, hout en ander materiale gekerf waar dit gebruik was om masturbaise aan te vuur.  Sommige van hulle (soos die Grieke) het ook seksgode en godinne aanbid waar hierdie objekte vertoon is, gebruik is en ander seksuele immorele optredes uitgebreid gepromofeer is, insluitende seks met demone en geeste.  So, ons kan tereg sê dat die fondasie van seks speelgoed was een van wellus vir "onbeperkte" plesier en die aanbidding van demoniese gode.  Hierdie ontdekking het gemetamorfeer na ander objekte en in die 20ste eeu sien ons die eerste elektriese vibrator wat ontdek is.  Sedertien, is dit 'n stortvloed van hierdie handmatige en later meer gesoftikeerde instrumente van seksuele plesier.  Sommige van hulle knik en praat!  Wow! Nou, is seks speelgoed in God se oorspronklike plan?  En sedert die seksuele verhouding 'n fisiese, emosionele en spirituele verhouding is, he

Selbstbewusstsein trainieren für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Rhena Branch Rob Willson

Nobody is perfect - man muss nicht ohne Fehler sein, um ein glückliches Leben zu führen, sondern ein gesundes Selbstbewusstsein haben. Dieser praktische Ratgeber, verfasst von zwei Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapeuten, erklärt Ihnen, welche Bedeutung Selbstbewusstsein in Ihrem Leben hat und wie Sie Ihren eigenen Wert (wieder)entdecken. Die Autoren zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie sich realistische Ziele setzen, Ihr Selbstbewusstsein stärken und Ihr Leben genießen.

Selbstdisziplin in 365 Zitaten: Zitate für jeden Tag – ändere deine Gewohnheiten, stärke deinen Geist, erreiche deine Ziele

by Xabier K. Fernao

„Wir sind, was wir immer wieder tun. Vorzüglichkeit ist daher keine Handlung, sondern eine Gewohnheit.“ – Aristoteles Was ist der wichtigste Faktor, der zwischen Armen und Reichen, Erfolgreichen und Erfolglosen, Glücklichen und Unglücklichen unterscheidet? Selbstdisziplin. Denk mal darüber nach. Wenn du disziplinlos im Beruf bist, häuft sich bald die Arbeit auf, und am Ende bist du gestresst und ausgebrannt. Wenn du disziplinlos mit deinem Geld umgehst, häufst du unnötige Kosten und Schulden auf und bist am Ende finanziell gestresst und ausgebrannt. Du siehst, worauf ich hinauswill. Aber wieso ein Buch mit „Selbstdisziplin in 365 Zitaten“? Stimmst du mir zu, dass Erfolg zu 80% von der Einstellung und nur zu 20% von Strategien und Mechanismen abhängt? Du siehst, worauf ich hinauswill. Die Leute jagen immer den 20% nach, den unrealistischen Dingen, und denken, dass die EINE große Idee sie zu disziplinierten Menschen machen wird. Aber so ist es nicht. Es sind die täglichen Impulse, Eingebungen und nicht zuletzt das Umfeld, die einen jeden Tag aufs Neue zur Disziplin motivieren. Ich weiß nicht, was du dir vorgenommen hast. Vielleicht ist es deine Traumfigur, der Waschbrettbauch, den du immer schon haben wolltest. Vielleicht ist es dein beruflicher Durchbruch, eine Null mehr hinter dem Jahreseinkommen. Es ist auch egal. Was ich aber über dich weiß: du bist jemand, der mehr will. Und das ist ziemlich großartig. Du willst mehr Geld, mehr Gesundheit, mehr Glück, mehr Sex, mehr Lebensfreude, mehr Wissen und mehr Freiheit… und daran ist absolut nichts verkehrt. Im Leben geht es darum, zu wachsen und sich weiterzuentwickeln. Wir können entweder jeden Tag ein bisschen wachsen oder jeden Tag ein bisschen sterben. Ich finde es unglaublich bewundernswert, dass du den Weg bergauf gewählt hast, den Weg des Wachstums und der Selbstdiszip

Selbstfürsorge für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Eva Kalbheim

Ist Ihr Akku mal wieder leer? Fühlen Sie sich nervös, angespannt und ausgelaugt? Das muss nicht sein. Eva Kalbheim hilft Ihnen mit diesem Buch dabei, Zeit für sich selbst zu finden, Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erkennen und gut für sich zu sorgen. Sie macht Ihnen Mut, auch mal Nein zu sagen und Grenzen zu setzen, und sie zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie achtsam mit sich umgehen und mehr Selbstvertrauen entwickeln. Selbstfürsorge ist im Privat- wie im Berufsleben wichtig, gerade in Grenzsituationen oder wenn Sie wieder einmal viel zu viel um die Ohren haben. Sorgen Sie gut für sich, laden Sie Ihren Akku auf und gewinnen Sie Ihre Energie und Lebensfreude zurück.

Selbstliebe für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Viola Möbius

Viele Menschen haben Selbstzweifel, negative Gedanken und à ngste, sie fürchten Ablehnung, Misserfolge und die Meinung der anderen. Geht es Ihnen auch so? Dann fehlt Ihnen Selbstliebe. Mit diesem Ratgeber liefert Viola Möbius Ihnen ein ultimatives Werkzeug, um sich selbst zu akzeptieren und Selbstliebe zu lernen und zu leben. So besiegen Sie die nagenden Selbstzweifel, gewinnen Selbstbewusstsein, Wohlbefinden, Lebensfreude und Eigenmacht zurück und erhöhen die Qualität Ihrer Beziehungen für ein selbstbestimmtes und erfülltes Leben. Sie haben es verdient!

Selbstvertrauen stärken für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Kate Burton Brinley N. Platts

Ein bisschen mehr Selbstbewusstsein könnte den meisten von uns nicht schaden. In diesem Buch zeigen Ihnen Brinley Platts und Kate Burton, wie Sie am Arbeitsplatz, in einer Beziehung oder in einer Runde mit fremden Menschen Ihren Stärken vertrauen können. Sie erfahren, was Selbstbewusstsein ausmacht, und wie Sie es entwickeln können, wie Sie mit Erwartungen anderer umgehen und wie Sie Ihren eigenen Standpunkt freundlich und gelassen vertreten. Übungen und Checklisten helfen Ihnen, sich Ihrer Stärken bewusst zu werden und Ihre Zweifel zu überwinden.

SELECT Series: Microsoft Word 2002, Brief Volume

by Yvonne Johnson

The Select Series: Steps for Success, Projects for Perspective. The Select family of texts boasts a lively look and feel that takes a step-by-step approach to teaching Word 2002 tasks. Not only does the student step through the tasks, but the emphasis on projects in this series gives the student practical knowledge of Word 2002. Microsoft Certified to the EXPERT level, these texts contain the depth of coverage your students need.

Selected Tips from Heloise

by Heloise

This book contains many useful hints for making our lives easier. I can vouch for the effectiveness of this one: To get rid of ants, wipe down counters and other surfaces with vinegar. It will take four or five days to discourage the ants. Broken glass? "To sweep up broken glass, place a damp paper towel over the debris first. The tiny shattered pieces will cling to the paper and all can be easily swept up. Works with pet hair, too." Do you have "big terry cloth oven mitts? Great for wiping splatters off kitchen walls, the terry cloth loops scrub right into the depressions in textured paint. They also scrub vinyl floors in a flash --a huge area wipes clean in one swipe. In addition, the mitts slurp up spills, do dusting, and, if slightly dampened, pick up pet hairs from upholstery." Some items keep better in the refrigerator if turned upsidedown--jelly, relish, pickles. Be sure lids are tight. When finished, throw the mitts into the washer-- they come out clean and ready for

The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals: Small Steps, Big Changes

by Maggie Johnson Junhua Reitman

This workbook provides hands-on Activities, Strategies, planning sheets and progress trackers for use with children with selective mutism at home, at school and in the wider community. Written by selective mutism expert Maggie Johnson and parent coach Junhua Reitman, the workbook includes first-hand accounts of how children can overcome SM successfully using the Activities and Strategies described in this book. Activities are organised around the daily routines of school and family life and each Activity is broken into a progression of small steps with appropriate Strategies and an accompanying record sheet to track progress. Activities include: • Using the toilet at school • Attending social gatherings • Organising a successful playdate • Initiating conversation • Talking in the classroom • Eating with peers This workbook is essential reading for parents, professionals and anyone who is looking for a toolkit for selective mutism. It also provides a useful extension to The Selective Mutism Resource Manual, 2nd edition, focusing on the ‘how’ to complement the manual’s ‘what’ and ‘why’. Small steps really do lead to big changes but taking the first step can be the most difficult. This book helps you make that first step.

Self: Setting the Example (SCOPE of Leadership Book Series #2)

by Mike Hawkins

How to cultivate character and mental fitness to run the show. Second in the “most comprehensive treatment of leadership I’ve ever seen by one author” (Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge).Self: Setting the Example sets the foundation for the ability to lead others by developing the competencies of great self-leadership. Effective leaders possess intrinsic passion, character, courage, and confidence that others respect and want to follow. When you lead yourself well, operate productively, and think strategically, others notice and are motivated to attain the higher standards you demonstrate.The SCOPE of Leadership book series teaches the principles of a coaching approach to leadership and how to achieve exceptional results by working through people. You will learn a straightforward framework to guide you in developing, enabling, exhorting, inspiring, managing, and assimilating people. Benefit from the wisdom of many years of leadership, consulting, and executive coaching experience. Discover how to develop the competencies that align consistently with great leadership.


by Victor Ashear Vanessa Hastings

With the rise of the recovery movement over the past thirty years, more hope exists now than ever before for people diagnosed with serious mental illness to live full, meaningful lives. Designed for use with groups as well as individuals, this workbook provides didactic information and guides users through questions and exercises to encourage increased awareness and acceptance of the self and the effects of mental illness. By actively responding to the questions, users can better organize their thinking and engage in behaviors that will improve quality of life.Victor Ashear, PhD has worked with patients diagnosed with serious mental illnesses for over forty years. He worked as a clinical psychologist for nearly thirty-four years at the US Department of Veterans Affairs.Vanessa Hastings works as a technical editor/writer and marketing assistant for national firm SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA). Before joining SWCA, she served as the suicide prevention coordinator for her community.

Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves across Cultures

by Max Harwood Gil Hizi Michael Jackson Muhammad Kavesh Gisella Orsini Nigel Rapport Kathryn Rountree Banu Senay Jaap Timmer

Many of us feel a pressing desire to be different—to be other than who we are. Self-conscious, we anxiously perceive our shortcomings or insufficiencies, wondering why we are how we are and whether we might be different. Often, we wish to alter ourselves, to change our relationships, and to transform the person we are in those relationships. Not only a philosophical question about how other people change, self-alteration is also a practical care—can I change, and how? Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves across Cultures explores and analyzes these apparently universal hopes and their related existential dilemmas. The essays here come at the subject of the self and its becoming through case studies of modes of transformation of the self. They do this with social processes and projects that reveal how the self acquires a non-trivial new meaning in and through its very process of alteration. By focusing on ways we are allowed to change ourselves, including through religious and spiritual traditions and innovations, embodied participation in therapeutic programs like psychoanalysis and gendered care services, and political activism or relationships with animals, the authors in this volume create a model for cross-cultural or global analysis of social-self change that leads to fresh ways of addressing the 'self' itself.

A Self-Assessment Library: Insights in Your Skills, Abilities and Interests (second edition)

by Stephen P. Robbins

"The Self-Assessment Library 2.0 has been created to help you to learn more about yourself so that you might become "enlightened." It draws on numerous instruments that have been developed by behavioral researchers that tap into your skills, abilities, and interests. This new edition has eight instruments that were not included in the first version; and I deleted four from the first edition that user feedback indicated were not very effective. Additionally, in response to user comments, the interpretation sections have been expanded. They now describe underlying concepts in greater detail and provide more elaborated discussions of what results mean. Here's a summary of changes you'll find in this second edition: - Four tests have been deleted and eight new ones added. - A matrix for relating tests to management and OB topics has been added. - Tests which assume current working experience are now identified. - Approximate quantitative cut-off scores, when not included by the tests' authors, have been provided to help students better understand the meaning of their results. - Where appropriate, remedial actions or references have been suggested to help students improve areas of weakness. "This Library of behavioral questionnaires has been designed to supplement a wide range of college courses. These include: Introduction to Management, Organizational Behavior, Supervision, Interpersonal Skills, Introduction to Business, Careers in Business, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Social Psychology. It works best when questionnaires are completed separately (rather than doing the whole set at one time) and when they're completed in sync with text readings on complementary topics."

The Self-Aware Leader: Play to Your Strengths, Unleash Your Team

by John C. Maxwell

What&’s the single greatest obstacle leaders face in their development, effectiveness, and advancement? Lack of self-awareness! Dr. John C. Maxwell's The Self-Aware Leader will help any leader become more self-aware, focused, and confident. In this short yet insightful volume, you will learn how to:gauge your effectiveness as a leader,make better choices that lead to success,discover and correct your own mistakes,improve your leadership with the team, andmake the right trades in your career.With fifty years of leading and teaching experience, Maxwell, the most influential leadership expert in the world, can help you become your best leadership self. The Self-Aware Leader is great for:men and women of all and seasoned leaders who want to avoid micro-managing, handle criticism with grace, and give others the credit they and seasoned managers looking to identify their strengths, become a better learner, and improve listening skills.When leaders don&’t see themselves clearly, understand their strengths and weaknesses, or recognize their negative interactions with their team, they limit their influence and undermine their own effectiveness. What&’s the solution? Become a self-aware leader.

Self-Belief Is Your Superpower: Unleash Your Life Purpose, Own Your Power, Become a Magnet For Miracles

by Tory Archbold

Empowerment to Find Your True Life Purpose“If you feel stuck or seek inspiration grab this powerful book.“ —Kristen Butler, CEO of Power of Positivity and author of The Comfort Zone“One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs.” —Nova EntertainmentIn this step-by-step guide, Tory Archbold, powerhouse host of the Powerful Stories podcast, shares her proven principles for success in building entrepreneurial empires. This powerful book for women leaders demonstrates how trusting your intuition and stepping into your power can break you free of judgment, ignite self-belief, and finally attract the richness you deserve!Staggering success starts within. Are you in a career you never wanted? Are you disconnected from yourself? Are you at a crossroads in life and feeling unsure? Self-Belief is Your Superpower is the book for you. Combining entrepreneurial and personal development, spiritual self-help, and self-esteem for women, this book takes a holistic approach to success, ensuring readers emerge as truly powerful women. Books this impactful are hard to come by so grab your copy today!Changing to thrive—from success to success. Author Tory Archbold is one of the most powerful and connected women in Australia, but she wasn’t always. With hustle, instincts, heart, and kinship, she found her life purpose and success at home and work—and under her guide, you can, too. This guide is filled with helpful and impactful principles for success and balance as you navigate your new journey.Inside, discover how to:Create a happy heart and attract the life you truly deserveFind your life purpose with these principles for successUse self-belief to break free of judgment and give yourself permission to shineIf you enjoy professional development books or books for powerful women, books like 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting, How to Change, or I Will Not Die an Unlived Life, you’ll love Self-Belief Is Your Superpower.

Self Belonging: Embrace the Wisdom of Soul and Science and Live Your Best Life

by Luann Robinson Hull

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau “True happiness is rooted in a strong sense of personal worthiness which I call Self Belonging.” —Luann Robinson Hull Self-Belonging dives deeply into the subject of dependency in relationships—inspired by the author’s personal challenges. While devoting twenty-five years to helping others break through the barriers of mental illness and life-crisis as a Clinical Social Worker, Luann Robinson Hull found herself repeatedly falling back into destructive habits in her own relationships. A truly wounded healer, Hull was motivated to confront the “raw and rugged mess” of her own emotions. After years of research and study into neuroscience, spirituality, and positive psychology, she offers break-through, cutting edge information on how to literally dial in new pathways in the brain, using a combo-platter of science and spirituality—such as taking advantage of the brain’s ability to re-organize itself (neuroplasticity) with mental-focus practices. With sisterly advice and humor, Hull shares her own ventures into (and out of) love and consciousness, lacing her story with wit and grit as she guides readers through the trenches sharing lifelines of wisdom along the way. She guides readers through many journeys: • Self Belonging• The Human Upgrade• Raising Your Happiness Potential• How Conditioning Influences Relationships• Conscious Evolution: Becoming a Game Changer• Becoming the Master of Your Awareness• Tools for Self belonging• Sweet Freedom and more. Self-Belonging gifts the reader with an opportunity to connect with the authentic self, build joyful relationships, and merge into one’s highest destiny with confidence.

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