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How to Grow Old Peacefully: Health tips for older adults

by Pílula Digital

As we AGE, our body and minds change, and so do the steps we need to take to STAY HEALTHY. Regular physical exams, dental CHECK-UPS, medications, eye exams - the list of a senior's health NEEDS is long. This CERTAINLY can seem overwhelming at times, but the older we get, the more we need to be DILIGENT in ensuring we CARE for our GENERAL HEALTH, and we MUST be as active as possible. Making your health, both mental and physical, one of your top PRIORITIES is the key to LIVING THE happiest and longest LIFE possible. This E-BOOK dedicated to seniors reveals some of the WAYS you can start doing this QUICKLY and easily. If you WANT to BECOME THE HEALTHIEST possible, have great physical fitness, and feel great, here you will find what you were looking for. Happy reading!

Cómo Cultivar la Felicidad en Un Niño

by Pílula Digital

Como padre o madre, tu OBJETIVO es CRIAR a tu hijo para que sea capaz de vivir una vida LLENA de propósito y FELICIDAD. Sin embargo, como la vida tiene sus altibajos, ¿CÓMO ES POSIBLE conseguirlo, especialmente si tu hijo tiene el "gen pesimista"? En primer lugar, tenemos que DEFINIR lo que significa ser un NIÑO OPTIMISTA, discutir si el OPTIMISMO es genético o no, y cómo el mundo percibe el optimismo frente al pesimismo en un niño. Luego veremos cómo se puede ENSEÑAR el OPTIMISMO, incluso si la genética no está a favor del optimismo, utilizando tu propio EJEMPLO y AMOR.

Simplified Pinterest

by Pílula Digital

PINTEREST is one of the many existing ways of WORKING on the internet. But since few people know how to make money on PINTEREST, they updated the tool in 2021 and MADE the process SIMPLE and TRANSPARENT. Thus, the HUGE community of CONTENT CREATORS CAN find out in a straightforward way how to MONETIZE their work. If you WANT to know how to MAKE MONEY on PINTEREST, have EXTRA INCOME, or make Pinterest your NEW JOB, check out this book for ways to MONETIZE on the platform! Good reading!

How to Be Blessed with a Truly Christian Relationship

by Pílula Digital

a CHRISTIAN RELATIONSHIP must be founded and STRENGTHENED by sincere prayer. God doesn't make the DECISIONS for us, but He ALWAYS gives signs of the safe path. These signs are in daily prayer, in the Word of God, in the life of the saints, in the TEACHINGS of the Church, etc. In this EBOOK you will LEARN how to HEAR God's voice CORRECTLY, because as a FATHER, He also WANTS you to be a happy woman in YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Have a pleasant reading!

Superare la depressione con facilità (include estratti di Brahma Kumaris Murli con spiegazioni)

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Questo libro è basato sulla conoscenza della Brahma Kumaris. Usa le conoscenze e le pratiche contenute in questo libro per rimanere libero dalla depressione e rimuovere i difetti fisici che sono la causa della tua depressione. Anche se non soffri di depressione, puoi utilizzare le conoscenze contenute in questo libro per superare i tuoi stati d'animo depressivi e rimanere felice. Chiunque può usare questo libro come guida per liberarsi dalla depressione.

ACNE, Beat it!

by Pílula Digital

It's hard to think of anyone who has NEVER had at least one Pimple. But do you need to LOSE YOUR MIND when one APPEARS like this, without even WARNING? Of course not. Rihanna even gave an EXAMPLE of this, when she posted a photo without makeup on Instagram and read in the comments: 'Oops, can I SQUEEZE your pimple?' Her response was sharp as always: 'No. Let her SHINE too'. Pimples happen. The best way to deal with them is, first, to have PATIENCE (never squeeze!) and BE CAREFUL, so that they don't evolve into a bigger INFECTION or leave a SCAR, which will then be even more annoying to treat. For anyone looking for ways to treat this PROBLEM -- which affects both teenagers and adults -- this BOOK fits like a GLOVE! Because HERE, you will LEARN about the different types of ACNE and the treatment indicated for each case.

Muerte y Luego Juicio

by Dr Johnny Woodard Dd

Johnny y Jewel Woodard han servido al Señor a través del Compañerismo Misionero Bautista Pan de Vida desde 1995. El Dr. Woodard es Presidente del Instituto Bíblico Internacional por Correspondencia de Pan de Vida, que tiene más de 4.000 estudiantes en 114 países, incluyendo los 50 estados de América. Diseñó todos los cursos de estudio de la Biblia para las lecciones de los cursos de estudio de la Biblia. También es autor de varios libros, junto con 12 tratados del Evangelio que han sido distribuidos en todo el mundo. Él y su esposa Jewel fueron salvados a temprana edad en las Iglesias Bautistas. El Dr. Woodard ha pastoreado 7 iglesias, incluyendo una de las que fundó. Este libro es un estudio sobre las verdades acerca de la muerte y el juicio tomadas de la Palabra de Dios, la Biblia KJV. Rezamos para que sea una bendición para usted y le ayude a comprender mejor lo que le sucede a todos después de que la muerte los reclama.

Cómo tener una Piel Saludable: Consejos Valiosos para Cuidar de tu Piel

by Pílula Digital

Los CUIDADOS de la piel son un tema que merece ATENCIÓN reforzada. Porque es FÁCIL encontrar, en especial en internet, consejos y recetas EXTRAVAGANTES para aumentar su salud y su REJUVENECIMIENTO. Pero, aunque sean TENTADORAS por su practicidad y los SUPUESTOS resultados milagrosos, la mayoría no tienen APROBACIÓN médica. También, existen DIFERENTES tipos de piel, cada una con sus características y NECESIDADES distintas. Esto no se considera, entonces es difícil OBSERVAR cambios POSITIVOS en la piel. En algunos casos hasta puede haber EFECTOS colaterales no deseados, que van desde irritaciones alérgicas hasta el DESARROLLO de enfermedades. Además, queda la duda: ¿cómo CUIDAR la piel de manera de verdad eficiente y SEGURA? Para responder a esa cuestión, preparamos este LIBRO ELECTRÓNICO. ¡Siga leyendo y sepa que hacer!

100 Consejos para Motivarlo a Entrenar Más

by Pílula Digital

La palabra MOTIVACIÓN proviene del latín 'motivus', que significa ‘causa del movimiento’. La gran IMPORTANCIA de la motivación es que ella es el COMBUSTIBLE que nos impulsa a REALIZAR las actividades DIARIAS. Asimismo, INFLUYE en el comportamiento humano para ALCANZAR objetivos, satisfacer necesidades y obtener sensaciones placenteras. Una persona puede tener múltiples MOTIVOS para ejercitarse, tales como PERDER PESO, mantener un buen estado de SALUD, sentirse mejor consigo MISMA, entre otros. Todas esas razones son MOTIVOS que nos IMPULSAN a realizar la actividad física. Además de ello, cuando la persona comienza a SENTIR y a ver los RESULTADOS, eso la ESTIMULA a mantener la CONVICCIÓN para continuar EJERCITÁNDOSE.

How To Find out Whether He Has Another

by Pílula Digital

JUST thinking about the POSSIBILITY of being cheated on is painful, isn't it? If you have reason to SUSPICION of betrayal, however, you need to FACE the pain and SEARCH for signs and evidence of infidelity. The longer you postpone the CONFRONTATION, the worse you will feel when you DISCOVER the truth. If you want to know if you are being cheated on, observe everything your partner says and does, PAYING attention to the most subtle changes. If you are going through a situation of this nature, in this eBOOK you will find out - among other things - how to deal CORRECTLY with it, always standing out in the best way possible. Good reading!

Cardiovascular Exercises

by Pílula Digital

What's the FIRST thing you think of when you hear 'cardio'? Probably RUNNING or ELIPTIC exercises, stationary bike, or EVEN rowing, did I get it right? But there is much more to CARDIORRESPIRATORY exercises than RESISTANCE training in a static state. In this eBOOK, you will LEARN everything about CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISES, Equipment, and PLANNING to GET a FITTER and STRONGER body! Good reading!

How to be Immune To Diseases: Practical guide to strengthening the body.

by Pílula Digital

Your IMMUNE SYSTEM is an incredible machine. It is responsible for KEEPING your body PROTECTED from external invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and toxins. Your immune system comprises two main parts: the part you were born with (innate or non-specific system) and the part you DEVELOP from your exposure to the environment (acquired adaptive system or specific system). Your immune system is MADE UP of several organs, cells, and proteins - skin cells, blood, bone marrow, tissues, and organs such as the thymus and lymph nodes. A STRONG immune system is the best DEFENSE against illnesses and infections. Without it, you have no way to fight harmful substances or changes that occur in the body. Good reading!

How to Get Your Pet's Food Right

by Pílula Digital

A QUALITY diet directly influences your pet's HEALTH and LONGEVITY. The BETTER it is, the more ENERGY and DISPOSITION your pet will have daily, in addition to being VERY WELL TAKEN CARE OF, both inside and out.

Acné, ¡lárgate!

by Pílula Digital

Es difícil pensar para quien NUNCA tuvo al menos un GRANO. Pero ¿necesita PERDER la CABEZA cuando uno APARECE así, sin AVISAR siquiera? ¿No, verdad? Rihanna misma ha dado un EJEMPLO de ello al postear una foto sin maquillaje en Instagram y leer entre los comentarios: 'Ups, ¿puedo APRETAR tu grano?' Su respuesta fue afilada como siempre: 'No. Deja que él BRILLE también'. Los granos aparecen al fin de cuentas. La mejor forma de lidiar con ellos es, antes de todo, tener PACIENCIA (¡no los apriete jamás!) y TENER CUIDADO, para que ellos no evolucionen hacia una INFECCIÓN más grande o dejen una CICATRIZ, que después será más complicada de tratar. Para quien está BUSCANDO métodos de tratamiento para este PROBLEMA -- que afecta tanto a adolescentes como a adultos -- ¡este LIBRO cae como un GUANTE! Pues AQUÍ usted APRENDERÁ sobre los diferentes tipos de ACNÉ y el tratamiento indicado para cada caso.

How to Cultivate Happiness in Your Child

by Pílula Digital

Parents must have a GOAL to RAISE their children to live lives with purpose and HAPPINESS. However, how CAN we accomplish this task with the ups and downs of our lives if our CHILD has the "pessimistic gene"? First, let’s DEFINE what is an OPTIMISTIC child, discuss whether OPTIMISM is genetic, and how the world SEES optimism versus pessimism in a child. Then we'll look at how you can TEACH OPTIMISM - genetics in favor or not - using your EXAMPLES and LOVE.

Self-love: Learn how to truly love yourself

by Pílula Digital

SELF-LOVE is the cornerstone of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge. Without it, we will never DEVELOP these three core competences and RELISH all benefits from LIVING them fully. Apart form that, when WE LOVE, we take care not only of our mental health, but also physical and emotional.

Best Dad Ever: The Perfect Thank You Gift for Your Incredible Dad

by Summersdale Publishers

Show your dad just how much he means to you with this delightful collection of heartfelt quotes and timeless wisdom. Is your dad one in a million? Whether he's the best hug-giver, the ultimate counsellor or simply your biggest fan, whether you want your message to be funny or kind, say a massive thank you with the help of this little book.

You Only Die Once: How To Make It To The End With No Regrets

by Jodi Wellman

"YOU ONLY DIE ONCE is a spirited and funny but also profound and highly practical manual for anyone who yearns to show up more fully and wholeheartedly for their all-too-finite time on the planet."Oliver Burkeman, New York Times bestselling author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for MortalsHow many Mondays do you have left? Does that question send you into a panic spiral, or are you convinced that, unlike everyone in the history of life on earth, you will somehow avoid the tragic end and live to tell the tale? Statistically, we get about 4,000 Mondays in our lifetime, so if you're halfway through your life, you might have roughly 2,000 Mondays to go. The good news is that you are in charge of how you spend those days: toiling at a job you hate, or creating a career you love; scrolling mindlessly for hours a day, or pursuing the hobbies and travel that light you up; dreading the end, or living a full life that allows you to greet the Grim Reaper with a smile.Built around the principles of positive psychology, You Only Die Once is the jolt that will bring you back to life, no near-death experience required. Full of practical takeaways and research-backed content, this book will motivate readers to take action on the life they want to be living, acting like a defibrillator for the soul. Accompanied by author Jodi Wellman's charming illustrations, this book won't lecture you about eating more kale or insist that the only path forward is to quit your job and move to Provence (although it's not not suggesting you do that either. The latter, that is. We'd never ask anyone to eat more kale.). Instead, it's a real-life guide to small changes that reawaken your passion and curiosity for life. Packed with inspiring stories, exercises, quizzes, quotes, and a step-by-step plan to awaken the liveliest version of you, You Only Die Once is the healthy dose of mortality you need to start living with urgency and meaning.

Excessively Obsessed: Find your passion, build your business, learn your limits, love your life

by Natasha Oakley

Modern and practical business lessons from Natasha Oakley, co-founder of Monday Swimwear and The Pilates Class Do you have an idea for a business, but no clue where to start? Is there a product or service you're sure you could sell, if only you knew how to file the paperwork or fund the company or build the marketing plan? Do you have an inkling that you'll want to start a business one day - and you can't stop wondering if you have what it takes? Then you have come to the right place.In this empowering guide, Natasha gives an honest account of the blood, sweat and tears that goes into creating a successful business, from registering your company and opening a bank account, all the way to building your team and scaling for growth. Removing the glamour of #hustleculture and the illusion of how easy it might look on social media, Natasha will detail how she bartered jobs and co-founded Monday Swimwear in her living room with her best friend and grew that business (and others) to a multi-million dollar empire. And she will explain how, no matter what your idea, if you are Excessively Obsessed with it, you can do the same. In her book, she will show readers how to: - Harness your idea to create a viable business that has longevity- Know when to leave your job, how to fund your start-up and whether you need a business partner - Generate and grow a huge following - Build contacts when no one knows who you are- Rise above pressures of social media to use it powerfully and with purpose- Create work/life balance to avoid burnout and take care of yourself Excessively Obsessed is for anyone who has ever wondered: should I start my own business? (Spoiler alert: There's no right answer!) And whether you decide to get started tomorrow or give it more time, you'll close this book with a reignited sense of passion and purpose in your career. Through her own story, Natasha will inspire readers to tap into their own unique potential, because when you find your calling, it's worth becoming obsessed.

The Healing Home and Garden: Reimagining spaces for optimal wellbeing

by Paula Robinson

Are you tired of formulaic interiors and following trends? Do you long for a home that expresses who you truly are, that's a sanctuary from our 24/7 lifestyles dominated by technology?The Healing Home & Garden will help you to:- Take an objective look at your home - Examine whether it's supporting your mental and physical wellbeing - Identify how it may be perpetuating unhealthy habits like: working all hours, eating on the run, poor sleep and spending too much time indoors - Tap into your intuition to create a healing environment that will ultimately make you happier, less stressed and healthier - Reconnect with the restorative power of natureThe Healing Home & Garden is for everyone - no matter your budget, whether you rent or own, live in a bedsit or a mansion. No major building works are involved, just a call to follow your own intuition and create the home that's right for you - not the style police! This book is full of budget tips for rethinking your living space, creative suggestions for re-purposing furniture and objects, and extensive product and book recommendations."Paula Robinson is at the leading edge of new systems of awareness about the spaces we inhabit... a treasure trove of practical, step-by-step guidance"Jean Haner, author of Clear Home Clear Heart: Learn to Clear the Energy of People and Places

Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything

by Dr James Doty

Brilliant, passionate, and effective, this could be the best guide ever written to making your dreams come true. Integrating brain science, wisdom traditions, and practical psychology, it brings readers along a proven, step-by-step path toward fulfilling their goals. A beautiful gem of a book. - Rick Hanson, PhD, bestselling author of Buddha's BrainThis empowering book helps readers discover the power of manifestation. Neurosurgeon, compassion expert and bestselling author Dr James Doty reframes manifesting not as a way of gaining great wealth and possessions, but as a daily practice. He teaches us how to direct our attention in the right way and gives readers the tools and insights they need to manifest their own visions and improve their circumstances. With compassion, heart and captivating storytelling, we learn how to become captain of our own journey.James shows us how an empowering inner dialogue and self-agency are the keys to manifestation, inspiring change and positive transformation. By following the guided meditations and journaling practices in the book, readers will be able to create the life they want and deserve.

Second Act: What Late Bloomers Can Tell You About Success and Reinventing Your Life

by Henry Oliver

"Henry Oliver is a rare talent: smart, funny and insightful. SECOND ACT showcases his wide reading, deep understanding and playful prose style. Read this book to discover why it's never too late for a second act in your own life."HELEN LEWIS, author of Difficult WomenHave you ever dreamed that you might be far more successful than you are today? Our society tells us over and over that if we're going to achieve anything, we'd better do it while we're young. But whether you're at the start of your career, sensing you're on the wrong path, or feeling unsettled later in life, you're likely wondering just how to reinvent yourself? Have you left it too late?This book has answers. Late bloomers - individuals who experience significant success later in life - offer lessons for people who feel frustrated. This book encourages people to think about themselves as potential late bloomers and to discover and encourage and advocate for late blooming in others. After all, it's never too late to discover our hidden talents and our accomplish our goals - the road to success is never as straightforward as we are lead to believe. Julia Child didn't discover that she loved to cook until she was thirty-seven. Vera Wang started her design business at forty. And Michelangelo painted The Last Judgment in his sixties.This inspiring, passionate book combines wonderful storytellingwith fascinating new research, to shift expectations around our life trajectories. You'll discover a range of blueprints for self-reinvention, pairing the newest insights from psychology and neuroscience with late bloomers' remarkable life stories, from Penelope Fitzgerald to Samuel Johnson, from Frank Lloyd-Wright to Malcolm X.

The Healing Home and Garden: Reimagining spaces for optimal wellbeing

by Paula Robinson

Are you tired of formulaic interiors and following trends? Do you long for a home that expresses who you truly are, that's a sanctuary from our 24/7 lifestyles dominated by technology?The Healing Home & Garden will help you to:- Take an objective look at your home - Examine whether it's supporting your mental and physical wellbeing - Identify how it may be perpetuating unhealthy habits like: working all hours, eating on the run, poor sleep and spending too much time indoors - Tap into your intuition to create a healing environment that will ultimately make you happier, less stressed and healthier - Reconnect with the restorative power of natureThe Healing Home & Garden is for everyone - no matter your budget, whether you rent or own, live in a bedsit or a mansion. No major building works are involved, just a call to follow your own intuition and create the home that's right for you - not the style police! This book is full of budget tips for rethinking your living space, creative suggestions for re-purposing furniture and objects, and extensive product and book recommendations."Paula Robinson is at the leading edge of new systems of awareness about the spaces we inhabit... a treasure trove of practical, step-by-step guidance"Jean Haner, author of Clear Home Clear Heart: Learn to Clear the Energy of People and Places

Why It's OK to Talk About Trauma: How to Make Sense of the Past and Grow Through the Pain

by Charlie Webster

THIS IS THE BOOK YOUR BRAIN, BODY AND FUTURE SELF NEED TO READ.More than half of us will have experienced some kind of trauma in our lives - many of us multiple times over. But most of us ignore or avoid our traumatic experiences, and struggle alone in the emotional pain that remains. In Why It's OK to Talk About Trauma, award-winning journalist and campaigner Charlie Webster explores what trauma is, how trauma impacts us mentally, emotionally and physically, and why our past experiences influence our day-to-day behaviours. She draws on her own story, research and insight, backed by the clinical psychologist that treated her.'I wrote this book following my journey through trauma recovery. I've included everything I've learnt in the hope that it will also help you. I want to show you that it is okay to talk about trauma, but I know it's not easy. Sometimes it's hard to admit that what has happened to us affects us so deeply. But by the time you turn the final page, my intention is that you will feel different; what has happened will not have disappeared but it will feel more manageable and you will be equipped to deal with trauma and life moving forward.Whatever has happened to you, we can face it together in this book. I am with you on this journey.'

Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything

by Dr James Doty

Brilliant, passionate, and effective, this could be the best guide ever written to making your dreams come true. Integrating brain science, wisdom traditions, and practical psychology, it brings readers along a proven, step-by-step path toward fulfilling their goals. A beautiful gem of a book. - Rick Hanson, PhD, bestselling author of Buddha's BrainThis empowering book helps readers discover the power of manifestation. Neurosurgeon, compassion expert and bestselling author Dr James Doty reframes manifesting not as a way of gaining great wealth and possessions, but as a daily practice. He teaches us how to direct our attention in the right way and gives readers the tools and insights they need to manifest their own visions and improve their circumstances. With compassion, heart and captivating storytelling, we learn how to become captain of our own journey.James shows us how an empowering inner dialogue and self-agency are the keys to manifestation, inspiring change and positive transformation. By following the guided meditations and journaling practices in the book, readers will be able to create the life they want and deserve.

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