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Self Esteem

by Patrick Fanning Matthew Mckay

A useful book for understanding and practicing cognitive approaches to the improvement of self-esteem. Contains information and cognitive behavioral activities to help build self-esteem.

Self-Nurture: Learning to Care for Yourself as Effectively as You Care for Everyone Else

by Alice D. Domar Henry Dreher

Everyone knows someone who needs this book Think about how you feel at the end of a day when you find your first free moment so late in the evening that you're too exhausted to enjoy it. If you've had too many days like this, find the help you need to transform your life in Self-Nurture. Harvard psychologist Alice D. Domar, Ph. D. , shows you how to restructure your life in a way that lets you breathe. Here are inspiring stories, easy-to-follow exercises, and meditations that will shift your focus from self-sacrifice to self-care. Written with wisdom and humor, Self-Nurture will empower you to develop the same fierce and tender concern for yourself that you've always given to those you love--a gift for anyone who needs to learn the art of self-care. To listen to an interview with Alice Domar, check out www. TalktoTara. com

The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction

by Robert L Dupont

The Selfish Brain explains how individuals and communities are affected by drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, and how treatment can lead to whole healthy, lives.Why is the brain so vulnerable to the effects of alcohol and other drugs? How does addiction echo through families, cultures, and history? What is it that families and communities do to promote or prevent addiction?These are some of the questions that this thorough, thoughtful, and well-reasoned book answers--in clear, comprehensible terms. From the basics of brain chemistry to the workings of particular drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, The Selfish Brain explains how individuals and communities become trapped in destructive habits--and how various treatments and approaches lead to recovery and whole, healthy lives.

Sensitive Soul: The Unseen Role of Emotion in Extraordinary States

by Michael A. Jawer

Explores how emotion underlies personality, triggers the development of non-ordinary states and perceptions, and connects all life • Shows how the flow of our emotions shapes individual minds and personalities • Reveals the significant role of emotion in PTSD, alexithymia (not knowing what one is feeling), autism, savantism, synesthesia (overlapping senses), déjà vu, phantom pain, migraines, and extreme empathy • Looks at the emotional lives of animals, demonstrating how life-threatening emergencies can trigger amazing sensitivities and abilities in them Emotion, as it exists within and between people, underpins personality, spirituality, and a range of extraordinary perceptions, conditions, and experiences. These include déjà vu, phantom pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and extreme empathy, where people instantaneously feel the physical or emotional pain of another. Many gifted children, those with synesthesia, and people with autism--not to mention highly sensitive people in general--report forms of innate &“knowing&” and even paranormal experiences. In this exploration of the role of emotion in non-ordinary states and abilities, Michael Jawer shows how the flow of our emotions and those of the people around us greatly influences the development of exceptional capacities and sensitivities. Drawing on a range of scientific studies, Jawer explores how 5 remarkable kinds of people--individuals with autism, synesthesia, savantism, child prodigies, and children who remember past lives--are linked through the biology of emotion and how a hidden emotional intensity underlies both autism and anomalous perception. He examines the psychological concept of thin and thick boundaries and how those with thin boundaries--those who are more environmentally sensitive--have a greater predisposition toward empathy, synesthesia, psi abilities, and extraordinary states of perception. Sharing extraordinary examples, the author explores how strong emotion may endure through time and space, possibly even after death. He also looks at the emotional lives of animals, our soulful connections with them, and how life-­threatening emergencies can trigger amazing sensitivities and abilities in our fellow creatures. Revealing the unseen role of emotion in mind and personality, Jawer shows that emotion is the binding force that connects us with one another, with all of life, and with nature itself.

Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Spiritual Wisdom from the Science of Change

by John Briggs F. David Peat

Introduces the major ideas of chaos theory. Shows how they can be used metaphorically in day to day living.

Sham: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless

by Steve Salerno

Self-help: To millions of Americans it seems like a godsend. To many others it seems like a joke. But as investigative reporter Steve Salerno reveals in this groundbreaking book, it's neither- in fact it's much worse than a joke. Going deep inside the Self-Help and Actualization Movement (fittingly, the words form the acronym SHAM), Salerno offers the first serious exposé of this multibillion-dollar industry and the real damage it is doing- not just to its paying customers, but to all of American society. Based on the author's extensive reporting- and the inside look at the industry he got while working at a leading "lifestyle" publisher- SHAM shows how thinly credentialed "experts" now dispense advice on everything from mental health to relationships to diet to personal finance to business strategy. Americans spend upward of $8 billion every year on self-help programs and products. And those staggering financial costs are actually the least of our worries. Sham demonstrates how the self-help movement's core philosophies have infected virtually every aspect of American life- the home, the workplace, the schools, and more. And Salerno exposes the downside of being uplifted, showing how the "empowering" message that dominates self-help today proves just as damaging as the blame-shifting rhetoric of self-help's "Recovery" movement. Sham also reveals: * How self-help gurus conduct extensive market research to reach the same customers over and over- without ever helping them * The inside story on the most notorious gurus- from Dr. Phil to Dr. Laura, from Tony Robbins to John Gray * How your company might be wasting money on motivational speakers, "executive coaches," and other quick fixes that often hurt quality, productivity, and morale * How the Recovery movement has eradicated notions of personal responsibility by labeling just about anything- from drug abuse to "sex addiction" to shoplifting- a dysfunction or disease * How Americans blindly accept that twelve-step programs offer the only hope of treating addiction, when in fact these programs can do more harm than good * How the self-help movement inspired the disastrous emphasis on self-esteem in our schools * How self-help rhetoric has pushed people away from proven medical treatments by persuading them that they can cure themselves through sheer application of will. As Salerno shows, to describe self-help as a waste of time and money vastly understates its collateral damage. And with Sham, the self-help industry has finally been called to account for the damage it has done.

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

by Alberto Villoldo

Combining elements of Andrew Weil's SPONTANEOUS HEALING and Carolyn Myss's ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT with a concept all its own, Alberto Villoldo's remarkable book, Shaman, Healer, Sage demonstrates the healing power of energy medicine - a tradition practised in the Americas for more than 5,000 years - which is finally being recognized today by the medical establishment. As he explores such subjects as the Luminous Energy Field that surrounds our bodies, Villoldo shows us how, by learning to see and influence the imprints of disease on this aura of energy, we can discover not only how to heal ourselves and others, but prevent illness as well. Here too, he explores the subject of life beyond death, navigating this unseen world with the knowledge of a scientist and the wisdom of a shamanic healer. Classically trained as a medical anthropologist and a foremost teacher of the shamanic techniques of the Inkas, among whose descendants he has studied for more than twenty-five years, Villoldo weaves together a host of illuminating stories and exercises to provide an accessible, practical, and revolutionary programme of healing.

Shift Happens!: Powerful Ways To Transform Your Life

by Robert Holden

Two caterpillars were crawling along a tree branch one day when a butterfly flew overhead. One caterpillar said to the other, "You will never get me up in one of those things." Shift Happens! is about personal alchemy and inner transformation. Some people "go" through life; and other people "grow" through life. Shift Happens! ­celebrates your unlimited potential to grow, blossom, and evolve-in spite of everything. It is a book of hope. The term personal alchemy describes the ability to take a piece of dirt, roll it around a few times, and fashion it into a pearl. This is what an oyster does. Personal alchemy is what your grandmother called turning lemons into lemonade. It is what old wizards described as turning straw into gold. Shift Happens! is about staying open all hours for miracles. Success, love, and happiness are only ever one thought away at most. One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one change of heart, one leap of faith, can change your life forever.

A Short Guide to a Happy Life

by Anna Quindlen

"Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst long stretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves now to live, really love the journey, not the destination."In this treasure of a book, Anna Quindlen, the bestselling novelist and columnist, reflects on what it takes to "get a life"--to live deeply every day and from your own unique self, rather than merely to exist through your days. "Knowledge of our own mortality is the greatest gift God ever gives us," Quindlen writes, "because unless you know the clock is ticking, it is so easy to waste our days, our lives." Her mother died when Quindlen was nineteen: "It was the dividing line between seeing the world in black and white, and in Technicolor. The lights came on for the darkest possible reason....I learned something enduring, in a very short period of time, about life. And that was that it was glorious, and that you had no business taking it for granted." But how to live from that perspective, to fully engage in our days? In A Short Guide to a Happy Life, Quindlen guides us with an understanding that comes from knowing how to see the view, the richness in living.

Shortcuts to Success: The Absolute Best Ways to Master Your Money, Time, Health, and Relationships (Absolute Best Ways To Master Your Time, Health, Relationships, And Finances Ser.)

by Jonathan Robinson

Motivational author and speaker Jonathan Robinson shares his recipe for surefire success in a book designed to help any reader revitalize relationships, enhance health, and achieve a peak-performance life.Robinson has distilled his own experience and that of his teachers and peers, from Ram Dass to Anthony Robinson, into a roadmap to the quickest and smartest ways to achieve happiness, fulfillment, and a healthy, prosperous life.Each of the "shortcuts" outlined in this new book is applicable to nearly

The Shy Child: Helping Children Triumph over Shyness

by Ward Kent Swallow

Good news! Shyness is not a disorder; it's the personality style of 40 percent of all children and young adults. Shyness has its good side: Your child is probably imaginative, perceptive, and thoughtful. Yet shyness can hinder a child's development. This authoritative, interactive guide is the first book to focus on the problems of shyness and provide parents and children with pragmatic, step-by-step solutions. It will help you achieve wonderful results -- stronger, warmer relationships with family and friends, and, most of all, a happy, empowered, less fearful child who looks confidently to the future.

The Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

by David Niven

Sociologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of health, success, and happiness, but their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals seen only by other experts. Now David Niven, the international bestselling author of the Simple Secrets series, has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on three of the most important aspects of our daily lives. Niven has boiled these findings down to sound, succinct advice for each day of the year, presenting 365 essential ways to find and maintain health, wealth, and wisdom. Each entry is accompanied by a true story showing the results in action. Whether you want to enhance your body, your bank account, your IQ, or all three, this bestselling series offers 365 essential ways to let science help you.

Simple Yoga: A Simple Wisdom Book (Simple Wisdom Ser.)

by Cybéle Tomlinson

An easy-to-absorb, practical guide to getting started, and finding the style of yoga that&’s right for you. From co-director of the Berkeley Yoga Center and Yoga Journal contributor Cybele Tomlinson, Simple Yoga explains what yoga is, how it evolved in ancient India, and how it can benefit the typically harried Western lifestyle. It gives practical information on: the various yoga styles available in the West, with suggestions on choosing a style and finding an appropriate teachera basic routine to try on your owna modified routine for the office Also featuring a special chapter on women and yoga, Simple Yoga is designed for those who want to give yoga a try—and want a clear, concise guide that can help them begin practicing today.

Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations

by Mikel J. Harry Richard Schroeder

The best breakthrough management tool for corporations that guides companies to making less mistakes by detecting and correcting defects way before they occur. Six Sigma is known for superior financial results as companies achieve the impossible.

Sixth Sense: Including The Secrets Of The Etheric Subtle Body

by Stuart Wilde

It’s a marvelous thing to know that you have the courage, discipline, and follow-through to enliven your consciousness. In this groundbreaking book, Stuart Wilde brings to light new and compelling information about the sixth sense and tells you how to develop it. He defines this sixth sense as sacred energy that taps you into the state of all-knowing. Once you discover the sixth sense/etheric point of view, it opens the energy centers in your subtle body and you take on more light, going naturally from stiff to pliant, flowing with life rather than struggling with it. Stuart tells us in Sixth Sense that "what you need is inner power, a personal charisma, a spiritual power, an extrasensory perception that makes you bigger than life. You garner that energy through compassion, kindness, introspection, and solidity." After reading this book, your perception of life in all its subtlety and vastness will reach beyond the mundane to a special level of spirituality.

The Slate Book: A Guide to the Slate and Stylus

by Jennifer Dunnam

Dunnam gives a brief history of the braille writing slate, contrasts it to modern technology, then provides a step-by-step instructions for writing effective with this tool--the blind person's equivalent to a pen or pencil.

Slut! Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation

by Leora Tanenbaum

Girls may be called "sluts" for any number of reasons, including being outsiders, early developers, victims of rape, targets of others' revenge. Often the labels have nothing to do with sex -- the girls simply do not fit in. An important account of the lives of these young women, Slut! weaves together powerful oral histories of girls and women who finally overcame their sexual labels with a cogent analysis of the underlying problem of sexual stereotyping. Author Leora Tanenbaum herself was labeled a slut in high school. The confessional article she wrote for Seventeen about the experience caused a sensation and led her to write this book.

Sorrow's Web

by Anne Sheffield

Drawing on her experience of growing up with a depressed mother and then, years later, of becoming a depressed mother herself,Books for a Better Lifewinner Anne Sheffield casts long-overdue light on the grave threat to the health and happiness of millions of women and their children posed by maternal depression. One of every four women suffers from depression at some point in her life, often during the prime childbearing years, yet most fail to recognize the true source of their lack of joy in life and in parenting, their irritability and exhaustion, and the flawed personal relationships that characterize this common, treatable disease. With honesty and empathy, Sheffield uses her own story as a springboard to alert other mothers to the dangers their unrecognized depression holds not only for themselves, but also for their children, whose risk of developing the illness is three times higher than the risk to children of non-depressed parents. She draws on extensive research by experts in psychiatry, psychology, and child development to explain why and how children with a depressed mother may lose out on a rewarding social life, perform below their academic potential, or fall victim to substance abuse. Chapters on each age-group -- infancy and toddlerhood, school age, and adolescence -- pinpoint the symptoms and effects of a mother's depression on her children and offer advice on how to recognize these effects and so lessen or avoid them. And because depression's fallout destroys family cohesion and harmony, Sheffield draws attention to its impact on marital relations and outlines a strategy for fathers that will help them and their children weather the crisis. The detailed information inSorrow's Webabout how to treat depression at any period in a mother's life -- during pregnancy or following delivery, when her children are teenagers, or later in life -- will help readers of all ages choose wisely from the range of medical and psychotherapeutic options available. Sheffield offers insider tips on how to tell the difference between good and poor practitioners, how to ensure that the illness does not return, and how to recognize and respond to warning signs of depression in vulnerable children. Dedicated to the author's daughter,Sorrow's Webseamlessly weaves together real-life stories with street-smart advice. As the first book to demystify, destigmatize, and humanize a long- taboo subject, it points the way to sustaining and regaining a loving relationship between mother and child.

Soul Searching: A Girl's Guide to Finding Herself

by Sarah Stillman

Written by a 16-year-old, this will guide you on the path to self-discovery, for your center, your inner voice and the meaning of life.

Soul Stories

by Gary Zukav

True Stories That Transform Lives Writing with profound psychological and spiritual insight, prize-winning author Gary Zukav has had a major impact on the consciousness of millions. In his New York Times number-one bestseller, The Seat of the Soul, he explained how the expansion of human perception beyond the five senses leads to a new understanding of power -- the alignment of the personality with the soul -- which in turn leads to an awareness of our extraordinary creative abilities. Now, in one of the most important and useful books you will ever read, Soul Stories, Zukav shows how this new understanding of power -- authentic power -- transforms lives in countless ways. Soul Stories is filled with marvelous stories that show how concepts such as intuition, harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life actually express themselves in people's lives. Best of all, the stories lead to practical advice on how you can discover your own Soul Stories and the truths they reveal about the deepest sources of your being. Wonderfully readable, Soul Stories is a wise and inspirational book.

Soul Stories

by Gary Zukav

True Stories That Transform Lives Writing with profound psychological and spiritual insight, prize-winning author Gary Zukav has had a major impact on the consciousness of millions. In his New York Times number-one bestseller, The Seat of the Soul, he explained how the expansion of human perception beyond the five senses leads to a new understanding of power -- the alignment of the personality with the soul -- which in turn leads to an awareness of our extraordinary creative abilities. Now, in one of the most important and useful books you will ever read, Soul Stories, Zukav shows how this new understanding of power -- authentic power -- transforms lives in countless ways. Soul Stories is filled with marvelous stories that show how concepts such as intuition, harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life actually express themselves in people's lives. Best of all, the stories lead to practical advice on how you can discover your own Soul Stories and the truths they reveal about the deepest sources of your being. Wonderfully readable, Soul Stories is a wise and inspirational book.

Souls of My Sisters

by Dawn Marie Daniels Candace Sandy

"If you can't reach a girlfriend to pour out your heart read Souls of My Sisters... Souls is just the thing when you need an extra boost." --Heart and Soul MagazineSisters Share Their Experience. . .And Their StrengthIn this revised edition, black women from all walks of life candidly reveal how they overcame challenges just like the ones you're facing now. From Patti Labelle, Terrie M. Williams, LisaRaye McCoy, and Mary J. Blige to single moms and spiritual leaders, these diverse females have bonded together in print, for the first time, to discuss the issues that have touched their lives. You'll find a few new stories and learn what has happened to some of these Soul Sisters in this revised edition. Their powerful, provocative, and ultimately uplifting stories relate with raw honesty the experiences only their sisters can truly understand, from abortion, AIDS and date rape to love, sex, racism, and money. Your sisters have been in your shoes. With their help, and your own inner strength of faith, you'll soon be taking the first precious steps toward healing from within--and liberating the magnificent woman you always dreamed of becoming. "Provides an opportunity for us to stop apologizing for what we have no control over and control what we can." --Debra Fraser-Howze, President/CEO of the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS Dawn Marie Daniels brings a spirited array of professional credentials to her role as Editor of Souls of My Sisters. She was the editorial force behind a number of award-winning authors, and has utilized her position and power as one of the book industry's premier editors to ensure that African American projects get the attention they deserve. Daniels has established a commanding presence in adult nonfiction with such books as In the Meantime and One Day My Soul Just Opened Up, both New York Times bestsellers by Iyanla Vanzant. She utilized her eight years of publishing experience to bring new talent to the surface and helped push them to the forefront of the publishing industry. Daniels' authors have been published through various imprints such as Prentice Hall Press, Fireside, Touchstone, S&S Aguilar, Scribner Paperback fiction, Simon & Schuster Trade, and Pocket Books. Candace Sandy is the President of Candace Sandy Communications a multi media cooperative targeting women. For ten years, Candace Sandy has also served as the Communications Director for Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) of the Sixth Congressional District, a member of the House Foreign Service and Financial Services Committees. In her capacity as Communications Director, Sandy has managed both national and international media campaigns in countries that have included Africa, Canada, Caribbean, China, Colombia, Cuba, Great Britain, India, Israel, Malaysia, Peru, and Venezuela. A frequent lecturer, who has served on several high-profile political campaigns, Sandy has worked tirelessly on behalf of women's issues including poverty, domestic violence, youth prostitution, anti crime, financial literacy, and reentry in New York City. Sandy is the former General Manager of New York University Radio Station WNYU 89.1 FM. As a former Radio Advertising Bureau Mercury AD/LAB Fellow, Sandy has covered such events as the 1993 and 1997 Presidential Inaugurations and the1996 Summer Olympics. She has also conducted several celebrity radio interviews, including Pam Grier, Stevie Wonder, and Will Smith.

Spinal Cord Injury: A Guide for Living

by Sara Palmer Kay Harris Kriegsman Jeffrey B. Palmer

The authors created this self-help guide for those who have suffered a spinal cord injury because "Our experience... tells us that recovery and successful living after injury go more smoothly when people know what to expect." The descriptions of each aspect of life following the injury, from what happens in the hospital and the emotional effects which accompany the trauma, to the new lives experienced afterward, are supplemented with the personal stories of those who have suffered this injury. Of the three authors, two are psychologists and one is an MD affiliated with the rehabilitation program at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. A list of resources is included. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram

by Sandra Maitri

A groundbreaking exploration of the spiritual dimension of working with the enneagram by one of its earliest students and teachers in America.Here is one of the first books to explore in an authentic and comprehensive way the original spiritual dimension of the enneagram. Among the most knowledgeable teachers of the enneagram in America, Sandra Maitri shows how the enneagram not only reveals our personalities, but illuminates a basic essence within each of us. She shows how traversing the inner territory particular to our ennea-type can bring us profound fulfillment and meaning, as well as authentic spiritual development.

The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot: The Cathar Code Hidden in the Cards

by Russell A. Sturgess

Learn the path to enlightenment and inner peace encoded by the Cathar in the Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot • Reveals how the secret wisdom teachings of the heretical Cathar sect were hidden in plain sight in the imagery of the Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot deck • Decodes each of the cards in detail and shows how they offer clear instructions for recalibrating human consciousness and achieving enlightenment • Shares the author&’s self-development program, based on the wisdom of the cards, for creating a lifestyle filled with peace, joy, good health, and meaning The Holy Grail has been discovered. Not a cup or chalice as myth leads us to believe, the Holy Grail is sacred knowledge of the path to enlightenment and inner peace. While author Russell Sturgess was conducting research on the Marseille Tarot, he found evidence that this tarot deck, while masquerading as a simple card game, held the teachings of an ancient heretical religious group from southern France, the Cathar, believed to be the keepers of the Holy Grail. To avoid persecution by the papacy, this sect used portable art like illuminations to convey their Gnostic Christian teachings, in the same way the stained glass windows of churches spoke to their congregations. This portable Cathar art then inspired the creation of the Tarot. After his breakthrough discovery of a hidden key on the Magician and Strength cards, Sturgess examined the Major Arcana cards further and used the key to unlock their symbolism, discovering clear instructions for recalibrating human consciousness and achieving enlightenment, with specific cards representing pivotal points in making the journey from ignorance to awareness. Decoding the cards in detail, the author shows how they reveal a journey of transformed consciousness that can result in finding what the Cathar called &“the kingdom of heaven.&” Calling this sacred knowledge &“the Cathar Code,&” Sturgess reveals his personal development program based on the Code that opens access to a meaningful lifestyle filled with peace and joy and that naturally fosters health and well-being. He shows how these teachings offer a clear path that transforms a life burdened by fear of failure, rejection, and scarcity into one with clarity of purpose, self-honoring, kindness, and the abundance that comes with making a fulfilling difference in the world.

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